Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 16 January 2013 Favoriting | Jealous of my Boogie

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Comments New Approx. start time
Yo La Tengo  Before We Run   Favoriting Fade 
*   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Rip Rig and Panic  Storm The Reality Asylum   Favoriting I am Cold 
  0:06:10 (Pop-up)
People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz  Aquopalypse   Favoriting The Keystone Cut Ups 
*   0:11:18 (Pop-up)
Carney Hild & Kramer  Name   Favoriting Happiness Finally Came to Them 
  0:15:58 (Pop-up)
The Better Beatles  Baby You're A Rich Man   Favoriting Mercy Beat 
  0:19:42 (Pop-up)
Vanilla Fudge  Ticket to Ride   Favoriting  
  0:22:58 (Pop-up)
Lorette Velvette  Sleepy Eyes   Favoriting Lost Part of Me 
  0:28:07 (Pop-up)
Master's Hammer  Rock and Roll Music   Favoriting Slagery 
  0:32:04 (Pop-up)
Curd Duca  Sin World   Favoriting Easy Listening 5 
  0:38:51 (Pop-up)
The Relatives  Bad Trip   Favoriting  
*   0:47:05 (Pop-up)
Reverend Craig Pringle with The Campbell Brothers & Jem Pagan  Hollerin'   Favoriting Sacred Steel Live! 

  0:51:47 (Pop-up)
Pastor John Rydgren  Tracks 4, 8, 21   Favoriting Silhouette Segments 2-CD Reissue 
  0:57:41 (Pop-up)
Prince Rama  Welcome to the Now Age   Favoriting Top Ten Hits of the End of the World 
*   1:00:44 (Pop-up)
Olivia New*Ton*John  Cherry Bomb   Favoriting Self Titled 

Click for the full size image
  1:12:47 (Pop-up)
Pugs  Tequila   Favoriting Bite the Red Knee 
  1:14:50 (Pop-up)
Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her  No Telephone   Favoriting No! No! No! 
  1:20:32 (Pop-up)
Emeralds  Talk About Love   Favoriting Japan Nite 2004 (V.A. Comp) 
  1:22:40 (Pop-up)
Godfathers  Cold Turkey   Favoriting  

Click for the full size image
  1:26:14 (Pop-up)
Saor Patrol  Laird o' Glencairn   Favoriting Two Headed Dog / Duncarron Electric 
  1:30:39 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Kane  I Looked at the Sun   Favoriting  
  1:36:27 (Pop-up)
Satanicpornocultshop  Die 4 uuu   Favoriting A To Z Alphanet Busters 
*   1:43:12 (Pop-up)
Madhouse  6   Favoriting Madhouse 
  1:47:40 (Pop-up)
Detroit Grand Pubas  One Hump or Two   Favoriting Funk All Y'All 
  1:51:44 (Pop-up)
Dj Vadim  Take My Time   Favoriting Don't Be Scared 
*   1:55:22 (Pop-up)
RuPaul  Jealous of My Boogie   Favoriting  
  1:59:46 (Pop-up)
Frenchbloke & Son  Sexy Model   Favoriting  
  2:04:32 (Pop-up)
Dj Soup  Vertical Expression of a Horizontal Desire   Favoriting The Cocktail Shaker 
  2:07:08 (Pop-up)
Rammstein  Meinherzbrennt (Piano Version)   Favoriting  
*   2:12:08 (Pop-up)
Curd Duca     
  2:16:19 (Pop-up)
Sudden Infant  Dies Irae   Favoriting Psychotic Einzelkind 
  2:22:31 (Pop-up)
The Pastels  Cycle (My Bloody Valentine Remix)   Favoriting  
  2:28:12 (Pop-up)
Schlammpeitziger  Behabige Alarmschwarmlage   Favoriting Sonig Exp/Hop/DVD 
  2:34:49 (Pop-up)
Ween  Mutilated Lips   Favoriting The Mollusk 
  2:40:22 (Pop-up)
Mouse on Mars  Ape   Favoriting Wow 
*   2:44:35 (Pop-up)
Denise Rosner  Hey Big Spender   Favoriting       2:51:37 (Pop-up)
Shirley Bassey  Cry Me a River   Favoriting  
  2:50:46 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Curd Duca 
  2:54:08 (Pop-up)

  2:58:12 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:00am Bad Ronald:

Good Morning!
  9:01am hamburger:

Good morning x 2
  9:02am Caryn:

Hello all!
  9:03am the artist formerly known as URD:

hello everyone
  9:03am dc pat:

  9:04am The GB Kid:

Morning Ken. Morning everyone.
Avatar 9:04am Honey Water:

Hello, Ken and all!
Avatar 9:05am Honey Water:

Nice, nice Yo La Tengo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am G:

YLT: Now new and improved with a hornier sound!
  9:06am Bad Ronald:

let's all see if we can get in at least one comment per minute. Which reminds me, when are we gonna get the new board and free enemas?
  9:07am seang:

yabba dabba do
  9:07am glenn:

a free enema is worth what you paid for it.
  9:08am Dan B From Upstate:

Good morning, all!
  9:08am Bob Hope Takes Risks:

The new Yo La was $5 on Amazon yesterday. May be today too.
Hi Ken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am Free Enema:

No shit!
  9:09am fↂfↂ (:

Hola peoples!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:10am Ken:

Hi everybody! Sorry about the delay on the launch of the WFMU Friendship Society. The plague has intervened but we are hoping to launch tomorrow.
Avatar 9:10am Honey Water:

You guys have snow in NJ, too? We were taken a bit by surprise last night with sleet and some accumulation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am NASA:

Check those O rings.
Avatar 9:11am Honey Water:

@Ken: What does it actually entail beyond "no math"?
  9:11am Bad Ronald:

I await with bated digits oh fearless leader...
Avatar 9:12am Honey Water:

I mean, what more could a member ask for?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am Vocab:

"entail" = good enema joke
Avatar 9:13am Honey Water:

Oh, right forgot about the free enemas. OK what else besides free enemas and no math?
  9:14am glenn:
  9:14am lurker:

Free enemas and no math? SOLD!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am News Reader:

Hasn't Newtown jumped the shark like weeks ago now?
Avatar 9:15am Honey Water:

@Vocab: "member" = supply your own innuendo.

@glenn: OMG -- where do you find these unbelievable articles?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:15am Ken:

So what it entrails (this new WFMU Friendship Society thingie that laucnhes tomorrow)

- No Math
- Avatar Images on comment column
- Profile Pages for all with pictures links, etc - these pages will be expanded as we move forward..
- Song favoriting (also much more coming later which is related to this)
- Show and episode favoriting
- simpler pledging if you're logged in
that's most of it for launch
  9:15am Bad Ronald:

"what more could a member ask for?" - that reminds me of the Dickies' tune "If Stuart Could Talk". Nice Beatles cover!
  9:16am glenn:

how about a t-bone AND some mashed potatoes?
  9:16am Ricardo Montalban:

With friends like these, who needs enemas?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am Vocab:

@HW: Hey, I'm on it like white on rice.
  9:16am fↂfↂ (:

What about a social graph search tool ?
  9:16am Caryn:

No math? But now how will I be able to tell whether my brain is turning to mush?
Avatar 9:17am Honey Water:

Please, Ken, no entrails in today's .GIFs. Sounds mollusk otherwise!
  9:17am glenn:

when did the dickies stop shrinking incredibly?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am G:

If your brain is mush, just put that in your profile. Voila.
  9:18am Dan B From Upstate:

I'm guessing the only downside is that fofo will have to pick one stylized name and stick with it. Aside form that, everything sounds really awesome.
Avatar 9:18am Honey Water:

@Caryn: I've decided to alternate by NOT logging in first before playlists. I need the math like I need crossword puzzles.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am G:

fofo can still vary his/her/its posting name even if logged in with one set profile name...
  9:19am Detroit Mac:

No complaints today - I Promise!
  9:19am Bad Ronald:

I think Leonard and Stan still have at least one more album left in them...

Will the new chat board include a virtual reality module so that I can plug in my gloves and goggles?
  9:20am fↂfↂ (:

I know Dan B. From Upstate. But Ken mentioned there was still a way chance to post without signing up (I have a big collection of enemas anyway).
Avatar 9:21am Honey Water:

Speaking of Leonards, just learned this morning that Leonard Cohen will be at the Louisville Palace -- *on my birthday*! Just gotta win some local on-air giveaway tix.
  9:21am One Password to Rule Them All:

Wouldn't it be easier to just sell the station to Facebook ?
  9:22am lurker:

Can we vibrate the enema bag in sync with whatever's playing?
  9:22am other eddie:

man oh man, these guys are better
  9:22am Bad Ronald:

"Free Enemas?" - I'm flushed with joy!
Avatar 9:22am Honey Water:

@fↂfↂ (: Just don't log into your account before joining a playlist. OTOH, I guess most folks don't clear their browsers as I do several times daily, thus voiding my FMU Friendship logins.
Avatar 9:23am Honey Water:

Mmmm, deep-fried dollar!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am G:

Logging in does not force you to post with your profile name. Just sayin.
  9:23am the artist formerly known as URD:

these beatles covers are awful
Avatar 9:24am Honey Water:

@G: Right, and that, too, as I well know. ;)
  9:24am glenn:

awesome. mel brooks is gonna turn blazing saddles into a musical.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am G:

Thanks for sharing, tafkaURD
Avatar 9:25am Honey Water:

Must say, as one of my fave Beatles' tracks, this cover is not doing it any justice. (IMO)
  9:25am The GB Kid:

Eddie Hazel does a pretty awful cover of 'She's So Heavy'
  9:26am the artist formerly known as URD:

no problem G.
Avatar 9:26am BSI:

the blimp!
  9:27am Bad Ronald:

Anyone know where the Vanilla Fudge gif is from?

Dickies - "There's A Place":
  9:28am Marmalade Kitty:

Good morning Ken and all!

I always thought Marilyn Monroe and Jimi Hendrix share a similar something..
  9:28am Caryn:

Speaking of the link Glenn provided, I think the past couple of years have proven that it's clear that anyone who calls themselves a "truther" is full of crap.
  9:29am ?:

@honey water (9:21), just found out that Leonard Cohen is playing the Fox. Anyone have experience with Spotify? I want to convince my husband to go but he needs to hear Mr. Cohen before making the decision.
  9:30am fↂfↂ (:

Hold On Bad Ronald!

...connecting to
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:31am Ken:

Thanks Detroit Mac - I prefer to deal with horrible station manager shit via email, when I am off the air.
Avatar 9:31am Honey Water:

Where's the Fox, ? ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am G:

Hopefully DMac is not drinking yet at 9:30a :)
  9:33am Vivian:

Fox Theatre in Atlanta, GA.
Avatar 9:33am Honey Water:

Oh, I like this trees & stars .GIF!
  9:34am Bad Ronald:

Thanks fↂfↂ (!
That's odd ?, I have never met a person who hasn't heard Leonard Cohen...
Still going strong at a comment a minute through the first half hour!
  9:34am Dan B From Upstate:

@?@9:29: Irwin did a Leonard Cohen tribute a few weeks back. You could play that archive. It was a really good show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am G:

Who murdered the air?
Avatar 9:34am Honey Water:

@Vivian: Aha! Well, I hope someone else can help you out on the Spotify workings.
  9:35am glenn:

oh, rammstein.
  9:35am fↂfↂ (:

Rammstein just had a out-of-body radio experience.
  9:36am Elisa in Italy:

Hello Ken and company...listeners
Avatar 9:37am Honey Water:

@Vivian: And I sure hope the Fox is way more reasonable than the Palace. Bad seats *begin* at $50 and go up to $250+.
  9:37am Vivian:

@Bad Ronald: I know! I keep telling him you've heard his songs. Thanks Dan B, I'll look for Irwin's tribute.
  9:37am fↂfↂ (:

Ciao Elisa! How's the tribute going?
  9:37am Detroit Mac:

Dove Sei Elisa?
  9:37am Caryn:

The Vanilla Fudge gif is from the 1960 film "This Rebel Breed", btw.
  9:38am The GB Kid:

That poor girl. Someone please go and like her Facebook page
  9:39am Vivian:

The Amex presale prices show $92 as the cheap seats. Yikes, I spent $60 for the back row last time Mr. Cohen played the Fox. Another obstacle in my dilemma - tix prices.
Avatar 9:39am Honey Water:

@Caryn: The dude in the doorway seems to have a rebel in his pants.
  9:40am Andrew Waterll:

Cohen is supposed to play Hamilton soon.. I should check that out
  9:40am Rammstein:

[sulking, Germanically]
Avatar 9:41am Honey Water:

@Vivian: Yikes. Maybe you have a local radio station or alternative newspaper around there giving away tix, as I can only hope for here.
  9:41am Elisa in Italy:

fↂfↂ (: Hi! Thanks for asking!!! I'm still trying to get the support I need for Lori Goldston's concert. How are you?

Detroit Mac: Sono da Vicenza e voglio scappare.
Translation: I'm from Vicenza and I want to escape.
  9:41am Rammstein:

Hi, Ken. Could you play something by Rammstein?
  9:41am fↂfↂ (:

Bad Ronald!

Here's the result of your search query straight from

"The Vanilla Fudge gif is from the 1960 film "This Rebel Breed".
  9:42am Bad Ronald:

Thanks Caryn and fↂfↂ (!
  9:44am Vivian:

@ Honeywater: hahahahahah....good one. Radio is dismal in Atlanta, except for 1690.
  9:44am Caryn:

That talking bird is making me think of Phil Silvers for some reason...

@HW: Zing! The film is basically "21 Jump Street" mixed with sexploitation. Bad, but in a fun way.
  9:44am fↂfↂ (:

No need to thank me. I'm just a fofo.

Elisa, vieni a Londra!
  9:45am Bad Ronald:

Dammit we missed 9:43! Is it safe to assume that that is Rita Moreno straddling the dude?
Avatar 9:46am Honey Water:

Oooh, Mr. Ken, I dig your deep "sick" voice!
  9:46am Elisa in Italy:

  9:47am Elisa in Italy:

fↂfↂ (:

Seriously, enthusiasm aside I love London. It's like Seattle but on steroids.
  9:50am Caryn:

@Bad Ronald: sadly, nope, that's not her. Both her and Dyan Cannon avoided that scene. But if you want to see for yourself, the DVD is available (in it's "5 minutes of extra nudity" version entitled "Black Rebels").
  9:51am Bad Ronald:

Will do, thanks again!
  9:52am Caryn:

That depiction of the rapture is obviously nonsense, as everyone still has their clothes on.
Avatar 9:53am Honey Water:

This Pringle dude seems like a chip off the old bully pulpit.
  9:53am Bad Ronald:

It looks like they're all wearing Spanx.
  9:54am still b/p:

I seek the rapture version with "Eternity of extra nudity."
Avatar 9:54am Honey Water:

@Caryn: Interestingly just pants for the most part. World Wide Pants becomes Heaven Wide Pants.
Avatar 9:54am Honey Water:

@Bad Ronald: Heh, yeah! Or "neggings."
  9:55am Elisa in Italy:

Du hast...Bad Trip...

....there is a woman humping a man's back...while another man watches....very interesting Ken...
  9:55am glenn:

my rapture does not include spanx. agent provacateur, yes. spanx, no.
  9:56am Caryn:

@HW: that's what I thought at first, but in the larger version, it seems the people I thought were topless just have long-sleeved white shirts on. The shading just makes it look otherwise.
Avatar 9:56am Honey Water:

So the rapture's taking place somewhere between the moon and New York City?
  9:57am Elisa in Italy:

So IF I manage to get this Lori Goldston concert to happen it's supposed to scheduled for June 13, 2013. Who is coming to see her perform in Vicenza??? If any of you are interested I will keep you posted on my Facebook page.
  9:58am european office drone:

I am compelled to work overtime so as to get the Full Uninterrupted Ken
  9:58am Bad Ronald:

Arthur's Theme!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am G:

Ah, it's "balls in a wheelbarrow" dude again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am G:

The Lord is My CD Skipper, I Shall Not Freak
  9:59am Caryn:

This guy sounds like the guy who did all the voice-over bits in "The Kentucky Fried Movie".
  9:59am God:

Apparently, I am one badassed motherfucker.
Avatar 10:00am Honey Water:

Ding ding ding -- points for Bad Ronald.

@eod: Always want at least a weekly FUK.
  10:00am fↂfↂ (:

IF there's no raptures coming in the near future, yes, why not?! Vicenza here I come!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am Shaft Background Singers:

@God: Hush your mouth!
  10:01am Flauri:

what's playing now?
  10:01am Detroit Mac:

The Jack Lord is my Gene Shepherd
  10:02am fↂfↂ (:

Lord is my online sales rep.
  10:02am Elisa in Italy:

I guess we are on a rapture kick today...loving the Prince Rama and the flaming woman's head combo.
Avatar 10:02am Honey Water:

Nice synch on music w/ this .GIF!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am Perv:

The Traci Lords is my Fap Companion
Avatar 10:05am Honey Water:

@Ken: Do Friendship Society Members get free rides in the WFMU blimp? That would be fly.
  10:05am european office drone:

@honeyH20 you betcha
  10:05am fↂfↂ (:

Whoa! That "sick" voice of yours, Ken, surely boils my honey water.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am G:

Aggressive rabbis. Funfun
  10:09am Caryn:

This reminds me of Joan Rivers' aggressive rabbi joke.
Avatar 10:10am Honey Water:

I'd draw a distinction between being religious and being spiritual. I've never been a religious person, but have always been spiritual.
  10:10am Elisa in Italy:

Ok back to work...cheers Ken, everyone including the psychiatric center!! Have a great rest of your day/night where ever you are!
  10:11am other eddie:

another deserving audience for the best radio station on the planet!
  10:11am Caryn:

So if people at the psychiatric center now hear voices and odd sounds, it might just be the radio?
Avatar 10:11am Honey Water:

  10:11am Dave B:

The day just got better by tuning into Ken's show...
  10:12am glenn:
  10:12am fↂfↂ (:

So you never were Holy Water.

Ci vediamo Elisa!
  10:12am The GB Kid:

my boss is a jewish boiler repair man
  10:12am Roberto:

Monsey, that's where my in-laws live. When I started visiting there 22 years ago their enclave was about 5% orthodox. Now it's about 75%. The orthodox really know how to spread themselves around!
  10:12am Elisa in Italy:

Cherry Bomb!!!!
  10:12am Cheri Pi:

This is a wild ride!!!!!!!!
  10:13am Elisa in Italy:

Ciao a tutti!!!! Buona continuazione....
  10:14am Jackson Whites:

We hear ya too!
  10:14am Detroit Mac:

OK.... Now I can start drinking!
  10:15am SteveL:

OK, this set is just awesome.
  10:15am Roberto:

Okay so technically it's Chestnut Ridge.
Avatar 10:15am Honey Water:

Yeah, Ken's boiler's heating things up all right.
  10:15am lee:

that photo makes me miss my old pine cone clock
  10:15am Caryn:

Is that a Runaways poster on the wall behind Cherie? If that's her own room, I have to question having posters of yourself up.
  10:15am Bad Ronald:

Funny foto:
  10:16am fↂfↂ (:

Are the first two commenters on today's playlist comment section related to McDonald's?
  10:18am Fry Guy:

@fofo - I don't think they are related to Mcdonald's, but I am
  10:18am Dave B:

@Cherie via Caryn - don't be that guy/girl...
  10:18am fↂfↂ (:

Oh, you cheeky Honey Water. You are soon to become just Honey, no Water. Distilled by the DJ's sick voice.
Avatar 10:21am Honey Water:

How about a pager?
Avatar 10:21am Vicki:

Morning Afternoon!
  10:24am Caryn:

@Dave B: exactly ;)
  10:26am fↂfↂ (:

Hola Vicki! What's going on in the roofs of London today!?
  10:26am Mark:

Love your illustrated playlist! The Emeralds are fun, aren't they?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:27am Ken:

Vicki - Whats the name of the album i played by you earlier today?
  10:27am Bad Ronald:

Sadly, I heard that helicopters are falling from the sky...
Avatar 10:28am Vicki:

it's a digital audio download album of music from "The Keystone Cut Ups" - both the DVD and this album that you played have the same name
  10:28am Caryn:

They just released a 3-cd set of Beatles covers, including two humppa versions from the 50s. Have decided to ask for it for my birthday. Almost singlehandedly for the humppa versions.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:29am Ken:

Caryn - What you talkin about ? Elakeleiset??!
Avatar 10:29am Vicki:

so your listing is correct, Ken - you could play the DVD and the sound would be the same - we did it so the radio could play the DVD music, so to speak!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:31am Ken:

OK, thanks Vicki - the station's CD is mis-ID'ed but I will fix.
  10:31am Dying to know:

KEN! How did the comic stylings go over at the mini record fair? Did you follow Andy's advice or did you opt for strict boiler jokes?
  10:32am still b/p:

When the page/connection gets a little cloggenbalky, the GIF motion gets stuttery and the line of replicating dudes on the railing appears to be sliding UP! Bizzarail world.
Avatar 10:32am Vicki:

many thanks - sorry for the confusion - we are a bit stupid when it comes to naming things
Avatar 10:34am Vicki:

Peoples, you can download the album for FREE (or pay what you want - type in 0-100000!) here
Avatar 10:34am Honey Water:

@still b/p: I haven't seen that. Sure it's not the connection in your noggin? ;)
  10:35am fↂfↂ (:

thank you, vicki!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:35am Ken:

Dying to Know, it went good. I used none of Andy's jokes, and i would NEVER waste my boiler material on anything less than a Town Hall or Carnegie Hall set.
Avatar 10:35am Honey Water:

Bagpipes, bullfrogs and deep-voiced DJ -- my, my, I may have to take a break...
  10:37am the artist formerly known as URD:

Post your comment to this playlist!
  10:38am the artist formerly known as URD:

  10:38am Caryn:

@Ken: nope, not a single Eläkeläiset track on the collection. It's this one (text is in Finnish, so ignore that):
  10:38am God:

It has never been proven that I have touched Ken in an impure way.
  10:38am Bad Ronald:

It's the Bouillabaisse cat gif!
  10:38am fↂfↂ (:

still b/p,

That's strange. I also have problems with my connection and sometimes I also see weird things. Does your Jesus ("from the Let's Chat, I'm Always online" ) also appears to being talking to you?
  10:38am glenn:

between the plague and the lyme disease, i'm surprised ken's even here today.
Avatar 10:39am Honey Water:

Now, put up a .GIF of Ewan MacGregor and I miguel faint.
  10:39am Detroit Mac:

Town Hall? Would you bill yourself as the "Jersey City Condo Companion"? Request for set
: Whale song Mash-ups
Avatar 10:40am Vicki:

request: Senor Coconut/Los Samplers/Erik Satin, Satanicpornocultblah, Fantastic Plastic Machine, RIAA, ToToM
  10:41am Jeezy:

I would suggest Ken head into one of his shimmering summer-psych pop sets but clearly that's totally inappropriate today.
  10:41am still b/p:

I'm gettin' no Jesus vocalizations, just the merciless accusing eyes that say a great deal about my sins and secrets and hellish torments awaiting.
  10:41am Bad Ronald:

"The Only Song"
  10:41am the artist formerly known as URD:

Avatar 10:42am Vicki:

have you ever heard Fantastic Plastic Machine, Ken? Great Japanese pop... like Puffy
  10:42am Bad Ronald:

  10:42am Alicia Renee:

I'll second the Fantastic Plastic Machine realm
  10:42am Jeff:

Where next?

  10:43am too much coffee:

just hang in there, ken
  10:43am fↂfↂ (:

This is a non-request: Mash Potatoes, Bob Xmas Dylan, and similar tunes.
  10:43am Rammstein:

[hiding by the "V" CDs, hoping Ken doesn't see us]
  10:43am paul:

Avatar 10:45am Honey Water:

S.b. Mc not Mac, but this .GIF'll do in a pinch.
  10:45am Flauri:

die 4 uuu, fucking awesome. thanks!!!!
  10:45am The GB Kid:

What is that cat saying?
  10:46am Caryn:

Gotta say, nice cover!
  10:47am still b/p:

I've just burned a couple slices of Food for Life Ezekial 4:9 raisin bread in the toaster oven, so it's MORE agony and punishment in hell I'm rackin' up.
  10:47am Dave B:

How about 2112 backwards? It'd still be 2112...
  10:47am Alex:

Request for Flying Lotus..... maybe some Godspeed You Black Emperor! or Fujiya & Miyagi?
  10:47am Ignats:

Loving the GIF's
Avatar 10:48am Honey Water:

@GB Kid:"Ha, you blinked first!"
  10:48am seang:

booty pop
  10:48am Caryn:

@GB Kid: opinions vary. The most popular seem to be "bouillabass" or "put on pants", but there are others.
  10:48am Ignats:

Spell Bob backwards
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:48am Ken:

I do know Fantyastic Plastic Machine but Ive never been too crazy about him/her/them. They seem too light and fluffy. Which CD is the best?
Avatar 10:49am Honey Water:

That is not even *close* to Ewan McGregor.
  10:50am f-lauri:

loving the gifs too. added f infront of lauri so u would certainly mix me with female-lauri....or then the f is for finland.
Avatar 10:51am Honey Water:

@Caryn: Yes, definitely a "P" or "B" beginning -- Pull my finger?
  10:51am fred von helsing:

true fact, lauri is a dude's name here
Avatar 10:51am Vicki:

their cover versions are good - I agree a lot of their stuff you can take it or leave it - they did a great version of Dear Mr Salesman and also Steppin' Out - hopefully a search will find those (can't remember the albums offhand)
  10:52am Caryn:

@f-lauri: or you're trying to tell us you're flowery.
  10:52am Ignats:

"Push that bass" looks like to me...
  10:53am dc pat:

what ever happened to the "Damn...yer booty don't stop girl" tune? We could use that now.
  10:53am fↂfↂ (:

Prepare your booty cuz Detroit Grand Pubas are in the house!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am Cole Porter:

Great lyrics, guys!!!
  10:53am Ignats:

Mustavah - that's what the cat is saying.
  10:55am green mountain man mark:

sounds like he is saying I want hummis!
  10:55am EF Bootygrabber M.d.:

The Capetown booties are the most humpin' booties I've come across in my travels
  10:56am Carol:

I could listen to you cough with the delay/echo on all day! Trippy stuff!
Avatar 10:56am Vicki:

"Paragon" and "Mr Fantasy's Love" by Fantastic Plastic Machine also good
  10:58am Conrad Veidt:

any T. Raumschmiere?
Avatar 10:59am Honey Water: -- For those who miguel enjoy.
  11:00am f-lauri:

@caryn yeah, im flowery too :)
  11:00am Sam:

I'm sorry Ken, but avatar images and favoriting are totally lame.
  11:00am fↂfↂ (:

Hynoptising Gifs > Epileptic inducing gifs
  11:01am Roberto:

Oh man. I can so relate. I'm always having to tell people not to be jealous of my boogie.
  11:01am Cheri Pi:

Ken, your cat can type???^^^
  11:01am the artist formerly known as URD:

wtf? did my music player somehow change over to Power 99? wtf?
  11:01am still b/p:

Everyone should choose the same avatar image.
  11:02am Caryn:

I love that parrot. And I'm a little jealous of its' boogie.
  11:02am Bilbo:

I "Imagine Dragons" in my ears
  11:02am Bad Ronald:

Where's Cecile? I'm certain that she would enjoy the RuPaul headbanging parrot combo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am Mark Z.:

Sam clearly prefers antisocial media.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:03am Ken:

Why apologize Sam? Most people will wait til tomorrow to call it lame, but you're beating them all to it, proving yourself to be the biggest. stupidest dickhole of all! So dont apologize, own it!
  11:03am Endless Boogie:

Fuck you, RuPaul.
  11:03am BSI:

whoa. gonna need a little blood and filth to cleanse the palate after that boogie.
  11:04am the artist formerly known as URD:

Snakefinger Rules! Long Live Phillip Lithman!
  11:05am Sue:

Kraftwerk vs. the catwalk? too sexxxy
  11:05am Caryn:

The parrot is obviously enjoying this mashup as much as I am.
  11:05am Bad Ronald:

Do not let Sam harsh your mellow Kommander Ken!
  11:05am still b/p:

My boogie has a startling and emotional confession to make to Oprah.
  11:06am fↂfↂ (:

the artist formely known as URD,

I just coming to realise whoates you hall.
  11:07am BSI:

I, for one, welcome our avatar/favorite-ing overlords. Until they try to TAKE MY GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS, that is.
  11:07am Andrew Waterloo:

My Boogie was enhanced by secretly listening to WFMU at the disco.
Avatar 11:08am Vicki:

Kid Koala Mom's Favorite DJ
  11:08am Piss Poor:

requesting a lil' Lionrock!
  11:08am Andrew Waterloo:

With a good set of noise cancelling ear buds it is a very potent performance enhancing live stream.
Avatar 11:09am Honey Water:

Guess the track title's talking about dancing.
  11:09am Pumpkin:

how about some electro lounge like Tipsy?
  11:09am still b/p:

I know who can name the Stanwyck flick pic.
  11:11am Alicia Renee:

huzzah dancing Stanwyck!
Avatar 11:11am Honey Water:

That's really not a "shimmy."
  11:11am fↂfↂ (:

I wonder if DJ Soup credits Perez Prado "Broadway Mambo" in this track. If not, BOOH!
  11:12am Rammstein:


We love Ken. THERE, we said it!
Avatar 11:12am Honey Water:

More like a hip bump.
  11:12am Rammstein:

Hold us. Never let us go.
  11:12am Andrew Waterloo:

I just got the Ferente and Teicher album that features some Tipsy samples.
  11:12am Conrad Veidt:

Rammstein has left the building!
  11:12am too much coffee:

sing along, everyone!
  11:13am still b/p:

false shimmy = "shammy"
  11:13am fↂfↂ (:

What happened to Macho-Rammstein ?
Avatar 11:13am Honey Water:

Dein ist mein herz!
  11:14am Rammstein:

If you like this, you'll love our take on Billy Joel's "Piano Man."
  11:14am BSI:

Sinatra is sounding awfully pensive these days.
Avatar 11:15am Shammy Davish Jr.:

still b/p: You got that right.
  11:15am The GB Kid:

mine hats bent
  11:15am Alicia Renee:

good gravy
  11:15am Haujobb:

das weisse licht!
  11:15am too much coffee:

  11:16am fↂfↂ (:

*sniff sniff*

that was beautiful rammy.
  11:16am SteveL:

BSI FTW/GB Kid close second
  11:16am Caryn:

@sb/p: it's not Stanwyck, it's actually Jean Arthur from ""The More the Merrier"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18am Rammstein:

Just take my Stein and Ram it.
  11:18am jojo:

i see your no-talk-over-jonathon-kane resolution has worn off...
Avatar 11:18am Honey Water:

So false Stanwyck doing a false shimmy. Thank god for The Friendship Society's investigative reporting!
  11:19am still b/p:

Yes, Jean! She funny!
  11:20am seang:

i fink u freeky
  11:21am Bad Ronald:

Looks like Jean's attempting the Flamenco.
  11:21am david:

DJ Female Convict Scorpion is always fun to say you like, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am Rammstein:

Forty minutes is a SNAP to kill!
Avatar 11:22am Honey Water:

Right, Ken. Now you both can use all that extra time and energy to come up with great show themes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am Rammstein:

Avatar 11:24am Honey Water:

@Rammstein: In theory at least.
  11:24am still b/p:

Get yer Shamwyck mixed up with yer Sham-Wow and ya got a sham dame damn shame of a product pitch.
Avatar 11:24am BSI:

infinite praise for sudden infant, now and always, amen.
  11:24am Caryn:

Luckily, the "Matrix" gif is so recognisable, no investigative reporting is needed.
  11:24am Inmate #9413:

Can someone bake me a cake w/ a nail file in it? Thx
  11:25am Veidt:

any Efterklang?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am Rammstein:

@HW: AS. IF.
Avatar 11:25am Honey Water:

@still b/p: Have I ever told you I love you? ;)
  11:26am Alicia Renee:

whelp...Jean Arthur's mini-bump/visual-predecessor for Rammstein's Pianoversion of a Burn(ing?Burnt?)Heart...
thank you Ken, this morning's playlist provides continual cleansing of my palate.
Avatar 11:26am Honey Water:

I should say the Friendship Society has a crack team of reporters, but then more enema innuendo will ensue.
  11:26am jersey:

ohh, what kind of music do you listen to? Stuff I dont know the words to, this isnt 3rd grade sing along
  11:26am Carol:

Reggae Junkie Jew by Ween!
  11:27am fↂfↂ (:

Oh, I like Die Antwoord way before they were Die Antwoord. Total Fuck Up is a nice example from the Max Normal TV times.
  11:27am jojo:

Andy likes reggae that much?
  11:28am Alicia Renee:

  11:29am paul:

reggaejunkiejew would require about 100 dump buttons
  11:30am Caryn:

It has to be said, Jean got nominated for a best actress Oscar for that shammy, so...
  11:30am Bad Ronald:

But fundament jokes are fun!
  11:31am fred von helsing:

innuenemando, that's a band name
Avatar 11:31am Honey Water:

A gal loves her men with oversized string instruments.
  11:31am Caryn:

Those guys have pimped out their instruments.
Avatar 11:32am Honey Water:

(and tassles adorning)
  11:32am Bad Ronald:

Reminds me of a joke: What's better than roses on your piano?
  11:33am Alicia Renee:

what can you do?
Avatar 11:33am Honey Water:

I give...
  11:33am jojo:

I thought that was a theme for 7 second delay, the other track was close enough to ween
  11:33am Veidt:

just tell them you listen to Anal Cunt... yes, it's a real band.
  11:33am fↂfↂ (:

Rachmaninoff ?
  11:34am sundogmoonbow:

tulips on an organ
  11:34am Bad Ronald:

...tulips on your organ. <groan>
  11:35am Bad Ronald:

Avatar 11:35am Honey Water:

Ah, bocoors.
  11:35am glenn:

hey veidt, these guys are better -
Avatar 11:36am Honey Water:

I can remember strings of numbers but have *never* been able to remember jokes. Ever.
  11:36am still b/p:

@ HW - I saw Cole Porter on here earlier, and as he'd put it, "a voice within me keeps repeating you, you, YOU!"
  11:36am fↂfↂ (:

Schlammpeitziger ist in the haus, ẞeötches!!!
  11:37am Alex:

a little Mouse on Mars?
Avatar 11:38am Honey Water:

So is that linguine inside a CFL bulb?
  11:38am steve:

enjoying the closure as i get ready for work
Avatar 11:39am Honey Water:

[cracks the whip at the crack team]
  11:39am fↂfↂ (:

I have the same problem, Honey Water. But even worst: it even extends to the lyrics of most songs (including the Happy Birthday one).
  11:40am fↂfↂ (:

By the way, how's the searching for the new Happy Birthday song going, Ken ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am Us Dept of Education PSA:

Enema jokes are fundamental.
  11:40am Caryn:

@HW: heh, sure looks like it. Who knew that would be a mental image easily confused with a guitar string?
  11:41am r i s k y:

Avatar 11:42am Honey Water:

Speaking of cracks and food: If anyone here enjoys calamari, you miguel be eating deep-fried pig rectum -- turf instead of surf.
  11:42am Alicia Renee:

  11:42am Carol:

Ween! You're the man Ken!
  11:42am green mountain man mark:

I picture one of the kegs to give in that beer display sending the whole thing tumbling and kegs rolling off and knocking people down. And beer cans busting open and spraying beer.
Avatar 11:43am Honey Water:

The Mollusk -- MOLLUSK!
  11:44am Mike East:

Hooray for Ween!

@HW - I've been thinking I should stay away from the fried calamari since I heard that on Sunday.
  11:45am Michael Hubert Kenyon:

Is someone in need of an enema?
  11:45am Mike East:

not that I have a problem with pig recti, but I don't like being duped.
Avatar 11:45am Honey Water:

@fↂfↂ (: I have no problem remembering tons of lyrics (used to know every syllable on every Dylan album up to B on B) or dialogue of plays -- just jokes for some reason.
  11:45am Bad Ronald:

Uh, I'll just leave this here:
Avatar 11:45am Vicki:

damn buffering
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am Pigs Rectums:

But hey, they gave us a nice enema after slaughter and prior to flash freezing :)
  11:45am Mike East:

recti is plural of rectum, right?
Avatar 11:46am Honey Water:

@Mike: Another TAL fan!
  11:46am Alex:

I'm on Mars right now, chillin' with the mice! Thanks!
  11:46am Caryn:

As Monty Python states: "Yes, the mollusk is a randy little fellow whose primitive brain scarcely strays from the subject of the you know what."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46am Pigs Rectums:

We are TOTALLY sustainable. Unlike squid. Yech, who'd eat something called "squid"?
Avatar 11:46am Honey Water:

@Mike: I thought of that story when I saw the curly CFL .GIF.
  11:48am Carmichael:

Hi to the Kenster, and all the ships at sea.
Avatar 11:48am Honey Water:

Oh, now *this* .GIF is disturbing, but it IS a proper shimmy demonstration.
  11:48am Spiny Norman:

  11:50am still b/p:

...but not shimpanzees.
  11:51am Caryn:

Who knew imaginary, giant hedgehogs listened to Ken's show?
Avatar 11:51am Honey Water:

Shouldn't the baby go with this track?
Avatar 11:51am Honey Water:

Oh, well, this works very nicely, too.
  11:52am Ricardo Montalban:

Weird CGI, like that baby/gorilla pic remind me of three things, roughly in this order: 90's Church of Subgenius art; schizophrenia simulation software; and Xavier, Renegade Angel.
  11:52am fↂfↂ (:

Honey Water,

Including all the lyrics of the Bob Dylan's Xmas album?! O__o
  11:52am Carol:

Ken, I cried a river over you! Stellar show today!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am G:

@HW comment about baby gif: Cry us a river.
Avatar 11:53am Honey Water:

We reach the end of another three hours of unimaginable fun -- thanks, Ken! So long all you's!
  11:53am fↂfↂ (:


Did you tried the 20K stream?
Avatar 11:54am Vicki:

it was a joke about the ween track
  11:54am Teddy Salad:

I gotta go walkies!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am G:

@Sam the whiner: Cry us another river :)
  11:55am Alicia Renee:

...& now I feel the sky has been played to appropriately as well.
*Thank You Ken*
Avatar 11:56am Honey Water:

@G: If you have a point, I'm not getting it?
  11:57am Caryn:

As my final note: thanks to Ken and the commenters. And damn, today's Google animation is hypnotic.
  11:57am The GB Kid:

good show ken, so long everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am G:

Sorry, it was too subtle. Guess I'll have to cry a tributary. ::)
  11:58am Bad Ronald:

I believe it's a reference to comment 11:00.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:58am Ken:

Bye everybody!
  11:58am the artist formerly known as URD:

  11:58am fↂfↂ (:

Oh, noo! Kednesday is over!

Thank you Ken & rammy & listeners ! Hear and read you next time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am G:

Show's over URD :)
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