Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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February 19, 2013 Favoriting
On the 71st anniversary of Executive Order 9066
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Tak Shindo  Bantu Spear Dance   Favoriting Mganga! The Primitive Sounds of Tak Shindo
(Edison International 1958)
Tak Shindo  Brass and Bamboo   Favoriting Brass and Bamboo
(Capitol 1960)
Tak Shindo  Safari to Kenya   Favoriting Mganga! The Primitive Sounds of Tak Shindo
(Edison International 1958)
Tak Shindo  I'm an Old Cowhand from the Rio Grande   Favoriting Far East Goes Western
(Mercury 1962)
Rod McKuen  Six Songs for the Sun   Favoriting The Yellow Unicorn
(Imperial 1960)
Sizemen  Musashi vs. Orochi   Favoriting A Tribute to Tak Shindo
(Sizemen 2011)

Talkover Music:
Cults Percussion Ensemble 
Dream Angus   Favoriting Cults Percussion Ensemble
(Highland Recording Studio/Trunk 1979)

Tak Shindo  Watusi Drum Dance   Favoriting Mganga! The Primitive Sounds of Tak Shindo
(Edison International 1958)
Tak Shindo  The Lamp Is Low   Favoriting Brass and Bamboo
(Capitol 1960)
Tak Shindo  Mganga   Favoriting Mganga! The Primitive Sounds of Tak Shindo
(Edison International 1958)
Tak Shindo  Flamingo   Favoriting Brass and Bamboo
(Capitol 1960)
Tak Shingo  Huts of Kichwamba   Favoriting Mganga! The Primitive Sounds of Tak Shindo
(Edison International 1958)
Tak Shindo  The Moon Was Yellow   Favoriting Brass and Bamboo
(Capitol 1960)
Sizemen  Musashi's Luv   Favoriting A Tribute to Tak Shindo
(Sizement 2011)

Talkover Music:
Cults Percussion Ensemble 
Autun Carillon   Favoriting Cults Percussion Ensemble
(Highland Recording Studio/Trunk 1979)

Tak Shindo  The Song of Delilah   Favoriting Brass and Bamboo
(Capitol 1960)
Tak Shindo  Stumbling   Favoriting Accent on Bamboo
(Capitol 1961)
Tak Shindo  Wagon Wheels   Favoriting Far East Goes Western
(Mercury 1962)
Tak Shindo  No Place to Go   Favoriting Brass and Bamboo
(Capitol 1960)
Tak Shindo  Mombasa Love Song   Favoriting Mganga! The Primitive Sounds of Tak Shindo
(Edison International 1958)
Sizemen  Intro the Musashi's Way   Favoriting A Tribute to Tak Shindo
(Sizemen 2011)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

Avatar 5:52pm kat330:

Hi, Doug and drummers to come! Philo and I are listening and will be at keyboards somewhat late.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm Doug Schulkind:

Hiya kat330!
Avatar 5:56pm ndbob:

evening Doug, Kat, Philo everyone.
Avatar 5:57pm ndbob:

looking forward to a Tak Shindo hour!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm Doug Schulkind:

I don't need any excuse to play Tak Shindo.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm Jeff Golick:

Ok if I just keep my boots on? They're not that muddy...
Avatar 5:59pm ndbob:

heya jeff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm Doug Schulkind:

@The Full Golick
You can keep your hat on...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm Parq:

Oh good, when I first opened the screen, I thought the stands were marked "Tax Shelter". 'Tis the season and all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Doug Schulkind:

Just in "South Pacific," nothing here but Happy Tak!
Avatar 6:04pm ndbob:

heya Parq!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Doug Schulkind:

Parq & Recreation!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:10pm Jeff Golick:

Hey there, ndbob! Doug!
Avatar 6:13pm kat330:

Heya, Bob and all! OK, we're sort of at keyboard attention. We had a convergence of things all at once to deal with including a slightly sliced finger. But all's bandaged and well now. :)
Avatar 6:14pm Philo Gristle:

Tak so mycket, Doug! Howdy doo, everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm Doug Schulkind:

Sliced Finger. Sounds like one of the punk bands Pat Duncan used to have on his show back in the '90s.
Avatar 6:15pm kat330:

Harry Shearer uses McKuen's "Songs of the Warm" for his weekly Le Show's environmental updates. Just FYI.
Avatar 6:16pm kat330:

Philo informs me ta(c)k so mycket means "thank you very much" in Swedish.
Avatar 6:17pm glenn:

is parks and rec worth watching? i've never seen it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm Doug Schulkind:

Donner le Batteur Certain!
Avatar 6:18pm kat330:

@glenn: Uneven as most things are on TV, but it's a tight ensemble of actors. The local Hoosier politics provides me with an extra kick.
Avatar 6:19pm kat330:

Or, wait, I think it's actually "Listen to the Warm" by McKuen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm Doug Schulkind:

I've never seen it neither, Glenn. We left our TV back in Brooklyn.
Avatar 6:21pm Philo Gristle:

@glenn I skip it often, but it's usually amusing when I do catch it. Not a huge fan of sitcoms in general, so YMMV.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm Parq:

Glenn, I came home one night to find my kid and her BF making their way through a full-season DVD, and I ended up see two or three episodes. It's fine for a sitcom, and if that sounds like tepid praise to you, you're not mistaken.
Avatar 6:23pm northguineahills:

Actually, I really dig Parks and Recreation. I was skeptical at first, but it really is darn funny. The last season was a little sappy, but still off-kilter. All available on Netflix. I watch almost all of my "TV" these days online on whatever device is convenient. (My TV teevee is about 15 year old cube which mostly serves as furniture [or to watch PBS]).
Avatar 6:23pm glenn:

first off, i refuse to watch anything new that has a laugh track. and i refuse to watch anything with charlie sheen in it. and that doesn't leave much.
Avatar 6:25pm ndbob:

@NGH same here - don't even have my TV hooked up now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm Doug Schulkind:

Good evening NGH. How's it hanging?
Avatar 6:26pm kat330:

@glenn: No laugh track and no Sheen on P & R. I imagine you've seen "The IT Crowd"? It's become our fave 23 minutes of comedy on Hulu.
Avatar 6:27pm glenn:

no. i'm presently watching borgen. it's a danish political thingy, and it's excellent.
Avatar 6:27pm Philo Gristle:

Addendum to above: IT Crowd HAS a laugh track, and DESPITE it I tend to at least chuckle, and sometimes tear up with laughter.
Avatar 6:28pm kat330:

Brass and Bamboo -- mollusk album title.
Avatar 6:28pm ndbob:

and a fine LP:)
Avatar 6:29pm northguineahills:

Still waiting for an eternity to getting the ok to start the job. It's a wee bit annoying, but otherwise, everything is relatively much nicer.
Avatar 6:29pm ndbob:

sounds good NGH!
Avatar 6:30pm glenn:

tonight i'm watching searching for sugarman.
Avatar 6:31pm kat330:

@glenn: I suppose it would be "Bergen" if it were Norwegian. Speaking of the Scands, we saw Bergman's "Summer Interlude" over the weekend and saw Sugarman *last* weekend. It's a delight.
Avatar 6:31pm Philo Gristle:

@glenn I'm sure I've mentioned the greatest tv comedy show ever (only slightly exaggerating), which was ripped off (and never to my knowledge acknowledged) by Ricky Gervais and The Office: Ken Finkleman's NEWSROOM (not to be confused with the other show that ripped off its title recently).

@NGH That's excellent news!
Avatar 6:33pm ndbob:

I'd really like to see Searching for Sugarman - I found a Rodriguez LP once - and had no idea who he was
Avatar 6:34pm kat330:

@ngh: I don't think it's Petty to note that "The Waiting Is the Hardest Part." ;)
Avatar 6:34pm Philo Gristle:

Really loving these exotica sounds.... need to dig out my Yma Sumac and Martin Denny....
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:35pm Jeff Golick:

Enjoyed this immensely, Doug! My maiden voyage with Tak Shindo. Gotta run, but was glad I could stop by for a spell. Good week to all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm Doug Schulkind:

We watched Sugarman last week. I enjoyed it except for one thing that annoyed me.

@Philo Gristle
If you dig exotic sounds, go spend five hours here:
Avatar 6:35pm kat330:

@ndbob: Do you have Redbox near you? That's how we rented it. Mostly we get library loans but, surprisingly, Sugarman is not there.
Avatar 6:35pm kat330:

Bye Jeff G!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm Doug Schulkind:

Saynora, Jeff Golick! (Yes, I went there.)

Yeah, there's a Redbox at our local market. I never see anything in it that I wanna see, however.
Avatar 6:37pm northguineahills:

@kat: Snert! (Tom Petty got his start in my old town of Gainesville, FL).

Thanks everyone!
Avatar 6:37pm glenn:

i like the jeff daniels newsroom a lot. i just watched the first season last week. ken finkleman's brother danny did a radio show on c.b.c.- finkleman's 45s. he'd play the hits of the 50's and rant about politics. it was always entertaining.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm Parq:

"P&R" has no laugh track, I'll give it that straight up.
Avatar 6:38pm Philo Gristle:

Thanks, Doug! Reminds me of all those wonderful jungle movies I grew up with.... Tarzan, Sabu and their ilk.... it's perfect stuff for listening to at work, transporting you to another time & place.
Avatar 6:39pm ndbob:

@glenn I remember that show well - from Winnipeg I think?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm Parq:

All right, aside from TV discussion, may I say that this music is so enjoyably exotic, it makes me think I should be drinking a Mai Tai.
Avatar 6:39pm glenn:

Avatar 6:40pm kat330:

@Parq: Definitely should be a gentle sea breeze while digging your toes in the warm sand... mmmm.... nice sense memory for a cold February.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm Doug Schulkind:

If I were spinning Mia Doi Todd, would you want a Mia Tia?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm Parq:

As for my actual situation at the moment, "I am not drinking a Mai Tai" doesn't even begin to cover it.
Avatar 6:41pm Philo Gristle:

I got into exotica through those two great Re:Search books, by way of the Cramps, like I suspect many others did...
Avatar 6:42pm northguineahills:

Martin Denny was my gateway into exotica.....
Avatar 6:42pm ndbob:

@Philo - those books are really good
Avatar 6:42pm glenn:

yep, bob. straight form the 'peg.
Avatar 6:45pm kat330:

This evokes "Stranger in Paradise."
Avatar 6:45pm Philo Gristle:

@Bob I was hooked to ReSearch books from late 80s on when I came across their Incredibly Strange Films at the local library, and then on purchased much of the stuff they published (even Charles Willeford!). But those Strange Music books are chock-full of fascinating stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm Doug Schulkind:

Coming up immediately following GTDS will be Jesse Kaminsky and KAMINSKY KAMOUTSKY. His playlist/comment page is here:
Avatar 6:47pm Holly in NC:

Hi everyone!
@Doug re Exotica Project = 5 hours? 5 days! And Danny's Lonely beat even better! :-)

I've no TV & often feel horribly culturally illiterate, but at this point the backlog of things I want to watch is beyond overwhelming. Someday I will finish the Sopranos (need last 1 1/2 seasons) and will start/finish the Wire. The Wire seems to be the biggie I've missed. Also have never seen Mad Men or Breaking Bad. HAVE seen every Malcolm in the Middle ;-)
Avatar 6:48pm glenn:

modern primitives is my fave of the ReSearch books. the only problem is i keep lending it out, and it keeps not getting returned.
Avatar 6:48pm ndbob:

I learned so much from those books - read them about the time I started listening to the Incorrect Music show
Avatar 6:49pm Holly in NC:

Oh @ngh, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 6:49pm ndbob:

@Holly - that's quite a blog
Avatar 6:49pm Philo Gristle:

Hi Holly! Given that you've seen every Malcolm, you have to go for Breaking Bad next.....
Avatar 6:49pm kat330:

Hola, Holly! Bryan Cranston is a study in beautiful contrast between Malcolm (which we also loved) and Breaking Bad (which we still *do* love, only buying seasons on DVD).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm Doug Schulkind:

@Holly in NC
You are right (about 5 days). I didn't wanna scare anyone off. Hey, how about your crappy governor? We he did is nothing short of an act of violence.
Avatar 6:52pm Holly in NC:

@Doug, given crappy governor just cut off my housemate's income, I really don't want to talk about it. We are beyond f*cked. Housemate has worked HARD all his life, was laid off, jobs hard to find, and we are f*cked.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm Doug Schulkind:

I am so so sorry. Filthy awful.
Avatar 6:54pm ndbob:

Sorry Holly
Avatar 6:55pm glenn:

what did the crappy governor do?
Avatar 6:55pm Philo Gristle:

@glenn Never got that one, didn't pique my interest. Did love Pranks, and the Ballard/Burroughs books though.
Avatar 6:55pm kat330:

Well, Indiana is stupidly giving tax refunds to people from a surplus gained from slashing school / education funding. It's insane.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm Doug Schulkind:

Avatar 6:56pm Holly in NC:

Meh, in immortal words of Tears for Fears, things can only get better, right? woa, woa, woa, whoa, wha, whoa... ;-)

@Glenn google North Carolina unemployment insurance, it's a little hard for me to summarize
Avatar 6:58pm northguineahills:

I'll have to admit, I"ve never heard of Tak Shindo before tonight.

I myself am sweating bullets as my unemployment is running out and I've only received a verbal agreement for employment, not a written one.
Avatar 6:58pm Holly in NC:

It's the rejection of federal assistance that's real kick in face - just spiteful
Avatar 6:59pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
Avatar 6:59pm Philo Gristle:

I have to say all the Mganga tracks are pure killer, a tad less enthusiastic about the big band brass sounds.
Avatar 6:59pm northguineahills:

NY state was actually rather nice w/ accepting federal assistance.
Avatar 6:59pm kat330:

Great time with all, and TY for the soundtrack, Doug!

Bye everyone!
Avatar 7:00pm Philo Gristle:

Great show, Doug, a lovely showcase for Tak's talents! Night, all!
Avatar 7:01pm still b/p:

Hi/bye, all.

Back for last word, if I may, on the TV sitcom front: this is no bulletin, but I think one needs to get into a particular zone, a habituated frame of receptivity. For example, folks are mad for The Big Bang Theory, but in the few bits of it I saw, the pacing/beats and the insults and the plots are really far too unappealingly stale and familiar, seen endlessly across decades. Even if they give it the science/nerd personality and the fashionably ever-bluer shades of language & topics, it is easily dismissable in its bad case of rote rot, making me wonder what the Big Bang big attraction is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm Doug Schulkind:

Thanks everyone. Had a blast (except for the time I upset Holly.) Love and music!
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