Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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September 10, 2010 Favoriting
The effervescent, indomitable radio of paradise
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

The Spirits of Rhythm  Dr. Watson and Mr. Holmes   Favoriting The Spirits of Rhythm 1933-1945
(Chronological Classics 1934)
Jabbo Smith & His Rhythm Aces  Rhythm in Spain   Favoriting

Jabbo Smith
Rhythm Aces
(Chron. Classics 1938)
Nat "King" Cole  There's No Anaesthetic for Love   Favoriting Nat "King" Cole 1936-1940
(Chronological Classics 1939)
Charlie Parker  Wahoo   Favoriting The Effervescent, Indomitable Bird of Paradise
(Elysium 1953)
King Curtis  Jay Walk   Favoriting Live in New York
(JSP 1961)

(Crown Prince Waterford)
P.I. Blues   Favoriting Crown Prince Waterford 1946-1950
(Chronological Classics 1947)
Sam Butera & the Witnesses  Bim Bam   Favoriting Galaxie of Jive, Volume 2
(Galaxie 1958)
Faye Adams  Sweet Talk   Favoriting Faye Adams 1952-1954
(Chronological Classics 1952)

Talkover Music:
Thai Elephant Orchestra 
Thung Kwian Sunrise   Favoriting Thai Elephant Orchestra
(Mulatta 2000)

Os Diagonais  Praça Onze / Bat Macumba   Favoriting Os Diagonais
(Epic 1969)
Jackson do Pandeiro  Bodocongó   Favoriting O Cabre da Peste
(Chantecler 1978)
Duo Ouro Negro  Kurikutela   Favoriting Angola 60's: 1956-1970
(Buda Musique 1961)
Belchior  Fotografia 3X4   Favoriting Alucinação
(Philips 1976)
Zeca Do Trombone & Roberto Sax  Santa Inquisição   Favoriting

Zeca Do Trombone
and Roberto Sax

(Pirata 1976)
Novos Baianos  Alibabá Alibabou   Favoriting Farol Da Barra
(CBS 1978)
Paulo, Cláudio e Maurício  Acordar, Acender   Favoriting Paulo, Cláudio e Maurício
(Odeon 1972)
Grupo Capote  Forrock   Favoriting No Forrock
(Continental 1973)

Talkover Music:
Zeb & Cosmic Rocker 
Hashish   Favoriting D'Afro Disco • Garri Mix
(Codek 2002)

Ewa Demarczyk  Deszcze   Favoriting Spiewa Piosenki
(Polskie Nagrania 1969)
Krzysztof Klenczon  Nie Przejdziemy Do Historii   Favoriting Trzy Korony
(Underground Masters 1971)
Fanfare Savale  Sârba De Le Chisinãu   Favoriting Speed Brass of the Gypsies
(Sub Rosa 2005)
Mahala Raï Banda  Romni Latci   Favoriting Mahala Raï Banda
(Crammed Discs 2004)

(Shukar Collective)
Wander   Favoriting Urban Gypsy
(Riverboat/World Music Network 2005)
Balkan Beat Box (feat. Vlada Tomova)  Meboli   Favoriting Balkan Beat Box
(JDub 2005)

Talkover Music:
Joe Henderson 
Water   Favoriting The Elements
(Milestone 1973)

Noah Howard Quartet  And About Love   Favoriting Noah Howard Quartet
(ESP-Disk' 1966)
Noah Howard  Viva Black   Favoriting

Space Dimension

(America 1970)
Noah Howard Quartet  Joy   Favoriting At Document IX
(Boxholder 1992)
Noah Howard  Message to South Africa   Favoriting Patterns / Message to South Africa
(Eremite 1979)

Talkover Music:
Dollar Brand (Abdullah Ibrahim) 
Cape Town Fringe   Favoriting Cape Town Fringe
(Chiaroscuro 1977)

Willie Davis  I Learned My Leasson   Favoriting Light: On the South Side
(Numero )
Benny Gordon  Give a Damn   Favoriting Sound of Funk, Volume 3
(Goldmine Soul Supply )
Stone Coal White  You Know   Favoriting b/w Stone Coal
(Shur n' Tell 1971)
The Devils  The Exorcist   Favoriting Funk Cargo, Volume 1
(Famous Groove )
Deloris Ealy & the Roadrunners Band  It's About Time I Made a Change   Favoriting b/w Love That Made the Flame Burn
(Velvet )

Johnny Otis Show
(Vocal: Delmar Evans)
The Watts Breakaway   Favoriting Pulp Fusion 7: The Harder They Come
(Harmless 1970)
Dyke & the Blazers  Sisters and Brothers   Favoriting So Sharp!
(Kent 1970)
The Quantic Soul Orchestra  South Coastin'   Favoriting Stampede
(Tru Thoughts 2003)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  9:02am annie:

  9:05am seang:

the link to the playlist/comments on the front page doesn't work at the moment--glad you're here though
  9:07am Drummer Some:

Thanks Seang. I've already sent in an S.O.S. to the fine folk at the station who manage that link. It should be fixed once the appropriate pints of coffee have been imbibed.

Good morning everyone!
  9:10am Skirkie:

Aye, one too many zeros in that link.
  9:11am williamx:

A fine morning it is -thanx in part to Mr. Drummer Some
  9:14am Drummer Some:

Blessings to you, Annie. Welcome aboard Skirkie and williamx!
  9:16am still b/p:

Anybody know if it was it Jabbo et al. or Mills Bros. or others that The Real Tuesday Weld monkeyed with to create the fun Bathtime in Clerkenwell?
  9:24am Drummer Some:

still b/p,
I think you need to translate that inquiry into Ancient Greek. Otherwise, I'm not sure I understand.
  9:24am Tom:

  9:25am PMD:

Good morning! Jet lag gets me the entire program - woo hoo
  9:29am Jack:

Good morning everyone.
  9:29am annie:

pmd!!! you've been missed....
  9:36am still b/p:

(Ancient Greek -- linear A or B?)
Might have tracks mixed up, but I thought I caught end of Jabbo Smith number with rapid rhythmic scat. Vocal sound immediately reminded me of Bathtime in Clerkenwell, an apparent remix of segments from same period/genre, but I don't know what/who they actually used.
Search Bathtime in Clerkenwell to get options for hearing, and to watch animation.
  9:38am williamx:

Re: rhymes
Your lovin is so pathetic ..
you baby needs an anesthetic
to keep her copasetic
  9:39am texas scott:

hiya DS and friends.
busy @ work.
lurking in the background.
  9:44am Drummer Some:

Gold Star to williamx! Hiya Texas Scott. You on the air tonight? If so, olease share the link.

Hey hey PMD!
  9:48am PMD:

Hi ho! Thanks - missed being here, but not sure I'll on purpose wake up this early to join from the beginning. :-)
  9:54am williamx:

verse 2 bad rhymes
Went to the Dr, of luv, he was a medic
The Dr told ya "son you needs a luvin Prosthetic" !
  9:55am texas scott:

yes Doug.On the air tonite from 8 til 12 eastern.
gonna play each selection in pre-compiled playlist for me.cross your fingers.
  9:58am still b/p:

Your heart is synthetic,
A third-rate prosthetic,
My maw was prophetic,
Sayin' no anaesthetic
Could numb the athletic
Exertion and reach
Of your dark energetic emetic!
  10:00am mike cooper:

With you Doug - "I like hearts like mine" (Markos Vamvakaris) - gooday!!
  10:01am Drummer Some:

Killer stuff, still b/p! Back a trilliion years ago when I worked in book publishing, one of the first projects I worked on was a rhyming dictionary by Sammy Cahn!
  10:02am Drummer Some:

Brother Cooper is here, friends. Now let us pray together.
  10:08am seang:

man, I was reading that same rhyming dictionary the other day!
  10:12am Aaron:

Great set from the city o' steel!
  10:14am swampsucker don:

great listening to you from jersey(in a spot where the signal is spotty)
  10:15am Drummer Some:

Hey Aaron, if you are the "Aaron" on my mailing list, did you get a newsletter this week? If so, it got captured by your spam filter. When I tried to resend it a different way, that got captured too. If you are NOT that Aaron, never mind.

--Emily Litella
  10:21am Drummer Some:

Howdy Swampsucker Don! Isn't New Jersey's unofficial name "the Swampsucker State"?
  10:25am swampsucker don:

i guess it depends on which part you're from
  10:29am swampsucker don:

sorry i posted that comment twice, i don't know how that happened.
  10:30am Drummer Some:

Swampsucker Don, I have magic powers.
  10:34am swampsucker don:

doug, if you have magic powers than you should stop spinning tunes and go right now and see Obama.
  10:46am Drummer Some:

I feel you on that, Swampsucker.
  10:48am Carmichael:

Hey hey, bobba reebobs!
  10:50am Drummer Some:

There you are, Carm. Nice to, er, see you.
  10:53am Carmichael:

Thanks, Doug. I thought I was on your mailing list. Bryce sent me a message that you may have replied to, so you should have my addy. If not, let me know.

Tejas Scott, I didn't know you were spinning the stacks of wax! I'll have to take a listen. It'll be 5:00 my time, so I can't vouch for my equillibrium.
  10:57am Drummer Some:

Carmichael, nots sure if I still have Bryce's email. Send my your email again and I will double check to see if you're on the mailing.

If anyone "out there" would like to get my weekly newsletter, just send my your email and I'll add you. (To email me, just click on the little envelope icon at the top of the playlist page.)
  11:03am annie:

.... according to the daily bleed, it's yma sumac's birthday!
  11:11am still b/p:

Let's sing Happy Birthday across five octaves.
  11:14am Carmichael:

Isn't Ms. Camus also from the Swampsucker State? <ducking and running>
  11:15am Drummer Some:

Is it true that she named her eldest son Poison?
  11:17am monica:

hi there, doug! have been enjoying your stream enormously. keep on keepin' on, kiddo.
  11:20am Drummer Some:

Thanks Monica!
  11:27am Carmichael:

Hey Doug, I recall listening to your hillbilly rock guitar sets. Hope you still have a few of those left in you!
  11:33am Drummer Some:

Carmichael, check back through the archives of my recent shows and you'll have your answer: (I'll save you the trouble. Yes Yes Yes!) Just not today. I've already started compiling a great hillbilly set for next week.
  11:40am annie:

very much off-topic, just thought i'd mention a movie i saw last night... billy bob thornton: "chrystal". very simple and slow movie.. nothing complicated.. i like that actor very much.. he is right in line with peter fonda.. another i am fond-a
  11:43am Drummer Some:

I saw a nice flick recently—I Am Love, with the ravishing Tilda Swinton. Gorgeous movie.
  11:44am annie:

i love her!!! i'll have to check that out..
  11:46am seang:

i saw this killer cajun doc. by les blank-- J'ai ete au bal--(I went to the dance)
  11:47am Drummer Some:

Les Blank is wonderful. Did a terrific film on New Orleans called Always for Pleasure. Highly recommended.
  11:51am PMD:

ar ar Annie
  11:54am annie:

pmd- go see "ulee's gold" and you'll know whereof i speak..
  5:18pm Lenny:

..great ! Great!! Norh Howard stufF!!!!!! He will be missed weather people do him or not./Lenny
  5:19pm Lenny:

..knew him or not...sorry/Lenny
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