Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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September 18, 2012 Favoriting
Free the freeloadin' 47 percent!
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Mississippi Sheiks w/Bo Carter  Sales Tax   Favoriting b/w Sweet Maggie
(Bluebird 1934)
The Dixon Brothers  Sales Tax on the Women   Favoriting b/w Intoxicated Rat
(Bluebird 1936)
Dub Adams & His K-Bar Ranch Boys  Income Tax   Favoriting Wanderers Swing: Texas Dance Hall Music
(Krazy Kat 1948)
Eddie "Cleanhead" Vinson  Luxury Tax Blues   Favoriting b/w Gonna Send You Back Where I Got You From
(Mercury 1947)
Duke of Iron  Taxes   Favoriting Limbo! Limbo! Limbo!
(Prestige 1962)
Ralph Willis  Income Tax Blues   Favoriting b/w Bed Tick Blues
(Jubilee 1951)

Talkover Music:
Bee Houston 
Blues for Rupez   Favoriting The Hustler
(Arhoolie 1968)

Canario y Su Grupo  El Home Relief   Favoriting Lamento Borincano: Early Puerto Rican Music 1916-1939
(Arhoolie 1935)
Sleepy John Estes  Government Money   Favoriting b/w I Ain't Gonna Be Worried No More
(Decca 1937)
The Sons of the Pioneers  When Our Old Age Pension Check Comes to Our Door   Favoriting b/w Will You Love Me When My Hair Has Turned?
(Decca 1935)
Karl Jay  Unemployment Line   Favoriting b/w It Was Your Kiss
(Marjon 1963)
Johnny Sayles  Food Stamps (pts. 1&2)   Favoriting b/w Food Stamps
(New Sound 1983)

Talkover Music:
9 Lazy 9 
All Aboard   Favoriting Paradise Blown
(Ninja Tune 1994)

Joshua White  Welfare Blues   Favoriting b/w Stormy Weather No. 1
(Perfect 1934)
Mystic Minds  Welfare to Unemployment   Favoriting Mind Over Matter
(SMOA 1975)
Eugene McDaniels  Welfare City   Favoriting Outlaw
(Atlantic 1970)
Emanuel Lasky  Welfare Cheese   Favoriting b/w The Monkey
(Thelma 1963)
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings  What If We All Stopped Paying Taxes?   Favoriting Soul Time!
(Daptone 2011)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

  5:47pm kat330:

Hi, Doug! Gettin' this in early because for several early minutes I'll be away from the keyboard -- ears open wide though!
  5:48pm Matt from Springfield:

Hey hey Sir Douglas!
The Somer of the Drummer is almost we'll let the Drumsticks Fall where they may!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi kat330! Whether I've got your ears or your fingertips or any vital organs in between — I'm happy.
  5:48pm Matt from Springfield:

Time-release hello to kat!
  5:51pm listener james from westwood:

mmmm ... drumsticks.
good later-on-tuesday, all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi from Pittsburgh to Matt from Springfield and Listener James from Westwood.
  5:54pm Matt from Springfield:

One of these days I need to eat a chicken drumstick while listening to GTDS...

How's the weather for everyone?
  5:56pm listener james from westwood:

oh, go big, matt; make like henry the eighth and tuck into a massive turkey leg!
i was 4 pages from completing a proofreading job this afternoon before the power at the office crapped out. took it home to complete tomorrow a.m. lots of wind and some really heavy rain midday, but i've got power in northern nj and things are dry for the moment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm Doug Schulkind:

Raining cats and dogs all day here. (Don't step in a poodle.)
  5:57pm Matt from Springfield:

There was a downpour earlier this afternoon here, looking better now.
  5:58pm ndbob:

hey Doug and everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi ndbob!
  5:59pm Philo Gristle:

Sunny and in the low 70s. Per-fec-tion. Hello all.
  5:59pm Matt from Springfield:

Hey NDBob!
  6:00pm Matt from Springfield:

And hey Philo!
  6:01pm listener james from westwood:

philo, we had that weather over the weekend, so i can't complain too much about today's torrents.
  6:02pm ndbob:

clearing and 72 here - after a cold and cloudy morning
  6:04pm ndbob:

this is the only sales tax song I know
  6:04pm Matt from Springfield:

@LJFW: Indeed, the weather was *perfect*!
  6:04pm kat330:

Back sorta -- Hey, wonderful, familiar personae!!

@LJfW: We also had that weather over the weekend. It rained yesterday, but the easy, steady kind of rain.
  6:05pm listener james from westwood:

doug: yes! YES! the ARRA cobra subsidy was instrumental after my 12/08 layoff in getting my freelancing biz started. it's the prime point i bring up when teabaggers begin wheezing about "job-killing stimulus."
  6:06pm listener james from westwood:

kat, i like that kind of rain. all of us deserve a long, relaxing shower now and again, the earth included.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm Doug Schulkind:

The COBRA 65% federal subsidy save my family $20,000 — and of course allowed us to have health coverage.
  6:08pm Philo Gristle:

I'd love summer rain if I wasn't be-spectacled. Bugs me.
  6:08pm ndbob:

and here we go - right after i say I only know one sales tax song - I had COBRA for a while - now I pay all of my health insurance costs
  6:08pm kat330:

Weirdly, the cooler, rainy weather is reviving some of our tomato plants -- our garden was a droughty bust this year. :|
  6:10pm Matt from Springfield:

"Pfft! These freeloading 47 percent! Doing nothing but sitting around collecting my redistributed money all day long! Tell them to get a job! Since there doesn't seem to be any, give them MY job so I can live the high life mooching off of THEM for once!"
  6:12pm kat330:

Since Romney/Ryan refuses to be specific -- "until we can discuss it publicly with Congress" -- I've little doubt the tax loopholes they intend to close will be those of the more average American: IRA's, home businesses, mortgage deductions, etc. In the meanwhile, all the off-shore shelters and such must be left intact. Trickle down, all right -- right down the middle class pant's leg....
  6:13pm Matt from Springfield:

@Philo: Nice drizzling rain, as described above, is great to walk in because at least it's nice to experience with the senses. OTOH, overcast skies and that annoying mist is terrible--enough to mess up your glasses but not enough to be a "long, relaxing shower"! The humidity still remains muggy through that, as well.
  6:13pm listener james from westwood:

it's up there with nixon's secret plan in 1972 to end the vietnam war.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm Doug Schulkind:

That name shall not be used here.
  6:15pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Of course. How else will they suck up their money in that scheme, otherwise?

  6:16pm listener james from westwood:

gotcha. will use "the voldemort of san clemente" in the future.
  6:17pm northguineahills:

Just had a jalapeno party for my gf's bday from the jalapenos in my garden. They were rather small 4-6cm long, but super spicey (about a habanero strength), and really tasty. My scotch bonnets will be ready in about a week. Can't wait!.
  6:18pm ndbob:

@kat Actually I'd bet none of those loopholes will be closed - no chance that mortgage deductions or IRA's will be eliminated
  6:18pm Matt from Springfield:

"San Clemente's not the same / Mr. Voldemort you're to blame"
  6:18pm listener james from westwood:

is there any trick to getting them to that heat level, or is it luck of the draw?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm Doug Schulkind:

And the other unnameable (with the 666 name) is off-limits too.
  6:18pm glenn:

ah my dear american friends, you don't know from taxes.
  6:19pm Philo Gristle:

Okay, have now de-greased my fingers. Keyboard thus safe. And my spectacles.
  6:19pm northguineahills:

Hot weather, and minor stress, will increase the heat level. But too much, and you have a smaller yield.
  6:20pm glenn:
  6:21pm kat330:

@Matt: Mmm, I just polished off a roasted chicken drumstick, FYI! Another way Mr. Gristle and I are well-suited: When I roast a whole chicken, he prefers the breasts/wings, and I prefer the drumsticks/thighs. PK Dick knew what he was doing. :)
  6:23pm Philo Gristle:

American income tax is great. More taxes! So it can pay for our healthcare. And you don't have to be stuck here in midwest, but roam free free-lancing and jousting, with no such worries. Gimme. More. Taxes!
  6:24pm listener james from westwood:

what is it about "luxury" that's so tough for real estate types to spell? a sign across from my gym last year was touting "luxuary apartments." would i have to pay a luxuary tax on my luxuary digs?
  6:26pm Matt from Springfield:

@Philo: De-greasing is good for the computer, unlike de-gaussing!
  6:26pm listener james from westwood:

(also: no apartment building that's right next to a fire station and its heard-through-the-whole-town siren is a luxury apartment, even if it has a spigot that dispenses caviar.)
  6:26pm kat330:

@ndbob: Seriously you think so? Why else are they being so close-mouthed? I've also heard they might eliminate the Earned Income Credit, something I've never had the advantage of. What else could they be considering? Surely not any corporate or high-income loopholes?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey there NGH and Glenn!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm Doug Schulkind:

And Dr. Gristle, too.
  6:29pm glenn:

good evening, good sirs and sirettes.
  6:30pm Philo Gristle:

Hi Doug. John may have been Sleepy, but he sure keeps the listeners awake.
  6:30pm kat330:

@Philo: I wouldn't agree with your blanket (crazy) statement, but who in his/her right mind would *not* be willing to pay higher taxes when it results in real, actual services?! Like universal healthcare and higher education? Timely and sound repair of our infrastructure?

Countries who notably pay more taxes on their income need to compare and contrast what U.S.-ers are paying in ratio to what we get back.
  6:35pm kat330:

@glenn: Do you honestly think the amount you pay in income taxes beyond what some of U.S.-ers pay is not more than compensated for in your Canadian services?
  6:35pm Philo Gristle:

Plenty of issues in Finland (EVERYthing expensive), but there is something between the two. Fear for your life, livelihood, future, health and all that should not be in the balance.
  6:36pm ndbob:

@kat I think that they are close mouthed because they don't want to risk alienating voters over that issue - even in a Republican congress with a Republican president, it's hard to see that happening
  6:36pm ndbob:

so the result would be much higher deficits
  6:37pm glenn:

oh, i'm not unhappy about it at all. i know what we get out of the deal.
  6:37pm Philo Gristle:

Johnny Sayles follows the path his filmmaker namesake did, sounds like.
  6:38pm Matt from Springfield:

Parts 1 & 2, stitched together beautifully!
  6:38pm kat330:

@ndbob: Not only do I hope you're right, I hope even more that the R/R loophole mystery is utterly moot after November 6th.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm Doug Schulkind:

News flash: Chicago teachers suspend strike!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm Doug Schulkind:

Haven't arrived at Part 2 yet! See you in 30 seconds!
  6:39pm kat330:

Yay! Score one for our future generation!
  6:41pm kat330:

Awww, gotta get the govt. cheese for the 18 little mice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm Doug Schulkind:

Government cheese is, as they say, coming up.
  6:44pm Philo Gristle:

The only Gov't Cheese song I can think of was by Rainmakers....
  6:45pm ndbob:

and "Welfare Cheese" by Emmanuel Lasky - from 1962 I think
  6:46pm Matt from Springfield:

Great one! I'm liking Johnny Sayles!
I'm ducking out early today (hmmm, is it possible to get a *duck* drumstick...), but a thoroughly enjoyable show! See you later, Doug and everyone!
  6:46pm glenn:

From Huff Post
1. 82 million of them are children (58%) - yes children deserve your scorn.
2. 38 million of them are seniors on Social Security (27%) - who have worked hard all their lives paying into the programs. More people on to scorn.
3. 2.8 million are disabled veterans (0.3%). - Nice pay back for their service to the country.
4. 4. 8 million are disabled adults (0.7%) - need I say more.
So 86% of the people Romney is talking about are Children, Seniors, Veterans and Disabled adults.
  6:47pm Philo Gristle:

Stay dry, Matt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm Doug Schulkind:

Keep ears peels for Mr. Lasky, ndbob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm Doug Schulkind:

Bye Matt!
  6:48pm texas scott:

thanks for sharing the Munju link with us miners,Doug.
much appreciated.
  6:50pm kat330:

So long, Matt! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm Doug Schulkind:

Oh my pleasure, Texas Scott! I was alerted to it by Listener Jeff W. So praises go to JW!
  6:52pm kat330:

@glenn: "More people on to scorn." :) Right on, bro' to the north! As I always say now, "one nation, under Canada...."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm Doug Schulkind:

"one nation, under Canada...."

  6:55pm kat330:

@Doug: Attribution alert (something I would have everyone to do as often as possible): I first heard that spouted by Robin Williams on some late night show. Possibly he got it first elsewhere, too, but that's where the chain starts for me.
  6:57pm ndbob:

great record!
  6:58pm kat330:

You called it Bob!
  6:59pm Philo Gristle:

I bet "Monkey" is equally spectacular. That guitar solo was outstanding! Any song with a Monkey in it has to be good by default.
  7:00pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
  7:01pm listener james from westwood:

was listening to a trouble archive earlier today that contained the sharon jones "this land is your land." simply incredible.
  7:01pm northguineahills:

Thanks for another great show, Doug!
  7:01pm kat330:

Thank you, good sir!

Yes, Doug, most excellente!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm Doug Schulkind:

That is a KILLER and a DILLER, Listener James.
  7:04pm Philo Gristle:

Magic happened! Excellent show! Thanks Doug!
  7:05pm listener james from westwood:

thanks for the mighty, non-taxing tax show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm Doug Schulkind:

You guys so totally, ridiculously rock! Thanks for a great hour.
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