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Artist Title Album Label Format Year Comments Approx. start time
Small Faces  Grow Your Own   Favoriting various - The Mod Scene  Decca    1966/1997    0:00:00 Pop-up)  
Radio Birdman  Aloha Steve and Danno   Favoriting The Essential Radio Birdman (1974-1978)  Sub Pop    1977/2001  pledge for 2-time FMU guest Deniz Tek!  0:02:32 Pop-up)  
Joan Jett & the Blackhearts  Roadrunner   Favoriting Fit To Be Tied: Great Hits by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts  Blackheart    1990/1997    0:07:44 Pop-up)  
Modern Lovers  Roadrunner   Favoriting The Modern Lovers  Rhino    1976    0:12:05 Pop-up)  
Nervebreakers  Why Am I So Flipped?   Favoriting Hijack the Radio!  Get Hip    1977/2012  durrent prize!!! pledge of 15 or more gets you in the drawing!  0:21:10 Pop-up)  
Rolling Stones  Live With Me   Favoriting Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out  ABKCO    1970/2002  part of the grand prize - Gimme Shelter/Complete Monterey/Mystery Train - The Criterion Collection Collection  0:33:33 Pop-up)  
Lee Ranaldo  Angles   Favoriting Between the Times and the Tides  Matador    2012  current prize! pledge of 15 or more now gets you in the drawing!  0:37:13 Pop-up)  
Tico and the Triumphs  Motorcycle   Favoriting         paul simon! on the premium1 75 or more, you get it automatically!  0:54:19 Pop-up)  
Sea Monkeys  Secret Sign   Favoriting Secret Sign  Eerie    1999  part of current prize! sea monkeys reunion pack! $15 or more!!!!!!!  0:56:43 Pop-up)  
Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs  (I'm In With) The Out Crowd   Favoriting The MGM Singles  Sundazed    1966/2011    1:04:04 Pop-up)  
Keith Allison  Action Action Action   Favoriting various - Action! The Songs of Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart  Ace    1966/2012    1:05:58 Pop-up)  
Public Nuisance  Magical Music Box   Favoriting Gotta Survive  Third Man    1969/2012  current prize! LP! pledge of 15 or more!  1:24:55 Pop-up)  
Paul Revere & The Raiders  Where the Action Is   Favoriting various - Action! The Songs of Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart  Ace    1966/2012  it aint in the phone room!  1:28:51 Pop-up)  
Rodriguez  I Wonder   Favoriting Searching for Sugar Man- OST  Legacy    1970/2012  current prize! pledge of 15 or more to get in the drawing! Public Nuisance LP also still on the block!  1:43:48 Pop-up)  
Rodriguez  Can't Get Away   Favoriting Searching for Sugar Man- OST  Legacy    1971/2012  current prize! pledge 15 or more!  1:45:59 Pop-up)  
Jefferson Airplane  High Flying Bird   Favoriting The Complete Monterey Pop DVD        live at Monterey, part of the grand prize! the criterion collection collection!!!  1:57:41 Pop-up)  
Rolling Stones  Little Queenie   Favoriting Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out  ABKCO    1970/2002  part of the grand prize! the criterion collection collection!!!  2:01:40 Pop-up)  
Los Arlequines  No Hay Amor Para Mi   Favoriting Sensacional Soul Vol. 3: 28 Spanish Soul Stompers 1966-1976  Vampisoul  CD  2012  NO ONE IN THE DRAWING YET! pledge of or more right now gets you in the drawing!  2:09:42 Pop-up)  
Los Go-Go  Eh! Tu Loca Maruba   Favoriting Sensacional Soul Vol. 3: 28 Spanish Soul Stompers 1966-1976  Vampisoul    2012  NO ONE IN THE DRAWING YET! pledge of or more right now gets you in the drawing!  2:12:00 Pop-up)  
Larry Wald  Superman   Favoriting Sensacional Soul Vol. 3: 28 Spanish Soul Stompers 1966-1976        pledge of 15 or more right now gets you in the drawing!  2:25:18 Pop-up)  
The Spiders  Don't Blow Your Mind   Favoriting on the premium CD!        early alice cooper! 75 or more gets you Celebrities at their best Vol. 2!  2:30:23 Pop-up)  
The Surfsiders  Little Deuce Coupe   Favoriting         on the premium lou reed on vocals! pledge of 75 you get it!  2:37:50 Pop-up)  
Velvet Underground & Nico  Run Run Run (alternate take)   Favoriting 45th Anniversary Deluxe Edition of The Velvet Underground & Nico  Legacy    1967/2012  current prize! DOUBLE CD for pledge of 15 or more to get in the drawing!  2:38:55 Pop-up)  
Mo Tucker  Fired Up   Favoriting 2CD anthology! I Feel So Far Away  Sundazed      CURENT PRIZE! pledge to get in the drawing!  2:48:01 Pop-up)  
Lyres  Help You Ann   Favoriting On Fyre  Munster    1984/2012    2:55:20 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

Avatar 12:07pm Cheri O:

JB! I want to say thank you!!!
Avatar 12:07pm Bad Ronald:

I got my heart on. Go-Go-Go Three Chord Joe!!!
Avatar 12:12pm Joe B:

Hi everyone, thanks for tuning in! grand prize today, pledge of $180 or more to get in the drawing THE CRITERION COLELCTION COLLECTION!!!!! Mystery Train, Gimem Shelter AND The Complete Monterey Pop festival DVDs, all 3 amazing titles!
Avatar 12:13pm Joe B:

1st prize drawing - The nervebreakers - Hijack the Radio cd comp. Classic Texas punk! pledge of $15 or more gets you in the drawing! 800-989-9368, wfmu.org
Avatar 12:15pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

That reminds me, I need to go to Stop & Shop.
  12:15pm geokopp:

Avatar 12:15pm Lewis:

now thats a segue - thanks Joe!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:16pm Artie:

Joe B, enjoy the mouse parts. White meat or dark?
  12:17pm Another Pete from Mass.:

There's a movement afoot here in Mass. to make Roadrunner the state song. Jonathan Richman has reportedly said the song isn't good enough. We disagree!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:17pm tim from champaign:

Let's get Mighty Joe Belock some jack!!!!!
Avatar 12:18pm Sigurdur:

Ahhh Pete
Avatar 12:18pm Bad Ronald:

Its time to champion the People's Champion!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:19pm Artie:

Avatar 12:19pm Sigurdur:

You got IT pOWER
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm Caryn:

So, it's this "Roadrunner" that they're debating. I've been wondering about that ever since I heard the news. There are too many songs called "Roadrunner"...
Avatar 12:25pm Sigurdur:

the Ground FLOORR the
Avatar 12:27pm Joe B:

hardly anyone in the drawing! no one in for the grand prize yet!
Avatar 12:27pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

I oppose any government involvement in rock 'n' roll. No need will be filled, no good will be advanced.
Avatar 12:29pm Danne D:

@Another Pete - EFD actually had the head of the movement for Roadrunner to get named state song on his show a couple weeks ago
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30pm Tome:

Love the MOnte ! -- Joe gonna host the Finale!! was great last he is the MC !!!
Avatar 12:32pm Danne D:

Congrats Evan!
Avatar 12:33pm Carmichael:

Rock it, Joe! C'mon, peoples, let's rain on FMU!
  12:36pm KevinBK:

Been wondering for
So long what the hell the mouse reference was. Thanks
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:37pm tim from champaign:

Screamin' Jay was also in Mystery Train.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:39pm Matt F:

This "Live With Me" is hot! Weird how you can hear a live recording of the Stones where they're the best band ever and then hear another show from the same week where they sound like five guys who have never even met each other before.
Avatar 12:41pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

I remember when a friend of mine made a House of Tomorrow pledge when we were both very poor. I was in awe -- we were barely making over minimum wage. In those days, buying a building on the beat-up waterfront of JC also seemed ridiculous, though. How times change.
Avatar 12:42pm Joe B:

so right Pete!

agree Matt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm Skirkie:

♥ Cicada
  12:53pm Rev. Turnip Druid:

Scott, you don't sound like you. Weird mic? Sick? Short of pledges?
Avatar 12:54pm MissV:

thanks to running into JB @ work I was reminded to pledge !
Avatar 12:56pm Bad Ronald:

The Sea Monkeys 7" is way cool! ecx.images-amazon.com...
Avatar 12:58pm Joe B:

thanks Miss V! Hi to everyone! tough to keep up with the comments on a crazy day like this, they are all appreciated!
  12:58pm Toddophonic:

Who else would play Tico & The Triumphs 2 weeks in a row?!!? PLEDGE TO JOE!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:59pm tim from champaign:

This Paul Simon does not suck....neither does Three Chord Monte. Tell Joe that he doesn't suck by pledging!!!!!!
Avatar 1:01pm Cheri O:

This song is about the SWAG FOR LIFERS!
  1:03pm PFFlyer:

I'm in the RUNNING!, but I ain't Karl. Just ol' Mr PF mcFreakin' Flyer, one boot in Wisconny, the other in Woodbury, MN. Thanx for the great show, Joe.
  1:07pm PFFlyer:

Finlanders rock, Hi to Hell sinkhole
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:13pm Caryn:

Hi back, PFFlyer (even if I am a couple of hours northeast of Hell sinkhole right now)!
  1:14pm Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 1:15pm Danne D:

BGZ having fun with our fine New Jersey locations I see :)

Larstown is filled with a lot of Metallica fans
  1:25pm Iikka from Helsinki:

Greetings from rockin' Hellsinki!
Avatar 🎸 1:26pm XPat of Leche de Noche:

Hi everybody! Bye everybody!
Avatar 1:28pm Sigurdur:

wow ,,,,,, weird
Avatar 1:35pm Sigurdur:

Ring please ring please
  1:36pm Rev. Turnip Druid:

The Scott/Fabio transitions a few years back were inspired...
Avatar 1:38pm Sigurdur:

Dear Jeff showing the thrre time joe LOVE
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm Caryn:

Aw, "it ain't in the phone room"... Pledge, people!
Avatar 1:41pm Sigurdur:

Mr rich man pick up that phone..... or tell your assistant 2 do so...... hehahe
Avatar 1:43pm Sigurdur:

You give planet eaRTH A VERY GOOD SOUND
Avatar 1:47pm Sigurdur:

tHANK YOU INTERNET for being there!
Avatar 1:48pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

In 2005 or so, someone at a dinner party was preaching on about this new thing "podcasts" that was so great. "How is this different from what WFMU has been doing for years?" I asked, explaining the streaming/downloadable archives, etc. Ultimately, the answer came down to, "It's not, but now it's new again and called 'podcasts.'" Another WFMU innovation ahead of the frontier of history!
Avatar 1:49pm Cheri O:

JB/Fab transitions rivaled those of Billy Jam/Bryce
  1:49pm Anna Anabolic:

Such a great doc - thanks for playing this!
Avatar 1:50pm Sigurdur:

who will be next...... i love sex....hihihi
Avatar 1:56pm Sigurdur:

  1:57pm PFFlyer:

Päivä paistaa
Avatar 1:57pm Sigurdur:

uNTED KINGDOM waking up all of the suDDen
Avatar 1:58pm Sigurdur:

  1:58pm StillNotSureWhatDylansTarantulaMeans:

Absolutely true about FMU Pete: WFMU Way Out Ahead - !!!
- & FMU having no less than 5 streams is seldom mentioned - !

- Nevertheless - wish Archives were Downloadable in the sense of files for iPods &/or Hardrives (I mean: Keepable - not just Streaming)
- & I'm waiting for everyone to switch from MP3 to MP4 &/or other Lossless (@ least as good as CD Quality)...
Avatar 2:00pm Sigurdur:

Avatar 2:02pm KP:

The only way to fly is WFMU!
  2:03pm geokopp:

never thought I'd hear jefferson airplane on 3 chord monte!
Avatar 2:04pm KP:

Three Chord Monte-rey Pop!
Avatar 2:05pm Cheri O:

I've heard the rare Jefferson Airplane song here and there that had a danceable beat.
Avatar 2:05pm Joe B:

George, i played the levi's ad in 2007! and maybe eskimo blue day. once
  2:06pm geokopp:

jefferson airplane loves you, Joe!
Avatar 2:07pm KP:

Jorma and Joe go way back.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm efd:

@StillNotSure You can blame the lack of downloadability on the RIAA and the US regulations preventing WFMU from offering that. Some DJs (Liz Berg comes to mind) do make portions of their programs that contain "podsafe" music available as downloadable podcasts.
Avatar 2:13pm KP:

I bought the Sugarman CD yesterday. Got in my car and Irene was just starting to play it. That was worth a pledge.
Avatar 2:14pm Sigurdur:

  2:15pm Jim B:

In line with the above thread, maybe one of the hosts could explain what the $500-level bonus page pledge is. I haven't heard too much discussion of it at this point in the marathon.
Avatar 2:15pm Joe B:

ok Jim, will do!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm Mike East:

@efd/StillNotSure...a great way around the non podcasted fmu shows is using the download feature on the WFMU app. I used to download this awesome show when I had an ipod called "The Evan Funk Davies Show" cuz I can't stay up that late.
  2:16pm StillNotSureWhatDylansTarantulaMeans:

...that is to say - *easily* Keepable - like, in fact, a Podcast; there are Programs that enable Recording (which I don't have @ present)
...altho' things are in fact moving Cloud-ward - & away from one's own Storage Files - which is (yes) more like the FMU Archives already are...
  2:18pm StillNotSureWhatDylansTarantulaMeans:

Thanx EFD & Mike.
Avatar 2:18pm KP:

Mike East. Yes it's great for driving when out of 3G-4G range. Press a button and three hours of bliss ensues.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:19pm tim from champaign:

No hay amor para mi pero da muy mucho amor para Jose B con muy mucho dinero
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:19pm Caryn:

If I hadn't just pledged, I'd pledge for this. In other words: people, pledge for this!
Avatar 2:19pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Yes, the FCC got so nutso at one point that the very viability of streaming non-commercial radio seemed questionable. The current situation is much better than it could have been.

There's still lots of free, downloadable content offered by WFMU.
Avatar 2:20pm Sigurdur:

HASTLA VICTORIA...... oooo broooooooooklyn
Avatar 2:20pm KP:

Very easy to record anything on a mac. PCs cant be too far behind on that.
Avatar 2:23pm KP:

Avatar 2:23pm Sigurdur:

Norge er rikere en oss pa issland. alle de jaekle olje penger
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:25pm Caryn:

You're right about that Siggy. Oil-rich Norwegians... pledge, you Norse millionaires!
Avatar 2:25pm Sigurdur:

Kom igen skane,,,,,, visa danskarna att ni lyssnar mer pa god radipo
Avatar 2:26pm Sigurdur:

Exaxtly right caryn
Avatar 2:28pm Sigurdur:

Ok nagon i skandnainen visa kaerlek
Avatar 2:31pm Sigurdur:

CC its siggi
Avatar 2:32pm KP:

Joe is moving on up! Go! Go! Go!
Avatar 2:34pm Cheri O:

Joe! Joe! Joe!Joe! Joe! Joe!Joe! Joe! Joe!Joe! Joe! Joe!Joe! Joe! Joe!Joe! Joe! Joe!Joe! Joe! Joe!Joe! Joe! Joe!Joe! Joe! Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:35pm SeanG:

rich people are stingy idiots
Avatar 2:35pm KP:

Avatar 2:36pm Sigurdur:

Move on up
Avatar 2:37pm KP:

Early Bon Scott sounds like Sweet. Or maybe it was the other ACDC guy.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:38pm tim from champaign:

What Cheri said!
Avatar 2:40pm Sigurdur:

plummmers arrrre soooooo fucking expensive...... except for thoose thAT LABOR FOR FREEE....... and tHEY ArE NOT MANY
Avatar 2:41pm KP:

Bellmore, Long Island's own Lou Reed!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:42pm Dominick:

Oooooo go! go!
Avatar 2:42pm KP:

Whooooo, go JOE!!
Avatar 2:43pm Sigurdur:

Avatar 2:43pm KP:

Avatar 2:44pm KP:

Avatar 2:45pm KP:

We have reached the last mile!!!!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:45pm Stevel:

No one better than Joe B! Pledge! Pay for amazing radio!
  2:45pm juniper plump:

Hey, what IS this?????
Avatar 2:46pm Bad Ronald:

Belock Rock!!!
Avatar 2:46pm KP:

There cannot be a better prize than this VU set or a better DJ!!!!
Avatar 2:46pm Sigurdur:

Avatar 2:46pm MissV:

Oh Nooooooooooo! I just ran into Gaylord Fields and his presence reminded me that I have to pledge! Im gone go broke.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46pm Caryn:

That mention of Bon Scott makes me wonder if Joe's premium will have a Geordie song on it, for pre-AC/DC Brian Johnson...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:46pm Stevel:

See what you're doing? Don't make them sing again!!!

  2:46pm SHIMMY:

I made it in with my bux in the last 15min! Come out to Don Pedro Saturday for Born Loose & the Othermen if you ain't workin' Joe!
  2:47pm junie:

You the man Joe, no doubt. But is Scott the manchild???
Avatar 2:47pm KP:

I have this set. If i win, Joe can draw again. you can win on the rebound!
Avatar 2:49pm KP:

Avatar 2:50pm Sigurdur:

Avatar 2:50pm KP:

Ninety percent!
Avatar 2:51pm KP:

Be the other TEN PERCENT!
Avatar 2:52pm KP:

Ninety-one percent!
Avatar 2:53pm Sigurdur:

oR BE YOUR SELF ./.... JUST pretty please keep this station alive for the generatins to cum
Avatar 2:54pm KP:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:55pm Therese:

Belock! Belock! Belock!!!
Avatar 2:55pm Sigurdur:

oooooo yeah hacky sack town
Avatar 2:55pm KP:

Less than $500 away!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:55pm Stevel:

There! I made another pledge on top of my monthly!! There are no excuses!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm Gord:

Make it so! For Joe!
Avatar 2:55pm KP:

Avatar 2:57pm KP:

Avatar 2:57pm Danne D:


Avatar 2:58pm Sigurdur:

Is he going tooooooooo fucking killl you?
Avatar 2:58pm KP:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:58pm Stevel:

Whoot! Goooooooooooooaaaaaaaaalllllllllllll!!!!!!
Avatar 2:58pm Cheri O:

Avatar 2:58pm KP:

Pope Joe The LOCK!
Avatar 2:59pm KP:

Avatar 3:00pm KP:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:00pm Stevel:

Someone has to love Indiana. Might as well be Joe B.
Avatar 3:01pm KP:

Indiana is great WFMU country!
Avatar 3:02pm KP:

  10:23pm Joe B:

thanks everybody for listening, commenting and of course pledging! thanks so much, an exciting finish!
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