Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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July 3, 2012 Favoriting
This spud's for you
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Michael Coleman Shaskeen  Bag of Potates   Favoriting American Music in the Beginning
Hardy Sharp  Great Big Yam Potatoes   Favoriting Great Big Yam Potatoes
Jimmy Lee Williams  Have You Ever Seen Peaches Grow on a Sweet Potato Vine   Favoriting Sticks Over My Shoulder
Will Bradley and His Orchestra feat Ray McKinley  All That Meat and No Potatoes   Favoriting Beat Me Daddy to a Boogie Woogie Beat
Louis Armstrong & His Hot Seven  Potato Head Blues   Favoriting
Wade Ray  Idaho Red   Favoriting Hillbilly Hop, Volume 1

Talkover Music:
Megaton   Favoriting Afro-Rock
(De Wolfe 1971)

Spud Gravely  George Allen   Favoriting Persistence and Change:
Ballads and Songs of the Blue Ridge Mountains
Bud Spudd & the Sprouts  Slow Jam   Favoriting West Coast Guitar Killers 1952-1969, Volume 2
Lyle "Spud" Murphy  Catela   Favoriting New Orbits in Sound
Andrew McMahon  Potato Diggin' Man   Favoriting Meat & Gravy from Bea & Baby
Washboard Sam  Diggin' My Potatoes   Favoriting The Chess Story
Gene Ammons  Idaho   Favoriting Gene Ammons 1947-1949

Talkover Music:
Maceo & All the King's Men 
Maceo   Favoriting Doing Their Own Thing

The Elite  One Potato   Favoriting
Jorge Ben  Jazz Potatoes   Favoriting Jazz Potatoes
Ella Mae Morse  Solid Potato Salad   Favoriting Barrelhouse, Boogie & the Blues
Dee Dee Sharp  Gravy (For My Mashed Potatoes)   Favoriting
Dee Clark  Hot Potato   Favoriting Ultimate Collection
Original Soul Senders  Sweet Potato Mash   Favoriting b/w Soul Brothers Testify
(Anla )
Nat Kendrick & the Swans (James Brown)  Mashed Potatoes   Favoriting The Legendary Henry Stone Presents: Nat Kendrick

Listener comments!

  5:42pm listener james from westwood:

the picture reminds me of the old far side cartoon "early vegetarians returning from the kill"
  5:45pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi LJfW! A "Far Side" subject indeed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46pm Doug S.:

Ah, the late lamented Far Side. I always loved B. Kliban. He was the Never Eat Anything Bigger Than Your Head guy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46pm Doug S.:

Greetings Matt!
  5:46pm Matt from Springfield:

And hi Doug!
This may be too obvious a choice for the FMU set, but is the Four Seasons "Idaho" going to be included tonight?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm Doug S.:

I do have a couple of "Idaho" songs, but not that one. (Nothing is ever "too obvious.")
  5:48pm listener james from westwood:

agreed on kliban. there was a gift shop in town that not only carried kliban's cat-oriented merch, but also his books of cartoons. i believe i was a bit young for the one my mom let me buy. :)
  5:49pm listener james from westwood:

howdy doug, matt, and all the spuds at sea!
  5:51pm Chas.:

Hey, Doug--I know its early, but can you tell me who was playing saxophone on the stream a minute ago? MMMM-mmmm. That was chicken sax for the soul.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm Doug S.:

That was Urs Blochlinger!
  5:52pm Matt from Springfield:

I believe "Idaho" is orig from their "psychedelic" album, the Genuine Imitation Life Gazette. After an early attempt to order a copy fell through, I recently met success and should be receiving that soon!
  5:52pm Matt from Springfield:

@Chas: Go down to Chinatown--you can buy fresh chicken sax and chicken nex, right from the street!
  5:54pm Chas.:

Thanks Doug and Matt. I don't have an iron soul, but I do have an iron stomach.
  5:57pm Richard from Venezuela:

hello Doug and all the listeners. Through media player Clementine, you can scrobble any radio stream, included Give the Drummer Radio.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm Doug S.:

I just discovered that the treble dial that I potted way down for a song during my Friday show...was still down. That means I did the entire Friday show with very little treble in the mix.

I red-facedly apologize.

Nice scrobbling Richard!
  5:57pm Matt from Springfield:

Hola Richard! Always glad to see you here.
  5:58pm Richard from Venezuela:

Hello Matt. Glad to catch the show live.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm Doug S.:

Did anyone receive my email alert for the show around 5:30? When I sent it out, my email hiccuped or something and I'm not convinced it went out.
  6:00pm Artie:

Let's just all refrain from any of that scurrilous "lowly spud" name-calling; "most exalted spud" or "your majesty" are perfectly acceptable.
  6:01pm Matt from Springfield:

Groovy, spacey organ track, Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Doug S.:

That was the Whitefield Brothers. The funkiest Germans evah!
  6:04pm Mitten John:

No email for me...had to get here on my own.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm Doug S.:

So I guess no one DID receive my email alert for the show. I will re-send.
  6:05pm listener james from westwood:

i got the email alert, doug.
  6:06pm Matt from Springfield:

Funky Deutschland! Vielen Dank!

That's a good thing about going up to Maine, you can stop by WFMU and give a show! I remember you did that last year as well.
  6:07pm listener james from westwood:

question: do you send yourself a seed email? usually folks i've known who mass-email include at least one of their own email addresses among the list so they know the thing is taking wing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm Doug S.:

Oh good, LJFW. Thanks Mitten John, are you on the mailing list? If not and would like to be, send an email request to drummer (at) wfmu {dot} org

Yes I do, but I didn't get it. THAT'S what concerned me!
  6:11pm Matt from Springfield:

Hardy Sharp plays a real lively type of blues--first time I heard a style like that one.
  6:12pm Mitten John:

Yes, on mailing list.
Although not set in Idaho, 'Bud the Spud' is the first potato song that always comes to my mind.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm Doug S.:

The stream just kicked me off. I am trying to reestablish.
  6:13pm Matt from Springfield:

Oh, wasn't just me then. Good to know, I hope it gets back up.
  6:13pm Artie:

Looks like WFMU main might be down as well. Drats.
  6:14pm Matt from Springfield:

Back up Doug!!
  6:15pm Artie:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm Doug S.:

WFMU is doing maintenance on its Internet network today. I just called tech guru Mike Adler and he reconnected. Sorry 'bout that...
  6:17pm annie:

oh, good i thought it was my connection, which is very wonky
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm Doug S.:

Only two left the stream after that last outage. For those of you who remain—a big wet radio French kiss! (Not extra wet, just regular wet.)
  6:18pm Artie:

And a hot basket of tater tots back atcha Doug!
  6:19pm Matt from Springfield:

A big radio kiss, perfect for soaking our radio French dips in!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm Doug S.:

Ooh that smarts! Watch where you're throwing 'em, Matt!
  6:20pm listener james from westwood:

a quick double-click of the itunes entry gets me right back on. if i were a clever duck, i'd create an itunes entry just below that one for gtdr, seeing as it seems to just play the next entry in the list
  6:21pm Richard from Venezuela:

Iphone app works great.
  6:21pm Matt from Springfield:

"Idaho Red"--the song about the truck in the photo!

Oooh, sorry Doug! Watch out for that hot juice! (re-dips sandwich)
  6:22pm Matt from Springfield:

Nice Highway 40 shout out, including Uniontown, Hagerstown and Frederick.
  6:24pm annie:

ljfw- i keep a link on the winamp just for the stream; as an aside i was taunted the other day about that, was accused of just liking to say the word "winamp" it's very close to true, but i saw a nice view of the spotify program... hhmmm
  6:28pm Matt from Springfield:

"Machine gun sax"! Nice Slow Jam!
(Originally used to describe the sax on "Get Ready", but I think this sax certainly qualifies!)
  6:28pm listener james from westwood:

i hear ya annie. got links in itunes for the main fmu pipe (main and backup), ichiban, and gtdr. i will not be denied my fmu.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm Doug S.:

I don't know about Uniontown, but Hagerstown and Frederick used to be Baltimore Orioles farm clubs!
  6:29pm listener james from westwood:

oddly enough, one of the people i follow on tumblr has posted a bunch of "my own private idaho" images and gifs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm Doug S.:

There are NO coincidences, LJFW.
  6:33pm listener james from westwood:

larry ellison is filming the sequel, entitled "my own private hawaii"
  6:36pm Matt from Springfield:

Handy guide to the numerous levels of minor league baseball in the US. The Frederick Keys are still with the O's, the Hagerstown Suns are now with the Nats. No team reported for Uniontown.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm Doug S.:

I've seen the Keys in Frederick. The one time I saw the Suns, they were playing in the O's old Memorial Stadium. Orioles relief pitcher Tippy Martinez had a Taco Hut at the stadium. Way better than Boog's BBQ at Camden Yards!
  6:37pm Matt from Springfield:

My Dad was saying how the Syracuse team (Chiefs) are now affiliated with the Nationals, and how when he was there in the 80s, Syracuse and Rochester had a big rivalry, at the time affiliated with different MLB teams. In upstate NY Syracuse and Rochester were athletic powerhouses--two of the original NBA teams started in those cities!
  6:38pm Matt from Springfield:

Memorial Stadium--good times long ago there!
  6:39pm annie:

so, maybe in the personals i should just say i love the geekiness of technology... change my whole persona!??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm Doug S.:

Rochester used to be the Orioles AAA club. I hate how the minor league cities change franchises like a pair of socks. Is NOTHING sacred?
  6:40pm annie:

right !! oneonta dumped the yankees years ago, not the same at all
  6:41pm Matt from Springfield:

I like the concept -- you can *feel* the spuds under your feet when Bud Spudds and the Sprouts play! And see them being grown when Gene Ammons plays!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm Doug S.:

Kaminsky Kamoutsky with Jesse will be here at 7pm:
  6:45pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: That's it, my Dad remembered the Blue Jays for Syracuse at the time, and thought of the Orioles for Rochester but wasn't sure.

As for the basketball back in the 40s: Syracuse Nationals (now the 76ers), and Rochester Royals (Cincinnati, Kansas City and now Sacramento Kings)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm Doug S.:

How I loved the Baltimore Bullets!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm Doug S.:

You gotta love a song lyric that uses the word "pallid."
  6:48pm Matt from Springfield:

Ella Mae, reminds me of Julia Lee and Her Boyfriends singing about "spinach"! Or, anything else!
  6:49pm Matt from Springfield:

I still remember the "Bullets" myself. Though maybe it wasn't best to call it that in a high crime area...
  6:50pm Matt from Springfield:

GRAVY!!! Perfect follow up record for Dee Dee Sharp! (Better than "Mashed Potato Time", IMO)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm Doug S.:

Another Dee is coming up next. (Just one Dee, not two.)
  6:52pm annie:

does it count if i named an australian shephard "spud"?
  6:53pm Matt from Springfield:

Dee Clark--like a poor man's Marvin Gaye! And those female vocals--and that BASS DRUM! Feel it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm Doug S.:

All are welcome, Annie!
  6:55pm annie:

whew, thought i'd have to move to a different clubhouse
  6:55pm Matt from Springfield:

For Idaho's statehood party, ALL Spuds are welcome annie!
  6:57pm Matt from Springfield:

"Nat Kendrick & the Swans"--can't believe the Godfather of Soul would record under another name! Contractual obligations and all that crap, but thanks for pointing this out to us, Doug!
  7:00pm listener james from westwood:

nicely done, doug! not a dry eye in the potato aisle!
  7:00pm Matt from Springfield:

Awesome show Doug! Thanks!
See ya later, taters!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm Doug S.:

Thanks every single body!
  8:48pm Holly in NC:

Can't believe I missed this show :-( - ah, archives!
FYI, did not get your email
  8:27am Van in DC:

First real chance I've had to catch up on this show!
  9:25am Van in DC:

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