Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 26 June 2013 Favoriting | Brimstone in a Barren Land

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Comments New Approx. start time
Simply Saucer  Illegal Bodies   Favoriting Cyborgs Revisited 
  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Hawkwind  Assault and Battery / The Golden Void   Favoriting Warrior on the Edge of Time 
  0:09:06 (Pop-up)
The Relatives  Speak to Me What's Wrong with America   Favoriting Live at the Bell House for WFMU 
  0:19:32 (Pop-up)
Funkadelic  Maggot Brain   Favoriting Title Track 
  0:26:42 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Curd Duca 
Sin World   Favoriting       0:36:07 (Pop-up)
Curd Duca  Sin Swing   Favoriting       0:42:38 (Pop-up)
Curd Duca  Psychoswing   Favoriting  
  0:44:22 (Pop-up)
Curd Duca  Heart Swing   Favoriting       0:46:56 (Pop-up)
Curd Duca  Previn / Rose   Favoriting  
  0:48:10 (Pop-up)
Curd Duca  Omen   Favoriting  
  0:51:30 (Pop-up)
Curd Duca  Close   Favoriting  
  0:53:25 (Pop-up)
Curd Duca  120 Off Beat   Favoriting  
  0:55:20 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Curd Duca 
Close   Favoriting  
  0:57:41 (Pop-up)
Anna Domino  Summer   Favoriting  
  1:06:06 (Pop-up)
Danielle Dax  Brimstone in a Barren Land   Favoriting Dark Adapted Eye 
  1:10:26 (Pop-up)
Eurythmics  Le Sinistre (Kreidler Remix)   Favoriting The Conny Plank reWork Sessions (V/A) 
*   1:14:28 (Pop-up)
Tricky  Nothing Matters   Favoriting False Idols 
*   1:19:40 (Pop-up)
Fresh  Borstal   Favoriting Out of Borstal 
  1:23:06 (Pop-up)
Ricky Wilde  Teen Wave   Favoriting Bupple Bop 
  1:26:48 (Pop-up)
The Ark  Echo Chamber   Favoriting  
  1:29:52 (Pop-up)
Bryan Ferry Orchestra  Do the Strand   Favoriting       1:33:23 (Pop-up)
Dj Mako  Blu   Favoriting Daora: Underground Sounds of Urban Brasil 
  1:41:43 (Pop-up)
Los Rakas  Borracho   Favoriting Chancletas y Camisetas 
*   1:44:05 (Pop-up)
Espiao  Cada Um, Cada Um   Favoriting Daora: Underground Sounds of Urban Brasil 
  1:49:13 (Pop-up)
Klaus Dinger and Japandorf  Cha Cha 2008   Favoriting Self Titled 
*   2:03:00 (Pop-up)
The Allophone  Bow   Favoriting Sonig Exp/Hop/DVD 
  2:15:13 (Pop-up)
impLOG  On Broadway   Favoriting  
  2:22:06 (Pop-up)
Tom Jones and Art of Noise  Kiss   Favoriting  
  2:28:52 (Pop-up)
The Ex / Brass Unbound  Bicycle Illusion   Favoriting Enormous Door 
*   2:38:47 (Pop-up)
Khlam  Uncle   Favoriting Sverkh Novy Sverkh Russkie 
  2:45:20 (Pop-up)
Nihilist Spasm Band  I Have Nothing To Say   Favoriting  
  2:50:17 (Pop-up)
Bad news  Bphemian Rhapsody   Favoriting  
  2:52:37 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar 9:00am bobdoesthings:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, ya'all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am yayson:

damn ken show em how its done!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...already disturbed...
Avatar 9:01am Cheri Pi:

Hi Ken. sad day for Devo fans :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...guesss I'll have to hang out my 'already disturbed' sign...
Avatar 9:02am Dan B From Upstate:

  9:03am Fº Fº:

Hola everybody!

Ken, this is a present for you:

The NSA listening station that is part of ECHELON in the US National Radio Quiet Zone:

(3600x7200 pixels)
Avatar 9:05am KP:

Simply Saucer is great way to start day.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:05am Rich in Washington:
  9:05am Sam:

Good morning Ken and Fofo and Ken FHP and the rest of you.
  9:06am Fº Fº:

Hi Sam!

What happened Cheri Pi ?!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:06am Ken:

Morning everybody! A week late on the Simply Saucer but better saucer than never..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am Rick from SC:

Mornin' all y'all
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:07am Ken:

A Devo guy died FoFo
Avatar 9:08am Cheri Pi:

Drummer Alan Myers passed away from cancer.
  9:08am Fº Fº:

Oh, yes. I was googling it. The drummer. Sad.
  9:09am Mark:

You're not f***in' around this morning!
Avatar 9:11am Cheri Pi:

I heard that Hawkwind were huge fans of Aphrodite's Polyp
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am Mike Sin:

Well all right! The new Hawkwind reissue! I'm hoping WFMU got "serviced" with a promo copy of this one!
  9:12am Fº Fº:

What, Cheri Pi? I thought I was their only fan!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- so this is the famous Stacia? - meh...
Avatar 9:13am Cheri Pi:

RTD should be here any second.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:13am Ken:

Yes, Nik Turner plays flute on a few Aphrodite's Polyp tracks but you can barely hear it in the mix.
  9:14am Allan in Germany:

Morning, Ken.
Can we Cha Cha with Klaus?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...maybe it's A.Polyps dancer...
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:17am Ken:

No, that is Stacia, before she joined hawkwind, when she was working at a gas station and dnacing part time at burlesque houses in Dublin.
  9:21am Fº Fº:

Focus, Hawkwind, Can, Soft Machine...Those were rock-prog bands! Rush?! Pfff...
Avatar 9:21am Cheri Pi:

She's currently a toll booth operator on the Mackinac bridge.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:23am Ken:

She IS? Which lane? Im going out there next month!
  9:23am Fº Fº (:

What's wrong with America?

As Vladimir Putin put it: "I'd prefer not to deal with this issue at all—it's like shearing a pig—too much squeaking, too little wool"
Avatar 9:26am Cory:

Good morning Ken and my fellow music-nerds!
Avatar 9:26am still b/p:

The undressing silhouette looks almost but not quite like Gold Diggers of 1933. Needs Carynthian assay.
  9:27am Jan:

Will the Questlove memoir be discussed either on the program or in the listener comments?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:29am Ken:

We shall commence discussing the Questlove memoir after we resolve all issues surrounding the forthcoming Broadway musical about Tupac, which is called "Holler Back at ME, Mister White MAN?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am Rob (from Mt Hope):

thank god, I was waiting for a convo to chime in on. just remember Tupac backwards is caput!
Avatar 9:31am groucho:

Hello everyone. Had an operation on my back this week so I'm all sore, be gentle with me. Now, my views on Tupac: I have none, NEXT!
Avatar 9:31am still b/p:

Auditions still open?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:33am Ken:

Auditions have not even begun, except that Tupac has already been cast and shall be played by Channing Tatum. Except that the child Tupac will be played by Jaden Smith.
Avatar 9:33am Dan B From Upstate:

My dad used to say he was called tupac because he was four shy of a six pack.
Avatar 9:33am Uke Goldberg:

Who are those three in the Maggot Brain GIF?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am KevinfromBayRidge:

Morning Kennites, Drove through CT last night. Turned on WPKN in Bridgeport( The Spazz's first station). They actually had a good freeform-ish show on. Lo & Behold, HAWKWIND. DJ talked about their upcoming NEast tour. No Khlam though.
Avatar 9:35am Cheri Pi:

Miley Lion is the understudy for Channing she revealed on Jimmy Kimmel this week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

StephenHawking, CarlSagan - Arthur C. Clarke?
Avatar 9:35am egal:

Gandolfini would have been perfect for Notorious B.I.G.
Avatar 9:36am Uke Goldberg:

  9:37am Rammstein:

You never get that excited about me.

[Germanic sniff]
Avatar 9:37am Cory:

Ken, your screaming just woke up my cat.
Avatar 9:39am Cory:

and he's asleep again
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am Stevel:

"Springtime, for Tupac, and B.I.G...."
Avatar 9:40am KP:

KevinfromBayRidge, im from LI and love WPKN. Ive recently moved to city and of course cant get it over air but still check in on net (and still pledge). By way, i still cant get WFMU over air even though I'm now only 10 miles from JC.
  9:42am Neg-guh-tor:

Pill panner!
  9:42am Jan:

@Ken- Fascinating article in the current New Yorker about Lime disease-and elsewhere I read that people are retrieving the computer pills at the other end of the alimentary canal for reuse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42am Caryn:

So, 2 minutes before I start my commute (unless the boss shows up at the last minute like last week and I end up hauling sofas when I should be leaving...), so: hello all! Tried to post a quick gif check last Wednesday when I finally got to my home laptop, so check that out if you want.
Avatar 9:42am still b/p:

"Oh, the East Coast and the West Coast must be friends..."
  9:42am Sam:

Can I request William Shatner doing "Rocket Man"?
  9:42am Fº Fº (:

Ken, thanks for the shout out!

Also thanks to whoever requested Simply Saucer (cuz' it wasn't me).
  9:42am Neg-guh-tor:

Pill prospector!
Avatar 9:43am KOTJ:

The Fecal Forager
  9:43am Neg-guh-tor:

Stay loose!
Avatar 9:44am KOTJ:

The Poo Prober
  9:46am Dave B:

Pill retrieval made easy!
  9:47am Fº Fº (:


Thanks! Indeed, I noticed you did your homework after class last week. Better late than never!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- I requested SimplySaucer; must be part of the 'I only do AntiRequests' thang - they can be done but then must be attributed to another? It's an arcane & opaque phenomenon - perhaps best left to HeartyWhite to ruminate & expound upon...

...straining pee to catch a kidneystone was bad enuff
...once you find this thing in your poo - you have to swallow that again??...
Avatar 9:48am KP:

Hey, Caryn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51am KevinfromBayRidge:

Yeah KP, Spent a good part of later youth(70's) listening to PKN . I guess it was a gateway, along with the very early WPLJ, to becoming an FMU listener. Sorry about the bad reception, lucky that I'm in a decent WFM zone in BR.
Avatar 9:51am KP:

Wonder if anyone has checked time lapse differences on FMu signal via air, computer and through iphone. Right now i have latter two working and they are not even close.
  9:52am Fº Fº (:

Hey, I just noticed that if you click an image it zooms in within the window frame! Perhaps it has been around for some time but nevertheless it's a great feature.
Avatar 9:56am bobdoesthings:

I hope ken finds that pill soon....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- often (?) arrows in bottom Right & it gets even bigger. Perhaps if you keep Clicking it just goes on; due to nature of Ken's images, no one has been brave enuff to try...
  9:57am Jan:

Enjoying this extended Curd Duca set.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:57am Mike Noble:

I'm listening to BBC world service very quietly in the background of Ken's show. It's amazing how well Curd Duca syncs up with RP newsspeak.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:57am Rich in Washington:

Ugh. This just in: the human metronome behind all of Devo's classic albums has laid down his sticks. RIP, Alan Myers
Avatar 10:01am Dan B From Upstate:

Yes, fofo. You can also use your keyboard's left and right arrows to switch pictures, and well as pressing f to make it its natural size. Neat, huh?
Avatar 10:02am Dave B:

KP - I'll often stream at home from two different devices and they're never in sync. From Air to Webs depends on encoding time plus aggregation thru a CDN plus the seven seconds of delay for FCC I think..
Avatar 10:03am Dave B:

add additional latency for cellular carrier...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& you can drag images around too - unfortunately not into the Comments column if one Posts something dumb...Does JoeFrank use CurdDoca? Cons & Inmates get very Pedantic & Moralistic...
Avatar 10:05am KP:

not Weed Man! He was so mellow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am Ken From Hyde Park:

I don't know who is Beer Man, but I (as far as I know) somehow came up with the name Beer Wolf. "Yo, Beer Wolf. How's it going?"
Avatar 10:06am KP:

Kevin, i cant hear the station but i can feel the vibes.
  10:07am Fº Fº (:

Dan B From Upstate,

Great hacks/tips! Didn't know those! You can even do a slideshow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am Ken From Hyde Park:

Again, Google proves me wrong. There's been some kind of beef wolf for years and is found on thousands of web sites.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:10am Ken:

Yes, the FCC Dump Button is a 20 second across the board delay, and then there is the web latency which can be an additional 2 seconds to three minutes...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- oh - you *can* drag an image into the Comments section (while holding down clickey); please do so to cover my previous statement...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am tim from champaign:

Good news. The supreme court ruled DOMA unconstitutional.
  10:12am Sam:

Wow, that stupid court finally did something right!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- yuh mean - I think ahm listenin' to Kewl Hip Live stuff
- & it's really all *in thuh Past* - ?!?..
  10:13am Sam:

It's ok for gays to marry, but blacks can't vote.
Avatar 10:17am Uke Goldberg:

Supreme Court Strikes Down Defense of Marriage Act
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- still - times change: in the 50s when your car was overtaken by a herd of running theropod dinosuars - you could never *tell* anyone...things were Black&White then...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am tim from champaign:

Yeah Sam, I don't understand either.
Avatar 10:22am Cory:

Sam, blacks are still allowed to vote. As long as they vote Republican that is.
Avatar 10:22am fred von helsing:

FCC Dump seems on-topic today
Avatar 10:23am Dave B:

Avatar 10:24am Cheri Pi:

Supreme Court DOMA Decision Rules Federal Same-Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional!!!
Avatar 10:25am Uke Goldberg:

By one vote.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- both decisions 5-4.
Avatar 10:26am Uke Goldberg:

Guess who the dissenters are.
  10:27am Fº Fº (:

I read the FCC created the National Radio Quiet Zone years ago to let the NSA and other intelligence agencies snoop on us all! So it's ok for them to check us in real time AND not ok for us to listen to the radio in real time??! Indeed. Speak to me what's wrong with America.
Avatar 10:29am dc pat:

may I just but in here to say "Holy SHIT" to Pi's comment? Thanks.
Avatar 10:29am Dave B:

@ Fº Fº (:

The subject/show behind the GIF for "Teen Wave"

THAT is what's wrong with America
Avatar 10:29am βrian:

Hah. I remembered to disable images. Those hard-g gifs crash my browser.
Avatar 10:31am dc pat:

Recording this morning so can't play but Ken better play Khlam.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:31am Vivian:

Oh my, is that Honey Boo-boo's Mom, June?
  10:32am Fº Fº (:

It's worst than I thought then, Dave B.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- so we got what are supposedly the ultimate nine experts in the entire country on Legal & Constitutional matters of titanic import in the lives of us all
- & they keep coming up w/ 5-4 opinions...
Avatar 10:33am Roberto:

Been craving the Echo Chamber. Excellent mind reading as usual, Kenneth.
Avatar 10:35am Uke Goldberg:

Rev Rabbit, they are just the top political hacks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am G:

Defense of Marriage Act is no more
Avatar 10:37am Uke Goldberg:

Who will save marriage now?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am G:

whoever wants to :p
Avatar 10:37am Cory:

happy loving couples?
  10:38am ?:

Who is looking out for all those people in Alabama whose marriage is now ruined?
Avatar 10:38am Uke Goldberg:

Single and loving it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:'s a sad day for all the divorced bigots who give their offspring no attention...
Avatar 10:39am still b/p:

But it's fun to hear the BFO version without looking at the playlist and eventually say, "Heyyyyy, I know what that is...."
Avatar 10:42am john:

I've caught a fair amount of feces over the years for suggesting that Talking Heads weren't as good as they seemed at the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am tim from champaign:

Has anyone heard any Paula Deen jokes? I haven't but I would like to.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am chinchilla:

wow! Ken with the Talking Heads diss... I'm shocked!
  10:43am ?:

Wait - but the Talking Heads just got voted #7 band of all time.
Avatar 10:44am Rev. Turnip Druid:

The test of time can be cruel. Revisiting certain mid-period Tangerine Dream records I loved as an early teenager now produce quite the stinkface on my stinkface.
Avatar 10:44am Dave B:

Ken - the Paula Deen demon video WFMU (or you) shared yesterday has my office in stitches
Avatar 10:45am Uke Goldberg:

No Paula Deen jokes. But do you know how every racist joke starts? The teller looks over their shoulder to see if anyone is listening.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am Ken From Hyde Park:

I think I sense a great new business opportunity: handbaskets. As in "We're going to xxxx in a handbasket."
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:47am Ken:

For those who missed it yesterday: Oprah and Paula Deen Dine and Laugh with Satan:
Avatar 10:48am Dave B:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- oh - so that's Oprah on the cover of Sabbath's 1st album. I have *always* wondered. ThankYou FMU.
Avatar 10:53am Manolo:

great show Ken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am Mike East:

I saw that yesterday, Ken, and it made my day. Thank you. Also, I like the new twitter feed on the homepage. I missed it for the period when it wasn't there and was about to email you...then like magick, it reappeared.
Avatar 10:54am Cheri Pi:

PROP 8 Struck down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 10:54am Dave B:

@Caryn - the answer to last week's mystery drummer, Ling Yun in the Shaw Brothers 1967 film "King Drummer"
Avatar 10:55am still b/p:

It's all fun and games until someone loses an empire.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am G:

Avatar 10:56am Dave B:

@ still b/p:
and then it's f*cking hilarious!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am Sem Chumbo:

I sense a Khlamour clamour building.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am G:

Avatar 10:58am βrian:

Who is Klom, now?
  10:58am Zax:

Ken, the Los Rakas track is infact Ta Lista from that same EP. Just when things were going so well...
Avatar 10:58am KOTJ:

Famous morbidly obese, house and bed bound, late legend Walter Hudson held his bowels and bathroom functions for two months at a time.
Avatar 10:59am fleep:

Way to uphold the Constipation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am G:

I thought Ken already biked through a NJ tsunami
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am tim from champaign:

@G - That's great. Thanks!
  11:00am r i s k y:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am G:

@tim: Topical humor has migrated to twitter for now, duh!
Avatar 11:01am KOTJ:
Avatar 11:02am bobdoesthings:

KHLAM!!! every night??? san francisco??? winter?!!?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am Marcel M:

  11:02am achim:

CHA CHA 2000
Avatar 11:02am Mark S:

yea Khlam
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am Rick from SC:

Carla Bruni has a new album
Avatar 11:02am Sigurdur:

could you play something for my mother, she is called Heida
Avatar 11:02am KOTJ:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

KOTJ: Was he eating w/ Oprah & Ms.Dean?
Avatar 11:02am Dave B:

@KOTJ - I worked at a florist close to where Hudson was laid out in '91. Delivered flowers to the open trailer where he was on display. Needless to say he looked like a melted candle that someone stuck a head into...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am tim from champaign:

@G: No wonder I haven't heard a good joke in ages.
Avatar 11:02am bedheaded:

khlam, please.
Avatar 11:02am Uke Goldberg:

I don't care what you play.
Avatar 11:02am egal:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am jmd:

No Khalm? Next thing you're gonna tell me is Diane Kamkaze won't play Voivod! KHLAM!! KHLAM!! KHLAM!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04am tim from champaign:

Let's have a Khlambake!
Avatar 11:04am Mark S:

why not Klaus and Khlam?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am jmd:

Oops. Should have been 'Diane Khlamakaze.'
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:05am Ken:

Sigurdur, What would Heida like to hear?
Avatar 11:05am Dave B:

Maybe we can petition Diane to change her name to Diane KHLAMikaze!
Avatar 11:07am Sigurdur:

She said something with..... wait now she wants to hear ... wait now she saying something with bob dillon
Avatar 11:08am KOTJ:

Rabbit....Sadly Hudson didn't eat both when he had a chance. Dave B. There's a wax sculpture of hudson so...melted candle is perfect. When he was discovered I was obsessed with him as much as Ken fans and Khlam.
Avatar 11:11am Dan B From Upstate:

It's not Paula Deen related, but I read a pretty great joke the other day. How do you tell the difference between a plumber and a chemist? Ask them to pronounce the word unionized.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:13am Ken:

That's a pretty great joke Dan. In ways I will never understand. Did you hear the knock kock joke George Zimmerman's lawyer told the jury yesterday?
Avatar 11:13am Uke Goldberg:

That dancer must be tired by now.
Avatar 11:14am Uke Goldberg:

Must be hell to be on an endless loop.
Avatar 11:14am Dave B:

@kotj - yep. just picture that lying supine in a crate that was constructed atop a trailer that was used as a catafalque, like this:
Avatar 11:16am Dave B:

and think of the aspiration process.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am tim from champaign:

My doctor just called and asked me to come in for a colonoscopy. I asked him what was wrong with me. He said nothing was wring but he wanted to see what the inner workings of a champion looked like.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am G:

from champion, IL even
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am G:

just hope he doesnt tell you afterwards youre full of shit
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am tim from champaign:

That's why I decided not to go in for the colonoscopy, G
  11:22am Jan:

@Ken- the oprah-dean link was terrifying and terrific. Wish it were in hi-def.
Avatar 11:22am Dan B From Upstate:

I have not heard the knock knock joke! (Just in case someone doesn't get mine, union-ized vs un-ion-ized.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am G:

good call. the prep for a colonoscopy is, well, uinique
Avatar 11:23am Carmichael:

Good morning Kenneth and all the moving pictures.
  11:24am Fº Fº (:

I don't get the Zimmerman joke. Totally lost in translation.
Avatar 11:24am Mark S:

and the prep for a colonoscopy is designed to make sure you're not full of shit
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am G:

the Zimmerman joke was a lawyer mistaking himself for a comedian. most really arent.
  11:25am Fº Fº (:

Although I got 50% of Dan's joke.
  11:25am trs:

This wfmu show:
where moving images aren't necessarily 24fps
Avatar 11:27am andymorphic:

  11:29am trs:

fps? rpm? Says who!?
Avatar 11:31am KOTJ: D'mon that's funny. I want a new lawyer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am rsj:

should not be difficult in FLA
  11:37am thatsyourtrouble:

I didn't realize that Andy Breckman had begun practicing law.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:38am MD:

Hey Mr Zimmerman...knock knock...?
Who's there?
Jail who?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...nothing inspires yucks like the shooting death of an unarmed fleeing minority youth by a man that's on tape being told by the police *not* to pursue him & was known to the police for his annoying calls...
- not funny? It's all in the timing I guess...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- isn't it *The* Whykaipuhdyah?
  11:43am Michael:

Sagan smoked dope near-daily, and claimed to have had insights on it that were still good the next morning. Hawking had a reputation as a party animal, albeit on Oxbridge scales, albeit in the early '70s. Clarke always seemed like a Scotch man to me.
  11:43am Fº Fº (:

Thanks, Ken. Now I get the joke. I hope you don't include it in your own stand-up comedy act.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43am G:

Z's lawyer should have followed up with, "If the joke is shit, you must acquit." People would actually have found that funny. And he'd have been slapped with an actual contempt cite.
Avatar 11:46am egal:

Finally, all the khlamoring has paid off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:47am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Khlamdrawal relief...ahhhhhhh~~~shivershudder~~~~
Avatar 11:48am fleep:

ХЛАМ !!!
  11:48am Sam:

Khlam is like the musical equivalent of a mosquito bite.
  11:48am common:

oh khlam
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Putin us in a better place....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...there's no disPutin' his charisma...
  11:51am Fº Fº (:

I have nothing to said but that I like this song better than the San Francisco one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am MD:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am Revolution Rabbit Nov63: no - 'Shiloh' - this is 'Stiletto'...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53am Caryn:

Oh, hating these commutes, keep missing Ken! Anyhoo, superspeedy gif check:
-Not sure about the shadows. Reminiscent of the “Pettin’ in the Park” number in “Gold Diggers of 1933” or the start of “The Kid from Spain”, but those silhouettes were nowhere this blurry, so nope.
-Ballet movie “Evidentia” again
-The dancer? Looks terribly familiar (although I’m not sure if that’s just because Ann Miller wore the same type of outfit while dancing with a broken back in “Easter Parade”). If it was worse quality, I’d suspect a stag film.
-The end of “Destination Moon” (kinda boring, but let’s face it, paved the way for Kubrick and others)
-“You The Living”
-combo of “Psycho” and “Jurassic Park”
-I assume that’s Honey Boo Boo’s mom June behind the mask.
-“Single Ladies” video
-Cocteau’s “The Blood of a Poet”
-Aagh! This gif again with the 3-4 people I recognise, but which I can’t ID. Damn you beatniks!
-“We Lived in Grass”

Oh, Dave, just this morning I thought to myself, “Hang on, why did I think of Japan for that drummer?” And then thought of the Shaw bros. Of course, you don’t have to believe this, but now I’m irritated it didn’t occur to me before.
  11:55am common:

love the bad news. adrian edmonson...or whatever his name is. funny personage.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am G:

get Khlam to write an epic Snowden song while it's a hot topic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am Caryn:

BTW, I feel like in Ken might enjoy this song. Or heck, make gifs out of the performance:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am G:

"Transit Lounge Rhapsody" -- a lot of Bohemian R lyrics could be tweaked and repurposed for that.
  11:57am Fº Fº (:

Well, those weren't bad news after all.
  11:57am paulWCBN:

yes please do hours of bohemian rhapsody please yes to id please. do it.
Avatar 11:58am Dave B:

Truth be told Caryn, the director was Japanese. (I've been on a Japanese film kick of late)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am Caryn:

Great great idea! At least if you include that Japanese version once played on UWTP.
Avatar 11:59am Cory:

rain be damned I'm heading to the nerd store!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

  11:59am Fº Fº (:

Thanks Ken! Great gifusic! And Thanks Caryn! See you all next episode!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm G:

Rather was ok at fucksy aphorisms
Avatar 12:00pm Dave B:

WinnyPuhh GIFS! Capital Idea Caryn!

Ken, be on the look out later today!
  12:00pm Fº Fº (:

Who said Winny Puh?!?! Great band! By the way, that song's based on the Russian version of the Winnie Poo cartoon !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm Caryn:

@Dave B: yeah, I suspect that the Japanese nature of your previous gif kinda sidetracked me into thinking of Japanese films.

BTW, Ken, Putin's here today. We also have a hellish heatwave. Double oy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The Great gifusic refusenik!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm Caryn:

Oh hey, Dave B, I just realised that the guy who directed "King Drummer" also directed the drumming movie I first thought of, "Man Who Causes a Storm"! I see a pattern forming...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm Caryn:

@fofo: I just bought an old Russian Winnie the Pooh toy at my job. Love the cartoons, so had to get the toy.
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