Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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December 28, 2012 Favoriting
2012: An audible feast — Part One
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Al Hendrix  Cock Fighter   Favoriting Rare & Rockin'
Gin Gillette  Train to Satanville   Favoriting b/w Baron Daemon & the Vampires: Ghost Guitars
(Wavy Gravy )
Stan Tracey  Little Klunk   Favoriting Little Klunk
(Vogue 1959)
Dorothy Morrison  Rain   Favoriting b/w Rain (mono)
(Elektra 1972)
Attila Zoller  The Horizon Beyond   Favoriting The Horizon Beyond
(Emarcy 1965)
Bud Isaacs  Panhandle Rag   Favoriting Bud's Bounce
(Bear Family )
Gelugpa Monks (recorded at Thami)  Mchod-Pa / Offering Ceremony   Favoriting Musique Rituelle Tibetaine
(Ocora 1969)
Yoshiaki Fujikawa & Eastasia Orchestra  Divine Gift   Favoriting Shoyoh Jurin
(Mobys 1984)
Jimmy London  Kissing in the Back Row at a Movie   Favoriting Jimmy in London
(Jama 1976)

Talkover Music:
The Soul Brothers 
Fiddler on the Roof   Favoriting Hot Shot
(Studio One 1967)

Ella Fitzgerald  Hey Jude   Favoriting
Jeanne Lee and Ran Blake  Lover Man   Favoriting The Newest Sound Around
(RCA/Victor 1961)
George "Bullet" Williams  The Escaped Convict   Favoriting Alabama Blues 1927-1931
(Yazoo 1928)
Carl Butler  Plastic Heart   Favoriting b/w Country Mile
(Capitol 1951)
Zeki Müren  Nihavend Semai Şarkı   Favoriting 1955-63 Kayitlari/Recordings
Billy Barton  The Devil, My Conscience and I   Favoriting b/w Doorway to Heaven
(Fire 1958)
Ilaiyaraaja  Thithikkum   Favoriting Solla Solla: Maestro Ilaiyaraaja & the Electronic Pop Sound of Kollywood 1977-1983, Volume 1
(Finders Keepers )

Talkover Music:
Mulatto   Favoriting Dancing Is Beautiful: Dance Mixes Inspired by Vijaya Anand's "Dance Raja Dance"
(Luaka Bop )

John C. Reilly & Becky Stark  I'm Making Plans   Favoriting b/w I'll Be There If You Ever Want
(Third Man 2012)
Sweet Talks  Mampam Sukuruwe   Favoriting The Kusum Beat
(Phillips/Soundway 1974)
Ted Daniel Sextet  Congratulations   Favoriting Ted Daniel Sextet
(Ujamaa 1970)
Harps of Fuchsia Kalmia  After a Year the Sorrow Came to Me   Favoriting Burning With Your Old Joy in the Terminal Sun
(Ikuisuus 2009)
Roxy Gordon  Junked Cars   Favoriting Crazy Horse Never Died
(Wowapi )

Talkover Music:
Ziad Rahbani 
Second Introduction   Favoriting Bennesbeh Labokra...Chou?
(Relax-In 1978)

Roswell Rudd  Maine   Favoriting Maine
(Bvhaast 1976)
Emry Arthur  The Broken Wedding   Favoriting b/w I'm Always Thinking of You
(Broadway 1929)
Valéria o Travestí  Na Cadencia do Samba
Acender as Velas
Vu Andar Por Aí
A Felicidade
O Sol Nascerá
A Fonte Secou
Leilão   Favoriting
b/w Rancho da Praça Onze
(Mocambo 1966)

Talkover Music:
Odell Brown & the Organ-izers 
Tough Tip   Favoriting Ducky
(Cadet 1968)

Trio Esperança  Filme Triste   Favoriting Nós Somos o Sucesso
(Odeon 1963)
Tony Scott  Remembrance of Art Tatum   Favoriting Sung Heroes
Guelewar Band of Banjul  Sonda   Favoriting Tasito
(Jambaar 1980)
Abafana Bomjovo  Badonse Memela   Favoriting
(Sondela 1977)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:41am Van in DC:

Hypnosis session? I'll be in the back chanting the Give the Drummer Some mantra while staring blankly at the matter-antimatter collision. Morning Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am Doug Schulkind:

Good morning to you, Van in DC! Nothing better than muttering about matter.
  8:47am Brian in UK:

'ello Doug 'n Van. (Black matter specialists)
  8:48am duke:

Good Morning. What's the matter?
  8:48am listener james from westwood:

based on my housecleaning expedition this morning, a lot of the universe's missing mass was in the form of a monstrous dust bunny under my bed.
  8:49am listener james from westwood:

i'm hoping it will collapse beneath its event horizon so i can just tip the bin into it periodically as i clean.
  8:50am Brian in UK:

What's up duck?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am Doug Schulkind:

Dust Bunny Event Horizon were a wonderful band. I like their early stuff before they sold out.
  8:53am listener james from westwood:

their halloween concert at red rocks? in. cred. ible.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am Doug Schulkind:

No, Listener James. "Live at Budokan" was their acme.
  8:56am listener james from westwood:

that gave me the first belly laugh of the day. well done, my man!
  8:56am Van in DC:

Almost time to give that handle a crank.
  8:57am Bugs Bukowski:

Someone got the acme.
  8:57am Brian in UK:

Van what you do in the privacy etc........
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am Doug Schulkind:

Well hold onto your belly, friend, because the laughs will be volcanic today.

@Bugs Bukowski
If you ever get acme, just don't pick at it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am Doug Schulkind:

Who you calling a crank, Van in DC?
  8:59am Van in DC:

@Brian - I hear ya....make sure to wear my headphones
  9:00am Van in DC:

Spin handle spin!
  9:02am Uuncle Michael:

Your gramaphone is melting my mind.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am Doug Schulkind:

@Uuuncle Mmmichael
I has that affect on everyone. Our melted minds will pool together in the middle of the floor. (Melted minds always finds its level.)
  9:04am Uuncle Michael:

It's suuperfluuouus "Uu" day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am Doug Schulkind:

At least we don't have that rash breakout of umlauts as on Tony Coulter's playlist.
  9:05am ndbob:

morning Doug and everyone!
  9:06am Uuncle Michael:

That wouuld end up being a lot of uumlauuts.
  9:06am listener james from westwood:

heya ndbob! and howdy all!
  9:07am Uuncle Michael:

  9:09am Uuncle Michael:

My cockfighting team is looking for a new equuipment manager.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am Doug Schulkind:

Cock fighting is a real "hands on" enterprise. Needs a firm grip. (OK, I'm done with this one.)
  9:11am Uuncle Michael:

The cheap jokes practically write themselves.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am Doug Schulkind:

Good morning to you, ndbob!
  9:13am ndbob:

great one here!
  9:13am Paul Sherratt:

A 'Cock Fighter' song. Now that's one serious, attention-grabbing way to start off a show.
A first in my experience ! ( Hollering contest items also welcome )
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am Doug Schulkind:

Brother Paul Sherratt is on the pew. Let us pray!
  9:16am Hügo:

Stan the Man! Cool
  9:16am Paul Sherratt:

But don't pray for rain ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am Doug Schulkind:

Good afternoon, Hügo!

Paul Sherratt, did you peek and see the next song in the sequence?!
  9:18am Uncle Michael:

A close friend of mine and his brother once made it onto national television during a college football game...on the sidelines, flipping coins for a kick in the ass. I wonder if there are many songs about that pastime.
  9:19am Uncle Michael:

Didn't it rain, lordy...didn't it rain?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am Doug Schulkind:

I am definitely NOT from Kansas, Uncle Michael.
  9:21am Van in DC:

As Picard says, "Make it snow"
  9:21am Uncle Michael:

That was in Nebraska, if that helps.
  9:22am Paul Sherratt:

No peaking at all, Sir.
As last week when that Charlie Feathers you played, had, but an hour earlier been copied to the ipod device.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am Doug Schulkind:

Oh well, that makes perfect sense then.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am Doug Schulkind:

Feel free to jump ahead and scan the playlists to guess the selected song. Next one is here:
  9:28am Van in DC:

Odds would seem to favor something by Django Reinhardt :)
  9:29am Brian in UK:

Am I getting Dorothy Morrison confused with Dorothy Moskovitz?
  9:34am listener james from westwood:

i keep hearing the title of tarantino's latest and thinking, "ooh! a django reinhardt biopic." but no. :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am Doug Schulkind:

Here is the playlist for my Holy Warbles tribute show:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am Doug Schulkind:

It's a short leap from Django Unchained to Attila Unchained, Listener James.
  9:45am ndbob:

@Doug Have you heard from Owl at all since the demise of HW?
  9:47am Andy S.:

This monks music is what Ken Freedman must have meant when he once told me: "Andy, you're not supposed to be able to listen to WFMU all the time."
  9:47am Hügo:

This sounds like the thing - a tibetan ceremonial trumpet - we have hanging from the ceiling downstairs. We had to call in someone skilled from playing in a brass band to get a sound out of it. Our neigbour called and wondered what was going on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51am Doug Schulkind:

I have in fact heard much from Owl in the intervening months — and it has been, shall I say, a challenging interaction. Not much more I can say. I have the highest esteem for his musical senses and sensibilities.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52am Doug Schulkind:

Here's the cover:
  9:53am Uncle Michael:

If anyone wants to see the play pit...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am Doug Schulkind:

@Andy S.
The word of Ken is Gospel. To turn off WFMU when you must only makes it better when you turn it back on.
  9:54am Uncle Michael:

Apologies if you're made to wait through an ad.
  9:55am listener james from westwood:

i've got that holy warbles tribute show on my computer for a rainy day.
  9:55am listener james from westwood:

now, atilla unchained? i'd watch the holy hell out of that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am Doug Schulkind:

This music is actually NO LONGER the Gelugpa Monks. Though I bet they be digging it.
  10:03am Hügo:

Definitely a spiritual affinity between that and the former track
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am Doug Schulkind:

Pure coincidence, Hügo (which don't really exist, of course)
  10:06am Hügo:

Is a phonographic memory better than a photographic? I'd say so.
  10:07am Hügo:

There are no coincidences.
  10:08am holland oats:

praise drumma, peace be upon him
  10:09am Matt from Springfield:

Be Thankful For What You Got!

Morning Doug and Drumheads!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am Doug Schulkind:

holland and Matt — glad to be with you again!
  10:13am listener james from westwood:

lovely crowd for this final friday gtds of 2012. howdy all!
  10:13am Uncle Michael:

mileage varies....I'm more of a sunshine of your love guy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am Doug Schulkind:

You're right, UM, Ella nails that one.
  10:17am Matt from Springfield:

It's easy to forget how many covered "Hey Jude" when it was first out, it was in demand among singers.

Similarly with another genre, "Wichita Lineman" had so many covers around the same time (DOUG: any FOREIGN language versions of "Wichita Lineman" you know about?? :)
  10:18am ndbob:

I think that a good idea for an hour show would be - bizarre cover versions
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am Doug Schulkind:

@Matt from Springfield
Something in the back of my head says YES. Gotta get my intern to investigate (the back of my head)
  10:22am Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: The research team is on it! Thanks!

@NDBob: Yes! Not necessarily "incorrect music" cover versions, but in unusual or different styles from the originals.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am Doug Schulkind:

Most of my earliest WFMU marathon premiums were exactly that — collections of odd and lovely cover songs. "Cover Your Ears," "Run for Cover," Cover Your Tracks," "Pull Off the Covers" were just a few of the titles. This was back when all of WFMU's marathon premiums were still on cassette.

Yes, I am that old.
  10:24am Uncle Michael:

I've done a show along those lines.
  10:25am Matt from Springfield:

  10:26am Hügo:

Oh, yeah, I still keep a cassette player around (not to mention a reel to reel).
  10:27am ndbob:

sounds great Doug! .. maybe some of the songs could end up on future marathon premiums as well
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am Doug Schulkind:

If I ever do an hour of music by beloved cross-dressing icons, Zeki Müren will be prominent!
  10:28am Paul Sherratt:

Here's a terrific Carl Butler song for you all to digest later:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am Doug Schulkind:

@Matt from Springfield
I think you just had a mini-stroke.
  10:31am ndbob:

@UM Thanks! .. got it bookmarked
  10:31am Matt from Springfield:

More like "logorrhea", one of my fave words from the Grandiloquent Dictionary!
  10:35am Matt from Springfield:

Kollywood! I was thinking Karnataka, but actually Tamil:
"Kodambakkam, an area of Chennai, where Tamil language feature films are produced"

There's so many places (and cultures) in India and a corresponding film industry--most of the -ollywoods are used in one way or another.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am Doug Schulkind:

logorrhea = verbal diarrhea?
  10:38am Uncle Michael:

@ndbob my pleasure
  10:38am Matt from Springfield:

It's also a psychological condition, but I usually use it as a stand-in for "verbal diarrhea"!
  10:40am Hügo:

or streaming consciousness?
  10:44am Matt from Springfield:

@Hugo: Going back to the Greek words, a "flow" of "words" could be like a river, running with words continuously.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am Doug Schulkind:

@Matt from S
Way better than standing IN verbal diarrhea. Blech.
  10:46am Matt from Springfield:

Great singer, that John C. Reilly! A composer as well, long before "Walk Hard" he wrote the terrible 80s songs performed by his co-star Mark Wahlberg in "Boogie Nights".
  10:47am Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: GTDR may not always keep it clean, but at a minimum we can keep it sanitary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am Doug Schulkind:

Antibacterial ear wipes are made available at the end of every program.
  10:49am listener james from westwood:

GTDR is keeping my apartment clean today. i am crushing it here w/ the cleaning. doug is stronger than dirt.
  10:51am Hügo:

I don't think the Frank Wright "Blues for Albert Ayler" made the playlist this year. Anything from the Reverend is major news. With sleeve notes by The Good Doctor!!
  10:52am Van in DC:

Get The Dirt Removed?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am Doug Schulkind:

Here is the photo that accompanies my WFMU bio:
  10:54am Uncle Michael:

@Doug. Just close with something astringent.
  10:54am listener james from westwood:

lol, van; very nice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am Doug Schulkind:

It breaks my heart to think of all the music I don't get to on the show. If I could get someone to pay me to do the show daily — no more broken heart!
  10:55am listener james from westwood:

hugo, thanks for the reminder about the good doctor; he subbed earlier this week or last; gotta hit his archive.
  10:57am Uncle Michael:

You couldn't pay me to do a show on this network. But I'd probably do it for free,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am Doug Schulkind:

Just learned of the passing of the wonderful poet Jayne Cortez. R.I.P. Ms. Cortez.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am Doug Schulkind:

@Uncle Michael
Just saw the following message tweeted by East Village Radio:

"4 hours of Beyond Beyond is Beyond w. Mike Newman coming up from Noon-4pm ET on & #evrmobile #psych #rock @BBiB"
  10:58am Hügo:

He had a regular show some years back. Top notch! Kiddies, kiddies ...
  10:59am Holly in NC:

Morning, Doug and friends! Can't listen now, but this show will definitely soundtrack my late evening.
Which reminds me - those of us for whom listening is often dependent on fancy phones need to let station mgr Ken know that we'd LOVE the ability to access GTDS stream archives on our mobile devices of choice! I weep in frustration on a daily basis ;-)
  11:01am Uncle Michael:

@Doug. That's weird for two reasons. First, there's another Mike Newman on local radio in my town...on a country station. Second, the honcho at Viva Radio where I do a voice tracked show is a DJ on EVR and he's never mentioned that to me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am Doug Schulkind:

@Holly in NC
Ken considers is a top priority to make sure that the next version of the mobile app for WFMU includes the ability to access archived shows from the various streams.

But it DOESN'T HURT to let him know you want it!
  11:02am Uncle Michael:

Can you mention to Ken that we're all fucking sick of doing math?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am Doug Schulkind:

You get an extra FMU bumper sticker if your math captcha = 666
  11:05am ndbob:

morning Holly! - looking forward to that Doug
  11:06am Hügo:

Well, at least we're not asked to do equations.
  11:08am Matt from Springfield:

Wiki duly formatted for Jayne Cortez - once married to Ornette Coleman, and mother to Denardo, I just learned. Once again someone just added the date of death but didn't properly categorize; justice is now done to Ms. Cortez's most accessible short biography.
  11:08am Uncle Michael:

Maybe Kenzo could provide for registered accounts that skip the captcha.
  11:08am Matt from Springfield:

Harps of Fuchsia Kalmia, always welcome here!
  11:09am Holly in NC:

Oooh! I've gotten 666 at least twice!
Has anyone else had the misfortune of having to type in friggin' ad copy @ Mediafire? For example, the captcha may be along the lines of "who will deliver your packages on time"? and you have to type "federal express" (or ups, or whoever is 'sponsoring the captcha). Makes me ill.
  11:10am El Thatchmo:

Wow, this one sure has my toe a tappin!
  11:10am Matt from Springfield:

@UM: I think that was under discussion at some point - it's not scheduled, but whenever Kenzo next overhauls the comment board system, that's apparently one of the features he wants to incorporate.
  11:10am Carmichael:

Dougie my boy, how's the Friday coming along? Hi everyone.
  11:11am ndbob:

Hi Carmichael!
  11:11am trlsh:

My kinda visual / audio opening rerun.
(Is it 2013, yet?)
  11:11am Van in DC:

Yay Harps!
  11:12am kat330:

Hi, Doug! Hello all of you fine fun folk! May I tardily join the last drummersome party of 2012?
  11:13am Uncle Michael:

Frankly, this whole oddball UI has a unique charm and I say that sincerely. The frames, the captcha...the 1996 html styling, table borders...all of it.
  11:13am Van in DC:

  11:13am Matt from Springfield:

Hi Carm, El Thatchmo, trish, kat330, all ye incomer-Drummers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:14am Doug Schulkind:

Hi El Thatchmo! Hi Carmichael! Hi kat330!
  11:14am kat330:

Howdy, Matthyou! First intersection in many a day (though I've seen you on archive lists).
  11:15am trlsh:

Hi Matt. My favourite cartoon evokateur.
  11:16am Matt from Springfield:

@UM: I totally agree, I think program styling should correspond to its functions and not clutter with excess graphics or features (I always like the classic Winamp view). I would hope they keep the simple (and unique) stylings of the playlists, but an option for registered listeners to sign in would be convenient.
  11:16am kat330:

I'd love to have a math bypass, and Holly, I get that "666" WAY beyond mathematical odds. Something's up with that. I've learned to "edit comment" to get a 666 bypass. :)
  11:17am ndbob:

Hi Kat!
  11:17am kat330:

[and that was posted on a 663 sum! TOO many sums in the 600's to make sense, Kenzo! ]
  11:18am Matt from Springfield:

Howdy kat! From this time last week (except for Surface Noise Sat night) I've only checked in briefly to shows, so back to full form!

I've checked out Archives myself--love that accent on Honey U. Kettlewater, cool that you got a mention from that esteemed Floridian! ;)
  11:19am kat330:

Hi, northern Bob! Hm, just thought -- you ever done any bobsledding in ND? :)
  11:19am Uncle Michael:

Thankfully, I've never had to carry the one. I leave that to James Brown.
  11:20am Matt from Springfield:

"666 bypass", now why would you want to do that?!
(I like when it comes up for particular shows and songs).
  11:20am Holly in NC:

@Kat -

In my past life in retail, I loved watching folks' varying reactions to register ringing $6.66. Most didn't care, but some would add to purchase, some would remove from purchase, and 1 lady ran shrieking out of store, never to return (my fave) ;-)
  11:20am kat330:

@Matt: What did you think of Philo's "accent"? :)
  11:20am Van in DC:

And I almost wore my new trombone t-shirt to work today.
  11:22am kat330:

@Holly: Hahaha! That's rich! Well, if that sum didn't come up so GD often, I wouldn't bother with the edit bypass. But now it's become a sort of act of defiance for me. Against whom? I dunno -- Kenzo? :)
  11:23am Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Mr. Gristlecorn sounds like he might run a bar down there :)

@Van: If you wear that shirt, you should also blare this piece for the whole office to hear!
  11:23am Uncle Michael:

All the zip codes here begin with 666.
  11:23am kat330:

Love this 'bone AND love the artist's name.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am Doug Schulkind:

@Holly in NC
Depends on what you were selling. One imagines salvation costing at least $6.67.
  11:24am listener james from westwood:

greetin's to the 11:00 shift!
my childhood phone number began in 666. also, my freshman year p.o. box at college. never got the devil's mail by accident, sadly.
  11:24am Hügo:

If anyone would like a digital copy of "Maine", you can get it from here (in lossless flac):
  11:25am Matt from Springfield:

@Holly: Never happened to me as a grocery store cashier, but there was a certain chicken meal at Roy Rogers a couple years ago that, after taxes and all, wound up as $6.66! Of course that "problem" is usually solved by rising prices...!
  11:25am kat330:

@UM: Yes, guess that's true.

@MfS: That voice he uses when he wants to pester me is some sort of hybrid of Satchmo and Tom Waits.
  11:25am Holly in NC:

Uncle Michael - My phone # includes '666' in sequence. Many folks have advised me to change my phone number, but I refuse. I suspect that decision may cost me some business on occasion, but c'est la vie.
  11:25am kat330:

Arkansas Traveler and Dixie? That's what he loves about the south.
  11:26am kat330:

Hi, James!
  11:26am Van in DC:

THANKS Hugo! Hopefully I can get to that link from home tonight! :)
  11:26am ndbob:

@kat nope - I do look out the window and see snowmobiles at times tho
  11:27am Uncle Michael:

Phil Harris is what I love about the south.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am Doug Schulkind:

Hügo, you are a prïnce!
  11:28am Holly in NC:

I cannot wait to listen to this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, Doug!
BTW might I just say that Doug has THE best musical "sense & sensibility" out there, as well as the biggest & kindest heart. xo
  11:28am Matt from Springfield:

Thank you Hugo!! This was one of my fave jazz pieces from GTDS this year.

@kat: I have a friend of Finnish ancestry, who does a similar voice. Then again this is a silly-fellow Python watcher friend, who does many voices! :)
  11:28am kat330:

@UM We'll soon be having black-eyed peas as sweet as you please -- and cabbage -- as New Year's good luck eats.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am Doug Schulkind:

I talked on the phone not too terribly long ago with a fellow working for a record label (Sunnyside) that has released some fairly recent Roswell Rudd recordings. He had never heard of "Maine."

How can it be that this record remains out of print. How?!
  11:30am Matt from Springfield:

@Holly: I've noticed '666' in sequence of some TV commercial numbers. They usually announce it (e.g. 1-800-555-6668) as "1, 800, 555, 66, 68".
  11:30am Uncle Michael:

One time these two thugs were pounding the crap out of me in a Vegas parking lot and Doug stuck his head out the back door and said, 'Ok, that's enough, boys.'

I love that guy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am Doug Schulkind:

@Holly in NC
♥ ❤ ♥ ❤
  11:30am Holly in NC:

@Kat - no collards ??!! (Not that I don't love cabbage, cabbage comprised most of my breakfast!)
  11:31am Hügo:

I have a feeling that "Maine" will be among the contenders for best track of the 2012 playlists, but we will have to wait and see for that.
  11:33am Van in DC:

I hope my cow-orkers enjoyed that as much as I did bwaaa ha ha :)
  11:33am Matt from Springfield:

@kat: And make sure there's pork in there too! It's the commonality between German (pork and sauerkraut) and Southern (black eyed peas and pork) New Years traditions.
  11:33am kat330:

@Holly: I hadn't heard about collards being NY's luck food. But probably both cabbage and collards might be gilding the lily. One year I actually boiled a dime with the cabbage per some "good luck" tradition.
  11:34am kat330:

@Matt: I'll have to find a plump ham hock.
  11:35am Matt from Springfield:

Oh noes! Stream outage--but, it looks like we're back.
  11:35am Van in DC:

Or rather, still enjoying...

For some reason I'm suddenly getting really hungry
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:35am Doug Schulkind:

Not sure I'm up for selecting a "Best Track of 2012." Just picking one song from each playlist was painful enough. And besides, if I'd prepared today's show a few hours later, I might have come up with completely different selections.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am Doug Schulkind:

Anyone else lose the stream? (I'm always the last to know.) The connection has been constant on this end.
  11:36am kat330:

Yes, it IS time for the lunch parade of food porn. I'll be having a turkey sandwich (from Tuesday's roast Christmas turkey), with a side of black beans I pressurized yesterday.
  11:36am Carmichael:

"Tardily". I like that.
  11:36am Matt from Springfield:

Excellente, kat! Always does justice to BEPs!
  11:36am Artie:

Late to the party today - I'll have to catch up on the archive. Just wanted to throw a little New Year's cheer everybody's way. Yip!
  11:37am kat330:

Not recently. I have off and on over the days, but always very briefly.
  11:38am Van in DC:

No lost streams here...
  11:38am kat330:

Tardy Artie, hi!
  11:38am Hügo:

Streaming musical consciousness over here.

@Doug: I empathize.
  11:38am monica:

beautiful image today, doug! works particularly well with the rest of the playlist and the tunes.
  11:40am Holly in NC:

@Kat - collards a southern thing. Being of German heritage & currently in the South, I endorse pork in everything ;-) (Sorry, Lincoln and everyone else whose beliefs prohibit eating of the swine)

Weird German-American holiday tradition - the hiding of the pickle on the Xmas tree (& no, that's not code for sex play!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am Doug Schulkind:

Thanks Monica! And Happy (yesterday) Birthday!
  11:40am Matt from Springfield:

The counterpart to "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow"
  11:41am kat330:

(Remember the) Maine followed by I'm Always Thinking of You = Always Remember.
  11:42am Matt from Springfield:

Hiya Artie!
And HAPPY Birthday, Monica!
  11:42am Carmichael:

My New Years food is fajitas. Really.
  11:43am Holly in NC:

Happy Birthday, Monica!
  11:43am Matt from Springfield:

@kat: WFMU playlist rebus.
  11:43am Matt from Springfield:

@Carm: Throw in PORK carnitas! You can't take a chance! ;)
  11:44am trlsh:

Great greetings to Monica. Alt happy birthday songs to you!
  11:44am Van in DC:

Is that all one song title there...?
  11:44am kat330:

@Holly: Oh, yeah, I know of the hiding the pickle game. :) I'm about 50% German, so I had pork in most everything growing up. I do not care for ham, but I roast a mean pork tenderloin (with my special rub involving mucho ingredientes).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am Doug Schulkind:

Gotta do the hoppin' john and greens for New Year's Day. Gotta.
  11:45am Brian in UK:

Hopeful New Year everone.
  11:45am kat330:

Happy Birthday Tardy Party, Monica!
  11:45am Uncle Michael:

Happy birthday, Monica.
  11:46am Matt from Springfield:

Get Organ-ized for the New Year!
  11:46am kat330:

May we be Ever One! Happy New Year to you, Brian!
  11:46am Matt from Springfield:

Hello there Brian!
  11:48am Brian in UK:

Hey Matt, is it right I heard Fontella has passed?
  11:48am Van in DC:

Adding my Happy Birthday wishes Monica.
  11:48am ndbob:

Happy Birthday Monica!
  11:49am monica:

many thanks, matt and holly! loving this Trio Esperança.
  11:49am Carmichael:

Yes Brian, Fontella Bass passed away in the last day or 2.
  11:50am kat330:

I imagine it's been done -- perhaps many times over -- but I think it'd be a hoot to record under foreign artist names and track titles that, when innocently sounded out phonetically by the DJ, it says rude stuff like: "That was Dizhay and Wadan Esyuar."
  11:50am kat330:

"Rescue Me" -- Soooooo fine!
  11:51am Hügo:

Happy birthday, Monica and all the best to the dog!
  11:52am Brian in UK:

I'm with Monica on this song. Looking forward to your premium already.
  11:52am Holly in NC:

Very first thing I thought of when heard of Fontella's passing was Doug's stupendous rendition of "Theme de YoYo". Really. Still available over on BOTB
  11:52am Matt from Springfield:

@Brian: Oh dear! You're right, Dec 26.
  11:52am Hügo:

And greetz from the two cats in the house :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am Doug Schulkind:

One time ages ago I was playing Fontella Bass w/the Art Ensemble of Chicago singing "Theme De Yoyo." A few minutes in, the studio phone rang and it was Station Manager Ken worried that he heard a curse in the lyric. I assured him it wasn't a curse, then spent many hours after the show trying to dig up the actual lyrics as proof. Not so easy. Ultimately, I emailed Fontella Bass to ask her, but never got a response. I did however get an email from the author of the poem used in the song.

It is "a long fork" not "a long fuck."

I always assumed Ms. Bass was completely offended by my query.
  11:55am Holly in NC:

Here, to be exact:
  11:55am Matt from Springfield:

"Bass received a star on the St. Louis Walk of Fame in the Loop in May 2000" -- I presume Ted Barron will play a tribute to her next Thursday then.
  11:56am listener james from westwood:

have a happy birthday, monica!
  11:56am Brian in UK:

Classy finish, Doug.
  11:56am listener james from westwood:

glad that wasn't something you ended up getting forked over, doug!
  11:57am kat330:

Thanks for the tip, Holly.

A truly Happy New Year to all here hearing these great sounds together (and to you, too, Holly for your later listen :)! See some of you next year!
  11:57am Van in DC:

Nice Part the First. Thanks, Happy New Year, God Bless.
  11:58am listener james from westwood:

thanks, kat! 2012 was nightmarish in a number of ways for me, but it was great to have fmu and its fine djs and listeners to keep me grounded and smiling in musical bliss.
  11:58am Hügo:

A classic:

  11:59am ndbob:

excellent show Doug - and Happy new Year everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am Doug Schulkind:

I had to go back and check. It was "a long fart" not "fork" or "fuck." Once I found the lyrics, I realized I HAD to do "Theme De Yoyo" with Hoof 'n' Mouth Sinfonia.

Your head is like a yoyo,
your neck is like the string,
Your body's like a camembert
oozing from its skin.

Your fanny's like two sperm whales
floating down the Seine
Your voice is like a long fart
that's music to your brain.

Your eyes are two blind eagles
that kill what they can't see
Your hands are like two shovels
digging in me.

And your love is like an oil-well
Dig, dig, dig, dig it,
On the Champs-Elysees.
  11:59am monica:

thank you , hugo, LJFW, brian! great 2012 send-off show, doug!
  12:00pm Matt from Springfield:

Wonderful music astral travelling, Doug! What a year it's been, and what great programming 2013 will bring!

Have a great New Year everyone! See you later!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm Doug Schulkind:

The title of the playlist this song was played on:

"Fawk yoo, mon!"
  12:01pm Stanley:

Blast, just too late in to join in the fun...... Hi and bye everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey Artie! Forgot to say Hey Artie!
  12:01pm Uncle Michael:

so sad....go long, Doug
  12:03pm Brian in UK:

Was that Far Queue?

See you later Stanley?
  12:04pm Stanley:

You betcha Brian
  12:05pm Uncle Michael:

Thanks for the show, Doug. I had a good time. Happy New Year everyone.
  12:05pm trlsh:

'Three more hours!' - Next week.

Welcome wishes to 2013.
  12:06pm Van in DC:

aaaaaaaaand lunch
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm Doug Schulkind:

Happy happpy happppy New Year everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm Doug Schulkind:

And to you, too, Stanley!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm Doug Schulkind:

And to you, too, Stanley!
  7:10pm Philo-Kat:

@Holly: Thank you for that Doug blog performance link! The horns and whistle bleeps and bloops are way mollusk! :)
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