Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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November 9, 2012 Favoriting
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Prince Youlou et le T.P.O.K. Jazz  Mwana Bitendi   Favoriting Franco Présente
(JazzEdipop 1981)
Les Troubadours de Ouidah  Egbe We Mi Mon   Favoriting Les Troubadours de Ouidah
( 1969)
Orchestre Shama-Shama  Pamaphi (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting l'Afrique Danse
(African 1976)
Bobongo Stars  La Vie Ya Lelo   Favoriting Makasi
(Celluloid 1983)
George Mukabi  Tuli Saliwa Vijano Tano   Favoriting CMS African Records
(Excelsior )

Talkover Music:
Ziad Rahbani 
Second Introduction   Favoriting Bennesbeh Labokra...Chou?
(Relax-In 1978)

Rev. Edward Clayborn (The Guitar Evangelist)  Where Shall I Be When the First Trumpet Sounds   Favoriting The Guitar Evangelists
(JSP )
The Bells of Joy  Never Let It Be Said Too Late   Favoriting The Collection 1951-1954
(Acrobat )
Swanee Quintet  Lowly Jesus   Favoriting What About Me?
(Ace 1959)
The Stars of Virginia  Even Me   Favoriting Disturb My Soul:
Gospel from Stax Record's Chalice Label
(Ace )
Pilgrim Outlets  A Letter   Favoriting Do You Know Him
(ABC/Songbird 1974)
Tommy Ellison and the Five Singing Stars of Brooklyn, NY  Love, Peace & Happiness   Favoriting Love, Peace & Happiness
(Nashboro )

Talkover Music:
Steven Bernstein 
L'Chaim   Favoriting Diaspora Soul
(Tzadik 1999)

Hawaiian Ensemble "The Honolulu Queens"  Minnehaha. Minnedans   Favoriting On the Beach at Waikiki
(Harlequin )
SongJa Chee  Gutgeori   Favoriting Gayageum Sanzo
(AkdangEban 2008)
Sato Kunitaka  Agareyunu Harukana   Favoriting Wandering Shadow of Southern Streets
(EM late 1970s)
Jeti dengan The Alfan  Churiga-Churiga   Favoriting Olympic
Tsin Ting  Se Bu Mi Ren Zi Mi   Favoriting Ming Ri Zhi Ge (Song of Tomorrow)
(Pathé Marconi/EMI )
Dara Puspita  Mengapa   Favoriting Garage Years 1966-1968
(Groovie )
Sachiko Nishida  Coffee Rhumba   Favoriting Japanese Oldes 1960s
(n/a )

Talkover Music:
Egyptian Sand Siffter   Favoriting Sufiq
(Soleilmoon 2000)

Jason Roebke Trio  It's Enough   Favoriting Rapid Croche
(482 Music 2003)
Rob Brown Ensemble  Ghost Dog   Favoriting Crown Trunk Root Funk
(AUM Fidelity 2008)
Luc Houtkamp  Jug (Without Dodo)   Favoriting In Chicago
(Entropy Stereo 1997)
Marco Eneidi  One More Thing   Favoriting Cherry Box
(Eremite 1998)

Talkover Music:
Jack Costanzo 
Bajo Numero Uno   Favoriting Latin Fever
(Liberty 1958)

Perez Prado  St. James Infirmary   Favoriting Voodo Suite
(RCA Victor 1955)
Frank Hernández  El Rey del Timbal   Favoriting "El Pavo" y Su Orquesta
(Souvenir 1965)
Hector Rivera  Angue Tu Mamino Quiera (aka Lily)   Favoriting At the Party
(Barry 1966)

Talkover Music:
Organic Grooves 
Gold Weave   Favoriting Black Cherry
(AUM Fidelity 2002)

Debbie Taylor  Leaving Him Tomorrow   Favoriting Comin' Down on You
(Today 1972)
The Impressions  Choice of Colors   Favoriting b/w Mighty Mighty Spade and Whitey
(Curtom 1969)
Ed Nelson  I'll Give You a Ring (When I Come, If I Come)   Favoriting b/w My Love Needs Your Love (And Everybody Needs Love)
(Sagittarius )
Tavares  It Only Takes a Minute   Favoriting
The Notations  I'm Still Here   Favoriting
( 1971)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:45am Van in DC:

There's a Studio P funny in there somewhere but I haven't figured it out yet. :) early to get a good seat by the record player...Hi Doug!
  8:47am duke:

Good morning Doug and GTDS faithful. The picture shows an earlier version of the GTDS stream. Unfortunately, Doug couldn't find cables long enough to reach all his listeners.
  8:52am listener james from westwood:

let's get those kids to kick in their milk money to the station. fmu generates a lot less mucus.
morning, doug, and happy postelection friday, all!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53am Doug Schulkind:

Van in DC / Duke / LJFW
The 3-4-5 hitters in the line-up!
  8:58am ndbob:

morning Doug and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am Doug Schulkind:

You're up, ndbob! Slap one into right field!
  9:00am Uncle Michael:

Good morning Doug...and a jury of his peers.
  9:00am Van in DC:

Fun fact: GTDS has never been no-hit.
  9:02am lewis:

beautiful morning here in Minneapolis -headed for duluth after the show, should be a very nice drive...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am Doug Schulkind:

Uncle Michael, it is great to have you on the team! (Please, somebody shoot be before I baseball-metaphorize again!)
  9:02am Aaron in Jcity:

Love this opening - goes great with my coffee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am Doug Schulkind:

Or maybe just shoot me for saying "metaphorize."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am Doug Schulkind:

Greetings to Lewis and Aaron in JCity!
  9:04am Uncle Michael:

Glad to be here. I'm getting ready to drive from Topeka to Omaha this morning. I'll have you on shortly while I'm running an errand, then later...for as long as I have signal on the road.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am Doug Schulkind:

Well I will be driving you all to drink for the next three hours, so buckle up.
  9:06am Uncle Michael:

I'll disable my musical interlock device.
  9:07am Uncle Michael:

Back in a nit...
  9:08am Uncle Michael:

or a bit
  9:09am Aaron in Jcity:

Who is responsible/the person behind the curtain for getting WOOFMOO on the series of tubes we call the interweb?
  9:10am Van in DC:

First time I think I've heard no backing music...
  9:10am ndbob:

cloudy and cold here - snow and ice later
  9:11am ?:

hey doug, listening to ya from hone #2 again in Mexico City. Really concerned about the Sandy damage to the station and to so many folks. I escaped Brooklyn on November 1.
We'll all survive....we will all help.....somehow!!!
  9:12am Geoff D:

I remember when I was visiting NJ in 1982 desperately looking for music on a crappy transistor radio, and I found WFMU playing Syd was a blissful time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am Doug Schulkind:

It is a scary situation at the station. We have applied for FEMA and disaster relief. We are pursuing whatever insurance payouts we can possibly get, but all that won't scratch the surface.

@Geoff D
The bliss continues eternal...
  9:14am lewis:

@ndbob - was wondering what it was like out your way, calling for snow in duluth but rain here in the twin cities...
  9:15am lewis:

I threw my metaphorical record fair funds in the hopper and will follow with more when the month's finances are more clear... Standing by with other assistance as may be needed and deliverable from a distance.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am Doug Schulkind:

Big bucket 'o thanks to Michael in Brooklyn and Aaron in JC! MUCH APPRECIATED!
  9:16am alan r:

oops....forgot to identify myself before (from mexico city)!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am Doug Schulkind:

You are an international man of mystery, alan r!
  9:20am Can o corn:

Can I come down?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am Doug Schulkind:

@Can o corn
You are sizzling line drive, friend!

More killer sound from Les Troubadours de Ouidah (from Bénin) here:
  9:22am tr'sh:

Good morning and here's to the ongonig fine radio listen
  9:22am Hugo:

Tout puissant!
  9:22am alan r:

my partner lives here....good enough reason.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am Doug Schulkind:

tr'ish and Hugo, sittin' in a tree R-A-D-I-O-I-N-G!
  9:25am Ricardo Montalban:

Hola, Senor Doug!
That picture at the top of the playlist evokes memories of brainwashing in elementary school
  9:25am Brian in UK:

Hello Doug & listeners. I really like listening to music when I am in another room so it can drift through. Never spent much on hifi whatever that is. Most enjoyable music is on 2, 4 or 8 track.
  9:26am Hugo:

On entre OK on sorte KO!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am Doug Schulkind:

Thanks for getting up early, Ricardo! Thanks for getting all oily, Brian in UK!

You are RIGHT ON as usual, Hugo.
  9:28am Brian in UK:

Is this Orchestre from Central Africa, Doug?
  9:28am Jeff G:

Re the photo at left, I think I can just make out the label: Coltrane, Live in Japan. No?
  9:29am Jeff G:

This musique is warming.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am Doug Schulkind:

@Jeff G
Actually, "Coltrane Live in Seattle." (It's a progressive school.)
  9:30am Brian in UK:

It's white label. Dub plate? Love the guys at eleven o'clock trousers.
  9:32am duke:

@Brian The shirt and trouser combo on that guy are interesting. I wonder if his Mom dressed him.
  9:33am Brian in UK:

@Jeff G it's belting ain't it though. Three hours please boss.
  9:33am Hugo:

@Doug: I was looking forward to the Kenyan 78s, but it looks like the blog you linked to in the newsletter has been removed. %&"&¤#))/ etc.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am Doug Schulkind:

I am actually playing a track from that Kenya 78s collection next. If anyone wants that, I will upload it privately. Send me email and I will send a link after the show...
  9:34am YEELEN:

good day Doug,
every thing sounds fresh, funky and full of zesty African sunshine and light!
  9:36am Jeff G:

@Doug: Seattle, of course.
@duke: agree re those trousers. Just to his left (at 11:30) dig the collar. I think this kid was in Dazed and Confused.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am Doug Schulkind:

Hello YEELEN! So glad to have you on the jalopy. The ride will get bumpy, but that's half the fun.
  9:51am Fiveash:

Thanks for the plug Dug! I mean ploug Doug. Correction: my show is normally heard on THURSDAY afternoons. There are a lot of itchy drummers- they catch more diseases on tour than any other band member.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am Doug Schulkind:

Yes of course, sorry 'bout that Matt! I have been sitting in the corner since my mistake.
  9:56am Hugo:

Interesting piece here on the Melodica store in Nairobi which used to sell CMS records:

This is the guy who made the comp played earlier. I dropped by the store back in August and asked Mr. Karim, the proprietor, to put together a selection of cassettes. Came away with a bundle and a couple of cds. Will definitely be back.
  9:57am Fiveash:

Don't worry about it. Besides, the pointy hat is a good look for you.
  10:00am sinner:

...all right, reverend. You go right ahead.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am Doug Schulkind:

I am but a humble servant. Spinning platters for Him. And her. And y'all.
  10:04am still b/p:

Late! And missed the African set, raggutfrazzinnabgammit!!! I'll see if these guys can preach me back to peace.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am Doug Schulkind:

Haven't received any pledges in a while. Need to get us some pledges. If you want the WFMU cow to produce milk, you gotta tweak its teats a bit, you know?

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am Doug Schulkind:

@still b/p
I switched up and went African first. Sorry 'bout that!
  10:08am Van in DC:

Hey I worked on a dairy farm. AND owned a Holstein dairy heifer. So I got that going for me.
  10:08am Paul Sherratt:

sinner, that 'Widow's Might' delight of yours has been playing randomly with a few thousand other tunes in the car machine for the past twelve months or so. Just been prompted to add those Swanee's to the mix. Thanks ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am Doug Schulkind:

You are a true renaissance man, Van!

@Paul Sherratt
I do believe YOU gave me that Swanee collection. The Sharpee handwriting on the CDR looks awful familiar. Thank you, friend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am Doug Schulkind:

Listener Van grabbed a teat, strong and confident, and gave it a yank. THANKS FOR THE YANK VAN!
  10:12am Van in DC:

Just keeping in practice. Don't use it you lose it, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am Doug Schulkind:

It's just like falling off a bike, Van.
  10:14am Artie:

A tweak of the titty, a rattle in the can. Go, Go, Woof Moo.
  10:16am Brian in UK:

@Hugo love the line "These days, they sell Fanta in plastic bottles. No matter how hard you try, there’s just no music in them.”
  10:18am still b/p:

Fell off my bike last week, or fell down with it. Abundant leaf cover on the pavement plays with the friction factor and requires caution. Autumn kills.
  10:18am tr'sh:

You could say it's a 'cache' problem.
  10:20am Jeff G:

Winter also kills:
  10:21am Uncle Michael:

Where are all the kazoo evangelists?
  10:21am Paul Sherratt:

I did ? That must have been in a different decade !
This Steven Bernstein is a fine thing, btw.
( as is strong, strong, coffee )
  10:22am Uncle Michael:

If we're goin' Hawaiian, I'd love to hear some Sol K. Bright! I have a favorite but I won't tell what it is.
  10:23am Erella:

Thanking you for being here Doug. I think about the serious difficulties that WFMU is facing and wanted to sweetly remind folks to consider donating any amount to this cause. I donated but it isn't enough to keep the station and more specifically, this stream up and running.
  10:23am Paul Sherratt:

>>they sell Fanta in plastic bottles

Brian, did you ever see Abana Ba Nasery ? You've just reminded me that I did !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am Doug Schulkind:

Stay indoors with your radio, still b/p. The emotional risks are great, but the physical ones are minimal.

Paul, I believe this was a gift and you CAN have it back. Every Friday.
  10:25am Hugo:

@Brian: Too true. Bottles beat cans, too. There's blues in a bottle, but in a can?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am Doug Schulkind:

Veered off course, Uncle Michael!

  10:26am Brian in UK:

@Paul no never, nor Abner Jay Ribtickler.
  10:27am Brian in UK:

@Hugo never heard of Can Neck Blues.
  10:30am monica:

good morning doug and drummer irregulars. sounding good in the hood.
  10:30am Brian in UK:

Is this a Shamisen playing?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am Doug Schulkind:

@Brian in UK
I don't think it was a shamisen. At least the instrument shown on the cover of the disc is not.
  10:35am Hugo:

@Brian: Definitely a can not.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Monica! We're serving scrambled today, but I'll whip up some Sunnyside for you.
  10:36am Paul Sherratt:

Tickled, not stirred.
  10:39am Brian in UK:

@Doug think that is a Koto.
  10:41am listener james from westwood:

not sure how long these sorts of things take to filter thru the bowels of companies' finance departments, in light of fmu's urgent need, but if your employer's on the list of participating corporate donors on fmu's site, might be worth getting them to match yr pledges.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42am Doug Schulkind:

  10:42am Brian in UK:

@Paul Top job, looks like a Fanta with rippled body possible late 60s model!!
  10:48am Van in DC:

Oh, lookie.
  10:48am listener james from westwood:

the matching link in question:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am Doug Schulkind:

Brother Paul Sherratt has coughed up a(nother) major contribution to the cause. THE BLOKE FROM STOKE HAS SPOKEn.
  11:02am Brian in UK:

I am so impressed that the overall total stands at 37%. So Overalls for everyone, that is Obamas post election pledge.
  11:03am Paul Sherratt:

Brian, your eyes do not deceive you. Abana's sound coming more or less directly from Nazi embargo policies !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am Doug Schulkind:

Another $100 and we hit the 1/3 milestone (and it gets us to an even $1K.)

Quoting Max Bialystock: I WANT THAT MONEEEEEY!!!
  11:07am Paul Sherratt:

Is ' Mrs Overall ' a concept understood by the Team Obama ?
(I know that other bunch wouldn't have a clue)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am Doug Schulkind:

The brilliant William Parker on bass here. (He was also play bass on the Rob Brown tune.)
  11:08am Brian in UK:

@ Paul Abana/Obama Hmmm??

74 years since Kristallnacht.
  11:10am Hugo:

Not to mention William Parker's Ellington project. Brand new!
  11:10am ndbob:

excellent show Doug.. I need to go out for a while - catch the rest on the archive.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13am Doug Schulkind:

Have a lovely day, ndbob!
  11:15am Paul Sherratt:

There ain't no coincidences ..
  11:19am texas scott:

I pledged and paypaled with my given name.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am Doug Schulkind:

I doff my ten-gallon in your general direction, Texas Scott. Thank you!
  11:27am Artie:

uh-oh, temporary glitch in the stream? connection just dropped here...
  11:27am monica:

stream knocked off?
  11:28am Van in DC:

My stream died
  11:28am Van in DC:

404 file not found
  11:28am Skirkie:

Droid app is acting wonky too.
  11:29am Van in DC:

Bichiban indeed :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am Doug Schulkind:

I gotta call WFMU to reconnect.
  11:29am Artie:

Drummer Down!! Lower the lifeboats!!!
  11:29am Brian in UK:

Mine just knocked over to Scott's show Jim O'Rourke.
  11:30am still b/p:

Judy Garland is singing Minnie from Trinidad on TV...but it's not a fully suitable substitute.
  11:31am Artie:

Back Up!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am Amanda:

Standby, it should be back up in a second.
  11:31am Jeff G:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am Doug Schulkind:

I'm getting nothing, too. Tech Director Jeff Moore is working on it. If we had all the old equipment, I could reconnect in seconds remotely. But no. Fuck you, Sandy.
  11:31am listener james from westwood:

thought it was on my side. if my wireless router were a horse, it'd be holding construction paper together by now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32am Doug Schulkind:

Should be back. Re-click that link everyone!
  11:32am Paul Sherratt:

I hear drumming ...
  11:32am tr'sh:

am back
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32am Doug Schulkind:

You didn't miss anything. I restarted this Frank Hernández track halfway through...
  11:32am Brian in UK:

It is those children with their poor playing of Scissors, paper, stone.
  11:32am listener james from westwood:

there we go!
  11:33am texas scott:

it's back.
  11:33am listener james from westwood:

thanks, doug and jeff!
  11:33am Van in DC:

Yep sounding good again thank you tech wizards at the mothership
  11:33am tr'sh:

..'in fractionally more ways than one'.
  11:33am Jeff G:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am Doug Schulkind:

As if manna from heaven, Rick from Coraopolis, PA pledged while we were down. Now THAT is WONDERFUL. Thank you Rick.
  11:35am Brian in UK:

Kinda likin' the Jim O'Rourke. OOOOPs.
  11:36am Brian in UK:

I know it has been said before but the stream is so much louder & clearer than base.
  11:40am Brian in UK:

Were the Ichibans in Gullivers Travels. They were small people with hairy faces. Ok so it is Oriental.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am Doug Schulkind:

Only $55 from 33% and $1,000!!!
  11:46am Alex in Illinois:

I actually got in to work today early enough to hear the whole show today! Ben busy with crazy work stuff. Just now did a pledge.
  11:47am Brian in UK:

Hope you folks on the east side can have a good weekend. Thinking of you.
Nice one, Doug.
  11:50am Paul Sherratt:

Brian, you the ichiban, dude...

( that's caffeine talking )
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am Doug Schulkind:

The "if I come" add-on to the lyric is just brutal.

Hey Alex in Illinois!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51am Doug Schulkind:

The WFMU pledg-O-matic machine must be slow: THANK YOU ALEX!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am Doug Schulkind:

WFMU is still here, baby. One frickin hurricane isn't gonna knock us off our game. Still dribbling, ready to ram the ball down disaster's throat.

Pledge $55 more to get us to $1,000. Someone throw down!
  11:56am Jeff G:

In the event at D:O listeners are reading/listening, new show comin' Monday Monday MONDAY. Slated: Jimi Hendrix, Sonic Youth, Peggy Lee.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am Doug Schulkind:

Matt Fiveash's playlist will be here:

Keep the love train chugging.
  11:57am Jeff G:

[ **any** yeesh... ]
  11:57am Van in DC:

Great show Doug! Why, I would dare say it was a HOME RUN! Thank you!
  11:58am Jeff G:

Touched all bases, Doug. Touched me, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am Amanda:

All clear?
  11:59am listener james from westwood:

loved it, doug! looking fwd to fiveash!
  12:00pm Van in DC:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm Doug Schulkind:

LJFW for president.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm Doug Schulkind:

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