Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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August 31, 2012 Favoriting
This program wants to sell your monkey
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Ruth Molifi & the Starlight Singers  Asikhathaki   Favoriting Mabel Mafuya on 78rpm
G. Sebusi & the Paper Dolls  She Walked Away   Favoriting Shis'umbango
(Quality 1971)
Josiah Khuzwao & His String Band  Emkhumbane   Favoriting Township Jive & Kwela Jazz
(Ubuntu Publishing 1960)
The Movers  Don't Touch   Favoriting Zone One
(SoulSoul 1976)
The Brothers  Special Job No. 5   Favoriting Khwezi Station No. 7
(Up Up Up 1976)

Talkover Music:
Emil Richards 
Bloodstone (March)   Favoriting New Sound Element "Stones"
(Uni 1966)

Albert Chevalier  Bernadette, Cher   Favoriting Zydeco: Volume 1, the Early Years
(Arhoolie 1961)
Lawtell Playboys  Oh Bye Bye   Favoriting Kings Of Zydeco - Swamp Music
(Trikont )
Boozoo Chavis  Oh Oh She's Gone   Favoriting The Lake Charles Atomic Bomb
(Rounder mid-1950s)
Rocking Dupsee  Oh Negresses   Favoriting Rockin' With Dupsee
(Flyright )
Queen Ida  Capitaine Gumbo   Favoriting Zydeco Dance Party!!
(GNP Crescendo )
John Delafose  'Ka-Wann'   Favoriting Heartaches and Hot Steps
(Maison de Soul 1990)
Beau Jocque & the Zydeco Hi-Rollers  She Wants to Sell My Monkey   Favoriting Check It Out, Lock It In, Crank It Up!
(Rounder 1998)

Talkover Music:
Maceo & All the King's Men 
Maceo   Favoriting Doing Their Own Thing
(Charly 1970)

John Lewis  Three Little Feelings (pts. 1-3)   Favoriting Orchestra U.S.A.
(Colpix 1963)
E.W. Wainwright Jr.  The Healer – Don't Break   Favoriting African Roots of Jazz
(Aroj USA 1981)
Ivo Perleman  Urgencia   Favoriting Sad Life
(Leo 1979)
Woody Herman  Sex Machine   Favoriting Heavy Exposure
(Cadet 1969)

Talkover Music:
Hot Music (Jazz Mix)   Favoriting Stop and Listen: Volume 1 (compiled by Dr. Bob Jones)
(BBE )

Damia  Un Dimanche Comme Les Autres   Favoriting La Tragédienne de la Chanson
(Forlane )
Monica Zetterlund w/ Lars Gullin  Med Andra Ord   Favoriting Don't Dream of Anybody But Me
(Columbia 1960)
Phongsi Woranut  Khun Phi Khi Keng   Favoriting Duan Phitsawat
Billie Jo Spears  Then Give Him Back to me   Favoriting b/w Silver Wings & Golden Rings
(United Artists 1975)
Monique & the Lions  Er Sah Mich Im Regen   Favoriting Beat Frauleins:
Female Pop in Germany 1964-1968
(Bureau B )
Sarah Webster Fabio  Glimpses   Favoriting Boss Soul: 12 Poems By Sarah Webster Fabio Set to Drum Talk, Rhythms & Images
(Folkways 1972)
The Ikettes  Two Timin' Double Dealin'   Favoriting b/w I'm Just Not Ready For Love
(United Artists 1973)

Talkover Music:
Q-Burns Abstract Message 
Feng Shui   Favoriting Feng Shui
(Astralwerks 1998)

Vetiver  On a Nerve   Favoriting Vetiver
(Dicristina Stair Builders 2004)
MV & EE  Workingman's Smile   Favoriting Space Homestead
(Woodist 2012)
Laura Veirs  To the Country   Favoriting Saltbreakers
(Nonesuch 2007)
Big Blood  In the Light of the Moon   Favoriting The Grove
(Don't Trust the Ruin 2008)
Henry Flynt & the Insurrections  Uncle Sam Do   Favoriting "I Don't Wanna"
(Locust 1966)
Clint Eastwood  I Talk to the Trees   Favoriting Paint Your Wagon (O.S.T.)

Talkover Music:
Hey Mr Bundle   Favoriting Make New Friends
(Tru Thoughts )

Ali Birra  Kophaa Koo   Favoriting Ammalele
Mahmoud Kania  Allah Yuhibb Alkurama   Favoriting Star de la Chanson Gnaoua
(Ines 2000)
Achille Johnny & Sunny Black's Band  Adi Mè Vi   Favoriting Unité Nationale
(ISB 1969)
Alou Fané et Daouda Sangare  Keleya   Favoriting Dans Kamelein Ngoni
(Ivoire Polydisc )
Ebenezer Obey & His International Brothers Band  Oro Mi Ko Lenso   Favoriting b/w Orin Ajinde
(Decca 1966)

Listener comments!

  8:11am listener james from westwood:

if anybody needs me this morning, i'll be interrogating a footstool about herbert hoover.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25am Doug Schulkind:

Chair man of the bored!
  8:31am duke:

I'll just be talking to my chair.
  8:32am duke:

Just tuned in to Braxton, Parker, and Graves. We're off to a good start/
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41am Doug Schulkind:

Braxton, Parker & Graves: Sounds like a law firm for the downtown set.
  8:42am duke:

They'll be representing me. Talk to my lawyers.
  8:46am kat330:

Will you be playing the dreamy Nutcracker Bedroom Suite?

Hiya, Doug, and fine folk! Crazy conflicts this morning, but I'll try to pop in here on occasion (and listen even moreso). If not, wishing a great holiday weekend to all who get one, and a brilliant regular weekend to everyone else!
  8:49am Van in DC:

Long live Japanese deathskronk. Morning Doug and folks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am Doug Schulkind:

Hi kat330 and Van!
  8:54am Aurélie:

@Doug Enfin!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am Doug Schulkind:

Yahoo Aurélie!
  9:01am still b/p:

"I am"...I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair.

"I am unemployed"...I said --- as of 5:00 PM today. Out-the-door day! Give the Listener Some drink. And a grilled cheese for later.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am Doug Schulkind:

And awaaaaay we go. A three-hour ode to lonely furniture begins.... now.
  9:02am Van in DC:

My furniture is lonely because I'm never home. And I don't have a cat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am Doug Schulkind:

@still b/p
I hope your unemployment is self-inflicted

You cat loves you anyway. (Your chair, not so much.)
  9:07am listener james from westwood:

i haven't been called for jury duty since 2000. rather surprising, since i've voted in every election and have even worked at local polling places.
  9:08am still b/p:

Well, self-inflicted only if we want to call it that because I stayed on when the writing was on the wall and on the ceiling and across the forehead and in the shorts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am Doug Schulkind:

I think jury duty is the shiningest moment of a representative democracy. One can choose to to not vote for various noble reasons (an non vote is still a vote) but there is no excuse to begging out of jury duty.

@still b/p
"In the shorts" ?? This IS a tough economy.
  9:11am still b/p:

Ain't never been called for the jury duty, but maybe now I'm due. I'll be available, and of course it's rrrrrighteous bucks.
  9:11am Van in DC:

Never have been called to jury duty, but that's probably because I move so often.
  9:11am Aurélie:

@doug une intro légendaire, merci
  9:13am dc pat:

[I'll just slip into this chair in the back of the room before Teach sees me...]
  9:13am Michael:

My daughter was called for jury duty just as she turned 18 in December. Maybe it's a thinning jury pool to pull from in our area of Mass.
  9:14am dc pat:

Van in DC, I get called up every 2 years without fail. Once you get on the roster, there's no getting off...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am Doug Schulkind:

Send me an email so I can get that music to you!
  9:15am Van in DC:

Funny you should mention the Japanese deathskronk by the way Doug. While not exactly *that*, I was just re-listening to the live FMU performances of Suishou no Fune via the FMA, yesterday. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am Doug Schulkind:

@dc pat
Oh god, you didn't get the message: LEAVE THAT CHAIR EMPTY!
  9:17am dc pat:

  9:19am listener james from westwood:

chairs are for closers only! and delusional spaghetti western actors.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am Doug Schulkind:

I once got violently ill from eating some suishou no fune. It really HAS to be fresh or you're inviting trouble.
  9:21am Van in DC:

  9:22am holland oats:

  9:22am listener james from westwood:

that's my attitude toward all-you-can-eat shrimp in vegas. why would i risk that in an inland state?
  9:24am holland oats:

last night my wife and i concluded that extra large shrimp taste better than jumbo shrimp
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am Doug Schulkind:

Yo bro. Stay away from the shrimp (apparently).
  9:25am holland oats:

so far so good
  9:27am Aurélie:

Soul safari ruuuuules
  9:27am still b/p:

What anaphylappens in Vegas...
  9:30am Van in DC:

Darn. Work calls. Computer, pause program.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am Doug Schulkind:

OK everyone, save your really pithy comments until Van gets back.
  9:37am Aurélie:

oh my..
  9:38am Michael:

That's who.
  9:38am Alex in Illinois:

I've been called for jury duty at least 5 times. But most of the time, I end up siting in a jury selection waiting room (pretty big rooms here n Cook country). Only once did I actually get selected to be in a jury. It was a civil case of medical negligence on the part of Cook county hospital
  9:39am dc pat:

Thanks for the LA tunes. Good idea.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am Doug Schulkind:

I sat on a medical negligence case once, too. And a drunk driving case. Some really heartbreaking stuff.
  9:40am Alex in Illinois:

I've been looking for more washboard based music. When you played the Albert Chevalier number, I was reminded that I already have the Zydeco Early Years
  9:42am Alex in Illinois:

I have that Boo Zoo Chavis Lake Charles Atomic Bomb CD too
  9:44am holland oats:

i sent a guy to rikers once :( 'beyond a reasonable doubt' didn't make me (or him) feel any better
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am Doug Schulkind:

When Jessie and I finally convinced my mother-in-law to move closer to us (from Baton Rouge), we lost our immediate connection to regular trips to Louisiana. Haven't been back since 2001.
  9:51am Alex in Illinois:

@holland Wow
In the Jury that I was in, it actually felt good to award $$ to an elderly impoverished grandmother who had been hit by a truck at 4:00 Am when she was leaving to go home from her job at the post office, then suffered under some botched surgery. Other doctors from Rush hospital were testifying on her side, and were actually the ones who had the idea to sue Cook County for the botched surgery at Cook County Hospital
  9:51am duke:

@Alex, Doug I was a juror on a child abuse case. It was horrible. Sat through a week of disturbing testimony.
  9:53am Alex in Illinois:

Meanwhile, I am enjoying this Zydeco set. I will need to obtain the "Kings Of Zydeco - Swamp Music".
  9:55am jill:

who needs coffee to get you going this morning when you got Beau? Ey Las Bas!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am Doug Schulkind:

Mon cherie Jill!
  9:57am Brian in UK:

Hello Doug & Pranksters.
Jewellery making course? Slip the bracelets on me.
  9:57am Van in DC:

Only missed one set
  9:57am still b/p:

Although I didn't give them any sample or audition, friends in a band told me the other night after a show that I could stand/sit in on the washboard any time I wanted to. So I got that goin' for me.
  9:58am duke:

Last night at republican convention
  9:59am holland oats:

etouffe!!! oh man the last time we were in nawlins everybody got a stomach virus - i was puking my guts out two hours before getting on the plane home - horrible!!!
  10:01am trish:

Oh, but the muffuletta. Sandwich of sandwiches.
  10:05am Alex in Illinois:

I forgot about that call-in part of jury selection when I get a card in the mail with instructions to call a number, then I enter some information and they tell me whether or not to show up. I must have received one of those over a dozen times. Usually, I call in and they tell me not to show up.
  10:05am Brian in UK:

Dare I say that in a democracy there would be an option in an election to vote for none of the nominations if none are to your satisfaction.
  10:07am Brian in UK:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am Doug Schulkind:

For me, The Sandwich will always be the oyster po' boy. Especially from Phil's on Goverment Street (now closed, boo-hoo).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am Doug Schulkind:

I just checked that jpg. Funny!
  10:12am Van in DC:

I'm liking this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am Doug Schulkind:

The alto sax on this is Phil Woods, the flute is Eric Dolphy.
  10:14am trish:

Missed the oyster po'boy! I had a meat one and thought it an ok sub.
  10:14am Artie:

The beauty is Universal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am Doug Schulkind:

You can get this John Lewis record here:
  10:19am Van in DC:

Sweet -thanks Doug!
  10:22am trish:

news: Tsunami warning for Philippines, Indonesia after 7.9 quake
  10:23am listener james from westwood:

the one time i was called for jury duty, it was an insurance-fraud case. my parents were involved in insurance litigation at that time. came up during voir dire, and was dismissed. you'd think they'd have seen my name in the mix during the intervening 12 years, but nothing. otoh, my dad was on a federal case in newark for a couple of months. fortunately not sequestered; he just took a different train each morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am Doug Schulkind:

And to think. Obama promised to lower the oceans. Stinkin' Communist Muslim Kenyan.
  10:27am Van in DC:

Wow, that is a quite large quake!
  10:27am trish:

Good to see there are warnings circulating.
Coincidentally watched a doc on the 2004 tsunami last night. The ocean gave warnings that ppl didn't recognize.
  10:31am Van in DC:

Wow. So happy it wasn't THIS set I had to miss. Pure awesomeness :)
  10:33am Aurélie:

@trish just check out this wwonderful doc
  10:34am Carmichael:

Happy Friday before a 3 day weekend, Doug and revelers to be.
  10:34am jill:

Woody Herman, sex machine? Hmmm, never would have thunk it. Is that like Fred Garvin?
  10:42am Van in DC:

Doug are you the 31st richest drummer in the world then...? :)
  10:44am holland oats:

@drummer a rising tide lifts all boats
  10:44am Bruce in Boston:

Didn't Woody do an album of Steely Dan covers? Any good?
  10:45am duke:

@Van Don Henley #4?!! I didn't even know he played drums.
  10:45am trish:

Thanks for the ref, Aurélie.
  10:46am Aurélie:

@doug I guess i'm the only one who understands the lyrics, so gorgeous
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am Doug Schulkind:

@Bruce in Boston
I found this: "Although "Woody Herman plays Steely Dan" is a wonderful concept in theory, the actual Steely Dan covers on this album are really lousy muzak."

This means I will come to YOU for my French translation and pronunciation needs!
  10:47am Webhamster Henry:

I did hear "le weekend" in there.
  10:47am trish:

The news warning, "Indonesia, Philippines", must also include Papua New Guinea, East Timor, Palau, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Nauru, Tuvalu, Tokelau etc.
  10:49am holland oats:

my stream gone screwy
  10:51am Aurélie:

@trish yes Trich we're really worried, specially in Oceania when we have for our land a genealogical relationship
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am Doug Schulkind:

All systems are still GO here. Anyone else having connectivity "issues"?

Oh dear. Be safe!
  10:52am Webhamster Henry:

This is a pretty close translation... Doug, you should check out Mika Pohjola/Johanna Grüssner for Swedish and Finnish smooth vocals and jazz!
  10:53am trish:

I know less than this site:
  10:53am holland oats:

better now thanks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am Doug Schulkind:

@Webhamster Henry
That sure sounded like "Fools Rush In" to me.
  10:54am kat330:

Popping in to say thanks for all the fine tunes, Doug -- zydeco, esp. -- and I completely agree on the oyster po' boy as the bestest!

@Van: Quite surprised to find Max Weinberg so near the bottom.
  10:55am trish:
  10:56am Webhamster Henry:

@Doug : Fly Me To The Moon (on Blue Moon Friday)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am Doug Schulkind:

Yes, yes of course. Silly me. Thanks.
  10:59am kat330:

@Doug: Beyond your fine music and sandwich sensibilities, I was *really* pleased to hear you hold forth about our civic responsibility of jury duty. I never understood people doing anything possible to wriggle out of it. Good on ya!
  11:00am trish:

Oh, my self-descriptive link was'd. Description: Wikipedia entry on Pacific Tsunami Warning Center - External links
  11:02am Aurélie:

oh yes we are
  11:03am holland oats:

still sounding kinda off to me doug - i'm not at my regular workstation so maybe its me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am Doug Schulkind:

Sorry, dahling, that was me. The long URL cause wrapping problems with the comments. (Unless of course, you'd prefer to rap them. That would be way cool.)
  11:04am trish:

s'alright. s'ok.
I don't always remember to shorten.
  11:05am holland oats:

just checked regular station's stream and that also sounds screwy so let's just say it's an MP and not a YP
  11:10am Carmichael:

@Holland: It's a PICNIC error: Problem In Chair, Not In Computer.
  11:12am Webhamster Henry:

I really like Jury "Service" as they like to call it now. But I haven't been on one since 2001 (it was Grand Jury, and interrupted by a famous pair of building collapses).
  11:12am Aurélie:

@Doug your pronunciation is great
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13am Doug Schulkind:

Problem in empty chair, maybe?

  11:15am jill:

nice multitasking, Drummer!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am Doug Schulkind:

I've got the original Octomom, the Goddess Kali, working for me here in the studio.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am Doug Schulkind:

In my inner world, Laura Veirs is a major cause of global warming.
  11:26am Hugo:

Greetings to all from Africa! Nairobi, Kenya, calling!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am Doug Schulkind:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am Doug Schulkind:

Hugo, in your honor:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am Doug Schulkind:

Hey! dear listeners, there are people commenting from at least six different time zones today. Or is it seven? Let me know what zone you are tuning in from...
  11:33am βrian:

10:30 a.m. on the isthmus, Madison WI.
  11:34am duke:

Eastern 11:33 in upstate (near Albany) NY
  11:34am Aurélie:

02:34 a.m Nouméa, New-Caledonia
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am Doug Schulkind:

Coming up, Clint Eastwood talking to more inanimate objects!!
  11:35am Hugo:

My time zone is one hour ahead of European Mean Time.
  11:35am Carmichael:

Pacific, 8:35 AM.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:35am Doug Schulkind:

OK, we're up to FOUR time zones. Can we make it FIVE?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37am Doug Schulkind:

Brian in UK would make it SIX. Anyone in Continental Europe or the Central Time in the US of A?
  11:38am βrian:

We need input from Newfoundland!
  11:40am Van in DC:

Meghan's next show theme is about forest, trees, etc. Hmm.
  11:41am Aurélie:

@doug I get it, I thought you were talking about "republicans" (-->inanimate objects)
  11:41am listener james from westwood:

vetiver and laura veirs in the same set? a scarcely hoped-for dream.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43am Doug Schulkind:

Certainly true with what seems to be left of the Republican party. Considering today's crowd, I feel you are insulting inanimate objects everywhere.
  11:43am Ike:

Some of the music is sounding a bit overmodulated or overdriven today, Doug, and just on this stream, not any others. Anybody else hearing that?
  11:44am Hugo:

Speaking of the Goddess Kali, I once received a Kali blessing. Or was that a mixed blessing? That was in Eastern Nepal, though, but I did spot a Hindu temple here in town
  11:44am northguineahills:

Actually listening on headphones so I don't wake the gf (she usually gets 3-4 hours of sleep during the week, and she has the day off today)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am Doug Schulkind:

I think you are hearing crappy MP3s more than anything. I have heard what you're hearing, too.
  11:48am Aurélie:

@doug yeah u right it's unfair for the inanimate objects, sorry, I dont mean it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am Doug Schulkind:

Seriously, anyone listening from the Central or Mountain times zones? (North Dakota Bob, where are you?!?)
  11:49am Ike:

OK, that makes sense given that some tracks sound overmodded and others don't. OK, as long as I'm not crazy. Well, not too crazy anyway. Just the right amt. of crazy.
  11:49am Van (not) in Dallas:

How about if I just *wish* I were back home?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am Doug Schulkind:

Click your ruby slippers together, Van. Me and the winged monkeys are rooting for you!
  11:52am βrian:

Madison is Central.
  11:52am Brian in UK:

I've been here already, Doug.
OV Wright Eight men, Four women?
  11:53am Brian in UK:

Scott's playing Boozoo Chavis
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am Doug Schulkind:

Ah! Alex in Illinois would be in the Central time zone. That makes SEVEN confirmed time zones on the comments board. Given the more intimate nature of doing radio on the stream (as compared to the mighty main channel of WFMU), I think that's damn cool.

Thank you for that little thrill, everyone.
  11:55am Aurélie:

yeah your listeners are so cool lol :)
  11:55am Hugo:

I said on this board a couple of weeks back that I was going on a personal mission to collect Awesome Tapes from Kenya. Now, 26 tapes and two cds added. Now, that should take a while to go through. The place to go is Melodica Record Store on Tom Mboya Street in downtown Nairobi. Had some cool Franco on lp, too. Good place.
  11:56am northguineahills:

I was trying to go see a Sierre Leonian singer play at the MOMA garden last night, but I got so caught up w/ Fab vs. Clay last night, I didn't get there until the final applause, and I paid the cover.
  11:57am Brian in UK:

Stay cool, Hugo.
  11:58am trish:

My heart often drifts to the Atlantic time zone.
@Aurélie: New Caledonia!
  11:58am Van in DC:

Okey dokey, thank ya sir Doug. Have a nice long weekend everyone who gets Monday off!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am Doug Schulkind:

You will always be in Dallas in my mind, Van.
  12:00pm Brian in UK:

Is this the former Chief Ebenezer Obey, Doug?
  12:00pm Aurélie:

@trish I know it's impressive lol :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm Doug Schulkind:

One and the same, Brian in UK!
  12:01pm Paul Sherratt:

Brian in UK
The Jury Of Love ?
Great listen, Mr DJ.
Afternoon etc, continentals.
  12:01pm listener james from westwood:

an enchanting show, doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm Doug Schulkind:

The Steinski playlist is here:
  12:01pm Hugo:

More info here:

I just asked Mr. Karim to make the selections. He knows what he is selling.

Brian: Very pleasant weather here.
  12:04pm Van in DC:

New band name - Drummer & The Seven Zones
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