Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

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Playlist for 21 March 2012 Favoriting | Dokaka Will Always Be Better Than Dubstep

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Label Comments New Approx. start time
The Honeymoon KIllers (Belgian)  Decollage (Bigga Bush Mix)   Favoriting Crammed Global Soundclash 1980-1989  Crammed Discs 
*   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Nina Simone  Gimmee Some (Mike Magini Remix)   Favoriting Verve Remixed 4  Verve 
  0:06:28 (Pop-up)
MC Solaar  Nouveau Western   Favoriting Rebirth of the Cool Vol 3  4th & B'way Records 
  0:09:34 (Pop-up)
Air  Sonic Armada   Favoriting Le Voyage Dans La Lune  Astralwerks 
*   0:13:17 (Pop-up)
Mouse on Mars  They Know Your Name   Favoriting Parastrophics  Monkeytown Records 

Click for the full size image
*   0:19:22 (Pop-up)
Hoodfella Bootybreaks  That's Not My Name   Favoriting Titzilla  Booty Breaks 
  0:22:02 (Pop-up)
Dokaka  Catch My Kiss   Favoriting The Dokaka Discography  No Label      0:25:47 (Pop-up)
Dokaka  Many Tracks   Favoriting Dokaka Discography  No Label      0:27:30 (Pop-up)
Sudden Infant  Nag Nag Nag   Favoriting Invocation of the Aural Slave Gods  Blossoming Noise 
  0:39:16 (Pop-up)
Wire  Map Ref 41 N 93W   Favoriting The Black Session; Paris, 10 May 2011  Pink Flag 
*   0:42:52 (Pop-up)
Keuhkot  Pinkki & Russki   Favoriting Laskeutumisalusastia  Ektro 
*   0:45:37 (Pop-up)
Uschi Bruning  Hochzeitsnacht   Favoriting Eastern Bloc Funk Experience  Nascente 
*   0:48:37 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Kane's February  Jet Ear Party   Favoriting Title Track  Table of the Elements / Radium 
  1:00:25 (Pop-up)
The Fall  Greenway   Favoriting Ersatz G.B.  Cherry Red 
*   1:02:57 (Pop-up)
Das Bierbeben  Steifheit   Favoriting Smashits  Shitkatapult 
  1:07:49 (Pop-up)
Rammstein  Rosenrot   Favoriting Made in Germany  Universal 
*   1:09:43 (Pop-up)
Sudden Infant  Dies Irae   Favoriting Psychotic Einzelkind  Blossoming Noise 
  1:13:10 (Pop-up)
Wire  Please Take   Favoriting The Black Session; Paris, 10 May 2011  Pink Flag 
*   1:25:32 (Pop-up)
White Russia  Well Do You   Favoriting German Punk & Wave 1978-1984, Vol. 1 (V/A)  Vinyl on Demand 
  1:29:12 (Pop-up)
Guitar Lightnin' Lee and His Thunder Band  Human Fly   Favoriting Just an Ol' G  Rhinestone 
*   1:32:53 (Pop-up)
Brett Nelson  Little Fury Things   Favoriting The Electronic Anthology Project of Dinosaur Jr.  Electronic Anthology Project 
*   1:36:21 (Pop-up)
Key & Cleary  A Man   Favoriting Personal Space: Electronic Soul 1974-1984  Chocolate Industries 
*   1:40:25 (Pop-up)
George Coleman  I WIsh I Knew How To Sing   Favoriting Bongo Joe  Arhoolie 

Click for the full size image
  1:44:08 (Pop-up)
            1:47:57 (Pop-up)
Budi Siebert  Ubermut Tut Selten Gut   Favoriting Deutsch Kanadsiche Freundschaft  Amok 
  1:55:04 (Pop-up)
Gotz Alsmann  Dein Kuss Von Gestern Nacht Mein Schatz   Favoriting gERMAN pOP vOL 1  No Label 
  1:57:45 (Pop-up)
Brigitt  ... da beisst ein Goldfisch an   Favoriting Beat Frauleins: Female Pop Germany 1964-1968  Grosse Freiheit 
*   2:00:18 (Pop-up)
Whistling Song  People Like Us   Favoriting Album Album...  Soleilmoon      2:02:47 (Pop-up)
DJ Food  Magpie Music   Favoriting The Search Engine  Ninja Tune 
*   2:06:48 (Pop-up)
Jonny Greenwood  Popcorn Superhet Receiver Part 2B   Favoriting Krzysztof Penderecki / Jonny Greenwood  Nonesuch 
  2:18:39 (Pop-up)
Kambar Kalendarov & Kutman Sultanbekov  Mezgil Jangyrygy   Favoriting Jaw  Cantaloupe Music 
*   2:20:50 (Pop-up)
Naing Naing  Toadstools   Favoriting Live in Nantes  Sleepy Mammal Sound 
*   2:24:21 (Pop-up)
Francis Bebey  Super Jingle   Favoriting African Electronic Music 1975-1982  Born Bad 
*   2:27:52 (Pop-up)
Masaki Batoh  Kumano Codex 1   Favoriting Brain Pulse Music  Drag City 

Click for the full size image
*   2:47:40 (Pop-up)
Nurse With Wound  Tune Time Machine   Favoriting Who Can I Turn to Stereo  Jnana 
*   2:50:54 (Pop-up)
Kera Carpenter  I Wont Last A Day Without Newt   Favoriting No Album  No Label 
*   2:54:10 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Haruomi Hosono 
Nostalgia of Island   Favoriting Good Sport  No Label 
  2:57:35 (Pop-up)
Roy Hamilton  You'll never Walk Along   Favoriting You WILL Walk Alone, Actually  Batshit Records and Tapes 
  3:02:37 (Pop-up)
Zarah Leander  Ich Weiss Es Wird Einmal Ein Wunder Geschehn   Favoriting Zarah's Greatest Hits  Deutsche Grammophone 
  3:05:57 (Pop-up)
Randy Pump & The Gas-o-lettes  Murder in the Gas Line   Favoriting Gas Line Murder Songs  Santorum Records 
  3:09:29 (Pop-up)
Funktionaries  Deutschland Uber Disco   Favoriting No Album  No Label 
  3:12:34 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:01am Danne D:

Happy Wednesday, Ken!
  9:02am (^-^)b F0F0 (:

Good morning and happy Wednesday too, Ken!

honeymoon killers, yay!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:03am Ken:

Hi all! And by "all," I of course mean Danne D and fofo.
  9:04am Detroit Mac:

Groan... Somebody got some toothpicks? so I can prop my eyes open this morning.
  9:05am groucho:

good afternoon from Manchester, England.
  9:06am Lizardner Dave:

Manchester England England? From across the Atlantic sea?
  9:06am groucho:

  9:07am (^-^)b F0F0 (:

I like the LOL WUT pic waiting to be photoshoped.

Detroit Mac,
You don't need to SEE Ken's program radio show if you know what I mean. ;)
Well, I actually don't get what I meant to say.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:07am Ken:

Yes Dave, Manchester, as in home to some of the greatest bands on earth.
  9:10am Lizardner Dave:

And soccer teams!
  9:11am DH Lawrence:

Rocking Horse Wiener!
  9:15am anne:

good wednesday everyone!
Ken, there was a GIF event here you woulda liked:
  9:16am (^-^)b F0F0 (:

Everytime I see a wiener in the context of this show I think of...hey, it's not what your dirty minds are thinking! They remind me of the epic Corn Weenie and Big Sausage Pizza (PFTB) remixes.
  9:16am other david:

good hello, mainlanders.
  9:18am (^-^)b F0F0 (:


Did you went there? I'd had liked it too! For me the animated gifs are the new short films!
  9:18am still b/p:

What necktie would Jesus wear?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:19am Ken:

Thanks Anne - That looks cool. When I DJ'ed at SXSW I did a simultaneous live video mix of GIFS. Gotta find a place to do that here in NYC. Got a cool new VJ program that lets me mix and crossfade up[[ to 3 GIFs at a time.
  9:20am glenn:

jesus would wear a bowtie, just like les nessman.
  9:21am r i s k y:

GO KEN!!!!! Hahahaa!!! Go ken!!!!!
  9:22am (^-^)b F0F0 (:

Did you notice? Jesus is surfing 4chan! And it doesn't looks shopped. I can tell from the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
  9:22am Lizardner Dave:

Jesus rejected my Words With Friends request :(
  9:23am Lizardner Dave:

Mohammed didn't, but he just kept using "Jihad". Over and over.
  9:28am groucho:

everyone knows Jesus spams /b/ with CP
  9:29am Dan B From Upstate:

Hmm... Dan isn't on that infographic... So... I guess it's accurate.
  9:30am Lissner Wes:

Jesus never loses his files because, as we all know....JESUS SAVES! (sorry, had to do it)
  9:30am Josh:

Ken- Please please please please stop! Enough dokaka!
  9:31am Christophe:

Hello from Paris, France, other the little sea...
  9:31am Lewis:

I am with Josh on Dokaka - a bit much for me this morning...
  9:31am Caryn:

Yay! Only missed the first half hour! Was out getting my Zola Jesus ticket and embarrassing myself at the insurance company.
  9:33am Roberto:

  9:33am SteveL:

If you have time, could you play something by Dokaka?

Thanks in advance!!!!!
  9:33am Josh:

  9:34am Josh:

Good one SteveL
  9:34am Shemp, the Blind Poet:

  9:36am Caryn:

I´m keeping my fingers crossed that people aren´t calling in to take back their pledges.
  9:37am bbell:

Ken, who is that LADY with the LEGS?
  9:38am Christophe:

Dokaka for président
  9:38am Caryn:

@bbell: that's Nina Simone in 1965.
  9:39am Dokaka:

I feel strange. Its as if someone is playing my music on the radio.
  9:39am Detroit Mac:

Ah... Ken is channeling Kenny G. Everybody run for the hills!
  9:40am SteveL:

Wow. Sure wish I'd been listening via headphones for that segue.
  9:41am Caryn:

I'm fine as long as he channels Kenny G, the DJ. If he starts channeling Kenny G, the saxophone player, I'm outta here.
  9:41am Lewis:

@detroit Mac hits the nail on the head!
  9:42am Lewis:

@caryn - did you ever hear Kenny G the dj read email he received that was intended for the sax "player"? - that was fun!
  9:44am bbell:

thanks, Caryn. Ken must have a scrapbook of stunning women celebrities at leisure. Last time I asked about one, she was Brigitte Bardot.
  9:47am Caryn:

@Lewis: aw man, I missed that! Must have been awesome.
  9:48am Caryn:

That misprint on the Keuhkot album cover is a constant source of annoyance. Ken, the h goes before the k.
  9:51am Caryn:

You know, she still tours.
  9:52am Gilbert Anstruther:

I feel as is someone is reading my book.
  9:53am Deepak:

Sounds like a nice compilation, this Eastern Block experience.
  9:54am Caryn:

It's fun whenever Ken pronounces Keuhkot. It sounds like "kukat", which means "flowers".
  9:56am Caryn:

Instead of having people photoshop the wiener pic, maybe you should have listeners add some audience response to that soundclip?
  9:56am Rammstein:

I feel as if my music is not being played on WFMU.
  9:58am dc pat:

hi. Too busy to comment.
  10:00am Caryn:

@Ken: go for one of these:
for your applause needs
  10:02am (^-^)b F0F0 (:

Aww Rammstein! We love you! I listen to you every day.
  10:04am groucho:

The Fall! best track from Ersatz GB too! well chosen
  10:08am Cecile:


Play Scala doing Rammstein's "Engel"
  10:10am Rammstein:


You like me, you really like me!!
  10:13am NSK:

Green with envy !
  10:18am Slimslacks:

I just like message boards.
  10:23am Detroit Mac:

I sent you a Hot DogMadala... You get it?
  10:26am Caryn:

How do I send you the captioned pic?
  10:27am Dan from Toronto:

Howdy, Ken. Sounds great up here in the ever-warming north!
  10:28am aaron in Jcity:

  10:28am kat330:

Hi, Ken, Hi commenters! Let me know if you didn't get the captioned .gifs I've sent so far, Ken?
  10:29am Andrew:

hi Ken, hi Ken!!!
  10:30am Nathan:

I once convinced a homophobic friend of mine who was also a massive Rammstein fan, but not a German speaker, that despite years of him liking the music that they were in fact militant homosexuals.. who often sang of rough man sex and straight rape by falsely translating for him the lyrics in comical ways. I ruined the dude's world. It was funny at the time...
  10:34am Mark:

probably not funny at this time
  10:35am groucho:

Nathan, you are a hero
  10:36am kat330:

Isn't the idea for the captions to be humorous?
  10:37am Caryn:

Seriously, how do I send the pic to Ken?
  10:37am Mark:

perhaps depends on your definition of humorous
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:37am Ken:

I got 'em Kat! Thanks. Working my way through them now..Thanks to all who captioned my weiner! You can send them to ken at wfmu dot o-r-g
  10:38am caption to:

ken at wfmu dot org
  10:38am Cecile:

you mean that they're NOT about that, Nathan?
  10:39am rsh::

whose idea?
  10:40am kat330:

Well, I meant general humor as opposed to insider, playlist-referential humor.
  10:41am Caryn:

Okay, sent :)
And seriously, Nathan, that was great.
  10:41am Mark:

again, subjective
  10:42am Cecile:

sauna makkara.
  10:43am Cecile:

this is very Bill Withers like. I like it.
  10:43am Caryn:

@Cecile: heh! Although for that, the guy would probably have to be naked or clad in just a towel. And have a beer in his hand.
  10:44am kat330:

Makkara, yes, had them in Finland, roasted over a bonfire while the, um, ytykka?? were flying all around.
  10:44am Cecile:

and some juustoa.
  10:44am Nathan:

I'm still not convinced... some of the songs off Herzeleid still make me giggle. Seemann in particular. I can make a joke out of pretty much anything and I still don't know if that's a vice or a virtue. All I know is that my friends share the same ability and I love them for it. Otherwise my rather aquiline nose would not have retained its shape for as long as it has.
  10:44am rsh::

humour ?

Ask Frank, there. And by Frank, I mean the sausage in the picture.
  10:44am Cecile:

or as they say in teh UP, saunamuckada.
  10:45am kat330:

Thanks, Ken! :)
  10:45am Cecile:

kat, makkara has another meaning much as weenie does here.
  10:45am Caryn:

And sinappi.
  10:46am Lewis:

George Coleman is sooo cool...
  10:46am Caryn:

@kat: itikka (well, itikat in plural)
  10:46am Slimslacks:

George Coleman! But you DID make the best song ever!
  10:46am Detroit Mac:

What... do Weenie Riders without words not count?
  10:47am Caryn:

@kat: or ötökkä...
  10:47am Cecile:

mm mm mm
  10:47am kat330:

@Cecile: No doubt! But I meant the original around the bonfire. :)

@Caryn: How do you spell the name of those pesky gnats (sounds like utooka)?
  10:47am Carmichael:

Hello, Kenneth. Good morning, Kennites.
  10:47am rsh::

Caption for the blind:

"Hey Frank, I liked you better when you were a whole person, not ground up into a sausage case and stitched to horse legs."
  10:47am kat330:

You are ahead of me!
  10:47am kat330:

Romeo and Juliet evocation again!
  10:47am Cecile:

oh good, kat. That other meaning would be painful....
  10:48am Cecile:

  10:51am antwan:

What's the music you're talking over?
  10:51am Caryn:

@kat: tried to find the makkara ikebana sketch from an old Finnish sketch show, but can't find it on youtube :(
  10:52am Cecile:

I suspect DA the DJ will not need too much help learning Stones songs.
  10:52am kat330:

Can't get enough palindromic band names...
  10:53am kat330:

@Caryn: Hey, you've provided a whole chain of superb makkara (links) over the months -- kiitos for the thought!
  10:53am chuck e jesus:

"what kind of kids ride Armour hotdogs?" aka I Wish I Knew How to gif...
  10:55am kat330:

@chuck: Just right-click copy the top image here, stick it in a graphics program (even paintbrush), add the text inside the balloon, right-click copy the finished image, then email to Ken.
  10:56am kat330:

@antwan: I don't know what Ken was playing exactly, but he has before. It includes a loop of Prokofiev's "Romeo & Juliet" opening measures of one theme.
  10:57am Caryn:

@antwan: a looped bit of Prokofiev's "Dance of the Knights" from Act I, Scene 2 of his "Romeo & Juliet" Ballet. It tends to be called "Montagues and Capulets".
  10:58am kat330:

@Caryn: Okay, this has gotta stop! :)
  10:58am Caryn:

@kat: I've got my pinky hooked :)
  10:58am antwan:

@caryn @kat330: thanks!
  11:01am kat330:

You can take my hooked pinky, just stay outta my head! :) [The real test is if you already sent Ken a Lipizzaner-esque caption, too.]
  11:01am fred von helsing:

  11:01am Caryn:

@kat: I sent a caption, but it did not mention Lipizzaner. So, phew!
  11:02am Cecile:

My caption:
Horse weenie! Really! Really!
  11:03am kat330:

Reminds me, JT & I watched two new Prisoner eps, and they were ones rrg was talking about: "Schizoid Man" and "The General." Both excellent indeed. And one poses a trivia question for the master of trivia questions.
  11:04am Dan B From Upstate:

I just finished the prisoner for the first time a couple of months back. Great stuff.
  11:06am kat330:

What famous person was an extra in "The General," credited as Man in Top Hat at Table?
  11:06am Caryn:

Man, I love "The General". Among my top 3 or 4 Prisoner episodes.
  11:07am Caryn:

@kat: Ian Fleming
  11:07am kat330:

@Caryn: well, there are two others I sent, so still a synch chance.
  11:07am kat330:

Aw, shucks. Too easy!
  11:08am Cecile:

can you play the Whistler by Claude VonStroke?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:08am Ken:

Yeah, that was a Prokofiev tapeloop I was tal;king over, of part of "the montagues & the capulets" from Romeo & Juliet.
  11:09am Caryn:

"The General" also has John Castle as Number 12. I've loved him since he was Geoffrey in "The Lion in Winter". Sigh...
  11:10am rsh::

"Street meat at the races. Catch your own ground bits."
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:10am Ken:

Im having trouble keeping up with the Remixed Weenies but thank everybody who has sent them! If I dont post yours today, I will post it next week.
  11:11am Caryn:

It's funny you should watch "The Schizoid Msn" and "The General", because the computer is first mentioned in "The Schizoid Man". "The General" is the payoff to the mention.
  11:11am Dan B From Upstate:

I kind of want to watch the Simpsons episode "The Computer Wore Menace Shoes" again, so I can actually understand what all the references are this time.
  11:11am kat330:

Ohhh, THAT's where I knew him from! And yes, Geoffrey was the most interesting one. Have you yet seen von Trier's "Melancholia"? We also caught that this weekend. I know he's made an ass of himself personally, but I very much enjoyed the film. The opening few minutes -- gorgeous..
  11:14am kat330:

Downward into a spiral of links with a silent scream..
  11:15am kat330:

@Caryn: Supposedly we are watching them in order, so it followed naturally. Is it not in aired order?
  11:16am SteveL:

Love the circle of weenies. Credit? Might want to share with a friend who has a weenie cart.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:17am Ken:

The circle of weenies was by Scott.
  11:18am Caryn:

@kat: oh, okay, so you're watching them all. Then never mind :) But if you would only choose 2 episodes to watch, it would be nice if they were interconnected like that.
  11:19am other david:

World needs more Sagan gifs:
  11:19am Caryn:

@Dan B: I also recommend the first 2 parts of the "Pinky and the Brain" 3-parter "Brainwashed". Lots of "Prisoner" parody there.
  11:20am kat330:

These two were certainly tops and wonder if they will stay at that level as we continue. Yeah, we're watching 4-5 classic TV box collections, shuffling the viewing around but not the episode order.
  11:20am Mark:

why would one chose to only watch 2 episodes of "The Prisoner"?
  11:22am kat330:

@Mark: We're watching them all, just not all at once.
  11:22am Caryn:

@Mark: well, I wouldn't, but there was discussion on an earlier comments board about the "best Prisoner episodes", and those 2 were among some of the nominees, so if you wanted to refresh your memory about those specific episodes, you might do it.
  11:23am Mark:

okey doke
  11:25am Caryn:

@kat: well, 3 of my top 4 are still to come on your viewing list, 2 of them back-to-back ("Checkmate" and "Hammer into Anvil"), and plenty of other great ones too. The quality of "The Prisoner" stays pretty top-notch throughout.
  11:26am Deepak:

and you're doing it right, The Prisoner should be thought, discussed and relished over a while.
  11:26am Dan B From Upstate:

Thanks, Kat. I'll check it out!
  11:27am kat330:

@Deepak: Well, both of us actually saw the entire series years before (he in Finnish rerun, me at original broadcast), but I at least have forgotten so much. It's great having this refresher.
  11:30am Mark:

"I am not a number, I am a free man"
  11:30am rsh::

So, I was thinking about how Alan Greenspan probably has next to no ecology in his 1940s science background. Thinking how this is true for the majority of economists. And thinking about that population doubling rate since ~1970 or so.

And I thought, "let's all be stupid" would make an excellent world international anthem.
  11:31am rsh::

They can just make shit up and wrap it in a pretty or slanderous/smearing advertising bow.
  11:32am Deepak:

"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered!"
  11:32am Carmichael:

This would be great bed music for someone's show.
  11:32am Lewis:

@rsh - an older friend of mine (mid 80s years olld) has experienced a *tripling* of Earth population in his life time!...
  11:33am kat330:

I, for one, wouldn't mind seeing McGoohan "debriefed."
  11:34am Deepak:

  11:34am Dan B From Upstate:

Meh... it's unlikely, but Ken? Is there any chance you could play the theme from the prisoner?
  11:35am rsh::

The equivalent in the medical world would be using leeches in medicine.

Or, "she's possessed by demons, bring me the nicotine"
  11:35am kat330:

I spend too much time thinking about how future generations will fare on this fair planet. See "Melancholia" for an "elegant" solution.
  11:36am Mike East:

  11:36am Brian en Angleterre:

Debagged in Portmeirion. Ever been there? It would be wonderful on a day like today with views of Snowdonia.
  11:37am rsh::

Yeah, "whatever"
  11:37am Caryn:

  11:38am Mark:

  11:40am Caryn:

Soon, Ken will play Iron Maiden's "The Prisoner" and "Back in the Village" on a loop and go "Oh, Iron Maiden..."
  11:40am Carmichael:

Ken, how close are you from getting the toaster oven?
  11:41am kat330:

@rsh: I've been conscious and conscientious about ecology and the environment since likely before you were born, so my conscience is clear. If only the breeders cared as much for what their lineage will be forced to endure as I do, we wouldn't have Damocles' sword over us.
  11:42am kat330:

Oh, and Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde" theme from "Melancholia."
  11:42am Caryn:

Actually, there are so many frigging Prisoner references in popular music, maybe some day we will get some DJ putting on a Prisoner-themed show. Hmm, I wonder if Meghan is interested?
  11:42am Mark:

oh dear don't make assumptions
  11:44am Brian en Angleterre:

You are No. 6. Lotus is No. 7. Who is No. 1. Hint hint.
  11:44am PMD:

The devil inside.
  11:45am seang:

just tuned in--Jabba the Hut?
  11:45am Deepak:

or Nat Roe could make another funky collage out of Prisoner quotes.
  11:46am Brian en Angleterre:

We all are dahlings fo keeping this station ALIVE.
  11:46am Caryn:

I wonder if "The Laughing Prisoner" is on youtube? Frey & Laurie & "Prisoner" references? I'm sold.
  11:48am Caryn:

I mean Fry & Laurie... Frey? Aagh, my typing skills!
  11:49am kat330:

Screaming brain, you got that right....
  11:49am Carmichael:

Ken the Hut.
  11:49am Mark:

this is kind of making my hungover brain hurt
  11:50am Nathan:

@kat330 Future generations will be just fine. Your anxiety has been proven false time and time again since Malthus provided us with his apocalyptic treatise on populations in 1797. I am not so 'all knowing' to say that we don't have problems but we as a species have always found solutions just as we have throughout history. Otherwise we wouldn't be here today.
  11:50am Caryn:

@Deepak: or Prisoner quotes from other shows, like "Babylon 5", "The Simpsons", and "SpongeBob Squarepants"...
  11:50am kat330:

Ken is #1?
  11:50am Mike East:

@kat330 - I was kinda bored by Melancholia. It looks gorgeous, though - and I did enjoy the shots from space with classical music - seemed like an homage to kubrick.
  11:50am northguineahills:

I've been wanting to hear this Masaki Batoh record. Fascinating brain pulse devise he came up w/.
  11:51am Marmalade Kitty:

my washing machine loves this track; punctuated with cycles
  11:52am Marmalade Kitty:

..and spinning
  11:52am kat330:

@Nathan: It certainly is nice to think so, especially if you've brought children into our over-crowded planet. But I think there is some denial of reality going on regardless. A defense of what you've done/haven't done like Oprah championing "There's no such thing as luck" to defend her enormous success.
  11:52am Deepak:

@Caryn good idea, that would make on one hell of a collage
  11:53am Caryn:

Oh, "Man with the Screaming Brain"... The Bruce Campbell fan in me thanks you, Ken.
  11:55am kat330:

Is that last sausage ride by MN Jeff? Seems like his handiwork.
  11:55am Mark:

interesting excerpt from Johnny Ramone's autobiography:

he really was a dick
  11:55am Ron P.:

Newt got 8% in Illinois last night. From Republican Primary voters. Pretty pitiful, big guy.
  11:55am Dan B From Upstate:

So... today is my last day listening live for the foreseeable future. I'm starting a new job, and I'll either be out of commission for the next 4-7 weeks... or I may not be able to listen live at all. Either way, I'll be archive listening. I just wanted to say thank you for the last three years. Ken and the commenters have helped me through so many Wednesdays. I hope I get to chat with you guys again soon!
  11:55am Brian en Angleterre:

Be seeing you.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:56am Ken:

  11:56am Lewis:

good luck Dan!!
  11:56am Cecile:

Dan B, godspeed, and I hope we'll see you around again.
  11:57am PMD:

Congrats to Dan B! A job is a good thing.
  11:57am Caryn:

Be seeing you. And congrats for the job!
  11:57am kat330:

Oh, take and give care, Dan B!
  11:57am groucho:

is this song real? lol america
  11:57am Lizardner Dave:

Will the new Neil Young record be better or worse than the Bob Dylan Christmas record? Discuss.
  11:57am Lizardner Dave:

And good luck Dan B.
  11:57am rsh::

"cut and move on"
  11:58am kat330:

Six in a minute -- lots of goodwill there for ya, Dan!
  11:58am kat330:

Ooops, I see SEVEN now.
  11:58am Carmichael:

Rock on, Dan B.
  11:59am Dan B From Upstate:

Thank you for the nice words, everyone. I look forward with talking with you again soon! These Wednesdays mornings are definitely the best part of my week.
  11:59am PMD:

Thing is, for Newt, there's songs from when he was speaker too So much material.
  11:59am fred von helsing:

amen, "schizoid man" was the most mindbuggering. portmerion is pretty nifty to look at but actually there's nothing much going on unless you hit the annual "convention". the railway and the slate mine are recommended too.
  12:01pm Ron P.:

Dock Duane for lateness. Put a note in his HR file.
  12:02pm fofo:

dan b! all the best!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:03pm Ken:

Still no Duane!
  12:04pm Ron P.:

He's trying to find a playable copy of "The Hustle"
  12:04pm PMD:

Always good to have extra material... Duane picked the wrong DJ to be late for.
  12:05pm kat330:

Batshit records, love it!
  12:05pm fofo:

Yes, more rammstein then!! wo-hoooooo!!!!

Just kidding.

Aww rammstein. We love you already!
  12:05pm Cecile:

If this is a batshit record, then what do they think of Gene Pitney and Roy Orbison?
  12:06pm Ron P.:

Maybe Duane figures Irwin's going to be late *again*, and he only has three hours of music, so he needs to start late.
  12:07pm Cecile:

how easy is it to find Zarah's record? This is great. Like Marlene Dietrich, who I love.
  12:07pm efd:

Duane should be there any minute! He tweeted "@WFMU, i'm coming! See you in 45!!" about, oh, 45 minutes ago.
  12:09pm Nathan:

@kat330 I haven't procreated, yet. Have no problems with the concept of doing so either. I don't think the planet is over-crowded. I think the population, much like that of a bacterial petri dish will eventually stabilise and we will reach a plateau. Looking at western population growth, with it's relative prosperity and high levels of education and you've relative stability in growth rates. There just happens to be a lot of countries playing 'catch-up' at the moment and I've no problems with that. Of course this plateau depends on how many solutions we find to our problems. We should at the very least hedge our bets by getting off this planet and starting somewhere else as well. I want humanity to survive no matter how messed up it is we have to ability to change our universe and being the only ones with that ability (thus far) is worth something. There are questions to be answered!
  12:09pm Modern Work Methods:

Always monitor the twitter feed of the guy who's coming to relieve you at the end of your shift.
  12:10pm PMD:

Is Duane going to have to ride the sausage as his punishment?
  12:11pm Modern Work Methods:

Ken uses his sausage to discipline DJs????
  12:11pm kat330:

@Nathan: Oh, I'm rather certain that starvation, water-borne illnesses, wars over food, clean water and resources will relieve our "population" problem. If that's what you want for future generations, then yeah, "we will survive" -- at what price?
  12:11pm groucho:

nobody's going to vote for you because they like your song. Stop this nonsense, silly America.
  12:12pm Bill Hicks:

.. we're a virus, with shoes!
  12:12pm Lizardner Dave:

Good to see Ken had his bonus reel of gifs ready for this occasion.
  12:12pm kat330:

And not even comfortable shoes.
  12:12pm Nathan:

@kat330 You seem to think those problems are 'new' things... ? When in fact they've been problems since our inception.
  12:13pm PMD:

I meant the Viennese one.
  12:13pm Andrew:

I am the real andrew
  12:13pm Dan B From Upstate:

How about a six hour Programme today, Ken? (Capital P, Two Ms and and E)
  12:13pm Cecile:

who did the original of Deutschland?
  12:14pm fofo:

how long Duane's show last?
  12:14pm kat330:

@Nathan: Go ahead and live it up then! I have no DNA dog in this "fight."
  12:15pm fred von helsing:

more topical than Disco Tex and the Sex-o-lettes
  12:15pm Nathan:

Thanks, I will as that's what pretty much what it's there for...! ;)
  12:16pm fofo:

Dan B, you are leaving us, but today show's is not leaving you! bwahahahaa. it's going to stay with you forever!!!
  12:16pm kat330:

Thank YOU, Ken!
  12:17pm other david:

Thanks Ken!
  12:17pm fofo:

Well, i think it's over now. Thanks Ken and good luck Dan B!!! See you in the archives!
  12:18pm Caryn:

@Groucho: it's a real song, but also meant to be humorous. It's not from a Newt supporter. Though there are songs by those too...
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