Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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May 11, 2012 Favoriting
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Guillermo Portabales  Mis Mujeres Como Han Sido   Favoriting Promesas de un Campesino
(Tumbao )
The Ramblers International  Caramelo a Kilo   Favoriting Doin' Our Own Thing
(Decca 1972)
La Lupe  Que Bueno Boogaloo   Favoriting Dos Lados de La Lupe
(Tico 1968)
Caridad Hierrezuelo  Azúcar, Melao y Miel   Favoriting Sabor de Cuba
(Areito )
Charlie Palmieri  Tema de Maria Cervantes   Favoriting Adelante, Gigante
(Alegre 1975)
Sergent Garcia  Mamaye   Favoriting Un Poquito Quema'o
(Higher Octave 1999)

Talkover Music:
Gender Wayang Pemarwan 
Gending Pemungkah   Favoriting Music for the Balinese Shadow Play "The Mahabharata"
(CMP 1989)

Winai Chulabutsapa  Phromlikhit   Favoriting Fa Thalai Chon [Original Recordings]
Yusoh Bothong Dikir Hulu  Karoh Buko Jalae   Favoriting College of Music, Mahidol University 2007
Buppha Saichon  Sao Na Khoi Khu   Favoriting Rup Lo Thom Pai
Phensi Phumchusi  Wihokh Hoen Lom   Favoriting Suntraphon: Anuson Khru Phleng Suntraphon
Khabuan Mukda  Phom Mai Wun   Favoriting Electone '81, Vol 4.
(Silver )
S. Salim w/The Alfan  Bimbang   Favoriting Majlis Pengantin
(Olympic )
Loet Prasomsap  Khrai Cha Metta   Favoriting Fa Thalai Chon [Original Recordings]

Talkover Music:
Obeng Ungu & Jalan Buntu 
Rabu: Sakit Tangani   Favoriting 1951: Sumatran Ladies Wearing Hats as Outlawed by Government

Roscoe Holcomb  Across the Rocky Mountain   Favoriting An Untamed Sense of Control
(Smithsonian/Folkways 1973)
The Almanac Singers  All I Want   Favoriting Talking Union
(Keynote 1941)
Paul Joines  The Green Willow Tree   Favoriting Ballads and Songs of the Blue Ridge Mountains: Persistence and Change
(Asch 1968)
Clorine Lawson  Drunkard's Lone Child   Favoriting I Kind of Believe It's a Gift
(Meriweather 1977)
Texas Gladden  Dark Island   Favoriting Ballad Legacy
(Rounder )
Bob Scarce  Bold General Wolfe   Favoriting A Soldier's Life for Me
(Topic )

Talkover Music:
Clark Kessinger 
Wednesday Night Waltz   Favoriting The Legend of Clark Kessinger
(County 1964)

Geinoh Yamashirogumi  Osorezan   Favoriting Osorezan / Doh no Kenbai
(Victor 1976)
Takashi Nishioka  Kimi To Boku Boku To Kimi   Favoriting Manin No Ki
(Avex Io 1972)
Love, Live, Live + One  Facts About It All   Favoriting Love Will Make a Better You
(King 1971)

Talkover Music:
Nino Rota 
The Clowns (pt. 2)   Favoriting The Clowns
(CAM 1971)

Reggie Workman  Estelle's Theme   Favoriting Summit Conference
(Postcard 1993)
Ahmed Abdul-Malik  Song of Delilah   Favoriting Spellbound
(Status 1964)
Dave Holland  Interception   Favoriting Conference of the Birds
(ECM 1973)
Drew Gress  Low Slung-High Strung   Favoriting 7 Black Butterflies
(Koch 2005)

Talkover Music:
Hey Mr Bundle   Favoriting Make New Friends
(Tru Thoughts 2004)

Alex Konadu  Obi Aware Wo   Favoriting Asaase Asa
(Brobisco 1976)
Hamad Kalkaba  b/w Astadjam Dada Sare   Favoriting b/w Astadjam Dada Sare
(Sonafric )
The remaining portion of the show was cut off due to a problem with the archive.
I will play the AMAZING two tracks missing here on next week's program.

Listener comments!

  8:14am Van in DC:

Mrs Drummer I presume? :)

Goooooooooooood morning Doug! Stepping in a bit early to get a good seat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18am Doug Schulkind:

Helloooooo Van! No, this nymph is merely the gal who strew rose petals ahead of my beloved. (She was kind enough to pose for today's playlist.)
  8:33am annie:

good morning doug and fellow listeners!!, just finishing up with hotrod's vibes..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am Doug Schulkind:

Good morning Ms. Annie! Give my love to Hot Rod.
  8:44am annie:

oh, ok!!
  8:44am earwax:

I can tell from the picture we're in for a good show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am Doug Schulkind:

Were it only an animated gif, eh earwax?!
  8:47am Merv:

Seems like Ken has the monopoly on animated gifs-- maybe you could pay him off though...
  8:48am Brian in UK:

Afternoon Doug, Van, annie, earwax & Merv. Nicked Ringo's drum kit, I see.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50am Doug Schulkind:

Merv, Ken has instituted an animated gif tax on all DJs. Hi Brian!!
  8:52am dc pat:

WHOA. Ahem. That's the way to start the day. Not going to be able to get rid of that image all day...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am Doug Schulkind:

Note the drummer's "matched grip" stick technique.
  8:55am earwax:

Wait. There's a drum in that picture?
  8:56am Michael:

What stick?
  8:57am dc pat:

I had a philosophical dilemma at about age 14 whether I was going to go with matched grip or traditional jazz method. I ended up following Keith Moon and most rawk drummers...
  8:57am ndbob:

morning Doug and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am Doug Schulkind:

No drums will be harmed during the making of this broadcast.
  8:58am dc pat:

earwax: I have a joke but won't post.
  8:59am listener james from westwood:

happy friday all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am Doug Schulkind:

Heya ndbob, Michael & dc pat!
  8:59am Van in DC:

hello incoming fellow streamers! Never has one picture made me feel more like giving the drummer some.
  9:00am dc pat:

Van: haw!
  9:01am Parq:

Let's get to it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am Doug Schulkind:

I'll save this image for the next marathon, Van! ;-}
  9:01am Parq:

Ah, there it is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am Doug Schulkind:

Parq Ranger!
  9:02am Brian in UK:

You grubby lot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am Doug Schulkind:

Don't forget that Steinski's A Rough Mix will be airing at noon. The playlist will be here:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am Doug Schulkind:

Sorry, no naked ladies on Steinski's playlist.
  9:05am Hugo:

Wondering about the "some" we should give the drummer ...
  9:05am still b/p:

Ohhh, my...m'lady's pic needs a do not paraDIDDLE warning, there.
  9:06am Parq:

Strictly speaking, she's not naked. But why quibble among friends?
  9:06am annie:

so, do we ladies get equal time, then, mr drummer??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am Doug Schulkind:

Absolutely, Annie. This program believes people of all genders should be illustrated drumming nearly naked.

As I said in my Facebook announcement this morning...

Duke Ellington said, "A drum is a woman." Does that make this an illustration of same-sex marriage?
  9:10am still b/p:

Male drummers with shirts off in live performance are a dime a dozen. Live or on film/tape, the buffet awaits, annie.
  9:11am Hugo:

This could be a sticky topic ...
  9:12am Parq:

Annie, I couldn't find a drummer. Would you settle for a dancer?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am Doug Schulkind:

Just received the following at Pennsylvania DOT:

"A multi-vehicle crash has occurred on the Parkway East I-376 westbound (inbound) between the Swissvale/Edgewood on-ramp and the Squirrel Hill Tunnel. Traffic is currently down to one lane. Emergency personnel are on the scene. Please use caution and expect delays. Alternate routes should be considered."

In case anyone was driving out to Pittsburgh for a surprise visit.
  9:12am dc pat:

Favorite women drummers? GO! Mine is a woman who played in one of my groups. She played harder and louder than any male drummer I knew save one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am Doug Schulkind:

This one is for Annie only:
  9:13am annie:

the protests in the streets after the vote tuesday night were pretty impressive.... ... well, if i have to have a choice of photo to gaze lovingly at, i'd rather have a male, and how can i possibly enjoy any of those offered delicacies while listening to the drummer? .. i'll just stick with the comments page..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am Doug Schulkind:

Parq, that nude dancer looks unnervingly like Pee Wee Herman.
  9:16am dc pat:

Sarah Lund of Unwound and Peggy O'Niel of the Gories
  9:16am still b/p:

I heard the city of Sydney on Cape Breton Island referred to as "the Pittsburgh of Canada." Comparison was in a 1948 travelogue. Staying alert for update.
  9:16am Hugo:

What vote Tuesday?
  9:17am glenn:

baby, you're so far ahead it's beautiful.
  9:17am Parq:

Hugo, Annie lives in N.Carolina.
  9:18am Michael:

Doug - is the accident anywhere near Breezewood - Town of Motels?
  9:19am glenn:

sarah lund? have you heard of the killing? a great danish / british cop show.
  9:19am still b/p:

Been hearing that even hetero domestic partnerships kiboshed as far as the new NC legal view is concerned. I'm sure the backlash will be interesting.
  9:20am Erella in toronto:

Oh Doug, that La Lupe song was amazing!
Love to hear her voice say "Boogaloo"!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am Doug Schulkind:

@Michael, Breezewood is about 130 miles away.
  9:20am Van in DC:

"Japanese horror epic"? That should be interesting. :)
  9:22am Michael:

I should know that - been years since college in Ohio. Breezewood is near the PA Turnpike Tunnels, no?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am Doug Schulkind:

@Hugo, on Tuesday, the state of North Carolina voted in a constitutional amendment banning any kind of marriage or civil union except that between a rabid retrograde rightwingnut man and a rabid retrograde rightwingnut woman.
  9:23am ndbob:

Breezewood is where I-70 and the Pa turnpike meet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am Doug Schulkind:

Yup, Breezewood is after the last of the four tunnels on the Penna Turnpike (heading west). I used to stop in Breezewood on my to college in Ohio, too.
  9:23am annie:

yes, bp, it also curtails the abilities of hetero
domestic relationships to obtain services.. it's a nasty mess
  9:25am annie:

this website has some really concise coverage
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am Doug Schulkind:

There are quite a few North Carolinian listeners to the stream/WFMU. Interestingly, listeners from North Carolina adopted me (Ron) and Mining the Audio Motherlode's miner (Holly) during the last marathon.
  9:26am dc pat:

oh, man! I forgot about Katrin from the Ex!
  9:26am ndbob:

I'd imagine legal challenges are under way
  9:26am Hugo:

OK. I get it. I checked the NY Times to find out. It's not an issue over here or in Germany and Spain where we happen to know two such couples.
  9:26am Erella in toronto:

Hello Annie and everyone. I am just catching up on the comments and peeked at the drumming Sabu page even though it was specified as being for Annie only.
  9:27am annie:

speaking of lefties, doug, the radio studios are moving this week to their brand spanking new offices.....enjoy it erella... i'm not gonna follow any links..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am Doug Schulkind:

All are welcome, Erella! Glad you're here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am Doug Schulkind:

Annie, you're speaking of Asheville FM, yes?!
  9:31am Parq:

I just got an email from the President asking me to wish the First Lady a happy Mother's Day. I will, of course, expect him to do the same for my wife.
  9:31am ndbob:

My friends in Malta posted about the North Carolina election, so it has gotten some international coverage
  9:34am fishmonkeystew:

Goooooooood morning, all!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am Doug Schulkind:

FMS! FMS! Stomping good to have you!
  9:37am ndbob:

heya Fish!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am Doug Schulkind:

Here is the link to get this amazing Thai country music:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am Doug Schulkind:

I got the same email, Parq. We must be some pretty important muckymucks!
  9:41am Hugo:

There is a clear parliamentary majority for same-sex marriage in this country, and even the Christian Peoples' party is reputed to move towards acceptance of same-sex marriage, but leave it open to the religious denominations to decide for themselves. Of course, there is always the alternative of a "civil" marriage, so I would think that the churches ought to be worried about their increasing irrelevance, at least to us "natives".
  9:42am fishmonkeystew:

How do, all?!? It's another fine day of plotting and planning and hoping and helping. Great set thus far, Doug!
  9:43am ndbob:

Thanks Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am Doug Schulkind:

For those who haven't met Hugo, he speaks of mighty Norway.
  9:45am Hugo:

Arroi mak!
  9:47am annie:

yes, doug.... they start tomorrow!!..
  9:50am dc pat:

it's cool to listen to the bass in this tune to get a handle on the zany timing
  9:50am Van in DC:

Tastes very good indeed
  9:50am dc pat:

the Khabuan Mukda tune that is...
  9:52am Hugo:

I just read that the Bishop of Stavanger was saying that for the Christian Peoples' Party to take a more liberal stand on same-sex marriage could be politicial suicide. That's just fine with me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52am Doug Schulkind:

Anyone for ice skating? In Bangkok?
  9:52am ricardo montalban:

Ok, Doug. I've reached that point while listening (I'm frantically trying to get ready to go to work) where I must ask: what the hell?
Amazing stuff!!
I just know I'm going to be late for work.
  9:53am annie:

so, i realize that "drummer's" pic there is all photo-shopped but do i see the faint visage of carolyn jones? if it is, i'm fine with that as i totally love her grace and style.
  9:53am Van in DC:

Yes. To ice skating in Bangkok.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am Doug Schulkind:

Bring your boss a screen shot of this playlist s/he will let you take the rest of the day off.
  9:57am ricardo montalban:

I suspect the music I listen to has my bosses contemplating whether I should be given lots of leeway with respect to telecommuting.
  9:58am ricardo montalban:

That Khabuan Mukda sounded out-of-this-world.
  9:59am Michael:

The drummer looks more like Tura Santana - that's who I thought it was.
  10:01am Artie:

Hiya Hiya Hiya
  10:02am annie:

..i wanted to mention, too, that i saw a most amazing movie the other night on NF: "le quattro volte"; in italian, with very little dialogue. lovely study of life in rural italian hillside villages. the best part was the process by which charcoal was made, which was an aside, yet a vital part of the action.. great great film.. check it out.. i suggest you do NOT read the blurb and just dig into the film, as the blurb kindof ruins the theme..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am Doug Schulkind:

Yup. Sick kid. On the way home. Luckily, the school is a block away. I gotta go unlock the front door...
  10:06am dc pat:

get well Lincoln..
  10:06am jessie:

Buenas dias. You are live in costa rica.
  10:06am dc pat:

man, can't get enough of Roscoe.
  10:06am jessie:

was that LIncoln on the phone?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am Doug Schulkind:

Hey Artie, welcome to the partie.
  10:07am annie:

very interesting,, i was on another page and heard your phone ringing and said to myself, you'd better answer that doug, it's lincoln, something's up..spooky
  10:07am jessie:

What's wrong with L?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am Doug Schulkind:

Jessie! She's got a sore throat.
  10:09am still b/p:

Daughter won't hitch a fishin' boat ride on Cape Breton?
  10:10am earwax:

You go take care of Lincoln, we'll carry on here.
  10:10am Randy:

poor Lincoln :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am Doug Schulkind:

@still b/p
Nice image.

Here, someone grab this rekkids and play 'em.

Hi Randy!
  10:13am dc pat:

wow, was this tune written last week? (All I Want)
  10:13am Randy:

howdy Brother Doug.
  10:17am Maricôt in São Paulo:

loving it (brought the boyfriend today and he loves it too!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Maricôt and hello boyfriend!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21am Doug Schulkind:

Everyone join in!
  10:22am ndbob:

nice set here Doug!
  10:28am glenn:

not a fishing boat, but similar.
  10:28am annie:

hey ndbob, how you been?? road trip soon?
  10:29am jk:

morning Doug, morning everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am Doug Schulkind:

Hey jk!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am Doug Schulkind:

That's Mr. Kaminsky Kamoutsky, ladies and gents. (Unless you are a different "jk.")
  10:34am northguineahills:

Really loved the last set. I've been mum as I'm still trying to wake up.
  10:34am ndbob:

morning Jesse!
  10:35am sinner:

Drummer: Speaking from the Moral Southland, I have to tell you that I find the playlist picture offensive.......yet, yet,....strangely intriguing......
  10:35am jk:

the same! morning ndbob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am Doug Schulkind:

Go marry your cousin, sinner (just not your gay cousin).
  10:38am Van in DC:

Wow. Is that this?
  10:41am sinner: ain't got a grandbrother????
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am Doug Schulkind:

One and the same, Van! I am not sure if that Mutant Sounds link is active. If you Google around the blogs, I'm pretty sure someone's got this available.
  10:42am Van in DC:

I don't think their d/l linkie works any longer least it isn't from my work, but a lot is blocked to us here
  10:42am Michael:

Hey jk - I think I heard Doug say you do a show on 'mbr or 'zbc - what day and time might that be?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am Doug Schulkind:

Here is a link to Jesse's WMBR show:
  10:45am Michael:

thanks Doug. I can actually listen to it over the air. How novel these days!
  10:45am northguineahills:

Wow, never heard of Geinoh Yamashirogumi. This is straight up kick-ass!
  10:46am Artie:

OK. Doors and windows barred. I'm never leaving the house again.
  10:46am earwax:

this is pretty damn amazing
  10:49am Van in DC:

Yeah, really loving this which is why I was trying to find it for d/l :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am Doug Schulkind:

From Wikipedia:

"Geinoh Yamashirogumi is a Japanese musical collective founded on January 19, 1974 by Tsutomu Ōhashi, consisting of hundreds of people from all walks of life: journalists, doctors, engineers, students, businessmen, etc. They are known for both their faithful re-creations of folk music from around the world, as well as their fusion of various traditional musical styles with modern instrumentation and synthesizers."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am Doug Schulkind:

For the Geinoh Yamashirogumi, I believe the link here works:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am Doug Schulkind:

I love (hate) how you can hear someone washing the dishes or whatever in the middle of this performance.
  10:55am Van in DC:

Hey thanks Doug, the link is timing out for me right now, will try it later (maybe works from home...) meanwhile there's a sort of picture of that collective here
  10:56am dc pat:

Doug: I was going to say I love the background noise.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am Doug Schulkind:

The other side of the Geinoh record I played has them re-creating the sound of a Balinese monkey chant. That picture looks very monkeychantish to me.
  10:59am jk:

Hi Michael, sorry, I'm at work and people keep asking me to work for some reason. I'm on wmbr every wednesday from 6-8pm.
  11:00am jk:

Doug, do you have Geinoh's Bulgarian record? Very nice to my ears.
  11:03am Van in DC:

oh that was bad ;)
  11:04am Merv:

The mutant sounds link to the Geinoh also still works-- it's rapidshare now...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07am Doug Schulkind:

Oh that's great, thanks for checking Merv!
  11:07am monica:

damn, doug! if that photo is any indication, it looks like SOMEBODY's givin' the drummer some.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am Doug Schulkind:

Bang the drum slowly, dear.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am Doug Schulkind:

Hamza el-Din (billed as Hamza Aldeen) playing oud on this 1964 recording!
  11:11am jill:

thanks, mr. drummer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:12am Doug Schulkind:

Hi there Jill!
  11:13am Pascal:

Thanks for the sounds, Doug. Tuning in from the Recorded Sound Reference Center at the Library of Congress!
  11:14am northguineahills:

My download of Geinoh Yamashirogumi worked fine.
  11:15am northguineahills:

  11:15am Van in DC:

Wow, I'm just down the street from the LoC.

Yep, it's probably my work blocking the Geinon d/l. Will grab later :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Pascal. My maternal grandfather worked at the Library of Congress. In the '40s I believe.
  11:19am Pascal:

It's a pretty magical place. Victrolas and cylinder players abound...
  11:21am dc pat:

This Dave Holland is killin.
  11:21am Van in DC:

I know the guy in charge of the Rare Book and Special Collections Division of the LoC. He gave me a personal behind the scenes tour before that was *amazing*.
  11:23am dc pat:

oh man, Braxton played on this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am Doug Schulkind:

Yah yah, dc pat, and Sam (I've Known) Rivers.
  11:25am Pascal:

Wow, I bet. I'm doing some research in the Tony Schwartz collection. Every minute, my mind is blown. Like this bulletin put out by Folkways Records asking the pressing question, "Do children enjoy 'strange' music?"
  11:26am northguineahills:

I like anything Anthony has played on. ...and Sam is one of my faves too, witnessing him live in '95 emancipated me from my indie rock ghetto.
  11:27am ndbob:

@Pascal That collection must be fantastic
  11:27am Van in DC:

hey, I just saw this tweet:

It's National 'Eat What You Want Day'! So - go ahead. Eat What you want. As long as what you want is a burger, what to do for lunch? Long lunch excuse for Amsterdam Falafal? :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am Doug Schulkind:

@Pascal, I wrote a piece about Tony Schwartz after he died for WFMU's blog:
  11:29am earwax:

killer set
  11:29am Van in DC:

Another link for me to follow up on later Doug...fmu's blog site is blocked to us here :(
  11:30am dc pat:

Van: that would be a yes because what you want is ALWAYS Amsterdam Falafal..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am Doug Schulkind:

The title of this album is actually VII Black Butterflies, if you wanna get technical.

@Van, the WFMU blog is blocked? BLOCKED?! Nothing but good clean fun at Beware of the Blog.
  11:33am Van in DC:

No explaining how or why they block sites here. But FMU's blog always has been for me here
  11:34am Pascal:

@Doug, thanks for that! Those sounds still need to be heard.

@Van, I've only been in DC for a week, but Amsterdam Falafel's high on the list...
  11:43am glenn:

it's also the 250th anniversary of the sandwich.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am Doug Schulkind:

Speaking of WFMU's blog, this current track and the next AMAZING are on albums featured in this week's Mining the Audio Motherldode. Here:

(Sorry Van.)
  11:47am glenn: five spice pork belly sandwich. yum.
  11:48am Van in DC:

That's okay Doug, I mine the motherlode from home :)

Gonna miss Steinski live today...strolling all the way across the street to check out Smithsonian Garden Fest 2012
  11:48am Van in DC:

uh oh. Did anyone else lose the stream?
  11:49am jill:

***crickets*** Can't hear ya, drummer
  11:49am monica:

stream down?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49am Doug Schulkind:

It appears to be the 984th anniversary of Sandwich:
  11:49am Van in DC:

404 File Not Found
  11:49am listener james from westwood:

looks like we dropped off; no background drummer stream or live one.
  11:50am Alex in Illinois:

The URL can't be found either
  11:50am still b/p:

Yah. Gone. Won't revive from same file.
  11:50am Michael:

yup - the matter's mixing with the anti-matter!
  11:50am listener james from westwood:

will take this juncture to say thanks for the fine show, and to the whole drummer stream cadre for making a trying month of may better thus far.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am Doug Schulkind:

No stream??? Really???
  11:52am Van in DC:

still no sounds
  11:52am northguineahills:

No stream
  11:53am ndbob:

still a 404 error here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am Doug Schulkind:

You're missing a killer song from Benin. Mike Adler, tech guru is running to check out the problem.
  11:54am still b/p:

And they that look upon the flesh of the temptress shall be punished, and the stream will dry up, and darkness shall descend upon the land and the ears of the wicked.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am Doug Schulkind:

Hang in there. We will get this reestablished in time for Steinski:
  11:55am glenn:

nope. nada.
  11:57am ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
  11:57am Van in DC:

Well...thanks for the show as always Doug. Maybe we can catch up on this last set on archive. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am Doug Schulkind:

Now you're missing a killer song from Ghana. Sorry 'bout the problem, folks. This is a weird one. Whatever is failing is not evident to me here remotely. Our man at the station is on it.
  11:58am Van in DC:

btw lol @sbp @11:53 :)
  12:01pm Van in DC:

Hey, I hear tunage again!
  12:02pm Michael:

Stream back.
  12:03pm Van in DC:

Rewind about 14 minutes please ;)
  12:04pm listener james from westwood:

wild trumpeting abounds!
  12:05pm Van in DC:

Ya, enjoying the trumpeteering!
  9:25pm Van in DC:

Doug, it just never fails. Seems I always discover at least one thing on your show that I JUST CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT any longer! Currently downloading the latest, finally, the Geinoh Yamashirogumi.

Many thanks. :)
  1:50pm Holly in NC:

Looks like a great show. Getting ready to listen...sorry to have missed the comment section, would've loved to discuss amendment1. I hope Lincoln is feeling better!
  2:02pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi Holly! I bet it was incredibly frustrating for our president to "come out" after NC's vote. Probably the right political move. He wouldn't have swayed the vote and would've been tagged as a meddler in the state's affairs. History is on our side! Lincoln's is feeling crappy, but no strep. Good thing because she's got a big youth symphony concert tomorrow...
  2:44am Samuel:

Stumbling upon websites from years ago is really weird and melancholic.
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