Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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October 26, 2012 Favoriting
Under the rainbow
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Jauharah Orchestra  Wangu Ukutina   Favoriting Colonial Dance Bands: 1950 & 1952
(Sharp Wood Productions )
Haussein Shiekh & Radio Mogadisco Swahili Singers  Furaha, Happiness   Favoriting Baijun Ballads: Somali Songs in Swahili
(Asch 1970)
Azmari  Masinko Song   Favoriting Staring into the Sun:
Ethiopian Tribal Music
(Sublime Frequencies )
Aaamadu-Burayma  Praise Song, Reed Pipe   Favoriting Musical Atlas: Music of the Peuls
(Odeon/EMI 1970)
El Hadj Mohamed El Anka  Rabi Alaamlih Iydaabar (pt. 2)   Favoriting Opika Pende: Africa at 78 RPM
(Dust-to-Digital )
Bnate Houara  Track #3   Favoriting Bnate Houara
(Sawt el Mounadi ca. 1990)

Talkover Music:
DJ Food 
Dub Lion (Remake)   Favoriting Stop and Listen: Volume 1 (compiled by Dr. Bob Jones)
(BBE 1994)

Wello Rivas y Orquesta Rafael Hernández  El Billetero   Favoriting Rafael Hernández 1932-1939
(Harlequin )
Johnny Rodríguez  Guerra...Guerra   Favoriting Johnny Rodríguez 1935-1940
(Harlequin )
Cuarteto Machín  Ilusión China   Favoriting Volume 1: 1930-1932
(Harlequin )
Pedro Marcano  Cuatro Personas   Favoriting Pedro Marcano 1935-1940
(Harlequin )
Eddie Palmieri y La Perfecta  Asi Es la Humanidad   Favoriting El Molestoso
(Alegre 1963)
Cortijo y Su Combo  Carnival   Favoriting Nuyorican Funk Experience
(Nascente )

Talkover Music:
Roy Brooks 
The Free Slave   Favoriting The Free Slave
(Muse 1970)

Lorez Alexandria  Over the Rainbow   Favoriting Alexandria the Great
(Impulse! 1964)
Chet Baker  Over the Rainbow   Favoriting Chet Is Back!
(Bluebird 1962)
Shorty Rogers & His Giants  Over the Rainbow   Favoriting Jimmy Giuffre: The Complete 1947-1953 Small Group Sessions
(Blue Moon 1951)
Milt Hinton  Over the Rainbow   Favoriting East Coast Jazz 5
(Bethlehem 1955)
Giuseppi Logan  Over the Rainbow   Favoriting The Giuseppi Logan Quartet
(Tompkins Square 2009)
Byard Lancaster  Over the Rainbow   Favoriting It's Not Up to Us
(Vortex 1968)
Sun Ra  Over the Rainbow   Favoriting Of Mythic Worlds
(Philly Jazz 1978)

Talkover Music:
Bud Powell 
Comin' Up   Favoriting The Scene Changes
(Blue Note 1958)

Apaslar  Gilgamis   Favoriting Hava Narghile:
Turkish Rock Music 1966 to 1975
(Dionysus 1969)
Hardal  Bir Yağmur Masalı   Favoriting Nasil Ne Zaman
(Öncü 1978)
Bülent Ortaçgil  Yuzunu Dokme Kucuk Kiz   Favoriting Benimlre Oynar Misin
(World Psychedelia Ltd. 1974)
Edip Akbayram & Dostlar  Dağlar Dagladi Beni   Favoriting Edip Akbayram
(Normal )
Fikret Kizilok & Tehlikeli Madde  Haberin Var Mi   Favoriting b/w Kör Pencere/Ay Batti
( 1974)
Durul Gence 10  Hilal   Favoriting Bosporus Bridges:
A Wide Selection of Turkish Jazz and Funk (Vol. 1)
(Twimo )

Talkover Music:
Clifford Coulter 
Big Fat Funky Shirley   Favoriting East Side San Jose
(Impulse! 1970)

The Southern Melody Boys  Down in Baltimore   Favoriting Classic Field Recordings:
Landmark Country Sessions from a Lost Era
(JSP )
Ernest Stoneman & Uncle Eck Dunford  The Savingest Man on Earth   Favoriting With Family and Friends
(Old Homestead )
The Carter Family  Chewing Gum   Favoriting In the Shadow of Clinch Mountain
(Bear Family 1928)
John Dilleshaw  Bad Lee Brown   Favoriting Seven Foot Dilly 1929-1930
(Document )
Doye O'Dell  In the Little Shirt My Mother Made for Me   Favoriting Bath Tub Blues
(Cattle Compact 1947)

Talkover Music:
Odell Brown & the Organ-izers 
Tough Tip   Favoriting Ducky
(Cadet 1968)

Lemed Janvier  A Kuô Towêvo   Favoriting Revelation 83!
(Teat 1983)
Usizwe Namatshitshi  Siyashintsha Kulonyaka   Favoriting Noma Ungayaphi Bakhala Ngathi
(CBS 1971)
Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou-Dahomey  Ou C'est Lui Ou C'est Moi   Favoriting The 1st Album
(Analog Africa 1973)
Pazy and the Black Hippies  Lahila   Favoriting Wa Ho Ha
(EMI 1978)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:12am duke:

Hi DrummerSome and other drummers. Just waiting for Frankenstorm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19am Doug Schulkind:

'ello Sir Duke. The harlequins and jesters will be along presently to entertain you.
  8:57am listener james from westwood:

in this case, we have the rainbow BEFORE the storm!
morning, doug, and happy friday to the other stormwatchers out there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am Doug Schulkind:

Stay safe, Frankenstormers!
  8:59am ndbob:

morning Doug, James, Duke, everyone
  9:00am dcp@:

on time today!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am Doug Schulkind:

Hi ndbob! Hi LJFW! Hi every single body!
  9:02am annie:

the good news: i'm here to listen!
the bad news: it's cause my seasonal work ended this week.
i have some irons in the fire, though...good morning evryone!~ so nice to be here!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am Doug Schulkind:

dcp + RG3 = Party!
  9:02am annie:

xkcd had a great hurricane comic this morning!!
  9:03am listener james from westwood:

here's to many irons and a cheery fire to celebrate them with!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am Doug Schulkind:

Oh Annie! I'm thrilled you're here. Sorry 'bout the work.
  9:05am annie:

it's cool, doug... ended sooner than i thought, but that old proverbial door has just swung wide open! woot!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am Doug Schulkind:

A pledge of only $12 will get the goal total to 50%. That would be a nice morale boost to start the morning...
  9:05am ndbob:

Greetings Annie!
  9:07am annie:

hey bob... long time no see...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am Doug Schulkind:

w00t to you, Annie, and to proverbial door swinging (the very best kind of door swinging!)
  9:13am listener james from westwood:

i can't get you to 100% in 1 shot, but i can get you to 50%.
if anyone can start the march to 60% now is the time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am Doug Schulkind:

Thanks to the ubiquitous Listener James From Westwood for nudging the total to 50%. You, Sir, are a mensch of highest rank.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am Doug Schulkind:

Elias of Astoria has thrown another 1% on the pyre. Burn baby burn! Thank you Elias!
  9:16am Elias:

The pleasure is all mine, my good man.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am Doug Schulkind:

Elias backwards is Saile, which makes me think of Haile Selassie. How about some Ethiopian music, then?
  9:19am dcp@:

great sounds!
  9:20am listener james from westwood:

the segue master strikes!
thanks, elias!
as always, i wish i could do more. have been eyeing armored cars of late to see if any stacks of bills might fall off the back. i would gladly take a dye pack to the face for fmu.
  9:21am Alex in Illinois:

Good morning. At home sick today. Got the laptop here tuned in. I did give in the pledge drive a couple weeks ago. It seems that all viewer-supported non-commercial media have been having pledge drives in the last few weeks. That includes the other station I support, KDHX as well as Link TV, a TV station that aired a great but disturbing documentary on the Koch brothers. Then there have been the political contributions too. There are actually some good people running, but their opponents are all funded by high-budget super PACs. So I have had to support some of the under-funded progressives. But, I still found enough to contribute to WFMU during this fund drive. It's just that I don't have much extra $$ right now because of the political donations.
  9:22am Elias:

Often I have been at parties and needed a good segueway into some Ethopian music! WFMU, the station that keeps on giving.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am Doug Schulkind:

Listener James, you are to dye for.
  9:26am ndbob:

Opika Pende is such a great collection
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am Doug Schulkind:

@Alex in Illinois
May the evil humors (and the Koch Brothers) invading your flesh LEAVE NOW. In other words, feel better soon.
  9:30am holland oats:

  9:31am listener james from westwood:

alex, the wnyc fund drive was running this week and last, so you're likely correct on the october hat-passing count. thanks for being a friend to underfunded progressives! they do need it. and here's to a healthier weekend!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am Doug Schulkind:

@holland oats
I think a pulled a muscle during the home stretch. I should've stretched first.
  9:35am Artie:

Yay mussels!! And cockles and whelks, and noisemakers of all kinds!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am Doug Schulkind:

You get extra credit for "whelks."
  9:44am Alex in Illinois:

Hmm. I heard you say "Musical atlas". Maybe I can get our local public library to get one of those.
  9:45am chris in durban:

greetings doug - good to be able to check in this afternoon - happy friday all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am Doug Schulkind:

@Chris in durban
Always thrilled to have you along for the ride!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am Doug Schulkind:

Three cheers to the trombonist soloing on this track. It's either Barry Rodgers or Mark Weinstein.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57am Doug Schulkind:

I just Googled it. It's Barry Rodgers.
  10:01am Brian in UK:

Good Afternoon Doug & gentle listeners.
@ artie OYSTERS by the pail.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am Doug Schulkind:

Blessing upon you, Brian in UK!! (Accompanying Brian's pledge was this query: Do you ever put preserved artichokes on your pizzas?")

Thank you for the pledge and the artichokes, Brian.
  10:03am Brian in UK:

What else would you be doing on a Friday at this time. Well? So give the drummer some fuckin' MONEY. Please.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am Doug Schulkind:

I would really like to encourage someone listening to make a real whopper of a pledge. How about $500? That would just kick the ass of this whole thing way down the road. I'm bending over...
  10:04am still b/p:

Hello. Great to have some Carnival with my bowl of cereal.

Be pretty interesting to be earthquaked and then Frankenstormed within just a fortnight.
  10:04am still b/p:

Hello. Great to have some Carnival with my bowl of cereal.
Be pretty interesting to be earthquaked and then Frankenstormed within just a fortnight.
  10:06am still b/p:

My first double post! More mysteries and signs of endtimes!
  10:07am listener james from westwood:

thanks mightily, brian!
  10:08am listener james from westwood:

you can bet pat robertson would blame such a confluence of catastrophes on obama, gays, left-handed sloths, or whatever else plagues his prion-riddled brain.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am Doug Schulkind:

@still b/p
Frankenquakes. Is that the cereal you're munching?
  10:12am alan r:

hi doug, I pledged but decided to split it between you and two other fav shows. its all good. Keep on keeping on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am Doug Schulkind:

@alan R
Hey man, it is way all good. Thank you!
  10:17am gumby:

I just moved to the Jersey shore during divorce. I am extatic about Frankenstorm. Truly beautiful when the weather matches your inner turmoil.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am Doug Schulkind:

Joining the aforementioned offering from Alan R is a pledge from Chris in Durban (main man behind the genius blog Electric Jive!!)

Some get their thrills on Blueberry Hill. I get them here:

Thank you Alan and Chris!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am Doug Schulkind:

This entire set, by the way, was inspired by the Sun Ra track, which will end the set. (It comes from the Sun Ra album appearing in this week's Mining the Audio Motherlode:
  10:24am dcp@:

this is amazing....gonna have to break out W of O tonight for the little guy to watch.
  10:30am Brian in UK:

Glad to hear it is not only John Martyn that can turn this tired standard into something meritricious. Ouch.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am Doug Schulkind:

We have Terry in Atlanta to thank for getting us to 57%. Muchas gracias, Terry!
  10:33am still b/p:

Hope the storm distracts, gumby, and moves things around & along.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am Doug Schulkind:

Speaking of meritricious, I present to you Herman "Sonny" (Le Sony'r Ra) Blount.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am Doug Schulkind:

Paul "The Bloke from Stoke" Sherratt has contributed yet again. 58% is now ours! Thanks Brother Paul!!
  10:36am Brian in UK:

  10:39am terry:

Hey Y'all I just made a low key pledge for the low key marathon but I was distracted and didn't see the spot to give you a shout. thanx for well...just making things better
  10:40am listener james from westwood:

yay, chris! thanks for the blog and the pledge! thanks also to alan and terry and paul!
gumby, sorry to hear about the divorce. hoping the storm provides stunning visuals but little damage.
  10:44am BodegaMan:

Only caught the Sun Ra track from that set, but luckily Guissepe Logan still plays "Over the Rainbow" almost exclusively from his park bench in Tompkins Square. I hear him every time I'm in the playground with my kids. Doug, you wrote a blog post about him once, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am Doug Schulkind:

Greetings to you! Yes I did write a piece about Giuseppi Logan. Here it is:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am Doug Schulkind:

Forgot to say cheers to you, Gumby. Hope you get all the weather your psyche craves.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am Doug Schulkind:

We are $905 away from reaching 100% When we reach 100%, the dog's tail wags.

And so will yours.
  10:57am gumby:

Thanks still b/p what I am finding is you must go through transcend as they say. But as Steve Earle wisely opinied at this point it's divorces and plate glass doors.

As always Douga top notch effort
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am Doug Schulkind:

Bülent Ortaçgil sould like Meic Stevens to me. Just goes to show you that I can't much tell Turkish from Welsh. Oh well.
  10:58am Uncle Michael:

Enjoying your show here in Kansas, Doug.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am Doug Schulkind:

@Uncle Michael
Delighted you're out there!
  11:04am Uncle Michael:

Are you doing the show live, Doug, just doing the talkovers live...or just in chat live? I'm curious about how this works?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07am Doug Schulkind:

@Unc Mike
I am 100% live. Doing the show live from my home studio in Pittsburgh, via a webstream hosted by freeform radio WFMU in Jersey City, NJ. I did this show on WFMU for 25 years before moving to Pittsburgh. This webstream was started in 2010 initially as a platform to allow me to continue doing the show. I'm live on the stream every Friday 9-noon and Tuesday 6-7pm (Eastern time zone). There are six shows all told that air on this stream.
  11:09am Carmichael:

Hiya Doug, happy Franken. Hello Gorton fisherman and Morton Salt girls.
  11:09am Brian in UK:

Six years jail pending appeal for Burlesconi, could not happen to a nicer bloke.
  11:10am Uncle Michael:

I listen to GTDS a lot but often can't catch any of the live shows. I appreciate you taking the time to talk shop. So you're logging the playlist for the website on the fly?
  11:11am Brian in UK:

There are two briges over the Bosporus, there is talk of a third. Istanbul bypass!
  11:15am duke:

Truly frightening - Romney and Meatloaf duet
Meatloaf alone would have been scary
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am Doug Schulkind:

@Uncle Mike
Yes, I am typing all this crapola in whilst doing a live radio show. Call me crazy! But seriously, I love it.
  11:17am Uncle Michael:

You're crazy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am Doug Schulkind:

Hey Carmichael! I'm guessing you don't get too many Snowicanes out by you.
  11:18am Uncle Michael:

Is WFMU picking up a shoutcast stream from you in Pittsburgh and relaying it?
  11:21am northguineahills:

This chawing tobacky song reminds me how some people treat their weed.
  11:21am marcury:

In for the pledge! Off to work in 10
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am Doug Schulkind:

@Uncle Michael
Exactly! There are two other shows that are prerecorded with live playlists, one from Brooklyn and one from Portland, Oregon. There are three other live shows, one from Brattleboro, Vermont, another from Providence, RI, and a third that is produced live from Studio C at WFMU.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am Doug Schulkind:

Lovely pledge from the fabulous Marc of Wallkill and a FULL MOUSE PLEDGE from Greg in Howell, NJ

I thank you gents mightily!!!
  11:25am Uncle Michael:

I broadcast Internet radio too and I like seeing how others approach doing it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am Doug Schulkind:

Unless I've screwed up the math real bad, it appears we are $514.99 away from reaching the GOAL!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am Doug Schulkind:

New friend Uncle Michael in Topeka, Kansas, has just kicked in some scratch. That's mighty neighborly of you, Michael. Thanks!
  11:31am Uncle Michael:

My pleasure.
  11:32am listener james from westwood:

whoo-hoo! thanks for the pledges big and small, all!
  11:32am Uncle Michael:

Doug, do you get any kind of live count of listener numbers?
  11:33am Carmichael:

Nah Doug, we have sunstorms out here. If it gets below 40, people start to panic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:35am Doug Schulkind:

@Uncle Michael
I do, but the count doesn't account for people listening via the iPhone app or those listening to the archives of the shows.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am Doug Schulkind:

Listener Will from right down the road here in Pittsburgh has slapped down a whole mess of pledge! We're now at a shiny 80%!!
  11:37am Uncle Michael:

I listen on an Android phone in my car, frequently. I connect to the FMU shoutcast server directly so that's probably counted.
  11:38am gumby:

Just made my mouse pledge thanks Doug
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39am Doug Schulkind:

Impressive, Uncle Michael! It's like you are getting the show intravenously.

Gumby rules! (And Gumby bends. So of course, Gumby bends the rules!!) Thanks Gumby!
  11:40am Uncle Michael:

It's not that tricky to find the server URL for most streams and XiiaLive is a great Android app that makes manually adding them simple. This is not a paid, celebrity endorsement.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43am Doug Schulkind:

This killer Usizwe Namatshitshi record was shared at the exalted Electric Jive blog. Go here:

Now just $429.99 away from our goal!
  11:44am Uncle Michael:

Doug, do the reporting and licensing requirements constrain you from playing requests?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am Doug Schulkind:

Oops! Make that $329.99, thanks to Listener Andy in Brooklyn. Thank you so much Andy!

Only 15% to go. Wow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am Doug Schulkind:

@Uncle Michael
We have no restrictions on what can be played.
  11:47am Uncle Michael:

Very cool. And great job shaking cash out of the trees today!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am Doug Schulkind:

Thanks. WFMU spring marathon is the real deal when the station raises about 80% of its annual budget. During that drive I have prizes to offer and am I'm actually allowed to talk about the fundraiser on the air. Good times!
  11:51am Uncle Michael:

Could you ever be persuaded to play some Cumbia Sonidero Poblano from Pueblo, Mexico? Have you ever?
  11:58am ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am Doug Schulkind:

I've played a ton of cumbia, of course, but I'm not sure about cumbia sonidero poblano. I will do some investigating.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am Doug Schulkind:

Thanks, ndbob. Excellent listening!
  11:59am Uncle Michael:

Yes, I've enjoyed it! I'll be back. I'm off on Fridays. Thanks Doug.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Please to meet you, Uncle Michael. Send me an email with info about your broadcast.
  12:00pm listener james from westwood:

thanks all ye pledgers, listeners, and djs who make this stream great!
and thanks for the fine friday of listening, doug!
be safe, everyone in the path of the frankenstorm!
  12:01pm Uncle Michael:

I will! And more questions about yours!
  12:03pm northguineahills:

Ack!!! It's that time already! I'm so behind! Trying to make chili for a chili cook-off and do resume coaching at the same time.
  1:59pm Van in DC:

What? I missed all the Over the Rainbow Under the Rainbow? How did that happen?

We have a way cooler flag than that by the way in the Principality of Sealand, of which I am a Lord :)
  2:03pm Doug Schulkind:

Your Lordship, I read the obituary for the amazing Roy Bates and am chagrined to say it was my introduction to Sealand.
  2:12pm Van in DC:

Yep, sad day that was recently. And I really did buy a Lordship from there...even have an official ID card lol :)
  2:20pm Doug Schulkind:

OMG, Van, did you really? I saw that they were for sale, but I deemed myself not worthy (i.e. too broke). You, Sir, have my utmost respect.
  2:26pm Van in DC:

Yep, as an offbeat birthday present to myself! :)
  2:30pm Doug Schulkind:

August 23, yes?
  2:47pm Van in DC:

yes! :)
  2:50pm Doug Schulkind:

It looks like August 23, 2013 is a FRIDAY!
  3:02pm Van in DC:

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