Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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December 10, 2010 Favoriting
Boys have feelings
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Charles McPherson  Bell Bottoms   Favoriting Today's Man
(Mainstream 1973)
Urs Voerkel / Peter K. Frey / Paul Lovens  Im Wasser   Favoriting Urs Voerkel / Peter K. Frey / Paul Lovens
(FMP 1976)
Art Blakey  Sortie   Favoriting Indestructible
(Blue Note 1964)
Heikki Sarmanto Sextet  Flowers in the Water   Favoriting Flowers in the Water
(EMI/Columbia 1969)

Talkover Music:
Miles Davis 
Helen Butte   Favoriting On the Corner
(Columbia 1972)

Chico Buarque de Hollanda (w/Cristina)  Sem Fantasia   Favoriting Bom Tempo
(RGE 1969)
Jards Macalé  Sem Essa   Favoriting Só Morto (Burning Night)
(RGE 1970)
Roberto Luna  Seus Olhos Se Cerraram   Favoriting Roberto Luna
(RGE 1977)
Luiz Loy Quinteto  No Balanço do Jequibau   Favoriting Luiz Loy Quinteto
(RGE 1966)
Os Monges Hippies  Esperando do Amor   Favoriting b/w Toda a Paz Deste Mundo
(Codil 1967)
Palhaço Carequinha  O Elefante e a Formiguinha   Favoriting O Baile do Carequinha
(Copacabana 1968)
Serguei  Ourico   Favoriting Brazilian Guitar Fuzz Bananas:
Tropicalia Psychedelic Masterpieces 1967-1976
(Tropicalia In Furs Records )
Dom Salvador & Abolição  Guanabara   Favoriting Som, Sangue e Raça
(CBS 1971)

Talkover Music:
Nicola Conte 
Forma 2000   Favoriting Bossa Per Due
(ESL 2000)

Claude King  Take It Like a Man   Favoriting Specialty Hillbillies
(HBR )
Johnny Russell  The Highway Bar   Favoriting The Rich-R-Tone Label
(HBR )
Eddie Wilson  Lifetime Guarantee   Favoriting The Intro Label, Volume 2
(HBR )
Dick Miller  A Church, a Courtroom and Then Goodbye   Favoriting Hometown Jamboree
(HBR )
Hank Curl  I Told You So   Favoriting Philadelphia Hillbillies
(HBR )
Polly Possum & Joe Wolverton with the Dog Patch Boys  Sad Singin' and SLow Ridin'   Favoriting Polly Possum & Sunny Joe Wolverton
(HBR )

Talkover Music:
Oliver Sain 
Night Time   Favoriting St. Louis Breakdown:
The Best of Oliver Sain
(AVI 1970s)

Simon Finn  Laughing TIll Tomorow   Favoriting Pass the Distance
(Mushroom 1970)
Knocker Jungle  I've Got Time   Favoriting Knocker Jungle
(Acrobat 1970)
Eddie Callahan  Flying   Favoriting False Ego
(Ocean 1975)
Satya Sai Maitreya Kali  Music Box   Favoriting Apache
( 1971)
Jackson C. Frank  My Name Is Carnival   Favoriting Blues Run the Game
(Sanctuary 1965)
Jim Sullivan  So Natural   Favoriting U.F.O.
(Monnie/Light in the Attic 1970)
Trevor Giuliani  Worms & Reptiles (demo)   Favoriting Taken from his Myspace page
(n/a 2009)
Vetiver  Houses   Favoriting Thing of the Past
(Gnomonsong 2008)
Eddie Hinton  You Made Me Sing   Favoriting Beautiful Dream Sessions, Volume 3
(Zane )

Talkover Music:
Memphis Black (Ingfried Hoffman) 
Why Don't You Play the Organ, Man   Favoriting Soul Club
(Sonorama 1969)

Pat Thomas  Walala
Stay There
That's the Way
I Am a Believer
It Takes Time   Favoriting
Wednesday at Tip Toe
Ernest Djédjé  Anowah   Favoriting Ivoire Retro
(Philips 1960s)
Kris Okotie  'Am Going Now   Favoriting I Need Someone
(Phonodisk 1980)
Rikki Ililonga & Musi-O-Tunya  Mpondolo   Favoriting Dark Sunrise
(Now Again )

Talkover Music:
África Negra & João Seria 
Lá Bô lá Gelo Múala   Favoriting Madalena Meu Amor
(Gravisom 1982)

James Moody (w/Eddie Jefferson)  Birdland Story   Favoriting Flute 'n' the Blues
(Argo 1956)
James Moody  Workshop   Favoriting James Moody & His Modernists
(Blue Note 1948)
Tubby Hayes & the All Stars (w/James Moody billed as "Jimmy Gloomy")  Lady "E"   Favoriting Return Visit!
(Fontana 1962)
Eddie Jefferson  Moody's Mood For Love   Favoriting The Jazz Singer
(Evidence 1960)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:59am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

Mornimg comrade, advise me how to get in touch with my female side, this I will conside as I drive the highways & byways of Europe.
  9:00am annie:

touchy feelie music, yay!
  9:01am Drummer Some:

Morning Annie, Afternoon Piotr!
  9:01am Bob:

And we're all In Tempo this Friday morning...
  9:02am seang:

let's do this
  9:03am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

I hope I can get how you say the jones for your program today. Yes!
  9:03am Drummer Some:

Yowza, Bob. Glad you've entered the circle. Grab a drum and emote!
  9:04am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

Do you mean remote, sir? Not understanding.
  9:05am Drummer Some:

My name is Drummer Some and I have a musical obsession. (The first step in solving a problem is admitting it, yes?)
  9:07am still b/p:

We're online, so we have to e-mote.
  9:10am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

The first step in curing an adiction is admitting it,no?
  9:11am marcury:

Greetings from the New Paltz Hostel. I can't listen right now, but can say Good Morning All!
  9:12am Drummer Some:

Hugs to you, Marcury.
  9:14am marcury:

The first step in having an addiction is abusing "it," no?
  9:14am Drummer Some:

Piotr, no, I mean "emote," as in have an ostentatious display of emotion.
  9:18am Drummer Some:

Coming up (after the next song) is the most fantastic Finnish jazz piece I've heard yet.
  9:20am texas scott:

finnish?!?you just barely got started.
  9:20am Andy S.:

Doug: In the course of your move to P'burgh, did you unburden yourself of CDs by saving all the music to a big ol' hard drive? I know people are doing this but I don't know how.
  9:20am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

When is jazz ever finished?
  9:21am El Thatchmo:

For me, it's either this or WBNJ.
  9:22am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

@ Andy S. I think you are speaking heresy to the drummer.
  9:22am ken:

lee morgan? kenny dorham?
  9:24am Parq:

G'.morning, gang, scraping together my work get-up as usual. Hello to New Paltz and Paris, two places I've had read fun visiting.
  9:24am Drummer Some:

Glad you're back in from ropin' steers, Texas Scott!

Andy S,
I didn't unburden myself of any discs, but I have stopped burning every single thing I download onto disc.

Lee Morgan forever!

El Thatch,
For lunch, I'm having a WPBJ.

Oy oy Parq!
  9:29am trs:

Et, il dit, 'C'est la vie'

  9:31am Drummer Some:

Next set: Blame it on Rio!
  9:35am Parq:

Andy, what'dja think he bought a house for? Cancha just hear him with his wife? "I could fit another 1700 LPs in here -- do we *really* need a kitchen?"
  9:38am still b/p:

Told the real estate agent, "Give the drummer some square footage!"
  9:41am ken:

curtis fuller is still doing it, btw -- at least was as of this iridium
  9:46am Drummer Some:

Actually, Parq, my beloved wife would probably have let me sacrifice the kitchen. Instead, we kept the kitchen and removed the roof.
  9:53am Drummer Some:

Quick poll (check one:

Do you LOVE scratchy old records?
Do you ADORE scratchy old records?
Do you have EROTIC DREAMS about scratch old records?
  9:55am Wolf:

I choose # 3.
  9:55am texas scott:

dreams for me.
scratchy mp3s send me!
  9:58am Drummer Some:

The next track is by a famous Brazilian children's clown. (That is, a children's clown who is Brazilian, not a clown for Brazilian children.) I am not kidding.
  10:04am texas scott:

that fuzz bananas is quite the collection.
  10:05am david:

good morning! did anyone find a download for that Amancio D'Silva 'Integration' album that The Professor played last week?
  10:16am Drummer Some:

The old blog Jazzin had it, but the blog's been wiped. That album was reissued not long ago, so many bloggers have avoided posting it.
  10:17am Alex in:

Mine is option #2. Friday mornings, I listen to "Give the Drummer Some" here, but Friday afternoons, I listen to "Bob's Scratchy Records" on KDHX of St. Louis. Some his recordings are not that old though.
  10:18am Paul Sherratt:

Over here in the UK subscribing to Spotify ( free with adverts, paid subscriptions otherwise ) Integration is one of several million items instantly available with just one click.
  10:18am david:

hmmmm.....I looked for a place to buy it and couldn't find one. I'll keep digging. I really only checked Amazon.
  10:20am Alex in Illinois:

I don't know why the name of my location was truncated in my previous post, but that was from me, Alex in Illinois.
  10:24am Drummer Some:

Joshua Weinstein who does All Soul, No Borders on KDHX, is a member of the Give the Drummer Some family. After I ran that great Coltrane documentary a few years back, Josh ended up broadcasting on DHX, too.
  10:27am david:

Just called Downtown Music Gallery right here in NYC and they have a copy on hand! Gonna pick it up after work. ahhhhh.....thanks!
  10:34am Filip:

Warm hello from the snowed in Warsaw!
  10:35am Drummer Some:

Tell Bruce Gallanter at DMG you heard it first on Give the Drummer Some! And tell him Doug says howdy.
  10:37am Drummer Some:

Thrilled to see you (er, read you) Filip!!
  10:43am Carmichael:

Good morning, alternate feeders.
  10:46am charlie:

Holy cow, this song (Music Box) is awesome!
  10:46am El Thatchmo:

I'm so sensitive to all this!
  10:48am Carmichael:

Doug, I saw that children's clown on the telly when I was in Rio. His show was about 4 hours long. It was a freaky twist on Bozo, as Ralph Steadman might draw him.

Of course, that was after about 20 cachasa drinks.
  10:48am Drummer Some:

Pass the hankies around, guys.
  10:51am Drummer Some:

Cool, Carmichael. The album cover's a little scary. (Like any self-respecting clown would have it.)
  10:52am david:

sure thing, Doug. I don't know why I don't go down there every Friday with a copy of your playlist from the day.
  10:54am Drummer Some:

Bruce @ Downtown Music Gallery is a true believer. Creative improvised music has no better friend.
  10:54am Paul Sherratt:

>>I don't know why I don't go down there every Friday

Fear of serious debt ?
  10:57am david:

eh....I'd rather have good music than some stupid pieces of green paper.
  10:58am Drummer Some:

I am already sobbing over the fact that this set has only one song left. Coming up, one of the deepest deep-funk African tracks EVAH. Do NOT turn up the bass.
  11:00am marcury:

reverse psychology?
  11:03am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

THis is a man getting in touch with his stupid side
  11:04am annie:

david, you are a man after my own heart.. truer words never spoken.
  11:04am BZ:

stream cut out
  11:05am annie:

not i..
  11:05am charlie:

no stream problems here
  11:06am Paul Sherratt:

Loud and clear, here !
  11:06am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

Too much Eddie Hinto. No cut out
  11:06am Bob:

Stream sounds fine from central Virginia at 11:05 AM...
  11:06am jk:

the stream is frothy here in Boston
  11:06am david:

stream is fine here on itunes.....
  11:06am Valerie:

It's fine.
  11:06am chris:

no probs here
  11:06am still b/p:

Hearing it fine.
  11:06am brian:

i hear you
  11:06am jessie:

the stream is streaming in my office
  11:06am jill:

DS - You've got a good, strong stream here

Piotr - wonderful video - that guy belongs here in the states
  11:07am El Thatchmo:

  11:07am tex:

Hello from 30 seconds in the future!
  11:07am Wolf:

Stream is flowing
  11:07am Al:

Hi Doug,
The stream cut out, but I was able to restart it and now it's playing. Great show!
  11:07am Maggie in Rock Tavern:

Hearing you just fine, Doug.
  11:07am kw:

stream is up
great last set
  11:07am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

Why does UK labels have to release your Eddie Hinton?
  11:08am Valerie:

Hooray for archivists!!!!!
  11:08am Lewis:

there is of course the logical problem of those without the stream not being able to hear your call for information, but then maybe I am not paying close enough attention...
  11:08am jill:

see, Val? See what i mean? Doug is like a magnet!
  11:09am Valerie:

I'm stuck, Jill!
  11:09am BZ:

Just came back. Loud and clear!
  11:10am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

@ jill As we say in our country like Poles attract!
  11:17am Drummer Some:

Thanks for checking in everybody. The stream crapped out on some of you, but not all. Maybe it's an iTunes vs. Winamp thing. I have it up (with the sound down) on iTunes and didn't notice any dropout. Then again, I'm a little distracted..
  11:18am BZ:

Was Winamp that dropped on me, if that helps.
  11:19am BZ:

(but fine now)
  11:19am Drummer Some:

Lewis, you should audition for the Community House players dinner theater production of Star Trek—as Mr. Spock.

Thanks BZ. Anyone else listening via Winamp have problems (or no problems)?
  11:21am Drummer Some:

Hi Jessie. Did you see my appreciation of you, earlier in the comments?
  11:25am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

Will you be cooking dinner tonight to get in touch with you female side Mr Drummer Some?
  11:26am jill:

Lots of static on my end - I have changed players and still static-y is it just me?
  11:27am Drummer Some:

Piotr your assigning of gender specificity to the role of cooking is frowned upon here. I'll forgive you.
  11:27am Drummer Some:

Do NOT adjust your sets. This track is raw, raw, raw. Sorry about the static.
  11:31am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

Thought this might cause some confusion in the less enlightened West!
  11:33am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

Gender specificity?
  11:37am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

Some of the boys from Benin would be right at home in this mix.
  11:38am annie:

feels as if you've been playing music since early this am, mr some.. real treat...
  11:40am Drummer Some:

Piotr, I am saying that there is nothing "female" about cooking dinner.
  11:40am jk:

there is when I do it.
  11:41am Drummer Some:

Annie, I finished putting the show together at 3:00 this morning, so, for me, I have been!
  11:47am Leigh:

Nothing 'female' about cooking dinner at all, right on Doug!
  11:48am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

You seem to be a bit short on the culture side. See what the British people are getting.
  11:51am monica:

another fine show, doug! let's hear it for moody's mood, r.i.p.
  11:51am Drummer Some:

That will close the show, of course!
  11:52am northguineahills:

darn, my laptop was sick.., it only took me 25 minutes to get it running, almost missed Drummer Some.... Phew!
  11:52am Valerie:

Thanks, Jill, for turning me on to this great show!!
  11:53am Piotr the Polish Lorry Driver:

Many thanks for your dedication and commitment. Have all your listeners PLEDGED this week. If not WHY NOT. I know some people who are not in touch with their female side who could help you Drummer to convince them.
  11:55am Drummer Some:

It's more fun that getting in touch with your Email side.
  11:58am Drummer Some:

Thanks JIll, for turning Valerie on to the show!!
  12:00pm jill:

like i said, Archivists are attracted to this show - must be the dusty old discs that you play on the internets
RIP Mr. Moody - you were a class act
  12:08pm Drummer Some:

Thank you all for a great three hours!
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