Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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May 8, 2012 Favoriting
Ghosts Still Dance at Wounded Knee
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)

Redbone  We Were All Wounded at Wounded Knee   Favoriting
Charlie Parr  1890   Favoriting When the Devil Goes Blind
(Nero's Neptune 2010)
Gila  The Buffalo Are Coming   Favoriting Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
(Warner Bros. 1973)
Robbie Robertson  Sacrifice   Favoriting Contact from the Underworld of Redboy
Johnny Cash  Big Foot   Favoriting America
(CBS 1972)
Thumbs Carllile  Wounded Knee   Favoriting

Talkover Music:
Milt Jackson 
Olinga   Favoriting Olinga
(CTI 1974)

Buddy Red Bow  Wounded Knee   Favoriting
Roxy Gordon  Indians   Favoriting Smaller Circles
(Wowapi )
Kid Dakota  Pine Ridge   Favoriting
Patti Smith Group  Ghost Dance   Favoriting Easter
(Arista 1978)
Jim Pepper  Yon a Ho   Favoriting Pepper's Pow Wow
(Embyro 1971)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 1960s)

Listener comments!

  5:33pm Matt from Springfield:

Glad to use the free early check-in service for Doug's playlist.
How ya doin' today?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40pm Doug S.:

Ahoy Matt! I', doing swimmingly.

Hey, I was sorry for your sake to hear that Matt Groening announced Springfield, Oregon, as being the THE Springfield. That musta hurt.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm Doug S.:

Unless of course you are in Springfield, Oregon.
  5:42pm Matt from Springfield:

Well, it might have hurt more if Matt G came from Arlington, VA or DC. It's called that because Springfield, OR is considered the dull, simple counterpart to college town Eugene, OR.

Either way, I'm a Matt from Springfield who loves Matt's Springfield! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm Springfield:

I love you, too, Matt.
  5:45pm Artie:

Springfield VA (my hometown) needs no comic amplification to realize its own heart of absurdity. It is its own full flower of expression.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:49pm Doug Schulkind:

Springfield makes, the world takes.
  5:51pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi Artie!
WHOA--yet *another* FMU listener with a Springfield VA connection! I'm convinced (based on other people as well) that the entire world will eventually live in Springfield, at least briefly and staggered over years...
  5:54pm Matt from Springfield:

Doug, on Fiveash's show last week, he played COLD SWEAT during a James Brown set! Heard "give the drummer some!" and it leapt out at me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm Doug Schulkind:

The song currently playing on the stream is "A Tear for Jesse." Please be sure to stay tuned after Give the Drummer Some to enjoy the sneak-preview debut of Jesse Kaminsky and "Kaminsky Kamoutsky."

His playlist will be here:
  5:57pm Artie:

I was not hip to this FMU/Springfield phenomenon. Who else grazed those barren pastures? But, yes, I did 18 years there. Of course hanging out at the Springfield Mall in my youth (TimeOut, Orange Julius and even putting the sticky in Tiffany's sticky buns for a few miserable days.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm Doug Schulkind:

Putting WHAT in Tiffany's buns?? This is a family show, Artie!
  5:59pm ndbob:

afternoon Doug and everyone!
  6:01pm Matt from Springfield:

Ace, PMD, frances, quite a few.
Since we were just talking about meetups, I should organize a DC area WFMU listener meetup; if you include the broader metro area there's even more currently here.
  6:01pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi there, NDbob!
  6:02pm Artie:

They called it "schmear" Doug, but you wouldn't want it on yr bagel. Some kind of fat, some kind of sugar, some cinnamon and some nuts. The whole arm went into the bin, little handfuls went into each of Tiff's muffin pan slots. Once baked on, it must be chiseled off. By the thousand fold. All of this organized by a cruel woman named Kitty. I lasted about three days.
  6:02pm Carmichael:

Oh, hello there, Doug. Hi, all.
  6:03pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi Carm. Deja vu, huh?
  6:05pm listener james from westwood:

good tues evening all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi ndbob. We're spending the hour in South Dakota!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi Carmichael. Avoid Tiffany. Apparently she is very sticky.
  6:09pm Matt from Springfield:

Tiffany is the kind of experience that just sticks with you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm Doug Schulkind:

Chief Big Foot (Spotted Elk) was dying of pneumonia when the 7th Cavalry shot him. Died like a dog in the snow. This was at the first Wounded Knee in 1890.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm Doug Schulkind:

Nothing like a little Krautrock for celebrating Native American history.
  6:14pm ndbob:

Yep... I've never been near to Wounded Knee actually.. near the SD border with Nebraska
  6:17pm Matt from Springfield:

Cool interview remix.
  6:19pm tr::sh:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm Doug Schulkind:

Beginning tonight, Give the Drummer Radio has radio programming from 6 to 9pm on Tuesday evenings. Jesse Kaminsky's new show KAMINSKY KAMOUTSKY begins at 7pm. Tonight's show is pre-recorded (allowing Jesse to get the hang of the live playlist set up). Next week, he will be broadcast live. Each week he will air live from a different location with a different guest. They will pooi their collective DNA and record collections to create radio on the spot.

His playlist is here:
  6:22pm Matt from Springfield:

All right Man in Black!
Nice that he did a Wounded Knee song.
  6:24pm Maricôt:

I made it! Nighty night, Doug :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm Doug Schulkind:

Oh hey, tr::sh! Didn't see you behind that tumbleweed.

  6:25pm Holly in NC:

Hi Doug & all - I promise I'll focus on Wounded Knee in a minute, but only 37% turnout in NC & fraud in the the most progressive districts...please tell anyone you know in NC to vote before 7:30, right now a non vote is a vote for the amendment. Many folks don't realize that gay marriage is already banned in NC, that is NOT what this is about. The amendment strips basic rights of ALL non married couples & families, regardless of sexual orientation. As in re health care benefits & decisions , POAs, wills, um, PARENTHOOD ??!! It's fucking evil.
  6:26pm Holly in NC:

Oh and RIP Maurice Sendak for the cherry on this dismal day
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm Doug Schulkind:

That is sickening, Holly. Ron in Raleigh, if you're out there...
  6:28pm Artie:

Oh, my vote's in the can. A big fat NO, thanks very much.
  6:32pm Artie:

Artie = RT = Ron in Raleigh, and he ain't hateful. Seems this bad juju may just pass and sully our good state, but hope does still remain. And we'll continue to duke it out in any case.
  6:39pm Holly in NC:

Wounded Knee Wiki: Following the end of the 1973 stand-off, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation had a higher rate of internal violence. Residents complained of physical attacks and intimidation by president Richard Wilson's GOONs. The murder rate between March 1, 1973 and March 1, 1976 was 170 per 100,000. Detroit had a rate of 20.2 per 100,000 in 1974 and at the time was considered "the murder capital of the US." The national average was 9.7 per 100,000.[20] More than 60 opponents of the tribal government died violently during this period, including Pedro Bissonette, executive director of OSCRO. AIM representatives said many were unsolved murders,[21] but in 2002 the FBI issued a report disputing this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm Doug Schulkind:

Radio is Indian. Television ain't.
  6:41pm tr::sh:

Anyone know of any public schools named after aboriginal peoples? My brothers got to attend Mohawk elementary. There's Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario.
  6:41pm ndbob:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm Doug Schulkind:

It was the attempt to impeach Richard Wilson that lead to the occupation at Wounded Knee in '73. The skunk got reelected after, adding insult to injuries. Lots of injuries.
  6:42pm ndbob:

per this song.. always been beyond me why anyone would think Che Guevara was a hero
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm Doug Schulkind:

Roxy named his first son Quanah Parker Gordon after Quanah Parker.
  6:43pm glenn:

hmmm. there's also mohawk raceway near hamilton, where i spent much of my misspent youth. that could qualify as a public school, i suppose.
  6:44pm tr::sh:

Hospital in Burlington, Ontario is named after Mohawk, Joseph Brant.
  6:46pm glenn:

and good eventide, all of y'all. kalispera.
  6:47pm glenn:

most of southern ontario is named after one indian or another.
  6:47pm ndbob:

evening Glenn!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm Doug Schulkind:

In the late 19th Century, Native Peoples performing the "Ghost Dance" (in which ancestors are exhorted to come back and defeat the white man) is what initially drew the 7th Calvary to Pine Ridge. They were coming to stop the dancing. With their four Hotchkiss machine guns, the 7th Calvary indeed stopped the dancing.
  6:49pm ndbob:

one of Patti's best here
  6:49pm glenn:

ndbob. what like?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey hey Glenny baby.
  6:51pm glenn:

my new favourite tumblr thingy.
  6:51pm ndbob:

@Doug ever hear the native American field recordings from 1890?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm Doug Schulkind:

No Sir, ndbob, I haven't.
  6:54pm northguineahills:

I think this is the only Patti Smith I've ever liked.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm Doug Schulkind:

Kaminsky Kamoutsky with Jesse, beginning at 7pm.

Playlist here:
  6:54pm monica:

hi doug. enjoying and remembering. look forward to the new show tonight.
  6:54pm tr::sh:

Heh, Glenn.
Needs more 'I smell something..' 'Squirrel!' and 'Door!!'
Avatar 6:55pm jk:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi Monica!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm Doug Schulkind:

I'm no big fan of Larry Coryell, but he burns up this record something special.
  6:57pm northguineahills:

Nice Glenn...
  6:57pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
  6:58pm listener james from westwood:

thanks, doug! see ya at the new playlist!
  6:59pm Holly in NC:

@Glenn : Are you familiar with the drunk texting octopus? Beyond funny (helps if one is familiar with the associated videos, but not at all necessary)
  8:45am Van in DC:

Catching up!
  8:59am Van in DC:

Ha...reading through the comments, as soon as I saw this: "Radio is Indian. Television ain't. " I immediately knew that there must be a Roxy entry to come.... :)


1. I have never lived in Springfield :) (but I'm oh so close in Falls Church/Arlington!)
2. Sure Matt, organize organize!! :)
3. I used to live in NC (Cary). If I still did, I would have helped the vote.
4. Peace Love Trombone :)
  10:04am Van in DC:

That's some sweet descant trumpet in that last song, Yan a Ho
  10:29am Doug Schulkind:

Roxy Gordon's marrow is coursing through this show's bones, Van.
  11:14am Van in DC:

I wasn't familiar with the drunk texting octopus, but I have been known to at times resemble a drunk commenting hyena
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