Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 01 August 2012 Favoriting | Crazy Horses at 33rpm

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Comments New Approx. start time
Bailter Space  Things That We Found   Favoriting Strobosphere 
*   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
LCD Soundsystem  All I Want   Favoriting This is Happening 
  0:02:43 (Pop-up)
The Pastels  Cycle (My Bloody Valentine Remix)   Favoriting  
  0:09:35 (Pop-up)
Olivia Tremor Control  excerpt from Green Typewriters   Favoriting Dusk at Cubist Castle 
  0:15:40 (Pop-up)
Neutral Bling Hotel  King of Jesus Walks, Parts 2 & 3   Favoriting In My G4 Over Da Sea 
  0:17:37 (Pop-up)
Feedtime  Fractured   Favoriting Today is Friday 
*   0:20:53 (Pop-up)
Grauzone  Raum (Ata's Extended Mix)   Favoriting DJ Kicks: Digitalism 

Click for the full size image
*   0:23:22 (Pop-up)
The Osmonds  Crazy Horses at 33   Favoriting  
  0:30:10 (Pop-up)
Sigh  Equale   Favoriting In Somniphobia 
*   0:33:45 (Pop-up)
Saor Patrol  Three Wee Jigs   Favoriting Two Headed Dog / Duncarron Electric 

Click for the full size image
*   0:40:57 (Pop-up)
Peter Frampton & William Shatner  Spirit in the Sky   Favoriting  
  0:49:51 (Pop-up)
Boom Bip  Manzabozh   Favoriting Zig Zaj 
  0:54:08 (Pop-up)
Deutsche Amerikanischen Freundschaft  Track 14   Favoriting Ein Produkt Der Deutsch Amerikanischen Freundschaft 
  1:01:38 (Pop-up)
ZZ Top  La Grange   Favoriting  
  1:04:27 (Pop-up)
Wild Cherry  Play That Funky Music   Favoriting  
  1:06:13 (Pop-up)
Wildman Fischer  Circle (Wubmachine Remix)   Favoriting  
  1:09:31 (Pop-up)
Dan Deacon  The Crystal C*t   Favoriting Spiderman of the Rings 
  1:15:26 (Pop-up)
Wevie Stonder  A Buddha Made of Mud   Favoriting Sonig Irregular Vol 1 
  1:25:52 (Pop-up)
3dit  blesphlegmy   Favoriting Volume One 
  1:29:29 (Pop-up)
          1:31:43 (Pop-up)
The O'Jays  Love Train   Favoriting  
  1:32:04 (Pop-up)
Duke Ellington  Blue Pepper (Far East Of The Blues)   Favoriting Celebrity Headphones: Monica's 2012 Premium 
  1:34:38 (Pop-up)
Funkadelic  Maggot Brain   Favoriting Title Track 
  1:39:32 (Pop-up)
Glenn Lee  Call Him By His Name   Favoriting Sacred Steel Instrumentals 
  1:48:10 (Pop-up)
Jim Leonard  Ave Maria   Favoriting Super Saw 
  1:52:09 (Pop-up)
Dewey Jones  Please Mr Johnson   Favoriting Plantation Gold 
  2:08:07 (Pop-up)
King Missile  Mr Johnson   Favoriting They 
  2:10:15 (Pop-up)
Rosko  The Gift   Favoriting  
  2:12:05 (Pop-up)
LB  Angie   Favoriting Pop Artificielle 
  2:15:25 (Pop-up)
Wolfman Jack  I Aint Never Seen a White Man   Favoriting  
  2:18:56 (Pop-up)
Buddy Starcher  The Fall of a Nation   Favoriting  
  2:22:46 (Pop-up)
The Black Pope  Im a Human Radio Station   Favoriting  
  2:26:46 (Pop-up)
Buttress O'Kneel  Grave Kissed Amy   Favoriting Compop 14.6 Avant-Tard: Tardcore 
  2:43:21 (Pop-up)
Led Snoopelin  Drop It Like It's a Whole Lotta Love   Favoriting  
  2:46:54 (Pop-up)
Mars  Helen Forsdale   Favoriting No New York (V/A) 

  2:51:31 (Pop-up)
Peter Wahlbeck  Baby Animal   Favoriting  

  2:54:44 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:01am Cheri Pi:

Damn Ken, you are on it w/ the accu playlist.
  9:01am Woo:

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:01am Ken:

hahaha yes! Thanks to nachum not being in the studio today!
  9:02am ausmanx:

the Space have a new record? i should know that since I'm in the Antipodes... good evening from Sydney, Ken...
  9:05am D in Miami:

Moog Dorning, Ken et al.!
  9:06am trish:

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:06am Ken:

Morning Sydney! Morning all. Anybody hearing the 90.1 fm signal this morning? Is it on?
  9:06am doca:

listening to lcd soundsystem in the morning is like a good omen for the day.
  9:09am other david:

Oh this is too good:

Good morning/afternoon folks
  9:09am Fre:

good afternoon from macedonia. i love this show already.
  9:09am Jack:

90.1 FM coming in loud and clear, Ken. Good morning everyone!
  9:10am fofo (:

Hello everybody! Judging by the pics I predict a blazing, flaming, scorching, charring, flaring and warmth show.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:11am Ken:

Jack, you let me know if that 90.1 fm machine tries anything funny this morning.
  9:13am hamburger:

Oh Mai Gaad I was just about to listen to the latest Judge John Hodgman podcast and then Ken's show starts. Thanks KEN! >:o(
  9:16am Marmalade Kitty:

Happy August!
  9:17am c:

So sad.
  9:18am other david:

"The Mayor of London, and potential future UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is trapped on a zip wire high above a London park."
  9:19am hamburger:

Nice little GIF already otherdavid:
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:20am Ken:

Is Boris still stuck right now? Anybody have a link for live coverage???
  9:20am other david:

ahaha! nice one hamburger :)
  9:21am doca:

this neutral bling hotel is great!
  9:22am jt:

feedtime? from ken?
  9:22am ausmanx:

"potential future UK Prime Minister"... wha? i think that was written by someone who has never set foot out of London...
  9:24am other david:

Ken - it looks like even journos are reduced to refreshing youtube for videos of this, nothing yet
  9:25am hamburger:

Well ausmanx - it does say, 'potential' , even I, a humble hamburger could, potentially be the future prime minister, if, I get the votes in, that is, but as they say, politics and hamburgers do not mix
  9:26am trish:

Trap? Or stall? Big diff. One's boring as hell.
  9:27am other david:

aw, they managed to get him down.
  9:28am fofo (:
  9:29am ausmanx:

sorry i haven't been here before, this is looking like the best show on FMU... feedtime, the best thing ever out of Australia?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:29am Ken:

Damn it. Are they going to hang him back up?
  9:29am Sam:

I guess they're going to blame THAT on Mitt Romney too!!
  9:31am fofo (:

"Here you go Twitter - a transparent image of Boris hanging. You know what to do... I'll post up the best ones"
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:32am Ken:

Holy shit, this Osmonds 45 at 33 sounds AMAZING/
  9:32am common:

goddammit thank you
  9:32am Mark:

This Boris Johnson stuff is dangerously related to the Olympics
  9:32am SteveL:

This is the best thing I've heard in a long time. Osmonds RULE!!
  9:33am ausmanx:

hamburgers have infinitely more credibility than Boris. didn't Obama take folks for burgers as a photo op? yah, the osmonds thing sounds like they were REALLY Sabbath sped up
  9:33am MD:

HOw are the all the children of the freeform nation of the station...???
  9:33am D in Miami:

Politicians should stick with politics, instead of making asses of themselves.
  9:33am ausmanx:

and i kid you not, the addition question when i posted that Sabbath comment had it's answer as 666
  9:34am common:

this is one of the best things ever
  9:34am jt:

i have a reel-to-reel of osmonds playing live, got it onto CD at some point, damn that band was TIGHT
  9:34am bella:

crazy horses @33rpm blowing my mind, thank you and good morning.
  9:34am fofo (:

He looks like a puppet on a string. Oh wait..
  9:35am other david:

can this day get any better?
  9:37am Mark from VT:

today is the 1st day of August and I think a full moon? Good time to plant carrots and things I heard.
  9:39am D in Miami:

I hope. My garden doesn't do well at all.
  9:39am Lizardner Dave:

Are people just quiet or are the comments broken?
  9:40am Lizardner Dave:

Oh, there they are.
  9:40am Sam:

We're all planting our carrots. If you see what I mean.
  9:40am D in Miami:

I think it's us 3 Davids looming overhead.
  9:41am Mark:

there will be a blue moon this month
  9:42am ausmanx:

should we be planting something other than carrots in the southern hemisphere?
  9:42am D in Miami:

So things that usually don't happen in a long time will finally happen?
  9:44am D in Miami:

Warm weather veggies, I'd say, since summer is coming.
  9:46am Mark from VT:

I wish okra grew in VT like it does in the south. I like okra. Especially steamed.
  9:46am Sam:

When should you plant okra?
  9:49am W in NJ:

Pronounced "Shore Patrol".
  9:49am Dave B:

Morning Ken. Moning Woof Mooers!
  9:49am other david:

saor, pronunced like "sayer", means free in irish
  9:50am Caryn:

My fave "Crazy Horses" review called it "Led Zeppelin for the under-5s". Trivia quiz: what is "Crazy Horses" about?
  9:51am Sam:

Love the show Ken!
  9:51am Cecile:

the SHAT! I love him.
  9:51am other david:


  9:52am Cecile:

Caryn, palominos in Utah?
  9:52am fofo (:

Horsepower, automobile's air pollution.
  9:52am anne:

morning Ken, morning everyone! haven't had a wed off in a long while, so glad to be here live.
  9:52am Norman Greenburg:

i see what you did there, re: Boris
  9:52am Caryn:

This day just gets more enjoyable. After Boris, Shatner!
  9:52am D in Miami:

Shat's voice sounds like a mix of Sinatra and Cash.
  9:52am Dave B:

The Shat is where its at!
  9:53am Cecile:

  9:53am common:

this is strange. spirit in the sky is playing in the warehouse were i am the same time...not shatner. what the fuck
  9:53am paul:

  9:54am Caryn:

@fofo (: yes indeed, the dangers of air pollution. Well, let's face it, it wasn't going to be about heroin, was it? (Although that would be awesome.)
  9:54am Cecile:

both guys, Frampton and Shatner, have made peace with their past. It's fun.
  9:54am lewis:

Read an interview with Shatner where he talked about acting as a job. You take the work you get and you do it well. And clearly it kept him from ever taking himself too seriously. Gotta love that!
  9:54am ausmanx:

that's frampton singing and THE SHAT ON GUITAR
  9:54am Mark in DC:

The Shat for Gore Vidal today.
  9:55am Nick the Bard:

Shatner really should've done a cover of Ashes to Ashes on his new album, would've fit in really well with the cover of Space Oddity.
  9:55am Cheri Pi:

OOoo I like this song!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:55am Ken:

Shatner took himself pretty damn seriously until he realized how much cash he could rake in being ironic william shatner.
  9:56am Norman Greenbaum:

Greenburg, shouldn't you be at the Meadowlands?
  9:58am Caryn:

Those headbangers look so much like they're in Finland...
  9:59am lewis:

so perhaps that interview was part of the reinvention of Shatner... not too hard to believe...
  9:59am MD:

SHATNER ROCKS!!! Saw him on Broadway...he was great!!! Great story teller. Lou Reed and Lourie were in the audience. At times the show brought a tear to my eye!!!
  9:59am Cecile:

That's very true. Now that he's grown up some, he has a lot of fun with his image. His one-man show was awesome. He also was quite honest about his own foibles in the movie The Captains and on his talk show.
  9:59am Mark from VT:

let's have a list of wfmu djs that could make the leap from serious to ironic. Or a list of those who have already.
  10:00am Marmalade Kitty:

Boris is a very dangerous fool
  10:00am Van in DC:

Wow, I missed Shatner?
  10:01am fofo (:

Jonathan's signature.
  10:02am Caryn:

Hopefully the prospect of opponents bringing out the zipline photos constantly will deter Boris from pursuing that PM post... Maybe he can just stick to occasional guest stints on HIGNFY and NMTB, because he's reasonably entertaining then.
  10:02am Marmalade Kitty:

he'd make a good Batman baddie!
  10:03am BDR:

Jerry Garcia born 70 years ago today (in case you don't feel like playing some Dead).
  10:04am D in Miami:

Jonathon will get far with that signature imitating Hancock's.
  10:04am Caryn:

Did Gore Vidal ever do any Shatner-esque spoken word/music stuff? Would be good timing to play that, if it exists...
  10:06am Mark:

I like the headline of this article re Dan Deacon
  10:06am common:

stop being a genius
  10:06am D in Miami:

Don't fix the skating on the table. It sounds better like this.
  10:06am Caryn:

@D: maybe this letter is from the Smithsonian? You know, between Washington's early diaries, there's Hancock's early attempts at wooing the ladies? heh
  10:06am skippy:

Dizzy-Z Top.
  10:07am Sam:

I think you're right Ken - Shatner strikes me as someone who fundamentally takes himself very seriously. And he must have had a difficult shit-hits-the-fan moment when he realized he was becoming a cultural laughingstock. So he did one of those midlife reinventions to become "cool" again. He learned the hard way that you have to have false modesty to succeed.
  10:08am Crocker:

Leave Shatney alooone!!
  10:08am Tom - In Marine Park Brooklyn:

oh this is the song ,,, man ,, they was playing when I was at j&r working but they made me not wear my disco sucks t shirt
  10:09am D in Miami:

Just listen to the condition of this turntable! Support FMU now!
  10:10am DougZ:

Hey the Shat doing Dead covers. How cool would that be?
  10:11am Cecile:

if you have darude's sandstorm, the ultimate cheesy glitchy disco anthem, that would be great.
  10:11am Tom - In Marine Park Brooklyn:

I can see Shatner doing Black Sabbath vol4 -- changes ...
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:11am Ken:

Shatner ran away from his Transformed Man LP until he could no longer deny it, and then he did a total 180 and embraced his own bombastic awfulgreatness.
  10:12am Cecile:

Sam and Ken, I think dude still has an ego, but he laughs about it, and he has been humbled by life.
  10:13am Sam:

Maybe a little bit like Andy Breckman??
  10:14am Caryn:

@Ken: has Nimoy had the same moment with his album? You would think at least the godawful accompanying music videos would've made Nimoy crack at some point.
  10:14am Tom - In Marine Park Brooklyn:

I'm goooooing through changes ....
  10:15am D in Miami:

I wish that girl was light-scribing in a language I can read.
  10:15am Sam:

Leonard Nimoy did a great parody of himself on the Simpsons monorail episode.
  10:15am Cecile:

Nimoy has left music. he reckons it was a mistake. Now he is an art photographer. Inspired by a friend of his who led a +sized dance company, he often photographs nude fat ladies. And they are great pictures.
  10:16am Caryn:

@Cecile: didn't he entitle that the "Full Body Project"?
  10:17am Cecile:

the episode where shat interviews him on Raw Nerve is pretty great.
  10:18am Cecile:

I don't remember, caryn.
  10:18am Mark from VT:

I think there are also people who started out ironic and then got serious later.
  10:19am Caryn:

I regularly pop in my DVD of the Shatner roast and enjoy the mocking.
  10:19am common:

hay hey
  10:20am still b/p:

"started out ironic and then got serious later"

Like a bunch of SNL alumni over the years.
  10:20am Cecile:

he points out how angry Takei is in his one-man show when he says "F*** you and the horse you rode in on". "He is not kidding. Look at his face!"
  10:22am Cecile:

Still b/p - also Steve Martin.
  10:22am Outofluck70:

Rock out with your xylophone out!!
  10:22am Caryn:

@Cecile: well, duh. Mind you, I might get pissed off if I had to work with Shatner during the "taking himself seriously" egotist years, while Shatner still can't pronounce Takei properly...
  10:24am Caryn:

Is this Shatner playing the xylophone? Now there's an album no-one would be expecting.
  10:24am D in Miami:

I looked it up on discogs. I think I was wrong. It's an actual release.
  10:24am still b/p:

Steve Martin all about the Art....the paintings. And making occasional double-doofus-crap movies to pay for the acquisitions, evidently.
  10:25am Dave B:

Koenig's interview on "Raw Nerve" was pretty good. Seemed everyone was sick of the Shat back then
  10:25am Cecile:

that was amazing, Ken.
  10:25am Van in DC:

But the silver lining part for the Mayor was that he ended up being a GIF on WFMU's Ken show.
  10:25am Mark from VT:

Winnebago man changed.
  10:26am D in Miami:

Yeah, not too many SNL stars got better after SNL.
  10:27am Gregory:

When they had the NHS (health service), Voldemort, and Mary Poppins in the ceremony at the same time, I think many Americans became very confused about which are fictional and which not.
  10:27am Caryn:

When the NHS tribute came on, I kept thinking that the timing right after Mitt had been there doubting the Olympics organisation, was perfect. It was like they were just performing a huge "F U, Mitt".
  10:27am blacktooth:

Ken, will you please smoke some bath salts on air today? Let's do a trial run before next weeks 7 second delay.
  10:28am Mark:

It's the NHS that is fictional right?
  10:28am D in Miami:

I always wonder how Candy, Farley and Belushi would've ended-up if they were still around.
  10:28am Sam:

I was up in Mass. listening to the Harvard University radio station. They played uncensored rap where every other word was the f word. And this was in the middle of the day on a Sunday. Is that legal? Or does Harvard just not worry about paying fines?
  10:29am Caryn:

Maybe we could combine things: take some bath salts, then go on a zipline. That would be entertaining.
  10:29am Cecile:

Yeah, Dave B. Takei's was also good. And Takei admitted that he only realized later that he and the rest of the cast should have called him on his shit back then. But hindsight is 20/20.
  10:29am ausmanx:

doesn't anyone think turning the NHS into a piece of theatre to open the massive abuse of public money that is the Olympic Games while a Conervative government is taking the axe to everything is somehow sick? but the British seem to think it's all great...
  10:30am Cecile:

D, I loved Candy's semi-serious turn in Splash.
  10:30am fofo (:

Isn't this song from Schlammenpeitziger (2 -4)?
  10:31am Mark:

I mean please don't tell that Mary Poppins isn't real
  10:32am D in Miami:

Cecile, I've never seen that one. I think Candy could've done some good sinister characters for some reason.
  10:32am Dave B:

@Caryn - maybe zip lining with a straw above a giant rail of bath salts?

@Cecile - I'll need to look for that one.
  10:32am Caryn:

I still think Candy's best movie role was in "Stripes". Though "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" comes close. As does "Splash". Oh man, now I wanna dig up my "Best of John Candy" SCTV tape...
  10:33am Mark:

Uncle Buck was kind of sinister
  10:33am D in Miami:

Whew! I thought this was going to be the "Cain Train" again.
  10:34am lewis:

Uncle Buck gets my nod...
  10:34am Cecile:

it's the only Ron Howard movie I like. Simple story, good character role from Candy. Nice, light fun.
  10:34am Caryn:

Candy was kinda sinister in "The Blues Brothers".
  10:35am D in Miami:

Mark, he was pretty creepy in that. It was good.
  10:35am Dave B:

Uncle Buck FTW!

What about Hartman?
  10:35am Cheri Pi:

Ken-I'm late! I think I'm carrying your Cain Train baby.
  10:36am efd:

This Duke Ellington song is giving me Marathon flash-backs/flash-forwards.
  10:36am Mark:

You don't like "Apollo 13" with it's star turn from Ron's brother Clint?
  10:36am D in Miami:

Hartman was great on SNL! In what films was he again?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:37am Ken:

Cheri Pi, dont you even THINK about taking the morning after pill.
  10:37am Caryn:

Oh, and he was creepy in "JFK"! How the hell did I forget that? I would also say his "Little Shop of Horrors" DJ character was a bit disturbing.
  10:38am Doug C.:

I was at a party about a decade ago where a heavy metal guitarist kept talking about "Love Train" which I think he had only recently heard and what a funny song it was. A funny, hilarious song.
  10:38am Sam:

Hi! I'm Troy McClure! You may remember me from such films as Christmas Ape. And Christmas Ape Goes to Summer Camp.
  10:38am Van in DC:

Wow. That was some sweet descant trumpet!
  10:38am Marmalade Kitty:

Aus, thats a particularly cynical view, but so true :)
  10:39am Dave B:

@Mark - "Tranya" -

@D in Miami - CB4?
  10:39am Cheri Pi:

Oh I won't- I'm gonna keep my immaculately conceived airwaves baby.
  10:39am Caryn:

Man, the more I think of Candy, the more stuff I remember. Loved him as the amusement park guy in "National Lampoon's Vacation", and in "Canadian Bacon".
  10:40am Cecile:

I like Apollo 13. I stand corrected.
  10:40am Sam:

"Planes Trains and Automobiles"
  10:40am D in Miami:

There's actually a DJ John Candy all over youboob.
  10:42am Mark:

@Dave V Leon
  10:42am fofo (:

oh yes, the pro-smoke poet
  10:42am Vivian:

In Pee Wee's Playhouse, Hartmann was the genie in the box.
  10:43am Dave B:

Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor - DAAAMN!

Rode the bus with some dude who was chugging a Cobra Malt Liquor @ 8:30 in the morning. The breakfast of champions!
  10:43am ausmanx:

1 a.m. and i have to finish now... thanks so much, Ken, a really brilliant show! and Funkadelic is a sublime way to switch off...
  10:44am Dave B:

  10:44am Sometiems Jasmine:

Yeeeeeeeeeeah, make that mo-fo CRY!
  10:44am Mark:

Hartmann was Kap'n Karl on Pee Wee's Playhouse
  10:44am Marmalade Kitty:

I'm having to keep on refreshing comment box to see latest comments : (
  10:45am Caryn:

You know, Phil Hartman was a roadie before he turned to comedy. He also designed album covers and the logo for Crosby, Stills & Nash. He then co-created Pee-Wee Herman with Paul Reubens. Can't decide whether I love Hartman more as Troy McClure or as Phil McNeal...
  10:45am Dave B:

Super colon blow!
  10:47am ausmanx:

Kitty, you got the fancy mode ticked at the top? I find it's a problem, I switched to simple mode (I guess that's appropriate)
  10:47am Cheri Pi:

According to my ovulation calendar, I should not have been made sweet, sweet love to on July 18, 2012. But I was [Ken.] And so were many others.
  10:48am Van in DC:

Thanks a lot Maggot Brain. Loving you.
  10:50am D in Miami:

Super colon blow was one of my faves!
  10:52am jt:

@Sam re cursing on WHRB people have been banned from that station for less.
  10:53am Cecile:

well off to meeting.later!
  10:54am Caryn:

Now I have to wonder whether those two billboards being side by side is just a fabulous coincidence or whether the people requested their ad be placed next to a fast food ad.
  10:55am paul:

completely impossible for me to hear "ave maria" without thinking of Wing.
  10:56am Van in DC:

Is this theremin?
  10:56am Caryn:

Damn you, tv listings! You promised me beach volleyball and gave me boxing!

@Van: it's a saw
  10:57am other david:

or is this just fantasy..
  10:58am Detroit Mac:

When I whistle along to this... it sounds just as awful.
  10:59am Van in DC:

Ah, thanks Caryn. A "musical saw" - had to look it up :)
  10:59am Van in DC:

Ergo, the title of the album...duh... :)
  11:02am Caryn:

Speaking of performers developing in some direction, a popular actress here now spends most of her time doing music. She plays the saw and sings French chanson-style stuff.
  11:03am Dave B:

Is there a ground loop problem somewhere, or is that my tinnitus flaring up?
  11:07am MD:

ken....we should download you to the world wide web so that when you body can still do your show for us
and that way you will live forever!!!!
  11:09am Caryn:

Of course, if you try to combat the syndrome by putting your phone's vibration function on a higher setting, it can have consequences:
  11:09am Mark:

Oh boy, get Chuck Klosterman to take the bath salts too
  11:13am fofo (:


Yeah! Digytogenics is the way to immortality!
  11:14am Caryn:

This makes me want to go watch Christopher Walken read "3 Little Pigs".
  11:22am SteveL:

Preach Wolfman, preach!
  11:23am jt:

"Naked, but why?"
  11:23am fofo (:

Ken, you should also record a song too! Every great DJ is doing it!
  11:24am Caryn:

Dinner of a baguette and some yoghurt.
  11:25am blacktooth:

This song is harshin' my mellow.
  11:27am Fre:

Black Pope, finaly!
  11:28am Van in DC:

I have never heard a disk jockey like him
  11:29am Funny Diving Faces:
  11:29am Van in DC:

Bath salts? :)
  11:30am Smokebreak:

Yer killin' me here!
  11:30am MD:

god bless the ROOOTY POOTS!!!!!!!!!
  11:31am Marlboro Man:

Anybody got a light?
  11:31am James:

I just threw up a little in my mouth.
  11:31am MD:

  11:32am other david:

  11:32am fred von helsing:

jez groovin' on de accumulated weirdnis
  11:32am MD:

  11:33am The GB Kid:

1-Bend Over. 2-Grab Your Ankles. 3-Say Cheese.
  11:34am Sometiems Jasmine:

I've had Dr Booty Grabber in my head for weeks now.
  11:35am Van in DC:

the next set went up in smoke?
  11:38am Marmalade Kitty:

we are all the same.. but some are more same than others
  11:39am Dave B:

Here, have some!
  11:39am MD:

I think it is great being the "same'
listening to the same cool radio station and the same nutty DJ's it's nice...right???
  11:40am Funny Diving Faces on the toilet:
  11:41am fofo (:

Sometiems Jasmine,

And he hasn't yet reached your buttocks?
  11:42am Marmalade Kitty:

..two legs bad!
  11:46am Sam:

It is only right for the pigs to be in charge
  11:47am robyn:

greatest album name ever? or...greatest album name ever. discuss.
  11:49am the AP:

Snoop Dogg now wants to be known as Snoop Lion, after a trip to Jamaica where he was "born again." The rapper admits he's tired of hip-hop, and is releasing a reggae album, "Reincarnated," to be followed by a documentary of the same name. (AP)
  11:51am Lizardner Dave:

Wow, a pothead got into reggae. Did not see that one coming.
  11:51am G:

@AP: king of the beats?
  11:52am still b/p:

Mmmm. I love Joan Blondell.
  11:55am northguineahills:

Hey, Willie Nelson did a bunch of reggae covers (countryfied). Actually, There's a pic out there of Willie and Snoop smoking together.
  11:56am kat330:

LOVE the .gif next to Sigh's "Equale"! From where?
  11:56am fofo (:

He should also consider going to India, change his name ( Snoop Coww ) and record an album (Samsara) with some sick sitar grooves.
  11:57am Mike Doughty:

Ken, I don't know if a Deutsch speaker has pointed this out yet, but what it says under the torso isn't about the wriggle/enraptured. It's something about being gratified by the course of pull, and that it doesn't eat a piano. Srsly.
  11:57am Mark:

Serge Gainsbourg did 2 reggae albums
  11:57am G:

How did Peter Lorre get in here?
  11:57am Marshall Stacks:

Hello Ken and all. Sorry I'm late.
  12:00pm Mike Doughty:

And the nudist mag: "Naked--But Why?" I don't know what "Sonderheft" means ("not only a notebook"--??) but otherwise it's bodypictures/nakedcultur--Leaf-Free People (?!)
  12:00pm G:

How many weeks in a row has Duane been on time? That little talking-to really took...
  12:01pm Van in DC:

So did you find the last set yet, Ken?
  12:01pm Caryn:

@Mike: It's the "magazine for free people"
  12:02pm fofo (:

The Baby Animal guy is the HELLO SWEDEN fella ! I'm just realising.
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