Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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January 6, 2012 Favoriting
Next stop, Satanville
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Norfleet Brothers  Jesus Is All the World to Me   Favoriting b/w (J.O.B. 1957)
James Shorty & Fred McDowell  I Want Jesus to Talk With Me   Favoriting Negro Church Music
(Atlantic 1959)
Pilgrim Jubilee Singers  Separation Line   Favoriting Walk On
(Peacock 1961)
Original Blind Boys of Mississippi  Where There's a Will (There's a Way)   Favoriting The Great Lost Blind Boys Album
(Vee Jay 1959)
Salame's Travelers  I've Gone Too Far   Favoriting Children Gone Astray
(Checker 1969)
The Elite Jewels  Theme From Revelations   Favoriting Theme From Revelations
(ABC 1974)

Talkover Music:
Glenn Lee 
Joyful Sounds   Favoriting Sacred Steel Instrumentals
(Arhoolie )

Billy Mize  Pusan   Favoriting b/w I'm Still a Prisoner
(Kord 1953)
Kilgore Brothers & Howard Vokes  Love Flame   Favoriting b/w My Foolish Pride
(Del-Ray )
Bobby Barnett  She Looks So Good to the Crowd   Favoriting Bobby Barnett at the World Famous Crystal Palace
(Sims )
Unidentified  Her name Was Devilish Mary   Favoriting Diddy Wah Diddy...Ain't A Town, Ain't A City
(Bear Family )
Al Hendrix  The DJ (The Greatest Entertainer)   Favoriting Rare and Rockin'
Bobby Grove  Jealous Dreams   Favoriting b/w Be Still My Heart
(Lucky 1959)
Andy Doll / 7 Men & 17 Instruments  You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming   Favoriting b/w That's Life (Ho Ho)
(Starday 1958)
Larry Donn & Sonny Burgess  Girl Next Door   Favoriting b/w Today
(Ad-Bur 1961)
Gin Gillette  Train to Satanville   Favoriting b/w Baron Daemon & the Vampires: Ghost Guitars
(Wavy Gravy )
Waylon Jennings  Lonely Weekends   Favoriting Just to Satisfy You
(RCA Victor 1969)

Talkover Music:
Augustus Pablo 
Drums to the King   Favoriting Blowing With the Wind
(Shanachie 1978)

Edmundo Ros  Los Hijos de Buda   Favoriting b/w Te Quietro Dijiste
(Parlophone 1941)
Markolino Dímond con Frankie Dante
(vocal: Chivirico) 
El Quinto de Beethoven   Favoriting Beethoven's V
(Cotique 1975)
Mongo Santamaria & His Orchestra  El Pussy Cat   Favoriting El Pussy Cat
(Columbia 1965)
Luis Kalaff  La Mecha   Favoriting El Rey del Merengue
(Seeco 1962)
José Alberto y Su Orquesta  El Canario   Favoriting Canta Canario
(Sono Max 1984)
Joey Pastrana & His Orchestra  Aguacero   Favoriting Joey en Carnavale
(Cotique 1966)

Talkover Music:
Lorenzo Holden 
Sundance (pt. 1)   Favoriting Instrumental Explosion
(BGP )

Lyle "Spud" Murphy  Crazy Quilt   Favoriting New Orbits in Sound
(GNP Crescendo 1954)
Chet Baker w/Ennio Morricone  Il Mio Domani   Favoriting Chet Is Back!
(Bluebird 1962)
Manfred Schoof  Gebilde (Gewisse Christliche Gebilde Über Die Eine Pathetische Lava Letzten Endes Nichts Vermag)   Favoriting Manfred Schoof Sextett
(Wergo 1967)
Ehran Elisha, Harold Rubin, Haim Elisha  Empatico   Favoriting East of Jaffa
(Out Now 2011)
Yoshiaki Fujikawa & Eastasia Orchestra  Trival Chief (Pate Pote)   Favoriting Shoyoh Jurin
(Mobys 1984)

Talkover Music:
Gender Wayang Pemarwan 
Gending Pemungkah   Favoriting Music for the Balinese Shadow Play "The Mahabharata"
(CMP 1989)

Collie Ryan  Building a Bridge of Stone   Favoriting Takin' Your Turn 'Round the Corner of Day
(Rainbow Recordings 1973)
Rosemary Hardman  Horses of the Sea   Favoriting Firebird
(Trailer 1972)
Teina  Hear Me Well My People   Favoriting Touched By the Sun
(Perception 1969)
Carolyn Hester Coalition  The Journey   Favoriting Carolyn Hester Coalition
(Metromedia 1969)
The Poppy Family feat. Susan Jacks  There's No Blood in Bone   Favoriting Which Way You Goin', Billy?
(Decca 1970)
Bunches 'A Good  See the Farmer   Favoriting Soft Sounds for Gentle People: Sounds of She
(Pet )

Talkover Music:
Thai Elephant Orchestra 
Heavy Logs   Favoriting Thai Elephant Orchestra
(Mulatta 2000)

Jess Sah Bi + Peter One  Kango   Favoriting Our Garden Needs Its Flowers
(Showbiz )
Orchestre Super Tembessa  Calendrier 2   Favoriting Orchestre Super Tembessa
(EMI 1976)
C.K. Mann & His Carousel 7  Asafao Beesuon
Obaa Yaa Aye Me Bone
Dofo Bi Akyerew Me
Okwan Tsentsen
Aboa Akonkoran   Favoriting
Funky Highlife
(Essiebons 1976)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:32am listener james from westwood:

duets with cats are always welcome.
  8:36am earwax:

I thought I would be first on the comment board, but listener james has been here all night.
  8:39am Doug Schulkind:

Don't take it too hard, earwax. Listener James from Westwood slept here overnight. (I took his car keys.)
  8:39am listener james from westwood:

where else would i go?
  8:39am listener james from westwood:

ah, it's healthier for me to walk anyway. you were right to do it.
  8:41am earwax:

Friends don't let friends listen to anything else or drink Iron City beer.
  8:41am listener james from westwood:

there are magic hats in the fridge right now. either i will drink them or use them in chili. or both.
  8:46am earwax:

I vote both. I'll be over for chili. I'll bring some Saranc India Copper ale.
  8:48am Doug Schulkind:

Iron City beer is for killing slugs in the garden.
  8:48am listener james from westwood:

that would do nicely. just have to nick out for eggs and milk to make cornbread.
  8:49am Doug Schulkind:

Thanks for the Twittermatizing, LJFW!
  8:53am Brian in Yukon:

On my way to the Dinosaur Theme Park. Shorts & sandals are a bit skimpy. Should have put on some socks.
  8:54am Doug Schulkind:

Breaking rocks in the hot sun, I fought the T-Rex and the T-Rex won.
  8:54am listener james from westwood:

no prob! hope someone new checks in. the more the merrier.
is debbie d still slated for, what, noon today on the ichiban stream? will tweet about that too if so. the streams need lurve!
  8:56am Doug Schulkind:

I think Debbie D's show runs 3-5pm. There should be an announcement on the front page later today.
  8:56am glenn:

socks with sandals? eeeewwww.
  8:56am Brian in Yukon:

T-Rex, that's for making cakes, boss.
  8:57am ndbob:

morning Doug and everyone!
  8:58am Doug Schulkind:

Hi ndbob!
  8:58am Brian in Yukon:

Who are you calling everyone, ndbob. It's colder than a witches tit out here.
glenn are you some kind of fashion icon then.
  8:59am Doug Schulkind:

I hate to cut off this killer Oscar Perry track...
  9:01am ndbob:

we have actually had record warmth here in North Dakota - high of 56 yesterday when normal high is 16
  9:02am listener james from westwood:

weird weather. we got a dose of the teens earlier this week in nj, but seasonally warm here now.
morning all!!
  9:02am ndbob:

morning James!
  9:03am glenn:

did we know brian was going to the yukon?
  9:04am listener james from westwood:

possibly the yukon came to brian!
  9:04am Doug Schulkind:

First person whose "math problem" for leaving a comment is 666 gets a kewpie doll, courtesy of GTDS management.
  9:05am still b/p:

It's Friday. Get your Yukon.
  9:06am earwax:

Only Satan gets 666 when leaving a comment
  9:07am trish:

Is that 666-today or 666-anytime?
  9:07am glenn:

i wonder if satan has a personalized license plate?
  9:08am chris in durban:

greetings doug'n'all .. hot as hell here in durban
  9:08am Brian in Yukon:

I think my happy shopper satnav is fucked. My teddy bear had stopped talking to me now.
glenn satin is REAL. It suits you.
Thanks chris!!
  9:10am earwax:

Don't know about the license plate but Satan sell used cars
  9:10am Doug Schulkind:

Good mornining (afternoon) Chris in Durban!

666 anytime, Trish. We ain't cheap bastids here.
  9:11am Doug Schulkind:

Satan defintely's got some fuzzy dice hanging from the rear-view. They're covered in loosey fur.
  9:13am earwax:

This gospel set is driving Satan away
  9:13am glenn:

no, those are rick santorum's balls.
  9:14am Doug Schulkind:

Satan is low-riding his own ass away.

Glenn, you are in the penalty box for two minutes for using "Rick" "Santorum" and "balls" in the same sentence.
  9:15am ndbob:

indeed Glenn
  9:15am Doug Schulkind:

Did Archie Brownlee just sing, "I've Got a Telephone in My Bosom"?!
  9:16am chris in durban:

did that blind boy just say he had a telephone in his bosom?
  9:17am trish:

Pretty sure the randomizer has landed on the loaded number for me.
  9:17am Doug Schulkind:

Great minds ponder alike, Chris.
  9:18am Brian in Yukon:

Doug, at 08:54. Have you heard "I Fought the Law" by Rossy. He is Madagascan. Belter.
  9:18am chris in durban:

na, its just a fixation on bosoms doug
  9:18am still b/p:

I asked Satan to show me the Carfax and he stuck it to my forehead with a hot pitchfork.
  9:18am Doug Schulkind:

Satan will be driving that kewpie doll out to you, Trish. He works in the GTDS mailroom. Ahahahahaha!
  9:19am glenn:

more importantly, WHY is brian in the yukon?
  9:19am Brian in Yukon:

Surely it should be 'The Great FOUND Blind Boys Album'
  9:19am listener james from westwood:

i know i've hit 666 on the confirmation page at least once. it was the 1st 3 digits of my phone # for decades. also my mailbox number at college.
  9:20am Parq:

Wait, now people are faxing from their cars? Texting was bad enough.
  9:20am listener james from westwood:

every time i hear an ad for that carfax operation, i think, does dracula run the company?
  9:20am Doug Schulkind:

Remember when I said Listener James slept here last night? Has anyone seen LJFW and Satan in the same room at the same time? I'm just askin'.
  9:21am Brian in Yukon:

glenn to 08:53 & & 09:08. Thought this was where we were convening today.
  9:21am trish:

I've been saddled with both 666 and 777 in various id numbers. They're both a cruel irony for someone who consumes more math than superstition.
  9:24am trish:

thou shalt believe in a flat earth
  9:24am Neil Young:

Numbers add up to nothing. 'cepting the royalty checks.
  9:25am Doug Schulkind:

Oh Neil, go vote for Reagan and leave us be.
  9:26am glenn:

hey drummer, i see eilen jewell is playing in pittsboig on the 1st of march. in case you're needing something to do that evening.
  9:26am Neil Young:

Out of the Black & into the BLUE
  9:27am listener james from westwood:

and don't think that santorum clown hasn't been keeping me busy. i've got 12 devils trailing him night and day, and that runs to money. gingrich i don't have to watch, i've got a nice spot for him in the second circle next to the other adulterers.
  9:28am glenn:

are you satan, listener james?
  9:29am glenn:

is it weird that i'm an avowed atheist, but totally love gospel music?
  9:30am Doug Schulkind:

Listener Satan from (a few miles under) Westwood.

We are all that weird, Glenn.
  9:31am Doug Schulkind:

PU-sahn, Doug, not PU-san
  9:32am Van in Dallas:

Hi there
  9:32am Brian in Yukon:

glenn so you do have a strong belief in nothing. That makes it quite understandable to like something that has strong beliefs even if these are not you own.
Christ it's cold.
  9:33am Doug Schulkind:

Greetings, Van! How's the packing going? I'm actually in the D.C. area right now.
  9:33am Paul Sherratt:


I'm just a weird as you !
  9:34am Van in Dallas:

Going well I guess...everybody hates doing it though right? ...unless you're getting paid for it I guess :)
  9:35am earwax:

Whether you believe or not, it's damn fine music.
  9:36am Doug Schulkind:

Good afternoon, Brother Paul!

Van, my move from NYC to Pittsburgh was insanely painless. It does help when your wife's new employer is paying for it!
  9:38am Paul Sherratt:

Afternoon, Mornin' Doug ! Loved that Kilgore Brothers - wonder if Merle K was a relative ?
  9:38am Jesus:

Heeding only the Gospel according to Juke. Cool.
  9:39am earwax:

Devilish Mary. Satan's girlfriend?
  9:39am ndbob:

When I moved here I get rid of everything except for a carload of stuff - and one storage locker.
  9:39am trish:

I believe it's gonna snow, today.
  9:39am Satanico Montalban:

I found this oft-covered country song called BJ the DJ. Have you heard it?
  9:39am northguineahills:

w00t! I remembered to tune-in to Doug. It's hard since Scott's show is so good as well.
  9:40am trish:

wait, no -- rain.
  9:40am listener james from westwood:

ditto on being an atheist who enjoys the gospel tunes. i dig the sinner's crossroads too, even if i don't share the spiritual belief. got a heart even if i don't have a soul.
  9:41am Paul Sherratt:

I'm with Al Hendrix !
  9:41am Doug Schulkind:

Satanico! Yeah, I got that one.

Howdy Northguineahills! Hey, are you on my mailing list? If so, you'll get an email alert (with links to the stream/playlist) before the show goes live.
  9:42am listener james from westwood:

if i were satan, fmu would be financially fixed for life. believe me. i wouldn't even ask for an on-air underwriting mention.
  9:43am listener james from westwood:

sometimes i think of moving, look around, and realize i'd need a buddy or two to get me through the winnowing process for all the CRAAAAP around here.
  9:47am Doug Schulkind:

OK, here comes the big one from Gin Gillette...
  9:47am Brian in Yuk:

'Souls ain't born, souls don't die' Mary Gauthier
  9:48am ndbob:

this is great!
  9:49am earwax:

Up next Highway to Hell.
  9:50am northguineahills:

@Drummer Some: I'm on your email list, but I usually forget to check it until after lunch. Most weeks in the last few months I've remembered around 11:50 to tune into your show.
  9:50am el thatchmo:

Nice Weekends!
  9:51am Doug Schulkind:

Northguinea, I could call you...collect.
  9:52am Doug Schulkind:

Cousin Thatchmo!
  9:54am listener james from westwood:

northguinea, if you're on twitter, you can follow the show at @GTDRadio . alerts appear there for upcoming shows on the stream.
  9:55am jk:

mornin Doug, mornin all
  9:56am Doug Schulkind:

Hey hey jk. What's shaklng?
  9:57am earwax:

Yay! Destination Out.
  10:00am Brian in Yuk:

Edmundo, the late Centurian.
  10:01am Doug Schulkind:

Edmundo Ros was actually a Trinidadian named Eddie Ross. Had a Scottish pop and lived in the U.K. With Brian.
  10:08am jk:

its warming up, ready for a springy weekend of working in the studio!
  10:09am Mongo Montalban:

THis is great! This Mongo track!
  10:11am Mongo Montalban:
  10:12am Mongo Montalban:

Flyers supposedly found all over NY sometime in the 80s
  10:12am Doug Schulkind:

That "Truth About Mongo" art was on the desktop of WFMU's library computer for years.
  10:13am Paul Sherratt:

Edmundo :
" He came, he saw, he conga'd ! "
Pity those ignorant producers of popular dance entertainment ' Strictly etc ' hadn't got that tiniest amount of decency needed to mention either his 100th birthday in 2010 or his passing last autumn.
  10:13am Artie:

Carbonated little rumpshakers putting a bounce in my boot.
  10:14am trish:

'scandalous' !
  10:15am Doug Schulkind:

Make mine an XXL:
  10:15am Mongo Montalban:

I have a good friend whose father played with Flora Purim and he had horrible stories about Airto Moreira
  10:16am Brian in UK:

Back home now. I an sticking with maps.
ref Edmundo Was it ever thus, Paul? Bunch of tossers on the TV.
  10:17am Doug Schulkind:

And now we are into our "Sadistic Bastards" portion of the comments. Step right up, ladies and germs...
  10:17am listener james from westwood:

I am adding "he is a game player and a compulsive womanizer" to my linkedin profile.
  10:18am Doug Schulkind:

By game player, LJFW, I don't think they meant Dungeons and Dragons. (Oh snap!)
  10:18am listener rey:

Happy 2012 Doug and all the drumma-summas.
Nice way to start off a year of Fridays!
  10:19am listener james from westwood:

damn. what the hell am i gonna do w all these d20s?!
  10:20am Doug Schulkind:

Great to hear (read) from you, Rey!
  10:20am Mongairto Montaliero:

That's just how you roll.....
  10:21am listener james from westwood:

btw, anyone who ever used to play ad&d, the random harlot table from the dungeon masters' guide:
  10:22am still b/p:

I have a band-aid on my right index finger right now. This will be a badge of dog-mannered dishonor when I'm out tonight?
  10:22am Doug Schulkind:

Man, this track makes me happy.
  10:23am 3rd level Cleric Montalban:

I was playin' D&D back when if you wanted to steal the game, you had someone copy the book on a copymachine.
  10:24am Paul Sherratt:

>>Bunch of tossers on the TV

Brian, I think you're being far too kind. Mind you you can't fail to admire their Oxbridge skills of infantilising a nation !
  10:25am ndbob:

I remember well your tribute to Mouse.
  10:27am Paul Sherratt:

Take care of that kitten, Doug. Don't let it stray.
  10:27am Brian in UK:

You cannot get just one mouser, Doug. It will get lonely. Llamas are the must have pet this year.
  10:28am still b/p:

Deals with Satan allow time travel.
  10:28am earwax:

Doug Shulkind - time traveler
  10:28am Artie:

Double Kitten All The Way!!!
  10:29am el thatchmo:

Say you love Saten!
  10:32am Doug Schulkind:

OK, but I don't particularly like seitan.
  10:32am Michael:

Morning Doug and fellow travelers. Our house has that same hole Doug.
  10:33am northguineahills:

Wow, not familiar w/ Lyle "Spud" Murphy, good stuff! (and 1954!)
  10:33am Brian in UK:

Here you are Doug, a friend for life
  10:34am Brian in UK:

Wadda you mean they look like their owners!!
  10:34am Jeff G:

Morning, all. Hail Satan, etc.
Haven't taken the train to Satanville in a while, but iirc cars 1-8 do not "platform" at that station.
  10:36am still b/p:

First, Google "llama attack" and watch a few vids
  10:36am Doug Schulkind:

Thanks Brian. I could use a good hump. What?!

@Michael, it still hurts. My cat Mouse was the kind of cat you could have a conversation with.

Greetings Jeff G! Can't wait to hear what D:O RADIO has got cooking for January 16.
  10:38am northguineahills:

Hmmmm, this Morricone/Baker wasn't on the Morricone boxset you linked last summer. I suppose Morricone's work is inexhaustible.
  10:40am Jeff G:

You and me both, Doug.

SCHOOF is a good name. Does Sextett in German have an extra T on it? See that a lot with those dudes.
  10:40am Michael:

Ours was a stray city cat we took in when we lived in Boston and my daughter was little and when we moved out of the city the cat moved out of the city with us. We thought of the cat as my daughters sister since they grew up together!
  10:41am Doug Schulkind:

My guess is Ennio would like to forget all about his session with that little prick Baker. (Chet had just been let out of jail and was annoying everyone.)
  10:41am northguineahills:

Manfred Schoof never gets enough recognition. Is this a Wergo reissue?
  10:41am Doug Schulkind:

Google translates this title as:
"Entity (Certain Christian lava formations on the A pathetic end, nothing can)"

We report, you decide...
  10:43am Jeff G:

Y'all see E Iverson's interview with Jim McNeely? There's some interesting Baker/Getz stuff in there.
  10:43am Jack:

Good morning everyone. Look at all this good music I've missed!
  10:43am Leigh:

Mornin' Doug
  10:43am jill:

Hello all. Happy 2012.
Drummer - were you referring to the Shakespeare play on my facebook page?
  10:44am northguineahills:

Thanks Jeff G!
  10:44am Leigh:

Just observin' here @ work. Wish I could crank it.
  10:44am ndbob:

hello Jill!
  10:45am Doug Schulkind:

Here's that Manfred Schoof:

Hi in real time, Leigh!! Hope the show looks OK.

Yes, exactly, Jill. Saw a production of Twefth Night in Pittsburgh last month...
  10:46am listener james from westwood:

Doug, I fear the FOX tagline will echo in my ears. The lobby of my apt bldg just installed a TV, and the demographic of the bldg. is right up in O'Reilly country.
  10:47am Doug Schulkind:

Wish I knew what that weird blast of salsa was at the end of the Manfred Schoof piece. Whatever it is, it's on the mp3. The thing is, I will NEVER remember to edit it and will ALWAYS get freaked by it EVERY damn time I play that track.
  10:47am Leigh:

Howdy. Looking great.
  10:48am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Jack (makes me think "Hijack!!") You can alway go back and check the archives. What a miracle this Interweb thingy is.
  10:50am Jeff G:

Digging this Elishax2/Rubin jam. Who are these folks?
  10:50am northguineahills:

Doug, you're giving too much musics to listen to! I think I'm still in Sept for your newsletter recommending blog selections. (this is not a onerous problem)
  10:51am Doug Schulkind:

Twefth Night is nothing like Twelfth Night, of course.
  10:51am jill:

Ahhh, i was referring to the great NOLA tradition where evening of the Twelfth Night of the Christmas season as it
segues into Carnival season. It's pretty much Marid Gras season.
  10:52am Doug Schulkind:

@Jeff G, they're from Israel. I can git you (digital) copy.

You're gonna PLOTZ over this Yoshiaki Fujikawa number.
  10:53am jill:

you know what i mean, typos and all.
  10:54am Ricardo Montalban:

This is great, Doug! It sounds like a demented version of Masada or something.
  10:54am Jeff G:

Thanks, Doug! Thought they might be part of the Israeli jazz fam, given the names and all. Turns out "Out Now" is not a very Google-friendly label name.
  10:56am Doug Schulkind:

Look for this Yoshiaki Fujikawa in next Wednesday's Mining the Audio Motherlode.

@Jeff G > Too funny!
  10:59am Doug Schulkind:

@Ricardo, this is the sound of John Zorn's nightmares (or maybe daydreams).
  10:59am Jeff G:

Ok, "The Father, The Son and the Harold Rubin" is kind of a genius name for a tune:
  11:00am Doug Schulkind:

@Jeff G, listen to my upcoming (prerecorded mic break). I make the same point.
  11:01am Jeff G:

Ack! Sorry to step on your lines!

It's coming back to me; this is Yair Yona's gig, yeah?

Ok, shutting up now.
  11:03am Carmichael:

Happy Friday, people of popular persuasion.
  11:05am Doug Schulkind:

Yes, Jeff, music came from YY. And never shut up! Lines are for stepping on. (Step on a wisecrack and you break you're mother's back.)
  11:07am northguineahills:

@Ricardo: You're dead on about "Empatico"!
  11:07am glenn:

i can feel my inner grammar nazi coming out.
  11:08am Doug Schulkind:

Good, Carmichael's here. Let the Exalted Gathering of the PPP come to order.
  11:09am ndbob:

greetings Carmichael!!
  11:11am Carmichael:

Hey Bob & Doug. How's it goin', eh?
  11:12am lucy:

love this...
  11:13am Jeff G:

Doug, you hear/like that Connie Converse stuff that was recently-ish unearthed?
  11:16am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Lucy!!

Jeff, I don't know the Connie Converse stuff. Yet. (Thanks.)

I heard that Canadian accent, Carmichael.
  11:21am ndbob:

always liked the Carolyn Hester material from this era.
  11:22am Brian in UK:

Was this after Farewell Aldabaren?
  11:22am Brian in UK:

Cancel that previous, getting confused with Jerry Yester.
  11:24am still b/p:

Did the Hester track sound a little like, although better than, the tunes the girls do in Beyond the Valley of the Dolls?
  11:26am Doug Schulkind:

Brian, bet you were thinking of Judy Henske, which led to Jerry Yester. (I can read minds.)
  11:26am el thatchmo:

This chick rock is sooo hot!
  11:26am Carmichael:

Hippie music!! Yay!!
  11:28am lucy:

particularly loving these sounds today in brooklyn
  11:28am Doug Schulkind:

I'm weaving a God's eye and sifting stems and seeds using my CSNY gatefold LP cover.
  11:28am northguineahills:

what el thachmo & Carmichael said....
  11:30am Doug Schulkind:

So cheered you're listening, Lucy.
  11:30am Brian in UK:

That's the trouble with CDs, Doug. Suite:Judy Blue Eyes.
  11:31am Doug Schulkind:

Yes, Brian, that is the LP is was thinking of. CD jewel cases are used to cut coke; LP jackets are used to clean pot. What the crap are mp3s used for?
  11:33am Brian in UK:

Arse wipes.
  11:33am Doug Schulkind:

In case you were thinking of heading off early, the last track of the show is NOT TO BE MISSED. It's a 13-minute monster.
  11:34am mp3:

Believe me, I ask myself the same question.
  11:34am Ricardo Montalban:

My son is going to Eastern Africa for a year. I am thinking of having him try to score me some music but he knows nothing about music, how to procure it, etc.
  11:35am Brian in UK:

This is a great album title.
  11:36am Brian in UK:

Lucky dip Ricardo. Something will pitch up. Hope you have a tape machine.
  11:36am Doug Schulkind:

Wow Ricardo! Where is he headed? Tanganyika? (I know it doesn't exist anymore, but I just love saying it.)
  11:39am Ricardo Montalban:

  11:40am Ricardo Montalban:

Which looks intriguing, given its proximity to Ethiopia, etc.
I think it's got the same kind of cassette culture of other countries in the region. I need to get my kid to pick up stuff at markets, etc.
  11:42am Brian in UK:

Doug, I raise you Nyasaland & see you.
  11:42am Doug Schulkind:

Djibouti is at the mouth of the Red Sea, no? What a cool place to go.
  11:42am Ricardo Montalban:

Like my disastrous attempt to get my mother-in-law to score me interesting music from Finland. She came back with some unbelievably horrid homespun hip hop, which I still have for some reason.
  11:44am Doug Schulkind:

Hold onto that Finnish hip hop, Ricardo. It will, like, unbelievably cool in about 25 years.
  11:44am Ricardo Montalban:

Yes. It looks lovely! Like a cross between Morocco and Ethiopia. I wouldn't trade places with him, though. Lengthy Army, Civil Affairs clusterfuck.
  11:44am Jeff G:

There is also (seemingly) an active trade in "cell phone songs," as perhaps you already know. A SIM card might be all he needs? (see, eg,
  11:45am Ricardo Montalban:

YEAH! That's why I have it! In a couple more years, it will age like fine Finnish cheese.
  11:46am Doug Schulkind:

Extra good point, Jeff G.
  11:47am BodegaMan:

Been a long time all. Just floating away from my cube here to this CK Mann......
  11:48am Ricardo Montalban:

Yeah, Jeff! I recently saw that new comp on Mississippi Records that's all cellphone music from Africa
  11:48am Paul Sherratt:

Had a need to see this C K Mann
Wonderful stuff
  11:48am Doug Schulkind:

BodegaMan is here! Par-tay!
  11:49am Ricardo Montalban:
  11:50am ndbob:

uff da - a major North Dakota expression
  11:50am BodegaMan:

always listening, the man often keeps me from participating.
  11:51am trish:

Where isn't a Civil Affairs clusterfuck?
  11:51am northguineahills:

Thanks Doug. Awesome show!!!
  11:51am Ricardo Montalban:

Yes. Around here, too. Large community of Finnish Apostolic Lutherans where I grew up.
  11:52am Ricardo Montalban:

@trish: Anywhere that an oil pipeline doesn't run through it.
  11:52am Doug Schulkind:

This track is the best thing I've heard at least since the Yoshiaki Fujikawa number.

The man is off listening to Up With People or some shit. (Fun fact: Glenn Close was a member of Up With People.)

My pleasure, NGH.

@Extremely good point, Trish.
  11:54am ndbob:

yep - very strange Doug
  11:54am Ricardo Montalban:

C.K. Mann track has me movin' around the cubespace in rhythm. Wonderful!
  11:55am Doug Schulkind:

Coming up on Give the Drummer Radio...

Leo Smith
Anthony Braxton
Sir Robert Charles Griggs
Ardoin & McGee
Hot Lips Page
Solven Whistlers
Syli Authentic
Teofilio Chantre w/Bonga
Khun Paw Yann
Kwan Jai & Kwan Jit Sripajan
Amit Kumar
Aili ja Lyyli Vainkainen

If you keep it where it is...
  11:56am still b/p:

That was giving the tabletop knuckledrummer some over here. Double good stuff.
  11:56am Van in Dallas:

Thanks Doug & time traveler Doug. Great show, has been wonderful music to pack by.
  11:57am ndbob:

excellent show as always Doug!
  11:57am Doug Schulkind:

My pleasure, Van and everyone. Safe travels.
  11:58am Doug Schulkind:

Excellent listening, ndbob.
  11:59am listener james from westwood:

loved the show. have a great weekend, doug and all fellow travelers!
  11:59am trish:

friday greats
  11:59am Van in Dallas:

BTW, congratulations to Sharon Van Etten on her television debut last night. Wonderful to see.
  12:00pm earwax:

Another good one.
  12:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Big-eared love to you all.
  12:00pm earwax:

Time for lunch
  12:01pm Ricardo Montalban:

Fun show, Doug! Thanks for the soundtrack to a Friday.
  12:03pm Brian in UK:

Good luck with feline machinations.
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