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Artist Title Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
MC5  Tonight   Favoriting Back in the USA  Rhino  1970/1992  RIP Michael Davis  0:00:00 Pop-up)  
MC5  I Can Only Give You Everything   Favoriting Thunder Express  Skydog International  1972/1999    0:07:58 Pop-up)  
MC5  One of the Guys   Favoriting '66 Breakout  Total Energy  1966/1999    0:08:07 Pop-up)  
The Bon  Year of the Tiger   Favoriting Static Electricity  Boppa Do Down  2011  current prize drawing! pledge 15 or more to get in the running! wfmu.org 800-989-9368  0:18:08 Pop-up)  
The Wrong Words  Wrong Again   Favoriting s/t  Trouble In Mind    also a current prize - VINYL! pledge now to get in on the drawing!  0:20:35 Pop-up)  
John Doe  Jump Into My Arms   Favoriting Keeper  Yep Roc  2011  current prize! call now to get in the drawing or wfmu.org  0:38:02 Pop-up)  
The Maundy Quintet  I'm Not Alone   Favoriting       from the premium CD Celebrities at their Best! pledge 75 or more to get it!  0:39:51 Pop-up)  
Feelies  Way Down   Favoriting Here Before  Bar/None  2011  current prize! call now to get in the drawing!  0:56:47 Pop-up)  
Wild Flag  Romance   Favoriting s/t  Merge  2011  current prize!  1:01:02 Pop-up)  
Mikal Cronin  Again & Again   Favoriting s/t  Trouble In Mind  2011    1:24:57 Pop-up)  
Night beats  hallucinojenny   Favoriting s/t    2011  current prize! call now!  1:28:49 Pop-up)  
The Chain Reaction  When I Needed You   Favoriting         1:31:18 Pop-up)  
Bad Ronald  Three Chord Joe   Favoriting         1:33:04 Pop-up)  
Professor Longhair  Mardi Gras in New Orleans   Favoriting various - Crescent City Soul: The Sound of New Orleans 1947-1974  EMI  1996    1:34:38 Pop-up)  
Smiley Lewis  Big Mamou   Favoriting         1:37:28 Pop-up)  
Figures of Light  A+   Favoriting Drop Dead  Norton  2011  current prize - up for grabs - 15 or more gets you in the drawing!  2:05:17 Pop-up)  
Figures of Light  You're Just Another Macaroon   Favoriting Drop Dead  Norton  2011  current prize! pledge now to get in the running!  2:07:03 Pop-up)  
Gaye Blades  Still As The Night   Favoriting s/t  Norton  2011  pledge 15 or more to get in the running! right now! hardly anyone in it!  2:10:56 Pop-up)  
The Phil Spector Wall Of Sound Orchestra  Annette   Favoriting The Philles Album Collection box set  Legacy  1963/2011  on the Spector box! this could be yours!  2:14:57 Pop-up)  
The Crystals  Hot Pastrami   Favoriting The Philles Album Collection box set  Legacy  1963/2011  actually the ronettes! 100 bucks gets you in the running for the box set!  2:16:56 Pop-up)  
The Skunks  Earthquake Shake   Favoriting 7" reissue  Last Laugh    part of the current prize - 3-pack 45s from Last laugh records! get in the running now!  2:39:54 Pop-up)  
The Embarrassment  Sex Drive   Favoriting 7" reissue  last laugh  2011  part of the current prize - 3-pack 45s from Last laugh records! get in the running now!  2:42:18 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

  12:07pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Hey, Joe!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:08pm DJ Terre T:

GO JOE!!! We <3 U!!
  12:09pm KP:

Does Terre realize this is the Joe Belock show?
  12:10pm PFFlyer:

Trogg's cover! Let me use the overused, yet often misunderstood term; "GROOVY"! Hi Joe, all...happy 2's-day from MN.
  12:15pm KP:

We want the Bon!
  12:17pm Guessing:

Joe now owes her a 30-minute foot massage, etc etc etc etc
  12:18pm PFFlyer:

I won't ever bring my concerns up again because I truly hope you keep up the fantastic sound you share with us. Please contact me and let me know IF my previously monthly contribution automatically keeps going in perpitude OR if it will run out at a specific time. Also, I choose NO bling/gifts, since I just pay taxes on the value of them anyway. (besides, oddly enough the U.S. Postal Inspector had to retrieve your mail that was stolen from my home last fall...weird! I got the sticker though, thank you) Sorry to be a pain in the ----have managment contact my email or even my phone. Thank you....no more post from me today as a sign of my gratitude toward you and yours!
  12:18pm joe:

'ello folks.
  12:20pm KP:

Nice salute to MC5 and Davis.
  12:22pm KP:

Garage door guys just left. They got here at 9. i got to sleep at 6. Did i ever tell you i work nights?
  12:22pm Cheri Pi:

It feels good to be back in the Joe B game.
Avatar 12:22pm Joe B:

Hi all, thanks for tuning in! Hi Ken, KP, PFF! and Joe! and Cheri!
  12:24pm Danne D:

Cheri Pi, good to see you around these parts :)
Hey Joe! Hey Terre! Hey pledgers!
  12:26pm Caryn:

Yay! Stream is back!
  12:27pm seang:

Let's Rock-Hi Caryn!
  12:28pm Caryn:

A woo to Joe, Terre, KP, Danneeee & seang!
  12:35pm herb:

i'm really excited by this marathon. (excuse me, i had to sit down.) and like last year, i'm gonna donate BUT THEN ADD AN EXTRA 1%. this year, it'll be an "in yr face" to the EVIL 1% of OCCUPY WALL ST.
  12:37pm Caryn:

Autographed John Doe? Oh man, why must I be broke?
  12:38pm John Fenn:

Hi, Joe- Show so far is keeping the bar high! This year I pledged during Trouble's show (in the last 10 min...couldn't wait to give FMU my cash!), and I'm feeling bad as for the last several years I've pledged specifically during yours. You're still my fave...
  12:38pm DJ Keili:

YAY! I'm calling in my pledge now!
  12:40pm SmokinJ:

Greetings to Joe & Terre! The Power Duo!
  12:41pm Danne D:

Yay Caryn :) Yay Keili :)
  12:45pm KP:

  12:46pm KP:

Bernie Leadon was original member of Flying Burrito Brothers.
  12:48pm Danne D:

Joe is the king of Gar(b)age rock ;)
  12:52pm Danne D:

Okay I called in my pledge :)
Are people playing the Terre T chopping block drinking game? :)
  12:52pm eyenoise:

Terre T! Thrilled to hear your voice today.
  12:53pm Danne D:

(wonder if Terre managed to find a math slave for today's shift) :)
  12:55pm Danne D:

LOL - I remember that remote
  1:01pm KP:

Joe, count me in! Pledged right at opening.
Avatar 1:04pm Joe B:

Kp, sorry about that we are on it.

forgot to mention we have a great grand prize! 7CD phil spector box set!
Avatar 1:05pm Joe B:

Hi danne! eyenoise!
  1:06pm Jay Cee:

Just watched a marathon of Portlandia last nite..Wild Flag was timed perfectly
  1:07pm Danne D:

Now sending notes to myself in the comments page: 4. The number at this point is 4.
  1:08pm Danne D:

Sorry about that - going senile and forgetting things :)
  1:09pm Danne D:

Waiting for the year someone on FMU does an all-MiniDisc premium :)

FMU needs to take over that Canadian record library.
  1:11pm Alex the pledgasaurus:

Just pledged! Take my money, take my house, just keep playing!
  1:14pm G:

The central CBC office asked all their provincial stations all around the country to offload anything they hold that is already stored and available in the central CBC archive, to avoid paying storage on a bunch of duplicate recordings around the country. They plan on sending needed music to provincial stations in electronic form in the future.

There's a possible upside to anything. Hopefully people who care about physical recordings will get hold of these offloaded recordings and be more interested in them. :-)
  1:15pm Danne D:

Damn, my head is on the CHAWPING BLOCK now!! Don't mess with Queen Terre!
  1:18pm seang:

yeah screw TV, FMU is what matters
  1:21pm Spankyflop:

Wait, I missed it - How much do I need to pledge for a shot at the Phil Spector Box?
  1:21pm Danne D:

I believe that it's $75 to be in the running for the grand prize, but I'm sure they'll mention it again.
Avatar 1:21pm Joe B:

  1:22pm Danne D:

Oops, I stand corrected. Thanks Joe B - $100 it is. That's an awesome top prize :)
  1:22pm Spankyflop:

Nice! will pledge soon!
  1:24pm Danne D:

yay William and Timothy :)
  1:24pm KP:

wow! That's what i wanted. Thanks!
  1:26pm KP:

Sorry to have whined. but now it's worth it.
Avatar 1:26pm Joe B:

gotta be in it to win it! kp is living proof!
  1:27pm Danne D:

Joe B is not joking when he says get in on the ground floor with these bands. So many bands have been heard first on WFMU well before they get their big break :) Pledge to support this great pipeline for awesome music that's not coming from some Soulless Corporate Entity's Laboratory.
  1:27pm KP:

Joe, your pledge meter is broken. Get the meter maid over.
  1:27pm Alex the pledgasaurus:

Sorry not to have won Phil Spector. Next year!?
Avatar 1:28pm Joe B:

alex we didnt draw for it yet! not until the end of the show!
  1:28pm Danne D:

Good luck Alex :)
  1:28pm Alex the pledgasaurus:

Awesome! Got pulled away, so I only heard there was a drawing.
Avatar 1:29pm Joe B:

hey sean g! hi keili! sorry, behind on the comments as usual!
  1:29pm Marie (Chicago):

jOE RULES!!! (TERRE TOO). wOULD pledge but did a pre-emptive naming pledge--what, you think I'm made of money?? Thanks for all the good music!
  1:29pm Guy Smiley:

Greetings, can folks @ FMU confirm that my pledge for 50 smackaroos went through, I closed the bloody window and can't access my personal email account @ work, grrrr.
  1:30pm Alex the pledgasaurus:

Goo luck to us all! We're winners just by listening. (Insert other uplifting remark here)
  1:31pm KP:

Phil Spector is at end of whole show Alex. you must pledge $100.
  1:34pm KP:

Making coffee. Anyone interested? Only have soy milk.
  1:34pm Caryn:

The Mikal Cronin was really good. Congrats to anyone who gets it!
  1:35pm Danne D:

Woohoo - Terre rounded up a math slave to get the goal monitor going :)
  1:35pm KP:

That was good. i dont know who he is.
  1:35pm KP:

Caryn, dont they sleep in Ireland?
  1:38pm Guy Smiley:

Greetings to folks in Ireland from an Irish folk in Boston. ((waves)) Failte.
  1:38pm Skirkie:

Going for coffee after this show. In it for the long haul tonight.
Avatar 1:39pm Joe B:

KP and everyone else: the meter is running!
  1:43pm Caryn:

@KP: in Finland, actually. I've been to Ireland and have some friends there, but not listening from there. :)
And yes, we sleep, but it's only a quarter to nine here. Still hours of WFMU listening to go!
  1:43pm KP:

Hope you get to 50% at least today.
  1:43pm KP:

Hope you get to 50% at least today.
  1:43pm Alex the pledgasaurus:

Pledged the "world domination" total!!!
  1:45pm KP:

Ah sorry for confusion. Call me Sleepless in Suffolk (NY).
  1:46pm Jeff from Rahway:

Keep Colin the phone slave sweating...good luck to WFMU and my two favorite on-air personalities!!!
  1:53pm Alex the pledgasaurus:

I give anything with Mick Collins thumbs and big toes up.
  1:55pm Caryn:

@KP: hey, with all the Howth & Dingle talk, it was almost bound to happen :)
BTW, "Dingle talk" sounds like the name of an awful morning TV or radio show.
Are you working again tonight, KP, or can you actually get some sleep?
  2:00pm KP:

I am working tonight. Leaving soon. No very late night DJs to keep me awake tonight.
  2:00pm ?:

I had to break my big mouth promise: Please give me the correct business office number....I asked "please". Thank you. Paul F F, public figure of no importance, but a contributor IF I can get a couple simple questions answered. Keep up your enthusiam(s).
Avatar 2:01pm Joe B:

  2:01pm Spankyflop:

Yea! Just Pledged!
  2:01pm ?:

Thanx, JB...
  2:02pm KP:

Carol King lives in Montana. Is she your secret admirer?
  2:08pm ?:

biz office did just mighty fine, thank you WFMU employees and volunteers. Signing off 4 a couple months...C'ya in the fall. Long live Joe B et all
  2:09pm Andy B:

Joe and Terre YOU get an A+ ! sounding good!
  2:12pm Robert:

But I LIKE macaroons.
  2:15pm Mike Sin:

Joe's premium is really awesome! Of course there is the novelty factor of having really early tracks by such later "classic rock" figures as Glenn Frey (Eagles), Gregg Rolie (Santana, Journey), Peter Cetera (Chicago), and Steven Tyler (Aerosmith), but their early bands did cut quite interesting tracks that do indeed hold up. Whatever you think of any of those dudes' later bands doesn't deny that they were/are talented.
  2:16pm G:

3800 bucks in barely over two hours! Joe's playlist and his and TT's pitching are really drawin' in the pledges this marathon!

(I pledged and paid in full last week; I was Joe's adopter in maybe 2009 or 2010, but I spread my annual adoption around to somewhere else each new year, to give everyone a chance every year to adopt a DJ they might have been shut out on in a prior year.)
  2:18pm G:

@Robert: "moron" started to be pronounced "moroon" by some people, so thay became a slam. I'm guessing "macaroon" as an insult developed out of that???
  2:20pm Parole Board:

Um, are those Phil Spector singers supposed to be character witnesses or something? :-P
  2:25pm KP:

Does that explain the Moron, I mean Maroon 5.
  2:28pm KP:

Fifty percent!
  2:29pm Andy B:

  2:29pm KP:

Four thousand! BELOCK IS BACK!
  2:31pm KP:

uh oh, the Phil's parole board has chimed in.
  2:31pm Skirkie:

My secret is out.
  2:32pm Andy B:

Hey I just didn't want there to be a conflict of interest! Joe's premiums always kick A!
  2:32pm KP:

Was that Mike M?
Avatar 2:32pm Joe B:

  2:33pm KP:

Mike N? Mike L?
  2:34pm KP:

oh heard it wrong. Great guy that MN!
  2:34pm Tom M from Linwood:

Actually, I did pledged $180!
  2:36pm KP:

good for you Tom M. Good luck in draw.
  2:36pm Tom M from Linwood:

I want Global Domination!
  2:36pm Skirkie:

  2:39pm pierre:

Joe B
  2:40pm PFFlyer:

crap...twice the liar....OK, Tom M, I guess you're taking Linwood, MN? If so, we probably know each other. Anyway, thanks for supporting WFMU like I do here, outta' Woodbury MN & Rock Falls WI., where the dragstrip is. If not Linwood MN, well, shoot....have a great life anyway!
  2:43pm Tom M from Linwood:

Linwood NJ actually - just out of broadcast range. I really only want the Spector Box (Terre said that I hadn't pledged enough)
  2:47pm PFFlyer:

Spank the Terre of Love! I just felt like posting that 'cause it fits this show. Anywho...here is my official ballot stuffin' vote: LET TOM M from LINWOOD WIN!....uh, do I have to include "DAMMIT!", or is that too forward?
  2:47pm Bad Ronald:

Thanks for the hours of entertainment Joe.
Long live Three Chord Monte!
  2:48pm mick:

mr. belock...
i shall only pledge, if you put a listen button on your playlist.....
Avatar 2:49pm Joe B:

cant mick. this page predates the kenzo database system
  2:49pm PFFlyer:

WALL o f freakin' sound! How much you need? Here it comes fast IF you really want it.
  2:50pm mick:

  2:51pm KP:

Bonjour, Pierre!
  2:51pm avidmartinet:

sex drive! joe and terre are the shitz.
  2:55pm Skirkie:

Joe B is the Lenny Dykstra of WFMU: meaning he needs money.
  2:56pm KP:

five thousand!
  2:57pm KP:

I guess the car wash didnt work out for Joe B.
  3:00pm Danne D:

Thanks for the pledging folks :)
Great job Joe and Terre! You guys rawk!
  3:04pm KP:

hey Alex was the guy who didnt think he was in it. Congrats, Alex!
  4:54pm Joe B:

thanks everybody for listening and of course pledging! appreciate it! and thanks to Terre T!
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