Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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July 31, 2012 Favoriting
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Orquesta Francesca Reveron  Gasolina Pa Mi Maquina   Favoriting Early Cuban Danzón Orchestras
(Harlequin )
Septeto Anacaona  Maleficio   Favoriting Septeto Anacaona & Circo Rimrac 1936-1937
(Harlequin )
Faustino Oramas  Como Vengo Esta Año   Favoriting Tradición de Cuba
(Edenways )
Bobby Quesada & His Band  Bataola Boogaloo   Favoriting Long Live Boogaloo: 22 Rare Latin Boogaloos from Spanish Harlem '63-'72
(Secret Stash )

Talkover Music:
Marc Ribot 
Los Teenagers Bailan Changui   Favoriting Marc Ribot y Los Cubanos Postizos
(Warner Bros. 1994)

Las Malas Amistades  Si Se Puede   Favoriting Maleza
(Honest Jons 2012)
Los Nombres  Todos   Favoriting b/w Trivialities Trivialities
(Beth/Numero Group 1972)
Los Diablos Rojos  El Primer Beso   Favoriting Antologia de la Cumbia Peruana, Volume V
Los Benfords  Pataperro   Favoriting b/w Don Cuto
(Infopesa )
Chicha Libre  Once Tejones   Favoriting Canibalismo
(Barbès 2012)

Talkover Music:
Ramon   Favoriting Solid Sounds of the 8-Piece Brotherhood
(Manteca 1999)

Rita Indiana y Los Misterios  La Sofi   Favoriting Demos
Dick El Demasiado  Asi Que Los Qui Sí   Favoriting Pero Peinamos Gratis
(Tomenota 2004)
Palito Ortega  Un Dia de Invierno   Favoriting Skanish Sound: Jamaica Influenced Music from Spain 1964-1972
(Vampisoul )
Los Fulanos  You Know What I Mean   Favoriting Si Esto Se Acaba Que Siga El Boogaloo
(Lovemonk 2011)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

  9:15am holland oats:

testes, testes...
  9:27am northguineahills:

Did i miss the memo today?
  9:29am holland oats:

stealthy no?
  10:10am Brian in UK:

Jeez Doug why are you on the front page at this time? Oh hello by the way!!
  10:27am ALAN (EDDIE) FISHER:

PAY YOU BACK WITH INTEREST ...THE CORSAIRS....I understand that you were playing the record last year for a while...just to let you know i was the 17 year old lead singer on the track and just wanted to say thank you so much for playing the record...I live in the uk with my son and he was so proud to think his old dad had been heard in the USA....many thanks
  10:46am Matt from Springfield:

Was wondering about this on the front page myself--there isn't a program on GTDR to even be "filling in" for right now. Presumably it's just a very early playlist for tonight @6--will check back later.
  10:59am Doug Schulkind:

Holland, NGH & Matt: I screwed up and forgot to change my front-page announcement for 6pm (leftover from my last Friday morning 9am). Can you ever forgive me? I will be on tonight at 6pm (Eastern).

The real question is — how come no one at WFMU noticed?!

Pay You Back With Interest was a minor hit at WFMU last year. The track was included on a compilation ("Utopia Daydream") which his probably how it came back to prominence. Cheers!
  5:25pm Matt from Springfield:

And.....NOW I'm back! Resume!

Hiya Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm Doug Schulkind:

Welcome back, Matt from Springfield!
  5:37pm Matt from Springfield:

The Super-Early-Bird Comments edition.

Latino labor songs today?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm Doug Schulkind:

Songs, yes! Spanish, yes! Pro labor, always implicit!
  5:49pm Matt from Springfield:

Say Doug, are you on Flickr? I've discovered a lot of WFMU pics on there lately, and many DJs themselves are in the group "WFMUish" -- all of which have great photos of WFMU and its events.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm Doug Schulkind:

From time to time, WFMU links from its homepage to various flickr accounts featuring FMU stuff. I am not personally on flickr.
  5:52pm Jeff G:

Oh, that's rich, Matt.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm Doug Schulkind:

¡Hola el Jefe G!
  5:57pm Matt from Springfield:

I do want to tout my fave WFMU Flickr account--Jim Price, with his 1 Minute of Fame, goes back very far with the station, and he has truckloads of OLD FMU pics posted on his "jimmyboyprice" account. It's really an amazing treasure trove and wanted to post it here.
  5:59pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: I didn't see any old pics of you, but there are tons of Irwin, Jim himself, Franks O'Toole AND Balesteri, some old Ken, Irene, Bronwyn from '87, it's a real trip!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Yes, I've seen those, Matt. I first came to WFMU in '87. Oldest station photos of me I've seen are from the 1988 Marathon.
  6:03pm listener james from westwood:

holding up my flickring lighter in the auditorium to say go, drummer, go! good tuesday, all!
  6:04pm Jeff G:

Hola, señor drummer.
And thus completes the full range of my Spanish stylings.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Doug Schulkind:

No problem, LJFW, I'm wearing my flame-retardant pajamas!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm Doug Schulkind:

Jeff, I can add a tilde for only a small service charge...
  6:06pm Matt from Springfield:

Good Tuesday, LJFW!
Hola Jeff.

"Danzón" Orchestra, haven't heard of them but this is stretching back to the wax cylinder era!
  6:07pm Jeff G:

If you can make it Tilde Swinton, I'll break up the piggy bank.
  6:09pm kat330:

Here! Hi, Doug and all of you! Philo here very soon, too, but both of us will be in the kitchen for several. Lovely cooking sounds! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm Doug Schulkind:

Just saw "Moonrise Kingdom" last night and was swoonin' for Swinton.

Hi and howdy!
  6:12pm Jeff G:

Saw MOONRISE KINGDOM yesterday too! Was swooning much of the way through.

Thanks for the tilde adjustment. I feel better already.
  6:12pm Paul Sherratt:

'Danzón' the movie, highly recommended
  6:13pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi kat! Fish tacos? Any tacos, if you had known tonight's theme would you have chosen that, to cook to these sounds? :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm Doug Schulkind:

Speaking of Khaki Scouts, have ya'll been reading those incredibly moving letters from Eagle Scouts who are renouncing their medals because of the Boy Scouts homophobic imbecility? Remarkable stuff.
  6:21pm Matt from Springfield:

It's a very unfortunate rule. In the slow slog of things however, I have hope that policy will be over in a decade. A lot of the moral component to their rules derives from old military tradition, and since gays are [finally!] allowed to serve in the military, the Boy Scouts' days of discriminating based on that are numbered.
  6:23pm Matt from Springfield:

After all, how long can you keep saying that yes, if you're gay you ARE allowed to serve in the U.S. military, go to Afghanistan and kill in combat, but NO you're not allowed to build log structures, start campfires or tie knots...
  6:25pm kat330:

Back (sorta) at the keyboard. @Matt: No, wouldn't ya know?! Tacos, no. El pollo, si!
  6:25pm Matt from Springfield:

Yes, loved the Doug-edition of the Scenario a few weeks back!
  6:26pm Philo Gristle:

And home grilled, not takeout from Los Pollos Hermanos. Hello!
  6:26pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: "Peruvian" rotisserie chicken brasas are becoming more common around here, have you seen any in the heart of Hoosierland yet?
  6:27pm Matt from Springfield:

Hola, Philo con Gristle!
  6:28pm kat330:

Pollo gristle removed. Philo gristle -- mm, well, it stays put. :)
Matt, haven't noticed the described chicken around here, but I'm sure Louisville has something along that lines. We eat out so rarely.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm Doug Schulkind:

I made it as far as Webelos Scouts (the year before Cub Scouts). Our "troop leader" was a stone-cold racist who had us doing the pledge of allegiance before the Confederate flag. (This was in an odd little backwater hamlet in Maryland, next door to one of the most progressive, liberal counties in the US of A. Still revolts me to this day.
  6:30pm kat330:

It's an oak-plank grilled chicken, btw. I'm so hungry and exhausted from watching Olympics water polo. ;)
  6:33pm Matt from Springfield:

Numero Group! Bueno!

Mmm, I see grilling planks for sale, for grilling fish but I'll have to remember to try chicken on those, sounds good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm Doug Schulkind:

A friend of ours is on the USA women's Olympic Fencing team. She's currently #3 in the sabre event, but the US could only send two athletes in that event. So depressing.
  6:35pm Jeff G:

You might say she was foiled.
  6:36pm kat330:

Scrolling back and *trying* to catch up: Yes, Doug, I want to see Moonrise Kingdom, too. AND Beasts of the Southern Wild I understand is very special.
  6:36pm Matt from Springfield:

@Jeff: Touché!
  6:37pm kat330:

Matt, the plank makes everything have a really smooth smoky flavor. We also grilled a whole eggplant on the plank.
  6:37pm Philo Gristle:

@Doug -- saw that happen with women's gymnastics yesterday... sucks.
  6:37pm Jeff G:

And with that, I must take my leave. Gracias for the boogaloo, Doug. Catch everyone later!
  6:38pm kat330:

Adios, Jeff G.!
  6:38pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: I can't find it now, but there was a great article online about a former Bowie, MD resident writing about when he was a kid in 1967. He marched with the Cub Scouts in the town's 4th of July parade, but remembered no blacks went out to watch. Later he realized because, even in '67, all the police and firemen in that parade were in the Klan! The PG of those days...and the EASTERN SHORE! (shiver)
  6:38pm listener james from westwood:

all this talk of chicken and fish is making my spinach & cheese tortellini w/ pesto and salad look darned naked w/o some fin or fowl!
  6:40pm Meat & Fish:

Guys, you know where to go!
(march to listener james in westwood)
  6:40pm Matt from Springfield:

Chicha Libre, this band is NEW! I'm diggin' this.
  6:41pm kat330:

Oh, LJfW, spinach+cheese is a fave combo of mine! Salud!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm Doug Schulkind:

Unfortunately, our friend didn't even get to GO to London. All the other fencing events allowed four from each country, but in the sabre event, only two. That event restriction rotates every four years and it was just bad luck.
  6:42pm listener james from westwood:

that webelos story is horrible. friend of mine drove up from baltimore w/ some buddies to just over the penn. line. stopped for fast food, and a crowd of guys came in from a truck plastered w kkk stickers and other such wingnuttery. considering this was a bunch of guys from one of hopkins' more jewish fraternities, my friend and his frat brothers kept their heads down and vamoosed asap.
  6:46pm kat330:

@Doug: That is truly bad luck and didn't know such things occurred. :( It was disturbing also to think of the folks who got left behind when they switched the years on summer/winter.
  6:46pm marcury:

Hola, todos!
  6:47pm kat330:

Great stage name this one. You've played her tracks before IIRC.
  6:47pm Matt from Springfield:

Hola marcury!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm Doug Schulkind:

Really sad. Because fencing added an event this Olympics, each of the national teams had to cut one event down from four to two. It just turned out that sabre was the event chosen this time.

  6:48pm marcury:

Hey Matt.
  6:48pm Matt from Springfield:

Ah, Chicha Libre is in Peru "del Norte"! Will look more into them, and the bored Colombian art students!
  6:49pm marcury:

  6:49pm kat330:

No one in the FMU pantheon ever plays Los Lobos? I think their "Kiko" is absolutely brilliant and keep expecting to here "Wake Up, Dolores" or something else -- but not so far.
  6:49pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: And another funny stage name right after it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm Doug Schulkind:

I am HUUGE fan of the Los Lobos side project Latin Playboys. A track from them would've fit perfectly into tonight's show.
  6:52pm kat330:

Heh, yep! Matt, did you ever type "fuck" on any recent playlist? Philo suggests you did, but I said "No way! -- Matt's a sweet mensch!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm Doug Schulkind:

There is a car down our block with John Birch Society stickers on it. Rather inexplicably, the car is owned by an orthodox jew. Oy.
  6:54pm kat330:

I only ask because there was this question we found Saturday: Which city is tops when it comes to having the most workers who swear on the job?

1. Chicago, IL
2. Phoenix, AZ
3. Washington, D.C.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm Doug Schulkind:

Washington, DC! All those federal employees swearing the oath of office.
  6:55pm kat330:

@Doug: Yes, love what I've heard of the Playboys, too. But there are some tracks on Kiko that blew my mind when it first came out -- almost trance inducing -- so evocative of N.A. rather than Spanish-Mexican culture.
  6:55pm Holly in NC:

Hi & bye Doug & other friends! Archives for me.
Just had to share major love for Latin Playboys also :-) xo
Much later, dinner wb roasted shrooms, eggplant, & peppers w. smoked pork, genoa salami, fresh mozz, kale, marinara, slightly too much olive oil & parm. Oh yeah.
  6:55pm Matt from Springfield:


Actually I curse as a modifier quite a bit, though I'm not one to use it whenever and anywhere.
  6:57pm kat330:

Yep, DC. And Philo and I had a discussion right after about while dc pat fits that mold in this FMU community, Matt and Van, etc., do not. Then Philo mentioned the Matt curse (which I never found).
  6:57pm Matt from Springfield:

Holadios, Holly!
Your meal sounds like all the antepasta, minus any pasta!
  6:57pm kat330:

Hi AND bye, Holly!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi Holly!
  6:58pm Holly in NC:

Matt - you're pretty much right! I am the queen of pasta dishes sans pasta
  6:59pm kat330:

Good, one, Matt! "Holadios"
  6:59pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: As a "mensch" I teach, people curse all the time, but don't let yourself be defined by it. And, to use it in excitement or praise ("that album is in-fucking-credible!") rather than in anger!
  6:59pm listener james from westwood:

kat330: deadwood, south dakota!
  7:00pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Lacking an "aloha" type word, Holadios is a quick way to get that out! :)
  7:00pm kat330:

Holly's menu reminded me we also smoked a pork tenderloin on the oak plank. Salmon goes better on cedar.
  7:00pm Holly in NC:

Oh heck didn't even catch holadios - wonderful!
  7:00pm listener james from westwood:

goddamn, was that an hour already? enjoyed the tunes. muchas gracias!
  7:00pm kat330:

BYE, Doug! Gracias!! G'night folks -- sweet dreams!
  7:01pm Matt from Springfield:

Spanish music, comments and advice on cuisine too!

Thanks Doug! Have a good night all!
  7:01pm Philo Gristle:

moi! Finnish word suitable for both hello and bye. Great show, Doug!
  9:17pm Van in DC:

Are you SURE this won't be on "tape delay"...? ;)

(thank you WFMU Archive Genie!! :) )
  9:20pm Van in DC:

By the way, thanks for the vacation pic of yourself BWA HA HA! :) ;)
  10:08pm Doug Schulkind:

Van, is MP3 delay the same thing?
  7:52am Van in DC:

Yep, sure is!

So, let's see: just got to work - check. Coffee? check. Work caught up? No idea. First up this here GTDS! check!
  8:14am Van in DC:

kat, if you ever re-visit this here comments page :) Ya, that swearing question was posed to me earlier yesterday (on Rich's show? was it?) about DC... I would be highly HIGHLY surprised if anyone EVER found a single comment in all of FMUland that had me using a curse word :)

And as Doug and others know, I am very anti-cursive, I only write in type like this ;)

There is only once in a veeeeeeery great while that I curse, and when that happens, I am (a) REALLY steamed (b) REALLY drunk and (c) out of my FREAKING mind (just blew a great chance there, eh? ha ha :) )
  8:55am Van in DC:

I gave the Drummer some! Enjoyed the show my fellow Webelo brother Doug! :)
  9:02am Doug Schulkind:

Van, I'm bleepin' glad you stopped by!
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