Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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March 30, 2012 Favoriting
How should you throw it on other occasions?
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Elder Charles Beck  Hide Me in Thy Bosum   Favoriting Elder Curry & Elder Beck 1930-1939
(Document 1937)
Madam Ira Mae Littlejohn  I Wanna See Jesus   Favoriting Get on Board Little Children:
The Modern Gospel Recordings
(Ace )
Ethel Davenport & the Ethel Davenport Singers  Steal Away and Pray   Favoriting b/w Softly and Tenderly
(Gotham 1951)
C.J. Taylor & the Taylor Brothers  Hard Headed Child Can't Gain no Grace   Favoriting Come to Jesus
(Champ )
Wandering Souls of North Carolina  You Don't Know   Favoriting God Is Near
(Gospel 1967)
Paul Owens & the Capitol City Stars  Generation Gap   Favoriting Jesus Is on the Mainline
(ABC/Songbird 1974)

Talkover Music:
Jackie Mittoo 
Darker Shade of Black   Favoriting Champion in the Arena 1976-1977
(Blood and Fire 1976)

Edmundo de Bettancourt  Samaratina   Favoriting Fados from Portugal, Volume 2
(Harlequin )
Pixinguinha e a Velha Guarda  Já Te Digo   Favoriting Brazilian Big Bands
(Frémeaux & Associés 1956)
Altemar Dutra  Um Amor Uma Saudade   Favoriting Que Queres Tu de Mim
(Odeon 1964)
Trio Esperança  Filme Triste   Favoriting Nós Somos o Sucesso
(Odeon 1963)
Duo Ouro Negro com Sivuca  A Minha Mulata   Favoriting Africanissimo
(Columbia 1959)
Trio Mocotó  Nago   Favoriting Muita Zorra!
(Forma 1971)
Djosinha  Corveta   Favoriting Corveta
(Morabeza )

Talkover Music:
Gender Wayang Pemarwan 
Gending Pemungkah   Favoriting Music for the Balinese Shadow Play "The Mahabharata"
(CMP 1989)

Karlheinz Stockhausen  Kommunion   Favoriting Kommunion/Intensität
(Deutsche Grammophone 1968)
Harry Miller  Homeboy   Favoriting Children at Play
(Ogun 1974)
Paul Schwarz feat. Bernd Konrad  Dedications   Favoriting Sali
(Creative Works 1985)
Elsbeth Moser  Serenade aus "Divertissement" pour accordeon   Favoriting Debut
(MRC 1977)
Chris Corsano  How Should You Throw It on Other Occasions?   Favoriting The Young Cricketer
(Family Vineyard 2006)

Talkover Music:
Q-Burns Abstract Message 
Feng Shui   Favoriting Feng Shui
(Astralwerks 1998)

The Gotham City Crime Fighters  Who Stole the Batmobile   Favoriting You Got Yours! East Bay Garage 1965-1967
(Big Beat )
Jim Doval & the Gauchos  Mama Keep Yo! Big Mouth Shut   Favoriting From the Mid-'60s The Bad Vibrations of 16 U.S.A. Lost Band
(Akarma 1965)
The Downliners Sect  Be a Sect Maniac   Favoriting Singles A's and B's
( 1964)
The Last Word  Don't Call Me, I'll Call You   Favoriting Scarey Business
(Ace )
9th Street Market  You're Gone   Favoriting Michigan Mayhem, Volume 1
(Fun )
The Coastliners  I'll Be Gone   Favoriting Texas Punk from the Sixties, Volume 2
(Eva 1966)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:23am Van in DC:

Good morning Doug, may the winds be at your back and the sun shine warmly on you during this fine Friday
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30am Doug Schulkind:

So far so good, Van!
  8:33am listener james from westwood:

i come for the music, i stay for the 33% bump in explicit content.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am Doug Schulkind:

For you, Listener James FW, tack on an extra 14%.
  8:38am Erella in toronto:

Wonderful start to the day. Glad to hear you today.
  8:42am listener james from westwood:

Mornin' Doug, Van, and Erella, and all lurkers, listeners, and well-wishers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43am Doug Schulkind:

Good day to you, Erella! We shall start with some killer gospel and go from there. Hey, did I see that the Blue Jays are 22-4 this spring training?! Very nice. The more to crush the Yankees this summer!
  8:44am Van in DC:

Hey there LJFW - good morning to you!
  8:46am Bob in Charlottesville:

Good morning Doug--I just wanted to make sure that you knew about the many many hours of amazing Alan Lomax material now available at When you see that a recording has a reference number like T1248R15, you can plug it into a URL like to download it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49am Doug Schulkind:

Thanks Bob in C! I am ALL over it. Back more than 10 years ago when Rounder was reissuing the entire Lomax catalog, I had a feller from the archive on my show many times debuting new batches of releases. I spent some time in the Lomax vaults and was blown away. This is a huge deal!
  8:53am Bob in Charlottesville:

The free, downloadable availability of so much great and important music on the Lomax site, without any SOPA/PIPA/Mediafire/legal issues, is something to especially appreciate these days.
  8:55am Van in DC:

Ahh, wonderful free downloads. Much better than the old days :)
  8:57am Brain in KU:

I have a pint pot, please squeeze in a quart.
  8:58am ndbob:

morning Doug and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am Doug Schulkind:

Happy tea time, Brain / A brisk good earliest to you, ndbob.
  9:00am holland oats:

right on time - yos to yous
  9:00am ndbob:

That's great Bob... didn't realize those files were downloadable.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am Doug Schulkind:

Howdy Holland!

And awaaaay, we go...
  9:02am Parq:

Man, you've got to get up early to be one of the starters on this playlist.
  9:03am Brain in KU:

Seem to have spent most of this week on motorways, getting punchy by the end. I was in a car. So you drive carefully, Mr Drummer.
  9:04am still b/p:

Good morning.
Heard about the Lomax mega-trove in recent days and thought that exploring through there could be an endless adventure....with just a mouse, a pith helment and an extra sandwich.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am Doug Schulkind:

Fridays in the gorge with Parq.
  9:05am holland oats:

early birds welcome
  9:06am Brain in KU:

Remember folks, Good Friday is traditionally for planting potatoes.
Then we can leave it to Leadbelly to dig 'em up.
  9:06am earwax:

Time to get on down and GTDS
  9:06am annie:

parq, make a comment on next week's right now!! that'll do it for sure!
morning all!
  9:08am Van in DC:

And your travels Doug, are what my playlist-opening comments were about :)
  9:08am still b/p:

F in the G with P...that's funny! ...and gets right to the pointillism.
  9:08am ndbob:

morning Annie!... and speaking of Elder Beck - have you ever played "Rock and Roll Sermon" Doug?
  9:11am Brain in KU:

This is my favourite pointillism painting. And.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am Doug Schulkind:

Morning earwax and Annie! And good catch, still b/p!
  9:12am northguineahills:

Doing it backwards today, first Doug, then Scott.
  9:12am annie:

mornin' ndbob!
  9:14am earwax:

This gospel stuff is great. Sounds like Brother Kevin's playlist.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am Doug Schulkind:

Hey Annie, have you gone to check out Ashville FM? They're in the midst of a critical Kickstarter drive:
  9:16am fishmonkeystew:

Good morning, Doug, Annie, and all!!! I'm sitting here, bidding a big co-gen plant project, and for some reason these tunes are helping me ease my way through. Thanks, Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am Doug Schulkind:

As Oscar Brown Jr. once sang (in an entirely different context), Fishmonkeystew, "Bid 'em in, bid 'em in!"
  9:21am annie:

i sure have doug, went to the meeting a week ago, met some of the gang. i await the email to confirm i'm ready to volunteer. i've been told i can start with office work, which is fine.
  9:22am Brain in KU:

Good luck annie hope it all goes well.
  9:24am listener james from westwood:

cool that you've found some radio kindred spirits down there, annie!
  9:24am fishmonkeystew:

Good luck, Annie! I hope Asheville is treating you well!
  9:24am ndbob:

Great Annie!
  9:25am Paul Sherratt:

Adapted t-shirt slogan for DJs " When in doubt, head for the gospel shelf " Swapping 'shelf' for 'tent' gets you to the advice on that fashion accessory at Jazz Fest, circa 1990.
Morning, afternoon, etc all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am Doug Schulkind:

Hey there northguineahills! I missed you whilst queuing up trax.
  9:28am holland oats:

hardheaded child can't remember no phrase
  9:29am Brain in KU:

Hello Paul, off to the West Country?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am Doug Schulkind:

Hello my good brother Paul!
  9:34am Artie:

Good morning all. Another fine day in the Carolinas. (Though Doug's got me all worried about my potential for gaining grace.) Thx for the Lomax tip. If you haven't yet found it, there has been a video channel set up as well. Subscribe and enjoy:
  9:38am Brain in KU:

More tubas or euphoniums
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am Doug Schulkind:

Hiya Artie. There's plenty of grace to go around. Grace Chang, Grace Jones, Grace Slick, Grayson and Whittier...
  9:39am Brain in KU:

artie have you tried flowers?
  9:40am Parq:

Don't forget Grace Kize.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am Doug Schulkind:

Believe it or not, this Trio Esperança track is a John D. Loudermilk cover!!
  9:41am ndbob:

of Sue Thompson's "Sad Movies Make Me Cry"
  9:43am listener james from westwood:

@Doug: Dick Grayson, pertinent to Tues's show.
  9:43am Paul Sherratt:

Hi Brian, ' Got a tankful of gas' and whatever else it says in the song ' and will be heading down there in a day or four. Did you know that our DJ has already been there ?
Morning Doug !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44am Doug Schulkind:

Yes, you are right, nbbob, they are covering Thompson's hit version of Loudermilk's tune.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44am Doug Schulkind:

@LJFW An addendum to Tuesday's show...coming up...
  9:45am Brain in KU:

Enjoy the pasties!!! Hot or cold.
  9:49am Hugo:

Hi all, just had a request on the blog I'm co-running about whether there are lyrics to be found of the vocal version of "Mra" on Dudu Pukwana's Zila 86 album. I really don't know but perhaps someone here does?
  9:50am Paul Sherratt:

Brian. I will. You really can't move for the things.
Note to non uk subscribers. The Cornish Pasty snack is now subject to a sales tax in a cunning plan by our tory rulers to bring the world economy back on track
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52am Doug Schulkind:

The song "Mra" is about Christopher Columbus Ngcukana.
  9:58am Brain in KU:

Ofcourse most tories are too posh to pasty.
  10:04am northguineahills:

In Pachuca, Mexico (where my fiance is from), they have a snack called pastes. It was introduced by Cornish miner immigrants in the late 1800s. It's essentially the same thing as Cornish pasties, but spicier (and local ingredients), and the only place in Mexico you can find them are in Pachuca (or Brooklyn when my gf makes them).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am Doug Schulkind:

Cornish pasties sounds like naughty attire in the UK.
  10:08am Brain in KU:

ngh does it still have a thick 'seam' of pastry on the outside for the workers to hold it by when eating. This is discarded when finished.

Doug you have a cheap.........
  10:10am still b/p:

I read about Turkish borek the other day. Now I want them. I want someone to open a borek shop nearby. Today.
  10:10am Hugo:

This is from "Aus den Sieben Tagen". On seven lps all in all.

I posted a more recent broadcast of excerpts here, aired on BBC Radio 3's Here and Now.
  10:11am northguineahills:

@Brain in KU: exactly, it still has the seam on the outside. It's usually discarded as well, but I'm a gringo and I likes me crusties.
  10:14am Holly in NC:

Hi Dpug # all! Another Carolinian popping in to say hi before venturing out to a lovely day, albeit one covered with pollen & inchworm poo.
And Doug - that snarky anti-Yankees comment was hardly necessary... ;-)
  10:14am Brain in KU:

still b/p ever had Turkish yogurt, really tasty, my only problem was the amount of sugar they put on it. Try & get downwind of Kurdish food, it is wonderful. There we are Doug, only two hours & still food & drink.
  10:15am northguineahills:

I don't believe I've heard Doug play Stockhausen before. I've never heard Kommunion before. Bravo!
  10:15am holland oats:

twenty years ago, if you told karlheinz stockhausen that people all over the world would someday listen to his music while simultaneously discussing pachucan pastes over computer chat, he'd have said you were crazy
  10:15am ndbob:

and don't forget the pasties from the UP of Michigan
  10:17am Hugo:

@holland oats: It's free form, innit?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am Doug Schulkind:

'Tis an honor and a pleasure.

@holland oats
Poor Karlheinz had been waiting all that time for this very moment. And he missed it. Oh the humanity.
  10:18am marcury:

Hola, Hola, Hola!
  10:18am Holly in NC:

Obviously Yankees fans have keyboard issues :-)
  10:19am Brain in KU:

Hugo this puts me in mind (slightly) of Peter Maxwell Davis' Eight Songs for a Mad King, saw the premiere in 1969? Think he was taken with Stockhausen & Schoenberg.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am Doug Schulkind:

Hey, Marcury. Happy day, Holly!
  10:21am still b/p:

I only finally talked myself into any yogurt habit at all a few years ago, but noooo added sugar no never no how. Sweeten it myself with fruit chunks. Smoothie operator....smooooothie operator...
  10:22am Paul Sherratt:

northguineahills, I believe our DJ warmed us up to the possibility by spinning The Stokkers some time last year. I have a fuzzy memory of KS on the Drummer wavelength before, mind you.
  10:23am listener james from westwood:

been preferring the greek-style yogurt lately. gave it a try, got over the initial tartness/intensity, and now prefer it. i find big-brand commercial yogurt sugary and loose now.
  10:25am still b/p:

I think Sugary & Loose was a pop soul duo in the late seventies.
  10:26am holland oats:

stonyfield plain w sliced banana, walnuts, almonds, honey #my2cents
  10:26am marcury:

Listener james, get yourself some cheesecloth, strain regular yogurt through it for a couple of hours, voila... Greek Yogurt
  10:27am pgw in mntclr:

i was doing 2 stonyfields plus walnuts a day for quite a while
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am Doug Schulkind:

Looks like I played KS's "Kommunion" on June 25, 2010. The significance of that show? My last one from NYC before moving to Pittsburgh (I think).
  10:28am holland oats:

@pgw not the big ones i hope
  10:29am pgw in mntclr:

ha! no, the small ones...
  10:31am northguineahills:

I Listened to that show. I must have had work duties when KS was played, as I have no memory of it.
  10:31am Holly in NC:

7 stars biodynamic full fat plain, or homemade. **yogurt fanatic** in the house
  10:31am Brain in KU:

What I really enjoy in the hot weather is lassi or lussi. a yoghurt drink thinned with iced water containing sugar or salt & dry roasted cumin seeds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am Doug Schulkind:

I had no memory of it either, ngh! I keep an index card with tracks played and dates with each CD. Must've forgot to mark that one.
  10:32am holland oats:

even my dog loves yogurt - i always give her a spoonful when i'm snacking
  10:33am Holly in NC:

Yogurt fanatic leaving house, won't be back online 'til show is over :-( Safe & happy travels, Doug!
  10:36am Brain in KU:

Going to have a 'go' at making cheese soon. Kor-les-tor-role city.
  10:36am glenn:
  10:38am glenn:

libery mediterranean is the yogurt all other yogurts bow down to.
  10:41am Brain in KU:

Could I suggest this as a compliment to Chris Corsano's suggestions for the Summer game.
  10:41am Hugo:

@Doug: There is now a second Blue Notes cd from the 1979 Holland tour, this one WITH Chris McGregor. Just ordered it.

(I cannot imagine a FMU comments board WITHOUT reference to food :-)
  10:41am northguineahills:

Jealous of all of this dairy talk. I've been lactose intolerant since my early 20s, but I still love dairy. Lactase supplements marginally work, but sometimes the pain is worth it.
  10:44am still b/p:

Budget probiotics...Whole Foods house brand to save fiddy or senny fi cent.
  10:44am Brain in KU:

ngh we are so lucky, soya milk just does not cut it.
  10:46am ndbob:

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only GTDS listener who likes eating at MacDonalds
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am Doug Schulkind:

I was never mad at a McDonald's fish sammich. This "pink slime" business has been unnerving.
  10:50am ndbob:

Yep .. gross but probably harmless.
  10:51am glenn:

a little scottish food won't kill you, ndbob.
  10:51am ndbob:

great song here!
  10:52am monica:

hey there, doug and buds. lovin' this sixties slop rock set.
  10:52am glenn:
  10:53am ndbob:

Unfortunately food choices here are pretty limited.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Monica!
  10:54am still b/p:

Which came first, You're Gone or 1966 Steppin' Stone by PR and Raiders and then Monkees?
  10:56am KevinfromBayRidge:

Hello Doug & All,
Greetings from the sunny shores of Eastern Jamaica Bay!
Doug, since food seems to be the thing, I did a "Dine In Brooklyn" last night in your old nabe at Jake's BBQ on Columbia nr Degraw. Greatest BBQ Brisket ever. Hope I'm not grossing out any GTDS vegans.
  10:56am marcury:

ndbob, haven't had macdonalds in a long time, but we do an homage to the big mac at my restaurant
  10:56am ndbob:

It was front page news when McDonald's reopened.
  10:56am monica:

hey, did your live stream just get knocked off the air?
  10:56am Brain in KU:

Safe journey. Do not drink & drink, you are bound to spill some.
  10:57am ndbob:

Yep Monica - I got a 404 error briefly
  10:57am Michael:

Seems like something happened.
  10:58am Van in DC:

I lost the stream for a bit there too. All is well now though.

Thanks for the show Mr. Drummer Some. Have a great weekend everyone.
  10:58am Michael:

My math answer was 666!
  10:58am northguineahills:

mine blipped as well.
  10:58am ndbob:

Great show Doug - and have fun
  10:59am Hugo:

One man gathers what another man spills ...
  10:59am Brain in KU:

Seems to be jumping about.
  11:00am monica:

and we're back...
  11:00am listener james from westwood:

safe travels, doug, and thanks for the fine show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am Doug Schulkind:

Not sure whappen there. The stream bucked me off, but I climbed back on, dammit! Cheerio everyone!
  11:01am holland oats:

^ ditto
  11:01am Hugo:

On your bike, mate!
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