Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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April 24, 2012 Favoriting
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)

Lucas Lunga  Vura Matambo   Favoriting Opika Pende: Africa at 78 RPM
(Dust-to-Digital )
John Lushi  Bamgufya Ba Kwoti   Favoriting African Dances
(Original Music )
Magwere Blind School Band  A Greyi Zulu   Favoriting Guitar Songs from Tanzania, Zambia & Zaire
(Original Music )
Short & Steven Mazabuka  Maggie   Favoriting Zambia Roadside: Music From Southern Province
(Sharp Wood )

Talkover Music:
Marc Ribot 
Los Teenagers Bailan Changui   Favoriting Marc Ribot y Los Cubanos Postizos
(Warner Bros. 1998)

Emmanuel Mulemena  Shukka Shukka   Favoriting Zambush Volume 2:
Zambian Hits from the '60s and '70s

(Sharp Wood 1974)
John & Joyce Nyirongo  Nikodeni   Favoriting ZNBC Presents Zambian Legends
(Mondo )
Rikki Ililonga & Musi-o-tunya  Mpondolo   Favoriting Dark Sunrise
(Now-Again )
Dr. Kenneth D. Kaunda  Tiyende Pamodzi   Favoriting Spirit of Zambia!
(Red Bus 1990)

Talkover Music:
East Texas Serenades 
McKinney Waltz   Favoriting East Texas Serenades 1927-1937
(Document 1929)

Ngozi Family  Nizaka Panga Ngozi   Favoriting 45,000 Volts
( 1977)
Amanaz  Nsunka Lwedo   Favoriting Africa
( 1975)
The Blackfoot  Jefferson   Favoriting The Foot Steps
The Peace  This Is the Time Now   Favoriting Black Power
Witch  Little Clown   Favoriting Lazy Bones!!

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting

Listener comments!

  5:24pm Matt from Springfield:

Do I detect music from ZAMBIA being prepared? :D
Hi Doug! Top o' the evening to ya!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:27pm Doug S.:

Nailed it, Matt! Just putting the spit shine on the show now.
  5:30pm Matt from Springfield:


Plus, this always leaves you room in the future to do a "Gambiance", or even a "Nam-ibiance" show.
  5:30pm holland oats:

witch! zebby! amanaz! let's hear it doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm Doug S.:

Namibiance is a keeper

@holland oats
U R all over it.
  5:38pm listener james from westwood:

Ain't no scambia; we're goin' to Zambia!
  5:38pm holland oats:

OT thanks for upping Marjoe Gortner to the stream - i did a little investigating, had no idea this was the same dude i was obsessed with as a kid watching Earthquake! his doc is top of my netflix queue - yes doug you've invaded my video life as well!
  5:40pm Matt from Springfield:

Hey LJfW, holland oats!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40pm Doug S.:

I think you will find certain traces of my influence embedded in your back molars.

Next week: The Music of Upper Door Jambia
  5:42pm holland oats:

@doug how d'ya think i listen to the show?
  5:43pm listener james from westwood:

good tuesday all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm Doug S.:

@Patient #713 (holland oats)
Aluminum-lined BVDs?
  5:43pm holland oats:

@matt huh?
  5:44pm holland oats:

oh duh forget it it - hi!
  5:45pm Matt from Springfield:

@holland oats 5:42: So that's why it was hard for me to get the stream at work. I only have one filling, of the ultra-modern type (I don't even remember which tooth it is, you can't see it). Your good ol' fashioned lead probably picks up HTTP Internet streams like a charm.
  5:46pm holland oats:

@matt and my wooden teeth provide excellent resonance
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm Doug Schulkind:

@George Washington
Glad you could make it Jorge, but you'll have to smoke that thing outside. (Crazy new rules, sorry!)
  5:48pm erella in toronto:

Good day Doug and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm Doug Schulkind:

That was a "wooden teeth" joke.
  5:49pm holland oats:

  5:49pm holland oats:

so this is 'free form' zambian then?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm Doug Schulkind:

Howdy erella!
  5:51pm holland oats:

i kid because i love
  5:53pm holland oats:

oh duh it's not 6 yet! ok i had a cappuccino today, gotta calm down
  5:55pm erella in toronto:

Doug, I have a question.
I know you do a playlist for the special shows on this stream but sometimes I am listening at an odd time of day and you'll play a Spokes Mashiyane tune or something and want more info. Am I not finding those playlists or do they not exist?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm Doug Schulkind:

As of now, there is no "playlist" for the streams eternally running queue of tunes. I hope to have a history page up soon that will show exactly what has played on the stream. If ever you miss something, you can always email. I can access the stream's software remotely and check it.
  5:59pm Matt from Springfield:

Good day erella!
On Winamp it will at least show you the title of what is playing on the stream; at work I use QuickTime and it doesn't show that--a history page would be a good idea though.
  5:59pm ndbob:

greetings Doug and everyone!
  6:00pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi NDbob!
Ahhhh, the theme starts up! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi ndbob!
  6:02pm ndbob:

Hey Matt!
  6:02pm listener james from westwood:

hey there ndbob and minnie the cat! if a cat's not good at pressing buttons, i don't know what they're good at!
  6:04pm listener james from westwood:

(token new-lease outrage: would you believe my apartment complex charges a nonrefundable $500 fee for owing a cat or dog? plus 50/month ongoing? so much for my getting a cat to aid with copyediting and the like.)
  6:05pm holland oats:

@ljfw nyc?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm Doug Schulkind:

Minnie is constantly running from one safe haven to another (where she won't be attacked by our other asshole cats—it's a long story). Behind my desktop computer is one such sanctuary.
  6:06pm Matt from Springfield:

Your cat should pull its weight, take outside copy editing jobs to help with the rent--can't believe they charge every month for that.
  6:06pm Matt from Springfield:

Preemptively, let me say: no "John B. Lushi" jokes.
  6:07pm monica:

soundin' good in the neighborhood, doug! go, minnie, go!
  6:07pm glenn:

ljfw, i'm pretty sure that's illegal. it is here in canada, anyway.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey Monica! Hey Butter!
  6:08pm listener james from westwood:

@holland: nope, in the suburbs. the joint recently amended its no-pet policy. i suspect they rely on internet searches for pet-friendly complexes to pull people in, then they hit them with the brutal numbers.
  6:08pm erella in toronto:

Hi Matt, thank you for being helpful. I am on a MAC system for my computer and listen to internet radio using a fabulous little Logitech Squeeze Box. It will say the name of the song or the artist as long as it is playing. If you miss it you're out of luck.
  6:09pm Matt from Springfield:

Whadda scam!
Hey, glenn! Nice to see you Monica!
  6:09pm listener james from westwood:

i know butter wouldn't stand for that sort of thing. the complex would be paying monica to have butter live here. raise the tone of the jernt, buttah would.
  6:09pm holland oats:

  6:10pm Matt from Springfield:

@erella: There's another listener here who likes that squeeze box. Cool that it says the title and artist, but like my Winamp you have to be there or you're out of luck.
  6:11pm listener james from westwood:

@matt: the cat would probably be better at it than the houseplants. i'd hoped their multiple leaves would speed things, but they haven't mastered the chicago manual as well as i'd like. they keep getting bogged down in the possessives section.
  6:11pm Artie:

Squeezeboxes are great. Push the button and your favorite station plays. Just like in dad's old Pontiac.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm Doug Schulkind:

Squeeze the stream and good stuff comes out. (Bring tissues.)
  6:16pm Matt from Springfield:

Short & Steven Mazabuka are great!
Actually all the acoustic Zambian is great, normally I associate Africa with heavier sounds, but they're doing fine with just a little rhythm and strumming.
  6:18pm listener james from westwood:

hah! feed the kitty for the kitty!
  6:20pm Matt from Springfield:

Ugh, if it weren't for the racial element re: Indians, "Maggie" would have been better. In east Africa and the Caribbean there's still tensions between blacks and Indians.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm Doug Schulkind:

Heavy shit coming, Matt.

This track sounds Hawaiian, no?!
  6:22pm Matt from Springfield:

If it were more pedal-steely or ukelele-bouncy it would be quite Hawaiian. Easy to imagine this as a beachside serenade, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm Doug Schulkind:

Or more pedal-steely-ukelele-bouncy-y.
  6:32pm tr::sh:

Anyone know anything about butterfly keeping? I'm playing host to one that wandered in until it warms up again, tomorrow.
  6:33pm tr::sh:

I've set out small saucers of sugar water and a few flowered plants.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm Doug Schulkind:

The fate of future civilizations is counting on you, tr:sh!
  6:34pm Matt from Springfield:

I assume any flower or plant with pollen should do it for a butterfly. Then again they might not go for certain types.
  6:35pm ndbob:

great one here Doug!
  6:36pm Artie:

It's more about the nectar.
  6:36pm Matt from Springfield:

Agree, NDbob! This is a 70s rock and soul classic, too bad we didn't hear of this until just now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm Doug Schulkind:

Ex prez of Zambia up next...
  6:37pm tr::sh:

Heh, Doug. Yeah. Matt not a lot of flowers blooming outdoors yet, either. Bizarre timing on this migration. Here's hoping it doesn't die.
  6:38pm Matt from Springfield:

Ha ha, is this a public service song, like "Learn to read!", or a vanity release?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm Doug Schulkind:

Back in Brooklyn, we had this amazing purple "butterfly bush." Every year we would get swamped by a flotilla of gorgeous monarchs. Then Rudy Fucking Giuliani sprayed us all for West Nile Virus and the monarchs never came back.
  6:41pm ndbob:

I remember Kaunda, but had no idea that he recorded
  6:43pm Matt from Springfield:

Wooooo! Zambia acid rock!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm Doug Schulkind:

Amanaz is next! Amnazz (Amanda Nazario) is on tomorrow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm Doug Schulkind:

Not exactly a vanity record, Matt, but definitely an act of self-promotion on Kaunda's part.
  6:47pm Matt from Springfield:

A "national" vanity promotional record I suppose.
AmNazz ~ Amanaz -- Coincidence?!?!
  6:47pm Matt from Springfield:

Some things are just made for the Drummer stream I guess :)
  6:48pm tr::sh:

'..sprayed for west nile virus'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm Doug Schulkind:

Trucks with mounted sprayers covered all the neighborhoods in New York (and helicopters dropped the shit on top of us). it was horrifying. (And it turned out, I do believe, that Rudy Giuliani's brother had some financial connection to the company producing the chemicals being sprayed.)
  6:58pm listener james from westwood:

may i live just long enough to see giuliani's eyes pecked out by ravens
  6:59pm seang:

yeah baby
  6:59pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey seang! Thanks ndbob!
  7:02pm tr::sh:

I remember noticing when the Bush administration pulled the page about Rachel Carson from the Whitehouse website, thinking 'whuh-oh'.
  7:04pm listener james from westwood:

liberty travel never sold a tour as fine as this past hour. thanks, doug!
  10:08pm Van in DC:

Sigh. Doug, Doug, Doug. Drummer, Drummer, Drummer. You simply MUST move this show UP or BACK in time for me please.


Sigh. I hope the Magical Genie of the Archives is working.

  10:13pm Holly in NC:

Go Minnie the cat! Seems like she lives like my Foster, often bullied by my other 2 equally loved but often asshole cats. Yeah, Bitty & Cinder, I'm talking to you!
  10:16pm Van in DC:

(Hope you realize I'm just apologizing for never being able to make your Tuesday show, live...sure wish I could!!) :)
  10:17pm Van in DC:

Holly and Van, taking control of the GTDS comments, from the future! Sweet! Hi Holly :)
  8:12am Van in DC:

..........and........we're back.
  8:33am Doug Schulkind:

Van, freeform (and archived programming) means never having to say you're sorry! Your comments from the future are a wonder.
  8:45am Van in DC:

Oh hey, a tip jar labeled "Kitty for kitty". Dropping in my nickel for ljfw.

And yes, my old apartment in Alexandria also had a $500 non-refundable pet deposit, but the pet "rent" per month was "only" $40.
  10:19am Van in DC:

Thank you archive! Thanks Drummer Doug! Great show!

Fun fact: If you google "Specks Williams We Gave the Drummer Some", you have the top 3 results :)
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