Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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July 10, 2012 Favoriting
New binning it
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

David Houston  A Loser's Cathedral   Favoriting
Jim Nesbitt  Mr. Kennedy   Favoriting Twisted Tales From The Vinyl Wastelands Volume 10
(Trailer Park )
George Byrd & the Dominoes  It Ain't No Harm   Favoriting Hall of Fame: Rare and Unissued Gems from the Fame Vaults
Mairi Morrison and Alasdair Roberts  The Tri-Colored House   Favoriting Urstan
(Drag City 2012)
Sarah Hawker  Peachtree   Favoriting Deep Water
(Tin Halo 2012)
MV & EE  Moment   Favoriting Space Homestead
(Woodist 2012)
Dick El Demasiado  Chancho Es Para Salchicha   Favoriting Dos Historicos De La Cumbia Experimental
Chicha Libre  Depresión Tropical   Favoriting Canibalismo
(Barbes 2012)
Systema Solar  Bienvenidos   Favoriting Afritanga: The Sound of Afrocolumbia
(Trikont )
La Tigressa del Oriente y Sus Tigrillas  Rica Cervecita   Favoriting De la Selva, Su Cumbia
(Silbando )
Ebo Taylor  Assomdwee   Favoriting Appia Kwa Bridge
(Strut 2012)
Mary Halvorson  Forgotten Men in Silver (No. 24)   Favoriting Bending Bridges
(Firehouse 2012)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

  5:34pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: It's amazing! It's beautiful! It's splendid! It's wonderful! It's breathtaking! It's superlative! It's incredible!

...uhh, what is it?
  5:46pm Honey Water:

Ahhh! You sneak! I thought I left early, and here you are ahead of me! :)
  5:47pm Honey Water:

Is it a Coffee Clash? But I need to get some din-din going so we can listen while dining. Don't want to miss a moment of Doug on a new board.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm Doug Schulkind:

Greetings one and all! Still getting used to good old Studio C here at WFMU. Show begins presently!
  5:51pm Matt from Springfield:

Ah, I don't officially sign out until the end of Brian's show, though I start commenting when it opens :) Welcome back!

A surrealist slice of jazz and Americana. But more importantly, I've been hoping to use that first comment for a striking playlist image, and today's just about fits the bill! :)
  5:52pm kat330:

All right, ditching the Honey Water for the remainder.
  5:52pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi Doug! The New Old Studio C, great to have you back! Away from your usual collection, but at the WFMU library--is that how you got today's selections?
  5:54pm NO NAMES:

Hi Doug,
is it Dali gone Jazz/ I mean the playlist image tonight!
Did you enjoy Tony show today of Israeli Psyche etc?
  5:54pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Lay low, or ride high--you have a choice of monikers now!
  5:54pm listener james from westwood:

nothing like a pilgrimage to the musical mecca on the hudson that is wfmu to quicken the blood!
  5:55pm Matt from Springfield:

Be still my quickened blood, it's LJFW!
(Well, don't be still, but slow down to regular flow...)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm Doug Schulkind:

It is veeery weird. I am connecting to the stream in a whole new way from my Pittsburgh hook-up. The control board in here is WFMU's main console from about 12 years ago.

It's just like falling off a bike!
  5:57pm kat330:

I still like the idea of coffee klatsch as Coffee Clash.
  5:58pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: "It's just like falling off a bike, you never forget how to make mistakes!"

We already know WFMU is great at recycling, that's but another example.
  5:58pm Van in dc:

Live from studio c .. Nice. Hi Doug and all yall's - will circle back on archive :)
  5:59pm ndbob:

Hey Doug and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm Doug Schulkind:

Didja just hear me tawk?
  6:00pm Matt from Springfield:

A "borrowed toast" to you Van!
(You pay back the listening part later, I'll pay back the beer part later! :)
  6:00pm Matt from Springfield:

Hey NDbob!
  6:00pm Maricôt:

Good evening, live from work :)
  6:01pm Matt from Springfield:

No theme yet, Doug.
  6:02pm annie:

  6:02pm kat330:

@Matt: An interesting dingus about the HW moniker: Someone who routinely snubs kat330 and never appreciates anything typed actually allowed a "HAHAHA" for HW. Another reason to use the alias from time to time. ;)
  6:02pm listener james from westwood:

sounds like it's the regular gtdr stream on this side
  6:03pm annie:

i hear a pata pata thing
  6:03pm Matt from Springfield:

Hahaha indeed kat!
  6:04pm Matt from Springfield:

Theme commenced!
  6:04pm listener james from westwood:

we have theme!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Doug Schulkind:

Can you hear me now?!?
  6:05pm kat330:

OK, I'm actually streaming from both iTunes and our new Squeezebox. The SB is way behind in the stream, but I swear I'm getting two separate shows.
  6:05pm annie:

  6:05pm kat330:

YES, hear you!
  6:07pm kat330:

And now my two streams are in synch -- all's right with the world.
  6:07pm Artie:

Newness Vindaloo!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm Doug Schulkind:

Oy, so much new to chew on. Who knew my funky old home studio had gotten so comfortable?
  6:08pm Matt from Springfield:

Oooh hooray Doug! Good Mothership-specific show.

Perhaps you could ask Brian Turner to email you a list, or at least photo of the New Bin each week? Then you could still be in the loop :)
  6:08pm listener james from westwood:

if amanda sees bite marks on the console tomorrow she knows who was having a nosh.
this has to be the first actual flip through the new bin in some time, too, right?
  6:09pm Van in dc:

Today's show : back to the future :)
  6:09pm Artie:


I've actually gotten my fave local record store in the habit of blogging pics of their new LP wall.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm Doug Schulkind:

Hiya Van, LJFW, Matt from S, Artie kat330, Annie, ndbob, NO NAMES & Honey Water!!!!!
  6:11pm kat330:

The more things change, the more they stay the same, yada-yada-yada.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm Doug Schulkind:

Ooh wee ooh! I've gotta re-learn each piece of equipment on the fly. But that's OK. I love to fly.
  6:15pm kat330:

Was just in the kitchen and could see from our window a rather large bunny taking a tithe from our garden. Good on 'im!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm Doug Schulkind:

And a big hello to Maricôt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm Doug Schulkind:

Is it below 104°F yet for ya, kat330?
  6:17pm Matt from Springfield:

A masculine "Scarborough Fair".
  6:18pm Matt from Springfield:

Or rather, a variation on "Scarborough Fair". I thought in the original versions, the woman asks the impossible tasks of the man.
  6:19pm kat330:

Was away again (that will be a pattern for the next several minutes. @Doug: Oh yes! Canada nicely blew some AC down on us. Even had all the windows open last night. But now about 90, so closed up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm Doug Schulkind:

First new-bin looksee for me in a year or so, LJFW. A stunning collection.

Blame Canada, kat330!
  6:21pm kat330:

I'm no banjo hater and no bagpipe hater, but the New Yorker had a couple cartoon digs this issue. I'll put the links in the next one.
  6:23pm kat330:

  6:28pm listener james from westwood:

that second cartoon just made steve martin cry.
  6:29pm Matt from Springfield:

@LJFW: I can imaging Steve drooping his head, making a pout, and both ends of the arrow through his head droop down as well, into a frown shape.
  6:30pm Matt from Springfield:

Far out Colombia! Like psychedelic 60s or 70s here!
  6:30pm kat330:

Heh, exactly! My first thought was how many friends of his would be shooting that his way. :)
  6:33pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: Going to see old friends while in the NY area?
  6:35pm kat330:

Excellent dining music -- far out!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm Doug Schulkind:

@Matt The old friends are stacked up like planes at O'Hare. It is not a pretty sight.
  6:35pm Paul Sherratt:

Who knew that ' Afritanga ' cd was on my desk ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm Doug Schulkind:

I'll put it back, Paul. I promise.
  6:37pm Philo Gristle:

Hey everybody! Busy eating, but sounds are ringing and echoing all through the house!
  6:38pm listener james from westwood:

best way to be, philo!
  6:39pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: Better to have too many than not enough.

I need to get some cerveza soon!
  6:39pm kat330:

Our bunny's supping, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm Doug Schulkind:

On Thursday, it'll be Busy Eating Nothing with Charlie.
  6:43pm annie:

if all goes well doug, your swag from asheville freemedia will be on your doorstep when you return from your trip... packing it tomorrow
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm Doug Schulkind:

That is sweet, Annie. I get such good vibes from that place (Asheville Free Media in Asheville, NC). I'm so glad you've hooked up with them.
  6:47pm annie:

this is the link if anyone wants to listen in, hopefully this year we can get a real location on the dial.
  6:47pm Matt from Springfield:

Asheville Free Good Vibes in Asheville, NC!
  6:48pm ndbob:

thanks Annie!
  6:49pm kat330:

Hope you celebrated last Friday and all weekend long, Annie!
  6:50pm annie:

i did actually.... had to work on saturday, but had tons of fun all weekend!!
  6:51pm kat330:

Friday b'days are the best -- can stretch them out several days more easily.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey everybody, thanks for helping me have such a freaking great time playing records! Have a wonderful rest of July and I'll be back on with you, Friday morning July 27.

You are the most bestest.
  6:52pm Philo Gristle:

Really digging this Mary Halvorson cut. Reminiscent of something I can't remember!
  6:52pm glenn:

ah feel like ahcid.
  6:53pm kat330:

Signing off early, Doug? Again, hoping you and your family have a very relaxing, safe and fun vacation! And see you at the other end of July!
  6:53pm Philo Gristle:

Doug, we can always count on you coming up with great grooves from all across the globe. YES, glenn.
  6:54pm kat330:

glenn? THE glenn from Ontario? Where have you been hiding lo these many weeks?
[Thanks for fanning the cool air our way, btw]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm Doug Schulkind:

I will be cutting out a tad early in order to let Jesse get hooked into the stream with Kaminsky Kamoutsky. When I do the show from Pittsburgh, we can kinda overlap, but not with the current configuration. I have to "get off" before he can "get on."
  6:55pm ndbob:

great show Doug!
  6:56pm glenn:

i went from being underworked to overworked, which happens in my line of employment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm Doug Schulkind:

Thanks ndbob. Great listening!
  6:56pm listener james from westwood:

safe travels, doug, and all of you have a stellar vacation. enjoy!!
  6:56pm ndbob:

I will be on sporadically when you get back Doug ... I will be on my regular trip East
  6:56pm listener james from westwood:

glenn, i hear that. this is one of those "overworked" weeks. gotta grab it when i can!
  6:57pm Matt from Springfield:

Thanks Doug! Enjoy your vacation, and have a fun Somer, Drummer!
  6:57pm Matt from Springfield:

The most bestest to everyone!
  6:58pm kat330:

Have a Hearty goodnight all! :)
  6:58pm Philo Gristle:

Enjoy Doug!
  10:37am Van in DC:

And now, the audio portion of the programme :)
  11:26am Van in DC:

"What does THIS button do?"



(from the "I'm a Twat list for DJs" that Ken had on his show today :) )
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