Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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December 4, 2012 Favoriting
Didgeridoos and don'ts
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 1)
(King 1967)

Jack Chadum & Ronnie Bamyili  Jack Chadum Sing With His Brother Ronnie Bamyili   Favoriting Didjeridoo: The Australian Aboriginal Music
(Playasound 1969)
Jimmy Little  Shadow of the Boomerang   Favoriting Buried Country: The Story of Aboriginal Country Music
(Pluto Press 1960)
Unidentified  Gunbalanya Bunborg   Favoriting Arnhem Land: Authentic Aboriginal Australian Songs and Dances
(EMI )
Black Allan Barker  Run, Dingo, Run   Favoriting Buried Country: The Story of Aboriginal Country Music
(Pluto Press )
John Hawes Jazz Band  I Want a Girl   Favoriting Here's Hawes
(Crest 1963)

Talkover Music:
Cults Percussion Ensemble 
Autun Carillon   Favoriting Cults Percussion Ensemble
(Highland Recording Studio/Trunk 1979)

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard  eviscerates Liberal Party leader Tony Abbott   Favoriting from the dock at Parliament
( 2012)

Talkover Music:
Cults Percussion Ensemble 
Autun Carillon   Favoriting Cults Percussion Ensemble
(Highland Recording Studio/Trunk 1979)

Extradition  A Moonsong   Favoriting Hush
(Sweet Peach 1971)
Trevor McNamara  Now   Favoriting Yeah Captain
(World in Sound 1969)
The Living Eyes  Oh Yeah   Favoriting Nuggets: Antipodean Interpolations of the First Psychedelic Era
(Warner Music Australia )
Proclamation  King of the Mountain   Favoriting The Clarion Call: R&B, Mod... and Pop-Psych From Down Under
(Cherry Red )

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

  5:46pm Matt from Springfield:

The family that...uhhhhs...together, uhhhhs together...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:49pm Doug Schulkind:

Family values radio!
  5:51pm Matt from Springfield:

"Family Values Radio: Listen, but don't look!"
  5:54pm still b/p:

Oy'm ya paouch puhdaydo. Ploaying by the Kangarules!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm Doug Schulkind:

I'm not sure you can say that on the radio, still b/p.
  5:55pm listener james from westwood:

q. what constitutes kangaroo foreplay?
a. "hop on."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm Doug Schulkind:

Giving new meaning to the term "pouch potato"?
  5:59pm ndbob:

evening Doug and everyone!
  6:01pm still b/p:

They couldn't draw audiences any more by just boxing, so...
  6:01pm listener james from westwood:

i went w/ 2 kids and their parents to the zoo over the weekend. no need to explain any instances of animal lurve, but both kids were fascinated by the copious poops the barnyard creatures had taken.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm Doug Schulkind:

Hello ndbob and everyone!
  6:02pm listener james from westwood:

evenin' ndbob and all lis'ners!
b/p, they seem to have gone from boxing to wrestling.
  6:02pm Matt from Springfield:

Give the Under Down!
  6:02pm PLEDGE PIN:

Hey Doug and everyone,
is it a threesome or a foursome in the picture?
  6:03pm Matt from Springfield:

Evenin' James, Bob, still b/p and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Doug Schulkind:

The answer is between you and your God.
  6:05pm George Orwell:

@ ljfw: At the zoo, all animals are fecal, but some animals are more fecal than others.
  6:05pm PLEDGE PIN:

strange answer Doug, what do you mean?
  6:07pm Jessie:

G'day! I plan to engage in some (strictly platonic) kangaroo love later today at the Adelaide petting zoo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm Doug Schulkind:

You are going to get nowhere if you try to make sense of the proceedings.
  6:08pm listener james from westwood:

george orwell speaks truth. two dumps bad, four dumps good (for spreadin' on crops!).
  6:08pm Matt from Springfield:

G'day Jessie! Best of luck in the Antipodes! (opposite side of the Earth)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm Doug Schulkind:

  6:09pm PLEDGE PIN:

oh I think you are just trying to get at me over something that happened earlier?
  6:09pm ndbob:

Hi Jessie!
  6:10pm Jessie:

Wow, it's true -- you can really hear GTDS all the way on the other side of the world! You sound great!
  6:11pm still b/p:

Was Shadow of the Boomerang his comeback hit?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm Doug Schulkind:

This gentleman, Jimmy Little, a famous Aboriginal country performer, just passed away last April. Sounds like Johnnie Ray with a lot less alcohol.
  6:12pm Matt from Springfield:

@P PIN: The GTDS atmosphere is very mellow, and filled of jokes -- like Doug said, don't overthink it, just ease up and go with it.
  6:12pm listener james from westwood:

wherever you go, there wfmu is.
  6:14pm Matt from Springfield:

Never heard of Jimmy Little before! Thanks Doug for bringing us up to speed.
  6:15pm PLEDGE PIN:

good night everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm Doug Schulkind:

Jessie is, as far as I know, the first-ever listener tuned in from a time zone 16.5 hours ahead!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm Doug Schulkind:

@Matt from S
The double-disc that the Jimmy Little track (and the next one from Black Al) are on will be in this week's Mining the Audio Motherlode!
  6:17pm listener james from westwood:

and i thought it was wild when i first heard someone pledge from sacramento way back in the early days of the stream.
  6:18pm Matt from Springfield:

Awesome Doug! You did your Australian homework. Er, schoolwork. Er, Schulwork.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm Doug Schulkind:

Jessie is now in Adelaide, Australia. At some point during her 10-hour train trip from Melbourne, the conductor instructed passengers to set their watches back a half hour!
  6:20pm kat330:

Late arrivals. Hey, Doug, Matt and all! Had to finish up the latest "Long Way Round" episode and get dinner first.

Didgerido indeed!
  6:20pm ndbob:

Australian time times are pretty complicated - daylight savings time some places and not others, etc
  6:20pm Philo Gristle:

Was that didgeri deuce I heard? Hi all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm Doug Schulkind:

Yahoo kat330!
  6:21pm kat330:

Hi, Bob! Still freezing in ND? We had mid-70s yesterday. Rainy today but still warm.
  6:21pm Matt from Springfield:

Probably the first in +9½ GMT time zone--New Caledonia is +11, and Japan/Koreas are plain vanilla +9.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm Doug Schulkind:

...and yahoo Philo Gristle!
  6:22pm Matt from Springfield:

Evening kat! Evening Philo!
  6:23pm listener james from westwood:

howdy kat & philo!
i wonder if smartphones are smart enough to automatically calibrate for such half-hour timeshifts?
  6:23pm Aurélie:

10h22 ici en Nouvelle-Calédonie :'))
  6:23pm Philo Gristle:

Serious, Doug! And that's what kat's dad used to call me and my unpronounceable real name. Hi Matt!
  6:23pm kat330:

Funny the Yahoo greeting. My family loved calling Philo "Yahoo Tapioca" (a Hoosier mispronunciation of his actual Finnish first and middle names).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi Aurélie! Say hello to my dear wife Jessie, she's listening in from Adelaide!
  6:24pm listener james from westwood:

it is absolutely bizarre here weatherwise in northern nj. 60ish today & yesterday. went about in shorts. very strange. i anticipate we'll pay some horrible karmic price in the form of a foot of snow or something.
  6:24pm ndbob:

HI Kat! It was 13 when I got up - mostly sunny early and got to the mid 20s
  6:24pm kat330:

Hey, James and Aurélie!
  6:25pm ndbob:

Hi Philo and Aurelie!
  6:25pm listener james from westwood:

ndbob, somewhere between nd and nj, there's some sort of happy late-autumn medium.
  6:25pm Matt from Springfield:

@LJFW: Anytime you have an Interwebs-connected computer, it seems to take DST and the like into account. I'm sure smartphones will self adjust their times, or are close to doing so.
  6:26pm listener james from westwood:

with jessie that close to aurélie, it's virtually a listener meetup!
  6:26pm ndbob:

@james yep - actually no snow on hte gorund here
  6:26pm Matt from Springfield:

Bonjour Aurélie! 10:25 on Wednesday morning, right? :)
  6:26pm Philo Gristle:

Greets Bob & Aurelie, and James, and everyone else I may ignore. Yesterday 75 here, shoulda worn shorts, but I'm an ignoramus.
  6:28pm Aurélie:

@Jessie, : Hi Jessiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie
@Matt + Kat+Philo+James Hi you :')
  6:29pm Matt from Springfield:

DidgeridooERs. At the UN, their house didgeri orchestra are the Didgeridoo-gooders.
  6:29pm Aurélie:

wow It's the birthday of Jean-Luc Godard today
  6:30pm Philo Gristle:

Didgeridoo-Godard, it is!
  6:30pm kat330:

Oh, wow -- just scrolled up to view the early list -- HI, JESSIE! Hope you are enjoying it down under!
  6:31pm Artie:

Undercontinental Emanations!
  6:31pm Jessie:

Hi, Aurelie! Happy Birthday, Jean Luc! Doug, Sean pronounces it with the accent on the last syllable gil-ARd. She is quite embattled still -- and hanging tough!
  6:31pm Matt from Springfield:

Not now, not A-ver!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm Doug Schulkind:

Thanks for the pronunciation guide! gill-AHD it is.
  6:33pm kat330:

Now, who's going to take such a strong stand against the rampant misogyny in local, state and national government in the U.S.!
  6:33pm Jessie:

Sean also said that apparently she had very little time to prepare this speech and kind of tossed it together right before giving it. Thrilling! I'd love to hear Obama use the word "repulsive" in a speech.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm Doug Schulkind:

Hear hear, kat330.
  6:34pm Matt from Springfield:

They say the way to reach an Aussie accent is: fish and chips.
Aussies would say: "feesh and cheeps". Kiwis in contrast say "fush and chups" (or rather "f'sh and ch'ps").
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm Doug Schulkind:

The prick, Tony Abbott, is sitting just across a table from Ms. Gillard as she skewers him so magnificently. At one point she catches him looking at his watch. See if you can tell when that happens!
  6:35pm listener james from westwood:

i'd only seen this in animated-gif form. holy shit. pm for life!
  6:37pm Aurélie:

@Jessie: Hope you'll enjoy this land, I really miss the people, I went for a meeting 2 years ago between indigenous/melanesian youth
And check the Redfern radio (aboriginal community radio the first in the Pacific :))
  6:37pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: It's this BULLSHIT! about "decorum" in politics here. Those in power decide what's suitable for discussion, and call you "rude" if you challenge it. At least in other parliaments raucousness is an established tradition, and makes it easier to bring up issues of [in]justice.
  6:37pm Uncle Michael:

This is amazing. American politics is just too damned polite.
  6:38pm Matt from Springfield:

Mr. FEEsher ;)
  6:39pm kat330:

Odd thing is I see very little decorum in the press statements of the worst offenders in U.S. govt. Locally the misogyny is frightful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm Doug Schulkind:

"Mr. Slipper" is the member of Parliament who the right-wingers wanted to stand down because of "sexual text messages." Slipper had been an ally of the opposition, but now, with his humiliation causing potential political damage to the Labor Party (PM Gillard's party), the right-wing pulled out the long knives. Not without the PM's amazing speech here, first.

Slipper eventually did resign...
  6:42pm listener james from westwood:

i can only imagine all the right-wing sexist bullshit against clinton from the 1990s will be dredged up when she runs in '16.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm Doug Schulkind:

Here is my prediction: Hillary Clinton will win the presidency with the largest landslide in U.S. history. Mark it down.
  6:43pm ndbob:

Yep James - though I really don't think she will run
  6:44pm Uncle Michael:

I'm not convinced she will either.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm Doug Schulkind:

Mr. Abbott is looking for his pants.
  6:46pm Matt from Springfield:

Hear HEAR!
  6:46pm Uncle Michael:

I think they're around his ankles.
  6:46pm listener james from westwood:

i'd be happy if she pulled a 2nd term as secy of state.
good christ i wish obama would take down the republicans in congress on the susan rice appointment or the fiscal cliff in terms as hard as these.
  6:47pm kat330:

I really like Elizabeth Warren, too. But what women and minorities have to endure in cat-calling, public office is a far greater sacrifice. Doughy white middle-aged men have had a VERY long run. Time to turn over the reins.
  6:49pm Uncle Michael:

(checks for dough) check....
  6:49pm Matt from Springfield:

Amazing! I thought you were playing Faiport because of the Trevor Lucas connection!
Extradition is great, that's a doppelsinger for Sandy D!
  6:50pm kat330:

Close to home we really have to focus on toppling Mitch McConnell. I applaud Ashley Judd wanting to wade into the fray, but I'm unsure if she's a good bet against the Kentucky powers-that-be.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm Doug Schulkind:

Ashley's opposition to mountaintop-removal strip-mining all but dooms her in Kentucky. Apparently.
  6:51pm Aurélie:

This music makes me think about the female version of popol buh
Have to go, --> work time Thanks Doug really love the "John Hawes Jazz Band "
  6:51pm Matt from Springfield:

@LJFW: It helps that Obama is sticking to his guns on Rice, backed her up publicly. I didn't have an opinion on the next Sec'y of State before, but now she really needs to be BECAUSE it will make them mad!
  6:51pm listener james from westwood:

america doesn't look like what the repubs thought it looked like w/r/t race and sex a month ago. not by a long shot. we need government that represents america in that way. the numbers got better for women in congress this time, but it's still not 50/50.
mcconnell needs to be sent adrift on an iceberg, that singsong stonewalling atherosclerotic motherfucker.
  6:52pm Aurélie:

"popol vuh " sorry
  6:52pm Uncle Michael:

I'm jonesin for some Lucky Starr.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm Doug Schulkind:

Adios Aurélie!
  6:53pm Aurélie:

Bye Katie/Matt/Philo/James/Jessie wow I love McNamara
  6:53pm ndbob:

hard to say though - she's popular enough hopefully to overcome that - there's also talk that she would wait and run against Rand Paul.
  6:53pm Philo Gristle:

I think there was a story that didn't get a lot of play how McCain is really pissed off at Rice because of some comments she made during his '08 run.... wouldn't surprise me.
  6:53pm Jessie:

Thanks for the tips, Aurelie.
  6:54pm Philo Gristle:

Buh-buh Aurelie! Werner Herzog!
  6:54pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: I'd prefer Ashley J to a Tea challenger, but Mitch could be doomed even before the November election; his only priorities were to defeat O, at the expense of anything that could help the beleaguered American people, and to take control of the Senate. He failed BOTH miserably. The Teabag vultures are already circling the old, ineffective, "Establishment" POS.
  6:54pm Uncle Michael:

I'm glad I finally got to catch part of your Tuesday show, Doug.
  6:55pm Matt from Springfield:

Have a great day ahead of you, Aurélie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm Doug Schulkind:

Me too, Unka Mikey!

Jesse Kamsinky comes up immediately following this show, live on the stream from Providence, RI.

Here is Jesse's playlist page:
  6:56pm listener james from westwood:

mccain needs to accept that he lost in '08 and that every chance to confirm an obama appointee isn't another chance to win that election.
  6:56pm kat330:

Heh, James! Every unfortunate photo published of McConnell makes him look like a Muppet.
  6:56pm Matt from Springfield:

A very strong Antipodean Nugget! Typically of us Northerners of the same era!
  6:57pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
  6:57pm listener james from westwood:

accepting that i am no clark gable, i absolutely agree, kat. he looks like he sounds.
  6:57pm Matt from Springfield:

And Down Under Pop-Psych!
  6:57pm Philo Gristle:

Loving this Living Eyes. Rest of that comp equally delightful?
  6:57pm Jessie:

Yay, rock and roll. BTW Sean is playing keyboards in a band now -- they cover a Lucinda song. Sounds like they play out quite a bit. Everybody does everything here -- it's a much smaller country.
  6:58pm kat330:

Adieu, Aurélie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm Doug Schulkind:

Lincoln is practicing her viola. If I turned down the music, you'd hear it...
  6:59pm kat330:

Turn it down!!
  7:00pm listener james from westwood:

have a good ... er, day? night? afternoon? not sure what you've got, aurélie, but do enjoy it!
many thanks for the musical aurora australis, doug!
  7:00pm Matt from Springfield:

Hooray for the Antipodes! Hope you have a great time Down Under, Jessie!
Thanks Doug for another primo selection of tunes! Have a good night (or day!) everyone!
  7:00pm Uncle Michael:

Thanks, Doug!
  7:00pm kat330:

Would love to hear some viola practice!

Thank you!! :)
  7:01pm listener james from westwood:

w00t! diegetic viola!
  7:01pm Philo Gristle:

Thanks Doug, well turned! G'night all!
  7:01pm kat330:

Thanks for the show, Doug! G'night, or g'morning, or g'aft to you all!
  7:01pm Matt from Springfield:

Good luck as well to Lincoln! Play that catgut!
(or, synth-veggie-gut! :)
  8:24am Van in DC:


That was the needle being dragged back to the beginning of the turn! Yay archives!
  8:26am Van in DC:

Did you know that Kate Bush uses Didgeridoos in some of her music? :)
  9:20am Van in DC:

If one had played a drinking game with "mysogeny" this show, one would be well and truly toasted :)
  9:30am Doug Schulkind:

Maybe for your next birthday, Van, I'll start up an all Kate Bush Stream (though surely such a thing must already exist). Happy next birthday, Van!
  9:35am Van in DC:

Wow, I agree with Matt about Extradition and the singer sounding like Sandy Denny! At first I thought it was...I asked myself, "Self, is the Drummer playing Sandy Denny!?" :)
  9:38am Doug Schulkind:

The Drummer has graced the airwaves with Sandy Denny before and he'll do it again! And I loved her in "Up the Down Staircase"!! (cough, cough)
  9:47am Van in DC:

Ah okay, greats! And greats was the show!

I'm gonna have to rewind this again to hear that speech / rant thing. That was something else :)
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