Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 16 May 2012 Favoriting | With Guest Hal Willner

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Comments New Approx. start time
The Allophone  Bow   Favoriting Sonig Exp/Hop/DVD 
*   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
DJ Snax & TJ Free  No Es Ese Tipo De Fiesta   Favoriting Fast Cars Fast Women 
  0:06:11 (Pop-up)
Battles  Wall Street (Gui Boratto Remix)   Favoriting Dross Glop 
*   0:10:27 (Pop-up)
Candie Hank  The Booty Bank (feat Angie Reed)   Favoriting Sonig Exp/Hop/DVD 
*   0:17:31 (Pop-up)
Filastine  Lost Records (w /ecd)   Favoriting Loot 
*   0:21:56 (Pop-up)
DJ Pica Pica (aka Yamataka Eye)  Rahahivelo   Favoriting Planetary Natural Love Gus Webbin' 
  0:29:37 (Pop-up)
Plus Instruments  UFO   Favoriting Sonic Protest 2012    *   0:34:12 (Pop-up)
Plastic Bertrand  Sha La La La Lee   Favoriting An 1 
*   0:36:02 (Pop-up)
Electric Manchakou  Goodbye Darling   Favoriting Sonic Protest 2012 
*   0:38:03 (Pop-up)
39 Clocks  Psychotic Louie Louie   Favoriting Subnarcotic 
  0:40:18 (Pop-up)
Alan Vega  Goodbye Darling   Favoriting Saturn Strip 
  0:43:01 (Pop-up)
Ed Shrader's Music Beat  Sermon / Right   Favoriting Jazz Mind 
*   0:45:50 (Pop-up)
Medicine  Live it Down   Favoriting The Buried Life (reissue) 
  0:50:16 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
talking to Hal Willner   Favoriting       0:58:53 (Pop-up)
James Brown  Guess Im Gonna Have to Cry Cry Cry   Favoriting  
  1:08:52 (Pop-up)
Dr John  Freedom   Favoriting Weird Nightmare: Meditations On Mingus 
  1:11:04 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
with Hal Willner         1:14:38 (Pop-up)
  Mystery Track     Whoever is first to ID the player gets a pair of tix to the Apollo Theater show tomorrow night.    1:20:40 (Pop-up)
Sun Ra  Pink Elephants on Parade   Favoriting Stay Awake 
  1:24:03 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
talking to Hal Willner    
  1:29:15 (Pop-up)
Bert Williams  Death Where is Thy Sting?   Favoriting  
  1:44:20 (Pop-up)
Paul Robeson  Song of the Volga Boatman   Favoriting  
  1:47:06 (Pop-up)
U2  Angel of Harlem   Favoriting  
  1:50:04 (Pop-up)
  talking to Hal Willner         1:56:09 (Pop-up)
Shane McGowan  Leaving of Liverpool   Favoriting Son of Rogues Gallery 
  2:00:42 (Pop-up)
Patti Smith & Johnny Depp  The Mermaid   Favoriting Son of Rogue's Gallery 
  2:04:11 (Pop-up)
Chuck E Weiss  Anthem for Old Souls   Favoriting Son of Rogue's Gallery 
  2:06:51 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
talking to Hal Willner         2:11:30 (Pop-up)
Jeffrey Lewis  History of Punk on the Lower East Side   Favoriting  
  2:18:43 (Pop-up)
  talking to Hal Willner         2:28:01 (Pop-up)
Annette Peacock  Love Me Tender   Favoriting  
  2:35:06 (Pop-up)
The Band  People Get Ready   Favoriting  
  2:39:06 (Pop-up)
  talking to Hal Willner         2:42:09 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed & Metallica  Junior Dad   Favoriting Lulu 
  2:44:03 (Pop-up)
Big Blood  Old Time Primitives   Favoriting Title Track 
*   3:03:16 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
  3:09:37 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:04am Adolph Marx:

I'd pluck that.
  9:04am other david:

I saw this gif yesterday and thought of you, Ken:
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:05am Ken:

Thank you Adolph. Glad we are starting the show off on a high note.
  9:05am JJJ:

That gig really made me laugfh :)
  9:06am JJJ:

gif laugh sigh
  9:07am r i s k y:

  9:07am Mark:

Adolph also known as Harpo
  9:07am Lizardner Dave:

What symptoms are we saluting this week?
  9:07am the real dc pat®:

what are they lighting, a flare? Funny.
  9:10am Doug Z:

aurora borealis and this music has me thinking Residents Eskimo for some reason.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:12am Ken:

If Hal Willner got his New Jersey VISA, he will be here to guest DJ from 930-11am.
  9:14am fishmonkeystew:

Good morning, all! Fire crackers in the tub!!! WOOT!
  9:15am Elisa:

Sweet! Have a couple hours off this afternoon off and get to listen to Ken's show!!! It's been awhile...

Missed you Ken!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:15am Ken:

Thanks Other David! Never saw that one before!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:16am Ken:

Hi Elisa! Welcome back!
  9:17am Elisa:

Thank you!!!
  9:17am Mark:

what is required to get a New Jersey VISA?
  9:18am miss cheri:

hiya ken, how you been? i've been thinking that you should give the old codger his own show this summer cause he's really funny.
  9:18am other david:

Glad to be of service Ken! :)

I think I saw this on the playlist before - Vietnam flashback cupcake dog:
  9:18am Dan B From Upstate:

I like how she asks which bank. She damn well knows which bank.

I guess you don't have much of a song if she doesn't ask, though.
  9:19am Listener Okasa:

A funny gif mentioned on the most recent Kevin Smith SMODcast,
  9:20am kat330:

Hi, Ken! Hi, everyone!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:21am Ken:

Welcome back Kat! Its old home week here!
  9:21am Parq:

Other David gets the game ball today for that gif.
  9:23am kat330:

Seems only two things on Ken's mind this entire spring: Lyme disease symptoms and butts. I think the latter should be added to Lyme symptoms.
Did the tick bite you on the butt, BTW?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:23am Ken:

Other David! You are on a roll today! Never saw the 'Nam version of Cupcake Dog!
  9:23am Cheri Pi:

I'm gonna rob that booty bank tonight, it's Wednesday after all.
  9:24am other david:

Hah! Right, my work on earth is now done.

Lyme disease, leave Ken alone.. take me instead!
  9:26am kat330:

@Ken: Yeah, it IS old home week -- I'm home alone this week [boo-hoo] while JT sees his family in Finland.
  9:26am miss cheri:

seriously ken i think the old codger should have his own weekly show this you agree with me?
  9:30am Nathan:

That Vietnam flashback cupcake dog has given me a severe case of the dark giggles.
  9:30am allan:

that dog staring at cupcakes spliced w/vietnam photos .gif is really fucking with me. but i can't stop.
  9:30am Mark:

how do you Gov. Christie's permission, give him a bag of cheeseburgers?
  9:31am ?:

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:32am Ken:

That Cupcake Dog remix is the funniest gif ive seen in a long time/
  9:32am other david:

If it hasnt been done already somebody should really splice cupcake dog with suicide cat gif
  9:32am still b/p:

Am I just a wet blanket if I think that while the ol' cupcake dog is a worthy classic, adding child victims of napalm to it is only revolting and a pretty full cancellation of anything funny or entertaining?
  9:33am too much coffee:

morning, everyone
  9:33am SteveL:

Nathan/Ken: I have ceased all meaningful work because of that gif.

The horror. The horror.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:35am Ken:

still b/p - You have to change your name on this board to "Captain Bringdown"
  9:35am k:

is he same guy from Boredoms?
  9:37am Nathan:

@Ken I'm still laughing. I think it might be the trigger that sends me (finally) over the edge.

@Still b/p Comedy often ensues from the congress of disparate ideas. Horror / Funny, Bitter / Sweet, Ugly / Pretty, Gross / Picturesque, etc.
  9:37am Dan B From Upstate:

Vietnam flashbacks have been played for laughs for years...
  9:38am Mark:

Captain Bringdown made some great records in the 60's with Major Bummer
  9:39am kat330:

Buzzkill Lightyear was quite the space cadet.
  9:40am miss cheri:

ken? will you give the codger his own show sooner or later? i hope you do.
  9:40am SteveL:

Yipes! Tongue face reminds me of a particularly frightening Sandman character.
  9:40am Mark:

It would great to hear Alan Vega's original recording of this
  9:40am kat330:

Golllleeeee, please spin records and upload gifs quickly so that animation goes up and away!
  9:44am Mark:

Thanks Ken!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:44am Ken:

miss cheri, will you kindly shut the fuck up?
  9:44am jan:

The Lyrics to Louie Louie- they're dirty, aren't they Ken- But what are the lyrics, exactly?
  9:48am Cecile:

My hypno-Cecile powers are useless against Cupcake Dog.

But...if you could slip on some Detroit Grand Pubahs, that would be awesome.
  9:48am kat330:

Thank ghu, it's not visible now. :)
  9:51am Cecile:

jan: actually they are not. The Kingsmen just slurred them to make them sound naughty.
Paul Revere and the Raiders also said their own version was first and going to be a hit, but the Kingsmen came out with theirs, released an album with no pictures on the cover, and their fans called in and accused radio of not playing their version because they were black! (they weren't)
  9:51am Caryn:

Hello all! Nice listener suggested gifs today! Loved Okasa's one. Not to mention the cupcake dog remix. I would so lose that staring contest.

@SteveL: right there with you, buddy
  9:51am Vicki:

  9:51am kat330:

Speaking of buzzkills, arrgh... I'll be listening, Ken! Later!
  9:51am Cecile:

great marketers, the Kingsmen were.
But I think the Raiders had their revent with the wickedly tough "Louie Come Home."
  9:52am Cecile:

  9:52am Mark:

the lyrics to "Louie Louie" are dirty if you want them to be
  9:52am Buzzkill:

but c'mon kat330, I was hoping you'd be around.
  9:53am Lizardner Dave:

@Still b/p - If it makes you feel better those kids are all grown up and running a very profitable Pho joint in Saigon called "Flaming Beef Jelly" that brings in tourists by the boatlad. Also, they have a karaoke machine that only plays "Louie Louie" in 16 different languages.
  9:54am Caryn:

That woman in the DJ Snax gif seems to be weeping. "Why oh why did I decide to major in English lit? I'm never gonna get a job in today's economy!"
  9:54am Dan B From Upstate:

@Dave: I can't teller if I should be offended, or laughing.

Oh, who am I kidding. That's freaking funny.
  9:55am jan:

Ah, it was just a walk down memory lane to Jr High school when all of us boys
were titillated by what we imagined the lyrics to be.

Ken- Live it Down- the music that keeps me coming to your show, even
after suffering through Bootie Bank yet again.
  9:55am Cecile:

no, she went to law school!
Since no one can communicate anymore, English degrees are actually starting to be hot again.
  9:56am Cecile:

I love you put Wu-Tang Financial up there.
  9:56am Cecile:

ken, I'm sending you an amazing image. wait for it.
  9:57am Mark:

suffering through "Bootie Bank"? sacrilege!
  9:58am Caryn:

Comparative lit is another possibility, Cecile. I suspect that might also be me if I'd decided to study Latin and Roman Literature, like I could've. (Not that I have a job anyway, but it would be even worse with that degree.)
  9:58am allan:

It’s probably just nostalgia but I miss the ORLY owl gif
  9:59am Caryn:

For 3 weeks in a row now, I've managed to miss Booty Bank! I won't bother going to the archives for it, because it'll be played next week anyway. Hopefully, I'll finally hear it then.
  10:01am too much coffee:

wow. there was always something about the heavy metal "community" I couldn't put my finger on. but he just nailed it right there with that tea party analogy.
  10:01am Cecile:

I'd like to see what Martin Popoff thought of it. He actually really liked Death Magnetic and St. Anger. he's probably the best metal critic out there.
  10:02am Irwin:

Hello to Hal, who helped immeasurably in my early efforts at getting Raymond Scott's music back in circulation. Hal also was instrumental in bringing Jeff Buckley to public attention.
  10:02am Listener Gregory:

Hey, Mr. Willner, I still listen to your 1981 album Amarcord Nino Rota, and it still knocks me out. You can't say that about too many 30-year-old albums. Thanks!
  10:02am Cecile:

same here, listener greg.
  10:03am Caryn:

"Prayer Form" aka "Send me your money, and God will give you some money back! Seriously. Come on! I swear!" But also a fine example of where the conservative "Why should we help poor people? If they're poor, obviously they're sinners who God hates!" mindset comes from.
  10:03am r i s k y:

This guy sounds like a human nostril.
  10:04am BSI:

Ah, good old pastor Bob Tilton. I called that hotline & got a ton of wacky prayer swag. This was about 1986. Still have much of it. Treasures, all.
  10:05am Cecile:

too much coffee, the metal community's love of tradition often cuts both ways...
  10:09am too much coffee:

@ListenerGregory: thanks for the tip!
  10:10am Michael:

Hello and thank you to Hal: my daughter listened every night to Stay Awake for about two years which was eventually replaced by Pocahontas. Still have the melodies and arrangements burned into my brain. Quite happily.
  10:14am Webhamster Henry:

Hi Hal - I'm curious about the NBC Radio Orchestra recordings you used in Dead City Radio. I'm wondering what radio dramas they actually appeared in - they were really lush!
  10:14am jan:

I'm loving Hal's iPod. Those first two songs were powerful.
  10:15am too much coffee:

For Hal Willner: anything you can tell us about your experience growing up in Philadelphia that influenced your work + artistic direction?
  10:17am miss cheri:

ken you did't have to get pissed at me for making fucking small talk eariler!
  10:18am too much coffee:

(asking because David Lynch famously stated that the city of Philadelphia itself, and all of the terrifying experiences he had living near 13th+Wood, were a bigger influence on him than any other film director)
  10:19am paula pc:

and The Carl Stalling Project CD!! THANK YOU!!!
  10:21am Caryn:

I suspect those Buckley movies are going to suck. Which is unfortunate, since I'm a huge fan.
  10:23am BG:

Thelonious Monk
  10:24am Mark:

I don't Thelonious Monk is going to be able to make it to the show tomorrow night
  10:24am Cecile:

recorded in 1984.
He'd been dead for 2 years.
I want to say Professor Longhair.
  10:25am Caryn:

  10:25am Cecile:

but he's not with us, either.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:25am Ken:

The tix are still available. Hint: He is playing at the show tomorrow night.
  10:25am KevinfromBayRidge:

Herbie Hancock
  10:26am Cecile:

Chick Corea
Ahmad Jamal
  10:27am Caryn:

It has to be said, if they brought Monk to the show via time travel, that would be one hell of a show.
  10:28am Mark in VT:

John Tesh
  10:29am Mark:

quite possibly Quincy Jones or Randy Weston
  10:29am Caryn:

John Tesh playing at the Apollo would certainly also be memorable...
  10:29am KevinfromBayRidge:

hugh laurie
  10:30am BG:

  10:31am Michael:

Chevy Chase
  10:33am Cecile:

Night Music was great.
  10:33am KevinfromBayRidge:

Asobi Seksu
  10:33am Mark:

I'll second that Cecille
  10:35am Cecile:

mark got it!
  10:35am Vicki:

Frank Sinatra
  10:35am Caryn:

Hey, Mark got it right, too!
  10:35am r i s k y:

.....Ill tune back in in 15... Hopefully the drone speech is over...
  10:35am Mark:

oh well
  10:36am Caryn:

I'd like to thank Hal's presence for keeping food talk off the comments board.
  10:36am Vicki:

actually yes, there was a Sinatra hologram show about 5 years ago
  10:36am Mark:

perhaps the show may be informed by the spirits of Monk and Professor Longhair
  10:37am duff:

Holograms?!! I'm so behind the curve, and glad!
  10:37am too much coffee:

  10:39am Caryn:

Queen have cloned Mercury and will trot him out on stage? They've created a Mercury cylon? Or maybe they'll just perform music without some dumbass hologram gimmick? I would be behind that idea, just like I'm behind any big budget non-3D film release.
  10:40am common:

nothing is real anymore
  10:41am joshua:

Can you play something from the Lost in the Stars Kurt Weill tribute album?
  10:43am Mark:

"Gee Davy"
  10:43am Caryn:

Ooh, life-sized claymation Mercury? I'd watch that.
  10:43am Lizardner Dave:

The Junky's Christmas is something I look forward to hearing on Glen Jones's show every year. Brilliant.
  10:44am common:

tis brilliant!
  10:44am Cecile:

Bert Williams!
  10:45am Scott:

I remember seeing the claymation of Junkie's Christmas on either IFC or Sundance, it was great. For a few years it seemed to be a regular thing around the holidays.
  10:45am Lizardner Dave:

Here you go Ken:
  10:46am Webhamster Henry:

Fans of Bert can hear his big hit 'Nobody" on MAC's 2012 premium. He was immensely popular, but often had to perform in blackface!
  10:47am Caryn:

Oh look, Python gif.
  10:48am Cecile:

He always performed in blackface, Henry. it is a very poignant aspect of his life. Toward the end of his life, he could have lost it, but he chose not to.

Also, Ry Cooder did a really good version of Nobody on his "jazz" record.
  10:50am other david:

apologies in advance:
  10:50am Cecile:

on my bad days, I hear Paul Robeson singing "tired of living, don't mind dying" in my head.
  10:51am Mark:

U2 on Ken's show!
  10:53am Marie:

  10:53am BG:

  10:55am Lizardner Dave:

If Hal wasn't there we all know you would have Traktored that track, Ken.
  10:59am Mark:

well Harry Smith was a friend of Ed Sanders and The Fugs may be considered proto punks
  11:03am JJJ:

The Lost T-Shirts of Atlantis do a great version of leaving liverpool called Fare thee well
  11:04am KP:

Come back Shane! Shane come back!
  11:07am PoutWest:

Howdy Hal!! Glad to hear you in a forum like FMU - maybe you should get a regular slot?? Ken?
  11:10am Mark:

check it out Poutwest:
  11:10am KP:

Sign me up for "Son of."
  11:10am Marie:

Are these old, original "shanty" lyrics?
  11:12am Carmichael:

Good morning, Kenneth.
  11:15am Caryn:

Well, Depp was the singer-guitarist of a punk band, so he can play.
  11:18am Jeff:

Also: during the Shane McGowan song I could HEAR his crazy snaggly teeth.

Maybe it's the drugs.
  11:20am Andy Breckman's Watch:

Well, actually tune in at 6pm to since they're in the Central Time Zone.
  11:20am KP:

Fare thee well Titanic, fare thee well.
  11:22am Marie:

I love that word, "snaggly" and the phrase "snaggle toothed". He seemed to be slurring a bit, I wondered what that was about--was it due to something brain-based? Or, is he seriously drunk all the time? (BTW, I really like that guy and tried to read his autobiography.)
  11:23am Cheri Pi:

oh dear!
  11:23am Mark:

uh oh no one tell the FCC
  11:23am Dan B From Upstate:

My spine! It's curving in an unnatural way!
  11:23am Lizardner Dave:

  11:23am Dan B From Upstate:

Besides that, this is incredibly entertaining!
  11:24am KevinfromBayRidge:

Well, Guess you did'nt use a dump!
  11:24am Ken From Hyde Park:

Listening on-line. I heard a swear. Hopefully, you hit the dump in time for the FM signal.
  11:24am Lizardner Dave:

Or should I say "Archive Not Available".
  11:24am Mark:

Ed Sanders thinks David Peel stole one The Fugs unreleased songs, I forget which one
  11:25am Mark:

The Pope Smokes Dope
  11:25am Jeff:

He got the first one perfectly - you didn't hear "fucking nothing" during the Fugs song, did you? No, I didn't either.
  11:27am Mark:

there was also a bullshit in there somewhere
  11:28am Marie:

Did he even mention garage rock of the 60s?
  11:28am Mark:

damn limeys
  11:29am jan:

I am glad that History (of punk) class is over. Looking forward to lunch.
  11:42am Electric Cowbell:

killer version of 'people get ready' where's it from?
  11:44am Cheri Pi:

You owe us for this Ken...
  11:45am G:

Lulu, audience pleaser supreme!
  11:46am KP:

Cheri Pi! Hahaaha~
  11:47am the real dc pat®:

jeeze, guy on motorcycle is a jerk for not helping push the van..hes just sitting back there shouting out orders..
  11:47am Lizardner Dave:

I'm guessing coming on to plug the charity gig was Hal's "payment" for doing SSD. Well, I hope he sold a few extra tickets.
  11:48am jan:

Ken- for those of us who don't know any better- can you elaborate on Lulu?
  11:48am Mark:

gee some people are such wet blankets
  11:50am other david:

Ken you should have played your own version!
  11:50am drewo:

Thanks for the interview Ken. I have a new appreciation for Lulu each time I hear it.
  11:50am KP:

Ive never hear a bit of this until now. At least it doesnt sound like Mettalica.
  11:52am ?:

sorry, my irony detector is on the fritz. I had thought Lulu fell on the "Bob Dylan Christmas Album" side of the coolness spectrum.
  11:53am Mike East:

Great sets and interviews with Hal Wilner this morning, Ken.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:53am Ken:

No, your irony detector is fine. I genuinely like Lulu.
  11:53am Carmichael:

Me no like.
  11:53am duke:

I kind of like this. There was so much badmouthing of Lulu that I never checked it out. I shouldn't listen to gossip.
  11:55am Mike East:

I think this track is pretty unironically good. I hadn't heard this one before.
  11:55am Marie:

I like Lulu and Metallica and Lou Reed. I like a lot of "popular" music as well as more underground obscure stuff. Cool is not a cool criteria to apply to music as far as I'm concerned. My heart likes what it likes.
  11:55am jan:

By Lulu- are you referring to, and I mean no joke, the singer of to Sir with Love or...?
  11:55am ?:

It sounds like Berlin, but with Lou much the worse for wear
  11:55am Dan B From Upstate:

I genuinely didn't like it. Now, I genuinely like it. This must be how John Kerry feels every day.
  11:55am Mark:

yes duke don't fall into the trap of going along with the groupthink
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:56am Ken:

No Jan, Lulu is the name of the record that Lou Reed and Metallica did together.
  11:56am other david:

"My heart likes what it likes" nicely put.
Thanks Ken, an enjoyable show.
  11:58am the real dc pat®:

I think Lulu is a reference to the Alban Berg opera by the same name and the story whence that comes...isn't it?
  11:59am jan:

Flustered, embarrassed, but I am liking that cut. Thanks
  12:00pm G:

Wikipedia article on Lulu: "The collaboration was originally intended to be Metallica re-recording various previously unreleased tracks Reed had written over the years. Among these unreleased demos was a collection of songs composed for a play called Lulu—a theatrical production of two plays originally written by the German playwright Frank Wedekind. Reed shared the demos of these songs with the members of Metallica to help bring the "piece to the next level," and the group provided "significant arrangement contributions" to the material."
  12:01pm the real dc pat®:

ok, so it's based on Frank Wedekind's stories, which Berg also based his opera...
  12:01pm postby:

Fine listening music morning. Thanks Ken and Hal.
  12:03pm the real dc pat®:

plays not stories, dangit
  12:03pm Cecile:

I like much of Lou Reed's music, but he's not a favorite performer. I dislike much of Metallica's music post-Cliff Burton, but they're some of my favorite performers. Go figure.
  12:05pm duke:

ken is working overtime today.
  12:06pm northguineahills:

Big Blood always put a smile on my face.
  12:06pm ¨Goyim in the AM:

Had Lulu been a two song ep (Dragon and Junior Dad), it would have been a masterpiece.
  12:07pm G:

Even the gifs are working overtime
  12:08pm the real dc pat®:

great BB tune.
  12:09pm Mike East:

@Cecile - I think it has to do with Metallica pleasing the crowd and Lou Reed pleasing Lou Reed, which both are known for.
  12:11pm Yvonne:

Big Blood!!!!
  12:11pm Cecile:

very good point, Mike East!
  2:53pm Johann:

I hope this doesn't come off wrong, but will you stop playing the m************ hip hop, please? Or at least index the tracks better so that I can easily skip it? That truculent barking really gets on my nerves.
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