Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 30 May 2012 Favoriting | The WFMU Technology Demon Brings The Ass

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Label Comments New Approx. start time
Fuxa  A Billion Kilograms   Favoriting Electric Sound Of Summer  Rocket Girl 
*   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Ethel Merman  There's No Business Like Show Business   Favoriting The Ethel Merman Disco Album  A&M 
  0:12:06 (Pop-up)
The Facebook Singers  Thank You Facebook!!!!!   Favoriting The Facebook Album  Facebook Records and Tapes 
  0:16:02 (Pop-up)
PiL  This is Pil   Favoriting This is PiL  PiL Official 
*   0:19:52 (Pop-up)
Glass Candy  Introduction   Favoriting Beat Box  Italians Do It Better 
  0:23:56 (Pop-up)
Arnold Schwarzenegger  Let Your Body Rock   Favoriting Arnold's Total Body Workout  Columbia 
  0:25:06 (Pop-up)
Pierre Raymonde and Bugs Bower  Turn and Tease Me   Favoriting Erotic Aerobics  Unknown Label 
  0:28:44 (Pop-up)
Dj Female Convict Scorpion  Grace Jones   Favoriting Clash Ups III  No Label 
*   0:38:02 (Pop-up)
Vert  Step Under The Bulbshine   Favoriting Sonig Exp/Hop/DVD   
*   0:46:13 (Pop-up)
Dj Female Convict Scorpion  Circle   Favoriting Clash Ups III   
*   0:50:33 (Pop-up)
The DeFranco Family  Heartbeat its a Lovebeat   Favoriting The DeFranco Family  Def Jam 
  1:06:15 (Pop-up)
Carl Shook  Broadcasters Prayer   Favoriting Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands, Volume 10: Pancho Lopez Walks the Line  Trailer Park 
  1:11:51 (Pop-up)
Unknown Artist  Burp Concerto   Favoriting Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands, Volume 10: Pancho Lopez Walks the Line  Trailer Park 
*   1:13:58 (Pop-up)
Judy Dunaway  Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime   Favoriting Balloon Music  CRI 
  1:18:13 (Pop-up)
Art Giraffefungal  A Balloon Ant-Eater Eating Balloon Ants   Favoriting Balloon Animals  Pointy Bird      1:20:10 (Pop-up)
Michael Hearst  Bilby   Favoriting Songs for Unusual Creatures  Urban Geek Records 
  1:24:26 (Pop-up)
Pink Floyd  Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast   Favoriting Atom Heart Mother   

Click for the full size image
  1:30:29 (Pop-up)
Joe Goldmark  Sexy Sadie   Favoriting The Wham Of That Steel Man!  Lo-Ball 
  1:43:27 (Pop-up)
The Allman Brothers  Mountain Jam, the Whole Damn Thing   Favoriting Eat a Peach   
  1:59:30 (Pop-up)
R. Stevie Moore  Food & War   Favoriting Title Track  Care in the Community 
*   2:12:28 (Pop-up)
Girls  Jeffrey I Hear You   Favoriting The Elephant Man  Abaton Book Company 
  2:15:13 (Pop-up)
Owada  Thirty Thirty   Favoriting Nothing  Piano 
  2:20:12 (Pop-up)
Cobra Killer  Goodtime Girl   Favoriting Uppers and Downers  Monika 
  2:22:41 (Pop-up)
Bell  Eat The Evidence disco mix   Favoriting Volume One  Discordnce 
  2:26:49 (Pop-up)
Workshop  Piper   Favoriting Sonig Exp/Hop/DVD  Sonig 
*   2:31:09 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:

Click for the full size image
  2:35:09 (Pop-up)
Prinzhorn Dance School  Sing Orderly   Favoriting Clay Class  DFA 
*   2:44:10 (Pop-up)
Kim Fowley  Up   Favoriting Outrageous   

Click for the full size image
  2:49:19 (Pop-up)
Joy Division  Transmission   Favoriting Love Will Tear Us Apart  Factory 

Click for the full size image
  2:53:56 (Pop-up)
Bags of Money  Check Yo Bitch   Favoriting Excerpts from Thug Motivation   

Click for the full size image
  3:01:17 (Pop-up)
Detroit Grand Pubahs  Sandwiches   Favoriting No Album  No Label Bitch 
  3:06:07 (Pop-up)
John Murphy  Taxi (Ave Maria) Jackknife Lee Remix   Favoriting 28 Days Later Soundtrack   
  3:11:04 (Pop-up)
  3:15:37 (Pop-up)
            3:15:41 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:01am Lizardner Dave:

Mornin'. Is this the "good music show"?
  9:01am ©@®:

I like Joe Belock a lot
  9:02am kat330:

Hi, Ken! Looking forward to a superior day of FMU programs!
  9:04am BSI:

cute triplets.
  9:04am kat330:

Did she perform in the recent Eurovision contest?
  9:04am ©@®:

The babushka doesn't skip a beat even if the cd does
  9:05am Sam:

Hello! Bring on the hippie noise.
  9:05am BDR:

I like the gif of the dancing Clay Pigeon.
  9:06am kat330:

She's certainly tripping the light fantastic.
  9:06am Sam:

Clay Pigeon is a babushka?
  9:07am bbell:

Oh good, something to accompany the sound of chainsaws and wood chippers next door. You might to do your own mix like that, Ken, it seems to work!
  9:07am Mark:

  9:07am F0FO (:

Hola Keno & amigos! So here I am, again, fully aknowledging that once I cross the path of entrance of this show, my ass becomes Ken's, the wild man of wfmunosis.
  9:09am BSI:

the fuxa matta widdat CD?
  9:09am pierre:

Bonjour Ken !
Bonjour listeners !

@ kat330 : i believe she did.

Ken, i had another WFMU dj dream, please could you stay away from my head when i sleep.
  9:09am dave:

please play greenway by the fall
  9:09am Aaron in Jcity:

Morning Evil Ken and everyone evil and not evil!
  9:09am kat330:

@F0FO (: You just had to bring up the idea of "ass" -- now the playlist will become a booty focused "bum"mer as recent weeks.
  9:11am Lizardner Dave:

So I guess the answer is no, this is not the good music show. Carry on then.
  9:11am Sometimes Jasmine:

...And just when Ken got around to playing GOOD music!
  9:12am blacktooth:

This version of this suicide song is totally worth putting up with the whims of the might technology demon.
  9:12am BDR:

And then there's the Kate Bush song:
  9:13am kat330:

She's on the beat with this one, most of the time anyway.
  9:14am Regentski:

Oh, Babu-ushka..
Rock arms and tu-ush-ka...
  9:14am BSI:

....ah, I knew it was Disco Ethel! Haven't heard this in a pig's age.
  9:14am Mark:

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
  9:15am BDR:

  9:15am pierre:

aaah ok, that guy is chewing something.
  9:16am kat330:

@pierre: Just scrolled back to see your reply. I just took a wild guess she was part of Eurovision. Really she was? Huh.
  9:16am Neg-guh-tor:

Ethel never sounded better!
  9:17am still b/p:

This is effin up my dancercise routine somethin' fierce.
  9:18am Dan B From Upstate:

What's worse? The facebook song, or the Newt Gingrich song?
  9:18am Aaron in Jcity:

I see the chimp enjoys the lake too
  9:18am kat330:

So this anthem proves it. FB IS a cult religion. Always suspected as much.
  9:18am Lizardner Dave:

  9:19am Andy in Berlin:

you might as well play I'd Like to Buy The World A Coke while you're at it
  9:19am pierre:

@Kat330 : i guess she did perform, here's a video >
  9:19am paul:

still better than the megaupload song
  9:19am BSI:

We can't stop here. This is chimp country.
  9:20am kat330:

@s b/p: Ken often does, so I've learned to get my workout done before 9 am on Wednesdays. :)
  9:20am Lizardner Dave:

Spider man????
  9:21am listener scott:

FB's song is creepily like Scientology's "We Stand Tall"
  9:21am Neg-guh-tor:

Facebook I want to thank you for bringing to me the guy that's banging me, my friends and family.
  9:21am F0FO (:

Salut pierre! Tell us more! (dj dream)

Kat330, You are right! Ok, next time I'm going to encrypt my words: "@ss", "b00+y", etc.
  9:21am kat330:

@pierre: Heh, that's a hoot! Merci!
  9:21am Mark:

oh dear
  9:21am Andy in Berlin:

oh shit, you just reminded me, I have to take my pills!
  9:22am pierre:

You're welcome Kat330 !

Ken, i'm doing my taxes on your show, just so you know.
  9:23am kat330:

So the image with the FB anthem: Suggesting it's a chimp driving the boat of that org.?
  9:24am dc pat:

  9:24am JBeek:

The topic of this article may not meet Wikipedia's notability guideline for music
  9:25am Mark:

so I'm guessing that was PiL
  9:26am kat330:

  9:27am kat330:

Music to do your taxes by.
  9:27am Neg-guh-tor:

The Governator!
  9:28am Neg-guh-tor:

12 up
  9:29am Neg-guh-tor:

My mother wanted me to have that v shape look!
  9:29am yayson:

the perfect exercise for your shoulders
  9:30am BSI:

But I've worked so long to achieve this perfect _ shape...
  9:30am kat330:

Workout porn.
  9:30am Sam:

Oooooh, pelvic pleasure!!
  9:31am Neg-guh-tor:

I'm turning myself on!
  9:31am Ken From Hyde Park:

I must add that one to my list of all-time great lyrics - "Your shoulders will be so wide you won't fit through the door."
  9:32am Mark:

The last sentence from this review of "This is PiL"
"As someone else said, the difference between being in the groove and in the grave is just a matter of depth."
  9:32am kat330:

@Ken: Yeah, I thought that was priceless. I think he added a "be careful" in there, too.
  9:32am dc pat:

  9:32am ?:
  9:33am BSI:

Demanding little man, innit?
  9:33am Sam:

I recently stayed in a cheap hotel in Paris and the shower was so narrow that I literally couldn't get my shoulders in there without doing some strange contortions. And don't drop the soap! You have to exit the shower if you want to bend down for any reason, otherwise you smack your head on the side.
  9:33am Neg-guh-tor:

I can't see myself when I move.
  9:33am Neg-guh-tor:

I can't see myself when I move.
  9:36am northguineahills:

Are those gunshots and screams from that John Zorn & Yamataka Eye album?
  9:36am kat330:

4th floor elevator.
  9:36am Ken From Hyde Park:

I may have to consult the archives later to get the exact lyrics. For the record, some of my other favorites:

Mama cooked a chicken. Thought it was a duck. Put it on the table with its feet stickin' up.

One step forward, two back from where you came.

There's too many dishes in that sink for just two people.
  9:36am ©@®:

this is a web only show, huh??
  9:38am kat330:

Add this: Stop scrapin' the scab off my healin' heart, honey.
  9:40am JBeek:

Eurovision babushka perfectly in sync
  9:41am kat330:

And that baby grew up to be Dizzy Dean.
  9:43am pierre:

Tonight, Is Judah Friedlandher going to lend one of his cap to Andy, Ken ?
  9:43am northguineahills:

wouldn't that be the WFMU technology gremlin?
  9:44am kat330:

NJ/NYC folks: Are you all getting the strong storm that blew by us yesterday? Is that the transmitter issue?
  9:44am giselle:

soo EEVil
  9:47am Cecile:

good morning!
  9:47am kat330:

Ken's evil plan to make FMU for elite listeners only.
  9:47am dc pat:

that Peter is a good sport.
  9:48am northguineahills:

The storm just kissed us in Brooklyn, but the radar looked rather intense further north & west.
  9:49am kat330:

NGH, I like that image, a storm kissing you.
  9:54am Neg-guh-tor:

We be sad because someone makes him dead today.
  9:57am ?:

The technology demon killed my stream. Curse you technology demon.
  9:59am Neg-guh-tor:

Let's fix the electricity together, Ken.
  9:59am Cecile:

back in a while.
  9:59am Couch Flambeau:

we'll go through the windshield together.
  10:00am kat330:

If we all hold hands, close our eyes and send electrical energy from our minds ensemble....
  10:01am still b/p:

The fuse, the proud...
  10:01am The Only Song:

by Peter Blegvad and John Greaves please...
  10:02am Nathan:

I think the proper name would be 'Technology Daemon' he hates it when you drop the 'a'...
  10:03am kat330:

How much longer must we see that chimp's man boobs?
  10:05am Lizardner Dave:

718653 sounds like the beginning of a hipster phone number.
  10:09am kat330:

That's an improvement. I guess.
  10:09am Brian C.:

Remember digging "Heartbeat" in 3rd grade even though it did seem like a Partidge Family knockoff
  10:10am Roberto:

Dancing babushka is keeping time with the DeFranco family.
  10:10am Listener zero:

"Police: Hackensack Man Stabbed Himself, Threw His Skin And Intestines At Officers"

Maybe a 7SD idea: Cannibal-off with the face-eater from Miami?
  10:10am Roberto:

Ah yes, I see you reposted her there for that purpose.
  10:11am Nathan:

I appreciate the Russian entry to Eurovision animated babushka gif at the top... I sat through Eurovision on Saturday night hurling abuse and trying to divine lyrics. I think the Russians should've won it, but seeing that most voting on Eurovision is political and a lot of countries involved are former members of the Republic they don't get a lot of love...
  10:11am Detroit Mac:

I am having such a hard time trying to get the a cappella group I sing with to try any music that isn't Madrigal-religious... or to find any SATB sheet music that is different and fun while avoiding typical a cappella cliches. ANY suggestions (you tube or otherwise) would be appreciated!
  10:12am Ken From Hyde Park:

I must drive in to work now. But there's no 90.1 FM signal. I have a cell phone, but it's not a smart phone. It has Bluetooth and I can make calls over my car speakers. Is there a phone number I can call that will stream the WFMU sound stream over the telephone? Does that technology been invented yet? I don't need playlist or animated GIF files, just the sound. If you patent telephone music streaming methodologies and principles, let me know, 'cause I want in on that.
  10:12am kat330:

@LZ: Yikes, yeah, when I read that Miami headline in the paper on Monday, I really saw the end of days. Maybe the Mayans are right. Eeesh.
  10:14am Listener zero:

Not to make light of anyone's permanently disabling and/or disfiguring and life-threatening injuries, but I, for one, believe New Jersey zombies are superior to Florida zombies.
  10:15am still b/p:

Defranco and Def Jam...a name-pairing that'll put a brain-burr under your babushka.
  10:15am Mark:

WUSB the SUNY Stony Brook radio station used to have a number you could call to listen live to the radio station years ago, I don't know if they still do it
  10:15am northguineahills:

@Ken From Hyde Park: Maybe someone, can, call you and put the receiver up to a speaker, and call you. Fidelity wouldn't too great.
  10:15am kat330:

@Detroit Mac: Let me think a bit on that, and I'll try to come up w/something before the show's over.
  10:16am ANT:

@LZ: Or at least more creative with their insides.
  10:16am dc pat:

YES! Burps!
  10:16am Sam:

Detroit Mac, I sang in a show called "City of Angels" which had great four part a capella stuff all through it, very jazzy and rich, without being cheesy (for the most part).
  10:16am fred von helsing:

  10:17am duke:

I'm glad that dog gave up drinking and went back to school. We need more dog scientists and engineers.
  10:17am Dan B From Upstate:

If you call the on air number and are put on hold, do you hear the show? I've never called a show with a screener.
  10:17am kat330:

If this guy claims to burp face, I'm booking it.
  10:18am Neg-guh-tor:

Rainbow of spimuni?
  10:19am other david:

Sounds like battletoads
  10:19am dc pat:

jeezus! This reduces me to tears every time I hear it...
  10:19am Sam:

Sometimes you hear them talking first before you're on the air, other times you just hear a short burst of static and "FMU, you're on the air" or "FMU you're on the radio", or "FMU, are you on the air?" depending on the show, and you have to come up with something witty to say FAST!!
  10:21am Ken From Hyde Park:

I'll see what WVKR has on this morning. If nothing else, I'll just hum some tunes while I'm on the road. See ya later.
  10:22am TEA:

omg what are you people playing LMAO
  10:22am Sam:

Oh I love WVKR, I listen to them a lot, whenever I'm in Poughkeepsie. They used to play great hard core rap on Saturday mornings.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:22am Ken:

Phew! Is Ken from Hyde Park really gone? Can I start the show in earnest now?
  10:23am Sam:

The Boston College radio station, WZBC, is also really great, or at least it was 10 years ago.
  10:23am Spazz's Jean Shepard drop-in:

We got rid of that crowd! Now we can swing!
  10:23am Dave B:

What'd I miss?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:24am Ken:

How can I be sure Ken from Hyde Park is really gone?
  10:25am Mark:

say yoo hoo Ken from Hyde Park are you there?
  10:26am Nathan:

Nuke Hyde Park... ?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:27am Ken:

I think he's really still there, just lurking. I dont want to really start the show just yet.
  10:27am Sam:

Start dissing Roosevelt and the New Deal - he won't be able to resist.
  10:27am Listener zero:

Ken: Check the server logs for Hyde Park IPs!
  10:28am Dave B:

That fruit plate GIF reminds me of my refrigerator
  10:29am The Only Song:

by Peter Blegvad and John Greaves please...
  10:29am kat330:

@Detroit Mac: Don't know why this comes to mind. I had a lot of fun performing this with a chorus from Mannes College's New School For Music: the Geographical Fugue (or Fuge aus der Geographie) by Ernst Toch. It's for SATB and a cappella, but it's also spoken word, so maybe not your group's cuppa. Here's a link:
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:30am Ken:

Good idea Zero.. OK He's Gone. The show can now begin.
  10:30am ange:

IS THAT HEARST?! *swoon*
  10:31am Sam:

Thank the lord!
  10:31am kat330:

Hi, Ken! Looking forward to a superior day of FMU programs!
  10:32am Mark:

I should say that WUSB probably doesn't have the listen to the radio signal on the phone deal anymore because they stream their signal on the internet now this being the 21st century after all
  10:33am George:

YEAH BABBY!!! Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast
  10:33am Detroit Mac:

Further on the A Cappella front... Looking for songs that are equally interesting in each of the SATB parts... Picky bastard arn't I? Some folks really have a thing against the Swingle Singers, and their SSSAAATTTBBB arrangements!
  10:33am G:

My breakfast is not psychedelic, just overcaffeinated.
  10:33am kat330:

Um, why couldn't she cook breakfast before?
  10:36am Lewis:

@kat330 - exactly my thought!
  10:36am still b/p:

'Cuz she didn't feel well:
  10:36am kat330:

@Lewis: Clicking the full image helps elucidate. :)
  10:38am Mark:

because she's on the happy housewife pill!
  10:38am kat330:

Mother's Little Helper, yep.
  10:39am Detroit Mac:

Mother's Little Helper: fresh batteries in the vibrator
  10:40am Lewis:

OK - that is creepy! Mother's Little Helper!
  10:40am kat330:

Then she'd never get around to breakfast, Mac.
  10:40am fred von helsing:

How come I never have customer service experiences like this
  10:40am Brooklynite:

Yo, press dis!!!!
  10:40am Lewis:

looks like many of us have the same musical reference frame
  10:42am kat330:

She looks like Olivia Wilde a bit.
  10:42am Dave B:

@Mac - scrambled eggs.
  10:44am Roadie:

There is no dark side of the sausage. Matter of fact, it's all dark.
  10:45am kat330:

Awwww, shy kitty! Peekaboo.
  10:46am Mark:

Mornidine was prescribed for morning sickness and eventually removed from the market because of reports of liver damage and hypotension at prescribed dosages
  10:46am kat330:

Ken, didn't you claim you simply COULD NOT look at any online cat images? Evolving. Love it!
  10:47am G:

@Kat: He chose that one blindfolded.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:47am Ken:

Which pic has a cat??!!!
  10:48am kat330:

And love this cover as well.
  10:49am Mark:

all the pics have cats in them!
  10:50am Detroit Mac:

Nice pussy! (hollar when you think I am getting offensive)
  10:51am kat330:

@G: Is the cat how you gathered your "shower tile washing" intel?
  10:52am G:

Cats are all spies. Just accept that as part of the package.
  10:53am Ken From Hyde Park:

I'm back now. Did I miss anything?
  10:54am G:

Uh oh, now Ken's gonna have to stop the real show again.
  10:54am kat330:

Yeah, KfHP, we started the show over after you departed.
  10:56am yayson:

last time by trad gras och stenar
  10:56am The Only Song:

by Peter Blegvad and John Greaves on a loop please..
  10:56am Listener zero:

Ken: Type O Negative's Prelude to Agony
  10:57am kat330:

I've an uncle named Mountain Jim.
  10:57am Sam:

Oh you missed A LOT Ken from HP! We didn't stop talking about you.
  10:57am Lewis:

  10:57am yayson:
  10:57am Listener zero:

Ken: Prelude to Agony is 12:14.
  10:58am kat330:

The Geographical Fugue by Ernst Toch.
  10:58am Dave B:

2112 by Rush
  10:58am Electric Company:

  10:58am Listener zero:
  10:58am KevinfromBayRidge:

With Judah & TMBG you need extra incentive?!!
  10:59am Dave B:

or Swastika Girls by Fripp and Eno
  10:59am BDR:

Aphrodite's Child 666 has boatloads of long songs.
  10:59am Dan B From Upstate:

Something from Lulu?
  11:00am Ken From Hyde Park:

On 90.1 FM, I was able to faintly pick up classical music. I think it's some station in CT. Garrison Keillor spoke of poetry on public radio. Commercial radio was full of something they call commercials. That was really boring. One station played some Patsy Cline followed by a haunting tune called "Skip A Rope." Some satellite channel played "Tell Me What You Want" from Zebra and that had a lot of treble and high notes. Traffic was moving normally with no significant delays.
  11:00am kat330:

Kate Bush has some very long one on her newest....let me check.
  11:00am Detroit Mac:

Korean "In the Garden of Eden" is mucho swell.
Ken: Cream's Toad with the endless Drum Solo?
  11:00am Brian C.:

NO WAIT! 12 minute song
Top ten again by flying lizards!!
  11:00am marc:

i would do anything for love... by meatloaf
  11:00am Listener zero:

  11:01am Led Zep:

"Achilles Last Stand"
  11:01am Cecile:

Charles Mingus - Cumbia and Jazz Fusion
  11:02am Cecile:

hahahahaha The IT Crowd GIF!
  11:04am northguineahills:

@ Cecile: Oddly, that's the only Charles Mingus LP I own.
  11:05am Cecile:

It's a good one.
  11:05am Dave B:

"Did you try turning it off and on again?"
  11:06am kat330:

In time for Ivana on Irwin?
  11:08am pierre:

@FOFO : in my dream, Scott Williams was chasing pheseants in my living room. Why is that each time wfmu dj get at my flat and do weird stuff.
  11:09am Listener zero:

I will keep fighting to bring Type O Negative more air time. R.I.P. Peter Steele.

Love you all!
  11:11am coelacanth:

This comes on the jukebox when someone's played 15 not-above-average rap songs in a row...'Usually changes the vibe within 1/2 hour...Or a side from "bitches brew".
  11:11am Listener zero:

I think I heard the account number through the music. I think it's 201-333-5062.
  11:11am Caryn:

Hello all!
Aw, Russian granny. Had to love their lyrics: "And my cat is happy, and my dog is happy.And the dough is rising joyously." Aahh... Interesting fact: one of the grannies is the same age as Madonna.

And yay for the Moss gif!
  11:13am Transformer:

I was blown? I don't seem to recall anything enjoyable.
  11:13am kat330:

Thought you might be in Iceland, Caryn. Wouldn't want to miss this hump day of superior FMUsic.
  11:13am Pole:

I witnessed it!
  11:14am Carmichael:

Good morning, Kenneth. Hi kids.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:15am Ken:

Ken from Hyde Park?!!! You said you were leaving! WTF?!
  11:15am lucy:

KEN! I gotta deliver wine on my bike to stupid hipsters tonight so I cannot come to show :'(

But I gots u a GIF!
  11:15am Brooklyn:

@Transformer: And I only got kissed.
  11:15am Caryn:

@kat: nope, just my dumb computer acting up. Will have to listen via archives.
  11:16am Mark:

90.1 playing classical music was probably WSHU in CT
  11:16am Cecile:

  11:17am Sam:

Ken from Hyde Park I HEAR YOU!!!!
  11:17am kat330:

@lucy: HIlarious.
  11:18am Mark:

Pierre perhaps you need new locks on your door
  11:19am Detroit Mac:

live concert footage of the original Allman Bros - newly found?
  11:19am Danimal:

Wildman reincarnated?
  11:20am Caryn:

Hey Ken! Here's an invention that I'm sure is currently stored in the vault of the Booty Bank:

And just for general entertainment:
  11:20am kat330:

I guess these folks are experiencing a transformative mighty wind.
  11:21am Lizardner Dave:

Have they found live archival footage of Greg Allman shooting himself in the foot to dodge the draft?
  11:21am G:

I'm streaming because the Haitian pirate station here in central Brooklyn is using the old 90.9 frequency that Kingsborough Community College used to use, and to make sure the junky dollar buses can get the signal they turn it up to where it takes over 91.1 too.
  11:24am kat330:

@Caryn: Why'd they skimp on the buns? Saving money?
  11:24am Ken From Hyde Park:

I was home earlier, then driving and now at work. I am enjoying today's show and the witty comments in the playlist.
  11:25am Caryn:

@kat: you referring to the babushkas or the butt designers?
  11:26am kat330:

Enrico Corset.
  11:26am kat330:

The not-so-shapely butt designers.
  11:30am Davice:

Every butt is designed with a crack built in
  11:30am Butt Head:

It wa modeled after the Japanese butt...
  11:30am Caryn:

Maybe more shapely buns would be too expressive, and looked like they were over-acting, rather than expressing emotions? Or the designers got bored of coming to work and finding that some pervy fellow scientist from the neighbouring lab had gotten frisky with the shapely butt, and thus redesigned the butt to be less enticing?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:31am Ken:

Everybody behave. You-know-who is here.
  11:31am Davice:

How does it smell?
  11:32am Dave B:

Not sure if this'll interest anyone here, but it appears that IUMA is partially back online at Internet Archive...
  11:32am Carmichael:

Is one of those Batmen John Travolta?
  11:33am G:

Ken from Hide-and-Seek Park? He's sneaky.
  11:33am Sam:

I think the Japanese are into flat, unexciting, efficient butts. It's supposed to be functional only, not alluring in any way.
  11:35am Davice:

Alluring if you are Japanese?
  11:36am Japanese:

Flat means better access all-around. Nuff said.
  11:38am Davice:

Would you rather be ahead or a little behind?
  11:38am kat330:

@Caryn: Yeah, no one appreciates a hammy butt, chewing the scenery.
  11:38am Sam:

The booty bank is where pirates go when they're seeking better liquidity than the bury and dig it up later method.
  11:38am Sir Mix A Lot:

They'z amateurs, them Booty Bankers. Bank Too Small Not To Fail.
  11:39am Listener zero:

Treat yourself to some Sound Exchange royalties, Ken!
  11:39am Skynet:

Your ass is mine.
  11:40am Caryn:

@kat: yeah, for instance the butt in "Sherry and the Anus" rarely went OTT.
  11:40am Davice:

Since they come in pairs shouldn't that be "Your asses are mine?"
  11:41am Listener zero:

Motion to rename the show to Squeaky Jaws.
  11:42am kat330:

Stream left for a sec.
  11:42am Mark:

zombies are with us
  11:43am northguineahills:

A japanese chef serverd diners his genitals after electing to have them removed by surgery. The diners paid top yen to do so.
  11:43am Davice:

Zombies with squeaky jaws and flat butts?
  11:44am Ricardo Montalban:

Pepper spray! Thanks, coppers!
  11:44am -max-:

Blue Sunshine bath salts?
  11:44am kat330:

Aw gawd, folks, it's nearly lunchtime here!
  11:44am Cops:

Would you like some ground pepper spray on that, sir?
  11:44am Listener zero:

Pepper spraying sounds like a good stunt to add to the Wheel o' Fate on 7SD's next marathon show.
  11:45am kat330:

Every bite of the ramen noodles will have me imagining....yeeechh...
  11:45am F0FO (:

I'm back. Yeah, testicles..This is exactly what I was expecting to hear as soon as I turned the stream on.
  11:45am Ricardo Montalban:

There was that cannibal named Issei Sagawa who became a giant celebrity in Japan in the early 80s
  11:46am kat330:

Heh, FOFO, at least it's a front turn from the butt theme.
  11:46am Skynet:

It's a food product!
It's a zombie deterrent!
  11:48am Listener zero:

When I read about that awful Miami Cannibal case, I immediately compared it to that cannibal case we had in Germany a couple of years ago. The main difference that struck me: In Germany, it was two guys, cannibal and victim, who met each other over the internet, both acting on fetishistis impulses, it all being very orderly and planned and consensual. In the US, some presumably overdrugged loon just assaulted a homeless guy and got gunned down by a police officer. :-|
  11:48am lucy:

That rat is also in my head! wow, what a coincidence...
  11:49am Listener zero:

$5 that that rat's name is Squeaky.
  11:49am kat330:

Does yours also have an adorable mask?
  11:51am Skynet:

@ Listener Zero - the inspiration for Moss and the German?
  11:52am Squeaky:

Nah, looks like a Ben to me.
  11:52am Davice:

Is that a picture of X-Ray Burns?
  11:52am Caryn:

I suspect the robot owners of the butts demand that the scientist free their rumps:
  11:52am F0FO (:


lol...yeah, a journey into the human anatomy.
  11:52am dc pat:

I love Kim Fowley, fact.
  11:53am F0FO (:

ditto ^^
  11:54am Ricardo Montalban:

Kim Fowley is fascinating. I'll bet he'd make a great documentary subject. He's on enough of them, usually talking about someone else, but it would be cool to see one on him alone.
  11:55am lucy:

yeah but it's got sequins. It lets me wear one just like it!
  11:55am Listener zero:

Yay! I love that song!
  11:55am kat330:

Going to the kitchen. Thanks for the hors d'oeuvres to a full-course meal on FMU today, Ken! Hoping TMBG perform Birdhouse, but well, it will be a shock. Later, all!
  11:55am Listener zero:

This version sounds unfamiliar, though! :D
  11:56am Listener zero:

Bye, kat330!
  11:56am Detroit Mac:

Have a swell day... all you swingin" "Kenettes"!
  11:57am Neologue:

  11:58am Davice:

Lunch time . . . time to eat some intestines and face
  11:59am A. Guess:

Someone's currently eating Duane's face off by the Jersey City PATH station
  12:00pm F0FO (:

Face-cook. Get it?
  12:00pm lucy:

Don't forget the brain and genitals, it gives you all of your enemy's powers.
  12:01pm Malcolm XXX:

Duane don't do White Man's Time.
  12:01pm Skynet:

mmmm, calf's cheeks and chitlins!
  12:01pm Cecile:

Play Sandwiches.
  12:01pm Listener zero:

I just eat little pieces of my skin that naturally sheds in micro amounts into my food each day.
  12:02pm Listener zero:

I fill my bags with credit cards.
  12:02pm dc pat:

I got bags of vodka.
  12:02pm Skynet:

@Zero - like bonito flakes!
  12:03pm F0FO (:

Bags of Money preferred bank choice anyone?
  12:04pm Lizardner Dave:

Bags of Money do not come from the Booty Bank.
  12:05pm Malcolm XXX:

This dude keeps all his withdrawal receipts from the Booty Bank.
  12:06pm Cecile:

right on.
Actually Bags of Money has good advice.
  12:06pm Skynet:

Colostomy Bags of Money withdrawn from the Booty Bank
  12:07pm ethel merman:

not mad at bags.
  12:09pm Nathan:

Is Duane LATE again!?
  12:10pm Malcolm XXX:

Define "late," bitch.
  12:10pm still b/p:

I'll take 12:18 in the pool.
  12:11pm Malcolm XXX:

12:18 is closer to noon than one. So 12:18 is on time.
  12:11pm Caryn:

Duane is still hung over from his crazy Eurovision viewing party. Or he's currently being eaten in an alley by one of these new zombies.
  12:13pm Nathan:

Hey enablers, I just want as much of Duane as I can get!
  12:13pm F0FO (:

...Or perhaps he's eating some DJ. Watch out Ken!!
  12:13pm Caryn:

When the zombies take over, Subway's slogan will be changed into "Eat flesh".
  12:13pm lucy:

Maybe he IS a zombie!
  12:14pm Cecile:

there's shoegaze. It's Duane.
  12:15pm Caryn:

Case in point:
  12:15pm lucy:

bye the people!
  12:16pm F0FO (:

thanks amigo keno! adios todos!
  12:17pm OM NOM NOM:

I'm gonna eat all your comments. muahahahahaha
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