Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 05 December 2012 Favoriting | Non-Krampus Day, 2012

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Label Comments New Approx. start time
Lou Reed and Metallica  Junior Dad   Favoriting Lulu  Vertigo 
  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed, Metallica and Jingle Cats  Lou Reed, Metallica and Jingle Cats   Favoriting none  none 
  0:14:49 (Pop-up)
The Jingle Cats  Little Drummer Boy   Favoriting none  Jingle Cats 
  0:17:01 (Pop-up)
Bob Dylan  Hark the Herald Angels Sing   Favoriting Christmas in the Heart  Columbia 
  0:20:21 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Dennis James 
Adagio i n C Major   Favoriting Cristal - Glass Music Through The Ages  Sony 

Click for the full size image
  0:23:53 (Pop-up)
Okapi & Aldo Kapi Orchestra  Tracks 27-34   Favoriting Opera Riparata: A Tribute to Bruno Munari  Illegal Art 
*   0:31:05 (Pop-up)
Dan Deacon  USA: iii. Rail   Favoriting America  Domino 
*   0:41:47 (Pop-up)
Prince Rama  Welcome to the Now Age   Favoriting Top 10 Hits of the End of the World  Paw Tracks 
*   0:51:41 (Pop-up)
Mariah Carey  Vision of Love   Favoriting Vision of Love  CBS 
  0:57:06 (Pop-up)
David Liebe Hart  I Like Cola   Favoriting David Liebe Hart's Mixtape  David Liebe Hart      1:12:25 (Pop-up)
Ivor Cutler  Im Happy   Favoriting Lido  Rev-Ola / Chrysalis 
  1:14:29 (Pop-up)
Peter Blegvad & John Greaves  The Only Song   Favoriting Unearthed  Sub-Rosa 
  1:16:40 (Pop-up)
Eyvind Kang  10:10   Favoriting The Story of Iceland  Tzadik 
  1:20:33 (Pop-up)
Z-Rock Hawaii  Tuchus   Favoriting Self Titled  Nipp Guitar 
  1:31:10 (Pop-up)
Roof  Sage in Doubt   Favoriting The Untraceable Cigar  Red Note 
  1:33:24 (Pop-up)
Henry Jacobs  Interview with Shorty Petterstein   Favoriting Radio Programme No 1  Folkways 
  1:39:07 (Pop-up)
Al Jazzbo Collins  Three Little Pigs   Favoriting Little Red Riding Hood / Three Little Pigs  Coral 
  1:43:10 (Pop-up)
The Velvet Underground  Miss Joanie Lee   Favoriting 45th Anniversary Deluxe Edition of The Velvet Underground & Nico  Universal Music Enterprises / Polydor 

Click for the full size image
*   1:51:24 (Pop-up)
Zounds  Cant Cheat Karma   Favoriting The Curse of Zounds  Crass Records 
  2:06:27 (Pop-up)
Owada  Thirty Thirty   Favoriting Nothing  Piano 
  2:08:58 (Pop-up)
The Limiñanas  Bad Lady Goes To Jail   Favoriting Self Titled  Trouble in Mind 
  2:11:38 (Pop-up)
Clinic  Seamless Boogie Woogie BBC2 10pm   Favoriting Free Reign  Domino / Geographic 
*   2:14:26 (Pop-up)
Belajar Membunuj  Palu Keadilan   Favoriting Riot in the Internet: Indonesian Net Label Compilation  Free Music Archive 
*   2:19:07 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Kane  Gripped   Favoriting Live At Issue Project Room  Issue Project Room 
  2:24:59 (Pop-up)
ST37  Ghosts of Tempura Nymphs   Favoriting Awkward Moments  Reverb Worship 
*   2:31:43 (Pop-up)
Peter Blegvad  Bared Bard   Favoriting Downtime  ReR Megacorp 
  2:36:05 (Pop-up)
The Allophons  Bow   Favoriting Sonig Exp/Hop/DVD  Sonig 
  2:40:25 (Pop-up)
Death Comet Crew  Drag Racing   Favoriting Shitkatapult 2006 Tracks  Shitkatapult 
  2:45:26 (Pop-up)
Cromagnon  Caledonia   Favoriting Orgasm  E.S.P. 
  2:53:27 (Pop-up)
Tuxedomoon  No Tears   Favoriting Desire  Cramboy 
  2:57:04 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:00am Woo Hoo:

Sean Daily!
  9:00am Unctuous Rancid Dwarfman:

happy HALLidays everyone. may the nOATES of seasonal music fill the air!
  9:01am Cheri Pi:

  9:01am Adrian in London:

Happy Krampusnacht everybody!!!
  9:01am Bad Ronald:

Happy Krampus Day!
  9:02am common:

wonderful way to start a day!
  9:02am The GB Kid:

Good morning Ken, Morning Everyone.
  9:03am Ricardo Montalban:

I had forgotten that this Loutallica thing even happened. Like it was all a dream.
  9:03am Caryn:

Krampus Day? Well, that explains the Lulu...
Happy Independence Eve!
  9:04am Kendra:

Good morning Ken. Yes. It IS me.
  9:04am fred von helsing:

samoin !
  9:04am Unctuous Rancid Dwarfman:
  9:04am Joel:

where do you get this stuff? (vids)
  9:05am pierre:

Bonjour Ken!
Bonjour listeners!
  9:05am pierre:

Bonjour Ken!
Bonjour listeners!
  9:06am Caryn:

Does this mean Kendra has inhabited another body, or that Kendra lives in the computer network like an electronic poltergeist?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:08am Ken:

Hi everybody! Kendra! WASSUP?!
  9:09am dcp@:

  9:09am Lizardner Dave:

Hi Kendra! Glad you didn't go into the light after all!
  9:09am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ:

Yes! Lulu's right off the bat is like those early morning surprise air war strikes. This is DJ warfare at is finest.
  9:11am Bad Ronald:

is that cat saying Bouillabaisse?
  9:11am dcp@:

should I be worried if this tune is starting to grow on me?
  9:12am Pine:

  9:12am tr)sh:

I see cat fare.
I hear music.
  9:12am The GB Kid:

Can anybody read lips? What is that cat saying?
  9:12am Aaron in Jcity:

morning all - bouillabaisse to krampus
  9:12am Ernest (NL):

  9:12am dcp@:

  9:12am Dan B From Upstate:

Curse you Ken, for making me come around on Lulu. Also, good morning!
  9:12am Caryn:

@ⓕⓞⓕⓞ: hang on, does that mean that in this scenario, Ken is Israel and we are Palestine? I don't feel like acting out depressing news. Can we pretend to be royals while Lulu is the severe morning sickness?
  9:13am revitte:

Do you think this album was a middle finger to Warner Bros. as Metallica's last contractual album?
  9:13am Cheri Pi:

I think .gif is apropos
  9:14am Caryn:

Is that cat saying "Krampus, Krampus, Krampus..."?
  9:16am Lizardner Dave:

More Bob Dylan Christmas please!
  9:17am dcp@:

oh, I think you're right Caryn...
  9:17am Andrew Waterloo:

I think Metallica and Reed were completely serious about this.
  9:17am doyle:

som bitch.... JDad, not bad at all!
  9:17am Lucy:

Top o the morning! The cat I believe is saying Put on Pants.
  9:18am Cheri Pi:

Ken, I think Dr. Booty Grabber is changing you...
  9:18am Sigurdur:

we are perhaps all hinting are way towards christmas
  9:18am Cheri Pi:

I hope this is on the War on Christmas cd...
  9:19am Lucy:

I hate Christmas, even goofy Christmas these days...
  9:19am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ:

Happy Morning and Good Krampus, Ken and fellow listeners and Gif peeps!!!
  9:19am Robert:

Amazing how he loops graphics like the dancing video on top without leaving the slightest jerk at the restart point.
  9:20am Andrew Waterloo:

Wikipedia needs to take some fundraising tips from WFMU. Their annoyed plea for donations at the top of the page isn't encouraging.
  9:20am Aaron in Jcity:

oh man it gets worse - is andy spinning records this morning
  9:20am Caryn:

Aw, now I keep thinking of my uncle. An obligatory listening of Jingle Cats is on his agenda every year. That, and wrapping his presents in novelty Xmas paper with as much nudity on it as possible. Methinks if he was a DJ, he'd be similar to Ken.
  9:20am Unctuous Rancid Dwarfman:

bob should have stopped before he began.
  9:21am Lizardner Dave:

Thank you Kendra!
  9:21am jamesie:

i need a drink
  9:21am dcp@:

jeeze haven't heard Dylan's version of Hark the blahblah...somebody should tell him...
  9:22am Irene:

Peter and I just predicted that you might play something from Dylan's xmas album, And then it happened! Are we Psychic (or Psychotic)?
  9:22am Adrian in London:

@Ernest (NL): wow, Zwarte Piet…?!?!
  9:22am Caryn:

Hey, I'm just reading Akira!

Kendra, maybe you should've stuck with Ken...
  9:22am Andrew Waterloo:

I'd rather hear a small child sing solo.
  9:22am Dan B From Upstate:

I still haven't come around on Dylan's xmas album yet. I'm going to go look for a bridge to jump off of.
  9:22am Lucy:

Nevermind, this song is hilarious! Definitely good for scaring little children.
  9:22am Neg-guh-tor:

Bob really took a crap on this old bit of holiday gas, didn't he?
  9:23am tr)sh:

wfmu: aural inoculation since forever
  9:23am Irene:

Dan B, I think you should throw the Dylan xmas album off that bridge instead.
  9:23am Neg-guh-tor:

I like it!
  9:24am revitte:

Play sum ¿Dónde Está Santa Claus? By Augie Rios puhlease!
  9:24am dcp@:

Hey, I'm glad he did that album--it's going to be a classic for me...
  9:24am Caryn:

This is perfect Krampus music, though. What's next? McCartney? Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer?
  9:24am Aaron in Jcity:

Is this Dylans Krampus Kristmas album?
  9:26am Caryn:

I'm really starting to think that Dylan album was a cunning plan. Make a Krampus album and market it as an Xmas album?
  9:26am your waitresses:

One order of Christmas Rapping coming right up!
  9:26am Jon:

Are there any winged demons that look like winged monkeys?
  9:28am Roberto:

Krampus time already? Must be one of those Jewish holidays. Those fakakta things can show up any time of the year.
  9:28am Lucy:

Don't kill them! Relocate them!
  9:28am pierre:

What alcohol would you be?
  9:28am Ernest (NL):

@Adrian: Dutch parents try to justify it by saying it is because of the soot from the chimneys through which they enter the houses for presents...
  9:28am The GB Kid:

Time to bring Dr Bootygrabber to the Magic Factory to do some mousing.
  9:28am Aaron in Jcity:

Feed the interlopers that dylan album - should kill them good
  9:29am dcp@:

I'd help you if I were there Ken--I gotta deal with rats and now mice all the time. I'm thinking of employing my sling-shot next.
  9:29am Caryn:

This is just an excuse for Ken to get some ladies to come with him to the top floors all alone... Don't do it, girls! Remember the stalking and the basement dungeon! This can't end well!
  9:30am Sigurdur:

GO for music HOLD the killing
  9:31am tr)sh:

You have sound tech. Play some Neil Young or fabricate some 7-eleven style youth-scattering waves. Inhospitable sirens for small creatures.
  9:31am Andrew Waterloo:

But, Ken has just had an exorcism. He's not evil.
  9:32am Caryn:

If Ken's idea is to try and frighten the demons off with bad music, shouldn't he be employing Nickelback or something? I'd be fine with that, if he does that off the air (I don't need to hear that crap).
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:32am Ken:

We got mice and squirrels. Kendra says that I gotta kill 'em, sorry Sigurdur.
  9:34am dcp@:

oh, man. Not even rats? What a bunch of sissies...
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:35am Ken:

dcp, right? Jesus. But the squirrels are big and fat and aggressive, I gotta say.
  9:36am Caryn:

@AW: it could be a similar situation to that "Angel" episode, where the kid being exorcised is evil, and the demon inside him had just gotten trapped in the kid by accident. One exorcism later, the demon is out, but the kid is still a murderous bastard.

And it's funny how the squirrel slingshot looks like Sputnik.
  9:36am Dan B From Upstate:

That squirrel launcher gif never gets old. I love that thing so much!
  9:36am Lucy:

Cover everything and everyone in eucalyptus oil and ground cloves, it works for ants. Or maybe bobcat urine?
  9:37am Sigurdur:

no worries ken, killing is a huge part of my business
  9:38am tr)sh:

Sound is more deterrent than solution. Still, it's been used for human torture, no?
  9:38am Frank in VT:

I've always loved that squirrel gif. It's been around for a while, a real classic.
  9:38am The Cat:

Lemmie at 'em!
  9:39am Caryn:

For the hell of it, make a coffee moat, like for snails. Won't work, but heck, you have plenty of coffee!
My fave bit of the squirrel launch gif? That hand with scissors creeping in and out.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:40am Ken:

Yeah, I've tried the high frequency tone thing - no dice.
  9:41am Caryn:

The Cat brings up an interesting idea: just have Dr. Bootygrabber hunt them down! Or is the doc too young?
  9:41am jamesie:

air pistols
  9:43am The Cat:

Dude's gotta eat. Just sayin'.
  9:43am Bad Ronald:

leave out a bucket of beer, they'll drown in it.
  9:44am Mark:

I always thought there something evil about lol
  9:45am Blacktooth:

You had me at "drunk squirrels."
  9:45am Cecile:

  9:45am Lucy:

Life is precious Ken! At least don't kill them until you're sure they are self actualized rodents who have fulfilled a life of meaning and purpose.
  9:46am Cheri Pi:

Get DBG drunk on catnip wine and let him loose on the critters, that's my advice...
  9:46am Robert:

In March my stuffed wolf Wolfie helped me catch mice who were too smart to step onto the glue trap under their hole. Wolfie scared them around the corner to the surprise glue trap. Then I gave them a blindfold (paper towel) for their execution with a mallet in the alley. I tried to do it while soothingly telling them not to be scared.
  9:46am Cecile:

please send me good vibes. I have my yearly performance review today.
  9:46am duke:

  9:46am Pine:

Are city sqirrels edible?
Squirrels just wanna have fun
  9:46am Caryn:

Man, I gotta start using LOL more often! Along with the 200,000 other things loons claim are Satanistic. I should be watching Harry Potter on a loop while playing Twisted Sister. Hmm, maybe those might sync up like the whole Pink Floyd/"Wizard of Oz" thing...
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:46am Ken:

Lucy, they're self-actualized ALLRIGHT! They're Fat as FUCK!
  9:47am Blacktooth:

They're big-boned squirrels.
  9:48am tr)sh:

I miss maritime squirrels. Brown woodlanders the size of chipmunks. City squirrels are rats with cute fluffy tails.
  9:49am Pine:

Squirrels, wanna have fun, Squirrels, just wanna have...
Thats all they really want...
  9:49am Cheri Pi:

Good Vibes to you Cecile! (sing it like that Scandal song LOL)
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:49am Ken:

I remember Ann Arbor had Black Squirrels. Are they still there?
  9:50am Caryn:

Ken, being fat doesn't mean they're self-actualized. Maybe they're depressed and eating emotionally? In which case you could try to get them to commit suicide, and thus avoid doing it yourself.
  9:50am Lucy:

I know a lot of fat people who are NOT self actualized. But I must leave for bluestockings. Just make it quick and painless at least.
  9:50am artingu:

awesome track
  9:51am The GB Kid:

It's nice to think that my pledge money to FMU is going to buy lots rat poison.
  9:51am dcp@:

tr)sh - no they're not. Squirrels live in trees, rats live in the ground. Squirrels eat nuts, rats eat rotting garbage. Squirrels jump form tree to tree, rats run over your feet like battery-powered motherfuckers. There's a huge difference.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:52am Ken:

Sorry Caryn, in the animal world, Fat means Self Actualized. That's ALL it means! Only humans have alternate definitions of fulfillment.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:52am Ken:

GB Kid - Rat Poison? No. That stuff doesnt work.
  9:53am Pine:

  9:53am Lucy:

Dud you ever make a squirrel mad? They sound like a tiny motorcycle spinning out. They get like that when they fall in a garbage can and you bang on it with a stick.
  9:53am tr)sh:

"Squirrels don't eat garbage"?! Bullshit.
  9:54am Caryn:

Man, that sloth looks like he's high as a kite. And seems to have a quasi-John Denver/"old hippie who started a fruit co-op" bowl haircut.
  9:54am Cecile:

Squirrels eat as big a variety of things as rats if they don't have food.

I didn't remember black squirrels, Ken. I do remember huge surly MFers who glared at you when you would go to Drake's and not give them any of your candy.
  9:54am Sam:

Jesus, don't kill them, that's freakin barbaric. They are sentient. Can't you go after the squirrels with a broom and get them to go out the windows into the trees?
  9:55am Cecile:

I am feeling super animal-word self-actualized today. :D
  9:55am jamesie:

I saw two squirrels fighting over a KFC in the gutter once
  9:55am Andrew Waterloo:

I've got black and grey squirrels outside the window here. I feel bad for the chipmunks.
  9:55am Robert:

Insert 1 ferret. Not 2 ferrets, they'll just play with each other.
  9:55am Cheri Pi:

I love Sloths!!
  9:55am Cecile:

Or if you are going to kill 'em make squirrel stew.
  9:56am Cecile:

Cheri, we saw a documentary on a sloth resue and we fell in love with them, too.
  9:57am Caryn:

If squirrel pelts were still used as currency, those squirrels would've just been a nice pledge contribution from Mother Nature. Alas, in our current economic system, you just see them as pests.
  9:58am Caryn:

Hello, Doris Day! Wearing less than normal, there.
  9:58am Aaron in Jcity:

Yes I believe ken is not into today and Captain Angry Breckman - is working on repelling the audience and the rats in the walls - good job andy - up next Mariah Carey and Dylan sing hannaukah songs
  9:59am cobra dan:

make it stop.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:59am Ken:

Bears kill squirrels. Who's with me?!
  9:59am Caryn:

Ken, are you hoping Mariah's high note ululations will scare the squirrels away?
  10:00am dcp@:

not big on squirrel killin' but I'm on board with death to rats and mice...and mosquitoes.
  10:01am Rocky:

Don't hate the player..
  10:01am Adrian in London:

A friend got bitten on the hand by a squirrel on Wimbledon Common. Teeth like needles they've got.
  10:01am Caryn:

Or maybe that the squirrels will go "hey, isn't that Carey chick nuts or something? I haven't read magazine scraps in a few years. Let's get the hell out of here!"
I suggest looped megamix of all Mariah Carey high notes. That might work.
  10:02am Robert:

No, save the bears for getting rid of the ferret you got to get rid of the rats & squirrels.
  10:02am Sigurdur:

Fishy Christmas so far. Has anyTHING died yet?
  10:02am Caryn:

@Adrian: considering the location, are you sure it wasn't a Womble? Those f*ckers will mess you up.
  10:03am Cecile:

or just get a cat.
  10:04am Ernest (NL):
  10:04am Neg-guh-tor:

Glass Harp with Phil Keggy!
  10:05am dcp@:

Cecile-totally agree, that's the final solution. We had an outdoor cat and she kept the vermin population under control.
  10:05am MD:

Ken's off to Astoria!!!
  10:05am Caryn:

The Okapi stuff might not actually have anything to do with Bruno Munari, but that squirrel sling sure looks like one of Munari's works, so nice choice of gif!
  10:06am Caryn:

Oldest come-on in the book! "Wanna come up and see me play the glass harp?" Only topped by "Wanna come up and help me fight some winged demons?"
  10:06am Cecile:

Our cat would proudly bring back many non-living squirrels to us.
  10:06am tr)sh:

@dcp@ don't forget the bird kill byproduct
  10:07am still b/p:

Bears with flaming brooms! Squirrels are HARD to eliminate. They're damned persistent in gaining reentry. I think they can gnaw through marble, steel, diamond...
Anyone know how I can get Chrome to stop returning to top of playlist at each auto-refresh? (Playlist, not comments.) It's Krampin' my style, man. Chrome don't do that on every computer. Don't see a setting.
  10:08am Dan B From Upstate:

Phyllis, please. Or going to heaven.
  10:09am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

Davie Liebe Hart's Insect Woman!
  10:09am Mitt:

I favor self-deportation by the squirrels.
  10:10am Blacktooth:

The best thing about poison is that the vermin then die inside the walls and spend a few months stinking up the place. But the smell never really goes away.
  10:10am Chinchilla:

The one about Adam's Woman
  10:10am Steve A.:

try have-a-heart traps
  10:10am dcp@:

I think the WFMU cat is an excellent idea. Why not?
  10:10am Kits:

I Love Cola
  10:10am common:

get a station cat!
  10:11am Robert:

The 2nd Tommy the Cat got so scared by the rat he was sent to deal with, he just vomited. Eventually Ratty-Rat was poisoned & died in the wall & stunk it up.
  10:11am Cecile:

just get a loaner cat.
Cats like to kill squirrels
  10:11am jan:

Ken- Okapi and Aldo Kapi's orchestra: searching on line for a CD- is this music only available as a download? There are actually people, well at least this people, who want to buy a record or CD. I found only downloads...
  10:12am still b/p:

Two words: Honey....badger.
  10:12am Steve A.:

a station peregrine falcon
  10:12am Cecile:

Bears are f'ing scary.
Don't mess with bears.
  10:12am Aaron in Jcity:

hire this guy
  10:12am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

Don't kill them!!!! Torture them instead! And UP!.. And then down again!! Remember that we have electricity too!
  10:12am MD:

Gay Rhymes with way!!!
  10:14am MD:

OK i'm straight on his sexuality!!!
Pun intended!!!
  10:14am Caryn:

Oh, don't get a honey badger. They'll just go for your gnads.
A cat is the best alternative. Just don't get exterminators named Boris and Natasha. We know they can't handle squirrels.
  10:14am Robert:

Then there was the night the bat got into the kitchen when I was staying at Nancy's in Jonesville, Mich.
  10:15am Aaron in Jcity:

this is in your walls
  10:16am dcp@:

I think I could listen to this Ivor Cutler tune all day..
  10:17am Caryn:

A British sitcom had this Cutler track as its' theme song. Gotta say, I always enjoyed the credits because of it.
  10:17am Ernest (NL):

Been a while since the last time I heard Im Happy. Nice one!
  10:17am BSI:

Just got here in time for Ivor. A lovely thing.
Greetings, tribe of magnificents...
  10:17am Bad Ronald:

YES!! The Only Song - Love it.
  10:19am Laura L:

It's just so easy to sing along against your will.
  10:19am Mr. S.:

I'm in ur walls
tonten ur commenturz
  10:19am tr)sh:

The Bird-of-Prey Exterminator Company. They do things a little differently.

Small-mammal racket in your rafters? Call Kestrels-R-Us
  10:19am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

What? Mariah carey got played ? DJ Warfere is getting sicker. This is like using Weapons of Ear Destruction. Thank goodness I went for that lunch few minutes ago and I missed it.
  10:19am Dan B From Upstate:

This is a good song.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:21am Ken:

Jan. the Okapi CD is out on the Illegal Art label.
  10:22am Caryn:

You know, they've used AC/DC to flush out hostage takers, so try that, Ken. (Just trying to think of repelling music that I wouldn't mind listening to)
  10:23am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

GOOD LORD! I just realising The Only Song is from the guy from Slapp Happy! Wo-hoo!
  10:23am Robert:

I bet a racoon could get rid of rats & squirrels, or at least make them hide so you'd never notice them.
  10:24am Robert:

Just don't get Jackie Gleason or Art Carney. That type of racoon would not be effective.
  10:25am Cheri Pi:

My Cat, W.Jeff.M.U (Meeeyeeew) would fall asleep twitching his whiskers if he was forced to become a guard cat.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:25am Ken:

Your right Robert- A Wolverine would also do the trick, and then I wouldnt be left with a racoon problem
  10:28am Caryn:

I wonder if Rammstein would scare the squirrels off? Probably not, they're NJ squirrels, after all, and thus tough as nails. And used to shock rock.
  10:28am jan:

Gliddy glub gloopy nibby nabby noopy
Gliddy glub gloopy nibby nabby noopy
La la la - lo lo
Sabba sibbi sabba nooby aba naba
Lee lee - lo lo
Tooby ooby wala
Nooby aba naba

Imagine if you had to listen to that son all day long.
  10:28am Robert:

OK then it's settled. A racoon to deal with the vermin, then a wolverine for the racoon, and finally a bear to take care of the racoon. Similar principle to using rabbit antibodies on a sample and then adding goat anti-rabbit.
  10:30am dcp@:

is he singing about Tintin?
  10:30am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

I was also thinking about using Rammstein as the pest controller (or ruler?)! Awww. We love you so much Rammy. Please save the station.
  10:30am Robert:

I meant a bear to take care of the wolverine.

Maybe I should get to work instead of paying att'n here.
  10:31am Caryn:

@jan: for all we know, that bit might be in squirrel language. Who knows what it would be telling them to do.
  10:31am tr)sh:

I've noticed metal/punk loops. And neil young.

Helicopter sounds and new agey computery generated crap also work, but are human deterrents, too.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:31am Ken:

It will have to be a big bear to take care of the wolverine.
  10:31am The GB Kid:

new favorite tumblr page:
  10:33am Cheri Pi:

Here is a link to my WFMU cat Jeff, Ken, feel free to abuse it:
  10:33am Unctuous Rancid Dwarfman:

GB Kid: thanks again for the sticker!
  10:33am Caryn:

Maybe some Alvin & the Chipmunks would make the squirrels leave, all pissed off about the "racists stereotypes" and squirrel equivalent of "blackface" on exhibit?
  10:35am The GB Kid:

@unctuous rancid dwarfman: no problemo
  10:37am Cheri Pi:

I love that link GBK!
  10:37am jan:

Caryn-Those are actual lyrics from an awful pop song – Good morning Star Shine- of the musical Hair. You wouldn't want to hear it all day long.
  10:38am Sigurdur:

Its stARTing to be a pretty faNCY list fir a cult gathering of some sort. Ill telly the goods and bring some funky alchoholic drink but bare in mind that i am a commerical fisherman and we are generally qite odd. . .
  10:39am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

Cheri Pi,

Nice kitty! And looks dangerous too! P.S. Is that you in the next pic ? I'm just realising I have never seen a WFMU listener in person.
  10:40am Cheri Pi:

Yes that is me in the next picture holding my WFMU beach ball!
  10:41am Robert:

1st time I listened to 7SD, Ken let a mouse loose and frightened Andy.
  10:41am BSI:

freeform beachball or die!
  10:43am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

Oh, Cheri Pi! To think that just recently I realised you were not a guy. Oh, too many revelations my friends! Maybe is a sign from the lord.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:43am Ken:

Robert, that was a squirrel.
  10:44am BSI:

Having a desperate Lord Buckley craving, like, suddenly.
  10:45am Sam:

Hey Daddy-o, this is such a drag, man!
  10:45am Caryn:

@jan: I know what the lyrics are from, I'm just saying that who knows what the heck that bit of the song is all about. For all we know, it's a secret message for squirrels to attack!
Ken, you've clearly created the squirrel problem yourself. You let one loose, and it went on and multiplied!
  10:45am Neg-guh-tor:

Time for Lord Buckley!
  10:47am Sam:

Like, wow, it was so hip, it was annoying as hell, man!
  10:48am Bad Ronald:

Yeah, I dig his Nazz rap.
  10:48am Caryn:

I still enjoy Christopher Walken's reading of "Three Little Pigs" a little more.

And that "Beatniks unite!" ad is hilarious! Fight convention by buying a mass-produced, stereotypical "official" beret by mail order. Yeah, that's logical.
  10:48am dcp@:

That was a lucky mistake on the Roof tune.
  10:49am PoutWest:

That Collins piece was great! Didn't annoy me at all... it annoyed you because it wasn't you telling the story Like.
  10:49am still b/p:

Stan Freberg's Banana Boat bit would, like, be good too, man.
  10:49am Jennique:

Ken! Looks like animated gifs have made their way into high art, by way of the Miami art fair. Here's a link to an article in the New Yorker:
  10:49am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

I was actually thinking in Del Close's Psychoanalysis kit when listening to that.
  10:50am pierre:

@ Cheri Pi : I've wrote an email to Fadades, we'll see what happened… :)
  10:50am jan:

Caryn- who knows indeed. Extra credit to you for knowing those lyrics. I had thought it was an obscure quote.
  10:51am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

Great news, Jennique!
  10:51am giselle:

nooo!( too late)
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:54am Ken:

Thanks Jennique! I just want to say that I stood with GIFS when they were stuck at the bottom of the cultural trash heap.
  10:54am Caryn:

@jan: hey, all the times I've sung stuff from "Hair" during my music studies have etched those lyrics into my brain. Luckily, my brain goes for other songs from the musical first.
  10:55am Caryn:

This reminds me, my brother has had my Velvet Underground box set for over a decade now. I keep telling him I want it back, but...
  10:55am The Beave:

I didn't know Warhol was a *taco* fan.
  10:58am Dave B:

Hello all!
  10:59am Michael:

I'm mixing this V.U. with Patton Oswalt's "My Weakness is Strong"---it's working about as well as you'd expect, if you were right and expected it to be _great_.
  10:59am pierre:

Salut Dave B !
  11:00am Caryn:

@Michael: that is indeed what we were expecting!
  11:02am Michael:

Oddly enough, using LOL is in fact Satanic even though that claim is utter bullshit; it just is, as surely as using the word 'bro' is a tasing offence.
  11:03am amEdeo:

Good morning camp, will someone please donate their spine to me? Mine seems to be defective.
  11:04am Dave B:

I think Krampus has gone mainstream. I say bring back Zwarte Piet!
  11:04am Cheri Pi:

FoFo that's hilarious. I will add WFMU fans on facebook if I can determine you are from t his board.
  11:05am Dave B:

Bonjour Pierre!
  11:05am Michael:

Duh. By 'that claim' I menat the claim that Satanists use it to end their prayers, though they'll probably start doing so now so they can feel <em>naughty</em>.
  11:07am Caryn:

I would like to state that all the Satanists I know are lovely people. The Satan worshippers, on the other hand? Ech.
  11:08am Cheri Pi:

That is the most awesome bird on earth!
  11:09am steve:

those satanists seem like they have a pretty good time
  11:10am Caryn:

The wooden panels behind the bird remind me of some old-school recording studios I know, so I'm imagining that bird grooving along to some excellent band.
  11:11am Cheri Pi:

Pierre, I am beyond excited at the possibilities!!! You will be the new French representative of the WFMU metal-world, maybe we should send you to Hellfest this summer, no?
  11:13am Cheri Pi:

The Limiñanas =top album of the year....
  11:16am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

Cheri Pi,

What is an Facebook ?
  11:19am Sam:

Satanists are no different from the followers of any other religion. I don't see what the big deal is with them. They still worship an imaginary god, it's just that their god admits openly that he's an asshole instead of hiding behind a veneer of compassion.
  11:19am Caryn:

I wonder what the Clinic song title refers to? Of all the programmes on BBC2 at that time, only "Later with Jools Holland" might fit the bill.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:20am Ken:

I agree with you Cheri Pi about The Liminanas - definitely best pop album.
  11:20am pierre:

@ Cheri Pi : I'd love to go, but I'm such a rookie, It could be dangerous…

So yeah, I'd love to go !!

french WFMU representative, I wouldn't know :)
but beer sharing enthusiast, most definitevely !!!
  11:21am still b/p:

Never been on Facebook, and my phone's been lost for almost a month! Living la vida linkless...'cept for this here right now.
  11:23am Michael:

Now Mr Oswalt is talking about an hawk's fruitless attempt to fly off with a giant rat over the gentleman (Clinic? Belajar Membunuj?) screaming.
  11:23am Bad Ronald:

Is that minotaur gif from Jason and the Argonauts?
  11:23am tr)sh:

Ken, do you know if/where there's a larger image of that car-dance-shadow pic at the top?
  11:23am Cheri Pi:

Pierre, I see a bright future for you in black metal :)
  11:23am SATAN:

Hey SA(TA)M! I have never said I was an asshole. Now you are going to see who's the asshole when you come with me to Hell!!
Well, actually, yes, I'm kind of an asshole.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:23am Ken:

Close Bad Ronald! It's actually from Jeffrey and the Argonauts.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:24am Ken:

No Tr)sh, that's the largest one I found
  11:24am Mark Z.:

ⓕⓞⓕⓞ ( : Stop Making Trouble. We got enough of it already.
  11:25am Sigurdur:

trying to find the right scream ey ken? Might i suggest maybe a more weathered scream like getting dark and gusty & rainy
  11:25am tr)sh:

Too bad. The face on the woman in motion looks familiar. The leg/foot that's showing, not at all.
  11:26am Bad Ronald:

Jason's cousin?
  11:26am Cecile:

michael, that is some of Patton's best work. We saw him on that tour and we were sobbing, we were laughing so hard.
  11:26am pierre:

@Cheri Pi : thanks to you I know I can do it. BSI's helping me as well (expanding my knowledge)
  11:30am Cheri Pi:

"Chat Noir" Pierre, that's my idea for the name of your metal segment. Chat is the double meaning of black cat/ short talk beteen friends. hahaha.
  11:30am Cheri Pi:

I'm off to eat falafel! see everyone soon.
  11:31am Vivian:

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Jonathan Kane's 'Live at Issue Project Room'? Love-Love-Love JK!
  11:32am Cecile:

om nom, see ya, cheri
  11:33am Mike East:

@Vivian - I know you can get some of it on the Free Music Archive
  11:33am pierre:

well played Cheri Pi !!
doulbe entendre, i like that .

bon apetit
  11:34am amEdeo:

Enjoy, Cheri, ENJOY!
  11:34am mary mag:

how bout some jesus christ superstar with this st37, ken?
  11:34am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:


A larger version of that gif (615x333) :

1953 Capri
  11:34am tim from champaign:

Does anyone else call Panera Bread "Pantera Bread"?
  11:34am Caryn:

I would assume that the minotaur is the Minaton from "Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger", the fantastic trailer for which was on one of my fave childhood videos. (I recommend the movie, but I recommend the trailer even more.)
  11:36am Mike East:

Caryn, your knowledge of film never ceases to amaze me.
  11:36am Bad Ronald:

ahh, thanks Caryn!
  11:38am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

I'll say it again: >
  11:38am tr)sh:

oh, yeah -- image search by url

  11:39am Bad Ronald:

... I had a feeling Ken was being facetious.
  11:39am Caryn:

Incidentally, in some fight scenes, the Minaton was not Harryhausen-made, but actually Peter Mayhew, aka Chewbacca, in his first film appearance.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:39am Ken:

Actually Caryn, the minotaur is from "Jeffrey and the Bitchin' Argonauts:"
  11:40am Bad Ronald:

Hey, I thought Blegvad had only one song!
  11:40am Cecile:

Me, Tim!
Their slogan: Far Beyond Risen or
Crullers from Hell
  11:43am Cecile:

Also, Vulgar Display of Pastry.
  11:45am Dave B:

  11:46am pierre:

@Ken : btw, speaking of movies, thanks to you i saw "The Tingler".
  11:47am ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

1. Make a very obscure film
2. Premiere it in one or two independent theatre cinemas
3. Wait 25 years till everybody forgets about it
4. Take a still image from it and turn it into an animated gif
5. Post it in Ken's playlists
6. Caryn would give you a detailed account of it and its rare peculiarities just seen in the director's cut
7. Be in awe.
  11:48am tim from champaign:

This DCC song sounds like a mix of Chrome and Spencer Davis Group's "I'm a Man".
  11:48am Dave B:

Hey Ken - a few years ago at the record fair you were showing a flick starring a bunch of midgets. I can't recall the name. Any chance you know what I'm talking about?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:50am Ken:

But of course Dave, it was Herzog's "Even Dwarves Started Small," a truly evil, evil film.
  11:50am Andrew Waterloo:

@Dave B was that the Terror of Tiny Town?
  11:51am Dave B:

Thank you kind sir! Queueing that one up!
  11:51am Caryn:

@ⓕⓞⓕⓞ: aw shucks, I'm blushing over here! I will say, the Mayhew factoid is the result of a "damn, gotta double-check that I said the right movie name" googling.
@Ken & Dave B: they showed that on tv here last year. Man, that was... out there.
  11:54am pierre:

  11:54am Cecile:

saor patrol!
  11:54am Dave B:


I think that same year I gave the projectionist at the record fair a copy of Reptilicus...
  11:56am breugelesque:

Nice deep ESP-Disk cut, Kenneth.
  11:56am pierre:

(I think i'm gonna shout "CROMAGNON !!!" everytime there will be Cromagnon on, and i'd be listening)
  12:00pm tr)sh:

Crossing back to the rodentresidentials issue- how about this new poison/deterrent tactic : cigarette butts.

Lining nests with material from discarded cigarettes may help keep out parasitic mites.

Nature News doi: 10.1038/nature.2012.11952

I don't know how rodents feel about tabacchi..
  12:00pm Dan B From Upstate:

Dude! You're throwing out a Dell!
  12:00pm Unctuous Rancid Dwarfman:

i was on an airplane with William Hung one time. and his monther/agent
  12:00pm anon and on:

Longtime 7 sec delay afficionado, first time Ken solo... & it was going so well . .
  12:02pm anon and on:

Ken! Check out Silent Servants no wave sets www.
  12:03pm Sam:

Ken's playlist is still up?
  12:04pm Unctuous Rancid Dwarfman:

nope. it's just your imagination
  12:05pm ⓕⓞⓕⓞ (:

Hasta luego keno! Thank you and keep enjoying the Krampus holiday
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