Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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September 25, 2012 Favoriting
Faubus once, shame on we
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Wadada Leo Smith  The Little Rock Nine: A Force for Desegregation In Education, 1957   Favoriting Ten Freedom Summers
(Cuneiform 2012)
Charley Stewart  Ya'll Come for Orval Faubus   Favoriting b/w Sugarfoot Rag (for Orval Faubus)
The Staple Singers  Why? (Am I Treated So Bad)   Favoriting Freedom Highway
(Sony )
Charles Mingus  Fables of Nixon, Rockefeller & Ford - Oh Lord, Help Mr. Ford (Fables of Faubus)   Favoriting Live at the Village Vanguard
(April 15, 1975)

Talkover Music:
High Tension   Favoriting Sabu in Orbit
(SMC 1960)

Lil Green  Take Me Back to Little Rock   Favoriting Chicago 1940-1947
(Rosetta )
Lucille Hegamin  Arkansas Blues   Favoriting Lucille Hegamin, Volume 1 1920-1922
(Document )
Hambone Willie Newbern  Way Down in Arkansas   Favoriting Songsters & Saints:
Vocal Traditions on Race Records, Volume 1
(Matchbox )

Talkover Music:
Milt Jackson 
Olinga   Favoriting Olinga
(CTI 1974)

Charles Mingus  Fables of Faubus   Favoriting Mingus Ah Um
(Columbia 1959)
Charles Mingus  Original Faubus Fables   Favoriting Charles Mingus Presents Charles Mingus
(Candid 1960)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

  5:47pm jk:

dont' forget, Faubus grew up communist
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:49pm Doug Schulkind:

Well, he claims his paw was a socialist. In the '70s, he claimed that liberals and their food stamps were even more socialist than the socialists.
  5:52pm listener james from westwood:

if orval doesn't get away from my melon, we're gonna have words and more than words.
  5:52pm Matt from Springfield:

Faubus is not Fabulous!
Good early evening, Doug!
  5:53pm Matt from Springfield:

Hey there Jesse and LJFW!
  5:55pm kat330:

That's a Honey of a Watermelon! :)

Hiya, Doug, jk, LJfW and Matt!
  5:55pm listener james from westwood:

howdy all! don't know about melons, but it's smelling a lot like pumpkin season out here in northern nj. have so been waiting for autumn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm Doug Schulkind:

I piece I wrote for WFMU's blog four years ago on the 51st anniversary:
  5:57pm Philo Gristle:

Greetings, fellow travelers! Into the mystic drummer mix.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm Doug Schulkind:

Oi! Oi! Oi! Philo Gristle!
  6:00pm Matt from Springfield:

Kat & Philo!
Or, perhaps you could Water a Honey dew melon! ;)
  6:01pm ndbob:

evening Doug and everyone!
  6:02pm kat330:

Did you ever see the pix on my blog to show the sources of the "Honey Water" moniker, Matt?
  6:05pm kat330:

Hi, Bob! I've tried to be more active on various playlists today because I, too, will be at the dentist tomorrow. Dual dentists, Doug.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm Doug Schulkind:

Heyo, ndbob! And hello to you, kat330!
  6:05pm ndbob:

@kat wow - didn't know you had a blog
  6:08pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Didn't see a blog post on that--but I thought Honey Water was created on this board, along with Max Rivington and the like :)
  6:08pm kat330:

@Bob, such as they are. Started as a site to post my original humor, became a photo archive after my parents passed, and lately a place to redundantly post my SoundCloud tracks.
  6:09pm Matt from Springfield:

Bob of the northerly Dakota! G'devening!
  6:09pm kat330:

@Matt: Yes, it was put together on this board, but the original *sources* of the name are in the photo captions: first street lived on and first pet's name. :)
  6:11pm Philo Gristle:

This sounds terrific.... for a moment confused with that '1957' in the title, thinking Miles ripped off Wadada for Bitches Brew!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm Doug Schulkind:

Coming up next will be a rockabilly campaign song for Orval Faubus from '58.
  6:12pm ndbob:

wow Doug - which reminds me - ever hear any of the records by George Wallace Jr.?
  6:14pm Matt from Springfield:

Oh wow! Nice retrospective in general!
Judging by the B&W tones Honey prob looked lovely indeed--no better front-facing picture available?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm Doug Schulkind:

Lord no, ndbob. Singing "gospel" is he?
  6:16pm Philo Gristle:

Didn't one senator do a version of "Wild Thing" for his campaign in the... 60s? Remember the cut from some oddball comp.
  6:17pm kat330:

If you're talking about the collie, I couldn't locate another. I was actually thrilled to find one with even just her scratching back end. You can't imagine the amount of time to go through two estates' worth of photos, identify, scan and upload them. I barely scratched the surface.

This is a very interesting piece.
  6:17pm Matt from Springfield:

@Philo: That was a parody of Robert Kennedy playing "Wild Thing"! I forget who the guy was, but he released a couple novelty records as Senator Bobby.
  6:18pm ndbob:

country Doug - one rocks a little I think and isn't bad - one 45 had a picture sleeve even - @Philo - they wereThe Hardly Worthit Players imitating RFK and Dirksen
  6:18pm ndbob:

Dennis Wholey was part of that comedy group
  6:19pm northguineahills:

Never disappointed w/ anything by Wadada Leo Smith.
  6:21pm Philo Gristle:

A-ha! Thanks fellas. Looks like it was on the Wavy Gravy comp LP I bought for Eddy Noack's Psycho, and got Wendell Austin and Lone Twister in the deal!
  6:21pm kat330:

@ngh: You endlessly impress me with the breadth of your music knowledge. I've come to expect it of the DJs, but not necessarily fellow listeners. Have you ever considered hosting a radio program?
  6:23pm mark:

Doug - wouldn't happen to have a copy of Fables of Faubus with the lyrics, now would you? I only have the Mingus Ah Um LP.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm Doug Schulkind:

What kat330 said!
  6:23pm Matt from Springfield:

@NDbob: Makes sense, Dennis seems to have been in radio and TV for a long time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm Doug Schulkind:

Mingus at the Village Vanguard:

Charles Mingus - Bass
George Adams - Sax
Jack Walrath - Trumpet
Don Pullen - Piano
Dannie Richmond - Drums
  6:29pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: As Irwin points out, ALWAYS state the personnel playing on a jazz track! :)
Vivacious Mingus here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm Doug Schulkind:

Not sure if you all saw this message posted on the front page of WFMU's website:

"Can't hear us? We're still on! WFMU is performing maintenance behind the scenes today from 7-8pm. If you have trouble loading any of our live streams, or hear some choppy audio, fear not! We meant to do that: the work should be completed quickly and the party in your ears shall resume."
  6:31pm other david:

Hey folks.

Tuned in, absolutely loving the music, and suitably disturbed at the reminder of just how few years ago this really was...
  6:31pm northguineahills:

@kat: I used to do stuff w/, but here is a sample I did for my friend's podcast (radio ruido)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm Doug Schulkind:

I usta ALWAYS do that, but then I got to feeling that to always read the personnel for jazz tracks but not other genres was a kind of precious patronizing of jazz as if it required a helping hand. So now I just do it selectively.

Please discuss.
  6:33pm kat330:

Thanks for the link, ngh!

Greetings, dear OD!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm Doug Schulkind:

Keep your ears on. BOTH versions (with and w/out lyrics coming up).

And HELLO to all Davids.
  6:35pm kat330:

@Doug: I find it useful. Sometimes I want to know what specific instruments are being played if I'm unsure.
  6:36pm Philo Gristle:

Hey OD!

@Doug Personally I think any and all rockabilly tracks need personnel.
  6:37pm Philo Gristle:

As for jazz tracks, just the instruments -- no need for the personnel.
  6:38pm kat330:

Oh, Philo, you keeeeed! :}
  6:39pm Matt from Springfield:

OD! Fancy seeing you here!

Love this Sabu bed music! I've definitely heard this a few times before, love it!
  6:42pm Philo Gristle:

Sabu is great. Watched "Jungle Book" a while back, followed by "Arabian Nights"... wonderful stuff.
  6:42pm Matt from Springfield:

Lil Green! "Knockin' Myself Out", from Reefer Madness: A Collection of Vintage Drug Songs!
Thought she sounded familiar! :) That album has several great blues and jive songs about reefer, some by well known artists (Fats Waller, Don Redman, Sidney Bechet etc)
  6:44pm mark:

Have to agree with Doug on exclusivity of reading jazz personnel as being somewhat smug. However, in the case of a heavy weight like Mingus, it's warranted. Glad to know that was Don Pullen at the ivories.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm Doug Schulkind:

I still can't believe y'all let me go 20 minutes with my playlist saying "Ted Freedom Summers." Actually, I love you for it.
  6:44pm Philo Gristle:

But I didn't know there was a wrestler called Sabu. I did realize there is a comedian named Sinbad.
  6:46pm kat330:

And you're another one, Matt. You haven't even been on this earth long enough to know the vast details of all 20th-21st c. music that you regale us with every day! You and NGH get together for a radio program. Just sayin'.
  6:47pm Matt from Springfield:

If you're reading the players for a track, it should be because your audience is likely to know of one or more of them. Or you want to teach them about one or more particular players.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm Doug Schulkind:

We're going at least six minutes over, folks. Lace up them boots tight.
  6:49pm kat330:

Doug, I'm a morning proofreader. Get me at suppertime and esp. without a siesta, I'm lucky to type anything coherently on my own.
  6:50pm Matt from Springfield:

"Musical Cartographs with NGH and MFS"!

Should an opportunity arise I think it would be interesting to program an FMU show!
  6:50pm other david:

only six minutes? :(
  6:51pm northguineahills:

I'm a ocd about the trivial, so I read all of the liner notes for most pieces, so ,I look to see who all of the performers are, no matter the genre.
  6:52pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Isn't recording of sound (and video) wonderful! It lets people experience things from long before they came around. The literary record already did that, but an "audio record" and "visual record" ("mixed media record" too!) add to that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm Doug Schulkind:

OK, for you Other David, I'll make it eight!
  6:52pm northguineahills:

oh, @kat: if you click on the cloud names, then the mp3s can be downloaded.
  6:53pm kat330:

@Matt: Go for it! Submit an idea(s) to Ken and Doug. It does seem the on-air staff stay in place for decades, but there are fill-ins and such.
  6:55pm kat330:

It's one thing to know data trivia, but knowing info about the sounds shows you've spent the time to listen to all this ocean of recordings, too. Someone asked how we find time to see 2-3 films each week. Hell, that's nothing compare to what you guys audition in a week.
  6:57pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: I once posted about this already, but here's a fascinating link if you've never heard of this before:

It's amazing how with computers we've extended recorded sound back to 1859, rendering early attempts at visualizing sound waves into a recording of that moment! Like decoding hieroglyphics, we've extended the "audio record" back!
  6:57pm kat330:

OK, ngh! Unless there's a doppelganger or someone else out there using kat330, you (or ndbob) can find my "stuff" through a general kat330 search (soundcloud/tumblr/posterous to be specific).
  6:57pm listener james from westwood:

the sheer educational potential stored in the fmu playlist chats is formidable. to hear some of that distilled into radio-show form would be wonderful.
  6:58pm ndbob:

@matt I've read about that - pretty amazing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm Doug Schulkind:

Maybe there should be a WFMU talk show with listener chatter as the focus and some music on the side.
  6:59pm ndbob:

Thanks kat!
  7:00pm glenn:

now THAT'S a brilliant idear.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Name me someone who's ridiculous.
Governor Faubus!
Why is he so sick and ridiculous?
He won't permit us in his schools.
Then he's a fool! Boo! Nazi Fascist supremists!
Boo! Ku Klux Klan (with your Jim Crow plan)
  7:01pm ndbob:

@kat and now following you on Tumblr!
  7:01pm other david:

@Doug: 8 hours? :)

This is brilliant
  7:01pm Philo Gristle:

@Doug Sounds familiar from some episode of 7SD! Probably without the music, tho.
  7:01pm Matt from Springfield:

Sounds like a good commercial jingle for Orville.
  7:02pm ndbob:

excellent show as always Doug!
  7:02pm northguineahills:

I usually find time for about 10 movies a week (and that's when I was working more then full time), and plenty of record listening and wfmuing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm Doug Schulkind:

Names sung out by Dannie Richmond:
Theodore G. Bilbo (1877-1947), U.S. Senator (D-Mississippi), 1935-1947. (2) J. Parnell Thomas (1895-1970), U.S. Representative (R-New Jersey), 1937-1950. (3) Orval E. Faubus (1910-1994), Governor (D-Arkansas), 1955-1967. (4) Richard B. Russell, Jr. (1897-1971), U.S. Senator (D-Georgia), 1933-1971. (5) Nelson A. Rockefeller (1908-1979), Governor (R-New York), 1959-1973. (6) Harry F. Byrd (1887-1966), U.S. Senator (D-Virginia), 1933-1965. (7) Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), U.S. President (R), 1953–1961
  7:03pm northguineahills:

and book learnin'....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm Doug Schulkind:

@Other David
Don't. Tempt. Me.
  7:04pm other david:

Ah go on!
  7:04pm kat330:

Cool, Bob! Just as I announced a bit of a hiatus (at least on SoundCloud), heh! Anyway, the way back pages are the reason I bothered with an online presence to start with.
Guys, thanks for all the wonderful links you've provided! Several hours more added to expanding my historical knowledge and listening pleasure! :)
  7:04pm ndbob:

There's a good blues record "Bilbo is Dead"
  7:05pm northguineahills:

as am i (on tumblr)
  7:05pm kat330:

And thank you, Doug, for this hour+ of fine programming! I'll be thinking positive thoughts of you in the dental chair if you'll do the same! :)
  7:06pm other david:

On a sidenote - listening to this, just as a scandal hits the papers here in Ireland.. a government minister segregating social housing.. vouching to keep members of the travelling community out of a certain area.
  7:06pm ndbob:

and good Yontif Doug and everyone!
  7:07pm northguineahills:

ok, i'm off to hunt moths, have a great evening everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm Doug Schulkind:

The BIG dental visit is next week. This Thursday is just a cleaning. (I'll hold onto those positive thoughts, thank you.)

Righto, ndbob: Happy (happy?) Yom Kippur everyone!
  7:07pm other david:

Thanks for a great show, Doug - and lovely seeing you nice commenty folks too :)
  7:08pm Matt from Springfield:

Thanks for another amazing show Doug, + an extra 8!
Enjoyable folks as always here! Have a good night everyone!
  7:08pm Philo Gristle:

I'm off to hunt the mothman. Great show, as usual, Doug! Night, all!
  7:08pm kat330:

Oh, I thought you said it was tomorrow. Mine's Wednesday.
That's sad to hear, OD. :/ Sigh.
G'night everyone and sweet dreams all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm Doug Schulkind:

2-4-6-8, they brainwash and teach you hate!

Astonishing lyric.
  7:10pm listener james from westwood:

many thanks for the fine show and scary slice of history! a fine rest-of-tuesday to all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm Doug Schulkind:

Use guise are the best!
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