Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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August 28, 2012 Favoriting
Songs for Isaac
If you can't love a throbbing purple penis surrounded by a rainbow,
what can you love?
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Ukelele Ike  (I'm Cryin' 'Cause I Know I'm) Losin' You   Favoriting I Listen to the Wind That Obliterates My Traces...Music in Vernacular Photographs 1880-1955
Donald MacIsaac  Eilean Ghaoil Mo   Favoriting 60 Years of Scottish Gaelic
(Frémeaux & Associés )
Sextato Matancero w/Isaac Oveido  Engancha Carretero   Favoriting Sexteto Cubanos: Sones, Volume 2
(Arhoolie )
Isaac Mzobe's Crocodile Male Voice Choir  Sasingaxabene   Favoriting Maskanda Roots
(n/a 1920s)
Zaky Solomon Isaac  Yom SImcha   Favoriting Shir Hodu: Jewish Song from Bombay of the '30s
(Renair 1930)
Bud Isaacs  By the Waters of the Minnetonka   Favoriting Bud's Bounce
(Bear Family )

Talkover Music:
Bee Houston 
Blues for Rupez   Favoriting The Hustler
(Arhoolie 1968)

Isaac "Uncle Boo" Curry  Casey Jones   Favoriting Virginia Traditions: Non-Blues Secular Black Music
(Global Village )
Isaac Hamilton & Marie Buggs  Feelin' Fine Today   Favoriting Where the Palm Trees Shake at Night:
Blues Music from the Florida Folklife Collection
(Florida Folklife Collection )
Isaac Haney & the Ebenezer Baptist Church Choir  At a Time Like This (pt. 1)   Favoriting Fire in My Bones: Otherworldly African-American Gospel, 1944-2007
(Tompkins Square )
Ike Gordon  Don't Let the Devil Ride   Favoriting Don't Let the Devil Ride
(Mississippi )
Gregory Issacs  Mr. Cop   Favoriting Punky Reggae Party:
New Wave Jamaica 1975-1980
(Trojan )
Ezy & Isaac  Bawagbe   Favoriting Soul Rock
(Ri-Fi 1974)

Talkover Music:
Megaton   Favoriting Afro-Rock
(De Wolfe 1971)

The Don Isaac Ezekiel Combination  Ire   Favoriting Nigeria 70: Sweet Times - Afro-Funk, Highlife & Juju from 1970s Lagos
Top Vis-a-Vis Dance Band feat. Superstar Isaac Yeboah  Medofo Gyina Nkwa   Favoriting Obi Agye Me Dofo
(Makossa 1977)
Isaac Hayes  Do Your Own Thing   Favoriting
Isaac Prince II  Funky Sweep   Favoriting Funky Funky New Orleans 2
(Funky Delicacies )
Ike Lovely  You're My Bad Habit   Favoriting Lost Deep Soul Treasures, Volume 4
(Sounds of Soul )

Listener comments!

  5:46pm kat330:

Hi, Doug! Schedule conflicts might not allow Philo and I to make much of an appearance here tonight, but will try to listen as much as we can or, if need be, on archive.

A question though: Is there any way to find out something played on the GTDR stream any given hour of any given day?
  5:47pm Matt from Springfield:

Gulf With People - "What Color Is God's Penis?"

In meteorology (and cartography), we normally put the eye/intense weather as white, especially when surrounded by red; sometimes with a small bright pink for the levels separating them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm Doug Schulkind:

I can scroll back through the stream's "history" about 10-12 hours or so, depending. If you ever miss something, email me and hum a few bars.
  5:48pm Matt from Springfield:

But, it's nice to know that if we're getting screwed by the weather, at least it's with racial (purple?), planetary (alien?) and sexual (rainbow?) diversity!

And hey kat!
  5:50pm kat330:

Hey, Matt! Philo's out and about later than usual, and so din-din and all may interfere with this Isaac show.

Purple works for me! :)
  5:51pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi Doug!
If I could write XML scripts, I could probably set up a "Last 24 Hours on GTDR" webpage; but then it has to go live on the Internet, constantly update, ooof. We need to make friends with a really good webmaster!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm Doug Schulkind:

There used to be an admin page for the stream that showed the last several hours. I'm sure it was using a basic XML script (whatever that is). I would LOVE for there to be a webpage/site for the stream that would show the streamcast history. Mebbe we should yak about this.
  5:53pm kat330:

@Doug: Oh, well, still sticking in my mind is a track -- a quite long, multi-versed one -- you played Monday I *think* before the noon hour, but not even sure on that. It was a female vocalist with female backup group, singing about how she wasn't going to cry -- a very Motown sort of production, except something made me think it was, I dunno, Asian or a band where English wasn't first language. Ring any bells?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm Doug Schulkind:

Not sure about that. I can do a search of the server for songs with "cry" in the title. I'll get back to you on this.

Hi Doug,
So are there going to be loads of songs about hurricanes tonight?
Hurricane - Bob Dylan
I feel like a Hurricane - Neil Young
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm Doug Schulkind:

Er, not quite.
  5:57pm kat330:

I mean this gal was a POWER vocalist, really bringing it on toward the end. But it had many verses to get there. It was all about how she was going to show how strong and tough she was in this relationship, perhaps a breakup. I'm sorry that I wasn't focused as I should have been until she brought my head up with those pipes!

BTW, I think a rainbow is a nice metaphor for female anatomy. :)

sounds like a load of bollocks to me!
  5:59pm listener james from westwood:

a mighty wind shall blow through the drummer channel tonight!
  6:00pm kat330:

@LJfW: I think we already heard "a mighty wind" created by some dodgy kebabs over on Turner's playlist. :) HI!
  6:01pm Matt from Springfield:

Right on time, LJFW!
And welcome, Cosmic Charlie!
  6:02pm listener james from westwood:

howdy all and good tuesday! i can only imagine what the dodgy kebabs refers to!

nice to meet you MaTT!
  6:04pm Matt from Springfield:

Dodgy kebabs (particularly the Irish ones), produce a gaseous mix of laughing at bumpers...long story, but the transcript is available online :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Doug Schulkind:

@Listen James from Westwood
With an emphasis on the BLOW.

plenty of hiss on this as well!
  6:05pm kat330:

The diagram is also an appropriate BP graphic given how they screwed the Gulf Coast people, oiled up and deep penetration. :|
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm Doug Schulkind:

No hiss, no radio. That's the dealio.

Rule Brittania!
  6:08pm kat330:

Oh, that's right, CC, you're a Brit! Your Prince revealed some ruling Isaac of his own. :)

Viva Las Vegas! Kat
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm Doug Schulkind:

The dear Prince really put the ick in the Isaac.
  6:09pm kat330:

Yay, Philo's home! Now he can take over while I get some non-dodgy (hopefully) food into us.

talking about Isaac - are we going to get the SHAFT by Isaac Hayes?
  6:11pm Matt from Springfield:

Last week Julie played Leonard Cohen's "Story of Isaac" -- that's an amazing one, first heard it then. Remember that for a theme of songs with "Isaac" in the title!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm Doug Schulkind:

You are getting WARMER!
  6:11pm listener james from westwood:

i've got spinach tortellini and pesto w/ leftover chicken breast going. a fortifying repast for a couple more hours' work and enduring king christie's blovations
  6:12pm Philo Gristle:

Hello, all. On the topic of what was on the stream, I remember seeing a website where you would be able to see what had been on Ichiban in the past (few?) hours, but I can't remember where I saw that. Was several months ago....
  6:12pm northguineahills:

Off to the grocers, will be back before the end.
  6:14pm Matt from Springfield:

These singers sound great, particularly for crocodiles! (And particularly for males, female crocodiles are usually the better singers) :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm Doug Schulkind:

Don't mention pesto to me. We got a half bushel of basil from our CSA last week and I spent four hours chopping basic, garlic and walnuts for massive pesto chunks to freeze. And no, we don't have a Cuisinart.
  6:15pm Matt from Springfield:

Hello Philo!
Your audio after-work martini is here!
  6:16pm Philo Gristle:

Hi Matt! Shaken and stirred, sounds like... just the way I like it!

Matt - saw Swamp People series recently - there was only so much I could take before feeling alot of sympathy for the crocs!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey Philo! Pull up a prayer mat.

YOM SIMCHA -DAY OF JOY FOR ISRAEL is the rough translation of that track!
  6:19pm Matt from Springfield:

Oh man, Swamp People and any number of reality shows!
Grabbing crocs and catfish with your hands--yeesh!
  6:19pm Philo Gristle:

Hi Doug! I got my prayer lounger ready, giving my thanks to Zeus, Ukko, Eris, St. Cecilia and the rest of the Gang.
  6:20pm listener james from westwood:

sounds like my chili-making day, doug. a few hours with beans and sometimes turkey and a mess of peppers and onions, and then i eat like el rey del mundo for a month.
  6:21pm Pascal:

Hey Bud, that ain't Lake Minnetonka!
  6:21pm trish:

Kinda makes me wonder about correlations between deltas and storms. [Or, uh, river mouths and big purple penises surrounded by tangy rainbows.]

no TV Doug?
  6:22pm kat330:

OK, back with limited free hands. Doug, so the crops in P-burgh suffered nought this summer. Hate to say that after a promising beginning of July, our garden is a complete bust. :( Never been this bad in the 7 years we've had this small garden.
  6:24pm kat330:

@trish: And well, Delta is another symbol frequently associated with female anatomy. Louisiana's a Delta woman, and she's being screwed -- royally.
  6:25pm Matt from Springfield:

Thanks CC!
I could tell it was a Jewish song ("Elohim"?, other -ims sung throughout), but didn't realize that was Bombay Indian! Special piece of music there.
  6:26pm Matt from Springfield:

No "male crocodile" choirs? Knew it was too good to be true...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm Doug Schulkind:

Get you mind out of the rain gutter.
  6:27pm kat330:

Creatures are dining outside, too. We have hummingbirds in an aerial dogfight for the sugar (honey? ;) water. Connecting to the Gulf, hard to imagine these teensy sweeties can cross the Gulf to their winter nesting sites.
  6:29pm trish:

Dendritic patterns are common at all ends of a drainage basin. Blood flow, too. Straightened pipes, not so much.
  6:31pm listener james from westwood:

i've been getting bluejays in the bushes outside my office window. they haven't been eating out there, but i know they love peanuts. my dad fills a feeder in his backyard now and again and he gets something like 9 different jays coming in for a nut.
  6:32pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: You've had quite a few pretty hummingbirds lately, yes?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm Doug Schulkind:

From Wikipedia:

"Dendritic drainage systems (from Greek δενδρίτης, dendrites, "of or pertaining to a tree") are the most common form of drainage system. In a dendritic system, there are many contributing streams (analogous to the twigs of a tree), which are then joined together into the tributaries of the main river (the branches and the trunk of the tree, respectively). They develop where the river channel follows the slope of the terrain. Dendritic systems form in V-shaped valleys; as a result, the rock types must be impervious and non-porous."
  6:33pm kat330:

Noisy jays, yes, we have a group of them in our neighbor's oak grove. Strange nest builders, too. Once saw a bluejay with about an 18" length of string -- a shoelace maybe? -- flying around with it toward a nest I presume. They fight with the squirrels, too, in noisy trash talk.

got to be some Ike and Tina Turner coming up?
  6:34pm kat330:

@Matt: Oh, yes, every August like clockwork. I think the 13th is the day they arrive, and I'm ready with the sugar water. :)
  6:35pm Philo Gristle:

This Ike Gordon cut is wonderful. Reminds me of "Dark Was the Night, Cold was the Ground"...
  6:36pm kat330:

@CC: Yeah, I figure so and Isaac Hayes, too. But only Doug knows for sure.

Yes, Philo, this IS great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm Doug Schulkind:

Naw. I gave Ike Turner the book because he's such a prick. (Just not a purple one.)

amazing - Gregory on de wireless!
  6:37pm kat330:

Doug, thanks for the info. This show is food for the ears, eyes and mind.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm Doug Schulkind:

Always trying to keep the show within dietary guidelines.

Kat - I Reckon Isaac Hayes track will be - "I wanna make love to you"? (Philo - I mean the song title not your partner!)
  6:45pm Philo Gristle:

@CC I hope you're right and it's not "By the time I get to Phoenix"! But I wish it had been "Walk on By."
  6:45pm kat330:

I think "Shaft" would be appropriate, but Doug has a mind of his own.

yeh Walk on By - long version is just amazing!
  6:48pm Philo Gristle:

It would be bad if it was "Going in Circles," though. And given the GOP convention, I suspect it can't be "Running Out of Fools."
  6:49pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Yeah, "Shaft" wouldn't be original enough for Doug, esp. with that image :)
  6:50pm kat330:

@trish: I don't believe I've taken note before -- are you from the Louisiana region?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm Doug Schulkind:

Power is out in parts of New Orleans. Haven't heard any other official reports yet.
  6:53pm kat330:

Welp, from the get-go Isaac has chosen his own path and doing his own thing. Apropos, maestro!
  6:53pm Matt from Springfield:

There's our Isaac, good (and original!) selection.

more Isaac music artists that have been played on WFMU over the years-
Ahmed Alrodin and Isaac Gutwilik
Antonio Isaac
Ashley MacIsaac
The Binding of Isaac
Brother Isaac Haney
Bud Isaacs
chris isaac
Dave MacIsaac
Denyce Isaac
Isaac Albeniz
Isaac and Dany'o
Isaac Behar
Isaac Carrillo & others
isaac guillory
isaac matafwana & sunkutu
Isaac Redd Holt Unlimited
Zaky Solomon Isaac
  6:54pm trish:

I am not kat330. There once was a Halifax, Nova Scotia connection to the city aside from the odd musical love.
  6:55pm kat330:

Isaac Prince as opposed to the Prince's Isaac.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm Doug Schulkind:

I will never forget that picture of Isaac with all those other creepy Scientologists at testifying about religious persecution on Capital Hill. I believe the photo I am remember was Isaac Hayes embracing Alfonse D'Amato. Do I have that right?
  6:55pm trish:

Helen Hill was an extraordinary woman.
  6:56pm Matt from Springfield:

Seems like quite a few of the Isaacs have been played by Doug before, including tonight!
And Donald MacIsaac and others are new ones we can add to the list!
  6:57pm kat330:

@trish: You're Canadian then?! How did you happen upon FMU?
  6:58pm trish:

Radio? Music? Internets?
  6:58pm kat330:

Sorry to ask at end of show. S'anyway, have a great, non-stormy night all of you!

Thank you, Doug! If you ever stumble on the answer to my "I'm not going to cry" songbird from Monday, shoot me an email, please?

Doug has given the Isaac some over the years!
thanks for a great show Doug,
Break like the wind!
  6:59pm Philo Gristle:

Great show, Doug, as usual! Thanks, and g'night all!
  7:00pm listener james from westwood:

this was a cat 5 storm of a show. be safe, all, and thanks, doug!
  7:00pm Matt from Springfield:

You gave the Drummer and Isaac some!
Great show, thanks Doug! See ya laters everyone!
  9:13am Van in DC:

  10:15am Doug Schulkind:

The Love Hurricane.
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