Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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July 6, 2012 Favoriting
The daemon radio lover
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Felix & His Krazy Kats  Bob White (Whatcha Gonna Swing Tonight)   Favoriting Trinidad 1912-1941
( 1938)
Blind Blake & the Royal Victoria Hotel "Calypso" Orchestra  Lord Got Tomatoes   Favoriting A Group of Bahamian Songs
(Megaphone 1951)
Joseph Spence  Don't Take Everybody as a Friend   Favoriting Bahamian Guitarist
(Arhoolie 1971)
Madame Dupuits  Pastorel   Favoriting Folklore Guadeloupe Quadrilles
(Disques Célini 1972)
Young Tiger  Calypso Be   Favoriting Caribbean Connections:
Black Music in Britain in the Early 1950s
(New Cross 1953)
Count Lasher w/Charlie Binger & His Calypsonians  Cinemascope   Favoriting b/w Talking Parrot
(Kalypso )

Talkover Music:
East Texas Serenades 
Louisa Waltz   Favoriting East Texas Serenades 1927-1937
(Document 1930)

Frank & Francis McPeake  The False Young Man   Favoriting Songs of Courtship
(Caedmon )
Ewan MacColl  The Daemon Lover   Favoriting The Long Harvest, Volume 2
(Argo 1967)
Dick Gaughan  Willie O' Winsbury   Favoriting Gaughan
(Topic 1978)
Robin Scott  Mara's Supper   Favoriting Woman From the Warm Grass
(Head 1969)
John Martyn  Head and Heart   Favoriting Bless the Weather
(Island 1971)
The Foresters  Mr. Smith   Favoriting b/w Ship on the Sea
(Columbia 1966)
Mick Softley  Water Sister, Water Brother   Favoriting Street Singer
(CBS 1971)

Talkover Music:
Embona   Favoriting Resting Place of the Mists:
New Valiha and Marovany Music from Madagascar
(Shanachie 1996)

Karl Berger & Ed Blackwell  Just Play   Favoriting Just Play
(Quark 1979)
Dusko Gojkovic  Bosna Calling   Favoriting It's About Blues Time
(Ensayo 1972)
Drew Gress  Fauxjobim   Favoriting The Irrational Numbers
(Koch 2008)
Gunter Hampel  Iron Perceptions   Favoriting Heartplants
(Saba 1976)

Talkover Music:
Mr Bundle   Favoriting Make New Friends
(Tru Thoughts 2004)

Jang Hyun & the Men  The Evening Sun   Favoriting Woman of the Evening Sun
(A Rui Machado/Sons D'Africa 1972)
Lee Jang Hee  Who Is   Favoriting Meet Me in a Room (That's You!)
( 1973)
Kim Jung Mi  Think   Favoriting Kin Jung Mi
(World Psychedelia Ltd. )
Kim Doo Soo  Bohemian   Favoriting Free Spirit
Yoon Youn Sun  보내는 마음 가는 마음   Wing of Peace
(World Psychedelia Ltd. )
Park In Soo  Spring Rain   Favoriting Beautiful Rivers and Mountains:
The Psychedelic Rock Sound of South Korea's Shin Joong Hyun 1958-1974
(Light in the Attic )
He 6  Track #5   Favoriting Beautiful Doll
(Universal 1972)

Talkover Music:
Augustus Pablo 
Drums to the King   Favoriting Blowing With the Wind
(Greensleeves 1978)

Tony Lima e Kaogulamo  Amílcar Cabral   Favoriting Evocação de Amílcar Cabral No Folclore Cabo Verdiano
The Lijadu Sisters  Bayi L'ense   Favoriting Mother Africa
(Afrodesia 1977)
Paul Ngozi  Ulemu   Favoriting Greatest Hits
(Yamene )
Orchestre Super Borgou de Parakou  Nan Koffi Taba   Favoriting b/w We Boro Seni Se Sourou
(Impressions Sonores du Nord )

Talkover Music:
The Whitefield Brothers 
Wieya (Serengeti Beat)   Favoriting In the Raw
(Soul Fire 2002)

Fats Domino  The Fat man   Favoriting
Slim Gaillard  Groove Juice Jive   Favoriting Cement Mixer Put-ti Put-ti
(Folklyric 1945)
Professor Longhair  Between the Night and Day   Favoriting Tipitina: Complete 1949-1957 New Orleans Recordins
(Important Artists )
Big Bopper  Boogie Woogie   Favoriting Louisiana Swamp Pop
Benny Fruge  Bayou Boogie   Favoriting

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good

Listener comments!

  8:23am annie:

locked and loaded, sitting quietly....
  8:28am duke:

Morning Mr. Drummer, Annie, and all the Drummer fans
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29am Doug Schulkind:

Good morning, Annie. Are you hearing the piece playing an the stream just now? So gorgeous. I think the crackly surface noise of the record is oddly kind of lovely.

Hiya Sir Duke!
  8:34am annie:

i love scratchy lps... i have the headphones set aside with the volume up.. i'll have to put them on.. yes, i heard it.. and this one, too, right? vinyl rocks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am Doug Schulkind:

I just love scratchy old MP3s. So wonderfully counterintuitive.
  8:52am listener james from westwood:

ahhhhh, laura veirs, one of the reasons i revere wfmu.
  8:53am listener james from westwood:

i think it was irwin who intro'd me to veirs, during the gender bias segment he used to do during his show.
  8:53am listener james from westwood:

happy friday, doug, annie, duke, and all those scrambling to their seats in class!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am Doug Schulkind:

LJFW, I am not bashful to say I was playing Laura Veirs on the radio before virtually anyone East of Seattle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am Doug Schulkind:

I am also not bashful about saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE!!!
  8:58am ndbob:

morning Doug and everyone!
  8:59am ?:

Wait, it's Annie's BD?
  9:00am listener james from westwood:

this is why i seek out fmu: it brings me the good stuff before anyone.
happy birthday, annie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am Doug Schulkind:

Hey hey ndbob! Grab a mint julep and a comfy cushion.
  9:00am listener james from westwood:

mornin' ndbob!
  9:02am duke:

Happy B'day Annie. Did anyone bring cake?
  9:03am Parq:

Well then Happy Birthday Annie! (That ? was me, b/t/w.) You and my sister have the same birthday -- so much for astrology.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am Doug Schulkind:

Parq = international man of ?
  9:05am ndbob:

happy birthday Annie!
  9:08am listener james from westwood:

welcome, parq! there's enough birthday punch here for 2 celebrants! and plenty of booze for all!
  9:10am annie:

wow, oi go off to make breakfast and am greeted with bd wishes!! thanks! yay booze!! hoping someone will treat me to dinner/lunch
  9:12am kat330:

Hi, Doug, and dear listeners and happy birthday, Annie! Sorry I'm late, but somehow I thought Doug was off on vacation.

IAE, all hydrated with workout out of the way and ready to roll!
  9:13am kat330:

Kat & Philo G. got tomatoes, too -- by the dozens (cherry variety)!
  9:13am annie:

for the cake, ozzy presented me with a photo of a devil's food cake..
  9:14am monica:

good morning, doug! happy born day, annie. this blind blake is great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am Doug Schulkind:

Thanks for getting up early, kat330. Earlier than me, at least.
  9:15am Parq:

The first local tomatoes are turning up at the Union Sq Greenmarket. Yeah, baby. And double yeah for this Joseph Spence track.
  9:15am listener james from westwood:

chocolate cake before noon? i say yes. sugar buzzes are best on fridays.
mornin' kat & monica!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am Doug Schulkind:

Hey Monica!
  9:17am kat330:

Yo, LFfW! So, Doug, when exactly will your personal broadcast(s) be on vacation? I'll make a firm note of it this time. :)
  9:19am kat330:

That s.b. LJfW, sigh. OK here goes the ctrl-+ so I can function here...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am Doug Schulkind:

I will do next Tuesday's show, live from WFMU (Studio C, the spot where Amanda Nazario does her show from) and then I won't be back on until July 27. I am already having withdrawal.
  9:21am kat330:

Wow! You deserve a good long break, Doug.
  9:23am ndbob:

great one here!
  9:24am kat330:

Wonderful music for this tropical heat. Gonna sit back and have myself some UNcola and let the ceiling fan substitute for being fanned with palm leaves.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26am Doug Schulkind:

UNcola....aaaahahahahaha! The great Geoffrey Holder!
  9:26am ndbob:

actually pretty cool here today
  9:26am Parq:

I realize this isn't a request-oriented show, but oh, if we could only get Houdini's "Frank Sinatra" into this set.
  9:28am kat330:

Hey, Bob! Under triple digits?

Yes, Holder had a voice that gives goose bumps.
  9:30am ndbob:

Heya Kat! Only 62 at the moment
  9:32am ndbob:

I love the flavor of tomatoes, but I hate the texture
  9:32am listener james from westwood:

it's gonna be something like 62 celsius here in northern nj. i mean, yeah, it's summer, but still, this is some rude-ass august-type crankery.
  9:33am kat330:

Ohhh, what I'd give to feel 62 again. Degrees that is. Not yet that old. :)
  9:33am ndbob:

@Doug - you should do a set of pre-1900 recordings sometime
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am Doug Schulkind:

The idea of that raises the hairs in my nose. (That's a good thing.) Not sure I could sustain three hours of pre-1900. Mebbe it'll be a Tuesday evening effort!
  9:37am kat330:

Ewan! So beautiful a cappella.
  9:37am annie:

and odd, dog days in august usually only last a few weeks, then wham! autumn!
  9:38am Parq:

Uh, James, I think you mean 62 Fahrenheit. 62 Celsius is about 144 F.
  9:40am listener james from westwood:

lol, tell me that when i go out to my car at noon or so tomorrow. i'll need a camel and a camelbak pack!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am Doug Schulkind:

Bejayzus, maybe Listener James from Westwood knows something we don't!
  9:42am kat330:

I thought he was make a hyperbolic comparison to Bob's 62. Here, with humidity, a heat index of 110 might as well be 144.
  9:43am kat330:

At least this music is soothing the fiery beast.
  9:46am triiish:

'Morning everyone and heyy,
happy birthday, Annie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am Doug Schulkind:

Actually, the beast has programmed this set. I'm just sitting in the corner, listening along.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am Doug Schulkind:

Happy Birthday to you, triiish, whenever it is!
  9:47am kat330:

Inform the beast this is pure beauty.
  9:50am listener james from westwood:

i was indeed waxing hyperbolic! there's few moments when i don't. it makes me an interesting potential juror.
happy friday, triiiish!
  9:51am kat330:

Trying to imagine how parsnip wine would taste.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52am Doug Schulkind:

I wish you were waxing hyperbaric, LJFW. It sounds so much cooler.
  9:52am kat330:

Hope Mara makes a cake for Annie! :)
  9:53am triiish:

And to you ljamesfw
  9:54am duke:

Lovely John Martyn song.
  9:54am Alex in Illinois:

Did the stream just go dead?
  9:54am kat330:

Ironic album title here.
  9:55am kat330:

OK here in Indiana, Alex.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Alex in Ill,
All indications on this end are good. Have you lost the signal? Anyone else get bucked off?
  9:56am Alex in Illinois:

I did a stop and restart on Windows Media Player, and that seemed to have fixed it.
  9:57am Alex in Illinois:

I guess it was at my end. Sorry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am Doug Schulkind:

No no, it is ALWAYS good for listeners to pipe up when something seems amiss. Since I can't monitor the stream proper (because of the long delay), I am often the last to know. So don't hold back!
  9:59am annie:

ah....... so it's not my imagination, lots of stuttering and static on my feed, reloaded from the downloads ... some static, that's about it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am Doug Schulkind:

That's the brilliant South African saxophonist Dudu Pukwana on this Mick Softley number!
  10:03am kat330:

Fine message here.
  10:10am Alex in Illinois:

I have heard Fiona Richie of The Thistle & Shamrock pronounce Dick Gaughan's surname with 2 syllables, with the “gh” pronounced as the guttural clearing-of-the-throat sound.
  10:12am pgw in mntclr:

ha! i proofread those back-cover blurbs...
  10:12am ndbob:

There are ring- necked pheasants here - particularly in SW North Dakota - standing in the middle of the road rverywhere
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am Doug Schulkind:

Hmmm, like Gacchhhhhh-un or more like Gaaaffff-un? I've always pronounced it (surely incorrectly) to rhyme with Sarah Vaughan.

Oh were is the Bloke from Stoke when I need him?!
  10:14am kat330:

Other than the usual suspects -- eBay, Amazon, Craig's -- does anyone have any suggestions for obtaining a used autoharp at a good price?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am Doug Schulkind:

The author of the pheasant book was from Montana.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am Doug Schulkind:

Here is that pheasant book from my days in publishing:
  10:16am annie:

kat, if you're near a university, maybe someone has one from the music dept?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am Doug Schulkind:

One really wonderful blurb I got for the back of the book jacket was from M.F.K. Fisher. She was rather ancient when I called her. She asked me to send a description and then she basically used it with her name on it. I can honestly say that I once was a ghostwriter for M.F.K. Fisher!
  10:19am kat330:

Ah, good idea, Annie! JT said he saw one a few weeks ago at a Salvation Army for $60 (!) but decided not to get it. Wish he hadn't told me that tale. :}
  10:20am annie:

in know the college town where i lived, there were always tons of instruments available at any given time...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am Doug Schulkind:

Autoharp buying for Dummies:
  10:21am pgw in mntclr:

autoharps are the best
  10:22am listener james from westwood:

i really like the name "datus c. proper."
my experience with literary pheasants was in roald dahl's "danny, the champion of the world," and its massive pheasant-poaching caper.
  10:22am kat330:

Nicely done cover on the book, Doug! In one of his many changeable periods over his life, my dad used to raise pheasants on the station property, then release and shoot them. Admit it was a rare chance for me ever to experience a meal of pheasant.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am Doug Schulkind:

If you think this Dusko track sounds vaguely Spanish, you're RIGHT. It was recorded in Barcelona. Spaniard Tete Montoliu on piano.
  10:23am kat330:

Thanks, Doug! I just knew the FMU community would come through to assist me! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am Doug Schulkind:

Datus C. Proper's literary agent had a helluva name, too. He was a gentleman literary agent from the ooooold school. His name: Knox Burger. He was the sort of publishing guy born wearing a bow-tie. Amazing.
  10:27am Alex in Illinois:

to answer the question about the "gh": it is the phoneme represented by the 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
  10:28am kat330:

@pgw in mntclr: Aren't they though? My mother once sang in a gospel trio w/autoharp as only accompaniment, fell in love with it back then. I have a Finnish harp -- kantele -- but, well, I want more instant gratification, and the autoharp provides that. :)
  10:29am listener james from westwood:

the name i filed away for future fictional use was that of a salesman at a utility-usage analysis firm where i worked during college summers: archer marx. i can see that on the covers of 70s paperback thrillers/spy novels, either as the author or the protagonist.
  10:29am ndbob:

@Doug quite a name - I have friends here who go hunting, as you might imagine... one guy always teases me because he used to use records for target practice
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30am Doug Schulkind:

That reminds me of one of the most amazing moments I ever heard on WFMU. Years ago William Berger had a show on Friday evening's, immediately following Chris T's Aerial View.

Well one particular Friday evening, William's mother called the station looking for him and she happened to call the on-air line. Christ T answered and put William's mom on the air and proceeded to interview her for at least 10 minutes. Rolling on the ground hystertical. The best part was when Chris asker her name and she replied, "Ada," and Chris T was doubling over. "Ada Berger, get it? Ada Berger" he kept repeating. It was radio magic.
  10:30am Carmichael:

Good morning Doug and people of GTDR.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am Doug Schulkind:

It's funny you mention spies, because before he retired to write books and hunt pheasants, Datus Proper worked for the CIA.

Good morning Carmichael!
  10:31am kat330:

Like the title of this Gress piece
  10:35am ndbob:

morning Carmichael!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am Doug Schulkind:

I'm not sure that helps. Just give me some sense of the quantity of phlegm accompanying that syllable.
  10:36am kat330:

Early g'morn to you, Carmichael!
  10:36am listener james from westwood:

that sounds like one helluva career path proper had. wonder if he knew fellow writer/spook e. howard hunt. let's hope he kept better company!
many are the times i'd drive somewhere on a friday, but sit in the car either rapt or lmao, over a chris t show.
mornin' carmichael!
  10:37am triiish:

Is there a musical term for note-density?
  10:39am Carmichael:

Happy Birthday Annie!

As for Gaughan, the proper pronunciation where I come from is Gay-un. Others from the West or North may say Gay-gun or Gay-hhhan.

And your literary name should be your first pet and the first street on which you lived. In my case, it's "Sherman Baywood".
  10:41am kat330:

A memorable bit of dialogue on "note density" in Amadeus:
ORSINI-ROSENBERG: Too many notes, Your Majesty?
EMPEROR: Exactly. Very well put. Too many notes.
  10:42am annie:

cissy woody

thanks carm!
  10:43am kat330:

I thought that was soap opera or porno name?
Mine would be Honey Water.
  10:43am triiish:

'too many' or 'whole lotta'
  10:43am Alex in Illinois:

That was it. That's the sound. As for the amount of phlem for Gaughan, I would say about a teaspoon.
  10:43am ndbob:

@Doug - my brother and sister-in-law met when they were Wesleyan students.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am Doug Schulkind:

My sister and brother-in-law met when they were Wesleyan students!
  10:46am Eric Hoffsten:

Hey Doug, where in Maine are you heading? I'd love to grab a beer with you if you're anywhere near Portland and can get away for an hour or two. Shoot me deets backchannel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am Doug Schulkind:

My first pet/first street name: Turleigh Nevis

I like this game.
  10:49am ndbob:

@Doug What years were they there? My brother and sister-in-law were there 1974-78
  10:53am kat330:

@triiish: Well, I've done some searching but failing to come up with a music vocabulary term for "note density." I'm sure where I've failed someone else will succeed. :)
  10:53am Honey Water:

@Doug: Liking it too. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am Doug Schulkind:

  10:56am Matt from Springfield:

This is an interesting song, almost sounds like a cover of some other Western song I can't quite place. They've got the solo John Lennon/Spector arrangement style down pat!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am Doug Schulkind:

Heya Matt!
  10:56am Carmichael:

This sounds like an Asian Skip Spence.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am Doug Schulkind:

Asian Skip Spence sounds like a great band name.
  10:57am Honey Water:

Hey, Matt! Yep, you nailed it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Honey (I'm home)! (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
  10:59am Matt from Springfield:

Hiya Doug! Everyone!
Hey, who needs their morning mint julep refreshed? I'm about to get one myself! :)
  11:00am kat330:

Honey was a beautiful, honey-colored collie -- think Lassie -- and the first pet I remember, though there was always an assortment around the house.
  11:00am kat330:

@Doug: I was thinking of Desi several tracks ago.
  11:02am annie:

our cat cissy lived to the ripe old age of 24..... started her life in greenwich village in the early 50s
  11:02am listener james from westwood:

matt, my julep seems to have, er, evaporated. might do with a refresher if you're heading by the bar.
  11:03am kat330:

@annie: 24?! Whoa, and I thought my Keats and Shelley did well (beginning as feral foundlings) to reach 18 and 17.
  11:04am kat330:

@Matt: Holder horses -- I'm still sipping my UNcola.
  11:05am Matt from Springfield:

With pleasure, LJFW!
(I went to visit the "Scotch Bar" at the Willard Intercontinental in downtown DC--I found it IS quite the collection! But they have sugar and mint on each of their bars, because the mint julep was introduced to DC at the old Willard bar in the 19th century. So they're really big on juleps!)
  11:05am annie:

yeah, she was a feisty female
  11:07am Matt from Springfield:

@kat: I like collie dogs, that's a nice, memorable first pet to use. The first pet I named was a goldfish named Max. So, Max Rivington for me.

Woohoo, 7UP! Yes, always 7UP! Sierra Mist is okay, but NEVER Sprite!
  11:08am kat330:

Oooh, now that's a private dick name if I ever heard one!
  11:11am ndbob:

morning Matt
  11:11am Holly in NC:

Happy birthday Annie!
Happy almost time for moose, Doug!
Off to briefly walk dog, back in a bit :-)
  11:11am kat330:

Honey Water could have a pet ocelot, like Honey West, and assist Max Rivington and archer marx.
  11:12am Carmichael:

Honey Water sounds like Max Rivington's secretary/main squeeze. He's investigating the doings of urbane socialite Turleigh Nevis, who has been in the company of the reclusive Cissy Woody.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:12am Doug Schulkind:

Oh yay Holly! (when you get back)
  11:14am kat330:

@Carm: Ahem, I'd prefer Honey to have a more prominent role in investigations, but I like your synopsis. :)
  11:14am Matt from Springfield:

Max Rivington, hey that would make a good detective name! (I'm a big Avengers fan, as Honey West appeared to be the American equivalent, I should see if I can find episodes of that)

@Carm: It just writes itself!
  11:15am Matt from Springfield:

Hi NDbob!
  11:16am kat330:

Doug, thanks for introducing me to that Korean set of music.
  11:17am Matt from Springfield:

Diddo here Doug! Thanks Joe McG for suggesting!'s to new World Bank President Jim Yong Kim! (clink)
  11:17am kat330:

Doug, I saw that n for m error, but figure I overstep the proofreading bit, and I'll leave it to someone else.
  11:18am Matt from Springfield:

@kat: But, if you're not a blonde you oughta use a wig or color your hair on the show--after all, "Honey" brings up that image :)
  11:19am kat330:

Wig it is then. I'm a redhead.
  11:20am Carmichael:

Don't worry kat, you're the official femme fatale of the novel. See, you're also involved with Rivington's professional rival Archer Marx.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am Doug Schulkind:

Us redheads, we gotta stick together.
  11:21am kat330:

Another Jules et Jim menage. I could suffer through that. Take off on that wonderful title last Friday -- Effusive Melange -- and call it an Effusive Menage.
  11:22am Van in DC:

Happy Friday Doug and everyone
  11:22am kat330:

@Doug: Yeah, you know well about washing a mop of hair! :)
  11:23am listener james from westwood:

archer marx is still bitter over rivington's role in the budapest gambit. it's like a psychic limp that dogs his steps. but even a limp can be hidden for a short time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am Doug Schulkind:

Woo hoo Van! My folks in Bethesda still don't have power. There's a huge tree still lying across the road in front of (but blessedly not on) their house. How're you holding up?
  11:23am annie:

morning van!
  11:24am kat330:

Youse guys should visit on Rex Doane's playlist some Saturday afts. Philo and I have occasionally done some noir patter there. :)
  11:24am Matt from Springfield:

  11:24am listener james from westwood:

good day, van!
good gods on the power situation down there. hope everyone's back on soon. this is a public health issue by this point.
  11:25am Van in DC:

Morning Annie, LJfW, Matt, everyone. Gosh I just made it in for the end. Holy oversleep :) I'm holding up fine Doug, even got internet back on at home.
  11:25am jk:

turnin thisn up a little
  11:26am kat330:

Van the Man makes an appearance! Howdy!
  11:27am Van in DC:

Howdy Kat!
  11:27am lucy in bkn:

brooklyn is online and happy to be with you!
  11:27am Datum Scarce:

  11:28am Artie:

Hiya Folkses! Been listening, just now pulled up to keyboard.
  11:28am ndbob:

Hi Van!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Lucy in bkn! I will happily be offline w/you in a few!
  11:29am Van in DC:

It's your birthday Annie? Happy birthday!

Hi ndbob!
  11:30am listener james from westwood:

slight chance a meeting will take me out of the loop thru the start of steinski, so for all those whose departure is noon, best wishes for a cooler weekend, and thanks for the divine pre-vacation tunes, doug!
  11:32am kat330:

Bye in advance LJfW -- really want to know where the story is going! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32am Doug Schulkind:

Fair warning—take your shoes off before the next song or it will knock them off for you.
  11:32am kat330:

Ready to dance (setting UNcola down).
  11:33am Van in DC:

I'll probably be one of those LJFW, so thanks :) Took today off work to go apartment hunting...have to be moved in 2 weeks. And all I've done is oversleep and miss most of GTDS. Sigh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am Doug Schulkind:

Coming up at noon (ET) will be A Rough Mix from Steinski. (First track is by NOAM CHOMSKY!)

Playlist page will be here:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am Doug Schulkind:

Howdy Artie and yahooo Datum Scarce. You two could be brothers!
  11:35am annie:

doug have a great vacation trip.. say hello to maine for me and step a toe in the water...
  11:35am Matt from Springfield:

Shoes off! Grooving rhythm!
Paul Ngozi sounds familiar, is he a legend of GTDS?
  11:36am northguineahills:

I'm having a fun post-4th. First, yesterday had a virus lock my computer. When coming home from my friend's apt after he fixed it, i dropped my phone while fishing for my keys carry loads of crap.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37am Doug Schulkind:

We will drive through Blue Hill on our way to Deer Isle.

Glad you're here
  11:37am kat330:

Lifting foot to slap w/hand dancing.
  11:37am jk:

this set is killing me Doug.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:38am Doug Schulkind:

OK then, you'd better get a sub for your Tuesday show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am Doug Schulkind:

Sorry to hear of you misadventure. At least Dick Cheney didn't shoot you.
  11:41am kat330:

@both Van and NGH: Sheeesh, my sympathy for your troubles, friends...
  11:42am Holly in NC:

Hi Artie!

Doug that's HORRIBLE about your parents! I may not have AC, but I have ice & fans & ....well, power! Holy crap. And in fact am basking in glorious AC as I type. Wow.
  11:43am jk:

your announcing is reviving me.
  11:44am Matt from Springfield:

Ah, Paul Ngozi is Zambian! That's why the name sounded familiar. Love the music of Zambia!
  11:45am kat330:

@jk: The Fats will resuscitate anyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am Doug Schulkind:

Thanks for your concern Holly. My 'rents are staying with a friend who's got juice. Their cats are pretty pissed off, however.
  11:46am Carmichael:

Speaking of computer viruses, everyone should go to the FBI site and have yours checked for the DNSChanger virus that kicks in on Monday:
  11:47am Holly in NC:

@ngh yeesh!
@ van - sleeping in actually sounds lovely ;-)
  11:48am webhamster Henry:

Slim (& Slam) work better than an air conditioner for cooling purposes.
  11:48am kat330:

From S. African dance to boogie woogie and now some jive. The joint is jumpin'!
  11:48am Van in DC:

A lot of people are thinking that that is the last thing they want to have the government looking through your computer :) Apparently if you just go to Google and do a search, the results will tell you that it looks like you may have that virus, at the top of the page...

Hi Holly!
  11:49am Bruce in Boston:

The Fat Man then Slim! Awwwrreeeet!
  11:50am Matt from Springfield:

Slim Gaillard! And I cup of Groove Juice!
I was thinking Harry "The Hipster" Gibson, same era but it makes better sense for that vocal to be Slim on closer inspection.
  11:51am kat330:

Going to get in my g'byes and good wishes to all who won't be on the other side. Always get interrupted by noon call from Philo/JT.
Have a great weekend all! Stay cool! Again, happy birthday, Annie!
Thanks, Doug!
  11:52am Holly in NC:

@Doug -
Re cats:
- Get some of the sandwich size flexible blue ice packs - 2 of my 3 love to have them placed on their bellies
- frozen canteloupe chunks for treats
- ice in xtra waterbowls
- shave any that don't have body esteem issues

My cats (don't) sweat in empathy!
  11:52am Carmichael:

I love the Professor!
  11:53am annie:

checked mine yesterday, i'm clean, and i've been running scans yesterday and today; malwarebytes found ZIP!! and i checked my ip addresses, all is in the clear
  11:53am Holly in NC:

I do so love Slim Gaillard. "He" has his own twitter account!
  11:53am Carmichael:

McAfee and a few other sites are providing the same service, if you prefer not to have the gubmint scan your drive.
  11:54am northguineahills:

Mine froze my computer w/ a screen that couldn't be minimized and purported to be the FBI accusing me illegal download of Copywritten material and/or illegal pronography, and I had to get a MoneyPac of $100 from various retail sites w/in 72 hours otherwise the fine would go up. Then it would be unlocked. It also said it was videoing me.

It was a crappy scam, but it was inconvenient as I couldn't utilize windows.
  11:57am Holly in NC:

@ngh - what did you do?
  11:59am Van in DC:

well that bites, ngh. I do have to laugh though that people might actually believe a virus could be videoing them through a computer.

Thanks Doug, I'll be looping back through to catch up :)
  12:00pm Matt from Springfield:

Jumpin' Jive block!
I'll have to catch up later with that British folk block, love that stuff!
  12:00pm ndbob:

great show as always Doug!
  12:01pm northguineahills:

My friend whom is much better at this sort of thing then I went through and searched through the settings (manually after reboot) and activated safe search. It took a long time to find it, as it imitates an actual Windows component, it was just in the wrong place. It took some time, I'm actually still scanning to see if it left any thing else.
  12:01pm Matt from Springfield:

Thanks Doug! Awesome stuff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm Doug Schulkind:

It was a gas, friends, a real gas!
  12:02pm northguineahills:

See you on the Steinski side!
  12:14pm Van in DC:

Ada Berger. Heh heh. I'd have been rolling in laughter :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm Doug Schulkind:

Nearly 20 years later, that STILL makes me laugh, Van.
  10:12am Van in DC:

Trying to catch up a bit...
  11:29am Van in DC:

Wow, the Blackwell & "Bear-SZHER" (Berger) "Just Play" is pretty awesome! :)
  11:48am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Van! Don't let the bear-szher bite!
  11:50am Van in DC:

Definitely not! :)

This whole instrumental set has been fantastic!
  11:55am Doug Schulkind:

I'm on Amtrak right now, winging my way back to NYC. It blocks all streaming audio and video. How terribly inhumane!
  12:54pm Van in DC:

Safe travels! :)
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