Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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August 21, 2012 Favoriting
80th birthday bash for Melvin Van Peebles
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Melvin Van Peebles  Tenth and Greenwich (Women's House of Detention)   Favoriting Brer Soul
(A&M 1969)
Melvin Van Peebles  Soul'd on You   Favoriting Watermelon Man (OST)
(Beverly Hills 1970)
Melvin Van Peebles  You Ain't No Astronaut   Favoriting Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death
(A&M 1970)
Melvin Van Peebles  Sweetback Getting It Uptight and Preaching It So Hard the Bourgeois Reggin Angels in Heaven Turn Around   Favoriting Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song
(Stax 1971)

Talkover Music:
Melvin Van Peebles 
Sweetback's Theme   Favoriting Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song
(Stax 1971)

Melvin Van Peebles  Rufus & Ruby   Favoriting As Serious as a Heart-Attack
(A&M 1974)
Melvin Van Peebles  Three Boxes of Longs Please   Favoriting Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death
(A&M 1970)
Melvin Van Peebles  Come On Feet, Do Your Thing   Favoriting Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song
(Stax 1971)

Talkover Music:
Melvin Van Peebles 
Sweetback's Theme   Favoriting Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song
(Stax 1971)

Melvin Van Peebles  Love, That's America   Favoriting Watermelon Man (OST)
(Beverly Hills 1970)
Melvin Van Peebles  Lilly Done the Zampoughi Every Time I Pulled Her Coattail   Favoriting Brer Soul
(A&M 1969)
Melvin Van Peebles  Eyes on the Rabbit   Favoriting What the... You Mean I Can't Sing?
(Atlantic 1974)

Listener comments!

  5:41pm Tom Tiddler:

Hey Doug,
  5:41pm kat330:

Great image! Could almost be a Dürer etching. Hm, think maybe FMU's trouble had a Dürer for her list's image today.

Hi, Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42pm Doug Schulkind:

Tom, the Feet will make a presence for sure!

Heya kat330!
  5:45pm Philo Gristle:

Hullo Doug & Tom! To kat I said hello verbally. She was momentarily startled.
  5:45pm kat330:

Hey, Tom, I was JUST punching "preview your comment" when I'm seeing you beat me to the punch. Don't know about your feet, but your trigger finger's pretty fast.

Same exact thing happened on Tony's list, Doug, when you posted your theme and I had just visited this page on my own to see it. Synchro rules!
  5:46pm kat330:

Hi, Feelo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:47pm Doug Schulkind:

There are NO coincidences. // Hi Philo G!
  5:48pm kat330:

[He actually prefers File-o, but I keed him a lot with my alternate pronunciation.]
  5:48pm Philo Gristle:

Remember seeing Sweet Sweetback & Watermelon Man double feature at the Finnish Film Archives sometime in the 1990s... then we saw BAAADDDAAASSSS whenever it came out on dvd.
  5:48pm Matt from Springfield:

SWEET! I love Melvin Van P! Great focus, and I'm glad he is in fact still around!

Hi Doug! Tom! Kat! Philo! (I dug tomcat Philo a new hole...)
  5:49pm Matt from Springfield:

@Philo: I've been meaning to address you by "Philo dough" at some point or another. So there I went! :)
  5:50pm Tom Tiddler:

I wonder whether a certain Mr MADLIB will be played tonight?
  5:50pm kat330:

Heya, Mattster! You should check out
  5:50pm Philo Gristle:

Hi Matt! Phi-Lo as if I was a manic depressive. But, like much of my mother country, I'm flat & steady.
  5:51pm Philo Gristle:

Tom -- is your name a reference to something in the sub 250-cc range?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm Doug Schulkind:

Greetings Matt! Going mostly old's cool, Tom T.
  5:53pm Tom Tiddler:

no - but I would look up Roy Harper and his classic Flat Baroque and Berserk album of 1969! one of my all time favourite folk rock albums.
  5:53pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Sweet! TY! :)
Now Clay will be getting an email for a new comment on a playlist over a year old!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm Doug Schulkind:

Lucky you! You get to groove on Odell Brown's "Tough Tip" for the next six minutes!
  5:54pm Matt from Springfield:

"Old's Cool" -- that's a winning T-shirt, right there!
  5:56pm kat330:

Yeah, Matt, I thought that alone was pretty cool! Whenever a next installment is due, I'll dissect that thing. You were SO accommodating! I'd not be that forthcoming and open. :)
  5:56pm Philo Gristle:

@Tom Gotcha! Haven't heard it, but enjoy very much that era of folkrock so will do.
  5:56pm kat330:

Yeah, I'm ripe for that t-shirt.
  5:58pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: That's why I call it "The Magic of Clay"! On a fill-in for Julie's show late one night, there was a caller who was about to jump off when he realized Clay was putting him on the Air instead just chatting privately on the phone, but he coaxed the caller to stay on--and it lasted a half-hour long!
  5:58pm Philo Gristle:

And re Roy Harper, looking at his first album note he's got a songs dedicated to Patrick McGoohan and Albert Ayler. Can't go wrong there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm Doug Schulkind:

Nice Dürer reference. You're really classying up the place!
  5:59pm Matt from Springfield:

This is still Odell Brown? Very familiar piece, I'll try to remember that he does this one.
  6:00pm listener james from westwood:

good evening, doug and all van peebles birthday celebrators!
  6:00pm kat330:

Oh, yeah, that be my MO, Doug! :) Stinky puns and all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm Doug Schulkind:

@LJ from W
Didja bring the cake?!?
  6:01pm Matt from Springfield:

Here we go!
  6:01pm Tom Tiddler:

Philo - Mcgoohan's Blues absolute classic track based on the Prisoner tv series. One of my all time favourite toons!
  6:01pm kat330:

Funk this place up!!
  6:02pm Tom Tiddler:

gonna be a Blackalicious Blacksploitation show!
  6:02pm kat330:

Hi, Brother James!
  6:03pm Philo Gristle:

Thanks Tom -- we've been re-watching The Prisoner in the last few months after we got the blu-ray version of it. Been probably 20 years since I last saw it. Brilliant. Will HAVE to try that 18 minute opus now!
  6:04pm kat330:

Correction, Hi, Brer James!
  6:04pm listener james from westwood:

evenin' kat! doug, i've got a chocolate w/ raspberry filling and a round carrot cake that i need to put down before i eat it sans fork!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm Doug Schulkind:

Oh no no no, no forks ever on the Drummersome!
  6:05pm Matt from Springfield:

I finally learned the history behind the Greenwich Village Women's House of Detention last week; because pimps and others were always shouting and talking with the "wayward women" they knew in that facility from the street. So this song was finally put into context for me!
  6:06pm Matt from Springfield:

That was Irwin's show last week, with guest John Strausbaugh, knowledgable author on the history of Greenwich Village (but a Baez hater! :)
  6:06pm kat330:

Holy moly, James -- carrot cake's my ALL TIME FAVE cake, and raspberry's my fave berry -- dark chocolate w/anything, Yummmmmy!
  6:07pm Matt from Springfield:

Carrot cake--with cream cheese frosting!
So moist your hands will get sticky even before you touch that icing! :)
  6:07pm Tom Tiddler:

Can You Dig It ?
The Music and Politics of Black Action Films 1968 - 75
Soul Jazz Records
- great comp of soundtrack themes from of ‘Black Action Films’ from 1970-75 - seriously recommend it!
  6:09pm Tom Tiddler:

Doug, is this a worn out pressing or what!
  6:10pm listener james from westwood:

good to read the endorsement. i've had that comp in my amazon wish list for a dog's age. might have to take the gift-giving initiative on that one.
  6:10pm Matt from Springfield:

@Tom: GREAT comp! Joe McG used to play from that quite a bit. Martha Reeves had one called "Keep On Keepin' On" that I like. I started to notice that phrase more and more once I heard the song.
  6:10pm Philo Gristle:

Used to have Willie Hutch's Coffy soundtrack and Across 110th Street on vinyl... love some of that stuff. Being such a film buff, oddly never realized Melvin did albums as well. This sounds outstanding!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm Doug Schulkind:

MP3 beggars caint be choosers.
  6:12pm Tom Tiddler:

Brer Soul and Earth, Wind and Fire — Sweetback's Theme is an absolute classic and hoping Doug will play it tonight and is on that comp
  6:13pm Matt from Springfield:

Soul'd on this song!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm Doug Schulkind:

Have some other gems from Sweetback lined up. The theme will be deployed, however...
  6:14pm kat330:

Love the tune 110th St. And one summer long ago I only lived five blocks from there.
  6:15pm listener james from westwood:

kat a friend of mine reported, early in a relationship w/ a new girlfriend, that she had baked him a carrot cake (w/ cream cheese frosting) for his b'day. i immediately told him he should propose. he eventually and successfully did.
  6:17pm kat330:

Excellent! Have to remember that in my matchmaking efforts. For my important 21st b'day, my sis asked what sort of cake I'd like. No hesitation for carrot cake. After all, I was born in the year of the rabbit (cat). [couple of call-backs there for Matt]
  6:18pm Matt from Springfield:

That's great, LJFW!

"Good cake makes a good relationship."
  6:21pm listener james from westwood:

they're quite the pair. she's a carrot cake master, and he is a conjurer of cheesecakes both regular and chocolate. one of their kids is gonna be the baked-goods kwisatz haderach.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm Doug Schulkind:

Happy to give MVP a proper (i.e., non-FCC-censored) tribute.
  6:21pm kat330:

Peebles occasionally sounds like I imagine Chris Rock would when singing, especially the higher register.
  6:22pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: That's funny, in the Vietnamese zodiac you're in the Year of Your Moniker!
I myself am an Ox, a sturdy, solid, Wood Ox in fact..
  6:22pm Philo Gristle:

Aye Doug! A bit of an early Amon Duul vibe to this, too, oddly enough.
  6:24pm Philo Gristle:

Crabby pig, myself.
  6:24pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: A great benefit of the stream! (Though the FCC is "The Man"! They need to listen to THIS!)

@kat: Except Chris would also repeat many lines twice for emphasis, like a preacher!
  6:24pm kat330:

White Metal Rabbit here -- woot! Not much headbanging in my days, but Anvil was a fine doc.
  6:25pm Matt from Springfield:

"Sweetback's Theme" makes AMAZING bed music! Don't forget to add this to your rotation!
  6:26pm Tom Tiddler:

A few legends about Sweetback film:-
Mario Van P. (Melvin's son) lost his virginity during the making of the film in order to persuade film unions that it was a porn movie that was being made.
- Melvin managed to put $50,000 into making the movie. Everyone thought it would be a flop. But it grossed 10 million dollars and Melvin never had to work again.
- Melvin almost went blind through extended editing required for the final cut.
  6:27pm kat330:

Actually, Matt, I choose (because of Stewart) the Vietnamese icon. And combined with the Zodiac, one of my early BBS handles was Mars Cat. And there's a Ram Cat recording studio in Louisville, which I always found of icon-ical interest.
  6:28pm Matt from Springfield:

@Tom: And (according to Wiki), it was Bill Cosby who lent that $50,000!

That first is hilarious though! "No, no, it's not a scary radical black film, just your run-of-the-mill black porno..."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm Doug Schulkind:

According to Wikipedia:

"Van Peebles contracted gonorrhea when filming one of the many sex scenes, and successfully applied to the Directors's Guild in order to get workers' compensation because he was "hurt on the job." Van Peebles used the money to purchase more film."
  6:29pm kat330:

@Doug: Well, I hope he used a few dollars for penicillin, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm Doug Schulkind:

Penis illin'
  6:30pm kat330:

If actually his penis was illin'.
Avatar 6:31pm jk:

Doug, we have a giant synth ready to go here in half an hour!
  6:31pm kat330:

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!! OK, who is inside my 'puter?? Get out -- shoo!
  6:33pm Tom Tiddler:

hope you will do Jodorowsky on evening, he also acted in his own movies, amazing soundtracks, and got up to all sorts?
  6:33pm kat330:

Sorry, jk, didn't mean to shout in your ear, but the synchro w/ Doug today is outta control. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey jk, size doesn't matter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm Doug Schulkind:

Shoot, it was Jodorowsky's 80th birthday in 2009.
  6:38pm Philo Gristle:

Jodo, amongst his other mysterious masterpieces, created many of Marcel Marceau's routines in his early years. So you can just play some silence and his zen-ius will knock your frontal lobes with a power-buzz.
Avatar 6:38pm jk:

you think that now but wait until you see this thing
  6:39pm Matt from Springfield:

  6:39pm sam:

come on feet as sampled by Quasimoto
  6:39pm kat330:

So that's what "Come on Feet" has been referencing.
  6:40pm Tom Tiddler:

Foxy Brown
Hit Man
my favourite blacksploitation films and they all feature Pam Grier.
Superfly soundtrack all time classic!
  6:40pm Philo Gristle:

Unlike djinn-eus, from the Land of Araby! My tiddler is a quasi-moto.
  6:40pm Tom Tiddler:

yeh Madlib did it great on Quasimoto album
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm Doug Schulkind:

R.I.P. P.A.M.
  6:42pm kat330:

@Matt: Now you see why I was drawn to Philo. Wordplay in two languages. Zen-ius, Kennibal -- lingual genius. "I want you to love me and as a genius." Heh!
  6:42pm northguineahills:

My gf got me anthology of Jodorowsky's early comics (before Holy Mountain), in Mexico City, and it's a lot of what you'd expect. A lot of the imagery in his movies originated in his comics. Interesting read for a non-native Spanish speaker.
  6:45pm Philo Gristle:

@ngh And then when he couldn't finance movies he turned his imagination back there. His later comics work -- with esp the late great Moebius -- can be spectacular.
  6:45pm kat330:

"You can't fool me. I know too much and my horses are swift." -- Vlad Peebles
  6:45pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat,Philo: Passing on some quality FMU wordplay I observed and adopted: BadGuyZero has said that he "ninjaneered" a solution--an exceptional engineering job!!
  6:45pm holland oats:

made it - phew!
  6:46pm holland oats:

and here i was wasting my time downloading blue cheer rarities
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm Doug Schulkind:

Just flew in and boy are your terrabytes tired.
  6:48pm northguineahills:

Greetings, Philo, Doug, kat, holland, matt, & everyone, been lurking in the other room.
There's an adjective for this set, Doug, but it would be rather redundant.
  6:48pm kat330:

That is worthy indeed, Matt!
Oh, and also the Chinese insist Pig / Rabbit is a great match. Maybe they know a thing or two. :)
  6:48pm Matt from Springfield:

@holland: How's your bandwidth? Surely you could have listening here while downloading?
(Although I sometimes need to listen or "preview" tracks I DL before keeping them, to make sure they're of sufficient quality). Still, Blue Cheer rarities!
  6:48pm Philo Gristle:

@Matt Excellent! And was it other david who said -- kat related to me today -- "Some people have religion but we have Clay Pigeon."
  6:49pm kat330:

Hiya, ngh! Proposal finished? Again, best of luck to you! [ndbob is in North Dakota, AFAIK, but haven't seen him recently.]
  6:50pm holland oats:

matt - heh - i spaced on the show, i admit it! just noticed MVP pic on facebook
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm Doug Schulkind:

Hello there NGH!
  6:51pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: For whatever reason, they say +/- 4 years is a good match, 6 years is your opposite. They must know something, it's been that way for thousands of years :)
  6:51pm Tom Tiddler:

melvin van peebles samples:-
Break That Party and Opening from Don't Play Us Cheap
Off the Books by Beatnuts

C'Mon Feet from Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song soundtrack
Come On Feet by Quasimoto

Chippin from As Serious as a Heart-Attack
In/Flux by DJ Shadow

Come On Feet Do Your Thing from Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death
Come On Feet by Quasimoto

Come On Write Me from Don't Play Us Cheap
Forgotten Habit by Adeem

Heh Heh (Chuckle) Good Morning Sunshine from Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death
Good Morning Sunshine by Quasimoto

I Got the Blood from Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death
Attica Black by Blackalicious

I'm A Bad Character from Don't Play Us Cheap
Bad Character by Quasimoto

Love That's America from As Serious as a Heart-Attack
Just A Friendly Game of Baseball by Main Source

Put A Curse On You from Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death
Put A Curse On You by Quasimoto

Reggin' Hanging On In There As Best As They Can from Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song soundtrack
Garbage Day #3 by KMD
The Finest by MF Doom
Salmaggi's Birthday from Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death
Green Power by Quasimoto

Superstition from Don't Play Us Cheap
Stolen Moments Pt. III by Common

Sweetback's Theme from Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song soundtrack
Snake Eyes by Main Source

The Man Tries Running His Usual Game. . . from Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song soundtrack
The Chronicles (I'll Always Love H.E.R.) by Peanut Butter Wolf

The Phoney Game from Don't Play Us Cheap
Phony Game by Quasimoto

Three Boxes of Longs Please from Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death
Green Power by Quasimoto

Voices from Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song soundtrack
Garage Days #3 by KMD

Won't Bleed Me from Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song soundtrack
Live At the Barbecue by Main Source
The Finest by MF Doom

You Ain't No Astronaut from Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death
Astronaut by Quasimoto

You Gotta Be Holding Out Five Dollars On Me from Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death
Good Morning Sunshine by Quasimoto
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm Doug Schulkind:

One more track after this one, and it's a stunner. Not what you will be expecting.
  6:52pm Philo Gristle:

This has been an excellent intro to Brer Soul, Doug!
  6:53pm holland oats:

ever see those mario van peebles promos for time warner cable? kind of a buzzkill
  6:53pm Matt from Springfield:

Hello lurker NGH!
The adjective of course is simply: MVP! :)

None other like him! After hearing Brer Soul, I termed Melvin "eccentric soul". Glad I got to hear a wider smattering of Bro. Melvin tonight. I might expand that to "eccentric soul poetry".
  6:54pm Tom Tiddler:

what a show Doug!
greatest funkiest radio on ze planet,
thanks alot!
  6:55pm northguineahills:

The written part of the proposal is finished. I just need my gf to finish the illustrations (since she's a designer).

Thanks for the sample references Tom, I always dig such.

Almost beer o'clock. Gotta pick some up and cleaning supplies, will be back for Jesse.
  6:56pm kat330:

Yes, Doug, thank you for this sofa-safe crossing of 110th Street!

Have a Hearty g'night, all youse! Hey, waitaminnit -- eyes on the rabbit? What's up with that, doc? :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm Doug Schulkind:

Make sure y'all keep tuned in to hear KAMINSKY KAMOUTSKY with Jesse. Jesse will be live from Cambridge, Mass, with co-host Doug DeMay. Jesse's playlist page is here:
  6:57pm Tom Tiddler:

just starting to get into Bobby Womack's early 70s albums along with David Ackles!
  6:57pm kat330:

And thanks, Tom, for that giant list of MVP samples - sometimes size does matter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm Doug Schulkind:

I'll be back right here at 9am (Eastern) Friday for a three-hour Drummersome. Thanks for drumming with me!
  6:58pm Matt from Springfield:

Happy Birthday Melvin Van Peebles! Still going strong after 80 years!

Incredible episode Doug! I love Melvin even more now, and need to get some of these albums! This exemplifies the "living tribute", honor them before they go!
  6:58pm Philo Gristle:

Eyes on the Rabbit? A lost Pink Floyd cut?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm Doug Schulkind:

Tomorrow on the stream at noon will be WFMU great DJ Mike Lupica filling in for Amanda Nazario!
  6:58pm kat330:

Adore this album title, btw
  6:59pm holland oats:

love the lup
  6:59pm listener james from westwood:

a pleasure to listen, and happy birthday, mvp!
  6:59pm kat330:

Yes, Happy Birthday, Melvin!
  6:59pm Philo Gristle:

Thanks everyone, great show and terrific playlist! G'night!
  7:00pm Matt from Springfield:

(standing O!!)
  7:00pm listener james from westwood:

jesse was not bs'ing about that giant synth, judging by the picture on the k/k playlist!
  1:25pm Moist Paula:

Melvin surprised the guests at his 80th birthday bash with a limited edition vinyl release of live performances of his band Melvin Van Peebles Wid Laxative --
  2:56pm SteveL:

DS: Loving Mike L's fill in for Amanda, (although inconsolable, of course.) Do GTDS fill ins have playlists? I'd have said so there.
  3:00pm Doug S.:

Hi Steve L.
Yes, fill-ins have playlists. There has been a link to it on the front page of WFMU's website since noon. Also, I sent out an email alert with a link to the playlist. You must not be on the mailing list. If you'd like to "join" just send me an email and I'll hook you up. Sorry about the confusion.
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