Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 03 April 2013 Favoriting | Station Manager Ken's Ask Me Anything / State of the Station Fill-In

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Artist Song Approx. start time
Station Manager Ken  Ask Me Anything / State of the Station   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  6:03pm V:

what is the name of this song?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm Caryn:

So, Ken, Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island. Discuss.
Avatar 6:03pm Danne D:

Hi Ken.
Q1 How are you doing?

Q2 Has the insurance check situation gotten remotely better since last I heard about it (which I believe was when you got the first insurance-related check for like a whopping $1400 or something)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm G:

Holy cow, he's gonna do his rarely witnessed Doctor Ruth parody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm G:

1400? you could maybe pay a monthly premium with that.
Avatar 6:04pm hamburger:

ahoy / that 7SD busking episode ever make it to air?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm G:

as in whoopee
Avatar 6:04pm the glowing one:

Hi, Ken.

I always wanted to know: Why do you need so much tee pee? Who's the big shitter at the station? Irwin mentioned there's even a roll in the studios... really?!?
Avatar 6:05pm Dan B From Upstate:

"Fur Immer" by Neu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm G:

It's the new stalling track.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm Mike East:

Q: Do you think I'm cool?
Avatar 6:05pm steve:

V i think its Hallogallo by Neu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm Caryn:

@glowing one: I think after that pubic hair was found in one of the studios, a roll was brought in as an emergency measure.
Avatar 6:06pm Nick the Bard:

back on phone tonight, so watch it.
Avatar 6:06pm steve:

oops, Dan B is right
Avatar 6:06pm Danne D:

Also, who won fantasy bingo?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm G:

He should do the show dead. That's basically the same as a nursing home gig.
Avatar 6:07pm steve:

dam, that really stinks about the bad recording... sounds like a good time was had by all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm G:

Nick "No Pasaran" the Bard
Avatar 6:07pm Danne D:

A440 would be a fine replacement for that spot for the rest of the schedule IMO
Avatar 6:07pm steve:

give Lamin another hour already!
  6:08pm Torbjørn:

Rupture was fantastic, but Lamin is almost in the same league. Can't Lamin simply get two hours ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm G:

Isn't Bethany out of town these days? she just comes back for the occasional fill-in...
Avatar 6:08pm BadGuyZero:

HopsScotch is also two blocks from Tahoe.
Avatar 6:08pm Fredericks:

Ken, should I send in an audition tape?
Avatar 6:09pm hamburger:

What was the punchline to the Evan lightbulb joke / pledged but never got it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm Caryn:

Ken, are you gonna let us know when that radio channel won during the Marathon will be on the air?
  6:09pm Michael:

You and Andy should go back there and do it again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm Caryn:

Ooh, I'm with hamburger! I also pledged and got no punchline.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm Parq:

As long as you've brought it up, why *are* nickles bigger than dimes?
Avatar 6:10pm steve:

Q: whats the first archived episode with a boiler story?
Avatar 6:11pm Fredericks:

What's this growth on my back?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 6:11pm cklequ:

Weren't there two of those channels, Caryn?
I'm curious too.

And i also never got Evan's punchline.
Avatar 6:12pm steve:

haha. is this a pimple or a boil?
Avatar 6:13pm Fredericks:

If the is a God where does s/he live?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm Caryn:

So, Ken, what's your least favourite episode of "Monk"?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm G:

Because they used to be made of valuable metal. Now they are base metal and just value counters, really.

Dimes had silver in them till well into the 20th century. Nickels were always just nickel. When the coins were designed and first sized back in the late 18th and 19th century, they sized them to be roughly the value of the constituent metal on the open market.

Coins and bills today are just fiat money; it says right on the bills that you are *required* to use them.
Avatar 6:14pm Fredericks:

If there is...?
Avatar 6:14pm Listener David in Budd Lake:

Ken, about a year or more ago, you had a Celebrity/Musician death pool guessing game. Everyone had to send in $1. What was the outcome of that?
  6:15pm dale:

ken - do you have the next great flood contingency plans? bilge pumps? sandbags? floating turntables? serious question actually
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm Caryn:

Ken, done much work on that porn tape commentary yet?
Avatar 6:15pm Fredericks:

Who's your favorite child?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm -max-:

My spouse won the Musician Death Pool with Dan Van Vliet (unfortunately).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm Ike:

To echo Torbjørn, are you angling for a cool new one-hour show to appear and fill that hour, or what? I'd love to hear more Lamin too. Sure, you said want Lamin in a three-hour slot... at SOME point in the future... but this is now, and two hours is better than one.

Good show. I always dig States of the Station.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm G:

re Dave in Budd Lake: Listeners Never Forget. Even if a premise was just meant to kind of fill close to 60 minutes...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm -max-:

s/b DON Van Vliet (damn it!)...
Avatar 6:17pm Fredericks:

Man, that was a sad victory, Max.
Avatar 6:17pm Nick the Bard:

What kind of pie goes best when you're trying to hammer a nail into styrofoam gazelles?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 6:18pm cklequ:

Pol Pot Pie
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm Caryn:

A musical Pyrrhic victory, indeed.
Avatar 6:18pm Fredericks:

That's easy, Nick. I don't know!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm G:

Ask Ken, Nick. He's in the next room :p
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm Caryn:

@Nick: I'd say either steak & kidney or gooseberry.
Avatar 6:20pm Nick the Bard:

Hey, I'm going through the real channels just like you have to, so I can get past the call screener because I'm at least coming up with original questions ;P
  6:20pm Torbjørn:

The app is buggy on Android ? .. I haven't got an android phone yet, or else I would use it all day long. Why open open source the app, put it on github, and see if the community won't fix the bugs ? I could certainly put in a patch or two ..
Avatar 6:20pm JeffW:

The android app works great on my LG phone!
Avatar 6:21pm sFrances from VA:

Question for any listener who might be able to help:
I just got my first iPhone, on Verizon, and I can stream WFMU from the app during my first hour at work (730am-830am) but after that, buffering becomes problematic.

Ken just mentioned TuneIn Radio app for the 'droid users~~and I'll try it tomorrow--but does anyone else have workarounds? Thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm G:

The secret's out! Ken learned comedy from Tony Shaloub!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm Caryn:

My fave Tony Shaloub comedy moment is a tie between everything he does in "Galaxy Quest" and that "Up With People" parody.
  6:25pm earrie:


re: android:
Avatar 6:26pm BadGuyZero:

The Android app freezes after a couple minutes of streaming. I listen via TuneIn when I'm on the go. Or in my kitchen like I am now. TuneIn on my Kindle Fire.
  6:26pm foo:

Ken, have you considered OPEN SOURCING the WFMU apps?
The bugs would be gone in no time.
  6:26pm Joe Ray:

Is there an issue with Lamin filling the extra hour? I really like his show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm Chris in TX via RI:

x2 on the Android app problems. Mostly in downloading archived shows. I use TuneIn to stream live but when downloading episodes, it will randomly restart the download or if you leave the app it will stop it and start over from the beginning, or just redownload.
Avatar 6:27pm steve:

putting the mobile apps on Github is a great idea...
  6:27pm ?:

Are you going to feature live jazz performances at the station
  6:27pm Baz:

Question: is the WFMU iPhone app being actively developed? When can we expect a new release?
  6:27pm earrie:

Never froze for me. Had some connectivity issues with my old ISP, however.
  6:28pm dale:

can we get porn for the blind for that extra hour?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm Caryn:

I'd second the request for a flash server for the alternate streams. Right now, can't listen to any of them live. You can't get more listeners for the streams if the can't listen to them due to technical issues, Ken!
Avatar 6:29pm sFrances from VA:

Sorry, I just mentioned that TuneIn was suggested for the Android, but I have an iPhone thru Verizon...but I'll def try Tune In tomorrow! I already use it at home.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm G:

He figures Flash is becoming a legacy software at this point, and they'll do something for the next big thing.
  6:30pm Torbjørn:

@dale; seconded, comma-zero, comma-zero, comma-zero
Avatar 6:31pm Dr. Goot:

Lovin' the Ken Kwiz!
Avatar 6:31pm Danne D:

Archives for the stream shows are avaialbe in flash, no?
Avatar 6:31pm hamburger:

oh wow that tune in app is a huge bonus / wfmu app does not always stream properly on the android
Avatar 6:31pm steve:

i like the classic 'detention' episodes so much more than the ucb ones... the charm of the show is in Ken and Andy's interaction with each other.
  6:31pm Index:

This mighta been answered already but - How'd the marathon go!!? and when can we expect our swag? :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm Caryn:

@Danne D: yep, and thus, I can listen to the archived shows. But live listening is a no-no.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm Chris in TX via RI:

Give the Drummer and Ichiban are also on TuneIn. I think Do or DIY too.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 6:37pm cklequ:

No questions about the documentary yet.....
I'm dying to know what's going on with that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm Parq:

I'm sorry; I just got a mental echo of Narduar trying to get Mikhail Gorbachev to respond with a "Doot doot" to his "Doot doodle-oot doot." I have to lie down now.
Avatar 6:37pm steve:

get away from iOS and Android in favor of web app... great idea! mobile dev is a nightmare
  6:38pm earrie:

Avatar 6:39pm Dan B From Upstate:

I have a difficult question... I guess. What happens to the station if Scharpling decides to call it quits? He DOES raise a lot of money, and as much as I'd like to dream, I can't see all of it being distributed to other shows on the station.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm -max-:

Record fair could be moving to Bklyn? Saddest news heard so far...
Avatar 6:41pm thedunkel:

congrats on the marathon! would you consider doing the record fair in jersey city or hoboken?
Avatar 6:43pm Danne D:

Groundhog Day is my favorite movie.
Avatar 6:45pm Dan B From Upstate:

Might as well ask the reddit ama standard: Ken, would you rather fight one horse-sized duck, or 100 duck-sized horses?
Avatar 6:46pm steve:

max, what's sad about that? everything that isn't an investment banker or chain store is leaving lower manhattan... and a huge chunk of those people have moved to brooklyn
Avatar 6:48pm Jeff:

Just in case you don't believe it happened: a photo from the tragically lost Seven Second Delay show performed this past Monday:
Avatar 6:48pm Dr. Goot:

Avatar 6:49pm Danne D:

Saw it in the theater and remembered 2 things:
1) The guy from I dorm I went with moaned the first time he heard "I Got You Babe" - this made me enjoy that bit immensely throughout the movie.

2) Someone walked in before the movie and when she saw friends she was surprised to see she stopped and exclaimed "Oh My God" - which as a goof I simultaneously said in perfect synchronicity with her. Completely undetected.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm Fuzzy:

The Mighty 220!
Avatar 6:50pm Danne D:

@Jeff that picture is wonderful.

It's nice that they let that old man sit right up front facing the rest of the people...oh wait that's just Andy.
  6:52pm Baz:

OFF THE HOOK on WFMU would be dreamy...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm Caryn:

@Jeff: aw, now I want to hear the show even more! Dammit! Damn those audio gremlins!
  6:53pm Michael:

I still think that the long-running WBAI science fiction show, @Hour of the Wolf@, will end up on FMU eventually.
Avatar 6:55pm BadGuyZero:

Yes...$127,000. The show ran late because there were so many people to thank.
Avatar 6:55pm Dr. Goot:

This is scintillating discourse.
Avatar 6:56pm Danne D:

WFMU is amazingly resilient
Avatar 7:00pm Danne D:

Thanks Ken :)
Avatar 7:01pm BadGuyZero:

Thank you for the update, Ken.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm Ike:

Um, Ken, there IS a (Beta) Give the Drummer FLASH stream and it works well, too!

You might want to link it somewhere prominently. A lot of listeners, like that caller, don't know it exists but would use it if they knew.
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