Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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October 2, 2012 Favoriting
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Masahiko Togashi & New Herd Orchestra  Canto II   Favoriting Canto of Aries
(Columbia 1971)
George Otsuka  Mustard Pot   Favoriting Physical Structure
(Three Blind Mice 1976)
Tenjo Sajiki & Singers Three  Nemuranai No Nemuranai No   Favoriting Rojin Tanteidan to Garigari Hakase no Hanzai
(?? 1972)

Talkover Music:
Sai-So (Strobe's Satori Beats)   Favoriting Sai-So
(Sony Japan 1999)

Masayuki Takayanagi & New Direction Unit  Intermittent   Favoriting Call in Question
(PSF 1970)
DUB (Doctor Umezu Band)  Teacher's Runnin'   Favoriting D
(Omagatoki 1986)

Talkover Music:
Odell Brown & the Organ-izers 
Tough Tip   Favoriting Ducky
(Cadet 1968)

Shibusashirazu Orchestra  Hyottoko 2   Favoriting Lost Direction
(Moers 2005)
Yoshiaki Fujikawa & Eastasia Orchestra  Never Say Die   Favoriting Shoyoh Jurin
(Mobys 1984)
Kaoru Abe, Motoharu Yoshizawa, Toshinori Kondo, Derek Baiiley  The man from S.L.A.P.P.Y.   Favoriting Aida's Call
(Starlight Furniture Co. 1978)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

  5:45pm Matt from Springfield:

And...there we go.
Hi Doug! Just returning the Daniel Boone cap I borrowed for the weekend to the GTDS Hat Rack. But don't ask for what. (Let's just say, for a very "novel" Oktoberfest party...)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm Doug Schulkind:

We have a nice tri-corner hat or an old Brooklyn Dodgers cap for you today. I also have a yarmulke with a Malcolm X "X" on it (I actually do!!) if you'd like to sport that for the duration.
  5:49pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: Nice selection, but must choose that Malcolm X yarmulke! (I may never see one like it again!!)
  5:55pm Matt from Springfield:

Now, where is the photo from? Southeast Asia? Southeast Asian musicians playing in NYC?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm Doug Schulkind:

It's pretty damn cool. They were made in limited amounts for a gallery exhibition back when Spike Lee's "X" logo ubiquitous. Remember the old tag line: "You've read the hat, now see the movie."

The band shown in the photo is the Shibusashirazu Orchestra from Japan.
  5:58pm Philo Gristle:

Hello Doug & Matt & Lurkers. Kat hollers hi from the kitchen!
  5:58pm listener james from westwood:

i think the kneeling gent is from an alternate future.
  5:59pm listener james from westwood:

evening, all and sundry!
  5:59pm ndbob:

evening Doug and everyone
  5:59pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi Philo, James, (shout to: Kat!!! Can you hear me?)
I suppose we'll hear just how the Orch. sounds later!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm Doug Schulkind:

It's Tuesdry, Listener James, silly boy.
  6:01pm listener james from westwood:

then i'll wear my tom landry tuesdry hat!
  6:02pm Carmichael:

Hey Dougie. Hi everyone.
  6:02pm Matt from Springfield:

Japazz!!! :)
  6:03pm Matt from Springfield:

Hello NDBob, Carm, all Incomer-Drummers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi Philo! Hi ndbob! Hi Carmichael! Hi Blitzen! Hi Rudolph!
  6:04pm Carmichael:

It's too dry, at least in my mouth. Ale awaits me down the street. I'm coming to get you, baby!
  6:05pm Lone Wolf (without cub):

Hey Doug and everyone,
looking forward to an hour of spiritual, existential avant jap jazz!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm Doug Schulkind:

@Lone Wolf (cubless)
You. Will. Enjoy.
  6:07pm Matt from Springfield:

@Carm: "Here I come, pale ale...I'm coming to GETCHA!"
  6:08pm Matt from Springfield:

I already am enjoying! What a smoooooooth "Mustard Pot"!!
  6:10pm kat330:

Hey, Doug, you didn't hear me holler from the kitchen?

Hi, Matt and generous James, ndbob, Lone Wolf (welcome newbie?!), Carmichael, et al!
  6:10pm Lone Wolf (without cub):

I think the Japs have never been able to live down that 1965 John Coltrane tour of their country when he just blew their minds with spacey out there brutal sax solos lasting 20-30 minutes.
That was their jump off point!
  6:12pm Matt from Springfield:

(Hi kat, softer now!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm Doug Schulkind:

Coltrane made that trip playing Eric Dolphy's flute. Dolphy had given it to him not long before his death.
  6:13pm kat330:

Say, Matt, you notice the album title done JUST for for us?? :)
  6:13pm Lone Wolf (without cub):

I have been away for a while, but hope to get reaquainted if Hearty White is on tonight?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm Doug Schulkind:

Yooooo kat330!
  6:14pm listener james from westwood:

aw, kat. you're too kind.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm Doug Schulkind:

Any chance we can nudge that goofy lookin' 1% a little north?
  6:16pm kat330:

@L Wolf: Well, Hearty wasn't on our menu for this evening. :( It's always been a bad time slot for us, and time is truly falling away from us this autumn. But maybe there next week? :)
  6:16pm Matt from Springfield:

Oh, Canto of Aries! :)
Too bad we can't "sing" that ode to Aries, but with a little effort I think we can HUM it!
  6:17pm kat330:

Finally, Doug, HI! -- I notice if another posts with the same time stamp as I, I don a near-invisibility cloak. ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm Doug Schulkind:

That record has five (make that V) Cantos in all. Each is a stunner.
  6:18pm kat330:

@Matt: I'm going to yodel it.
  6:19pm ndbob:

this is really good!
  6:22pm kat330:

@LJfW: Wish I could be kind enough to adopt every lovable DJ 3 times over!
That Singers Three had a bit of "My Darling Clementine" melody in it.
  6:23pm ndbob:

@kat indeed - didn't think of that
  6:25pm Matt from Springfield:

@NDBob: A Japanese language "Boardwalk Empire" style!
@kat: Is there already an album of avant-garde yodeling of Japanese jazz? Meredith Monk could have put one out in the 70s... :)
  6:25pm Carmichael:

I caught that immediately, kat. Figured it was my own brain going music trivia haywire on me.
  6:25pm kat330:

@Bob: As it was sung in a minor key, I suppose it was more like Neil Young's version.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm Doug Schulkind:

Like to see a pledge or to just to make sure the free-form shark keeps moving forward. You know what happens to the free-form shark that stops moving forward....

Punch lines please!
  6:27pm Lone Wolf (without cub):

from a personal point of view one of my favourite records live in Japan is the Santana Lotus album which has the most amazing artwork! I think there were a few US jazz artists that did Japan only records like Herbie Hancock and others. Did'nt Herbie do a very live in Japan triple album in the 70s?
  6:27pm listener james from westwood:

did the one i just sent not get thru? odd. i'll give it a minute.
  6:27pm Carmichael:

@matt: I'll wager there's already a tribute album of great avant garde Japanese jazz yodelers.
  6:28pm kat330:

You got me, Matt -- Ms. Monk's been there and done that.
  6:30pm Lone Wolf (without cub):

you get eaten by the corporate crocodiles that pay off your debts but kick your butt out!
  6:31pm listener james from westwood:

i think the intertubes are clogged. someone send another pledge down the chute to knock mine loose.
  6:31pm kat330:

This sax is in a serious argument.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm Doug Schulkind:

Thank YOU Listener James from Westwood!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm Doug Schulkind:

The sax player here is Motoeru Takagi. The sax player on the next track: The beloved Umezu Kazutoki (Dr. Umezu)!!
  6:35pm kat330:

I wrote on Lamin's list a while back that I love the cello so much because it most closely emulates the human voice. Someone after I'd bid adieu said there was no contest, that the saxophone was closest. I went back to that archive and granted that might be true -- but still the cello was the closest to a human voice that had never smoked or otherwise put undue stress on the cords.
  6:35pm listener james from westwood:

ah, glad it got through. i got the receipt, so was curious.
pledge to takagi-san on the sax!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm Doug Schulkind:

Anyone feel like hauling off an pledging in honor of fearless Japanese sax wielders everywhere? In honor of the radio monstrosity that fearlessly delivers said fearless wielders? Wield and wonderful!
  6:37pm Matt from Springfield:

Theme song to: "A Sax In Turmoil"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm Doug Schulkind:

Thank YOU, ndbob!
  6:41pm listener james from westwood:

w00t! go ndbob go!
  6:44pm Matt from Springfield:

Thanks LJFW! Thanks NDBob!
And thanks Mr. Herb-in-Bethesda!
  6:45pm kat330:

Pledge Catch-22: Unlike stream listeners in the public sector, Philo and I must listen less so we can work more in order to pledge-pay for our listening pleasure. But Doug, we promise at holiday time you, Charlie, Tony & Amanda *will* be remembered! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm Doug Schulkind:

Don't forget that your pledge now is only a commitment to pay later. You don't actually have to pay now. Just sayin'. (You can DO it however. I'm grateful you're digging it.)
  6:47pm kat330:

Yes, I second the TY's to all those keeping the stream running!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm Doug Schulkind:

This is about the most subdued Shibusashirazu track I've ever heard/played. Usually it is beyond monstrously frenetic and cacophonous. In a GOOD way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm Doug Schulkind:

And the tracks go on for 15, 20, 25 delirious minutes. Oh yeah!
  6:50pm kat330:

At talkover time, I dare you to say this orchestra's name 3 times quickly!
  6:51pm Matt from Springfield:

Great recommendation from Hugo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm Doug Schulkind:

A pledge in honor of Hugo maybe?
  6:53pm kat330:

And I don't mean the easy Eastasia Orchestra name either. ;)
  6:55pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: My pledge to this show is budgeted--will drop in the app when I get home.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm Doug Schulkind:

Big radio kiss to you, Matt from Springfield! (And here's some Purell.)
  6:56pm kat330:

Doug, does it explain what the acronym S.L.A.P.P.Y. stands for on the album?
  6:58pm ndbob:

excellent show doug!
  6:58pm listener james from westwood:

absolutely loved the show. keep on pledgin', y'all!
  6:58pm kat330:

And I bet your Japanese names are all correct, but maybe Derek Bailey should lose an "i"?
  6:58pm Matt from Springfield:

Well, I suppose that was the right pronunciation and all!
  6:59pm kat330:

Ha! You did it!! TY Doug, for the ear and tongue twisters! :>
  6:59pm kat330:

Jog up to see ndbob!!
  7:00pm kat330:

  7:00pm Matt from Springfield:

The triumphant return of Amanda!! Whoopdedoooo!!!

Thanks Doug for the deep listen inside Japanese jazz! Have a good night!
  7:00pm ndbob:

  12:04pm Hugo:

I just took a glance at the pic at the top. Instantly recognisable! No further comments.
  12:15pm Doug Schulkind:

I thanked you for introducing me to them, Hugo! I am eternally thankful.
  12:26pm Hugo:

My pleasure, entirely!

By the way, the gentleman in the pic is practicing a form of dance known as butoh.

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