Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 03 October 2012 Favoriting | Erotic Delia Derbyshire Fan Fiction

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Comments New Approx. start time
The Limiñanas  Longanisse   Favoriting Crystal Anis 
*   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Dies Irae Psicodelico   Favoriting Barry 7 Connectors Vol 2 
  0:02:16 (Pop-up)
Cobra Killer  Chemie Des Alltags   Favoriting 76 / 77 
  0:04:07 (Pop-up)
Monks  Oh How to Do Now   Favoriting Black Monk Time 

  0:07:16 (Pop-up)
S.Y.P.H.  Oh How to Do Now   Favoriting Silver Monk Time 
  0:10:27 (Pop-up)
Fehlfarben  We Do Wie Du   Favoriting Silver Monk Time 
  0:14:06 (Pop-up)
Circle  Sector   Favoriting Zopalki 
*   0:16:13 (Pop-up)
Fehlfarben  Dekade 2   Favoriting Xenophonie 
*   0:20:55 (Pop-up)
Kid Koala  11 Bit Blues   Favoriting 12 Bit Blues 
  0:28:22 (Pop-up)
Quintron & Miss Pussycat  Shoplifter   Favoriting 3/31/2012 

Click for the full size image
  0:31:31 (Pop-up)
Spooky Tooth  I Am The Walrus   Favoriting The Best of Spooky Tooth: That Was Only Yesterday 
  0:36:08 (Pop-up)
Lord Sitar  I Am The Walrus   Favoriting  

Click for the full size image
  0:42:40 (Pop-up)
Melvins  the bit   Favoriting Stag 
  0:46:31 (Pop-up)
Saor Patrol  Men o'Galloway   Favoriting Two Headed Dog / Duncarron Electric 
  0:51:24 (Pop-up)
Blanketship  The Sleep Train   Favoriting Pleated Shorts 
*   1:04:30 (Pop-up)
Jim Noir  Tower of Love   Favoriting Title Track 
  1:06:26 (Pop-up)
Chris Cohen  Monad   Favoriting Overgrown Path 
*   1:09:49 (Pop-up)
The Mekons & Kathy Acker  My Song at Night   Favoriting Pussy, King of the Pirates      1:14:02 (Pop-up)
Mi-Gu  Oshiro   Favoriting Choose the Light 
*   1:18:03 (Pop-up)
Girls Glee Club, New Palestine High School, Indiana  Midnight Cowboy   Favoriting Poly High: School Bands Play the Classics (various artists) 

Click for the full size image
  1:25:41 (Pop-up)
Oranj Symphonette  Midnight Cowboy Theme   Favoriting The Oranj Album 
  1:29:23 (Pop-up)
Joe Meek  Love Dance of the Saroos   Favoriting I Hear a New World 
  1:31:51 (Pop-up)
BBC Radiophonic Workshop  Track 6 and more   Favoriting BBCRadiophonic Music 

Click for the full size image
  1:34:04 (Pop-up)
The Allophons  In The End   Favoriting Saddle Bomb 
  1:44:55 (Pop-up)
Bodenstandig 2000  Dachziegelkauer   Favoriting Celebrity Headphones: Monica's 2012 WFMU Marathon Premium 
  1:49:26 (Pop-up)
Michael Hearst  March Of The Unusual Creatures   Favoriting Songs for Unusual Creatures 

Click for the full size image
  1:51:38 (Pop-up)
9th Ward Marching Band  Slow Ride / Dont Bring Me down   Favoriting Sneaking Up The Street 
*   1:53:45 (Pop-up)
Little Benny & The Masters  Who Comes to Boogie?   Favoriting Go Go Get Down: Pure Ghetto Funk from Washington DC 
*   2:05:00 (Pop-up)
Monophonics  Deception   Favoriting In Your Brain 
  2:12:05 (Pop-up)
Funkadelic  Can You Get To That?   Favoriting Maggot Brain      2:16:58 (Pop-up)
Hall & Oates  Back Together Again   Favoriting The Essential Spooky Tooth 
  2:19:49 (Pop-up)
Delia Derbyshire  Pot Au Feu   Favoriting BBC Radiophonic Workshop Vol 1: The Early Years 1963-1969      2:26:01 (Pop-up)
Delia Derbyshire  Dreams, Edit B   Favoriting Dreams with Electronic Accompaniement 
  2:28:07 (Pop-up)
BBC Announcer  The Shipping Forecast   Favoriting  
  2:37:44 (Pop-up)
Seu Jorge  Life on Mars   Favoriting The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou 
  2:50:09 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Rockabye Baby 
Hurt   Favoriting  
  2:57:16 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:00am Hall & Oates are the Supreme Overlords of the mus:

Happy ROCKTOBER 3rd!
  9:02am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

and sad last day of baseball season
  9:02am Roberto:

  9:03am BSI:

"Here we go... the down and dirty..."
-Frankie Machine
  9:05am Cheri Pi:

Monk beat!
  9:05am BSI:

god, that Monks riff is the greatest thing in the history of hearing things.
  9:06am Cheri Pi:

^what he said!
  9:08am Caryn:

Fabulous start to the show, Ken! Although I could point out that the Morricone track is from B7C vol. 2.
  9:08am SteveL:

Damn you Ken! Now I'm at work AND awake.
  9:09am Cheri Pi:

Ken, I forgive you for everything!
  9:09am amEdeo:

I ate Herman Munster, and now my stomach feels like 1960s television.
  9:09am Dan B From Upstate:

Morning, all.
  9:11am Caryn:

That owl and dancing girl are both rocking it to Monks. Can't take my eyes off them.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:13am Ken:

Morning all! Thanks to Jan for getting my October widget off of ZERO! Thank you JAN!!!
  9:13am MD:

  9:15am Dog:

  9:16am Cow:

  9:16am Dave B:

No witty salutations from me. Mobile app doing well on the Upper West Side
  9:16am BSI:

gettin' all monkey up in this joint!
  9:18am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

my hovercraft is full of eels
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:20am Ken:

That's odd Hall & Oates.. MY hovercraft is also full of eels.
  9:21am Caryn:

Hovercraft, eels, check.
Now, are anyone's nipples exploding with delight?
  9:22am Mark:

ah, Monty Python
  9:22am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

perhaps we are on the same hovercraft? are you the man in the trenchcoat trying to sell me Rolex watches?
  9:22am BSI:

Was about to hoot happily about CIRCLE!!! but remembered I just hooted happily about MONKS!!! ... mustn't give the impression of being too happy. Ruins the reputation. Or something.
  9:23am Rammstein:

German, huh? Hmmm. We speak German.
  9:23am Berg:

tons of energy in there - and love the gifs as well!
  9:24am Vivian:

Oh Fehlfarben..
  9:24am still b/p:

Keep on hooting happily. You'll NEVER regret it. Trust ME!
  9:25am Caryn:

Ken's show has ruined me. Just watched The Dick Van Dyke Show yesterday, and every time MTM went "Oh Rob", I automatically went "Oh Rammstein". Dammit!
  9:26am Rammstein:

There might be little truth to the horrible rumors you have heard in regard to those awful accusations.
  9:26am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

  9:27am common:

spooky tooth!!!
  9:30am Irwin:

Ken can make fun of Spooky Tooth all he wants. I will air the full epic 9-minute version of "Evil Woman" from SPOOKY TWO on this afternoon's program.
  9:30am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

i think playing It's Spooky by Daniel Johnston would be more appropriate than a spookytooth marathon
  9:32am r i s k y:

I got dem ole stinky blues today...
  9:32am BSI:

I, for one, would go for the CEREMONY album at 16RPM, in its entirety. Who's the best fit: Bryce? Kurt? Anyone?
  9:33am ricardo montalban:

I still remember my bitter disappointment when I first heard a Spooky Tooth record and found it was neither spooky or teeth related.
  9:33am Mike East:

Its raining so hard I thought I was in Seattle
  9:34am BSI:

Or a Scott W. traktor live remix of Ceremony?
  9:34am Mike East:

But then I'd be Mike Pacific Northwest.
  9:34am ricardo montalban:

I'm in Washington currently and we've had the longest stretch of dry weather that I can ever remember.
  9:37am Sam:

That's lame about the dry spell. Rain is the best. We got a lot yesterday in Jersey, how is it that it didn't rain in DC?
  9:37am Neg-guh-tor:

The spookiest band ever!
  9:37am Caryn:

Today's supposedly the only dry day this week, but here I sit inside, listening to WFMU. Well, I wasn't going to go out anyway.
  9:38am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

beatles: worst band ever. a band doing a beatles cover: just plain sad.
  9:38am mushmouth:

Dookie Spoof!
  9:38am dcp@:

well this is a little toothy...
  9:38am Jack:

This is so bad it's spooky.
  9:39am KP:

Oh it really is Spooky Tooth. Happy Goo goo g'joob!
  9:39am Caryn:

I've assigned each of the walruses a Beatles moniker. Gotta say, Ringo was the easiest to place.
  9:40am Mark:


Spooky Tooth are an English rock band principally active, with intermittent breakups, between 1967 to 1974. In recent years, the band has been reconstituted at various points,[1] and continues to perform occasionally.
  9:41am hamburger:

I'm still haunted by Russell Brand's version at the Olympics
  9:41am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

this has got to be one of the most horrible things Ken has ever played on his show.
  9:41am MD:

i'm very tall!
  9:42am cubicle carl:

When did they do this cover of Walrus?
  9:42am Mark:


Crucial to their sound was their instrumentation; they were one of the relatively few rock acts of the time to adopt the twin keyboard approach (both an organ and a piano player).
  9:43am Caryn:

@hamburger: I'm still haunted by the local commentator claiming that Timothy Spall was Kenneth Branagh. Don't just read your notes, dude, use your frigging eyes! They look nothing alike!
  9:43am BSI:

As far as toothy hairy rockers doing Beatles covers go, I'll take Kin Ping Meh's "come together" over this Tooth. But what the hell. This way we get a smoochy walrus love-in.
  9:44am Caryn:

Walruses: touchy-feely or just total sluts? Discuss.
  9:45am cee dubbles:

damn you Ken - now all I can think about is eggs!
  9:45am Caryn:

@BSI: considering how things are progressing, that version may turn up soon. Hell, the Russell Brand version from the Olympics may turn up soon.
  9:46am Mark:

and finally:

They formed in October 1967, when Gary Wright joined the band Art. The band name Art only existed from April to October 1967. Art was renamed from The V.I.P.'s, as the name fitted better to the new musical direction taken on the album Supernatural Fairy Tales. Gary Wright held a significant role from the start. He wrote the majority of the first Spooky Tooth album, some even with record producer Jimmy Miller instead of band members.
  9:46am The GB Kid:

I wouldn't exactly call the walruses sluts.. but all of them have syphilis.
  9:47am Neg-guh-tor:

The Beatles weren't the worst band ever. That was the Stones or something. The Beatles could play really well.
  9:47am Neg-guh-tor:

The Beatles weren't the worst band ever. That was the Stones or something. The Beatles could play really well.
  9:48am BSI:

Narwhals have a bad history with torn condoms. Word to the wise.
  9:48am Sam:

The walruses are definitely touchy-feely, maybe borderline sluts. It depends how you define a slut. Maybe they're gigolos? Or just sexual bon vivants? Or are they just straight up hoo-ahs?
  9:48am Caryn:

Well, over 90 % of koalas have herpes. Man, animals are STD-laden. So always wear a condom when romancing your local fauna, people.
  9:48am KP:

Spooky Tooth might have been first band to lose a lead vocalist (Gary Wright) and attempt to replace him with a soundalike (Mike Patto). The band also had links to Humble Pie, Mott the Hoople and Wings.
  9:49am Vivian:

Just because walruses can have one night stands, like leopards, does not make them sluts.
  9:49am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:
  9:49am Sam:

But those reindeer are a bunch of bimbos.
  9:49am Mark:

at Montauk State Park at the southern tip of Long Island there is a sign alleging that deer regularly swim the 14 miles between Block Island and Montauk point
  9:49am Neg-guh-tor:

*gulp* 90%?
  9:50am Andrew Waterloo:

The conversation is making me feel kind of funny.
  9:52am Nance:

Anything by The Ravi Schenker Group would be good now.
  9:52am Sam:

Why would the deer swim that far? Do they have summer places out there? What's up with animals doing these ridiculous migrations? Like flying thousands of miles just for warmer weather, or wandering all across Canada in search of the perfect peat moss!
  9:52am Caryn:

@Vivian: hey, at least they're not rapists like those filthy dolphins!

I like the fact that the bonobos' high intelligence and peacefulness are often connected to the fact that they regularly indulge in sex for pleasure, mutual masturbation, and homosexual behaviour.
  9:53am green mountain man mark:

good morning
  9:54am Caryn:

When we go back to our island in the spring, we often find moose droppings. They apparently walk there over the ice in the winter and swim back out in the late spring. You know, for a little vacay.
  9:54am dcp@:

man, it must be a bitch making sure yer guitars and bagpipes are all tuned up right...
  9:54am Mark:

I don't even have any idea how the deer know how to find Block Island
  9:54am dcp@:

the pipes sound a little pitchy..
  9:54am wild 'dom:

Dear Deer. aren't you a Caribou?
  9:55am cee dubbles:

Prolly axed and aswered previously -- but is there a technological change that will add comments to the TOP rather than the bottom?
  9:55am Caryn:

@Mark: they have GPS, duh.
  9:55am Sam:

The thing is Caryn, you have to have a certain degree of intelligence before you can truly enjoy sex. Intelligent animals enjoy all pleasures more and feel pain more acutely. Rats are too simple to realize how great sex is, but bonobos totally get it.
  9:55am KP:

Mark, they are still using Google Maps.
  9:55am dcp@:

or are they reindeer...or both?
  9:56am Mark:

ah, I see
  9:56am Vivian:

@ Caryn, don't get me started about those awful dolphins. Just as bad as emus!
  9:57am MD:

Mark....They do make that swim...
  9:57am Caryn:

In the 80s, a guy was charged with performing a lewd act with a duck. The judge threw the case out, because he said it was impossible. Whether he meant physically or because ducks aren't into that, who knows?
  9:59am green mountain man mark:

and the woman in the news recently that got arrested for riding a manatee. Illegally riding a manatee, the story said.
  9:59am Mark:

Well they wouldn't put that sign in the state park if weren't true, right?
  9:59am Chico:

Why-a duck? Why-a no chicken?
  9:59am wild 'dom:

Reindeer, Caribou
  10:00am Mating Manatees:

We were mating and the bitch jumped in!
  10:00am Mark in DC:

Ken, I saw Gary Wright w/ that same band opening up here in DC. Where was yours? Anyone else see this?
  10:01am Caryn:

Chico, gotta say, that's my least favourite Marx Bros. movie.
  10:01am still b/p:

I'd do a dugong.
  10:02am hellman:

ken's right. there's a mayonnaise that's come over 7SD.
  10:02am Chico:

Its-a ok Caryn, I still got paid!
  10:02am Dan B From Upstate:

Right now, I want to vote for Ken, but doesn't he by law have to offser Andy equal time during this time slot?
  10:04am Sam:

Gary Wright rhymes with Barry White. Not many people know that.
  10:05am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

Reggie White?
  10:06am Cecile:

Good morning, all!
Damn, missed Saor Patrol.
  10:07am Caryn:

Have there really been so many cases of dogs skateboarding while smoking and drinking that this has had to be banned?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:08am Ken:

Mark, I saw Pousette Dart band and Gary Wright in Philadelphia, 1976. Also on the bill: Yes and Peter Frampton. My first Rock Concert! Maybe second actually...
  10:09am Caryn:

And now the animatronic heads are going at it! They were accidentally programmed to act like walruses.
  10:09am Sam:

Drinking and skateboarding don't mix, especially if you're a dog. Think twice.
  10:10am BSI:

Nobody enunciates the name "Pousette Dart Band" like Clay Pigeon. ...... NOBODY.
  10:10am Cecile:

damn, ken. bill of the competent, pleasant journeymen!
  10:11am Andrew Waterloo:

I didn't know that James Dog smoked
  10:11am Caryn:

@Sam: the problem is, the sign makes the dog look too cool and civilized while doing the bad things. I mean, a wine glass? What's next, a brandy snifter? For god's sake, give him a bottle or something to make him seem more degenerate! Now other dogs just want to emulate him.
  10:12am Mark:

I had blissfully forgotten all about the Pousette-Dart Band until today
  10:13am Caryn:

@Sam: Plus, whatever the dog is smoking is so long that it looks more like a cigar or a cigarette in a holder. Again, too fancy!
  10:13am Sam:

Good point Caryn! He looks soooo cool, cruising on his skateboard with his philly, sippin on gin and juice, with his mind on his money and his money on his mind.
  10:14am Mark:

I think the sign is only banning hipster dogs from skateboarding, other dogs skateboarding, no problem
  10:15am Sam:

God I wish I was a dog. I would totally disobey that sign.
  10:15am Caryn:

I mean, the dog is even holding the wine glass by the neck, not higher up! He's following proper wine etiquette! Aargh!
  10:17am Mark:

ah the name of the dog jpg is no_scotties, that explains the joke
  10:17am monica:

my first rock concert was jethro tull. 1972, chicago stadium. 4th row. put me off rock concerts for years.
  10:18am Sam:

What goes with a cigar, red or white wine? I guess brandy would be more appropriate.
  10:18am Andrew Waterloo:

@monica was it Ian Anderson's camel toe?
  10:20am amEdeo:

Whoa whoa-- WHAT is this? This is spectacular.
  10:21am Sam:

There is some surprisingly uncrappy music being played today.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:21am Ken:

Hey, thank you MIKE! Another pledge came in. How nice.
  10:21am Caryn:

I actually think the dog sign is real and for a park that wanted to ban dogs, smoking, skateboarding, and drinking, but didn't want to put 4 signs everywhere, so just amalgamated all 4 into one. The result is just a bit misleading. I suspect anyone could drink it up in that park, and when someone complained, just say, "Hey, I'm not a skateboarding, smoking dog, I'm allowed to do this!"
  10:21am paula pc:

low-key feel today...nice nice
  10:22am Dave B:

Just got into the office. Happy to see that "fleeing" GIF made the rotation! - The streaming signal kept buffering on the way across town, so I'll catch what I missed in archival form.
  10:22am KP:

The "Who Sell Out" Who.
  10:23am hamburger:

chat up audiobook! :ooo
  10:23am hamburger:

not creepy at all!
  10:24am Andrew Waterloo:

Mi-Gu was awesome yesterday on Trouble's show
  10:24am Mark:

oh, I like indoor sports
  10:24am Caryn:

This is definitely 70's chat-ups. The "what's your sign?" question is soooo 70s.
  10:25am Cecile:

you should play Lady Bug by Bumblebee Unlimited. It's the same thing, but with helium-voiced bugs. And disco!
  10:26am cee dubbles:

That '76 Frampton Yes concert at Veteran's Stadium is LEGENDARY.
  10:27am Dave B:

@Caryn - or you could respond to complainers in that park thusly:
  10:27am cee dubbles:

I couldn't help noticing you across the football field, Ken.
  10:27am monica:

@Andrew Waterloo - definitely a contributing factor!
  10:28am Caryn:

How creepy would it be if the chat-up lines were acted out by teachers as the glee club sang in the background?
  10:29am Caryn:

@Dave B: aah, the joy that is "Trailer Park Boys"...
  10:29am Johnny Moes:

I couldn't help but bar you from across the notice
  10:30am Andrew Waterloo:

The theme to midnight cowboy already has a bit of a creepy veneer to it.
  10:31am Michelle in Green Bay:

Good morning, all!
  10:31am paula pc:

yuh today's feeling is...WISTful...
  10:32am Andrew Waterloo:

I can't imagine being in the produce section looking earnestly at the woman beside me saying "melons"
  10:33am Andrew Waterloo:

I just read about Joe Meek in Irwin's book
  10:35am Mark in DC:

Ken, I saw the same bill at RFK in DC. I always wondered if that was a package tour or a one-off. Wow.
  10:40am Sam:

Asking somebody their sign really works though. Usually because it sounds so stupid that you both laugh and it breaks the ice, and then you find out when their birthday is, and then you find out how old they are, and little by little you learn a lot about the person.
  10:40am Caryn:

Oh, Delia Derbyshire... You and your musique concrète techniques are tantalising...
  10:41am Sam:

"Are there any more at home that look like you?"
  10:41am Luke:

Did anyone see that Joe Meek biopic a few years ago? I read a book on the dude a while back, he was very much ahead of his time.
  10:41am SteveL:

Caryn: You had me at musique concrète techniques.
  10:42am Dave B:

@Sam - chloroform and ruffies work wonders too!
  10:42am Luke:

Also, that pic for lord sitar reminds me of this:
  10:42am Andrew Waterloo:

I just found a BBC documentary on Joe Meek for free on Youtube. I haven't watched it yet.
  10:42am Sam:

What's a biopic?
  10:43am Caryn:

@SteveL: what would happen if I said "simple harmonic waveforms of test-tone oscillators"?
  10:43am Andrew Waterloo: Joe Meek
  10:43am Mark:

oh no! not Zingers!
  10:44am Sam:

Obama should ask Romney "What did you do TODAY?"
  10:44am Luke:

A biographical film. I think it was called Telstar.
  10:44am Caryn:

Hasn't "I like to fire people" become a bit of a cultural catchphrase already?
  10:44am Andrew Waterloo:

I'm still creeped out by all the awkward Palin winking
  10:44am Sam:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Romney!!
  10:45am Andrew Waterloo:

@Luke, that is correct
  10:46am ?:

Did he hire Andy to write his zingers?
  10:46am Dave B:

He's got some fresh zingers, too!
  10:47am BSI:

Hey, this Allophons thing be hip.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:47am Ken:

More Delia Derbyshire erotic fan fiction PLEASE
  10:48am Caryn:

I'd like to thank Palin, though, for making it possible for Danny Strong to win an Emmy. And for allowing me to see him on stage with the rest of the production team looking like the tiniest man alive.
  10:48am Sam:

"Mitt, I think you have some very good ideas, and I'm not being sarcastic."
  10:49am Andrew Waterloo:

All Obama really has to do is compliment Romney on his delivery.
  10:50am wild 'dom:

Speaking of reptiles (aka cats), did you see 'bearded dragon attacks grape' ?
  10:50am Sam:

I love that fourth going up.
  10:52am Luke:

Bearded Dragons rule. I want to get some pet Tardigrades though.
  10:53am Sam:

When you listen to tuba you can fart loudly and it's totally inaudible! Really nice.
  10:55am wild 'dom:

Pet tardigrades ? To raise sea monkey like civilizations?
  10:55am Dave B:

Speaking about lizards and farting:
  10:55am Mark:

inaudible, yes, but
  10:56am ranjit:

the best song about tardigrades:
  10:56am Roberto:

Note to self: attend more tuba recitals.
  10:57am Luke:

Wait, there's enough songs about tardigrades for there to be a best?
  10:58am Luke:

Man, this tardigrades song sounds like some early ESP Disk stuff.
  11:00am ranjit:

One is enough, and it is THE BEST.
  11:02am Caryn:

"As Delia Derbyshire mixed the Phrygian melody initially created by her deft fingering of the dials of the oscillator banks, I was drawn in by the pulsating rhythm of the music and the equally pulsating rhythm of our intermingled heartbeats. I sighed in ecstacy as her slender fingers spliced together the main plucked bass, the bass slides emphasising the grace notes, the hisses, the swoops, the melody, a second melody line, and the bubbles and clouds. Her auburn symmetrical bob swayed slightly and she smiled at me as I called her my little "Li De la Russe".

Something like that, Ken?
  11:02am MONTREAL:

Worth mentioning Derbyshire's comments on Yoko Ono in this interview,
  11:02am HEAT:

Heeyy everybody! LOL @ BODENSTANDIG 2000 GIF.
  11:03am Luke:

Caryn, please make a blog featuring this Delia Erotica.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:06am Ken:

Yeah Caryn! THAT'S what im talking about!
  11:07am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

i must attend to the wee ones. all~y'alls have a goodun
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:09am Ken:

Phew, Hall & Oates finally left! NOW I can play some Hall & Oates!!
  11:14am Caryn:

@Luke: doubt that that's going to happen, but if it did, I'd utilise the Delia interview MONTREAL put up by using the phrase "a VCS3 with an elongated joystick".
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:15am Ken:

Thanks also to DAVID and ROB for their pledges!! I is at 5%!!
  11:17am HEAT:

  11:19am Caryn:

If Ken figures out the Delia D. creation outlined in the erotica, I'll have to dig up some money to pledge.
  11:20am Luke:

VCS3's are sexy enough, without even mentioning the slender elongated joystick. :)
  11:21am Cecile:

  11:21am Dave B:

That DAVID is really me. The Turntable t-shirt looks great!
  11:21am Mark:

Help! Help I detect David Sanborn!!
  11:22am Sam:

You can play some Beatles now! Why would anyone not like the Beatles? Is it because they can't imagine all the people living life in peace? I hope some day they'll join us and come together while my guitar gently weeps.
  11:22am DJ Fancy Feast:

By "Can I Get to That" - does "That" refer to our October pledge goal? If so... er... hope so - everybody ante up!
  11:23am timotato:

Love this old H&O stuff. Although I expected that you'd go to the drug-fueled obscure stuff from "War Babies", etc. Still, I'll take what I can get!
  11:25am Sam:

Most people are afraid of the dentist, but with a spooky tooth, the dentist will be afraid of you.
  11:27am Caryn:

@Sam: still, it's better than a haunted vagina
  11:27am Dan B From Upstate:

I want to have Ron Granier involved in my Delia Derbyshire fan fiction, but my damn writer's block is stopping me from finding a way!
  11:30am Luke:

"oi am gaoewing to drahn!"
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:30am Ken:

Thanks to Mark from Vermont for pledging too!
  11:32am Caryn:

Nice reading, Ken.

@Dan B: well, she could run her fingers through Grainers distinctive bushy hair. If you wanted to go all meta, a successful sexual tryst could be followed by the back-and-forth:
"Did I really make you come like that?
"Well, mostly!"

Go forth and write!
  11:33am dcp@:

"cleowthes pulling meh beck.."
  11:37am Vivian:

@ Dan B - don't forget to throw in a walrus or three...
  11:37am Dan B From Upstate:

No kidding. Just this past weekend, I was thinking it's been a while since Ken played the shipping forecast. I was gonna' request it today.
  11:37am Luke:

Shipping forecasts. O_o
  11:38am Ricardo Montalban:

I HATE having shipping weather forecast dreams! Happens every time I eat at Long John Silvers.
  11:39am Mark:

ah, The Shipping Forecat
  11:39am Jack:

Y'know, I miss Kenny G.
  11:40am Long John's Silver:

Shrimp? Honey, I'm coming home with crabs!
  11:40am Shipping Forecast:

Cumberland - cloudy with large woman on seahorse
  11:40am Sam:

Con den sa tion
  11:41am Caryn:

Oh look, numbers' station!
  11:42am Mark:

The unique and distinctive sound of these broadcasts has led to their attracting an audience much wider than that directly interested in maritime weather conditions. Many listeners find the repetition of the names of the sea areas almost hypnotic, particularly during the night-time broadcast at 0048 UK time.
  11:42am Sam:

All hands on the poop deck!
  11:43am Luke:

All seamen to the poop deck! man the bilge pump!
  11:43am Rear Admiral:

Up Y'Oars!
  11:44am Sam:

I agree Mark, the shipping forecast is really trippy and relaxing. You get that subtle feeling of being lost at sea, and it's so much better out there.
  11:45am Mark:

Just to be clear I copied that from wikipedia, Sam. Just sayin'
  11:46am Mark:

Damn! No free percocet!
  11:46am green mountain man mark:

I also miss Kenny G. So many people do. Maybe he would pull a stunt to get people to pledge to HIS show even though he will never be back. He says.
  11:47am Sam:

Aaaah!! And here I thought you came up with something brilliant.
  11:47am Ricardo Montalban:

Maybe that 'You Are Listening To' guy should make a You Are Listening to Shipping Forecast UK
  11:48am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

It is a great start to ROCKTOBER! Ken, you said that "I will NEVER play Hall & Oates" on my show.". what made you change your mind?
  11:48am Sam:

I'd like Kenny G and Professor Dum Dum to do a show together. But maybe they hate each other's guts, I don't know.
  11:48am EAL:

this Roth/lullaby mashup is making my entire day
  11:49am paul:

diamond dave + reverb + lullaby van halen! YES!!!
  11:49am Brian:

Thanks for mentioning Frank B. Haven't thought about him in awhile - miss that guy - another unfortunate example of a smart person acting stupid.
  11:49am Mark:

me come up with something brilliant? not likely!
  11:50am Caryn:

I guess Teletubbies has given way to the Shipping Forecast as the go-to post-night-out "listen to while drunk of high as a kite" programming.
  11:50am Sam:

You never know. There are some smart people that listen to this show. Like Vicki.
  11:51am Caryn:

Aargh! That should be "or", not "of".
  11:52am Dan B From Upstate:

I think the NPR guys from Wait Wait listen to Ken's show. About a week or two after Ken started playing rockabye baby, they've been ending every podcast episode with one of their tracks.
  11:53am Luke:

  11:54am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

der kommisar is a great song
  11:55am Rammstein:

It IS in German, which is always nice.
  11:55am wild 'dom:

you mean, 'fucking dumb ass machines'
  11:55am dcp@:

Sam: they did do a marathon show together and Kenny seemed like he couldn't deal.
  11:55am Hall & Oates: Supreme Musical Overlords:

i think Heino should do a cover of der kommisar
  11:56am Sam:

When I'm super wasted in Holland I watch Samson en Gert.
  11:56am Caryn:

If the Falco made Luke pledge, you might need to thank the machines, Ken.
  11:57am the machines:

all hail us
  11:57am DJ Fancy Feast:

Okay, who's gonna do "The Shipping Forecast " for Hoof and Mouth 2013?
  11:57am Joel Edwards:

Spotify sucks
  11:59am Caryn:

@DJ FF: Ken seems like the obvious choice.
  11:59am Mark:

Have you seen the At&t 4G ad on TV, the music seems directly inspired by The Fall's Fortress/Deer Park. Everytime it comes on I expect to hear Mark E Smith intone "I took a walk down West 11,
I had to wade through 500 European punks"
  12:00pm HEAT:

bye!! great show
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