Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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August 24, 2012 Favoriting
Sweetness, now heavenly:
Byard Lancaster
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(Photo: Hugo Zangl)

Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Pine Top Smith  Jump Steady Blues   Favoriting Vocalion: The Piano Blues 1928-1930
(Magpie 1929)
B.B. King  The Other Night Blues   Favoriting 1949-1952
(Chronological Classics )
Goree Carter  Tell Me Is There Still a Chance?   Favoriting b/w I've Got News for You
(Coral 1951)
Robert Pete Williams  Got Me Way Down Here   Favoriting Robert Pete Williams
(Ahura Mazda 1970)
L.C. Ulmer  Left Me Standing Behind   Favoriting Blues Come Yonder
(Hill Country 2011)
Blues Boy Rawlins  Susie   Favoriting Aka "Sweet Lovin' Daddy"
(Good Time 1978)

Talkover Music:
Nino Rota 
The Clowns (Part 2)   Favoriting The Clowns (OST)
(CAM 1971)

Bappi Lahiri  Music   Favoriting Surakksha
(EMI 1979)
Mukul Roy  Title Music   Favoriting Detective
(HMV 1957)
O.P. Nayyar  Title Music   Favoriting Kismat
(Akash 1968)
Kalyanji Anandji  Title Music   Favoriting Hera Pheri
(Polydor 1976)
R.D. Burman  Title Music   Favoriting Sholay
(Polydor 1975)
R.D. Burman  Title Music   Favoriting The Burning Train
(EMI 1979)
Nitin Mangesh  Title Music   Favoriting Aafat
(EMI 1976)

Talkover Music:
Miles Davis 
Helen Butte   Favoriting On the Corner
(Columbia 1972)

Bill Dixon  Metamorphoses 1962-1966   Favoriting Intents and Purposes
(RCA 1967)
Sunny Murray / The Untouchable Factor  Tree Tops   Favoriting Charred Earth
(Kharma 1977)
Larry Young  The Hearafter   Favoriting Heaven on Earth
(Blue Note 1968)
Byard Lancaster  Over the Rainbow   Favoriting It's Not Up to Us
(Vortex 1966)
Byard Lancaster  Work and Pray   Favoriting Funny Funky Rib Crib
(Palm 1974)
Byard Lancaster  Dr. Oliver W. Lancaster   Favoriting Exactement
(Palm 1974)
Fonksquish featuring Byard Lancaster  The Lament of Breaking the Funk   Favoriting Useless Education (Advanced Promo EP)
( 2008)
Byard Lancaster feat. Professeur Inlassable  Saint John Coltrane   Favoriting Heavenly Sweetness Compilation
(Heavenly Sweetness 2008)

Talkover Music:
Milt Jackson 
Olinga   Favoriting Olinga
(CTI 1974)

Meic Stevens  Dai Dall   Favoriting Gôg
(Sain 1977)
Marc Brierley  Arctic City   Favoriting Marc Brierley
(Transatlantic 1966)
Dave Burland  Rosie Anderson   Favoriting A Dalesman's Litany
(Trailer 1971)
Roy Harper  Tom Tiddler's Ground   Favoriting Flat Baroque and Berserk
(Hard Up 1970)

Talkover Music:
Annbjørg Lien 
The Water Lily   Favoriting Felefeber: Norwegian Fiddle Fantasia
(Shanachie 1995)

Alhaji Chief Kollington Ayinla  Mass Mobilisation
Mr. Jumoke Ogunkeye
Mother Jolomi
Iyawo Asinge
Teleda Lase   Favoriting
American Yankee
(Polygram 1978)
Rob  But You   Favoriting Make It Fast, Make It Slow
(Essiebons 1977)
Nestor Boko w/l'Orchestre Poly-Rythmo  Madjomi Dô   Favoriting b/w Mefie Toi
(Dagothy )

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:37am dc p@t:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41am Doug Schulkind:

dc p@t is where it's @
  8:48am duke:

Byard Lancaster RIP. Musicians only last so long, but the music goes on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51am Doug Schulkind:

We'll have about an hour to spend with Mr. Lancaster this day. Too short for sure, but then we have the rest of our lives...
  8:53am duke:

Looking forward to that hour. You turned me on to Mr. Lancaster through the Audio Motherload.
  8:58am dc p@:

jeeze, why'd I put the "t" on there?? IDIOT...
  8:58am kat330:

Fighting a sinus infection, but I'm here and listening!

Hi, Doug -- dc pat, long time! -- and duke!
  8:59am dc p@:

yeah, I've been doing a lot of stupid shit which I hope will dry up soon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am Doug Schulkind:

I can remove the embarrassing "t" for a small fee.

Box of tissues for your ears, coming right up.
  9:00am listener james from westwood:

sorry to hear about the sinus infection, kat! what's with this summer and illness? another person i know has a broken leg thanks to a shitbag motorist, and a third was unlucky enough to get shingles. i'm staying in my bubble!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am Doug Schulkind:

Doing stupid shit is life's way of reminding us we're alive. Imagine the alternative.
  9:01am listener james from westwood:

i know the cure for all ills: give the drummer some, taken as needed.
  9:01am kat330:

Thanks, Doug. If the daytime Benadryl kicks in, I might get hyperactive here. :)
  9:02am kat330:

@LJfW: Thanks, James and hello! Well, I went to a moviehouse last weekend and -- as *always* I swear -- people right in front and behind me were coughing, and not always politely. Then there was the laundromat on Thursday, another buggy place. These never last long with me IAE.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am Doug Schulkind:

GTDS: Apply topically. (Apply liberally.)
  9:04am kat330:

A FirstOn painkiller for sure, DS!
  9:06am Van in DC:

I thought something was wrong with my headset...

good morning
  9:08am dc p@:

what ever the cost, Drummer Some.
  9:08am kat330:

DC double in da house. Hi, Van!
  9:08am dc p@:

crap. See what I mean about stupid crap? Now I have a meeting at 9:30. DAMMIT.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am Doug Schulkind:

Oh hey Van! How the very heck are you?
  9:10am kat330:

Least you have a job, p@ -- so many in the FMU community would take even a job that would detract from commenting and listening. ;)
  9:10am Van in DC:

Another year older Doug. And feeling it :) Hi there kat
  9:11am kat330:

Boojie woojie -- love it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am Doug Schulkind:

Did you have a birthday recently, V? A very happy one to you, young man.
  9:13am kat330:

Yes, happy birthday, Van the Man, whenever 'twas!
  9:14am Van in DC:

Yesterday...thanks :)
  9:15am kat330:

In that case: ♫♫♫ Happy Birthday, Dear Va-an, Happy Birthday to you! ♫♫♫
  9:16am listener james from westwood:

whenever i hear really long lists of volunteers being read out over the air by fmu djs, i wonder if the unemployment rate is higher (or just higher for the fmu demographic). i know after my layoffs i was able to come down for marathon fulfillment much more often.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am Doug Schulkind:

Well you get the biggest piece of the soundcake, Van!
  9:16am listener james from westwood:

a fabulous birthday+1, van!
  9:20am kat330:

Doug, these blues are really hitting the mark for me this morning.
  9:21am listener james from westwood:

not that fmu isn't worth taking a day off for to help out! once when i was at the station, i met an australian fmu listener who had decided to help out during her visit to the states!
  9:24am trish:

Good morning and happy birthday, Van in DC. Another year wiser, hey?
  9:26am Van in DC:

Someday I'll make it up that way and would love to stop in and help out at FMU if I can.

Thanks all for the birthday greetings, but that was all the way *yesterday* ha ha. Wiser, trish? Gosh I hope so. I could sure use that. ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26am Doug Schulkind:

You can never tell with those who choose to volunteer at WFMU. Back during my time as volunteer director (most of the '90s) there were folks who came down to volunteer who were extremely gainfully employed — including civil servants and doctors and such. Love is the glue that binds.

Speaking of love: It's trish!
  9:27am trish:

And to you, and music and wfmu.
  9:28am jill:

Good morning all. Happy b-day van down by the river...Spectacular Van Peebles show the other night, Drummer. Spectacular.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am Doug Schulkind:

Hey hey Ms. Jill!
  9:30am Artie:

Onward! Upward!! Impediments be damned!!!
  9:31am Parq:

This gainfully employed civil servant makes a point of finding time to FMU a few times a year, but James is right -- whenever I've been there during a weekday, most of the other 'teers seem to be college kids and what Dorian calls "artsy freelance" people.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am Doug Schulkind:

Impedimints — in original winter green and cinnamon.
  9:32am Parq:

And, I might add, that's only natural.
  9:34am listener james from westwood:

i was whistling this very nino rota track earlier this a.m. in anticipation of the show. :)
  9:34am Artie:

Your barricade is my inspiration. My freshmaker, if you will.
  9:39am kat330:

@jill: Fully concur on that Van Peebles show! ♫♫♫ People, people who need Peebles...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am Doug Schulkind:

I believe my fine FMU colleague Bob Rixon uses that same Nino Rota snippet to talkover, too.
  9:43am pgw in mntclr:

dammit, Byard passed? My search for "It's Not Up to Us" 12 1/2 years ago led me (sadly, financially speaking) to create an ebay account.
  9:43am kat330:

Anyone else ever watch "So You Think You Can Dance?" Wed. eves? There was a great Bollywood number this past program, along with many over the seasons.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am Doug Schulkind:

@pgw in mntclr
Sadly so.
  9:55am pgw in mntclr:

well, here's hoping he gets a statue in Philly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57am Doug Schulkind:

No doubt, Byard sacrificed a certain extra measure of "stardom" by remaining so rooted in Philadelphia.
  9:58am kat330:

Room for a statue at Penn State.

That said, I'm taking the ol' Squeezebox into the BR for some horizontal listening. Thanks for all that's been played and all about to come, Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am Doug Schulkind:

But this show is vertically integrated, kat330!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am Doug Schulkind:

{what does that mean, actually?}
  10:01am pgw in mntclr:

plus they kept arresting him when he played on the sidewalk and in the subway!
  10:02am Parq:

Doug, it means "buy this stuff".
  10:03am trish:

by way of 30Rock - you sell a product that causes diarrhea and then you sell another product that 'cures' it. Cross promote, add-money and stir.
  10:07am listener james from westwood:

hearing "vertically integrated" usually means your bosses have used your next raise to hire consultants to tell everyone what everyone already knows.
  10:09am Van in DC:

What's going on in NYC? Just saw breaking news of 10 shot outside the Empire State Bldg?
  10:10am duke:

@LJFW Consultants - If you're not part of the solution, there's money in prolonging the problem.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am Doug Schulkind:

Your juxtaposing the phrase "and stir" with "diarrhea" is disturbing me just now.
  10:14am listener james from westwood:

van, we're gonna need both hands to count the # of incidents like this soon, and just for the summer. fucking disgusting. really hope bloomberg lays into both candidates again for saying nothing of worth on gun control (even tho' i know why they won't).
  10:15am listener james from westwood:

duke, aptly said. esp. after i watched a half a mil being spent at one of my employers to design a logo that ended up looking like the purina mark.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am Doug Schulkind:

Coming up at noon today here on the stream will be an absolutely MUST-HEAR edition of Steinski's A Rough Mix. The whole hour is dedicated to versions of Duke Ellington's "Caravan." An amazing assortment.

Playlist here:
  10:19am joe:

'ello folks
Doug let me applaud you on your marathon premium for this year very well put togeather.
  10:20am trish:


And what horrible news.

"The incident does not appear to be terror-related, police said," reads one report.

I'm pretty sure we're not all on the same page wrt the definition of the word, 'terror'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am Doug Schulkind:

My pleasure, Joe! (You'd be crazy not to like it.)
  10:24am duke:

It sounds pretty "terror-related" to me. I would be terrified. Somehow, random shooting would seem like terrorism no matter what the motive.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am Doug Schulkind:

If only everyone on that street corner had a concealed weapon — this would never have happened.

  10:30am Van in DC:

Really enjoying this set
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am Doug Schulkind:

Next one is a treat. (and repeat)
  10:32am Matt from Springfield:

Been enjoying the show so far!
Morning Doug, morning Drummer-somers!
  10:33am Matt from Springfield:

And Happy Birthday Van! I was reminded of that yesterday in fact...any requests you made for this year? :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am Doug Schulkind:

Always glad to have you pacing the Drummersome shag carpet.
  10:35am Van in DC:

Thanks Matt. Yes, I did have a request...Julie played Toyah's "Love is the Law" for me :)
  10:38am Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: For the cushy jazz sets, only the cushy Drummersome shag carpet will do!

@Van: Ah, I see that was a request! :)
  10:40am Matt from Springfield:

Also, many kudos to Jill earlier for "Van down by the river"!!! Van down by the Potomac, in this case :)
  10:41am Van in DC:

Ha, I thought the same thing. And I literally am just by the river :)
  10:42am Artie:

  10:43am Michael:

Yeah quite sweet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am Doug Schulkind:

That was Sonny Sharrock on guitar (on Over the Rainbow).
  10:51am duke:

Wow, this is great. Work and Pray.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am Doug Schulkind:

A song for Byard's brother.
  10:56am Michael:

Sounds like he liked his bro.
  10:58am Matt from Springfield:

I wonder if Byard set out to write a song for his brother, or recorded this first and liked it so much that he then dedicated it to him.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am Doug Schulkind:

Byard was very proud of his brother (a PhD, not a medical doctor, I believe).
  11:04am Matt from Springfield:

Artist/Title/Album: Fonksquish featuring Byard Lancaster/ "The Lament of Breaking the Funk"/ Useless Education: LOVE all those, all great names!
  11:06am Matt from Springfield:

A small denomination, known mainly outside of its own members as the church which made John Coltrane a Saint.
  11:07am Carmichael:

Good morning Doug and everyone.
  11:11am Matt from Springfield:

Good morning Carmichael!
  11:12am Van in DC:

I caught that...from "Charred Earth" to "Heaven on Earth" :)
  11:13am Matt from Springfield:

RIP, to the great Byard of Lancaster.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:14am Doug Schulkind:

Hello there Carmichael!

Utter and unintended accident, Van.
  11:15am Matt from Springfield:

In more encouraging news this morning: Yusef Lateef is still going strong @ 91! Oct 9 he turns 92, you gotta do a birthday episode! (In fact once a great musician passes the 90 mark, EVERY birthday becomes special, worthy of a dedicated set!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am Doug Schulkind:

I have been doing Yusef Lateef birthday broadcasts on the radio since 1980! It looks like Yusef's day is a Tuesday. Perfect for my evening broadcast. (Though wittling YL's discography down to an hour would be virtually impossible).
  11:21am Matt from Springfield:

Dave Burland, great troubadour!
  11:25am Matt from Springfield:

As a Wikipedian, I just did the "duty" of updating Byard's wiki page; someone added text that he died yesterday, but didn't update the (birth-death) box. I did that, and also updated the categories. This was actually the first time I had the opportunity to update someone's passing.
  11:27am Van in DC:

Yeah, I was looking at his page on Wiki and saw that he was listed as still active...
  11:28am Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: Excellent! 30+ years of it! (The solution to wittling down is to always do a slightly different tribute every time--after several years of that you may, in time, present a broad picture of Yusef L!)

ROY HARPER! Much appreciated! (Someone had also just mentioned Flat Baroque and Berserk on another board)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am Doug Schulkind:

Someone commenting on Tuesday's show as "Tom Tiddler" had mentioned loving this record.
  11:32am Matt from Springfield:

Ah, that is correct sir! Well I would *hope* "Tom Tiddler" would love this record, with his eponymous song :)
  11:33am Van in DC:

Yes indeedy, loved the Roy Harper as well
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:38am Doug Schulkind:

Usually, WikiP is ahead of everyone else. It was odd that that BL's entry wasn't properly updated. Thank you.
  11:39am Van in DC:

One of the horrors of working in the corporate world is having to write my annual performance evaluation. Blech. The show today sure helped ease me through it this morning - thanks Doug! :)
  11:43am Matt from Springfield:

No problem; during this year of many departures I normally found about it first from the comment boards, and I like to update Wiki. Category listings especially, they are quite important but often overlooked.
  11:44am trish:

There's certainly been an ease amidst these last 3 seemingly disparate sets.

These ease.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am Doug Schulkind:

Van, if you need a stellar character reference, you know where to find me.
  11:45am Matt from Springfield:

@Van: It's too bad it's only about job performance, and doesn't cover the number of new artists and songs you learned through GTDR in the past year! We'd all do EXEMPLARY on that score! :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am Doug Schulkind:

trish, you're such a tease. Don't stop. Please.
  11:46am Matt from Springfield:

@trish: As Doug likes to say: "There are NO coincidences!" All disparates are only seemingly :)
  11:46am kat330:

Thank you for the heavenly, healing horizontal hours of sweetness, Doug!
  11:46am Van in DC:

@trish - totally agree with you!

@Matt - Got THAT right! :)
  11:47am trish:

re: learned

..and countries
  11:48am Van in DC:

And thanks Doug but it's only a performance eval where I have to list everything I didn't do this year and stuff I plan to get around to next year ha ha :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am Doug Schulkind:

All the ladies say that to me, kat330.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am Doug Schulkind:

Van, the standard self-eval criticism: I am a perfectionist!
  11:52am kat330:

@doug: I just bet they do -- um, was going to say something about your self-acclaimed guacamole and tacos, but it was becoming too bawdy even for me. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am Doug Schulkind:

If you ever have an extra few minutes, there is a fascinating account of a decades-long feud between Chief Kollington Ayinla and another great fuji star from Nigeria, Ayinde Barrister. Amazing stuff, here:
  11:54am Van in DC:

That should be a fascinating read - thanks :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am Doug Schulkind:

My tacos are nothing special. My poblano chile casserole — look motherloving OUT.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am Doug Schulkind:

Steinski reminder: An amazing Rough Mix show is coming up in four minutes:
  11:57am kat330:

Very interesting about Tom Tiddler, Commenter, and the Roy Harper tune. Philo thought the "Tiddler" referred to a very small motorcycle.

@Doug: Actually glad you didn't catch my drift. :) The casserole sound delish! BUT, I will describe yesterday's and today's lunch over at Steinsky -- for to drool!
  11:58am Michael:

Thanks Doug ! Great sounds !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm Doug Schulkind:

My pleasure, Michael and everyone!
  12:01pm Van in DC:

The care and love you put into your shows always shows, thanks Doug.
  12:02pm trish:

Thank ye's for the listen and chat.

Caravan onto Steinski..
  12:02pm Matt from Springfield:

Another astounding success! Very enjoyable tunes, thanks Doug!
  12:04pm listener james from westwood:

had planned to duck out to the bank during the show, but i was made all the richer by listening live! thanks for the fine tribute and the lovely tunes on either side of it!
  12:04pm northguineahills:

Only got here during Roy Harper, good stuff, will get the rest on the archive.
  1:56pm Jeff G:

Swinging by late to say that I was able to listen this morning in the car via the app/phone/cassette-adapter route and it was frickkin' awesome, lacking only the ability to comment. Took the long way home.
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