Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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February 24, 2012 Favoriting

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You want prizes? We got prizes!

Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Allen Toussaint  Viva la Money   Favoriting
Third World  Give a Little Something   Favoriting
Mitty Collier  Help Me   Favoriting

Talkover Music:
Dollard Brand 
Cape Town Fringe   Favoriting

Andrés Landero y Su Conjunto  La Pava Congona   Favoriting Beginners Guide to Cumbia
Chico Trujillo  El Conductor   Favoriting Beginners Guide to Cumbia
La Yegros  Trocitos de Madera   Favoriting Beginners Guide to Cumbia

Talkover Music:
The Wooden Glass feat. Billy Wooten 
Monkey Hips & Rice   Favoriting Recorded Live
(Interiim 1972)

Lopez Walker  Fly Away   Favoriting Children of Jah
Lopez Walker  Send Another Moses   Favoriting
Errol Davies  Path I Have Taken   Favoriting Chidren of Jah

Talkover Music:
The Wooden Glass feat. Billy Wooten 
Monkey Hips & Rice   Favoriting Recorded Live
(Interiim 1972)

Karen Dalton  Reason to Believe   Favoriting 1966
(Delmore Recording Society 1966)
Karen Dalton  Green Rock Road   Favoriting 1966

Talkover Music:
Sol Hoopii 
Farewell Blues   Favoriting

Big Four  Wenzani Umoya   Favoriting Next Stop Soweto Volume 2
(Strut )
Shirley Bassey  Sex   Favoriting Burn My Candle
Spade Cooley & Tex Williams  Lord Nottingham's War Dance   Favoriting
Los Ticos Queridos  Por Eso Vuelve, Por Favor   Favoriting Chicas! Spanish Female Singers 1962-1974
(Vampisoul )
Los Hippy-Loyas  Love, Love, Love   Favoriting Chicas! Spanish Female Singers 1962-1974
Los 3 Sudamericanos  Yeh Yeh   Favoriting

Talkover Music:
Sol Hoopii 
Farewell Blues   Favoriting

The Brims  Anti Gandja   Favoriting Those Shocking Shaking Days: Indonesia Hard, Psychedelic, Progressive Rock and Funk 1970-1978
The Black Brothers  Saman Doye   Favoriting Those Shocking Shaking Days: Indonesia Hard, Psychedelic, Progressive Rock and Funk 1970-1978
AKA  Shake Me   Favoriting Those Shocking Shaking Days: Indonesia Hard, Psychedelic, Progressive Rock and Funk 1970-1978
Jerry & Brad  The People Hater   Favoriting
Emmett Miller & His George Crackers  The Gypsy   Favoriting
Banjo Joe  My Money Never Runs Out   Favoriting Good For What Ails You: Music Of The Medicine Shows 1926-1937 (V/A)
Sammy Boy  10 to 11   Favoriting Next Stop Soweto Volume 2
(Strut )
Steinski  It's A Funky Thing Pt. 1 (Special Feature!)   Favoriting What Does It All Mean? 1983-2006 Retrospective
(Illegal Art )
The Witch  Tooth Factory   Favoriting Lazy Bones!!
The Witch  Lazy Bones!!   Favoriting Lazy Bones!!
Thirsty Dave's Western Caravan  Psycho   Favoriting
S.P. Balasubramaniyam  Solla Solla   Favoriting Solla Solla: Maestro Ilaiyaraaja And The Electronic Pop Sound Of Kollywood 1977-1983 Vol. 1 LP (2011 Finders Keepers)
(Finders Keepers )
East of Underground  Smiling Faces   Favoriting Forge Your Own Chains: Heavy Psychedelic Ballads and Dirges 1968-1974
Kourosh Yaghmaei  Hajm-e Khaali   Favoriting Forge Your Own Chains: Heavy Psychedelic Ballads and Dirges 1968-1974
S.P. Balasubramaniyam  Thithikkum   Favoriting
The Mgbaba Queens  Akulalwa Esoweto   Favoriting
Streinski  Lesson 2 (the James Brown Mix)   Favoriting
Steinski  The ID (Small World Mix)   Favoriting
Steinski  I'm Wild About That Thing   Favoriting What Does It All Mean? 1983-2006 Retrospective

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46am Doug Schulkind:

All pledges of $15 and up will be in the running for the prizes you see at left! All pledges of $75 and up automatically receive my 2012 marathon premium GOING OUT OF THEIR HEADS, a 2-CD compilation of crazy good songs about insanity. That pledge also makes you eligible for my grand prize, the wonderful 4-CD South African music collection NEXT STOP SOWETO. It's all good.
  8:51am listener james from westwood:

whoo! welcome to friday, doug and gtds friends!
  8:54am annie:

if i become instantly rich, you get a huge chunk.. as it is you can have the ten bucks in my wallet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am Doug Schulkind:

We made it this far, Listener James FW, why not go all the way!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am Doug Schulkind:

Make it $15 Annie and you in the prize drawings. I'm just thinking of you, here :-)
  8:59am ndbob:

morning Doug, Annie, James, everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am Doug Schulkind:

ndbob! ndbob!
  8:59am Endust:

Pledge and I came up together. We didn't agree on everything, no, and we had some battles, but I can't think of anybody I'd rather have in my corner. Go, Pledge!!
  9:00am listener james from westwood:

howdy howdy howdy all!
  9:00am charlie:

Good morning Doug! Hello Annie, James, and Bob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am Doug Schulkind:

The lemon-fresh scent of unity!
  9:01am ndbob:

heya Charlie and Endust!
  9:01am glenn:

*bows to all* morning, kids.
  9:02am annie:

good morning charlie
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am Doug Schulkind:

Hey hey, Charlie Lewis. Busy Doing Nothing Man! Charlie will be helping out with the textuals. Muchas gracias, Charlie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am charlie:

I sense an exciting morning ahead. But that goes without saying, don't it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am charlie:

I'll be here to talk things up while you're cueing up records.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am Doug Schulkind:

Neighbor to the North, Mr. Glenn!
  9:04am Van in DC:

Yay Friday! Hi there Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am Doug Schulkind:

The man with the VAN!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am charlie:

I like that mountain of prizes displayed atop your playlist, Doug!
  9:05am still b/p:

Buenos días. "Las Chicas" de la portada del disco están limpias y frescas.
  9:08am seang:

Funky beatz!
  9:08am glenn:

make him work for the pledges everybody! i wanna hear drummer sweat on the stream.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am charlie:

Check out Doug's insane-ly great premium here:
  9:09am glenn:

ooops. i forgot a smiley face. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am Doug Schulkind:

A stream of sweat. Nice image there, Glenn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am Doug Schulkind:

@still b/p
Las Chicas will be "on the block" in the second hour of the show.
  9:12am still b/p:

I'm lonely and forlorn outside the Circle of Prize Eligibility (mmm...Chicas, y Cumbia). What moneys I could give is already gived...including for this show, but it was gived earlier this week.
  9:13am listener james from westwood:

this is one delicious pyramid of pledge prizes. would be proud to own any of them. will be wagering for one in particular when it hits the spotlight. :)
  9:13am glenn:

i'm going to go for that yummy looking cumbia unit.
  9:18am Lewis:

Greetings - Life (the part that pays the bills) is intervening this morning - but I am here with my eyes (is that a radio sight gag?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am charlie:

Good morning, Lewis. (I love a good radio sight gag.)
  9:20am Hugo:

I notice that I have two of the prizes on offer. I'm not saying which ones :) I'll get around to pledging. The kid and I are discussing who should get what among the premiums.

Hey, off to see Mostly Other People Do The Killing this evening. With a name like that, oughta be special!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am charlie:

Hi Hugo. Enjoy that show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am Doug Schulkind:

Great good morning, Lewis! Howdy Brother Hugo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am Doug Schulkind:

Hola, seang!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am charlie:

Killer cumbia here, compadres. A $15 pledge gets you in the running for this, and other great prizes.
  9:34am Holly in NC:

Morning, Doug & all! The Miner's Mama here... anyone have any naming suggestions other than 'George'? Must leap into the shower, meanwhile good news Doug - Jillem is back!
Happy Friday! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am charlie:

I dig La Yegros, massively!
  9:37am Michael:

Morning all. Home today so got the stream cranked!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am charlie:

Hi Holly!
  9:37am annie:

so, if i call the 800 number and pledge, will you know i've done it?.. no clicking for bank account, and the pledge box only accepts electronic funds.
  9:38am fishmonkeystew:

Good morning, all!

Doug, this talkover music is rockin'!
  9:38am ndbob:

They will Annie - I used to pledge that way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am charlie:

Annie, I don't think phone room pledges will reach Doug's ears, or his show totals, unfortunately.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am charlie:

OK, Bob, maybe I'm wrong. I should ask Doug when he's done talking.
  9:41am glenn:

no. you can click the pay later box, annie.
  9:41am ndbob:

Hmm maybe I'm wrong as well Charlie.. I did that in the old days before everything was so web based.
  9:41am Van in DC:

Aw, thanks Doug. It really is a thrill for me discovering all the WFMU offerings :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42am charlie:

Thanks, Glenn, for the "pay later" reminder.
  9:44am Van in DC:

I think I adopted Irene :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am charlie:

You'll know for sure when she arrives, Van;)
  9:45am Artie:

Good morning All. Doug, your cot is ready.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am Doug Schulkind:

Annie, I think you can pledge now and pay later using the box above, no? If you call it in, it will go the show on air over at the FMU mothership. Which ain't a bad thing neither.
  9:46am Hugo:

Doesn't Lopez Walker sound like Burning Spear?
  9:47am tr;sh:

Hey. does UNESCO support this show/stream? I think they oughta.

There's a gigantic link to education re: world culture by way of this show.
  9:48am annie:

done and done....
  9:48am Van in DC:

Hey, on that Steinski prize, Wiki has this:

Stein's radio show A Rough Mix went back on the air between June 7 and October 4, 2007 on WFMU 91.1FM in the New York-New Jersey metro area. In 2008, Lesson 1 - The Payoff Mix was officially issued on CD by Illegal Art Records on a compilation of Stein's work entitled What Does It All Mean? 1983-2006 Retrospective, which Spin Magazine listed as the #1 reissue of 2008. The collection also received a rating of 8.7 from Pitchfork, and 4 stars from Rolling Stone.
  9:48am listener james from westwood:

my knowledge of cumbia, reggae, dub, and so many other types of music was zero before i became an fmu listener. it's my musical grad school, and the return on investment's waaaaaaaay better.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am charlie:

Children of Give the Drummer Some -- show your love -- pledge now!
Yes, @tr:sh, pledge for understanding and world peace!
  9:49am listener james from westwood:

hah, tr;sh, we're of a similar mind! agree w your education point in full.
  9:49am glenn:

what james said.
  9:49am annie:

yes, for future bank-accountless people, there is a billing option...praise jah
  9:50am Lewis:

@tr;sh - good point, but getting money from UNESCO would be tricky in the "listener sponsored model"... some pondering is called for...
  9:52am glenn:

would it be a stretch to call karen dalton the american anne briggs?
  9:52am holland oats:

just checkin in - pledged yesterday during charlie's show! me me me
  9:52am Hugo:

One epiphany was hearing Burning Spear songs in the bar at the Capital Hotel in Lilongwe, Malawi. Reggae's big in Malawi, btw.
  9:54am holland oats:

john peel record collection news:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am charlie:

Good call, Glenn.
Hi, and thanks! Haulin Oats!
  9:56am annie:

it's a real shame that dory previn's music is only being played so heavily now due to her passing. another incredible talent
  9:56am Van in DC:

Monkey hips. And rice. YUM!

Aurally speaking of course.
  9:58am Lewis:

@annie: some one was recently talking about dory previn being one of a small number of records in their father's collection that they though worth playing - True in my house as well (although my dad didn't have any Who albums)
  9:58am holland oats:

this is a tim hardin song!
  9:58am ndbob:

I saw that Holland ... wondering if it will be available outside the UK.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am Doug Schulkind:

Did I holler Holly? HOLLY! Thank you dear, Holly! And that is brilliant news about Brother J!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am charlie:

agreed, @annie. wonderful artist, dory.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am charlie:

Karen Dalton sounds so haunting, no matter what she is singing, traditional or the songwriters of her day.
  10:00am holland oats:

@ndbob online is online no?
  10:01am david:

just pledged! fingers crossed fer that Children Of Jah CD!!!!!!
  10:01am annie:

and this song is so beautiful... not anyone can perform this with such feeling
  10:03am annie:

i'm plugging for the KD.
  10:03am ndbob:

@holland I wondered because a good deal of the online music posted by the British Library is available only in the UK or the EU.
  10:04am Holly in NC:

Doug, I love your prize tower! And today's bed music.
I need to make sure that the powers that be know that part of my pledge goes to the GTDS stream...
whoa, too many 'thats' in 1 sentence.
  10:04am holland oats:

  10:06am david:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am charlie:

Congratulations, all prize winners!
Everyone who pledges to WFMU/GTDR is a winner.
  10:07am Van in DC:

I've not dropped in on the Ichiban stream to date, but I think Julie is on it this afternoon...? I might have to give it a first listen later...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am charlie:

Put your money where your mouse is, people!
  10:09am Van in DC:

yep, 18
  10:11am raissa:

loved the karen dalton! just pledged, thanks so much doug!
  10:11am ndbob:

three great collections there Doug!
  10:11am Brian en Angleterre:

That's the first one done. In memory of Spencer's nuts that went south last Monday.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am Doug Schulkind:

Hey hey Raissa. So great you're here. Thanks!
  10:12am Brian en Angleterre:

Super Tens soundalikes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am charlie:

Amazing grand prize! And forget not, that $75 prizes make you eligible not only for the drawing for this GP, but automatically get you Doug's insane premium 2-CD set! See it here:
  10:13am tr;sh:

Hm. Yeah, they'd need to strike some committee of cuture-supporting listeners or something.
They're pretty heavy on org-structure, it's not that outrageous a thought.
  10:15am dc pat:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am Doug Schulkind:

Brian in UK, hooray.

tr;sh = delish

dc pat, simple as that
  10:16am DJ Dan B:

Buenas mañanas Doug! Your premium sounds freakin awesome! Being alone in the office today means being able to crank up the speakers and put away the headphones -- keep up the great work.
  10:19am dc pat:

been busy as crap lately, trying to slip you all cash here and there..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am Doug Schulkind:

You can get LOONY TUNES, my first collection of crazy songs here:
  10:19am ndbob:

Spade Cooley was not someone you would have wanted to piss off.
  10:20am Brian en Angleterre:

Is there a merest wiff of Nervous Norvous in the air.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21am charlie:

Well, Doug, now we know you're utterly mad! I can't believe you've dug up even more insanity.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am Doug Schulkind:

@DJ Dan B
The man, the plan, the canal behind AIRBORNE EVENT, Mondays, 9-midnight on the mothership! I added the tilde to your comment. No extra charge!
  10:24am Brian en Angleterre:

From the back of the class. Where's James?Typo on Third World early in programme. I know it is marafun Doug, but standards!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am charlie:

Ay, mami, I wish I were eligible to win this prize!
  10:25am Dave Hersh:

Great vibes off of this show... a true range of delightful sounds and culturally-blind approach to cross-genre programming... LOVELOVELOVE
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am Doug Schulkind:

Keep me on my freaking toes, Brian en Angleterre!
  10:26am Van in DC:

This Chicas! stuff is great!
  10:26am Hugo:

Dory Previn's gone? Time to dig out her records, then. She made some very good ones.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am charlie:

Hi Dan B -- missed your comment -- I was putting in a load of laundry.
  10:27am listener james from westwood:

howdy brian! the only spelling that counts during marathon time is "WFMU" next to "pay to the order of." all caps, no spaces, metallic ink optional.
  10:27am Brian en Angleterre:

These reissue labels like Vampisoul, Soul Jazz, Light in the Attic are priceless.
First position, Doug
  10:28am seang:

Yeah baby
  10:30am seang:

My pledge is in the mail!
  10:30am Brian en Angleterre:

The comments have given a whole new dimension to this station.
  10:33am still b/p:

A phone call that was three times longer than it needed to be robbed me of the last five tracks! Crazy? I am the crazy!!!!
  10:33am sinner:

Go, Doug, Go! Best pitch spiel(er) on the Planet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am charlie:

Loony Tunes (free):
Going Out of Their Heads (Doug's current 2-CD premium):
  10:34am listener james from westwood:

absolutely right on the comments. mini-communities, and some fun cross-pollination from one program to the next. and a way for new music from inspired fans to reach djs, too. when's that ever gonna happen on commercial radio?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am charlie:

@still b/p -- go back and listen to the archive -- those were some awesome cuts!
  10:35am Brian en Angleterre:

Some programmes have had listeners' premiums offered.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am Doug Schulkind:

Kevin Nutt, I presume, the masterful maestro of SINNER'S CROSSROADS on Thursday evenings over on the FMU mothership. No one and I mean NO ONE deals out better marathon premiums than the Sinner (except maybe this year: Steinksi—more about that later)
  10:37am Van in DC:

Hey, that Prize Account takes a big effort to burn through, ya know :)
  10:38am listener james from westwood:

doug, your earlier, excellent statement on comfort zones is still resonating with me. some people might wonder at a station like fmu b/c they're used to hearing the same 30 top-40 hits 6 times/day. me, i like not knowing what the hell is coming up. sure, there are fmu "hits," and they're always fun to watch break out across playlists, but mostly i love the mystery and the feeling of trusting my musical friends.
  10:39am david:

i love it when you talk dirty, doug. by that I mean I'm glad you have the freedom to curse as you feel necessary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am charlie:

Hey, Kevin! I think you and Doug could have had a great traveling medicine show, back in the day!
  10:40am Brian en Angleterre:

There is a wonderful smell of marmalade wafting up from the kitchen. Wish I could offer it up as a food premium but it could get messi. (that well known Spanish genius)
  10:40am seang:

I remember when I heard that yodeling astrologer-Mij
  10:41am sinner:

Charlie: Man. That would have been fun! Step right up get yer Indian Oil Cure All. You can rub it on yer skin. Hell, you can even drink it!
  10:42am Dave Hersh:

Leo Messi? Barca forward? He's Argentinian sir.... another you reference?
  10:42am ndbob:

include it Doug!
  10:42am people hater:

catchy tune!
  10:42am Brian en Angleterre:

Hey, I've got some Vietnamese Snake wine to start you off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am Doug Schulkind:

Dave Hersh, how the hell are ya? Wahoo!
  10:43am Brian en Angleterre:

DH apologies, he plays in the Spanish La Liga.
  10:44am people hater:

give it an asterisk - commentary that of songwriter not compiler (we know you a lover drummer)
  10:44am tr;sh:

I don't think it's likely to happen in the same way, if ever. The mixed-spectre of commercialism and censorship, I'd guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am charlie:

Well, sinner, WFMU is probably a more effective cure-all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am charlie:

That's like the 50's country "Psycho-Killer" -- "I hate people when they're not polite"!
  10:45am sinner:

Charlie: Agreed.
  10:45am Dave Hersh:

Holding NJ together for ya... Jill is having a dental implant done as we listen together.... your pledge show moves along WAY better than mine ever did.... PEOPLE'S for lunch some time again???
  10:45am listener james from westwood:

@brian: food there's a thought. maybe fmu could install a couple of hives on the 4th-floor deck and distribute small-batch honey for pledges....
  10:46am Dave Hersh:

Brian, it was karma for the typo jag you took... SNAP! LOVELovelove
  10:47am Bob in Charlottesville:

Speaking of old time music, we just saw Ralph Stanley perform in Charlottesville last night. Great show from a great band, including his grandson Nathan.
  10:47am Brian en Angleterre:

Gotta keep the download king on his toes at the barre.
  10:48am ndbob:

Emmett Miller appears in the movie "Roll 'Dem Bones" - just a skit, no singing
  10:49am Van in DC:

This almost sounds like a Steinski thing :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am Doug Schulkind:

Some GREAT Steinski stuff, coming up Van!
  10:49am Brian en Angleterre:

Hey Bob, saw Mr Stanley cupla years ago in London. Amazing fiddle player, looked about twelve years old.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am charlie:

Pledge to Doug -- he can talk to the dead for you!
  10:50am Artie:

Ralph's quite the character. Puts on an amazing show. Get up to his Old Home once in you life if you can swing it. It's quite the experience.
  10:51am ndbob:

sounds great Brian!
  10:52am holland oats:

music man - this was on pbs recently - we liked!!
  10:53am Van in DC:

A little slice of awesomeness, this show.
  10:53am Record Rich from Vinylville:

…have I told you lately that I love you, WFMU?
  10:53am fishmonkeystew:

Mrs. Fishmonkeystew and I quote the Music Man all the time. Cool stuff as always, Doug.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am charlie:

There's Trouble with a capital "T" right here in Jersey City -- WFMU needs your support!
  10:55am ndbob:

Banjo Joe - aka Gus Cannon
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am charlie:

What a brilliant guy he was.
  10:56am Van in DC:

Just one Mouse of the Day pledge will get that goal meter up to 2/3!
Avatar 10:58am Debbie D:

Thanks, Doug!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am Doug Schulkind:

Hey Double Dee!!!
  11:00am Van in DC:

...and Julie is co-hosting today with you Debbie...?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am Doug Schulkind:

I like the way you think, Van!
  11:03am still b/p:

I don't know why, but moose and squirrel (R&B, baby) almost always funny.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am Doug Schulkind:

First MOUSE of the day = The magnificent PAUL SHERRATT from UK (the bloke from Stoke)

WOOO and HOOOO!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am charlie:

Hey Debbie D, have a good marathon stream show!
  11:05am Van in DC:

Lifted from listener Michael from Elkins Park over on Scott's show right now:

Don't forget to leverage your company's matching gift program (if they have one)'s an easy way to increase your contribution to WFMU!
  11:07am Carmichael:

Good morning, all. Great premiums, Doug.
  11:08am ndbob:

congrats Van!
  11:08am Van in DC:

Yay!! :)
Avatar 11:09am Debbie D:

Thanks, Charlie! Same to you guys! Long live Steinski!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am charlie:

Long live WFMU and its alternate streams!
  11:11am annie:

so funny, i'm over on another tab right now, not reading the comments.. paul s. came to mind about 20 minutes ago... love the synchronicity
Avatar 🥁 11:12am Kenzo:

Keep it going, Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13am charlie:

Pledge with a capital "P" to support Doug, streamcasting from Studio "P"!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:14am charlie:

Hi Kenzo!
Folks, pledge in support of Kenzo, the guy who created the WFMU accu-playlist database system! That alone is worth your support!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:15am Doug Schulkind:

I give you Kenzo, ladies and gentlemen, other than Ken Freedman, no person on the planet has done more to secure a healthy present and future for WFMU than Kenzo.

I bow low.
  11:15am Hugo:

First mouse of the day? I have to say that our cat has never seen the point, but he loves well prepared chicken ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:19am charlie:

"You think I'm psycho, don't you Santa?" -- There's a line no one could have predicted would ever be written...
  11:20am ndbob:

wow a Christmas version of "Psycho"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am Doug Schulkind:

Don't worry, ndbob, the "other" Psycho is on there too.
  11:21am DJ Dan B:

Someone got coal in his stocking a few too many times.
  11:21am listener james from westwood:

much respect for kenzo.
  11:22am Alex in Illinois:

Okay I am pledging. I never liked Santa Claus
  11:22am ndbob:

that one I know well.. but this one leaves me beyond speechless... great job Doug:)
  11:23am Brian en Angleterre:

Gotta cut & run, Santa. Never think of you in the same light, Doug.
  11:23am monica:

Doug, you are my friend and my rabbi. A I'm so proud of what you've done with Give The Drummer Radio in just 20 months. It's a labor of love and a thing of beauty. Hats off to you and your fantastic Friday family. Today's show is sounding a great as always!
  11:24am glenn:

kinda like how snarky the ron paul followers get if you don't call him dr..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am charlie:

Oh, man, I love the Tamil scene music!
DJ Monica, in the house!
  11:25am Alex in Illinois:

I am at work now, so should I use my home email address or my work email address? I'd rather use my home email address, but if it will require me to read the email right away, then I'll use my work email address.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am Doug Schulkind:

Back atcha, Monica. I miss segueing into your show on Fridays, but now I actually get to LISTEN to you on Sunday evenings (FMU mothership: 7-9pm)

Monica is on this Sunday evening and has only ONE marathon show. Support Monica!
  11:27am Holly in NC:

Congratulations, Van! Kenzo, I idolize you (in a totally not creepy, platonic, non-stalker way, of course).
@Monica, I listen to your archive every week, I treasure your show.
  11:27am Lewis:

@Alex - use your home email - it is just for a receipt...
  11:29am Hugo:

I love these tongue-twisting Indian names. My fave is Bambalapittiya which is on southern side of Colombo in Sri Lanka. B. is after Kolpittiya and before Dehiwala if you're heading south on Galle Road. Fyi.
  11:30am monica:

First things first, Doug! Gotta get up offa that thing and make the pledge action happen here in the next half hour! yo, chazaloo and hello @Holly in NC!
  11:34am Christopher:

LOVE the solla solla comp!
  11:35am Alex in Illinois:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am charlie:

Less than half an hour left to get in on the great prizes up for grabs -- $15 pledges get you in.
And for $75, you get Doug's premium, Going Out of Their Heads (, and to get in on the grand prize, Next Stop Soweto, 4-CD set of South African music!
  11:39am Jeff G:

Checking in later than I wanted to, to offer a deep bow (hands together) to my radio majordomo Doug.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:42am Doug Schulkind:

Jeff G, the voice behind the fabulous D:O RADIO, heard Mondays at noon on the stream (and here =
  11:43am Christopher:

Just sent in my pledge Doug... and want you to know that YOU are the reason I discovered WFMU in the first place! Keep it up...
  11:44am listener james from westwood:

the gauge shows you hit the goal? true? if so, congrats!!
  11:44am Van in DC:

CONGRATULATIONS Doug! Way to go everyone!! :)
  11:44am DJ Dan B:

WFMU listeners represent!! Making the goal with 15 minutes to go = WIN
  11:45am Van in DC:

"We are at....whaaaaat?" = priceless :)
  11:46am listener james from westwood:

an engineer would call this proof of concept.
a listener would call this FUCKING AWESOME.
  11:46am DJ Dan B:

Now let's raise the rest of that $1.2 million!!
  11:46am glenn:

yay us!!
Avatar 🥁 11:46am Kenzo:

WFMU is now 31% towards its two-week goal!
  11:47am tr;sh:

Good shooow
  11:47am listener james from westwood:

thanks david in bklyn and everyone who loves fine radio and experiments in new ways to hear it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am Doug Schulkind:

I am really grateful!

And don't forget there's next week, too. (Week Two)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am charlie:

Congratulations, Doug! And all of us!
  11:51am Ken:

Hey Doug - you are less than $500 behind where Scott M & Fabio are right now, AND THEY'RE ON THE AIR! Just sayin
  11:51am listener james from westwood:

love this track. attention big music and other corporate shitheels: this is not theft. this is adoration.
  11:53am sinner:

homfalla clah udapaca upsala culahtha mel (I'm speaking in tongues in joy) heedalap ogeeka hebrostile....
  11:53am seang:

  11:54am Hugo:

Really enjoying this Steinski mix. He mixed a Monica premium some years back. Big Band Theory and possibly another one, too?
  11:54am jk:

I just called the 800 number to pledge to drummer some, I suppose that'll get to you, Doug, but don't know how they tally the tally
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am Doug Schulkind:

Another hour of Steinski genius coming up, noon to 1. To continue the Steinski conversation at 12, go here:
  11:56am monica:

@Hugo, Yes, Steinski helped me take several premiums from mere comps into works of mix mastery.
  11:57am listener james from westwood:

  11:58am Van in DC:

Oh hey. The pledge widget is already active over at the Steinski link :)
Avatar 🥁 11:59am Kenzo:

Doug Schulkind, working the continuity between tracks, between shows, between commenters!
  12:00pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
  12:01pm Hugo:

I truly enjoy the Big Band Theory cd. The other one I know had monologues from female soul singers. Feelin' bitchy?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm charlie:

Yes, great show Doug! Thanks to everyone who pledged!
  12:01pm Van in DC:

Thanks Doug! Awesome show!
  12:01pm Christopher:

YES! Thank you
  12:02pm listener james from westwood:

woo-hoo! thanks mightily for the prize! congrats all you other winners. (we're all winners w. WFMU)
  12:02pm Van in DC:

Congrats all other winners too!
  12:04pm Alex in Illinois:

Woo! Hooo!
  12:05pm Alex in Illinois:

Hey, if anyone is in the CHicago area, then come to the Chicago Maritime Festival tomorrow.
  2:02pm Brian en Angleterre:

Everyone who pledges is a winner. There's always tomorrow. Who said that.
Bottle half full. Better have a slurp.
Have you considered talkovers, Doug?
  2:47pm Doug Schulkind:

Everyone who pledges gets a wiener?
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