Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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May 1, 2012 Favoriting
Brasil Maravilhosa!
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)

Verequete e Seu Conjunto Uirapuru  Boa Noite Senhoras e Senhores   Favoriting O Legítimo
(CID 1974)
Faceta  Bacturninha   Favoriting Pastoril do Faceta
(WEA 1973)
Bob Nelson e Seus Rancheiros  Cowboy do Amor   Favoriting Vaqueiro Alegre
(Moto Discos 1959)
Augusto Calheiros  Chua Chua   Favoriting Patativa do Norte
(Odeon 1965)
Cauby Peixoto  Fim   Favoriting Canção Que Inspirou Você
(RCA Victor 1962)
Trio Esperança  Olhando Para o Céu   Favoriting Nós Somos o Sucesso
(Odeon 1963)

Talkover Music:
Sexteto Prestige 
A Saudade Mata a Gente   Favoriting Música e Festa
(Prestige 1958)

Cipó & His Authentic Rhythm Group  Implorar   Favoriting Brazilian Beat
(London 1965)
Walmir Lima  Miro Pandeiro de Ouro   Favoriting Bahia de Todos Os Sambas
(RVM )
Ataulfo Alves  Infidelidade   Favoriting Eu, Ataulfo Alves
(Polydor 1969)
Totonho  No Quilombo da Nega Cafuza   Favoriting Dia a Dia
(Top Tape 1978)
Belchior  Alucinação   Favoriting Alucinação
(Philips 1976)
Anjos do Inferno  Dolores   Favoriting Brasil Pandeiro
(RCA/Camden 1971)

Talkover Music:
Mestre Geraldo e Sua Bateria 
Mistura No. 1   Favoriting Batucada Genial
(Oba 1977)

Airton Barbosa/Chico Buarque  Funeral de um Lavrador   Favoriting Morte e Vida Severina (OST)
(Discos Marcus Pereira 1977)
Dom Salvador  Abolição 1860-1980   Favoriting Abolição 1860-1980
(CBS 1970)
Azambuja & Cia  Tema de Azambuja   Favoriting Black Rio 2: Original Samba Soul 1971-1979
(Strut )
Banda De 7 Leguas  Dia De Chuva   Favoriting b/w Cabou Minha Mesada
(Polydor 1971)
Beat Boys  Torta de Morangos   Favoriting Beat Boys
(RCA Victor 1968)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 1960s)

Listener comments!

  5:31pm Artie:

Clowns!?*! Why does it always have to start with the clowns?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:35pm Doug Schulkind:

We shall maintain our dignity throughout the hour.
  5:38pm Holly in NC:

Dearest Doug: Clowns are quite proximate to spiders in my world view. Given the painting, perhaps yours also?
  5:39pm Artie:

I'm afraid the waxing process will require a temporary suspension of dignity.
  5:40pm Matt from Springfield:

We go to Rio!!
And other places too, I'm sure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42pm Doug Schulkind:

Hello Holly! When Clowns Attack is my favorite show on the Nature Channel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm Doug Schulkind:

A temporary suspension of nerve endings, maybe.

@Matt from Springfield
We shall blame it ALL on Rio.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm Doug Schulkind:

The image adorning our page today comes from the LP on offer here:
  5:46pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: Good, because I like the bossa nova too much to blame it on that.
  5:54pm ndbob:

Hey Doug and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm Doug Schulkind:

Greetings ndbob, glad you're on the haywagon.
  5:58pm Holly in NC:

Hey anyone else in NC - I am sad & tired & have a horrible feeling that amendment 1 is going to pass, largely because many folks voting "for" don't realize *what* they're voting for. Even more disheartening - seems someone in my wonderful, progressive "against the amendment" neighborhood stole the lone "for" sign in the hood from our neighbor's yard - which is shameful & wrong & probably totally solidified that family's "for" vote. Sigh. People on both sides need a friggin' primer in freedom of speech & other basic rights in our (very putative) democracy!
  6:01pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi Holly!
That's not good civic or neighborly character, unfortunately our democracy is still not perfect, probably never will be. I had heard though, that after polling taken North Carolinians were turning against Amendment 1 in droves. It should be at least competitive.
  6:03pm Artie:

@Holly: Most everyone I know is pitching in on the Amendment 1 effort. Can only work and hope for the best. My go-to argument for those who might not otherwise be convinced is simply that it's bad for business, esp. the creative and tech companies that seem to be NC's future. See:
  6:08pm ndbob:

reading about amendment 1 now - a good argument Artie
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm Doug Schulkind:

You can take some solace in the fact that opposition to marriage equality is a purely generational issue. The old intolerant fucks are dying off. If no one above 65 had voted in California, Prop 8 would have gone the right way.
  6:13pm Matt from Springfield:

Right on Doug!
Even in Virginia, the oldest and uptight of Old Dominions, support for full equality advances slowly--as a youngster I too take solace that every day opposition is being buried in the ground, and there ain't no one coming in to replace them.
  6:13pm ndbob:

true Doug - even many young evangelicals support marriage equality
  6:13pm Matt from Springfield:

On a musical note, I'm amazed at all the accordion in Brazilian music--sounding almost like Tejano music with all that squeeeeezeeee box!
  6:15pm monica:

well, this is certainly workin' for me! happy may day, doug and comment irregulars.
  6:16pm tr'sh:

Nice accordion visual in that squeeeeezeeee, Matt.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi Monica! and tr'sh! Glad you could squeeeeeze in.
  6:18pm Matt from Springfield:

@tr'sh: I think it should come standard when referring to an accordion!
  6:19pm ndbob:

wow - great version here
  6:19pm Matt from Springfield:

Portuguese Sukiyaki!!!

Btw, Brazil actually does have a sizable ethnic Japanese community, from immigration a century ago. I'm sure some of them have cooked up a Brazilian version of sukiyaki...
  6:23pm Holly in NC:

@Artie - given the demographics of most amendment supporters, I've actually found it most helpful to talk about effects on children & unmarried seniors. One would think these generally conservative voters would also be pro-freedom & anti-government intervention, but unfortunately not the case. Another instance where religion (& I use that term loosely) does more harm than good.
Do people not get that THEY WILL BE USING THE CONSTITUTION TO LIMIT, NOT GRANT FREEDOMS? If the amendment passes, it will surely eventually be overturned by supreme court - a long, slow, EXPENSIVE & totally unnecessary process. It's already illegal for gay couples to marry in NC, which I'm pretty sure is all most of the right wing religious zealots care about.
Take amendment 1 and add "white" or "black" before man & woman & you'll see we shouldn't have to fight this fight again....
Ok, off to apologize to those "for" neighbors & then come back & enjoy Doug's wondrous selections " :-)
  6:23pm tr'sh:

Heya everyone.
@Matt 'onomatoblepsia' ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm Doug Schulkind:

A study in my native state Maryland, which just passed marriage equality, shows that it will bring something like an addition $90 million in revenue to the state.
  6:29pm ndbob:

I think that marriage equality will be a long time coming to North Dakota
  6:32pm Matt from Springfield:

Glad Doug is making a return to the Mothership! I can now listen to GTDR at work, but it's always a treat to hear him on one of either stream!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm Doug Schulkind:

Probably due to the state's relatively small and older population.

Someday in the not distant future, we will look back and wonder what all the frickin fuss was about. (At least who don't already see it this way.)
  6:35pm Matt from Springfield:

"Main stream", "WFMU proper", "the Mothership", or "WFMU Land"...I used to refer to the whole collective enterprise as WFMU-Land, but with GTDR's growth, all the other streams and podcasts we got going, I think the better way to call the whole enterprise is: "the WFM-Universe!!" (I forgot who I heard that from, but I love it!!)
  6:37pm ndbob:

Agreed Doug.... even though there's a strong libertarian streak here
  6:37pm Holly in NC:

@ndbob: -
Hear & feel ya. Those of us in NC who live in the Triangle/RTP or Asheville areas forget the rest - the majority - of the state voted for Helms, what, 6 times?

But things ARE changing. Slooooooowlllyyy....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm Doug Schulkind:

I ride my FMUnicycle to the studio every day!
  6:40pm Holly in NC:

Great. It's still 87F & a tornado warning just popped up.
  6:41pm ndbob:

@Holly around that ... I grew up in Maryland.... North Dakota has changed quite a bit in the four years I've lived here.. an all Democratic congressional delegation that's now two Republicans and one Democrat - The Dems may hold on to the other Senate seat though.
  6:42pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: Transportation should reflect how you feel! And...we're all bozos on this FMUnicycle.
(honk honk!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm Doug Schulkind:

Is it true, Holly, that spiders come inside during tornados? (I just made that up.)
  6:45pm tr'sh:

I broke my nicotine addiction 10 years ago today. The last and final quit. Change can require dogged persistence and then be forgotten.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm Doug Schulkind:

Happy anniversary, tr'sh!
  6:49pm Holly in NC:

No, but it is true, Doug, that exceptionally venomous spiders from the Dominican Republic get quite, well, excited when they hear a lot of cool Brasilian music. Could be hitching a ride on a shipment of fair trade coffee to a dj near you! :-)
  6:51pm tr'sh:

Thanks Doug. And sheesh, 'dogged persistence?' Uhhh- maybe just figuring out how to keep doing something else.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm Doug Schulkind:

Tell the EVS from the DR that I'm moving to Australia. Those little red spiders there will kick EVS from DR ass.
  6:54pm Holly in NC:

@tr'sh -
Congratulations! I'll be 4 years out Dec 30. Aside from (semi) taming my beloved feral kitten Foster & catching a state champion-sized king mackerel I can't think of anything of which I'm more proud.

Ok, that's pathetic. I need to invent a vaccine or somethng.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm Doug Schulkind:

Holly, my dearly departed cat Mouse was a mackerel tabby. When you turned him over (at your peril) he looked just like the fish.
  6:58pm ndbob:

i remember your tribute show to Mouse Doug.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm Doug Schulkind:

Mouse here:
  7:00pm tr'sh:

And you. Go Holly ! I don't know from wild kitties, but a champion-sized fish? Nice.
  7:03pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
  7:03pm Holly in NC:

I loved Mouse's show. :-(
Teeth & claws, when flipped, eh Doug?
  7:04pm northguineahills:

I got to hear the last 10 minutes....
  7:07pm tr'sh:

Regards to Mouse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey NHG! The first 50 minutes sucked. You just made it for the good parts.

@Holly. Mouse's tummy was better protected than Ft. Knox.
  8:19am Van in DC:

I've just realized that I totally forgot to catch up on THIS show! Well! A little appetizer before the entree here soon! :)
  1:15pm Van in DC:

Dessert time!
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