Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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April 10, 2012 Favoriting
There are two sides to every record
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)

Edgar Hayes & His Stardusters  Blues at Dawn (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting
(Exclusive 1949)
Jack Kerouac  Visions of Neal: Neal and the Three Stooges (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Readings by Jack Kerouac on the Beat Generation
(Verve 1959)
Buddy Johnson  Because (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Buddy Johnson & His Orchestra 1947-1949
(Chronological Classics 1949)

Talkover Music:
Nicola Conte 
Forma 2000   Favoriting Bossa Per Due
(ESL 2000)

George "Harmonica" Smith  McComb, Mississippi (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Arkansas Trap
(Black Cat 1970)
Bobby Marchan  There Is Something on Your Mind (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting
(Fire 1960)
Shalimar & His Friends  Voodoo Mash (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting
(Del-Fi 1962)
Billy Wade & the 3rd Degrees  Tear It Up (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting
(ABC 1967)
King Lee (feat. Quintron)  Tire Shop (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Tire Shop
(Goner 2010)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 1960)

Listener comments!

  2:23pm kat330:

Early arrival here seeking a Lola-free zone. ;}
  2:28pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey kat330! Please toss a log on the fire when it burns down. I'll return with more kindling at 6 (ET).
  4:09pm kat330:

I'm keeping it toasty all right.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm Doug Schulkind:

All the Snuggies have been washed and folded since the last show.
  4:40pm kat330:

Just caught a fine Bonnie Raitt performance on Ellen. That woman can sing a cereal box and still turn out a great cover. Check it if you can.
  5:40pm listener james from westwood:

w00t! it's singles going steady (from a side to b) day!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm Doug Schulkind:

This show runs (well, jogs) the gamut from A to B.
  5:48pm glenn:

music with sensible shoes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm Doug Schulkind:

Always the old soft-shoe from GTDS.
  5:54pm glenn:

oh, ozzie. he's the best.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm Doug Schulkind:

I guess no one gave two shits when Ozzie praised Hugo Chávez!
  5:57pm ndbob:

afternoon Doug and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm Doug Schulkind:

Hello ndbob, how the heck are ya?
  5:59pm ndbob:

pretty good - nice and sunny out - although it was 19 this morning
  6:00pm glenn:

probably because the average chicago white sox fan thought hugo chavez was a minor league shortstop.
  6:01pm listener james from westwood:

howdy all! 19 degrees in the morning has gotta be part of that "april is the cruelest month" thing i've read about.
  6:04pm glenn:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Doug Schulkind:

How ironic, then, Glenn, that it was our beloved Fidel, who had a tryout with the Washington Senators.
  6:05pm glenn:

i though it was the giants, but i've heard the senators, too.
  6:10pm Artie:

Nothing to see here, just Selig pandering to the paying customers. See the evidence here -
  6:10pm listener james from westwood:

poor larry, the least-remembered primary stooge.
  6:11pm Toby:

Synchronicity Spoken Here... but what else is new?: This Jack K popped up on my ipod in shuffle this very dawn as I walked the railroad earth streets of Brooklyn to feed my buddy's cat...
  6:13pm kat330:

Listening from the get-go, in the kitchen -- where else?! -- and loving it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm Doug Schulkind:

Hello dear Toby. Say hey to your buddy's cat. (Named "Willie" by any chance?)
  6:15pm Toby:

Merlin... a coon cat
  6:16pm Toby:

Come to think of it, this buddy was the one turned me on to Ti Jean (that's Kerouac) way back in '74. More synchronicity!
  6:17pm glenn:

you want synchronicity? toby commenting on a piece about neal cassady, and i used to have a girlfriend named toby neal.
  6:18pm kat330:

@Toby: Hope you stay awhile after filling the feed -- several strokes, a bit of play. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm Doug Schulkind:

I miss old pal Marc's Maine coon named Fitz. Hell, I miss old pal Marc's other cat Shmoogie. Hell, I miss old pal Marc.

Not many would have Kerouac on their iPod, Toby.

I spoke with my sister the other day. She was lounging in her cabin under the Bixby Canyon Bridge. The cabin built by Ferlinghetti.
  6:18pm ndbob:

I've probably mentioned here that I met the Three Stooges - second Curly of course. When I was growing up they were staying at the motel we were staying at in Atlantic City. I remember Larry teaching a kid how to swim.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm Doug Schulkind:

Lovely image there, ndbob (Larry teaching a kid to swim).
  6:20pm Toby:

I miss you all. Walk by your old neighb and shed a tear...
  6:22pm kat330:

I never cared for The Three Stooges -- not uncommon among young girls, I imagine -- but some bits of the current film SEEM as if it might have some honest giggles.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm Doug Schulkind:

Our landlord—who lived on the third floor above us, and never raised the rent from the moment we started paying it in Spring 1987—died last week.
  6:24pm listener james from westwood:

one married couple of my acquaintance sports a man who's a huge stooges fan, and a woman who loves the beats & hates the stooges. this double-cut has something for both of them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm Doug Schulkind:

Enjoying the Stooges refracted through the prism of Kerouac, however, is mighty girl-friendly. I'd like to think.
  6:26pm kat330:

In my case, I had a brother who loved 'em. He also loved going all Moe on me whenever he could. Hearing Jack here, Matt Leblanc could do him (in audio anyway).
  6:27pm glenn:

personally, i hate the three stooges. all five of them.
  6:27pm kat330:

Yes, Doug, a fine filter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm Doug Schulkind:

To Moe = a verb. I like it.
  6:28pm glenn:
  6:29pm listener james from westwood:

such a landlord! mine's nowhere near as magnanimous. rip you saintly recipient of rents!
  6:29pm Toby:

Not a Stooges guy either but the "Curly Shuffle" was pretty great when they used to play it at Shea back in the '80s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm Doug Schulkind:

In 1987, Jessie talked the landlord down to $900 (from ($950). The last rent check we paid in June 2010 = $900. We begged him to RAISE the rent. He refused.
  6:32pm glenn:

he probably left you the building in his will.
  6:32pm kat330:

@james: An early on-my-own landlord saga was in Greenwich Village when I was 19 -- completely ripped off $500 security depo -- but had only good landlord experiences out in L.A. Is your Westwood not in CA?
  6:33pm kat330:

@glenn: I've never seen you so peckish. :)
  6:34pm listener james from westwood:

@kat: my westwood is in northern nj, close to paramus.
my lease is actually up for renewal, but the amount is to be discussed this week. hope it's not too onerous; new ownership since last lease.
  6:36pm ndbob:

One advantage of living in North Dakota - really cheap rents - $400 for a two bedroom apartment
  6:37pm kat330:

Huh, and all this time I was visualizing you out on the Left Coast. Well, good luck with that! We've had some doozies here in the "heartless land" but are lucky the past 6 years to have a real winner.
  6:37pm glenn:

i prefer acerbic.
  6:37pm strs:

Ask strangers, Doug. Places and which days of the week? Lunch ? Dinner? Specials? Experimenting is tough when fish is the dish, eh?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm Doug Schulkind:

Especially the raw kind.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm Doug Schulkind:

The recitation at the beginning of Marchan's part two is worth the whole broadcast.
  6:39pm strs:

Continental beats out coastal with smoked fish I think? Maybe.
  6:40pm kat330:

@ndbob: And you have the best employment rate, too, yes?
  6:40pm ndbob:

Where are you Kat?
  6:42pm kat330:

Southern Indiana, lovingly known as Indy-Yucky across the Ohio River from Louisville. Where I was raised, left for 20 years, and unhappily returned to.
  6:42pm Artie:

Ought to have some darn fine Muskie sashimi there Doug.
  6:44pm ndbob:

Yep Kat - though wages are low except in the oil producing area. @Kat - been through that area a bunch of times
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm Doug Schulkind:

Pittsburgh probably has pierogi sashimi.
  6:44pm ::JT::

Lovely set, and that Marchan double was wonder-full.
  6:44pm kat330:

@Doug: Yep, we have a similar landlord who's never raised our rent from day one to 6+ years later. He's smart enough to know a really good thing when he sees it.
  6:45pm glenn:

or cookie sashimi.
  6:45pm ndbob:

and did spend some time in Evansville In a while back.
  6:46pm kat330:

Something fishy going on here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm Doug Schulkind:

Many years ago I did a marathon premium for WFMU featuring songs with humans making animal noises. Missed this one.
  6:47pm listener james from westwood:

the previous owner of this bldg let me slide one year on a rent hike b/c they had moved a disturbed person next door. all day and night i was hearing a racist glossolaliac ranting about this or that group while making shempish noises.
  6:47pm Artie:

Once upon a time in Southwest VA, some very nice folks set up a sushi carry-out. In an early fit of locavorism, they offered up a Virginia Roll - featuring country salt ham and mayo. Poor things never found their mark in that small burg.
  6:49pm kat330:

@james: And it circles back to the Stooges. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm Doug Schulkind:

You can never tell about food and geography. One of the best (and hottest) Thai meals I ever had was in Bluff, Utah. An U.S. vet had come back with a new wife from SE Asia. Needless to say, she was head chef.
  6:50pm strs:

pierogi sashimi!
  6:51pm listener james from westwood:

@kat: that guy has never been more topical.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm Doug Schulkind:

And by the way, Listener James From Westwood wins the word-of-the-day contest with "glossolaliac."

Please pick up your Kewpie doll after the show!
  6:52pm glenn:

there's three chinatowns in toronto. the best chinese food i've ever had was in lawrencetown, nova scotia.
  6:52pm ndbob:

sounds great Doug.. there was a Vietnamese restaurant here long before I moved here..
  6:52pm Toby:

I spent my wedding night in Bluff, Utah!
  6:53pm northguineahills:

Quintron are great live.
  6:53pm kat330:

Stooges and baseball -- my bro' would have a field day here.
@Doug: Hm. Peckish come, peckish go. ;}
  6:53pm ndbob:

some glossolalia might fit well on GTDS
  6:53pm listener james from westwood:

winna winna chicken dinna!
  6:53pm strs:

I'd challenge you with that one, Glenn. Bridgetown, I think it was? Recommended while passing through and told to order off the menu.
  6:56pm ::JT::

Goner records! Loved Baron of Love part II from the GREAT Ross Johnson cd, but don't know if there ever was a part I.
  6:56pm Artie:

Funkiest Tire Shop in all St.Claude. Air tool percussion, no extra charge.
  6:57pm kat330:

I like this!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm Doug Schulkind:

We copycatted you, Toby, and had our honeymoon in the four corners area, too. We stayed in a B&B in Valley of the Gods, Utah. Slept in the same bed that Mary Steenbergen and Ted what's his name shared when they fell in love making that movie a year or so earlier.
  6:58pm kat330:

I say again, "Lee" may well be the topmost name in the FMU/GTDR playlists.
  6:59pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
  6:59pm kat330:

Good evening everyone! Thanks, Doug!
  6:59pm glenn:

ya know what, i think it WAS bridgetown. i was staying with a friend in the annapolis valley.
  7:00pm strs:

May be.
  7:00pm listener james from westwood:

have a great night, all. thanks for the flip-free freeform, doug! good luck with the japanese feast!
  7:01pm strs:

@kat330 Al > Lee
  7:02pm ::JT::

Thanks Doug! GLad the drummer got some radio.
  7:23pm Holly in NC:

Bobby Marchan = indisputably best 2-sided single ever. That is all. Hi Doug! :-) Also - pierogi sashimi?? 2 great tastes, not so great together. And, definitely disputably, best pierogies are made in western mass, imho (or at home)
  8:16am Van in DC:

Please disregard the burglar alarm. It's just me, the cleaning crew, here to pretty the place up after the GTDS party that I missed.
  8:24am Doug Schulkind:

There's still a little punch left in the bowl. But beware, Leonard from marketing went facedown in it until we had to drag him out.
  8:33am Van in DC:

Oh hey, a Kewpie doll. Sweet!
  9:29am Van in DC:

Master Detective Van here: That Buddy Johnson "Because" vocalist...? It was indeed his sister! Ha ha! Just kidding! It appears to be Arthur Prysock.

I'll have some of that punch now.
  10:20am Doug Schulkind:

Of course—Arthur Prysock! In my head I was thinking maybe Billy Eckstein, but (aside from the basso profundo) he never had the vocal chops that Prysock had. Thanks Van!
  10:32am Van in DC:


Off to listen again to another Part 1 & 2 composition - Candy Clouds :)
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