Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 06 March 2013 Favoriting | Marathon Week 1 With Monica: Pledge Now!

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Comments New Approx. start time
Curd Duca  Sin World   Favoriting  
  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
John  Corn Weenie CW Cyrus Mix   Favoriting  
  0:05:02 (Pop-up)
The Flying Lizards  Hands 2 Take   Favoriting The Fourth Wall 
  0:09:59 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Curd Duca 
Sin World   Favoriting  
  0:14:11 (Pop-up)
Prisonshake  Eisbaer   Favoriting  
  0:22:18 (Pop-up)
The Cherry Pops  Ohne Kopf   Favoriting  
  0:26:04 (Pop-up)
Supercar  Lucky   Favoriting Japan Not For Sale 2 
  0:28:05 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Jonathan Kane 
Gripped   Favoriting Jet Ear Party 
  0:32:04 (Pop-up)
Lorette Velvette  20th Century Boy   Favoriting Lost Part of Me 
  0:45:46 (Pop-up)
The Limiñanas  Crystal Anis   Favoriting Title Track 
  0:49:34 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
  0:52:02 (Pop-up)
Matmos  Tunnel   Favoriting The Marriage of True Minds 
*   1:01:47 (Pop-up)
Tonetta  What Are You Worth?   Favoriting 777 Vol 2 
  1:08:00 (Pop-up)
Gimmicks  Cigarette   Favoriting  
  1:22:20 (Pop-up)
Aguaturbia  Wonder Who   Favoriting Volumen 2 
  1:24:20 (Pop-up)
Emeralds  Talk About Love   Favoriting  
  1:27:22 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
  1:31:10 (Pop-up)
Roxy Pain  Careless Whispers   Favoriting  
  1:40:25 (Pop-up)
Detroit Grand Pubahs  Dr. Bootygrabber   Favoriting  
  1:45:27 (Pop-up)
The Relatives  Bad Trip   Favoriting The Electric Word 
*   2:00:18 (Pop-up)
Nina Simone  Gimmee Some (Mike Magini Remix)   Favoriting Verve Remixed vol 4 
  2:04:35 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
  2:08:54 (Pop-up)
Saor Patrol  Man o' Galloway   Favoriting Two Headed Dog / Duncarron Electric 
  2:16:44 (Pop-up)
Yelle  Chime Physique   Favoriting Safari Disco Club 
  2:21:28 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Jonathan Kane 
Jet Ear Party   Favoriting  
  2:25:21 (Pop-up)
Boom Bip  Zig Zaj   Favoriting Pele 
  2:31:21 (Pop-up)
John Murphy  Taxi (Ave Maria) Jackknife Lee Remix   Favoriting 28 Days Later Soundtrack 
  2:35:34 (Pop-up)
Crash  Vaughan's Ballade   Favoriting Poutre Apparente - WFMU Bimbo TPower Special 

Click for the full size image. Photo by Anne Yen.
  2:40:13 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar 9:03am hamburger:

let it rain!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am DCE:

...and it begins...
Avatar 9:03am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

Avatar 9:03am Vicki:

Avatar 9:04am pierre:

  9:05am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...the only GIFfy of the week worth the hydrogenated oil...
Avatar 9:05am Dan B From Upstate:

Morning, everyone.
Avatar 9:06am glenn:

can you count, suckers? OR can you count suckers?
  9:07am lee:

can you donate it!
Avatar 9:07am Detroit Mac:

Okay... I've pledged. Send me some corn weenies - you boppers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am MD:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am Mike D. from Montclair:

animated gif is commanding me to give my life savings to fmu. MUST...RESIST...
Avatar 9:09am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

I'm going to pledge but Ken's going to have to earn it...
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:09am Planet Tyler:

Just tuned in and John-Allen's sign off was so sad. Can I pledge retroactively to him? O but I want the Scott Walker record... Hi DC peeps - snow day!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am MD:

20000 cops...that was the day! NYPD is the 7th largest standing army in the world today...
  9:09am Michael:

I just realised that some Americans look at and listen to Obama but see and hear Cyrus.
  9:09am joe:

Lets protect our turf
  9:09am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

I feel obligated for *every* Program to state that I get paid the 14th & wanna just Pledge once to keep it simple
- I appreciate however how expensive gifs really are...
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:10am Ken:

Morning everybody!
Avatar 9:10am Vicki:

threaten to play Bish Bosch
Avatar 9:11am Sigurdur:

Dusty icons....hehe.. i tip my hat for you revolutionrabbit
Avatar 9:11am rhubarb:

Jane! Stop this crazy thing!
  9:12am joe:

@ planet Tyler if you want to pledge to john you can select the show at the top if the pledge site
Avatar 9:12am Sigurdur:

Avatar 9:12am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

man, no school here--fed govt closed. Gotta work anyway, huh...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am Sem Chumbo:

Anybody got change for five ducks?
Avatar 9:12am braveness23:

Kid's got a snow day today so I'm working from home. Ken, be sure to play stuff that will help corrupt her mind forever.
  9:13am F♀F♀ ♥ (:


Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:13am bbell:

Ken! Your playlist is making my heart levitate! Sending money your way! Then I must go make people levitate at yoga, wish I had your skills!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am Skirkie:

The vodka kind of screwdriver?
Avatar 9:14am Sigurdur:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am Mike D. from Montclair:

you can find many high quality screwdrivers at your local HOME DEPOT...
Avatar 9:14am braveness23:

That FLying Lizards was the bomb!
Avatar 9:15am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

yeah, Flying Lizards rule..
  9:15am F♀F♀ ♥ (:

leche de noche?... ROFLMAO
  9:15am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

- Planet Tyler et al: I'm wondering if I Pledge once if I for sure get a multiple choice to fill out @ that time to 'Vote' for Programs I favor - ? - I think I read something like that - ?...
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:16am Planet Tyler:

Joe - I know and will do. I used to hear more of the night/early morn guys than days - remember those days?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:16am Planet Tyler:

When we were young?
Avatar 9:16am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

that's the group name I was given by LizB/Ken so I'm sticking with it....well for the marathon anyways...
Avatar 9:17am Dan B From Upstate:

That's an amazing prize!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am DCE:

I missed my "band name", it was Ringworm something...I think I was on the phone when she said it
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:18am Planet Tyler:

Love GIFS - great prize.
Avatar 9:18am pierre:

whoa the grand prize !!!
Avatar 9:19am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

waitaminnit, I saw a Man Ray like pornographic gif on one of your playlists....
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:19am Planet Tyler:

DCE, I missed my band name too - if you re-listen let me know what mine is :)
  9:19am F♀F♀ ♥ (:

Great leche de noche!
  9:19am joe:

@planet Tyler I try to I really try to remember :)
  9:20am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

Not even for distrubing quasi-pornographic gifs will I donate more than once (for simplicity)
- & I'm a Scorpio.
  9:20am joe:

Oh my I already made my mouse pledge I want my own radio station :(
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:21am Planet Tyler:

Ken - it's Anton Yelchin. He was Chekov in Star Trek and whats-his-face in Terminator Salvation - other movies besides You and I witth only one reason to watch
Avatar 9:22am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

Need I say more:
Avatar 9:22am Sigurdur:

  9:23am joe:

By the way if anyone gives a y3k pledge or higher I might be persuaded to see what I can do about your name getting pulled for that radio feed
Avatar 9:23am βrian:

Scott Walker? Boo hiss.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am SeanG:

Howdy Ken, Monica,and all others around da globe
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:23am Planet Tyler:

Ken, did you actually watch You and I long enough to glimpse TATU?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:24am Ken:

Leche de Noche, that aint NOTHING compared to whats on the GIF DVD.
Avatar 9:24am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

Oh, ok. sheesh...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26am ghostpilot:

  9:29am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

They must be Ostrich Sem - this is the bigtime.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am Sem Chumbo:

Is that Ben Bernanke as a child?
Avatar 9:31am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

wow, so Jim Morrison IS still alive?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am Sugarfly Waterloo:

I just can't stop looking at that bikini pic
  9:33am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...might be right that one...Where's *my* bailout - ?...
Avatar 9:36am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

I still say "gif" instead of "jif"...
  9:36am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...not bad for 70 - still a b-magnet, bastard...mad as an ostrich of course...
  9:37am F♀F♀ ♥ (:

Now there's even a movie trailer made with gifs!
Avatar 9:37am βrian:

Google says it's pronounced "jee eye eff":
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:38am Mike Noble:

I've always wondered if Ken spends any time on /r/gif or /r/gifs.
Avatar 9:38am Dan B From Upstate:

You'd think there'd be little fracking with so few women around.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am DCE:

I've got a buddy named "gee eye eff"
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:39am bbell:

Thank you for the TaTu DVD, I will do my best to endure it! Anything for art!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am Caryn:

Loved the Cyrus! Very pumped up for Ken's show now! If only I could afford to make another Mouse Pledge, but alas... congrats to the person who gets the radio channel in the end!
  9:42am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...I have nothing to say - but I'm getting my Comment in before more Gifs slow down the page on this hand-cranked computer of mine...
  9:46am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

Will that Winner's station be Streamed for us - ?!? : )
Avatar 9:47am βrian:

@RRabit: Deanimator for Safari is nice:
On this page, I can click on a still image to see the larger animation. (Without loading all the others and crashing the browser.)
  9:49am earrie:

Baby Spanky
Avatar 9:49am Dave B:

Spanky's makin it rain up in this bitch...
  9:49am joe:

So last year I busted my ass and made 1.2 million later that year I meet this chick and take her home. I wake up the next morning and this bitch tore up my house flooded my friggin toilet and stole a crap load of my cash. Help a brother out would ya.
Avatar 9:49am Dave B:

Obama too:
Avatar 9:54am Sigurdur:

Excellent tuneage
Avatar 9:54am Cecile:

There is a little piece of metal that you can click to make a cricket sound. Some novelty stores have them.
  9:55am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

@βrian♥ : My connection is ok - but my PC is simply off the scrapheap: Windows 2000 & Explorer6 - which doesn't even get me on some sites @ all - & good %-age of stuff (that Link maybe, though Thank You) not even compatible @ all. Ike clued me in to possible Firefox for W2K I need to check. & a friend says he'll kick me down an Apple that should up my game a whole bunch! More details of my lifestory available on request.
  9:55am joe:

Actually iPhone has a ringer that is a cricket
  9:56am Jack:

Monica, you crack me up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am efd:

THANK YOU, Monica, for being genteel and refined (like me) and not having heard the term "Upper Decker" before.
  9:56am common:

no upper-deckers!!!
  9:56am DF:

This upper decker thing is blowing my mind
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:56am Planet Tyler:

RevRab - Yeah it's funny, you have a choice to credit as many shows as you want with your donation. I haven't tried it, but I wonder if one can sponser all shows with a $15 pledge?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am efd:

I googled it earlier, and boy was I sorry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57am Matt F:

Please don't encourage the overnighters.
Avatar 9:57am Vicki:

oh gross, I just looked that up
  9:57am Kelly Jones:

Just tuning in....and we're on the topic of UPPER DECKERS. Yum.
Avatar 9:57am Cecile:

I hate Facebook, too. But I like Twitter.
Avatar 9:58am Cecile:

Twitter will not out you to the man.
Avatar 9:58am βrian:

No facebook for me. Ever.
Avatar 9:58am Vicki:

I'm an upper decker on Kelly Jones in comments
Avatar 9:58am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

everybody hates FB. I hate phones too but I have one.
  9:58am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

- urm - compared to - Romney - ?
Avatar 9:59am doca:

thank you ken and monica, this show is being one of my favs since i've started listening to the fmu. so sorry i have to go to work and can't listen it 'till the end.
Avatar 10:00am Cecile:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am Brian in UK:

No video links this year?
Avatar 10:01am rhubarb:

so sorry i have to go to LISTEN and can't WORK 'till the end
Avatar 10:01am Cecile:

It's in LA.
It's like the Target Center, too. here in mpls.
  10:01am RevolutionRabbitNov63:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am Ike:

Ken also hates Google? OK, no problem -- here's a non-Google version of Chrome for your browsing pleasure:
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:03am Ken:

Brian, we'll be doing video for the finale and maybe a few other shows... not sure yet, probably next week's seven sec delay too
  10:04am jbe:

voluntary encopresis trending nationally on google. congrats!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am Caryn:

I'm fine with Google, but hate Chrome.
Avatar 10:05am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

I like great blue herons.
Avatar 10:05am Cecile:

Google is a fine search engine. Everything else I tend to not participate in.
Avatar 10:05am fred von helsing:

Chrome's a resource hog, pfui, and Safari is just dumb
  10:06am Glenn M:

did my online pledge really print out that it was from milford pa? then it might be linked to the wrong listener number because i'm in west milford,nj
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am Brian in UK:

Ken, thanks it was fun watching you get your vinyl overcoat on last year.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am Ike:

Hmm, no heart? I pledged pre-marathon by mail. Maybe my pledge hasn't been processed into an electronic heart yet?
Avatar 10:08am Cecile:

Ike, talk to Kenzo.
  10:08am earrie:

@formerly known as

GBH! So dinosaur-y looking.
Their defense mechanism in banding is to puke on the bird bander.
  10:08am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

@ rhubarb: The place I work (Wed. my 'Sunday') is actually called 'Listen' - & yer confusing & creepin' me out...not yer fault of course...
- I don't see goal %-age & I like to wait for the Cow to it that bad - ?!?...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am Caryn:

Yep, Kenzo, or "the Wizard of Oznek".
Avatar 10:12am Cecile:

Avatar 10:12am Cecile:

Avatar 10:12am Cecile:

no more poopy stuff
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am Caryn:

Having worked with dementia patients and mental patients, I've seen more than my fair share of voluntary encopresis. Fortunately, I didn't end up rolling around a poo-covered room with a violent patient, like one of my co-workers.
Avatar 10:14am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

@earrie, huh. You sure you're not thinking of vultures?
  10:15am earrie:

Do vultures yakk on unwanted handlers, too?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:16am Brian C.:

Can we change the subject to the weather or something?
Avatar 10:16am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

It's their last line of defense. Didn't know GBHs did that. GBH ruled by the way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am Caryn:

@ldn: I gotta back earrie up on this, having watched the bird taggers try and work on the appropriately nicknamed "Vomit Island".
Avatar 10:17am Cecile:

I kind of love this song.
  10:17am Danimal:

Bananaphone gets em going!
  10:17am paulWCBN:

i absolutely have no problem with listening to the careless whisper sax for 10 hours. no joke at all.
  10:17am common:

Hee hee! Audio upper decker!!
Avatar 10:17am Roberto:

The Duane/Ira the K version of this from last year's finale is its own antidote.
Avatar 10:17am Vicki:

I like the saxophone solo from Baker Street
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am efd:

How dare you put the sax solo from "Baker Street" in the same category as this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am Caryn:

I fear this may backfire like yesterday's sports radio thing, Ken. I could listen to this for hours! Takes me back to last year's H&M
  10:18am Geneva Convention:

Baker Street is verboten!
Avatar 10:18am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

Hollerin' Ken has joined us.
Avatar 10:18am Cecile:

same here, Paul.

Don't use hate - put on Dr. Bootygrabber.
Avatar 10:19am rhubarb:

maybe we'll get lucky and they'll break out the Kenny G!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am Caryn:

I suspect most pledgers are either grooving to this, or have been hypnotised by the loop. Either way, you're sabotaging yourself!
Avatar 10:19am Dan B From Upstate:

Interesting fundraising tactic. Much less torturous that "I'm Yours."
  10:19am jm:

could you please play ray stevens, the streak. haven't heard that in a while...
Avatar 10:19am Monica:

don't let it go on- please- it's deafening in here!!!!
make it stop
Avatar 10:19am Vicki:

I rather like Careless Whisper too
  10:19am Sigurjon:

Avatar 10:19am groucho:

Ken, you should be in marketing, this is great.
  10:20am paulWCBN:

yeah, adding reverb to this is just icing on the cake.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am Caryn:

Maybe Ken just wants to torture Monica into pledging?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am SeanG:

there's always the Dylan Christmas record
Avatar 10:20am Cecile:

No, I'm never gonna dance again, guilty feet ain't got no rhythm....
  10:20am Mister Spock:

Your experiment is... fascinating.
  10:20am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...maybe pootalk not best Pledge strategy...@ least 'til after breakfast?...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21am Caryn:

Ken, if you stop this, I might pledge to get it put back on. I'm loving this.
Avatar 10:21am Dave B:

can you detune the wet signal for a bagpipe sound?
Avatar 10:21am Monica:

good idea caryn!
Avatar 10:21am Cecile:

I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed your love...........
Avatar 10:22am groucho:

I once listened to The Magic Roundabout theme for 3 hours with a friend to see if it drove us crazy. things did get very heated & we got very edgy and irritable.
Avatar 10:22am Cecile:

Duane is probably grooving to this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am DCE:

this is going to ruin me for today
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am Owen in Indiana:

oh dear lord i just pledged online please make it stop
Avatar 10:22am Dan B From Upstate:

That reverb is making that tambourine kind of turn this into a reggae song.
Avatar 10:22am Jennique:

I've heard Careless Whisper live on the subway done with a TROMBONE. TWICE. IN MY FACE. This loop is nothing.
  10:22am herb:

hmm, would it be ok if i went to local npr station WNYC's website & make a comment, that listeners should donate to WFMU?
Avatar 10:23am Cecile:

Jennique, AWESOME.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am Caryn:

@groucho: well, that's understandable. That's a freaky piece of music. It sounds like the theme song for a crazed, murderous, serial killer clown or something...
  10:23am F♀F♀ ♥ (:


Sorry to hear. I mean, awesome to hear!
  10:24am anon:

I knew someone who said they were in a car driving down to NC and spent an entire 24 hours in the car tripping their balls off and listening to just one Outlaws tape over and OVER
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am Caryn:

Aw, I miss "Careless Whisper"...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am Caryn:

Heroin is an unfortunate name to call your social networking site. *pause* Oh wait...
Avatar 10:25am hamburger:

Where's the star for careless whisper?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am Ike:

Jennique, that's totally bum slops. You are clearly a hearty, resilient soul. A lesser person would have instantly disintegrated. I salute you.
Avatar 10:26am Dave B:

@anon - green grass and high tides forever...
  10:26am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...I will vomit on you in defense if you don't stop pootalk &/or stop schmaltzloop...
  10:26am Sean:

Aguaturbia. This is a great record!
Avatar 10:26am Cecile:

  10:27am anon:

@daveb basically yes omg
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am Caryn:

I'm gonna wait awhile and then pledge to get the sax back.
Avatar 10:28am Cecile:

and only about $100 bucks left in my prize account. That will be gone by the end of this week.
  10:29am social miss:

"Hold on. I'm checking my voice mail. Again.
No. No one is dying. I just want to see if anyone called me."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am S.A. from S.F.:

I'm changing my ways, this year; usually I just pledge once, but this year, I want to spread the love around. The thing is, I'm starting with a Swag For Life pledge. Will any subsequent pledges be added to my monthly charge?
Avatar 10:29am fred von helsing:

Any chance of hearing Aqua Barbie Girl at the wrong speed ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am Caryn:

I feel those gifs are showing us a behind-the-scenes look at what the Olsen twins do every day. Or the Fannings.
Avatar 10:29am Cecile:

anon, I cleaned out chicken fryers to some 8 tracks of albums that are now spoiled forever for me.
Avatar 10:30am Jennique:

@Ike - Ha! Bum slops?!? That is my daily commute in a nutshell. Riding a subway steals a bit of the soul each day. The price you pay for city living.
Avatar 10:30am Cecile:

Caryn, for the Olsen twins, there would have to be a Grey Gardens Barbie and Midge to make that work.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am Caryn:

@Cecile: true, but on the other hand, I'd like to think that they're all glam at home while bitching at each other, and then have to dress in layer after layer of oversized clothes to cover the scars from their own private Fight Club (which starts right after the gifs stop).
  10:33am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

Schmaltzlüp - the Band that'll Rawk yer MorningMind
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am Caryn:

@Cecile: in other words, at home - the Glamorous Ladies of Wrestling ("the good team"); outside - homeless bag lady
Avatar 10:34am Cecile:

I think they gang up and pick on Elizabeth because she's cute, more talented and has no eating disorders.
Avatar 10:34am Cecile:

  10:35am common:

some 80's Tina Turner has some awful sax solos
Avatar 10:35am Cecile:

Don Frey's The Heat is On would get everyone pledging. That's an awful song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am Mike D. from Montclair:

Did somebody mention me, the 'other' Kenny G??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am Caryn:

@Cecile: true, but then Elizabeth manages to slip in a comment that makes them turn on each other again. Then E. is out of there!
Avatar 10:35am Vicki:

torture people with Bish Bosch
Avatar 10:35am Roberto:

How much do we need to raise to get Ken to stop saying "whole nuther?"
Avatar 10:35am fred von helsing:

phonographic deviant sax, yes please
Avatar 10:36am Dave B:

Schmaltz on toast is pretty good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am Caryn:

As groucho mentioned, play the damn "Magic Roundabout" theme on a loop, and people will pledge. Although WFMU listeners might like the freakiness of it...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am Caryn:

Maybe Ken should start reciting Delia Derbyshire slash fiction again?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am MD:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am tim from champaign:

Ken should perform Dr. Bootygrabber at the Symphonia with Dr. Bootygrabber.
Avatar 10:41am Cecile:

this is awesome.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42am Caryn:

A lot less stuff has been adopted than I expected, but I suspect that there are plenty of "pending" adoptions" that just haven't been updated to pending or completed adoption yet.
Avatar 10:43am hamburger:

You can really feel it!
Avatar 10:45am Roberto:

Yes! Dr. B at the finale! Do it!
Avatar 10:45am Cecile:

  10:46am pat p:

nice fall reference that roxy pain song.
Avatar 10:46am Monica:

pledge in honor of doctor booty grabber!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am Caryn:

BTW, how's kitty Dr. Bootygrabber? Why isn't the doc up for adoption?
Avatar 10:47am Cecile:

I am proud/ashamed to say I turned Ken onto this song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am SeanG:

bend over and say cheese
Avatar 10:47am pierre:

Dr Bootygrabber-of-pledges
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:48am kham:

I'd like to hear a mashup of this song with T.A.T.U.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:48am kham:

In fact, perhaps playing more T.A.T.U. would be good for pledges in general.
  10:49am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...glad I'm only pledging once after payday - I might have buyer's remorse about now...not that I'm not lol...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am Caryn:

I think a gif of Mischa Barton in that bloody smock might get pledges going.
Avatar 10:49am Danne D:

Hi folks :)
I will now put a #8 here for my senile self.
  10:50am F♀F♀ ♥ (:

Well, thank you, Cecile.

Ken in turn turned all of us, freaky bootygrabbers, onto this song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am Caryn:

That's a blood vessel, not your colon. The colon looks completely different. Just for that lie, I ain't pledging...
Avatar 10:55am Cecile:

They are like Frank Zappa if they did house music.
Avatar 10:55am braveness23:

colostomy or colonoscopy?
Avatar 10:56am Jeff:

For the longest time, I assumed that "sandwiches" song was by Ween.
  10:57am Paul:

Ken, you don't know what a colostomy is, I think.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am MD:

Weirdo!?!?!? This is my normal...XOXOX!!!
Avatar 10:58am Cecile:

The Pubahs are very Ween-like in their irreverence.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am Ken From Hyde Park:

I done took and pledged today. Yay, me!
  10:59am pat p:

was that passat dream by pavement on the glockenspiel?
Avatar 11:00am Cecile:

Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode, pat p
  11:00am earrie:

That's quite the prize, that dj-your-own-stream.
Avatar 11:01am Danne D:


They were so awesome at the Bell House.

This music has to put you in the mood to pledge :)
800-989-9368 :)
  11:02am pat p:

ah! well, i was pretty close
Avatar 11:03am Cecile:

That was indeed a great guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am Doug Schulkind:

Can't wait to make my good trip back to Jersey City tomorrow! Thanks to the iPhone app, I won't miss a bloody second of the Marathon!
Avatar 11:08am Cecile:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am Mike East:

I tuned in just in time to hear my name at around 9:20. Donating money is worth it for that thrill alone.
  11:10am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

We have CowKegel - !!!
  11:12am gskidmark:

It's not a JIF. It's a GIF!
  11:12am earrie:

GIF swings both ways.
g is for graphics for me.
Avatar 11:13am Cecile:

Avatar 11:14am Carmichael:

Good morning, Ken and Monica! Happy hump day and all that it brings, everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am Caryn:

Oh man, Ken's explanation of the Swag for Life plan makes it sound less like the convenient thing I thought it was and more like a damn gym that won't let you quit your membership no matter how hard you try!
Ken seems to be sabotaging himself today. First all the poo stuff, then the "Careless Whisper", now this?!?
Avatar 11:16am Cecile:

Shore Patrol!
Avatar 11:17am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am Mike East:

that egg makes me chuckle every time.
Avatar 11:17am Lewis:

that is Saor (shore) patrol / Scotland / and most excellent!!
Avatar 11:17am Jennique:

We need a gif of JIF, might this one do?
Avatar 11:17am Cecile:

Caryn, to quit, just email Joe McG. It's that easy.
  11:18am W in NJ:

It's pronounced "Shore Patrol"
  11:18am W in NJ:

It's pronounced "Shore Patrol"
Avatar 11:18am Carmichael:

Ken, it's pronounced "Shore" patrol. Little play on the Irish language there, Like Eire Apparent.
Avatar 11:18am glenn:

i have an accordion. will that do?
  11:19am W in NJ:

(Sorry for the double entry!)
Avatar 11:19am Lewis:

It would appear that Saor Patrol is a known band amounts those of us lurking here on the comments page...
Avatar 11:20am Dave B:

ah the pipes are calling!
Avatar 11:20am Jeff:

Love me some Saor Patrol.
Avatar 11:21am Cecile:

I bought a couple of Saor Patrol discs for my hub after Ken played them. He loves them.
Avatar 11:21am hamburger:

So I've just come back to my desk, is this the antidote or is this the or the anti-antidote?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:22am Rich in Washington:

Someone just walked into my office who almost never stops by and now I think they think I listen to bagpipe metal all the time.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:22am Vivian:

Hey Ken! I will repeat my 2012 pledge but it will have to wait until later this week. I promise!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am Caryn:

@Rich: if you listen to Ken regularly, then you do.
  11:23am r i s k y:

Rich, I hear you... Happens daily.
Avatar 11:23am Dave B:

In high school we built a bong once that looked sort of like that Popular Mechanics image
Avatar 11:23am βrian:

Isn't it "Chimie" ?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:24am Rich in Washington:

That's true! Maybe I'm a latent bagpipist
Avatar 11:24am Carmichael:

Same with me, Vivian. Time waits for no one, but it has to wait for payday.
Avatar 11:25am Lewis:

@Rich in Washington - could be much worse...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am Ken From Hyde Park:

Remarked my office mate once: "Did I hear animal noises coming from that?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am Caryn:

Hmm, scientists and their "queer helmet"... sounds like two things Fox News will be ranting about today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am Caryn:

If the encopresis happens, we'll be kicking ourselves there was no Ustream broadcast going on.
Avatar 11:29am Carmichael:

Thomas & Alicia!! Way to go!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:29am Mike Noble:

Has Andy Lickman preemptively lost the will to live?
Avatar 11:30am fred von helsing:

my very own WKRaP in Hoboken ?
Avatar 11:30am Roberto:

This is way better than Joe Strummer's beer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am Parq:

<laughing uncontrollably>
Avatar 11:30am Dave B:

Ken - Here's another GIF for ya!
Avatar 11:32am leche de noche (formerly known as dcp):

Avatar 11:32am Jeezy:

May have to do my donation next week, Ken. I made the huge mistake of going on a Cupid date with a gal in advertising last night. I'm covered with bloody scrapes, my neck is sore and I stink of ciggie smoke. It's like I was at a metal show or something! :-/
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:33am Brian C.:

Aw, Joe strummer's beer… reminds me of Hova. Wasn't he the one who interviewed Joe?
  11:33am joe:

Maybe if we get a y3k or more we can get ken to give Andy an upper decker
  11:33am joe:

Maybe if we get a y3k or more we can get ken to give Andy an upper decker
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33am Caryn:

BTW, nice Ian Curtis avatar, Jeezy!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:35am Mike Noble:
Avatar 11:36am Jennique:

If WKRP is the reference, does that make Ken into Herb Tarlek? Or Andy Travis?
  11:37am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...I think that JIF's scary enuff, if perhaps not up to Ken's (coff) standard of elegance, Jennique...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:38am Ike:

I thought this was Follakzoid at first.
Avatar 11:38am glenn:

ken is bailey quarters.
Avatar 11:39am glenn:

irwin is venus flytrap.
Avatar 11:39am Dave B:


This always makes me laugh
Avatar 11:40am Rev. Turnip Druid:

[splutters awake] ... whuh?
Someone mentions Bailey Quarters and the Rev. bursts into the room all grabby & whatnot...
Avatar 11:40am Rev. Turnip Druid:

Sorry I'm late. Did we break the bank yet?
Avatar 11:40am Jeezy:

Thanks Caryn!
Avatar 11:41am Jeezy:

Ha, excellent, thanks Dave B!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:42am Ike:

RTD, break the bank? We might need to break INTO a bank. For FMU. Let's gather all our giant octopuses and robot lizards and pull some heists while wearing fedoras. The credit unions are exempt, of course.
Avatar 11:44am Rev. Turnip Druid:

Brilliant, Ike. I wanna be the robot lizard playing it cool by leaning against a wall & flicking a coin with one hand. George Raft stylee. For FMU.
Avatar 11:44am fred von helsing:

is this a JG Ballard reference ?
Avatar 11:45am Monica:

thanks fior all who've pledged so far, ken is at 72% and need help from anyone who hasn't stepped uo yet!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46am fred:

@FVH: I remember one of the members of Crash saying so
Avatar 11:47am Jeezy:

Oy vey.... I may have to shrug off my wounds and step up...
  11:47am RevolutionRabbitNov63:

...her #, Jeezy?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:47am Ken From Hyde Park:

Sad news headline: "Actress Valerie Harper has terminal brain cancer" She was Rhoda on the Mary Tyler Moore program and had her own spin-off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am Ike:

When my giant cephalopod pulls an immense sack full of bank vault cash out of the Hudson and drags it up Montgomery St. to WFMU HQ, Ken is gonna plotz.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49am Caryn:

I missed who won the Saor Patrol and Boom Bip CDs. Just heard the Jandek.
Avatar 11:50am Monica:

don't let ken go out like a roach! call now or pledge online now!
Avatar 11:50am Marshall Stacks:

Hey, what's my pledge, chopped liver?
Avatar 11:52am Jeezy:

Haha, you seriously don't wanna mess with THAT, RevolutionRabbit!
  11:53am k*:

What are the giveaway items right now? Did I hear Can?
Avatar 11:54am aaron in chicago:

the pedestrians of jersey city are a generous bunch
  11:56am F♀F♀ ♥ (:

$3.28 made under five minutes?!
  11:56am joe:

Ken is making his way to path platform to spange
  11:56am joe:

Ken is making his way to path platform to spange
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am G:

Checking heart status. Hopefully I was not accidentally placed on the transplant list...

As you were...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am amanda c:

poor kenny
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:57am Vivian:

Did anyone listening via Itunes get a loud blast of noise? Freaked out the older lady who likes to come in late at my office..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am Caryn:

Soon, Ken will be playing "Careless Whisper" on a trombone at the PATH station...
Avatar 11:58am Rev. Turnip Druid:

Ain't that cow supposed to be jiggin' by now?
  11:58am joe:

Paul ill take a time slot on there if you like :)
  11:58am joe:

Paul ill take a time slot on there if you like :)
  11:58am earrie:

Maybe Ken could offer up a wifi spot for the on-street pledges ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am Caryn:

Homeless person WFMU wifi spots! Oh man...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am G:

Ken should get his hardcore brother to pledge. *That* would be a stunt, I'm guessing.
  12:00pm F♀F♀ ♥ (:

Thanks for the marathonic freakily show, Ken and Monica! Good luck!
Avatar 12:01pm pierre:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm JoshuaK:

  4:56pm Neg-guh-tor:

Who won the radio show, Ken? I was unable to listen. Was it a guy named Nick Speaks?
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