Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 08 February 2012 Favoriting | One Too Many Tacos

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Comments New Approx. start time
Young Marble Giants  Zebra Trucks   Favoriting  
  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
imPlog  On Broadway   Favoriting  
Jonathan Kane's February  Sis   Favoriting Live at the Issue Project Room 

*   0:06:49 (Pop-up)
Die goldenen Zitronen  Wer Soll Das Entschenden   Favoriting Economy Class 
  0:15:59 (Pop-up)
Don Bartnick  Der Koffer Aus Rio   Favoriting Partysnäks 

  0:19:28 (Pop-up)
Peter Wahlbeck  Ullared   Favoriting Music Fur Alle 
  0:22:42 (Pop-up)
Yukon Orange  Zriu   Favoriting  

Click for the full size image
  0:26:37 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Curd Duca 
        0:30:15 (Pop-up)
Shlock Rock  Another Note In The Wall   Favoriting Kosher Cake 

Click for the full size image
*   0:39:17 (Pop-up)
The Flying Lizards  Hands 2 Take   Favoriting Fourth Wall 
  0:43:37 (Pop-up)
Michael Nyman  Car Crash   Favoriting Greenaway Revisited 
*   0:47:07 (Pop-up)
Johnny Preston  Running Bear   Favoriting  
  0:51:00 (Pop-up)
Leonard Cohen  Amen   Favoriting Old Ideas 
*   0:53:43 (Pop-up)
Larkin Grimm  Without A Body or a Numb and Useless Mind   Favoriting Soul Retrieval 

Click for the full size image
*   1:00:58 (Pop-up)
The Horseflies  Human Fly   Favoriting Title Track 

Click for the full size image
  1:04:45 (Pop-up)
Shlock Rock  Smoke From The Alter   Favoriting Kosher Cake 
  1:17:51 (Pop-up)
Foghat  Slow Ride   Favoriting  
  1:22:13 (Pop-up)
Edgar Winter Group  Free Ride   Favoriting  
  1:25:54 (Pop-up)
Karaoke Diamonds  Whole Lotta Rosie   Favoriting  
  1:33:03 (Pop-up)
JC Satan  Hell Death Samba   Favoriting Title Track 
*   1:36:21 (Pop-up)
Flipper          1:39:36 (Pop-up)
Rammstein  Rosenrot   Favoriting Made in Germany 
*   1:47:07 (Pop-up)
Keuhkot  Aikakauden Loppu   Favoriting Laskeutumisalusastia 
  1:55:24 (Pop-up)
John Zorn  Trip Coaster   Favoriting Cynical Hysterie Hour 
  2:02:37 (Pop-up)
Okapi  Tia Chiamero 10   Favoriting Love Him: Okapi Plays The Music Of Aldo Kapi (1914-1952) 
  2:09:23 (Pop-up)
Lonely Kid Quentin  L'Art Degenere   Favoriting J'ai eu vingt ans 
*   2:25:22 (Pop-up)
Trophies  In the Backseat Listen to Him Talk   Favoriting Become Objects of Daily Use 
*   2:30:21 (Pop-up)
Jonas Fjeld Band  Berre Kvit   Favoriting  
  2:42:06 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:01am ?:

Ruh-ro. When this song comes up, Ken is usually in trouble.
  9:01am SteveL:

Commenting on his 'victory'? Best gif ever
  9:01am richard:

Ken, this is the listener call in music from years ago! you should open the mikes...
  9:02am OM:

ken sounds like he's channeling his best Stewart Lee

"it's a boiler situation, you see?"
"we have a boiler problem"
  9:04am SteveL:

I have not yet begun to begin!
  9:05am OM:

no ken, you've got to archive this part. this is the kind of radio that i pledge for.
  9:05am EzSezz:

This is not my comment.
  9:06am Dan B From Upstate:

What OM said.
  9:06am still b/p:

Rick is emphasizing how firm his abs are -- he can take a punch. That's all. Or he's shaking the dice for a bold roll. That's all.
  9:07am aaron in Jcity:

wfmu dice!
  9:08am SteveL:

Rick is demonstrating how he avoids acting on his own homosexual 'choices'.
  9:08am Tarnisher:

This is great radio! Please do archive! I would listen to you check the boiler every morning, Ken!
  9:08am Caryn:

Rick is showing what he thinks about Newt.
  9:08am fofo:

Morning Ken, everybody!!

P.D. Password guess: LUV
  9:09am Mark:

I give Robert Christgau a B-
  9:09am -max-:

WFMU - frothy mixture-free since 1967.
  9:12am Charlie:

Looks like Rick's doing a dance I call the "Sharon Tate"
  9:13am Nathan:

Santorum is really going for it. I'm worried he might get a bit chaffed before this show is even finished let alone the election. He's come from behind with some stiff competition...
  9:14am glenn:

rick at his best -
  9:16am The Capitols:

We know a cat who can really do the cool jerk.
  9:18am Ken From Hyde Park:

The Fox News logo with Santorum makes it even funnier.
  9:20am Kenneth Williams:

Does Jonathan Kane only have one song?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:20am Ken:

It is in many ways a [refect gif- it loops seamlessly, it's new, it's topical and it completely assassinates Santorum's intended meaning. MWA!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:21am Ken:

Kenneth, Because it's such a good song!
  9:22am fofo:

I don't see any sexual reference in that Santorum gif.
  9:23am Nathan:

3 Kens walk into a comment thread...
  9:27am pierre:

Bonjour Ken,
is it a Bon Jour Ken ?
Is it Chouette today ?

Bonjour listeners !
  9:28am fofo:

Salut pierre!!

Die Goldenen Zitronen! Yay!!!
  9:28am Caryn:

On a related note, my favourite recent dumbass Tea Party idea is their attempt to remove mentions of slavery from school textbooks. Apparently, it was a really minor historical detail and harping on it is a plot to make the founding fathers look bad... And here I thought Texas' "let's focus on the positive side of slavery" stupidity was an isolated case.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:29am Ken:

Si Pierre, Das is mucho chouette aqui.
  9:29am Marmalade Kitty:

Guten tag!
  9:30am Caryn:

Sing it, Schorsch, you magnificent German nazi potato you!
  9:31am Lizardner Dave:

I would like to exchange money for the Jonathan Kane live record but the Internet keeps sending me to the one track on FMA. Can anyone tell me how to purchase this record with real money? Thanks.
  9:31am Mark:

I sense a hands theme
  9:31am anne:

good morning Ken and all!
  9:32am Caryn:

A show of hands for the hands theme?
  9:32am glenn:

or a disembodiment theme.
  9:33am pierre:

@Mark : i was about to say that exactly, high five !
  9:34am Hands Brinker:

Mano a mano.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:34am Ken:

Dave - maybe from the Issue Project Room website?
  9:34am the glowing one:

Ken, do you know the German band Rheingold? If so and in case you have the albums at the station, could you play Dreiklangdimensionen or Fluss?
  9:34am BSI:

Got here just in time to see Louise Brooks! I now pause to have a pleasant heart palpitation.
  9:35am fofo:

Lizardner Dave:

What's the name of the album?
  9:36am Caryn:

Hah, I regularly see Peter Wahlbeck on tv. Didn't even realise he did music.
  9:36am Mark:

back at ya Pierre
  9:37am das:

I know it's good when the wife walks by and says, 'WTF are you listening to?'
  9:41am Detroit Mac:

I am here, but have nothing to say (yet).
  9:41am puzzle guess:

The pump don't work 'cuz the hands all stole the candles!
  9:41am pierre:

Yeah high fiving trew the Internet !
  9:42am Mark:

you could put them on the air if you asked their permission
  9:42am pierre:

(through not "trew", because i'm guessing "trew" doesn't mean anything)
  9:44am Marmalade Kitty:

OMG.. erect!?!?
  9:44am Mark:

but if you have an adorable 11 year give the finger in a movie you can nominated for an academy award as in "The Descendants"
  9:45am phagawi:

that's digitis impeuticus
  9:46am Lizardner Dave:

Issue Project Room website doesn't appear to have it, Kane's MySpace doesn't appear to have it, Table of the Elements MySpace doesn't appear to have it, FMA has the one free track and a PICTURE OF THE ALBUM FERCRYINOUTLOUD but no link to purchase. CD Baby, Amazon, Newbury Comics, nobody wants my money.
  9:46am Caryn:

@MK: yeah, today's show is all about the hands and about things being erect. The Santorum gif brings the two ideas together.
  9:48am fcunmys:

Yenta GaGa On Steroids????
  9:49am MD:

The Steam shovel that John Henry left in the
basement of WFMU...that was converted to a
furnace was not feeling well this morn...????
  9:49am Caryn:

Dammit, my Yenta GaGa line was taken while my net connection was busy crashing 3 times in a row...
  9:49am glenn:

i'll take your money.
  9:49am Sam:

Hey teachers, teach us what you know! How lame!!
  9:50am BSI:

........oh dear....
  9:50am Sam:

Hey, preacher, leave those jews alone!
  9:51am fcunmys:

Where's Al Jolson when you need him?
  9:51am still b/p:

This is true oppression. Let us people go.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:51am Ken:

Glad you're digging it Sam. Now calm down.
  9:52am fcunmys:

Go tell Pharoah Ken then, Still
  9:52am Ken From Hyde Park:

Nachum has played some Schlock Rock on his show before.
  9:53am fofo:


You mean “February Live at ISSUE Project Room”?
  9:53am glenn:

lizardner dave -
  9:53am Sam:

If you're playing Nachum's music does that mean Nachum's going to start playing Tonetta?
  9:53am dale:

end of kosher cake tune is kind of creepy. i look forward to their take on shine on you crazy diamond, tho
  9:53am fcunmys:

Great! Schlock in Dub!!! Like the original wasn't bad enough!!!!
  9:54am ross:

make it stop!
  9:54am Caryn:

Another brick in the shul...
  9:54am Neg-guh-tor:

This is exactly what is so fucked up about religion, in general. There should be a 'Brick in the Wall' song for every religion. Just bricks in the wall.
  9:54am Neg-guh-tor:

This is exactly what is so fucked up about religion, in general. There should be a 'Brick in the Wall' song for every religion. Just bricks in the wall.
  9:54am Neg-guh-tor:

This is exactly what is so fucked up about religion, in general. There should be a 'Brick in the Wall' song for every religion. Just bricks in the wall.
  9:55am jan:

Ken- now that 2 live Crew is reuniting can you play them along with 2 live Jew?
  9:55am the glowing one:

@Neg-guh-tor: no need to repeat that post for every religion ;)
  9:56am fcunmys:

Neg-guh-tor in dub sounds awful too!
  9:56am Neg-guh-tor:

Sorry . Phone acting up. Those Jewish musicians thought they were being funny. Douchebags.
  9:57am pierre:

— what is the name of that type of sandwich that is pierced by a rainbow on the playlist?
  9:57am fofo:

pierre, it's called (Tex-Mex) Taco.
  9:57am Sam:

It's a taco! I know, they don't have those in France
  9:57am fofo:

pierre, it's called (Tex-Mex) Taco.
  9:58am Robert:

I came in about a quarter after 9. What was the confusion I missed?
  9:58am Lizardner Dave:

@glenn - that takes me to all the other records but I don't see "Live at the Issue Project Room". Thanks for the link though, that's one site I had forgotten to check.
  9:58am dc pat:

in the US we call that a taco. In mexico, they call that American food.
  9:58am fcunmys:

Flying Lizards meets Jean Vigo????? Ken???
  9:59am Cecile:

The younger bro of a friend of mine who grew up very Catholic in western PA brought his HS classmate Rick Santorum home after school years ago. My friend says "My mom likes everyone. She really doesn't like Rick Santorum."
  9:59am pierre:

Oh, ok, thanks fofo. That what i thought but i wanted to be sure.
  9:59am Sam:

As soon as you take a bite of it, the shell will break and everything will fall onto your lap. Great fun.
  10:00am fcunmys:

Pierre - It's also known as The Dark Side of The Cholupa
  10:00am Ken From Hyde Park:

There's a fast-food chain here called Taco Bell that has a variety of nutritious and healthy taco-related items at a reasonable price.
  10:00am cinema non vigo:

Ritual in Transfigured Time, 1946. Maya Deren
"Deren incorporates representational performance art into abstract, non-nararrative filmmaking through intersecting currents of subconscious, parallel realities, revealing the film's tone and intrinsic logic through the choreography of organic bodies in performance of ritual, and in the process, creates a haunting and sublime exposition on the spatial (rather than linear) dimensionality of time, synchronicity, and the potentiality of fate."
  10:00am Robert:

Specifically, it's a hard taco. The shell is made from corn (maize) and is as brittle as matzo but even thinner. You bite it, the shell breaks and spills the contents all over your lap.
  10:00am pierre:

@Sam: It can resist rainbows, but it's no match for american teeth.
  10:02am Robert:

Damn, I'm redundant with Sam! I do not like that, Sam, I am...vexed.
  10:02am fofo:

hey, I just noticed when you f*cked up the math question your post goes twice.
  10:03am Sam:

You have to do a literature review of past comments before venturing your own comment. That's the hard truth.
  10:03am fcunmys:

Johnny Preston Rest In Peace!
  10:04am fofo:

hey, I just noticed when you f*cked up the math question your post goes twice.
  10:04am pierre:

@ Robert : two point of views (even when they match) are always a pleasure to read. To me, it says that you share Tacos experiences.
  10:05am Robert:

Lit review not help when too slow keying comments.
  10:05am dc pat:

all that has been said about tacos is true but tacos can be the best food on Earth.
  10:06am Sam:

I concur. Everyone can agree and say the same thing redundantly. It builds confidence among the whole team.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:07am Ken:

In case anybody ever gets asked the question: what ios 734 plus 5, the answer is 739. You're welcome.
  10:07am Neg-guh-tor:

Tacos are for kids, mostly. Lap.
  10:07am dc pat:

hmm. the refresh of the playlist keeps dumping me at the top too.
  10:07am Bruce:

There's a little cafe...where guys with stiff epaulets play guitar all night and all day.
  10:08am Cecile:

I f'ing love Taco Bell.
It's not authentic at all, but tasty.
I also love the tacos you can get at Mexican joints. They are not crispy at all. mmmm. tacos.
  10:08am dc pat:

Neg-guh-tor: wrong.
  10:08am pierre:

the closest thing i had that matched a Taco was nachos crisps in Scotland with sour cream guacamole, tomato bits, cheese… anyway that's what i imagine as being close to a Taco. Mexican restaurant are not very very common in France, or maybe i didn't really search for a good one… New goal of the day !
  10:09am Cecile:

I actually like this Leonard Cohen CD. I'm surprised as you are.

the best food on Earth is the chili dog. Tacos, pizza and Kraft Macaroni and cheese with the squishy silver packet are very close.
  10:09am fcunmys:

Tacos! Tacos! Taco! That's all I ever hear from you people. Why not enchiladas for a change?
  10:09am Mark:

hey Ken from Hyde Park we have Taco Bell here too! Who would have thought?
  10:09am BSI:

I can safely say that, despite my apparent "american-ness," never has a taco passed these BSI lips. It just seems like a terrible idea, engineering-wise.
  10:10am Sam:

Ironically the closest thing you can get to mexican food in France is some half-baked Scottish imitation of an american imitation of the mexican original.
  10:10am dale:

if i read one more review that says leonard cohen is in his finest voice i'll jump over a cliff. hate the background singers and cheesy little paris bistro sounding productions. rick rubin should pay him a visit on his next rekkid
  10:10am Robert:

Taco Bell (as well as Fresh Tortillas, Fresco Taco, etc.) were late iin coming to New York. It seems to have spread from west to east.
  10:10am Cecile:

nachos are great, too.
I love enchiladas, too.

and the enchirito at Taco Bell.

BSI, tell me you eat burritos.
  10:11am BSI:

...and that includes 10 years in southern arizona. Didn't see many of those taco critters down there.
  10:11am fofo:

The thing is that I'm getting the the advance algebra math questions.
  10:11am moo:

hard-shelled tacos aren't really tacos but they're tasty, especially when grease-softened, and remind me of when i was a kid. when they break apart they become 'taco salad.' real tacos are soft- i believe these hard shells are a pretty recent invention
  10:11am Cecile:

I don't think he's in his finest voice. But I don't want to punch myself in the face while I'm listening to him, which already makes it better.
  10:11am pierre:

I do love a Veal's head from time to time "sauce gribiche" s'il vous plaît !!!
  10:12am Neg-guh-tor:

La lengua?
  10:12am dc pat:

New Mexico food is the best Mexican-influenced food though. I have Mexican friends and they're always making tacos and they're the best things on earth.
  10:12am BSI:

@Cecile: burritos are fair game. But Tucson taught me to love a decent working-class green-corn tamale. Mexican-style, not central-american style like we get in the shops over here.
  10:12am pierre:

@ Dale : "cheesy little paris bistro sounding productions." Hahahahah… i totally got that one ! :)
  10:12am dc pat:

yeah, I'll give a thumbs up to that Cohen tune.
  10:12am fcunmys:

Enough with the taco thread, alread! I'm getting acid reflux just reading the posts!!! Another topic, please!
  10:12am Cecile:

mmmmm, pierre.
I got some little grey market scallopini fromt this crazy Italian grocery on my block.
  10:13am dc pat:

But my favorite taco is...
  10:14am Robert:

BSI, they are mal-engineered, but there's also the soft taco, made with a thin soft (wheat) flour wrap. And Taco Bell has the double decker taco, an overpriced version where the soft wrapper encloses the hard taco.
  10:14am still b/p:

On any occasion when distribution of cigars would traditionally be called for, Trader Joe's Black Bean and Cheese Taquitos can be substituted. Eat them, do not light them.
  10:14am Cecile:

BSI, we have this great tamale place I need to go back to.
They had the masa and stuff in a banana leaf! It was like that rice in a lotus leaf you get at dim sum. Yum.
  10:14am fofo:

For those people that cannot tell their chalupas from theirr tacos.

Ok my suggestions to you are:
- Tacos de barbacoa (hmmm)
- Tacos al pastor (hmmmmmmmm)
- Tacos de cochinita (hmmmmmmmmmmmmm)

hm: measures the amount of salivation when thinking about them.
  10:15am Cecile:

fofo - lengua with green sauce is also amazing.
  10:15am Snortley:

Goat brain tacos!!! MMMMM! Really. Goat kidney is good, too.
  10:15am dale:

i think there's a lot of fawning over him just because he's still doing it and he WAS great. songs like avalanch are amazing. like to hear him write stuff like that again
  10:15am Robert:

I gather the 1st is barbecue, the last is pig, but is the one in the middle filled with dirt from the field or a clergyman?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:16am Ken:

Taqueria Jersey City Baby! Snotty Attitude AND Cheap Tacos and Cool Art!
  10:16am Lizardner Dave:

Will Irwin be there to interview his old buddy Christgau at the UCB tonight?
  10:16am moo:

does anyone ever get the 'ear' taco?
(i get my tacos usually from trucks)
  10:17am fcunmys:

In Puerto Rco, they plan to capture live iguanas, kill them and sell the meat wholesale. Stuff that in your tacos, y'all!!!
  10:17am Cecile:

Los Ocampos or the nearby tamale place in the Midtown Market in Mpls are also amazing.

They don't have ear taco where I'm at, but I totally want to try it.
  10:17am BSI:

Should be in Paris at the end of March, so I will revel in this mysterious land of no-taco...
  10:17am Marmalade Kitty:

the first time i heard Amen by L.Cohen, I thought it was T.Waits.. :/?
  10:17am dale:

i think when i said 'cheesy' i meant a jalapeno cheesy to go with my taco. is ken going to play taco?
  10:18am Caryn:

Does Del Taco still exist?
  10:18am G:

Irwin will write a 45-word review giving Christgau an A for attitude and an F for taste.
  10:18am Robert:

I get my tacos from trucks too. I reach into the cab and pull out the driver's lunch while he's stopped at a red light.
  10:18am Lizardner Dave:

Tacos in NYC:
  10:18am Cecile:

dale, los ocampos gives you an entire roasted jalepeno with your order. it's hot, but not overpowering. yummy
  10:19am fofo:

MOre about TACOS!
The one in the Dark Side of Taco image would be an American version of a Taco dorado (deep fried tortilla).

Other types regularly eaten are:
- Taco de cabeza
- Taco de carnitas
- Taco de hígado
- Taco de riñón
- Taco de ojo
- Taco de nana
- Taco de trompa
- Tacos de machitos or de tripas
- Tacos de birria
- Tacos de carne asada
- Tacos de pescado
The list goes on and on.
  10:19am G:

I just can't taco it any more!!!!!!! :-)
  10:19am dale:

buffalo had Mighty Taco which was good.
  10:19am Ken From Hyde Park:

Please excuse the lengthy URL. Some tacos can get pretty big.
  10:20am Cecile:

I want the ghost of Donny Hathaway to give Xgau a wedgie. He was merciless to Hathaway while he was alive, and callously irreverent in death.
  10:21am fcunmys:

  10:21am Cecile:

San Antonio has something called the puffy taco. It's a disc of masa that hits the deep fryer and bubbles up to a light crisp consistency. I want to try that.
  10:21am still b/p:

Decent Mexican or Tex-Mex or any Latin American, not surprisingly, awful hard to come by in the far northeast. Some of what tries to pass is an abomination. I should try the little Salvadoran place in town again.
  10:22am Neg-guh-tor:

Bill Cooper would feature Cohen song from this period on the original short wave broadcasts I used to listen to in the '90's. Creepy. Loved 'Hour of the Time'! Best radio show ever! Like 'War of the Worlds' every week.
  10:22am fofo:


LOL. No, Tacos al Pastor are pork tacos plus piña (pineapple), cilantro, onion....with your favourite sauce. Hmmmmmmm.
  10:22am Cecile:

it's either tacos or my thoughts on the Super Bowl halftime show and Giants win.
  10:23am G:

Christgau should be talked into giving some of that Brinks truck of Microsoft loot to FMU to atone for his half century or so of parochial taste.
On second thought, he'd probably want a veto on all show content (only Christgau B+'s and above), or at least the right to add letter grades to every playlist tune.
  10:24am pierre:


Which one? which one ?

(please say "nice streets above")
  10:24am G:

If I see one more taco post, I'm gonna decide I way overslept and this is Bryce's show
  10:24am Mark:

there's still a Robert Christgau phenomenon?
  10:25am Mike East:

The wife and I had a date planned to go out last Saturday for tacos and margaritas to some place in Bloomfield...then it got late, I got tired, and we settled for Baja Fresh and a bottle of Sauza. I think I'm getting old.
  10:25am Cecile:

Our Baja Fresh closed. My husband is distraught.
  10:25am alt menu:

FEBRUARY 12, 2012
Voluntary report date for pitchers, catchers and injured players (Oakland and Seattle)
FEBRUARY 19, 2012
Voluntary report date for pitchers, catchers and injured players (all other clubs)
  10:26am Cecile:

beisbol. no me gusta.
  10:27am Cecile:

What I always say about the Giants is that they are always underrated, and when they get to the big game, they always win. They don't miess around.

That's not a Foghat song .Foghat is Slow Ride
  10:27am G:

  10:27am efd:

"Free Ride" was by Free, just for the record.
  10:27am Neg-guh-tor:

That was new Cohen? Sounds the same to me. I like it.
  10:28am The Edgar Winter Group:

Free ride is ours
  10:28am Cecile:

No, it's the Edgar Winter Group. Not enough gravel in the voice for Free.
  10:28am paula pc:

Free Ride is by Edgar Winter
  10:28am efd:

actually make that the Edgar Winter Group.
  10:29am Cecile:

this one is funny.
  10:29am mark from vt:

How bout a Jewish version of Beastie Boys.
  10:29am paula pc:

and a strong reaction by at least four people at once!!!
  10:29am Mark:

oy vey
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:29am Ken:

Evan Funk Davies, as your punishment for correcting and humiliating me publically over my Foghat error, I am going to play the Fat Chicks record again.
  10:30am All Right Now:

People mix me up with "Free Ride" all the time.
  10:30am G:

but some stupid with a parody burned the song to the ground!
  10:30am the Beastie Boys:

  10:30am efd:

but...but... I corrected you incorrectly! So I've already been self-punished!
  10:31am Mark:

I thought Free Ride was by Foghat too
  10:31am EzSezz:

Is there a Mormon version of Shlock Rock?
  10:32am Cecile:

I think that's Low, ez.
  10:32am dc pat:

man, no offense but fast Mexican food is puke. I know you have limited options in some spots in the US so I'd probably be going to fast food joints too, but...if you live anywhere near Latinos, you should be ok. Bonus: worst Mex food I've ever had, Johnstown, PA.
  10:32am G:

Is this the Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Trio?
  10:33am Cecile:

  10:33am Mark:

ah slow ride!
  10:33am paula pc:

more than 30 amazing albums:

and a wonderful wonderful show as usual...
  10:34am Cecile:

That Fool for the City album is the best 50 cents I have spend in a long time.
  10:34am Cecile:

  10:34am Prince Philip goes to China:

"Hello there! Fuck you all!!"
  10:34am kat330:

Always felt you could feel the mattress springs bouncing in that bridge bit.
  10:34am Cecile:

all your Foghat records are belong to me.
  10:34am Nathan:

This better be the 54 minute (keepin' it below 55 cause we're stoned extended mix) of Slow Ride.
  10:34am Vertical Taco:

  10:35am Vivian:

The worst mexican food I had was in Oklahoma City. It could have been the margarita which was too sweet. It tasted as if they used a base consisted of crushed pez candy.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:35am Ken:

Then Evan for correcting me incorrectly, i shall play TWO tracks from the "Whole Lotta Love:" An All-Star Salute to Fat Chicks" compilation.
  10:35am Mike East:

I saw Foghat at a street festival in Baltimore a bunch of years ago. They seemed very pleased with themselves.
  10:35am Dan B From Upstate:

We've got two wonderful mexican restaurants in town, one is California inspired, the other is tex-mex inspired. When I want authentic, I go to the tex-mex place for tacos al carbon. Delicious! When I want a burrito larger than my head, I go to the California inspired place. When I want to damage my insides, I go to taco bell.
  10:35am Cecile:

yeah, Nathan. Foghat Live is not a good record.
  10:35am Cecile:

Dan B that seems a good route to go.
  10:37am Cecile:

Ken, just play the real AC/DC version of Whole Lotta Rosie.

this song here is boring.
  10:37am efd:

Please Ken, don't make the listeners suffer because of my aging and misfiring synapses!
  10:37am mark from vt:

Is this fogyarmulke?
  10:37am Dan B From Upstate:

So sad I missed the majority of the taco talk while I was on break. It really is nature's perfect food.
  10:37am Mark:

now this is Free Ride right?
  10:37am holland oats:

hey i thought the 'hippie noise' sopa protest ended a couple weeks ago, what gives?
  10:38am G:

This is the one that was way overplayed on AOR FM radio in the 70s, yes Mark
  10:38am shlockier than thou:

When Foghat sings the words "slow ride" someone should edit Eydie Gorme singing just the phrase "Sleigh Ride" in there...right? Funny!
  10:38am alberto:

my moustache is getting fuzzier
  10:39am G:

crank FRANKENSTEIN!!!!! j/k
  10:39am Nathan:

No such thing as a 'free' ride in those days especially if it involved a tricked out chevy van with a mermaid riding a unicorn across a rainbow airbrushed on the side.
  10:39am dc pat:

man, the things you learn about classic rock on Ken's show. Had no idea Free Ride was Edgar Winter....
  10:39am Cecile:

schlock, get on Garage band and make it happen.
  10:39am Mark:

Foghat, Edgar Winter Group, let's not split hairs
  10:40am Nathan:

  10:40am fofo:

I sense Steely Dan is coming! Ruuun!
  10:41am Cecile:

you're not echoing out here.
  10:41am A listener:

Ken, you're dry as a rock...
  10:41am G:

maybe the beer rewired the board
  10:42am G:

it's very faint, cecile, turn it up
  10:42am ethyl mormon:

it aint easy bein' green
  10:42am Cecile:

Nope. They won't. They are fussy that way.
  10:42am Rob W:

It's the curse of the box car! But you must be getting something other than "program" in your headphones.
  10:42am BSI:

taco crash radio.
  10:44am Cecile:

Wanna tell you a story

'bout a woman I know

When it comes to lovin'

Oh she steals the show

She ain't exactly pretty

Ain't exactly small

Forty-two, thirty-nine, fifty-six

You could say she's got it all

Never had a woman

Never had a woman like you

Doing all the things

Doing all the things you do

Ain't no fairy story

Ain't no skin and bone

But you give it all you got

Weighing in at nineteen stone

[ From: ]


You're a whole lotta woman

A whole lotta woman

Whole lotta rosie

And you're a whole lotta woman

Oh honey you can do it

Do it to me all night long

Only one to turn

Only one to turn me on

All through the night time

And right around the clock

To my surprise

Rosie never stops

  10:44am G:

FMU is such a DIY operation, they do studio board adjustments live as programming
  10:44am Ken From Hyde Park:

The 8-track player is working now. Did you jiggle the tape?
  10:45am dc pat:

G: which is why I'm here...
  10:46am G:

There ya go...
  10:46am Van in DC:

Why am I thinking tacos for lunch?
  10:47am G:

Because the board left you no choice??
  10:47am fofo:

I, for one, welcome Ken's new phase as a 70's Hard Rock DJ.
  10:48am dc pat:

crap, my wife finished up all the left over tacos in the frig...
  10:49am kat330:

Can anyone fix the playlist refresh function?
  10:50am Lizardner Dave:

Your lizardner is indisposed. This is a stalling comment.
  10:50am G:

@kat: Quoting useless techs everywhere: That's not a bug, it's a FEATURE.
  10:51am fofo:

Which browser do you have? perhaps you can block the auto refresh function.
  10:51am Mark:

his show should have been on yesterday for Tuesday is Taco Tuesday in a local eatery called Baj Grill, all tacos are 2 dollars
  10:52am Carmichael:

Hi Ken. I'm a pissed-off, working bastard thus far this morning. And it's not even 8 AM.
  10:53am kat330:

@G: I don't recall it ever being this annoying in the past however.
  10:55am anne:

wish i could join you guys there for the marathon! i will remotely at least.
  10:55am kat330:

@fofo: Using Firefox, but again, this refresh today is a new annoyance.
  10:56am G:

@kat: It really depends on how big the playlist file gets. That depends on the show.

Every 60 seconds or whatever, the whole playlist and all jpegs and gifs etc have to reload from scratch to see what's new, instead of just more briefly adding any new content at the bottom.
  10:56am kat330:

Donkey Hotie.
  10:57am Barney:

Al-jazeera is in Qatar!
  10:58am kat330:

@G: Okay, well, I don't know what the visual difference is then, since Ken always has all these image files. [shrug] It is what it is I guess.
  10:58am G:

on a US Coast Guard Qatar?
  10:58am fofo:


Try disabling images. Then right-click each new image to show it.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:59am Ken:

I can always try taking down some of the gifs... sheesh. sorry folks.
  11:00am kat330:

I think I'll just slip away for the time being. Catch y'all later perhaps!
  11:01am G:

Not all jpegs and gifs are the same size, so the refresh delay could vary week to week for the same show.

But on the other hand it could be something in your browser that's changed recently, if you notice a big difference going forward.

If you turn off browser autorefresh, you have to manually refresh any time you want to see any new song info or comments.
  11:01am trish:

How 'bout a button to toggle images ?

I started one months ago.. it's somewhere.
  11:01am G:

I'm ok with it, just trying to respond to kat's issue.
  11:02am trish:

maybe it's behind this button, here.. []
  11:03am Caryn:

The refresh is fine with me, if a little unusually slow, but being here has made my net crash 5 times already. Hmm... Don't know if it's connected to Kat's problem.
  11:03am fofo:


The playlist comment area autoupdate function is independent from the image frame window. Btw, Opera browser lets you custom auto-refresh ;~)
  11:03am Cecile:

for the first time in over a week, the beta stream is working.
  11:03am still b/p:

You could try a different browser later. In Chrome, if I'm scrolled to the bottom of the playlist, as far as the slider will go, it will return there upon refresh. If the slider is even just a little above the bottom, refresh bumps me to the top.
Tried Firefox and it's going to top regardless.
  11:05am Caryn:

Liking the ISS gif.
  11:05am G:

@fofo -- the make-a-comment area does not autorefresh (I believe it did, several years ago). But the existing comment area and playlist both autorefresh, just at different points (staggered) over the course of a minute or so. First the playlist refreshes, then the existing posted comments do. Lather, rinse, repeat. :-)
  11:07am Caryn:

h in front of the k, Ken: Keuhkot.
  11:07am Mark:

aw man you removed the Santorum gif?
  11:08am G:

In Disposed? Where is Disposed, exactly? The trashbin?
  11:08am fofo:

I thinking that maybe today's auto-update feature is refreshing automatically and not when Ken adds a row in the playlists.
  11:09am trish:

Desired refresh options:
1) "now playing:" at the top, only
2) "now playing" + playlist
3) "now playing" + playlist + no images
1b) comments no refresh
  11:10am Carl Stalling:

STOP BLAMING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11:11am Marmalade Kitty:

Ken has been bound and gagged? abducted and held hostage in a helicopter..?
  11:11am Carmichael:

How 'bout a button to toggle tacos?
  11:12am LX1160:

This is a computer generated comment. Your listener has come to his senses and changed stations.
  11:12am paul:

keep this up i like where this is going (evne if its going nowhere)
  11:12am Dan B From Upstate:

Held hostage BY a helicopter.
  11:12am still b/p:

While we wait, join me in some playlist & comment-cued song suggestions:
In Tostada Da Vida
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:12am Ken:

Is it better now that the top two gifs are gone? I will put them back after the show/
  11:13am trish:

Yeah. And a button to toggle tacos.
And to ride our bikes any way we want..
  11:13am Caryn:

Maybe the comments board became too much to bear, and Ken slipped out for a taco? After a visit to the head shop, of course, in order to increase his munchies.
  11:14am Mark:

yeah I didn't sae the Santorum gif yet so thanks
  11:14am Carmichael:

Tacos taste best directly after inhalation of an appetite aggressant.
  11:17am earwax:

Taco flavored kisses
  11:18am fofo:

Ken, I still notice that the auto-refresh is still ON even if there's no new rows or images added.

p.d. Taco re-fill toggle button please!
  11:18am dc pat:

as usual this time of morning on Wednesdays I have to shut down Ken's playlist so my browser doesn't crash....not complaining, just an old laptop...
  11:18am BSI:

Cupcake Dog wants nothing to do with tacos.
  11:19am Caryn:

Hate Rachael Ray, but she is currently showing how you can make a calzone with a waffle iron, so I'm staying tuned. I'm sure there's some tex-mex dish I could adapt this to.
  11:19am LX1160:

I, however, find your show quite refreshing and I'm starting to experience a sensory overload.
  11:20am Mark:

I hope none of the complainers are using Internet Explorer as their browser
  11:22am fofo:


Better yet earwax tasting of taco. That way we'd all be self-sufficient.
  11:23am G:

The autorefreshing is happening on your browser in your home/office, not on Ken's end. It's on a timer, and it checks for possible new content by totally reloading the page. It does not "know" if there's new content until each reload is completed. Sometimes it reloads a changed page, and sometimes it reloads a still-identical page.

Computer capacities keep improving (CPU, etc.), so in a year or two this issue will disappear, as long as people do not keep using "antique" computers that are three or four years old. :-)
  11:23am fofo:

How come I read Tako-pi instead of Okapi? Hmm...
  11:24am Ken From Hyde Park:

I had the refresh problem with Firefox and flipped to IE and that's also giving me the same issue.
  11:25am BSI:

Ah, there was a real question back there.

Yep, performance on this machine slowed to a crawl but better now that Santorum is out of the picture. So to speak. ...
nothing to add to the refresh conversation though. Nothing seems different in that respect.
  11:25am Mark:

try chrome
  11:25am Taco Bell Chihuahua:

Give me the fucking chalupa, bitch.
  11:26am Chihuahua:

and your iphone, too
  11:28am Taco Bell Chihuahua:

Oh look, I have a minion.
  11:28am Mark:

Nancy is into bondage hunh?
  11:28am fofo:


Try "Gorditas" recipes. It's like a mexican Calzone.
  11:28am Chihuahua:

I need a fucking iphpone, dude. you take the goddam junkfood.
  11:29am dc pat:

ah, yeah that's better...
  11:29am Caryn:

Ta, fofo!
  11:29am fofo:

Oh, Chihuahua. Land of the real Burritos. Hmmmmmmm.....
  11:31am Chipotle:

all this mexican food discussion, and i get NOT ONE SHADOW OF A MENTION. fire our advertising agency.
  11:32am Dan B From Upstate:

Zebra Trucks, Counting, Demon Voice... This is what it must sound like inside Ken's head every day.
  11:33am Dan B From Upstate:

And chipotle is delicious, but it's nowhere near as good as my locally owned place. (Also, there are no chipotles near me)
  11:33am Caryn:

Well, at least it's not a Stalin tape...
  11:33am Mother's Little Helpers:

@Dan: We just can't make any headway (pun intended)...
  11:34am fofo:

Protip: For the best (real) Burritos in the World try those form the Hermanos Gutiérrez in Villa Ahumada, just next to the Samalayuca Dessert (large sand dune field).
  11:36am fofo:

Samalayuca Desert, that is... Samalayuca dessert? *chuckles*
  11:36am G:

I assumed Dessert was a deliberate joke!
  11:37am LX1160:

My circuits are sparking.
  11:41am BSI:

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:42am Ken:

I put some Santorum back up there so be careful.
  11:43am BSI:

Thanks for the warning Ken. I have clean towels.
  11:43am fofo:

hey, a song duet! F*kken favourited!
  11:44am Mark:

yay for Santorum gif
  11:45am Ike:

@Mike East@10:25: Were you going somewhere in Bloomfield especially good? I go to Bloomfield for Thai or Greek.
  11:45am Lizardner Dave:

  11:45am dc pat:

did it ever occur to McDonalds that they should maybe include something with actual chipotles in it at their fucking Chipotles?
  11:48am dc pat:

aw...I like indecent movies...
  11:49am G:

New Nickname: Boxcar Kenny
  11:49am still b/p:

Them decent fellers is protesting "Forever Amber." Heard of it, but I ain't never seen it.
  11:49am Cecile:

Ken, what happened with the parking lot lady?
  11:50am phillip:

Hello everybody. Has anybody heard about the FBI might label you a terrorist if you purchase a cup of coffee with cash?
  11:50am Auto Mechanics:

We love Ken's oldass cars!!!!!!
  11:50am Taco Bell Chihuahua:

Can't put real chipotle in something and still only charge 49 cents for it.
  11:51am Rental Company:

Troublemaker. We'll show him.
  11:51am dc pat:

well then it should be called Dead Pig or something...because for some insane reason, dead pigs are cheap as fuck.
  11:51am paul:

my rental car key disappeared when i got into an accident and my insurance gave me a rental car, and i had to get it towed but it only cost like $200
  11:52am fofo:

yeah, Cecile! Hope she agreed to pay at least $250 / mo.
  11:52am Cecile:

Aren't you a AAA member? you get 100 miles of free towing.
  11:52am paul:

i didnt have to pay for towing i had to pay for getting the whatever replaced in the rental car
  11:53am Taco Bell Chihuahua:

Hey, who am I to argue against factory farming?
  11:53am ?:

is this guy the [insert nationality] Barry White?
  11:53am paul:

also, i got into the accident while driving back to work from the AAA office right after i signed up for a AAA membership. d'oh.
  11:54am Ken From Hyde Park:

If you have a car to donate to Station Manager Ken, check this site:
  11:55am G:

Knowing realtors, one guess would be that she offered to sleep with Ken monthly in lieu of rent. That would explain the silence, at least.
  11:55am listener mark:

Easy fix if the car is open.
  11:57am listener mark:

Tell the rental company, the key fell out of the car and into the lifeboat.
  11:58am Carmichael:

So long Ken, and thanks for all the tacos!
  11:58am fofo:

Another guess would be that Ken was actually charged 2.7% of the appraised value of the parking lot plus contract fees.
  11:59am fofo:

Muchas gracias Taco Master Ken!
  11:59am G:

  3:53pm cpr:

This discussion needed less taco-talk and more
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