Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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January 31, 2012 Favoriting
日本 Rocks!
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)

Yoshiaki Fujikawa & Eastasia Orchestra  Divine Gift   Favoriting Shoyoh Jurin
(Mobys 1984)
Hiroshi Segawa  Arya Would not Be So Good   Favoriting Pierrot
(Phantom 1972)
Ruins + Kazutoki Umezu  Acid Blue   Favoriting B.U.G.
Maki Asakawa  Chiccha Na Toki Kara   Favoriting Asakawa Maki No Sekai
(EMI 1970)

Talkover Music:
Sai-So (Strobe's Satori Beats)   Favoriting Sai-So
(Sony Japan 1999)

Masahiko Satoh & Soundbreakers  Side 1   Favoriting Amalgamation
(Liberty 1971)

Talkover Music:
Sai-So (Ibuki Reconstruction by DJ Krush)   Favoriting Sai-So
(Sony Japan 1999)

Kuni Kawachi  Kazeyori Gokurousan   Favoriting Utae Nakunaru Maeni
(Polydor 1972)
Kazuhiko Katoh  Jiraiya   Favoriting Super Gas
(Capitol 1971)
Kiyoko Itoh  Goki Kara Juji Made no Watashi   Favoriting Woman at 23-Hour Love-In
(Showboat 1971)
Gypsy Blood  Wasurekaketa Kotoba   Favoriting Rokko Oroshi
(Vertigo 1971)
Akiko Nakamura  Tengoku Rock (Rock Heaven)   Favoriting De Luxe
(King 1968)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 1960s)

Listener comments!

  5:52pm Holly in NC:

Glad you're out of toro, Doug, it's an indefensible choice these days ;-0
  5:52pm listener james from westwood:

good tuesday all! evening doug!
  5:55pm glenn:

i really like grilled eel. yum.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm Doug Schulkind:

I have to admit I'm not sure what you're referring to, Holly! But I'm glad to be outta there, um, too.

Good evening LJFW!

Glenn, I am an anagi addict. I've got an eel-sauce IV drip right here.
  5:59pm ndbob:

Evening Doug and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey ndbob, so glad you came!
  6:01pm Ryuichi Montalban:

Konnichiwa, Drum Some-San!
  6:01pm listener james from westwood:

howdy bob, glenn, holly.
never could steel myself for sushi. i'm always that chicken-teriyaki guy when my gang makes a run for japanese food.
  6:03pm Ryuichi Montalban:

I love sushi, but my lousy endocrine system hates it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Doug Schulkind:

Them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and Ryuichi!
  6:05pm ndbob:

me too James - though given the absence of any Asian food here other then fourth rate Chinese, it's academic.
  6:06pm Richard from Venezuela:

Hello Doug and listeners. Great today's topic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm Doug Schulkind:

Greetings, Richard!
  6:10pm listener james from westwood:

for a while, we had dueling sushi joints in westwood, within sight of each other. one finally failed, and was replaced by a mediterranean joint around thanksgiving. a 2nd med. joint opened 2 weeks ago. a new fight begins....
  6:14pm northguineahills:

Sweer, the Ruins!
  6:15pm Holly in NC:

I'm jealous of those of you up in the Jersey area you can go to the best sushi restaurant in the US (Miya's in New Haven CT). They don't serve tuna!

And while you're in NH you can get the best pizza at Pepe's.
  6:16pm ndbob:

We do have good buffalo burgers here:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm Doug Schulkind:

New Haven is known for its pizza yes, but sushi?! The only reason for me to go would be to visit my daughter at Yale, and then I'd be so broke I couldn't afford sushi.
  6:16pm Carmichael:

Dougie! Dougee! Dougy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm Doug Schulkind:

Good afternoon Carmichael and top o' the evening, North GH.
  6:18pm glenn:

duelling sushi. hand rolls at 10 paces.
  6:20pm Jack:

Hey Doug! Love Japanese music.
( quickly skimming the email reminder, I thought YOU were doing the show wearing "nothing but a loincloth" Even though we can't see you, I thought "hmm..that sounds interesting" )
  6:20pm Carmichael:

I had a recent extremely negative experience with sushi, from one of my stalwart fish joints. I have been put off of the handroll for the foreseeable future.
  6:23pm Jack:

Best sushi ever was a small place in Northvale, NJ. Ate lunch there every day for months, would even bring it home for supper. When my company moved, we'd once a week send someone 30 miles to pick up sushi. Yes, it was that good!
  6:24pm Holly in NC:

Doug, when you a spare moment back home:

Really fascinating story!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm Doug Schulkind:

My favorite sushi jernt has got to be Blue Ribbon on 5th Avenue in Brooklyn. The fish was fresher than me. No lie.
  6:28pm trsh:

The catch and eat can't be beat. Scallop adductor muscle scooped outta the shell oo ah
  6:28pm northguineahills:

Darn, I can only find that Ruins cassette on a megaupload link.
  6:29pm listener james from westwood:

@Jack: I used to work in Northvale. Were you ever there during one of its flash floods? My coworkers had to be evacuated in the back of an 18-wheeler from Industrial Ave (long, winding street next to a flood-happy stream) when water submerged several of their cars in a little over an hour.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm Doug Schulkind:

I snagged it from Big In Japan, before the MU meltdown.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm Doug Schulkind:

Hiya trsh!
  6:30pm northguineahills:

@Doug, that's the only place I found it.
  6:33pm trsh:

good great-music eve-ning to you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm Doug Schulkind:

Can I be called Scallop Abductor from now on?
  6:35pm glenn:

give the scallop adductor (not abductor) some just doesn't have that ring.
  6:37pm trsh:

swimming the coastal shallows with an empty netbag and a fishing license and it's all scallop abduction
  6:37pm glenn:

oh. i see. a play on words you were making. i sawwy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm Doug Schulkind:

No Glenn, it's "abductor" or I'm outta here.
  6:40pm glenn:

the scarlet pimpernel's original name was the scallop abductor. it's true. ask anyone.
  6:41pm Jack:

@listener James from westwood: ! We were a biotech on Ludlow Ave. right by a small stream bordering the golf course. I don't remember any floods, but I wouldn't be surprised. I was there roughly 1991-1994.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm Doug Schulkind:

I want to French kiss whoever arranged the strings on this number.
  6:50pm ndbob:

very nice track here
  6:51pm listener james from westwood:

Ah, if you got out before 7/94, you missed that particular flood. I commend your timing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm Doug Schulkind:

Dear Kazuhiko hung himself in October '09. Still a complete mystery why. At least publicly.
  6:52pm Ryuichi Montalban:

that's some lovely fretwork on this track.
  6:53pm Ryuichi Montalban:

Reminds me of Rick Bishop, somewhat. Maybe some Fahey in there. I need to look into this guy's stuff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm Doug Schulkind:

I posted Super Gas on the Motherlode last week (or the week before). Not sure if the link is still good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm Doug Schulkind:

Here is a working link for Super Gas:

  6:59pm Ryuichi Montalban:

Thanks, Doug!
Damn, never really realized how prevalent Megaupload links were across the blogosphere until now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm Doug Schulkind:

We are going over the waterfall, friends. Just can't the one more track after this...

A painful discovery, to be sure. The scope of the cultural devastation in the wake of MU's extinguishing is hard to wrap one's head around.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm Doug Schulkind:

See if you can hear Akiko sing "Mamas and Papas" in this next number.
  7:02pm listener james from westwood:

damn wireless modem has been in & out all show; will dl this one & revel in the waterfall later on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm Doug Schulkind:

No, LJFW, I've been jacking the volume up and down. I thought it would sound "cool." Sorry.
  7:04pm ndbob:

sure can Doug.
  7:04pm Ryuichi Montalban:

I was always delighted when a post led to a MU link, as they seemed active longer, where less likely to be deleted, etc.
  7:05pm Ryuichi Montalban:

Rapidshare is a royal pain in the ass, either for the downloader or the uploader.
  7:06pm ndbob:

excellent Doug!
  7:07pm trsh:

Fresh outta the ocean, good.
  7:08pm listener james from westwood:

whoo! dorothy ashby!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm Doug Schulkind:

G'night everybuddy! See y'all Fr'day!
  7:09pm Jack:

Rapidshare is a pain, but at least it's still up and operating, as are some other sites whom I'm afraid to mention by name.
  7:09pm Jack:

Thanks as always Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm Doug Schulkind:

Forgot to say: Look for all-Japanese Motherlode tomorrow on WFMU's blog!!!!!
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