Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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November 23, 2012 Favoriting
An excursion to Pete La Roca's Love Planet
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Freddie McKay  Drunken Sailor   Favoriting 7"
(Banana 1972)
The Clarendonians  The Table Is Gonna Turn   Favoriting b/w Never Be the Same
(Studio One )
Carlton Malcolm  Father Free Us   Favoriting b/w Im & The Sound Dimension: Sata
(Studio One ca. 1971)
Jackie Edwards  Come Back Girl   Favoriting Got the Feeling
(Trojan )
Dennis Alcapone  Belch It Off   Favoriting Belch It Off
(Attack 1974)
Ronnie Davis  Jah Jah Jehovah   Favoriting Top 20 Hits
(Third World )
Della Humphrey  Dream Land   Favoriting b/w Dream
(Coxsone )
The Three Tops  Do It Right   Favoriting Work Your Soul
(Trojan )

Talkover Music:
Tommy McCook & The Supersonics 
Billy Joe   Favoriting Run Rhythm Run:
Rock Steady and Reggae Instrumentals From Treasure Isle
(Heartbeat )

Hank the Drifter  Evil Heart   Favoriting A Lonely Stranger
(New England 1961)
Townes Van Zandt  Pancho and Lefty   Favoriting The Late Great Townes Van Zandt
(Tomato 1972)
Johnny Darrell  Ain't That Livin'   Favoriting Why You Been Gone So Long
(United Artists 1969)
Henson Cargill  She Thinks I'm on That Train   Favoriting A Very Well Travelled Man
(Omni )
Glenn Ohrlin  The Hell Bound Train   Favoriting A Cowboy's Life
(Rounder 1998)
Adam Carroll  Screen Door   Favoriting Lookin' Out the Screen Door
(Down Hole 2000)
Wayne Scott  Sunday With My Son   Favoriting This Weary Way
(Full Light 2005)
James Hand  You Almost Fell   Favoriting Mighty Lonesome Man
(Hillgrass Bluebilly 2012)

Talkover Music:
Hank Garland 
Third Man Theme   Favoriting Hank Garland & His Sugar Footers
(Bear Family 1950)

Pete La Roca  The Dancing Girl   Favoriting Turkish Women at the Bath
(Douglas 1967)
Steve Kuhn  Little Old Lady   Favoriting 1960
(Polystar 1960)
Paul Bley  Vashkar   Favoriting Footloose
(Savoy 1962)
George Russell  You Are My Sunshine   Favoriting Things New: Unissued Concerts 1960 & 1964
(RLR 1964)

Talkover Music:
Organic Grooves 
Gold Weave   Favoriting Black Cherry
(AUM Fidelity 2002)

J.P. Nyangira  John Geko   Favoriting Something Is Wrong:
Vintage Recordings From East Africa
(Honest Jons )
Temusewa Mukasa  Osenga Omwami Tagyala   Favoriting Royal Court Music from Uganda
(Sharp Wood Productions )
Kumasi Trio  Akodaa Wisua   Favoriting Kumasi Trio 1928
(Heritage 1928)
Akanbi Wright  The 5 Nigerian RAF   Favoriting Awon Ojise Olorun: Popular Music in Yorubaland 1931-1952
(British Library ca. 1941)
Humphrey Eshitool  Safari Kibosho   Favoriting Before Benga Volume 1: Kenya Dry
(Original Music )
Kante Manfila and Balla Kalla  Kankan Blues   Favoriting Kankan Blues
(Popular African Music 1987)
Lewlewal De Podor  N Jajane N Jaaye   Favoriting Laila Je T'aime:
Guitar Music from the Western Sahel
(Mississippi / Sahel Sounds )

Talkover Music:
Nuspirit Helsinki 
Makoomba   Favoriting Mundial Muzique, Volume 2
(Guidance )

Don Friedman  Sea's Breeze   Favoriting Circle Waltz
(Riverside 1962)
Booker Little  Forward Flight   Favoriting Booker Little and Friend*
(Bethlehem 1961)
George Russell  The Outer View   Favoriting The Outer View
(Riverside 1962)
Pete La Roca  Lazy Afternoon   Favoriting Basra
(Blue Note 1965)
Pete La Roca  Love Planet   Favoriting Turkish Woman at the Bath
(Douglas 1967)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:48am listener james from westwood:

who knew you had pictures of my office?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50am Doug Schulkind:

That's not your office, it's the teeming masses waiting to burst through the GTDS doors. Come in friends, all is free and plentiful.
  8:52am listener james from westwood:

i'll happily find my way through the musical buffet!
morning, doug, and friday streammates!
  8:58am ndbob:

morning Doug, James, everyone!
  8:58am listener james from westwood:

gotta say wfmu and the drummer stream were chief among my reasons to be thankful yesterday. both have gotten me through a chaotic year.
  8:58am Brian in UK:

Hello Doug & james. Is that an ngoni the lady at the front is playing?
  8:58am ndbob:

agreed James
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am Doug Schulkind:

Hello Brian and ndbob!
  9:01am ndbob:

A toasty 8 degrees here with a minus 9 wind chill
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am Doug Schulkind:

LJFW, may you always be able to soften your swirling maelstroms with a little Friday music.
  9:03am Brian in UK:

Nearly half a million people 'displaced' in Mali and barely a word on the news.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am Doug Schulkind:

Obviously (see, image, left) we are all toasty here this morning.
  9:04am Uncle Michael:

Ham, eggs and drumheads! Good morning. Hope everyone survived the crazy Uncles.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am Doug Schulkind:

Another early riser: All hail Uncle Michael!
  9:06am listener james from westwood:

goodness gracious that is cold, ndbob. at least by nj standards.
hello ndbob & brian. there was a brief story on npr about mali earlier this week, but nowhere near as long as their thanksgiving coverage, sadly.
  9:06am ndbob:

true Brian
  9:06am Uncle Michael:

All hail Satin. Been up an hour.
  9:06am listener james from westwood:

crazy uncles were dodged in fine fashion, michael!
  9:08am listener james from westwood:

my black friday capitalism this weekend will consist of lunch with a friend at a restaurant i can walk to. keep the dollars local and in indie, mom & pop hands! (fmu included!)
  9:12am Uncle Michael:

I'm not going anywhere today except may a taco run to the carneceria. After Doug's show I' going to voice-track my next Emergency Broadcast System episode and edit it together this evening. I work best on deadline.
  9:12am Aurélie:

@Doug Wow I dont have to struggle to stay awake with the music you play. Love to you from my small Pacific Island
  9:13am Brian in UK:

Just had to look up what Black Friday means. Dullsville.
  9:14am Uncle Michael:

I might have to catch a gray man as he dives from the fourteenth floor.
  9:15am listener james from westwood:

give the drummer some is, itself, a small, pacific island.
  9:15am chris in durban:

checkin in for a brief while - greetings all from a pleasantly steamy durban 28 degrees friday afternoon
  9:15am ndbob:

Indeed James
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am Doug Schulkind:

Thank you for staying up late. I will try to make it worth your sleep morning tomorrow!
  9:15am Uncle Michael:

Doug, are any Ichibans camping on the GTDR stream today?
  9:16am Aurélie:

@listener james : I agree
  9:16am Brian in UK:

FMU was briefly a small specific island.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am Doug Schulkind:

Hi Chris! The EJ machine has been HUMMING lately!
  9:21am listener james from westwood:

fmu dodged a huge, wet bullet in that respect, brian.
  9:22am Aurélie:

@doug : This is so weird I almost spend the last two weeks listening to ska/soca, I guess I was getting ready for this radioshow :'))
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am Doug Schulkind:

You were in training, Aurélie. You don't want to pull your ska muscle!
  9:38am Uncle Michael:

I just love this song.
  9:40am listener james from westwood:

indeed, excellent choice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am Doug Schulkind:

@Uncle Michael
To answer your previous question: No. For now, it looks like only on Thursday will be have Ichiban in Exile. But there may be more developments on that. News (possibly) to come...
  9:41am Uncle Michael:

Breathe is bated.
  9:46am Fiveash:

  9:47am Uncle Michael:

great set
  9:48am Uncle Michael:

Thanks for serenading me while I cooked yesterday, Matt
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am Doug Schulkind:

Here's a hankie, Fiveash. Clean yourself up, son.
  9:54am Fiveash:

Not to get too graphic, but it's gonna be more than a one-hankie job...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am Doug Schulkind:

All that stream-crossin' works up a real mess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am Doug Schulkind:

I'm gonna go hug my daughter. Be right back...
  9:58am Uncle Michael:

A day later and I've Sta-puft.
  10:00am Aurélie:

@Doug: Take your time :))
  10:01am Michael:

Hey Doug - thanks for curating the Day After.
  10:01am listener james from westwood:

who would have thought that the "ghostbusters" line, "tell him about the twinkie," might become something we'd have to explain to younger viewers?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am Doug Schulkind:

I pray that we get telephonic images of Black Friday shoppers fighting over Hostess products.
  10:04am Aurélie:

What is the Black Friday ?
  10:08am ndbob:

It's the start of the holiday shopping season - called "Black Friday" perhaps because it;s supposed to be the day retailers finally are in the black for the year
  10:10am Aurélie:

@ndbob Ok Thanks !
  10:11am ndbob:

here's where I went for Thanksgiving
  10:11am Uncle Michael:

That's one heck of a lot of blond Turkish women.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am Doug Schulkind:

Here is the original album cover:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am Doug Schulkind:

If you go to the Wikipedia page for Ingres' painting "At the Bath," you can download a practically life-size image of the painting! Go there and click on the image. Amazing.
  10:16am Uncle Michael:

I'm not sure the Mrs. would appreciate that life-size print on the wall.
  10:16am listener james from westwood:

have recently heard origins for black friday that refer to factories absent of workers (and thus are blacked out) on the day after thanksgiving, and as a pejorative used by philly cops for how bad traffic gets today.
  10:19am Van in DC:

Never too late to be late here to hear I hope. Hi Doug and peoples
  10:20am jk:

mornin Doug! glad to have you in the kitchen today
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am Doug Schulkind:

Hear here, Van!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am Doug Schulkind:

G'morning and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, jk!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21am Doug Schulkind:

The bass player on this Steve Kuhn track is the brilliant Scott LaFaro.
  10:21am ndbob:

@James Yep - I don't think anyone really knows
  10:23am ndbob:

Happy Birthday JK!
  10:24am jk:

thanks guys!
  10:26am Uncle Michael:

Yesterday was the 49th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Let the countdown to 10,000 retrospectives, documentaries and news features begin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am Doug Schulkind:

Saxophonist Dave Liebman wrote a lovely thing about Pete La Roca. It was reprinted in Pete's obituary in the Ottawa Citizen:

MASTER-APPRENTICE: Before the advent of so many jazz programs in America, the question used to be to a young musician: ”Who did you play with?” The inference was what “master” did you serve under. (Now the question is: ”What school did you attend?”)

Those of you familiar with my background know that I most notably put in a few years with Elvin Jones and Miles Davis (and Chick Corea much later).

But my first true employer was drummer Pete LaRoca Sims. (The name LaRoca, meaning the Rock, came from his reputation, but his real name was Sims.)I have written in my biography about my audition with Pete, Steve Swallow and Chick in 1969 playing a few bars of “Softly” before Pete stopped the music and said: ”Let’s rehearse.” I spent the next six months with him mostly doing a gig at a club on 69th Street and Broadway called La Boheme paying five dollars a night-(absolutely true).
We ended that cycle playing the Village Vanguard on Thanksgiving weekend in 1969, forty three years ago…my first time there.

I was substitute teaching in NY schools at the time to make a living residing in my first of many lofts on West 19th Street in Manhattan trying to learn the music. For those six months every bass player and pianist in New York worked with Pete and me.

He was my first teacher in all ways. He was a brilliant guy who after being so disenchanted with the music business became a lawyer. Over the next decades, every once in awhile he would put together a group to work a few weekends in NY, but basically Pete went into sunset mode.

He was by far one of the most brilliant minds I ever knew, one of the greatest musicians I ever encountered who for starters would sing the bass line IN KEY and was a drummer like no one else.

Coltrane had him before Elvin; he worked with Newk; Miles wanted him to join as did Herbie Hancock when he branched out on his own.

Pete was one of a kind … a stubborn, brilliant guy who insisted on perfection. I will never forget the lessons he taught me, which I recite almost daily in my teaching. For me, Pete’s passing is in a sense like the passing of a father or uncle, meaning of all my mentors he was the last to survive.

Maybe now, I am truly on my own!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am Doug Schulkind:

Spoken intro here is by George Russell at Newport Jazz Festival, 1964
  10:28am listener james from westwood:

a fine friday birthday, jk, and howdy van!
  10:28am Van in DC:

  10:29am Van in DC:

howdy LJfW!
  10:32am jk:

thanks James!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am Doug Schulkind:

And I'll have another set of Pete La Roca tunes a bit later...
  10:33am Paul Sherratt:

Just in ... there's a youtube of the bloke who wrote You Are My Sunshine having a haircut,
Well there certainly used to be !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am Doug Schulkind:

Not sure Jimmie Davis could ever have imagined a version of his song as sung by Sheila Jordan here. Wow!
  10:35am Uncle Michael:

Was he governor of Louisiana when he got that haircut?
  10:41am Paul Sherratt:

Uncle Michael, no, I think he was letting someone else have a go.
Haircut 100
  10:42am Brian in UK:

I did not hear Little Old Lady'. Was it Hoagy Carmichael's song?
  10:45am Aurélie:

@Doug: Have to quit ! Thanks for the great time :))
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am Doug Schulkind:

Not sure, Brian, but I am guessing YES, it was the Hoagy.

Sweet Dreams!
  10:46am t\rsh:

(Hi) Has Thanksgiving always been celebrated on a Thursday in the US? And shop fest the following Friday?
  10:48am Andy S.:

The Jackie Edwards track -- this was over an hour ago -- sent me to the stacks where I found his Veep/UA LP PUT YOUR TEARS AWAY. Produced by Island Records founder Chris Blackwell and Jimmy Miller (Stones, Traffic, et al), it includes songs by Neil Diamond, Tim Hardin, Jagger/Richard, and Mickey Newbury. Jackie Edwards wrote two Spencer Davis Group hits, "Keep on Running" and "Somebody Help Me." He died of heart attack in '92, only age 54.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am Doug Schulkind:

Greetings t\rsh!! Yes, T-Giving has always been the last Thursday of November in the U.S. I believe we have Abraham Lincoln to THANK. The shopping day on Friday is a more recent abomination.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am Doug Schulkind:

I so appreciate your eminence and wisdom, Andy S!
  10:52am t\rsh:

The push to shop has been leaking north quite a bit of late. It's, uh, noticeably pushy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am Doug Schulkind:

Brother Paul Sherratt, did I say good afternoon Sir? Good afternoon!
  10:56am Uncle Michael:

This show couldn't be timed more football game begins directly after.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am Doug Schulkind:

Hear the Fanta bottle being played in this track? The Fanta bottles had these raised bumps on the glass, perfect for creating a ringing percussive effect when rubbed with a nail or other metal object.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am Doug Schulkind:

@Uncle Michael
What are you gonna do if this show goes into overtime?!
  10:58am Uncle Michael:

  10:58am Uncle Michael:

Elect to receive.
  11:00am Brian in UK:

And where did the Blues come from exactly. Ah yes a small club in West London in the early Sixties!!
  11:01am Uncle Michael:

I think Ronnie Scott invented the Blues when John Mayall wasn't looking.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07am Doug Schulkind:

Lewlewal De Podor are from Senegal. Here's the band:

Demba Doka Barry (vocals)
Tidiane Thiam (guitar solo)
Baye Aly Ndiongue (guitar accompaniment)
Papa Diouf (djembe)
Amadou Binta Konté (hoddu)
Penda Diack (vocals)
  11:11am Uncle Michael:

Now here's a question...should I go to Spain next spring?
  11:14am Brian in UK:

Whereabouts in Espana, UM?
  11:17am Uncle Michael:

My friend has access to a house in Marbella. His other suggestion is Croatia but I've been there.
  11:24am Brian in UK:

How about Scicily?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am Doug Schulkind:

I once left a satchel full of records on a bus in Marbella. I had been collecting them on my travels all over Spain, then forgot them on the bus when we arrived in Marbella. Miraculously, the driver on the bus found them and gave them to the driver at the next town on the bus headed back to Marbella. I had the records not four hours later.
  11:29am Uncle Michael:

That's a ringing endorsement, Doug. I think Marbella it will be. Sicily would interest me but I'm picking from my buddy's two options. He lives in Yurp.
  11:33am listener james from westwood:

doug, that is the sort of story that restores one's faith in humanity.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33am Doug Schulkind:

Typing this song title into the playlist, I initially keyed in "The Otter View." That would be something else entirely.
  11:34am ndbob:

That's great Doug!.. sounds like something that would happen here in ND
  11:35am Uncle Michael:

Cryptical Entanglement->The Other View
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am Doug Schulkind:

Whenever I play one of the records that was in that batch, I still get chills. One record in there was a Spanish pressing of Sticky Fingers with the banned cover:
  11:37am Uncle Michael:

I have that vinyl too! I just didn't actually buy mine in Spain.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am Doug Schulkind:

Turns out I have time for one more. Please allow me to add on an another track from "Turkish Women at the Bath," next.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am Doug Schulkind:

Joe Henderson here on tenor sax.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49am Doug Schulkind:

The shimmering cymbal work on this album is otherwordly.
  11:50am Brian in UK:

Scott looks interesting on the flip. Do not look whilst we are in traffic.
  11:53am Brian in UK:

Just booked to see Charles Lloyd next year. He is coming up to 75.
  11:53am listener james from westwood:

must head on out (a sin during this track), but thanks a ton for the lovely show. be well and be safe, all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am Doug Schulkind:

Be safe and happy, LJFW!
  11:55am ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
  11:55am Uncle Michael:

Thanks for the fun morning, Dug it...Doug.
  11:55am t\rsh:

Thanks again.
  11:55am Van in DC:

yeps, thanks! Happy Friday all, avoid the shopping madness!
  11:56am Brian in UK:

Just noticed what label Pete La Roca is on.
Good work, Doug.
  11:57am t\rsh:

I plan on returning something!
Money back guarantee.
  11:58am Van in DC:

Good luck! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am Doug Schulkind:

Blessings and leftovers to you all!
  11:35am Bob:

I always just thought of La Roca as "the other drummer besides Elvin Jones on Sonny Rollins' 1957 A Night Live at the Village Vanguard." I have been suitably educated beyond that, and am now listening to the complete "Turkish Women at the Baths" on the Spotify.
  8:44pm Van in DC:

GTDS. The gift that never stops giving. And that is a Very Good Thing.
  8:56pm Doug Schulkind:

And you promised you wouldn't open till Xmas!
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