Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 14 November 2012 Favoriting | Ken is Late

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Artist Song Album Comments Approx. start time
Pink Floyd  Time   Favoriting Infinite Loop 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Gershon Veroba  I Wanna Hold My Land   Favoriting  
0:22:09 (Pop-up)
Rush  2112   Favoriting  
0:23:56 (Pop-up)
William Shatner  Bohemian Rhapsody   Favoriting  
0:25:16 (Pop-up)
Shlock Rock  Kah Ribon Olam   Favoriting Shabbat Prayer & Songs to Fab Tunes 
0:30:51 (Pop-up)
Vanilla Fudge  Ticket to Ride   Favoriting  
0:35:48 (Pop-up)
Pink Floyd  Wish You Were Here   Favoriting  
0:41:16 (Pop-up)
The Outlaws  Green Grass and High Tides   Favoriting  
0:53:18 (Pop-up)
Television  (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction   Favoriting  
1:02:36 (Pop-up)
Television  Aint That Nothin'   Favoriting Live At The Old Waldorf, San Francisco, 6/29/78 
1:09:38 (Pop-up)
Richard Thompson  Calvary Cross (live)   Favoriting  
1:14:53 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
1:24:43 (Pop-up)
Stevie Wonder  Superstition   Favoriting Infinite Jukebox 
1:35:51 (Pop-up)
Lynyrd Skynyrd  Freebird   Favoriting Self Titled 
1:42:32 (Pop-up)
The Fall  Fifty Year Old Man   Favoriting Imperial Wax Solvent 
1:51:30 (Pop-up)
LCD Soundsystem  You Wanted A Hit   Favoriting This is Happening 
2:03:14 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  Blackout   Favoriting Heroes 
2:11:39 (Pop-up)
Mayo Thompson  Horses   Favoriting Corky's Debt to His Father 
2:21:47 (Pop-up)
Oranj Symphonette  Arabesque   Favoriting The Oranj Album    2:24:49 (Pop-up)
Neu  Mini State of the Station Hurricane Sandy Update   Favoriting  
2:28:45 (Pop-up)
Rahsaan Roland Kirk  Peter Gunn   Favoriting The Complete Mercury Recordings 
2:42:02 (Pop-up)
Nathan Michel  A to B   Favoriting Sonig Exp/Hop/DVD 
2:45:29 (Pop-up)
Nini Raviolette  Suis-Je Normale   Favoriting  
2:49:46 (Pop-up)
Satanicpornocultshop  Je Viens Avec Toi   Favoriting Catholic Sunspot Apron 
2:53:54 (Pop-up)
Haruomi Hosono & Friends  Nostalgia of Island   Favoriting  
2:56:31 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:09am DCE:

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:10am Nachum:

Baruch Hashem everybody. Ken Freedman is stuck in traffic and he asked me to start his playlist.
  9:10am Lizardner Dave:

Didn't catch where Ken was but it sounds like we have 3 hours of PF on JM in the AM. Hey Nachum, can you play some Rush as long as we're in a classic rock mode?
  9:11am f◐ f◑ (:

Hey! What's the time?
  9:11am green mountain man mark:

pink floyd doyd
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:11am Nachum:

I'd be happy too. Which RUSH album should I put on?
  9:12am f◐ f◑ (:

Oh, yeah I know !

  9:12am The GB Kid:

Morning Nachum. Morning everyone.
  9:13am multiplier:

Stuck in traffic? What traffic!? How could that be?
  9:14am green mountain man mark:

he has a bike
  9:14am Steven:

great tribute band
  9:14am Detroit Mac:

Once again Ken skates that fine line between entertainment and annoyance. THANKS
  9:14am erik:

this wfmu constantly having its hand out is getting a little ridiculous ,,, just direct deposit your paycheck to fmu and be done with it
  9:15am C#:

RUSH, please
  9:15am tim:

The dark side of the [Fetishistic Disavowal].
  9:15am Lizardner Dave:

How about "Hold Your Fire" since it opens with Force Ten which is about a hurricane.
  9:16am hamburger:

Is Ken being sarcastic when he's saying NOT to PLAY Rush?
  9:16am C#:

needs more RUSH... "fly by night", 2112, limelight...whatever
  9:16am Getty Lee:

Hey why not play some crap or perhaps some Journey?
  9:17am Uke Goldberg:

Oh Ken, you scamp!
  9:17am Lizardner Dave:

I will double what I had planned to pledge to the recovery fund if you play Rush.
  9:17am green mountain man mark:

I saw a very old man, probably over 90, walking past our house. He didn't have a cane but only a short stick about a foot in length. Why? He was moving really fast.
  9:17am Andrew Waterloo:

  9:17am sweir:

  9:17am Sam:

You should read the playlist comments Nachum! We're not all idiots!
  9:18am northguineahills:

Nachum, you're awesome, this is somewhere between whatever would annoy Ken, and maybe that's what he'd want. (Oddest JM in the AM I've heard yet!)
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:18am Nachum:

To be honest, I'm not sure what to do now.
  9:19am Nick the Bard:

I would've thought this would be a 'Rush "Moving Pictures"' level alert.
  9:19am C#:

RUSH, please
  9:19am yair Yona (Tel Aviv, Israel,Earth,Milky Way):

Hi. Is there a chance to get Don't Fear the Oyster if you won't play Rush?
  9:20am fred von helsing:

James Brown ! rhymes with piece of ground in your home town
  9:20am f◐ f◑ (:


Do what Ken would do in this kind of tricky situations: Play Rush.
  9:21am danny venture:

keep up the light hearted mockery... woah wait trippy skippy
  9:21am DCE:

this is about killing me now
  9:21am Rammstein:

We are often considered timeless.
  9:22am C#:

quite a turn, there
  9:22am Ernest (NL):

can't you just play it backwards?
  9:23am danny venture:

ok quick put on cruisin smokey robinson and just let that loop please, just stop this
  9:23am The GB Kid:

who let the jews out?
  9:23am yair Yona (Tel Aviv, Israel,Earth,Milky Way):

I wanna hold my legs? My lens ? My land?
  9:23am northguineahills:

After 2 hours of sleep, I come back and Yair is still around. Sleep deprivation and WFMU, 2 tastes that go well together.
  9:23am Sam:

Can you play some Mayer Weingarten?
  9:23am Uncle Michael:

Could you play some Pink Floyd?
  9:24am Snortley:

Hey Nachum, how about some Streisand?
  9:24am Sam:

Oh noooo!!!!!
  9:25am Sam:

Ken's gonna be mad!!!!
  9:25am SteveL:

[lighters held aloft]
  9:25am fred von helsing:

  9:25am yair Yona (Tel Aviv, Israel,Earth,Milky Way):

@northguineahills don't forget it's daytime here, been listening all day

In another subject: Rush!!!
  9:25am Ernest (NL):

ah, so next will be 'More than a feeling'??
  9:26am danny venture:

nachum, who is that guy in the i wanna hold my land pic with you? he looks awfully familiar, AWFULLY familiar
  9:26am Detroit Mac:

He's taking requests... beware! Good job channeling Ken, Nachum!
  9:26am C#:

Brief rush, but edifying nonetheless. thanks. i've pledged, btw
  9:26am Chris:

Good morning Nachum! Thank you for the schlock rock! Now is your chance to show these people a good time. Put on some Rabbi Goldwasser!
  9:26am Andrew Waterloo:

  9:26am Uncle Michael:

Seasons in the Sun as recorded by Emo Phillips,
  9:26am don s:

oh baby!
  9:27am dåvid:

THA EAGLEESSSS!!!!!!!!! you should just try to make Ken mad.
  9:27am green mountain man mark:

home depot guy needs to come by now and make the morning perfect
  9:27am Chris:

Shatner?!?! Has Ken entered the building? JM Forever!!!!
  9:28am Dirty B:

rush rush rush rush rush rush rush rush
  9:28am Uncle Michael:

Bilbo Baggins by Leonard Nimoy?
  9:28am Sam:

Shatner really has a lot of charsima, seriously.
  9:28am Cheri Pi:

Did you play RUSH while I was rebooting my workstation?????
  9:28am f◐ f◑ (:

No, Sam! This is great for Ken's DJ curriculum! For any DJ, having "Rush" in his/her playlist record sure is the pinnacle of DJ achievement!
  9:28am danny venture:

imagines people who set their radio alarms to wfmu at 9:29am
  9:29am green mountain man mark:

Is Ken now stuck in the elevator?
  9:29am Chris:

Goldwasser ! Goldwasser ! Goldwasser !!
  9:30am northguineahills:

Tel Aviv is +7 hours of EST? Too tired to remember, and the loss of daylight savings time makes my time zone map in my head even more confusing...
  9:30am Caryn:

3 hours of Shatner on a loop! That's what we need. Either to torture pledges out of listeners or to please the remaining 1.5 % who would love it.
  9:31am Jon:

  9:31am Cheri Pi:

I would love 3 hours of Shatner on a loop! It's Rush that would torture me.
  9:31am Chris:

Yayyyyy ticket to schlock rock!!!!!
  9:32am northguineahills:

In once in a 6 month request. A super block of Rush!!! I nth that request!
  9:32am f◐ f◑ (:


Please play the "Rashid Knows" track! That's even better than Rush!!
  9:32am yair Yona (Tel Aviv, Israel,Earth,Milky Way):

@northguineahills yep

My god - it's not even Yiddish, The world just collapsed into itself
  9:33am Brian C.:

Are there any grateful dead tunes on Schlock Rock? That would be perfect
  9:36am Chris:

Nachum proven once again to be the King of Freeform!!!! Show these kids how a professional does it.
  9:38am Sam:

Ken's really not necessary at all. Nachum could do his show every time. Maybe you guys should think about bringing Ken's reign of terror to an end.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:38am Ken:

Jesus. Remind me not to EVER be late again.
  9:38am Pine:

My day actually has been cancelled this is great :D
  9:38am northguineahills:

As someone who grew up w/ the Skynyrd kids (really, their kids), any Skynyrd covers? (yes, this an odd request from me, but heh, I like where this is going....)
  9:39am Sam:

Speaking of ticket to ride, Ken, why didn't you just take the PATH train? Or the light rail?
  9:40am Brian C.:

Hey Ken, it's even worse than you thought. You split an infinitive
  9:40am Cecile:

Good morning, all. Yay, missed Rush.

Ken, I think it's time for some "Mushrooms".
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:41am Ken:

Um because the hurricane still has the PATH tubes closed, and the Light Rail is slower than walking?
  9:41am Cecile:

This song still makes me sniffle.
Even though I'm not much of a fan of this period of Floyd
  9:41am Caryn:

@Brian C: maybe he split the infinitive in honour of Bill "to boldly go" Shatner?
  9:42am Chris:

Oh. Kenny's back. Nice while it lasted. Baruch Hashem Nachum. Well I am off to my local Gay Black Jewish Klansmen for Understanding Meetup.
  9:42am Sam:

Oh yeah, sorry.
  9:42am Cecile:

  9:42am Sam:

Ken are you in the studio now? Or commenting from your car?
  9:43am Mark:

Is this one of the damaged records from collection Ken?
  9:43am Jeff:

On the topics of covers and Pink Floyd:
  9:43am Cecile:

fish dog is my new hero! retriving like a retriever should. Good boy!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:44am Ken:

Im finally in the studio for all that THAT'S worth...
  9:45am Sam:

Nachum you rock! Love the show.
  9:45am Chris:

Oh Kenny. We love you too.
  9:45am Caryn:

That dog is making lemonades of a fish dinner out of the lemon of flooding. Nice work!
  9:45am Detroit Mac:

Just over-billed a friend's job - so the extra is going to FMU.
  9:46am Caryn:

Hmm... meant "lemonade" and "lemons". Got my singular and plural mixed up. (Well, non-count noun and plural, to be exact.)
  9:46am multiplier:

@Cecile @Caryn
And check the wag of that tail.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:47am Ken:

Ugh. That was such totally insane traffic. Ive never been this late. I know I needed long songs last week but I need 'em again. Jesus help me.
  9:47am Sam:

So you think you can tell...... Nachum from Ken.....
  9:47am MD:

  9:48am f◐ f◑ (:

Jesuschrist Super Star hears you Ken!
  9:48am Cecile:

multiplier, it's like "I wish it would flood everyday!"

Ken, ""Mushrooms" Marshall Jefferson. 9+ minutes.
  9:48am ChrisB.:

Fish You Were Here
  9:49am Cecile:

hahahhahha, ChrisB
  9:49am Caryn:

Just off-screen: the WFMU cow, just going "moo" as she watches her dog pal go "woof" and do some fishing.
  9:49am f◐ f◑ (:

Or...Fish You Come Here.
  9:49am Sam:

Jesus Christ Superstorm
  9:49am Lizardner Dave:

As long as you're in Pink Floyd mode "Echoes" works.
  9:50am Sam:

  9:50am Robert:

I love how Fishing Dog never stops tail wagging throughout. Dogs are so adorable that way.
  9:51am Caryn:

Those Beatles covers just made me think of the 1960s' humppa covers of Beatles songs I just heard this weekend. They were very "Ken".
  9:51am seang:

smoke a jay dude
  9:52am northguineahills:

Sounds like the traffic in Japan... (it would take 75 minutes for me to take the school bus to my school less then 7km away)
  9:52am Chris:

Perhaps the time has come to bite the bullet and buy the Sherpa insurance.
  9:53am Cecile:

oh, dear god.
  9:54am Cecile:

Hurry, sundown.
  9:54am Tom - K'way Bklyn:

oh Shoot got that OutLaws LIve too FFS! ,, almost Mint too wore out a few cassettes with that onnn yeeehawwwww..
  9:54am timotato:

Shame on you. I can't believe you didn't ride your bicycle on a beautiful day like today.
  9:55am Robert:

It looks like somebody flung that fish out there just before the clip starts, though. Playing "fetch fish" with bow-wow.
  9:55am yair Yona (Tel Aviv, Israel,Earth,Milky Way):

I was just on a bus for 45 minutes , kept falling asleep and everytime I woke up there was a loop playing of something. Strange experience
  9:56am Chris:

Hoping your pedals weren't destroyed by the water. Happened to me. Crappy seals.
  9:56am revitte:

Green grass and high tides forever-- most excellent schlock rock!
  9:58am Cecile:

Robert, I think so, too.
The dark line on the fish's belly makes it look as if it's been cleaned.
  9:58am 70s d00d:

i knew someone who had to take a long car trip and all the way tripping and only THIS album playing
  9:59am Sam:

See, even that guy in the picture walks to work, rather than sitting in traffic on the Pulaski Skyway.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:00am Ken:

I feel your pain over the little Outlaws number people. But dont worrym, the singing is over. Scary vocalist man left.
  10:00am Caryn:

The way the fish is wriggling before the dog catches up to it, it seems to be alive.
  10:01am multiplier:

At least in Venice there are gondoliers to meet the flood o'love.
  10:01am kire:

in a report his art teacher commented: 'Retarded artistically. Idiotic in other respects'
  10:02am Snortley:

Looks like a sturgeon, protected species; bad dog!
  10:02am f◐ f◑ (:

Seriously, Ken. Why don't you walk from home? 3 miles is about 1 hour walking.
  10:03am Mark:

Dickie! oops wrong band
  10:03am Sam:

Like a sturgeon, protected for the very first time
  10:03am Cecile:

Really, Snortley? I was thinking more of a trout
  10:03am Robert:

Good observ'n, Cecile. What tipped me off is that a fish that size wouldn't've been swimming like that in such shallow water. It would've worn itself out much earlier from having been left in receding waters.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:04am Ken:

Long songs people!!~! &#^$%$#&*@
  10:04am Cecile:

He has records and papers, and all kinds of stuff to bring to the station, I bet.
  10:05am Cecile:

yup, Robert, and would have been snapped up by another animal or human long before it got there.
  10:05am Chris:

Now now - no Monday morning quarterbacking of Kenny's commute. Chaos principle applies here.
  10:05am fred von helsing:

Radar Love, the #2 version
  10:06am groucho:

Life Without Buildings - Sorrow. that's long. and very good. and long
  10:06am Chris:

And he is the hardest working man in rock and roll.
  10:06am Robert:

Caryn, that's just its residual motion as it's coming to rest from being thrown from our right to our left, along the line the dog was moving on. Just really good editing. They should be doing movie special FX. Maybe they do.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:07am Ken:

OK, that is my dog Rooster and I threw the damn fish for him to retrieve. So sue me. I was only trying to make a point and keep Rooster occupied.
  10:07am Cecile:

Calgary Cross, Richard Thompson - the live version.
  10:07am Cecile:

Ken, I love it. He is still my hero.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:08am Ken:

Cecile, I was looking for THAT! Which album is it on?
  10:08am Robert:

Can't quite make out whether the fish has a head.
  10:09am Cecile:

Live (and more)
  10:09am Chris:

Great gif Ken! Should go viral. A blow against the interwebs cat fixation!
  10:09am Uncle Michael:

My request is for Butcher Boy by Doll By Doll.
  10:10am Cecile:

Also, it's on some comps and the box set, I'm seeing.
  10:10am Caryn:

@Robert: there's a head. You can see it best, when the dog picks the fish up, and as it turns around.
  10:10am Lizardner Dave:

Is there a recording of Andy covering "American Pie" anywhere in the library?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:11am Ken:

Found it Cecile! You are a mind reader. I was looking all over for that. Couldnt find the live comp iI used to play it from... The fish had his HEAD.. Im not a MONSTER!!
  10:11am Robert:

Ken, if that was really you, you'll say whether that was Hank doing the camera work, which is also excellent.
  10:12am f◐ f◑ (:

All Glory to Hypnocecil
  10:13am Uncle Michael:

I love this Television SO damned much.
  10:13am Cecile:

Ha, Ken. Lucky guess. And an A2 favorite.
  10:16am Robert:

I like better the version of "Satisfaction" that's sung by a guy with a Spanish accent and it's sort of mariachi with horns. "I can't get no [ra, ra RAHH] satisfaction [RAH, ra, ra]..."
  10:16am Scott W:

Can's "Are You Waiting For the Streetcar", disc 1 track 2 on the box set - 9min
  10:16am JJZ:

Ken might enjoy playing with it makes songs that play forever and loop somewhat randomly. It worked very nicely with that negresco no. 5 song I thought.
  10:19am JJZ:

Or maybe the dream of the 58 minute theme song for 7 second delay.
  10:19am green mountain man mark:

Isn't it weird that the 70s used to exist. Bizarre just thinking about it. And for that matter decades before that is weird just thinking about it. And the 80s and 90s even. Wow I must be high to be coming up with this shit. How did I get high without me even knowing about it?
  10:20am hamburger:

yes what Scott W said!
  10:21am βrian:

I couldn't understand why Richard Thompson sounded like ruggy music. Ach. Wrong station!
  10:21am Cecile:

what scott w hamburger said.
  10:21am Uncle Michael:

What Uncle Michael is now saying.
  10:22am f◐ f◑ (:

But yet the 70's are gone like the snows of yesteryear.
  10:22am Unctuous Rancid Dwarfman:

a happy Hall & Oates morning to everyone!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:22am Ken:

Yes, Nachum and I have been using the infinite jukebox all morning.
  10:23am Ernest (NL):

this one:
  10:23am BSI:

I, for one, am waiting for the streetcar.
  10:24am fred von helsing:

infinite jukebox does some damned weird slicing and dicing
  10:25am Lizardner Dave:

The new Neil Young record has a few 10 minute + songs on it.
  10:25am f◐ f◑ (:


I went to the site, checked what people is uploading to play in an infinite loop:

- Europe - The Final Countdown
- Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
- The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air Theme
- Don't Stop Believin' by Journey

Now I'm scared of people.
  10:26am green mountain man mark:

Are the ladies covering up fish with the signs?
  10:28am JJZ:

The strangest sliced thing I encountered was the Instrumental version of Christmas Time is Here from Charlie Brown Christmas.
  10:29am Lizardner Dave:

Actually FEMA getting back to me with an amount (not a check, but that's coming) is why I was able to throw a few bucks WFMU's way this morning.
  10:29am Allan in Germany:

How about the 38 min version of Sister Ray from VU's The Quine Tapes
  10:29am Robert:

This one's interesting -- here's the video that Ken apparently GIFed:

It was treated as real by the newspeople. However, notice the cut. There was a REAL video that supplied the footage at the beginning of that that actually showed a dog intercepting a fish crossing a road in deeper flood water. Excellent hoax.
  10:29am Roberto:

Gave some right before the big one hit. As soon as I find some kind of consistent employment you will be getting more. Again, don't tell the wife, thanks.
  10:30am paul:

  10:32am Caryn:

Caller, always answer Rammstein! It's Ken, for chrissakes!
  10:32am green mountain man mark:

I won. I won Rockvember.
  10:32am Uncle Michael:

Du Hast
  10:34am Robert:

The real video of the real dog Honey actually catching a live fish in real flood water on a real road is easily found via Google advanced video search of "dog catching fish" | flood
It's obviously not the same dog, probably not the same road. But that's the video with the portion shown before the cut that fooled the newspeople (or didn't fool them and they were just playing along).
  10:35am Mark:

is it possible for Ken to play Freebird in not ironic way?
what about "Whipping Post"?
  10:36am Caryn:

@Robert: hey, it's a 24-hour news cycle. They don't care about accuracy anymore.
  10:36am northguineahills:

Wow, I'm an Aaron, and I requested Freebird.

As soon as I'm full-timed employed, so I can move away from my ex-fiance...I'll be mouse-pledging again...
  10:36am Caryn:

I think Clay could play Freebird unironically, but Ken? We'll see about that.
  10:37am Robert:

Sorry, wrong Boolean search string above, should not have had the pipes/stroke that means "OR" but an "AND" operator instead.
  10:37am kire:

clay - the king of unirony
  10:38am BSI:

Good luck NGH: I'm in a similar boat (employment-wise): 2nd interview at Company X coming up, so thanks in advance for all human sacrifices to force the universe to bend to my will. If it works, I'll be pledging my spleen out.
  10:39am Caryn:

Oh man, I remember that exact Walkman! Sheesh, I feel old.
  10:40am Aaron in Minneapolis:

Well at least we got Stevie unironically, kinda
  10:41am green mountain man mark:

I remember a couple years ago Ken was giving out wfmu job titles to pad your résumé for pledges.
  10:41am Robert:

Caryn, a lot of people are too naive in thinking other people are naive. I'm convinced many media people play dumb and go along with gags they know are gags and expect most of their audience, in turn, to realize are gags.

I'm also convinced the subjects in the Milgram experiment figured out just what was going on and played along, leading to decades of incorrect conclusions about people's willingness to be mean to other people.
  10:42am Caryn:

@Aaron: Stevie is easier to play unironically. Apart from "I Just Called to Say I Love You". That's a doozy to be unironic about.
  10:42am MD:

The most Famous gym teacher in the world...RIP lenny!!!
  10:43am Mark:

Fail! The introduction dripped with irony
  10:43am Aaron in Minneapolis:

Did i ask for a long ramp? no I didnt
  10:43am northguineahills:

I've got offers in DC, FL, and Austin, and places in Jersey or LI that one w/o a car can't get to, so it looks like I'm leaving NYC solo.
  10:44am northguineahills:

OK, where's that lighter?? oh, there it is!
  10:44am Cecile:

BSI, have you thought about teaching?

Also, here is a potential income source:
many admin assistants find themselves having to do newsletters because der, all the graphic artists got fired because "anyone can do it." Why not do a seminar for admin staff who are floundering? You'll either get their companies to rehire graphic artists, or you'll at least get paid for helping people out.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:44am Ken:

Oh come on! This song BEGS for a ramp. I'm on the RADIO!
  10:44am kire:

is it too ironic to indulge in unirony
  10:45am burpage:

gump why did assemble your gun so fast cause you told me too drill sargent
  10:45am Caryn:

Yay, Holly Ellenbogen! My love for "The Class" remain undiminished.
  10:45am giselle:

do you have a copy of Freebird in German?
  10:45am Revenge is Sweet:

Does Duane get to lecture you at noon about how he is ALWAYS on time now.
  10:45am f◐ f◑ (:

Ok. I concede the dog catching a fish was an elaborated photo-hoax. But this one surely is legit (newsreporter being hit by a stop sign).
  10:46am Caryn:

Aargh! "Remains", not "remain". Why can't I type properly today?
  10:46am Mark:

ah, the Mellotron
  10:46am northguineahills:

I hated Skynyrd growing up south of Jacksonville going to school w/ some of their kids, but as soon as I moved to NYC, i realized there was something missing from the cultural ambiance, and I soon started to crave Skynyrd....
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:46am Ken:

And of course, I understand "The Class" reference Caryn, but can you please update the rest of the class?
  10:46am MD:

Hey cut Ken a break...he and I had to endure this song when it first "droped" as the kid's say!!!!!!
  10:46am Chris:

OMG!! The Freebird. When I was in HS it would take one studio length version on the Walkman to walk to school. My version of a dj bathroom break.
  10:47am General David Patraeus:

I did nothing wrong.
  10:47am Pine:

I'm young enough that freebird reminds me soley of GTA San Andreas :D
  10:47am danny venture:

jambo "the jammer" ripman on the claves
  10:48am General's Weewee:

[cough] me neither [cough]
  10:48am Aaron in Minneapolis:

Glenn Jones wouldn't ramp it, He would play it ironically yes but art least he wouldn't talk over the opening organ solo
  10:48am Mark:

FF! Irony!
  10:48am green mountain man mark:

I remember one time when I was down south. I had some people over and I was shuffling around some CDs in the CD player. Do those still exist? And Skynard started playing. And I changed it as freebird was playing. As I was searching for something else. These two southern guys were SO pissed and wanted to kick my ass for the sacrilege of turning off Skynard. But I was bigger than them. And then they rolled a blunt and we got all high.
  10:48am dåvid:

i don't hate this song enough...
  10:48am burpage:

freebird freebird frank zappa was on the menu then
  10:48am General's Weewee:

Really imaginative solo, Lynyrd
  10:48am northguineahills:

Good thing that stop sign hit her broad side, otherwise it would have been ugly....
  10:49am Uncle Michael:

All LS reminds me that Ronnie wrote "hey there fella with your air colored yella."
  10:49am timotato:

Hey, don't mess with Freebird! This song is hard f-ing guitar! Green Grass & High Tide rocked as well.
  10:49am burpage:

david dont hate say not fond of
  10:50am Mark:

I chose to hear "And then they rolled a blunt and we got all high." in the voice of Neil Young
  10:50am danny venture:

melony mcgump on shakers and aux percussion, buckin' jimmy "denver" joe jackman on chimes
  10:50am Caryn:

Okay, Ken. The "news reporter being hit with a stop sign" is from an episode of the short-lived sitcom "The Class". Pretty much every main cast member has done well afterwards. Holly Ellenbogen was the annoying, well-to-do newscaster with the obviously gay husband and the daughter named Oprah.
  10:50am Robert:

A lot of people will tell you the Milgram thing had to have been real because "People were less sophisticated then." That's the hubris of the present talking, assuming the past was a simpler time with simpler people.
  10:50am kire:

stop sign fu
  10:50am Steve Howe:

if only they knew more than five notes on the guitar
  10:50am Pine:

Say nice things about Slayer!
  10:50am northguineahills:

Ok, we're through the looking glass! Thanks Ken!
  10:51am spoonersongs:

Brie Furred!
  10:52am Chris:

Wow. That was quick. Maybe it was the live version of Freebird I was thinking about.
  10:53am danny venture:

flautist flo deep and the marimba work of manny "des moine" moynihan
  10:53am northguineahills:

Yeah, the live version of Freebird is an LP side length. (which I coincidentally didn't buy until I moved to NYC over a dozen years ago)
  10:54am urus:

wow - pink floyd, rush, wonder. skynyrd - you're really reaching far and wide... is this CBS-FM ?
  10:54am groucho:

The Fall! I drifted off for a second there (been a long day, it's 4pm here, that's my bed time) but woke up because the Fall was on and I thought I was at their gig. nice one
  10:54am green mountain man mark:

I was singing this The Fall song in my head this weekend as I turned 40. When the part where it is 50 in my head I turned down the sound and substituted 40. Much to my thrill. And dumbness at the time.
  10:55am f◐ f◑ (:

woot? Chris, so how long a concert of Lynrd Skynrd would last?
  10:55am Robert:

Same with Candid Camera gags.
  10:55am burpage:

those are great spring loaded death traps claredon school had them lotsa of teeth went missing
  10:55am seang:

The Fall is a lesson to us all
  10:57am Andrew Waterloo:

Wha yo gowa doooawue it
  10:57am Denise in DC:

Damn. I missed Shatner.
  10:57am G:

@urus: Ken was playing a set off the infamous "WFMU Forbidden to Play on Pain of Termination" list.
  10:57am Caryn:

For those wanting the full stop sign hit, check 0:12-0:43 in this video:
  10:59am Chris:

@ff(: My concert attendance started post Skynyrd plane crash unfortunately. Allman Bros. minus Duane was my first stadium show. And it didn't last long enough.
  10:59am green mountain man mark:

There used to be a little kid when I was a teenager. He was adopted or a foster kid of one of my friends. When The Fall song says I like it it sounds like the creepy kid. He would come over and hug people's legs and say in a very disturbing way "I like yooo!" and it sounds like that.
  11:00am G:

I missed the first half of the show (was up till 4AM). Was Ken delayed by having to show Robert Ballard where to position his equipment to be able to raise Ken's bike off the floor of the Jersey City Sea?
  11:00am kire:

gotta hear the loutallica version of freebird just once
  11:01am hamburger:

I even like typing like Mark E. SmithhhhhhhhhAH / ohyes, forgot about that Lulu
  11:02am green mountain man mark:

If that kid is still alive he must be in his early to mid twenties by now and hopefully a devote wfmu listener and pledger.
  11:02am Cecile:

50 Mark E. Smith years are 155 normal people years.
  11:02am urus:

Great - apparently it worked!. It seems the list exists for a good reason. Hope Ken won't get terminated now ;)
  11:03am northguineahills:

Okay ,gotta leave, have fun WFMU'ers!
  11:03am fred von helsing:

I saw Skynyrd two weeks before the plane went down, do I win a prize
  11:04am MD:

CONGRATS. ON 90.1!!!
  11:04am hamburger:

ouu LCDS!
  11:04am danny venture:

  11:05am green mountain man mark:

oh, yeah. I forgot that Mark E. Smith fronted The Fall.
  11:05am Skynyrd:

@fvh: You get to put flowers on our grave for Decoration Day
  11:05am other eddie:

a dozen days from my own 50. thx for the whatever.
  11:06am BSI:

if playground springy-thing madman isn't Zappi (of Faust fame), dammit, it should be.
  11:06am Detroit Mac:

OH other eddie... wait until you pass 60. That is when everything really starts to go downhill! (Happy B-Day)
  11:07am Cecile:

fred, yes.
I remember the school assembly the day the crash happened at. "Skynyrd went down in a plane crash! They all died!" and we were all "no way!"
  11:07am fred von helsing:

@skynyrd roger wilco
  11:07am green mountain man mark:

wfmu listeners probably have a very wide range of ages I bet. From toddlers to old guys in their 90s walking around with sticks.
  11:07am Cecile:

other eddie, I feel ya, I passed that about 18 months ago.
  11:08am Silvant:

Are the pledges show based? I swear the percentage was at 59% earlier!
  11:08am Uncle Michael:

I wasn't born yesterday.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:08am Ken:

Green Mountain Man Mark, I dont know what you're referring to... I dont need no fucking STICK.
  11:09am burpage:

einstein on the beach just what the ken orderd for all the above
  11:10am BSI:

50 was on the horizon for a while, but it's finally on its feet and heading this way with a dagger in its teeth and a predatory gleam in its crooked eyes...
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:10am Ken:

The widget on this page is show-based - the widget on the WFMU homepage is for the whole station and that is indeed 59%.
  11:11am Homepage Widget:

Only 98 bucks from 60%! TAP ME!
  11:12am Silvant:

Ah, k. Cool. Been somewhat confused by that. Thanks Ken!
  11:12am Homepage Widget:

Make that 42!!!!
  11:15am multiplier:

Nice skyline panorama except for those robot produced skies. Ecch. How do I prevent my work from being lumped with the robots?
  11:16am Sam:

Try stuffing your head with cherries for Thanksgiving.
  11:16am dollar pizza:

aaah, what a soothing backdrop...
  11:16am fred von helsing:

@caryn and wfmu was like "way!"
  11:16am other eddie:

@detroitmac thanks for your well wishes and, uhm... heads up?
  11:17am green mountain man mark:

Ken, the stick thing was from my previous post this morning. Way back when Nachum was at the helm. About the very old man that walked past our house carrying a stick. I have no idea if I even made that post or if it was a figment of my imagination. Figment, funny word. Figment.
  11:17am Sam:

Yay, State of the Station!!
  11:18am Sam:

Frangry speaks Spanish
  11:18am Diction Coach:

Ken's Spanish is much better than Bloomturd's.
  11:19am Caryn:

@FVH: I think you meant "@Cecile", it was her story :)

@gmm mark: yep, you posted that in the beginning
  11:19am Silvant:

Thanks to CO & WA we all win
  11:19am vern:

It's been a while, but I have definitely heard Acapulco Rodriguez speak Spanish.
  11:20am Diction Coach:

Will Pete Hammill buy everyone a drink?
  11:20am dollar pizza:

...and his german is simply... ...precious...
  11:20am Lulu:

um, this lineup sounds totally insane
  11:20am f◐ f◑ (:

But that was more like parrot-spanish speaking. What exactly "Yo la tengo" means in english ?
  11:22am Silvant:

I think its something like "I have [it]", isn't it?
  11:22am Lulu:

I cant believe all of those people are going to be in one room!
  11:22am other eddie:

@Cecile actually got an AARP membership application the other day. I mean, WTF? I have diplomatic inviolability
  11:22am lee:

enough political speeches!
  11:23am Sam:

Yo la tengo means I have it. I think there was a baseball player who would say that when he was catching a ball in the outfield.
  11:23am Cecile:

They start when you're 48 or 49. I still toss mine out...
  11:24am dollar pizza:

so more like, "I got it!" (as an interjection)
  11:25am seang:

joe gore on guitar
  11:26am Sam:

Doesn't AARP try to be all hip now? Their magazine has articles about dropping acid backstage with the Rolling Stones, in between ads for hearing aids and the clapper.
  11:26am BSI:

there's a charles bukowski book title that alludes to that lovely mickey mouse gif. .. nice one.
  11:28am Brian in UK:

@Caryn. Did you see this yesterday.
  11:28am Ricardo Montalbanitis:

Play the Piano Drunk Like a Percussion Instrument until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit
I had to look it up because it was bugging me
  11:28am Cecile:

yes, sam.
then again, it's what us oldsters grew up with.
  11:29am Pine:

Love is a dog from hell? or in this case mouse
  11:29am kire:

wanna hear bukowski reading freebird
  11:29am f◐ f◑ (:

Yo = I
La = female something (perhaps the ball ("la bola") ?
Tengo = have
  11:29am green mountain man mark:

when i typed in figment in my iphone translator app it says prodocto in Spanish. And also quimera. I bet no high Spanish speaking people on earth right now are laughing at the way prodocto sounds. unlike the many high English speaking people laughing at the way figment sounds.
  11:30am Caryn:

@Brian: holy crap! Seriously, how do I always manage to miss these things? My internet refused to work yesterday.
  11:32am Mets Fan:

It's from the early days of the Mets when Richie Ashburn had to learn I Got It! so he could be understood by fellow Met outfielder Elio Chacon. Ask Ira.
  11:32am FEMA:

Yeah, yeah, we'll get to you at some point. The election's OVER.
  11:34am kire:

and nobody could understand stengel
  11:34am f◐ f◑ (:

Prodocto for figment ? Surely that would be a short way of saying "Producto de la imaginación" (product of the imagination) or "quimera" (figment).

By the way, the best Spanish I have ever heard from Ken's playlist are the last lines in Aluminium or Glass by Negativland.
  11:35am Carmichael:

I just remembered it's Kensday!
  11:35am timotato:

FIELD UPDATE: WFMU fades smoothly into WMFU right at the Morris/Sussex County lines on route 15 heading toward Sparta. The volume on both stations is about the same. WFMU has a much better fidelity spectrum, though. The highs on WMFU are muted. WFMU is also delayed about 2 seconds behind WMFU at that location.
  11:36am Brian in UK:

@Caryn You have not missed it. Thanks to the wonderful resources here go laugh at Tony pronounciations!! He does.
  11:37am paul:

yes WCBN! we've been airing an announcement telling people to donate, and some of us made a big group donation.
  11:38am G:

My cousin does a show on WOMR P-Town. My college roommate did management at WCBN in the mid 70s. The world is so small...!
  11:38am Cecile:

CBN is awesome.
  11:39am Large Organizations That Could Help:

I'm alright, Jack. We got ours. Good luck.
  11:42am Caryn:

@Brian: true, but the live commenting opportunity will be missed...
  11:42am green mountain man mark:

I still in my head think of this continuing pledge drive as Rockember. Now that it is into November. And the same for December. Either way it is good because I keep finding change to donate. Like I am sure others are as well.
  11:44am kire:

shatner bukowski and burroughs singing Green Grass and High Tides opening for loutallica
  11:44am still b/p:

I'm surprised musicians of either large or limited renown who enjoy WFMU or show up in its playlists haven't stepped up with some benefit gigs in your area or anyplace. If they have, I didn't see or hear mention of it. Even a handful of small performance collections would help.
  11:44am Brian in UK:

@Caryn any comments you make now, Tony wi pick up so they are not wasted, just the audience is concentrated.
  11:45am .:

ⓢⓜⓐⓛⓛ ⓟⓔⓞⓅⓛⓔ
  11:46am Brian in UK:

This is my favourite. Kun Menet Tarpeeksi Kauas Tulevaisuuteen, Huomaat Olevasi Menneisyydessa
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:46am Ken:

I cant believe I forgot to play Lulu today!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:48am Ken:

still/bo - A feW bands have put on - so many local bands are probably also reeling in the storm's aftermath which is perhaps why there havent been many benefits.
  11:48am Caryn:

@Brian: aah, Haikara. BTW, the song title means "when you go far enough into the future, you'll find yourself in the past".
  11:49am Carmichael:

Speaking of shitty music, Ken, 'tis almost the season for Christmas Dylan.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:50am Ken:

Was somebody talking about shitty music Carmichael?
  11:51am kire:

lulu and damo suzuki sing the best of mancini
  11:51am green mountain man mark:

I think any money donated to any charity is better spent sending it to wfmu. In the end wfmu is responsible for making sure we all live in a safe world. Mentally, anyway. And that makes everything else half way possible.
  11:52am Carmichael:

Prepare for the incoming "Love it or hate it" Lulu discussion.
  11:52am dollar pizza:

bonus points if you can all sing along, now
  11:54am Carmichael:

And that Flintstones drum set is way cool.
  11:59am f◐ f◑ (:

Thanks Keno! Hasta la vista rockaby baby!
  11:59am green mountain man mark:

There are some trucks outside and looking to cut down some trees.As soon as this show is over I am going to go outside and make sure they cut down a part of a tree that drips sap onto my wfmu shirts when I hang them out.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:00pm Ken:

Bye everybody!
  12:01pm Cecile:

bye, ken!
  12:01pm SteveL:

Great job Ken, to you and everyone at WFMU.
  12:10pm radiobelly:

awesome arty wake up page! yay!
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