Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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December 21, 2010 Favoriting
Santa's making a playlist and checking it twice
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)


Yes, Popeye,
There Is a Santa
(Listen: Pop-up)
Yesteryear's Kiddie Christmas Classics
(n/a )

(Cecil Gant)
Hello Santa Claus   Favoriting b/w It's Christmas Time Again
(Decca 1950)
Putney Dandridge  Santa Claus Came in the Spring   Favoriting Complete Recordings
(OBC 1935)
Mabel Scott w/Les Welch & His Orchestra  Boogie-Woogie Santa Claus   Favoriting Blues, Blues Christmas: 1925-1955
(Document 1946)
Harry E. Humphrey  Santa Claus Hides in Your Phonograph   Favoriting b/w Edna Bailey: Christmas Cobwebs
(Edison Diamond Disc 1922)
Byron G Harlan  Why Don't Santa Claus Go
Next Door?   Favoriting

(Edison Cylinder 1909)
Butterbeans & Susie
(Piano: Eddie Heywood) 
Papa Ain't No Santa Claus
(Mama Ain't no Christmas Tree)   Favoriting

Where Will You Be
Christmas Day?
24 recordings
from 1917-1959

(Dust-to-Digital 1930)
Lil McClintock  Don't Think I'm Santa Claus   Favoriting Good For What Ails You:
Music of the Medicine Shows 1926 - 1937
(Old Hat 1930)

Talkover Music:
The Jive Turkeys 
Get Down Santa   Favoriting b/w Funky Jesus
(Colemine 2010)

Bill Lacey & the Ebony-Aires 

Cowboy Santa Claus
(Listen: Pop-up)
A Million Dollar$ Worth of Christmas Doo-Wop
(JeansMusicBlog 1955)
Sheb Wooley  Santa and the Purple People Eater   Favoriting b/w Star of Love
(MGM 1958)
Reece Shipley  Can Santa Miss Those Missiles   Favoriting Tennessee Swing
(Patuxent )
O.B. Jackson  Santa Claus Is Coming to Town   Favoriting Hollerin'
(Rounder 1976)
The Pixies w/ Thurl Ravenscroft  Santa's too Fat for the Hula Hoop   Favoriting b/w Kitty Kats on Parade
(Balboa 1958)

Kay Martin
My Santa Daddy   Favoriting At Las Vegas
(Laff ca. 1970)
Tim Dinkins  A Little Boy's Letter to Santa   Favoriting Christmas on the Moon
(Cartwheel 1969)
Red Sovine  Is There Really a Santa Claus?   Favoriting

Talkover Music:
The Jive Turkeys 
Get Down Santa   Favoriting b/w Funky Jesus
(Colemine 2010)

Captain Beefheart 
There Ain't No
Santa Claus on
the Evening Stage
(Listen: Pop-up)

The Spotlight Kid

(Reprise 1972)
Joseph Spence  Santa Clause Is Coming to Town   Favoriting Dr. Demento: Holidays In Dementia
Felix & His Krazy Kats
(Sam Manning) 
Looking for Me Santa Claus   Favoriting b/w Medley of West Indian Songs
(Decca 1941)
Clyde Lasley & the Cadillac Baby Specials  Santa Came Home Drunk   Favoriting b/w Christmas Song
(Bea & Baby )
Nathaniel Mayer  Mr. Santa Claus (Bring Me My Baby)   Favoriting Village of Love
( 1968)

Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Ain't No Chimneys in the Projects   Favoriting b/w Binky Griptite: "Holiday Breakdown"
(Daptone 2009)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 1960s)

Listener comments!

  5:51pm ~L:

Ah, music to bake by!
  5:52pm Drummer Some:

You may lose your appetite by the end. It's a close call...
  5:53pm texas scott:

wearing shorts,drinking a Corona, and wrapping gifts.
85 degrees out.
Christmas in Texas.
  5:57pm Wolf In Santa's Clothing:

I've got my WFMU to keep me warm...
  5:57pm Drummer Some:

And it looks like the Census brought Texas four more congressional seats (and electoral votes). You must be so proud.
  5:59pm Drummer Some:

Ah Wolfie baby! Bet you already know how this is going to end up!
  5:59pm ~L:

The rest of us didn't do so well...
  6:00pm texas scott:

don't blame me.
I did no procreatin'.
  6:00pm annie:

  6:02pm Wendy Del Formaggio:

From what I've been reading in the news, my state (NJ) has been LOSING people this year. I had nothing to do with our negative population growth. I swear, your honor!
  6:02pm ~L:

Babies don't vote... so I don't get it.
  6:02pm annie:

mr drummer, you keep that info in your back pocket for parties eh? liven things up with that electoral college chatter.. i'm coming to YOUR next bash!
  6:03pm ?:

Let's get to the Santa Clause
  6:04pm Drummer Some:

New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Mass lose one seat, NY loses two. Ouch!
  6:05pm marcury:

Hey, Hey it's the redistrict shuffle.
  6:06pm annie:

and i think ny has been considering changing voting district borders.
  6:06pm How It Works:

The only two states to gain more than one seat have no state income tax (FL, TX) It's not just babymaking, it's in-migration of grownups seeking opportunity. Not the old south of sharecropping.
  6:08pm Wendy Del Formaggio:

As much as it's not great to lose a congressional seat, I'm fine with people flocking from my state to FL or TX or wherever the heck they are going. NJ's population density is too damn high (just like the rent).
  6:08pm texas scott:

It's getting crowded down here.
I think I'll move to Portland.
  6:08pm Drummer Some:

Geez, the level of discussion on the board tonight is so grown-up. Please somebody: Tell a fart joke!
  6:10pm Tex:

Q: What did the snowman say to the other snowman? A: Do you smell carrots?
  6:10pm texas scott:

your mama is so fat....
when she walked past the TV,we missed 5 shows.
  6:12pm Wendy Del Formaggio:

Did you hear about the two antennae who got married?
The wedding wasn't much, but you shoulda seen the reception!
Har har.
  6:12pm Drummer Some:

I've got a "Santa is too fat" song coming up in the next set!
  6:13pm Rodney Dangerfield:

Whoah, did somebody step on a duck?
  6:13pm Wendy Del Formaggio:

But Santa is supposed to be fat! I'm sure it's a great tune anyway, though...
  6:14pm Drummer Some:

No, "too fat." There's a difference. Next "song" is from 1909, by the way.
  6:16pm Old Coot:

Byron Harlan kicked fucking ass. Back in the day.
  6:16pm Bad Ronald:

I heard Santa Claus farts candy cane dust.
  6:18pm Drummer Some:

Hey Old Coot,
Are you related to Fred Coots, the feller who wrote "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town"?
  6:19pm Old Coot:

My off uncle, from the Back Bay branch of the Coots
  6:22pm Drummer Some:

Things are gonna get a ton stranger around here.
  6:23pm ~L:

What's the dentist's favorite time of day? 2:30, tooth-hurt-y.
The salvation army holiday collector was moaning loudly about her toothache as she rang her bell in the cold wind outside the supermarket today. For real, not part of the joke.
  6:24pm texas scott:

speaking of a little show of my own.
(save for later)
  6:25pm Listener:

Thank godess there's finally advertising on FMU!
  6:27pm Drummer Some:

Nice slip of the finger, there, Listener, Advertising is God's business.
Hey ~L, that tooth-hurty joke is my second all-time favorite. My first has a punchline that goes: A nun with a javelin through her head. (Try to figure out the set-up.)
  6:28pm Wendy Del Formaggio:

Texas Scott, do they call you... 3-Finger Joe?
  6:29pm texas scott:

yep.thanks Wendy.
I love cheese.
  6:30pm A: A Newspaper:

Q: What's black and white and red all over? Or what Doug said...
  6:30pm Drummer Some:

All hail Listener Wolf, who sent this track (and several others) for tonight's proceedings. Thanks Wolf!
  6:31pm marcury:

A nun tumbling down a hill.
  6:31pm Wendy Del Formaggio:

Texas Scott, I love that song, and the film is even better. But it's scary!
I love cheese, too.
  6:31pm Two words:

chipmunk aliens
  6:32pm Wendy Del Formaggio:

All hail Listener Wolf!
  6:33pm texas scott:

  6:33pm Pahz:

I made it! I'm here...
  6:33pm Bad Ronald:

  6:34pm Jimmy McMillan:

The Santa's too *damn* fat!!!
  6:35pm Wendy Del Formaggio:

This set is killin' me! I love it! It's making it hard for me to turn off the radio and the computer and go run my errands. Sigh...
  6:35pm marcury:

Boy, Black Francis sure sounds different on this one
  6:35pm Drummer Some:

I still can't over the fact that the same guy who did the voice of the Grinch, also did "Santa."
  6:37pm Drummer Some:

Run to your window, throw it open and scream, "I'm happy as hell and I can't take it anymore." Or something.
  6:38pm Wendy Del Formaggio:

Only if I can throw my television out of the window, a la the opening to SCTV, and not get arrested.
  6:39pm Drummer Some:

Kwissmiss won't be Kwissmiss. Couldn't have said it any better.
  6:40pm Aha:

The old country-song car-wreck tragic death trick. Gets 'em every time.
  6:40pm ~L:

Just finished baking my cookies!!!
  6:41pm Pahz:

Red Sovine ripped out my heart and kicked it under the tree.
  6:42pm david:

  6:45pm david:

that's better!!!! i was wondering if that was gonna happen
  6:45pm fishmonkeystew:

Wendy, I once had the chance (and took it!) to chuck not only a television off the roof of a 3 story apartment building, but a refrigerator as will. Joy!
  6:52pm Carmine Miranda:

Feliz Natal!
  6:54pm Santa:

Puff, pass.
  6:55pm prof:

Io, Saturnalia!
  6:56pm Drummer Some:

Happy Holy Daze everybody!
  6:58pm Bad Ronald:

Wonderful show. Thanks Drummer Some!
  6:59pm prof:

"Happy Krimble to you, Betty Grable, me too!"
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