Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 02 October 2013 Favoriting | Hotel Fakeout

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Comments New Approx. start time
Ritual Tension  Hotel California   Favoriting  
  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Icky Boyfriends  Hotel California   Favoriting A Love Obscene 
  0:06:30 (Pop-up)
Banda Zeta  Hotel California   Favoriting TSPs Hour of Babel: Rob Weisberg's 2011 Premium 
  0:10:20 (Pop-up)
Rockabye Babey  Hotel California   Favoriting  
  0:13:05 (Pop-up)
Peter Blegvad & John Greaves  The Only Song   Favoriting Unearthed 
  0:16:01 (Pop-up)
Badfinger  Baby Blue   Favoriting Straight Up 
  0:19:30 (Pop-up)
The Beatles  And Your Bird Can Sing   Favoriting Anthology 
  0:22:53 (Pop-up)
Olivia Tremor Control  Green Typewriters (excerpt)   Favoriting Dusk at Cubist Castle 
  0:25:12 (Pop-up)
Bailterspace  Open   Favoriting Trinine 
*   0:26:55 (Pop-up)
Aphrodite's Child  The Capture of The Beast & The Songs That Follow   Favoriting 666 
  0:32:11 (Pop-up)
Lonnie Holley  From the Other Side of the Pulpit   Favoriting Keeping a Record of It 
  0:37:32 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Isi   Favoriting  
  0:51:03 (Pop-up)
Meridian Brothers  Cancion Del Moderno Templario   Favoriting Devocion (Works 2005-2011) 
*   0:58:38 (Pop-up)
Naffi Sandwich  Slice One   Favoriting Hoochie Pooch / Space Alligator: Freddie Viaduct at Naffi HQ 1979-83 
*   1:02:04 (Pop-up)
JC Satan  In The Light   Favoriting Hell Death Samba 
  1:04:43 (Pop-up)
Joanna Gruesome  Candy   Favoriting Weird Sister    *   1:08:18 (Pop-up)
Peter Blegvad  Bared Bard   Favoriting Downtime 
  1:12:37 (Pop-up)
Jessy Lanza  Giddy   Favoriting Pull My Hair Back 
  1:15:16 (Pop-up)
Evans Pyramid  Never Gonna Leave You   Favoriting Self Titled 
  1:18:33 (Pop-up)
Smith n Hack  To Our Disco Friends   Favoriting Tribute 
  1:25:12 (Pop-up)
Bohannon  I'm Thinkin of You   Favoriting  
  1:30:30 (Pop-up)
The Funktionaries  Deutschland Uber Disco   Favoriting  
  1:33:58 (Pop-up)
Rip Rig and Panic  Epi Epi Arp WOOSH!   Favoriting I Am Cold (Reissue) 
  1:38:28 (Pop-up)
Tonio K.  H.A.T.R.E.D.   Favoriting Life In The Foodchain 
  1:49:29 (Pop-up)
Plastic Bertrand  Ca Plan Pour Moi (Instrumental)   Favoriting An 1 
  1:53:18 (Pop-up)
Big Boys  We Got Soul   Favoriting  

  1:56:28 (Pop-up)
Fresh  Borstal   Favoriting Out of Borstal 
  1:58:42 (Pop-up)
Harry Nilsson  Harry   Favoriting Flash Harry 
*   2:03:00 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Jonathan Kane 
Sis   Favoriting Live at WFMU on Brian Turner's show 
  2:05:46 (Pop-up)
Earthless  Ulururock   Favoriting From the Ages 
*   2:14:53 (Pop-up)
Eläkeläiset  Hotelli Helpotus   Favoriting  
  2:28:50 (Pop-up)
A Tribe Called Red  The Road feat Black bear   Favoriting Nation II Nation 
*   2:32:56 (Pop-up)
Jim Pepper  Witchi-Tai-To   Favoriting Pepper's Pow Wow 
  2:36:59 (Pop-up)
Alvaro  Manana   Favoriting Title Track    *   2:42:34 (Pop-up)
Meridian Brothers  Te Odio (?Te Amo?)   Favoriting Devocion (Works 2005-2011) 

*   2:44:40 (Pop-up)
Brenda Ray  Moonbeams   Favoriting D'Ya Hear Me!: Naffi Years, 1979-83 

  2:50:19 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Curd Duca 
Sin World   Favoriting  

Click for the full size image
  2:51:53 (Pop-up)
Asia Argento  Je T'Aime (Moi Non Plus)   Favoriting Total Entropy 
*   2:57:09 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 6:12am Station Mgr Ken:

Morning everybody! Get yer pre-show requests in NOW.
  6:17am jan:

my music desires, stimulated by TV programs are conflicted : do I want to hear musical numbers from those played on Breaking Bad or do I want to hear a selection from the group Journey, just featured on a documentary on PBS?
  8:09am stvn:

Suicide Is Painless, Ken.
  8:11am Robert:

How am I going to keep from being spoiled about :Breaking Bad" for ITS ENTIRE LAST 2 SEASONS until I can afford the DVDs? I think if I can just get past the hubbub for the next couple weeks or so, I can make it unspoiled.
  8:13am Ken:

Hang in there Robert. You have so much to live for.
  8:14am Robert:

I remember when "Suicide Is Painless" was used under the voice for the commercials of a gas appliance dealer on WMCA. But as bleary as I am, I thought stvn suggested "Suicide Is Pointless".
  8:17am Robert:

Really HEAVY material right now on JM in the AM.
  8:21am jan:

@Robert: you can download Breaking Bad. But it's a major time commitment to see the series as I am attempting to do, along with listening to all of the archived Ken programs.
  8:24am Robert:

As long as it's legitimate downloading and I have the software compatible with it, I probably will eventually. Roght now I can download & play MP4s and some other video formats, but can't play video streams.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25am maestroso:

I'd repeat last week's requests, but we all know how that turned out...
  8:27am Robert:

I heard so much about the series and wanted to see it but didn't have cable, and then my friend John 2 years ago lent me the season 1 DVDs and I said, "I am soooo that guy", meaning Walter White, except I'm not brilliant like him. A year later John lent me seasons 2 & 3. But now he's moved to So. Car. before getting even season 4.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 8:30am Ken:

Thanks for pledging Maestroso! Which request are you speaking of? Don't worry, I will not be playing a single version of Bohemian Rhapsody. I'm sorry about that.
Avatar 8:30am Okasa:

Good morning Ken. And a fine good morning to all the friendly little Kensters.
  8:32am Robert:

And I see "Better Call Saul" is getting its own show. Say you've been keeping a tiger illegally and it gets out and mauls the meter reader when he comes (totally uninvited, may I add) he gets mauled up pretty bad....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33am maestroso:

Um, I think it was for some Jpop - Zabadak or Yoko Ueno. Probably not heard on FMU yet.
  8:33am stvn:

The last ever IT Crowd episode aired on Friday. Are there any good remixes of the theme tune?
  8:38am Robert:

I've already read a complaint that "Breaking Bad" never did fill in the back story from the season 1 conclusion that promised to explain some more personal revenge motiv'n the lead character had.
  8:40am Robert:

But the best line of at least the 1st 3 seasons wasn't really in the show itself at all, but a meta-line from the DVD-included clips: "Don't hit me with your Emmy."
  8:59am Robert:

Interesting irony going from a song about coming out of Egypt on JM in the AM into "Egypt Chic" on John Allen.
Avatar 8:59am egal:

After Breaking Bad nothing really matters, anyone can see.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:00am Ken:

A comment from last week's playlist:


Be thankful it's not Hotel California
  9:00am Robert:

Well, nothing really matters TO YOU.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am common:

i agree with the cake!
Avatar 9:02am Dan B From Upstate:

All right! Three hours of Hotel California!
Avatar 9:03am egal:

It's just another tequila sunrise.
Avatar 9:03am Okasa:

It's pledge time, so unless we raise enough $$, Ken will keep playing HC covers?
Avatar 9:03am Mark S:

check it:
Avatar 9:04am Uke Goldberg:

Reverse psychology: Ken, play more Eagles!
Avatar 9:04am dc pat:

Ken, will we be testing the bounds of the federal shutdown today?
  9:04am Robert:

The problem with that is that it raises an unsurpassable standard for Underwater Theme Park.
Avatar 9:04am glenn:

well, at least it's not desperado.
Avatar 9:05am Uke Goldberg:

Move on. Play Poco.
  9:06am Robert:

If you want to be serious, dc pat, the trouble is that the FCC will some day reopen and look at their backlog of complaints.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am Sem Chumbo:

Yes, Desperado might have breached the faith we all have in Ken's musical taste :0
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am maestroso:

I gotta admit, this is the best version ever.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am Ken From Hyde Park:

Well, it's not "Bohemian Rhapsody," I'll give ya that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am Greg from Bloomfield:

Something tells me that some of the other Hotel California covers might not be this awesome...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am AndrewC.:

Gypsy Kings?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am AndrewC.:

From the Big Lebowski OST.
Avatar 9:07am Uke Goldberg:

Turning sound down.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am common:

that was great...but what are we in for here?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am Brian in UK:

Good morning Uncle Ken. Let's not beat about the bush. RAMMSTEIN.
Avatar 9:08am Uke Goldberg:

I've seen this movie before and it doesn't end well
Avatar 9:08am egal:

common: we're in for wholesome listening experience.
  9:09am ?:

How about Take it Easy-Eagles for 3 hours!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am KevinfromBayRidge:

And the tragedy begins....
Avatar 9:09am northguineahills:

Avatar 9:09am glenn:

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”
― H.L. Mencken
Avatar 9:09am Cecile:

I can't do this, so I will be off in the ether listening to AZONTO! music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am Sem Chumbo:

Room service? Get me the manager, please.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am DCE:

this can't be happening
Avatar 9:10am adam_nspy:

So glad this is just a dream and not a reality.
  9:10am Robert:

How about a version sung by actual eagles? Like the Beatle Barkers.
Avatar 9:10am northguineahills:

I've been having involuntary flashbacks to Wayne's World thanks to last week.
Avatar 9:10am Roberto:

I was attempting to explain the check-out-any-time-but-never-leave concept to my 13-year-old a while back. It made a lot more sense in the '70s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am Sem Chumbo:

Room service? if this is all that's on the radio, I am going to need another mini-bar. And some more of your excellent blow.
Avatar 9:11am Cecile:

I wanna see you drink two drinks because it's your birthday........

  9:11am kelly in ithaca, ny:

thank you ken for making my morning with this set choice
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:12am Rich in Washington:

Hola, Senor Ken...
Avatar 9:12am adam_nspy:

come on ken
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am Ken From Hyde Park:

Since we have 2:47 to kill, let's research the subject -
  9:13am jan:

Ken- Many of us listened last week, hoping that the programming would deviate from the opening gambit. It didn't and I was left feeling that I could have used my ears for something more rewarding. So my question to you is: Will this show carry on with only covers of this song? And my follow up question: will your future shows all be devoted to torturous explorations of cover versions of music your audience ordinarily does not listen to?
Avatar 9:14am northguineahills:

Now I need to punch the hippy peruvian guy who plays hotel california w/ guitar and pan pipes on my train platform.
Avatar 9:15am bobdoesthings:

no.... no.... no .. please not 3 hours of hotel california covers... please!?
Avatar 9:16am Mark S:

how about a show dedicated to Maura Johnston?
Avatar 9:16am Dan B From Upstate:

All right! Three hours of The Only Song!
  9:16am Robert:

jan, this all comports with what I used to tell people about WFMU, that they don't just play music, they play WITH music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am common:

Ha! You are a funny man, Ken!
Avatar 9:17am Dr. Goot:

Yay, "The Only Song!"
Avatar 9:18am KP:

I stayed at the California Hotel in Cannes.
Avatar 9:18am glenn:

be careful what you wish for. i'm willing to bet this is the ONLY version of the only song.
Avatar 9:18am Uke Goldberg:

Turning sound up.
  9:19am jan:

Alas there is Balm in Freedman. "The only song." Beautiful sound, and I'd be very surprised if there is a cover version to play next.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am AndrewC.:

Switching to this:
  9:19am Robert:

Takes me back to childhood playing Little Golden Record 78s, especially if they were cracked & skipped. It was all to annoy the adults.
Avatar 9:20am dc pat:

WHAT? Done with Hotel CA already?? Pfff...
Avatar 9:20am KP:

No spoilers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am Ken From Hyde Park:

Is there 2 1/2 hours of Miley Cyrus material? The threat of that should stir up some silent pledges.
  9:20am StalinAlive:

great program opening! Big Daddy did a funny version of Hotel California...
greetings from Berlin
Avatar 9:20am KP:

Gypsy Kings' version is nice.
Avatar 9:21am egal:

Jan: Ken is the Bertolt Brecht of radio.
Avatar 9:21am Fernando:

Baby Blue?!? No, not again.......
Avatar 9:21am northguineahills:

Ok, not dropping the octopus running 'nope' gif meme.....yet.....
Avatar 9:21am glenn:

now this is good shit.
Avatar 9:21am Dan B From Upstate:

This was just about the perfect choice to end the show with.
  9:22am Kurt:

I could listen to Hotel California and all it's amazing renditions all day. Baby Blue on the other hand would probably drive me crazy. Just one listening hurts.
Avatar 9:24am dc pat:

YES. Beatle fuck ups! NOW we're talkin'
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:24am Lizardner Dave:

All the Breaking Bad hype got to me, I'm going to check it out next week. What time is it on?
Avatar 9:24am Pine:

Moog Cookbook do a great Hotel Califiornia
Avatar 9:25am glenn:

my favourite beatles song, hands down.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am tim from champaign:

I didn't realize Badfinger had an album titled "Ass".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...our nice boys TheBeatles did *not* take drugs - !!!...they just...giggle a lot...
Avatar 9:26am KP:

Tim, it's a donkey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am tim from champaign:

KP - get your mind out of the gutter!
Avatar 9:27am glenn:

the world's smallest dog.
Avatar 9:27am KP:

They had to ruin that FP with a drop hed pun that doesnt work.
Avatar 9:27am dc pat:

RRN63: check out their Xmas records. John's clearly plastered on some of them.
Avatar 9:29am Uke Goldberg:

For the out-of-towners: That is not a photoshopped NY Daily News.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- oh yes - overplay Beatles' Xmas records @ thriftstore job every year...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am Ken From Hyde Park:

Last night's The Daily Show had a caption that read "March of Dumbs."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am tim from champaign:

Breaking Bad was just a M.A.S.H. rip off. Bumbling teacher turned meth manufacturer - same as wise cracking surgeons making bootleg gin. Hank and Marie riding Walt's ass? Sounds a lot like Frank Burns and Hot Lips Hoolihan to me.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:33am Ken:

Very insightful comment, Tim. You're a regular Rex Reed.
Avatar 9:34am glenn:

well, mash was just marcus welby set in korea.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

3-hour Rhapsodathon *last* week
- PledgeDrive begins *this* week it me or does Management seem completely haphazard he?...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am tim from champaign:

I like to think of myself more like a regular Rex Morgan M.D.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...c'mon's just removing a Polyp...
Avatar 9:37am Mark S:

regular is good
Avatar 9:37am Roberto:

I think I saw Hot Lips at a vegan restaurant a couple of years ago. The TV version of her, that is.
Avatar 9:38am dc pat:

anybody else on here not give a flying handshake about breaking bad? No? Ok, I'll shut up... HEY it's....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am AbeSomething:

Aphrodite's Child! Wow, that was incredible music. Thanks for the intro, Ken.
Avatar 9:38am dc pat:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...from Daemonic to Sublime - w/ Cartooons...this is like Fantasia 2013...
Avatar 9:39am glenn:

ah, dcp, you know i love you, but on breaking bad, you're just wrong.
Avatar 9:39am egal:

dc pat:Breaking Bad would have been better if it had dragons.
  9:40am Robert:

Well, Tim, "Lost" was a mash-up of "The Lost Special" with "Dept. S" and either "Seconds" or "Suture".
Avatar 9:42am glenn:

lonnie holley's like a non-fake marvin pontiac.
Avatar 9:42am dc pat:

I can't even get past the dumb name...but I've been wrong before so I don't doubt that I'm missing something.
Avatar 9:42am Rev. Turnip Druid:

People. People. People.
Avatar 9:43am Roberto:

Definitely saw Kevin and Kyra at the same vegan restaurant. Must be name-dropping Wednesday again.
Avatar 9:43am dc pat:

Ken, what's the line up of the musicians on this Lonnie album?
Avatar 9:43am Rev. Turnip Druid:

My time is fleeting and goofy today, but will tune in as the gods allow...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...B.Bad did seem to go from that mysterious whispered thing on cable I don't get that those few kewl people mentioned w/ enthusiasm that intrigued me - to that gawdam trendy thing I can't get away from hearing about constantly & should like to avoid...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am common:

hey dc pat: I have seen a few episodes of breaking bad. Meh.
Avatar 9:43am Dr. Goot:

I liked The IT Crowd finale...
Avatar 9:44am dc pat:

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:46am Ken:

DC Pat - Bradford Cox is on this track, and also Cole Alexander.
Avatar 9:46am steve:

hey all... in case this hasn't been pointed out yet:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am Brian in UK:

@ dc pat. 50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong? Never seen an episode. Do not care what it is about. The content is immaterial to me. I do not care to be drawn to the televison week upon week like pavlovs' dawgs. Now the radio. You can still live your life and listen.
Avatar 9:47am Okasa:

Of course, RHPS was a mash-up, using the characters from a Hitchcock film and dropping them into an episode of an old TV show.
  9:47am unknowing seer:

Just checking in Ken. I have traveled immense and intense intervals in both time and space and this program always brings me back. I'm thinking of getting a space-time-share in this experiential plane.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

  9:50am Robert:

Brian, soon very few viewers will be watching TV that way. Most will watch only archived material, any time they want. That's the way the trend's been going, I see no sign it'll abate.
Avatar 9:50am dc pat:

Hey I watch soccer every chance I get so I'm not some kind of unTV perfect being but...

THanks Ken, this tune makes total sense now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

EFFF? Si Si !
Avatar 9:51am dc pat:

@Robert: I agree. That's the only way I see Daily Show now...because I are old.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51am tim from champaign:

Oooh, I got a great play-along-at-home game for Breaking Bad! Do a line of meth every time you see Walt in his undies.
Avatar 9:52am dc pat:

crap going to have to go see Black Lips here in dc too. That makes about 5 shows this month...
  9:52am Robert:

The only people who'll remain to watch a show weekly will be the uncool types who need something to talk about around the water cooler -- of which there will be very few as the # of office workers also continues to decline.
Avatar 9:52am northguineahills:

Isn't there an IT crowd movie in the werks?

I didn't watch Breaking Bad until late in the 3rd season. It's well done. The ending isn't as great as the critics would say, but it's an ending, if you're into that sort of thing.
Avatar 9:54am Mark S:

There's a new recording from The Dirtbombs:
Avatar 9:55am KP:

That one is more like And Your Byrd Can Sing, with all the 12-string nonsense. I think that was the joke.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am Brian in UK:

Well either way you are drawn to the TV, tablet, PC whatever the outlet or time of day. There is still an itch to be scratched.
  9:56am stranger from the future:

No FCC yay let's play
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...yes - always thot that was a Beatles-Byrds reference...
  9:57am stranger from the future:

Ken does this FCC thing mean you can say 'poop' on the air
  9:57am giselle:

beak job?
Avatar 9:58am dc pat:

..but..George was the one that played 12 string first....
  9:58am Neg-guh-tor:

Big Bird Beak Job
Avatar 9:58am dc pat:

  9:59am Sam:

Thanks for the shoutout, Ken.
Avatar 9:59am dc pat:

I tortured everyone at the beach this year with Meridian Bros and Los Piranas. Beautiful stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

[- said in your most beautiful cracked over-enthusiastic nine days w/ no sleep Wavy Gravy voice:]
- We are Rhapsodathon *Survivors* maaannn !!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am G:

I was scared to tune in on time, thinking Don McLean's 68th birthday today might give us 180 minutes of American Pie covers (which wouldn't be that meany, come to think about it). Thank you for making me wrong! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am Skirkie:

I need to send you some stupid gifs I found.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- yeah DC Pat - check 'Hard Day's Night' album...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am G:

There are non-stupid gifs? Where?!?!?!
  10:02am Michael:

I think of "Bohemian Rhapsody", and I think 'The song that made Punk necessary.'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- preeecisely Michael...last week made that explicit...
Avatar 10:04am dc pat:

punk is the antidote.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Disco went on a teeny bit long too, if I care to recall...
Avatar 10:06am KOTJ:

Sign should read, "Out To Lunch." Better yet, "Gone Fishin"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

... I think 'Out of Order' works...
Avatar 10:10am Uke Goldberg:

Actually, The Mad cover would be more accurate if it was in front of the Capitol Building.
Avatar 10:10am KOTJ:

Yeah. It's the White House, not the Capital.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- *that's* a point.
Avatar 10:11am Mark S:

uh oh this was featured on All Songs Considered
Avatar 10:12am fred von helsing:

@michael amen to that
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am tim from champaign:

You mean the music programming of NPR wasn't shut down too? Damn, lost opportunity.
Avatar 10:14am Uke Goldberg:

@michael: Hotel California had more to do with bring punk than B.R.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I'm grateful for Public Broadcasting.
...I *live* @ FMU...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am common:

i'm with you revrabbit.
  10:16am Sam:

There was no one song that caused punk. It was a whole mountain of phony shit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- another good one Uke...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am common:

did crazy love by poco cause punk?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- what - Giddy but no Geddy - ??...
Avatar 10:18am glenn:

well, disco songs are long for a pretty good reason.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:18am Ken:

At least NPR had to lay off Will Schortz and Nina Totenbag
Avatar 10:18am Uke Goldberg:

Malcolm McLaren caused punk, :P
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am tim from champaign:

Did Tom Waits cause Steampunk?
Avatar 10:19am dc pat:

"Nina Totenbag" actually laughing my ass off...
Avatar 10:20am dc pat:

yes tim, yes he did.
Avatar 10:20am Uke Goldberg:

The Eagles did not write Tie Your Mother Down.
Avatar 10:21am Uke Goldberg:

I'm more punk than you are, punk!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I'm not sayng there're no good tunes w/ a danceybeat.
- I'm sayiing there was like no other music anywhere but that had that one disco beat off the highhat - no Live venues for actual Bands - & your Dad wanting to learn the Hustle - for years & years & years...
Avatar 10:23am Uke Goldberg:

@Rabit: It felt like that growing up in Miami but there was plenty of Rock n Roll.
Avatar 10:24am steve:

Ken's ability to jump between irony and sincerity in music is impressive
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:24am Ken:

Thanks so much Steve! That is a truly great compliment. That makes me feel great.
  10:25am Constance:

Punk had too strict a dress code.
Avatar 10:26am Uke Goldberg:

If you were a conformist.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am SeanG:

when that whole Will Shortz crossword puzzle thing used to come on Sunday mornings, I would think why do I suddenly feel so depresssssssssed all of a sudden! Haven't listened to that in years!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...*now* we can see Punk as part of the Spectrum of the 70s...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am tim from champaign:

Is Bohannon being sampled all over this Smith n Hack song?
Avatar 10:27am glenn:

please. punk had too strict an everything code.
Avatar 10:27am Uke Goldberg:

You non-conformists are all alike.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:28am Ken:

Yes Tim, this entire Smith n Hack CD is a tribute to Bohannon.
Avatar 10:28am Mark S:

I like everything bagels
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& *that*, Uke, is your *real* Age of Aquarius...
Avatar 10:29am steve:

guys im thinking of a political figure from the early 20th century, and the first letter in his name is also the third letter in his wifes name, and his middle name is the Spanish cognate for "to jump into" spelled inside out
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am tim from champaign:

  10:29am stranger from the future:

I am officially shakin it in the parlance of the day
Avatar 10:29am People Like Us:

Are Smith n Hack budgies by any chance? This sounds like music by non-humans
Avatar 10:30am dc pat:

wrong punk was/is anything goes. just that too many people got it wrong.
  10:30am Constance:

Not the quote I was digging for, Uke Goldberg, but now I've stopped looking. (Google killed Google Reader.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Punk is Think For Yourself.
- & street cred.
- & DIY.
- & simple chords really thrashed out.
..& a good leather jacket...
Avatar 10:32am ᏠЄႶႶỊѺµЄ:

Cheer up, beautiful people, this is where you get to make it right.
Avatar 10:32am Uke Goldberg:

And drugs!
Avatar 10:32am Mark S:

so many rules
Avatar 10:33am glenn:

i quit a band because they frowned on me playing hockey. although it may have had more to do with the fact that i unapologetically love the grateful dead.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am tim from champaign:

Three hours of Bohannon is what's needed.
Avatar 10:33am Uke Goldberg:

Read Black Vinyl, White Powder.
Avatar 10:33am Seanbelly:

Bohemian Rhapsody!
Avatar 10:34am Uke Goldberg:

Black Vinyl, White Powder says it was gays and drugs.
Avatar 10:34am dc pat:

they should have fired you for playing hockey.
  10:35am bngolde:

Avatar 10:36am glenn:

hey!! them's fighting words.
Avatar 10:36am Dr. Goot:

Speaking of punk, the CBGB movie is very weak...
Avatar 10:37am Uke Goldberg:

Play Les Boys by Dire Straits.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am Revolution Rabbit Nov63: the City, Disco may have been Minorities, Gays, & people Living on the Edge.
...Not so much where I'm from, though...
  10:38am Guido (from Deutschland):

* LOL *
NY-Funkateers getting drunk in Munich with Giorgio Moroder?
Avatar 10:38am Uke Goldberg:

Country, blue grass, and blues created punk?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am Ken From Hyde Park:

Frito pies...something good to eat or a racial slur? Why is that in the news headlines?
Avatar 10:39am dc pat:

EXACTLY RRN63. Disco in the suburbs is what drove me to search out other music.

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:39am Ken:

I'm really annoyed by this argument about Punk.
Avatar 10:40am glenn:

howlin' wolf created punk, just like he created rock and roll.
Avatar 10:40am ᏠЄႶႶỊѺµЄ:

Ray Charles IS heavy metal...
Avatar 10:41am dc pat:

@glenn now you're talking. we better stop before Ken bans us all a la taco.
Avatar 10:42am Uke Goldberg:

Who's arguing?
Avatar 10:43am Mark S:

Did you hear that Tom Clancy passed away?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...anyroad - just from where I was standing, which need not mean much, Punk seemed as much a reaction to Disco as anything...well - & the Eagles...
- The Mighty Wolf! - heard one track from like - 1951 !! - vocals w/ attitude, simple pounding drums - distorted guitar even, I swear!! - all there man, all right there...
Avatar 10:44am glenn:

with any luck, dan brown will be next.
Avatar 10:44am Dr. Goot:

Avatar 10:45am steve:

Never Gonna Leave you is really the only good song on that cd
Avatar 10:45am Mark S:

that seems rather unkind
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am common:

love bohannon! he had the greatest record covers. got one hangin in my kitchen.
Avatar 10:46am glenn:

is naffi sandwich any relation to nappy dugout?
Avatar 10:46am Okasa:

Ray Charles' version of the Bluegrass standard "Blue Moon of Kentucky" is amazing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am Ken From Hyde Park:

Just be glad you don't have Cher's problems -
Pestered by the ghost of Sonny Bono.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am duke:

Was the app problem that it only played Bohemian Rhapsody?
Avatar 10:48am dc pat:

hey yeah, there should be a Bohemian Rhapsody stream on the FMU app!
  10:48am Brigitte:

I bet you my mother (who earned her Deutschmarks working at a margarine factory to get to NYC) was dancing to Deutschland Uber Disco with my uncle "Disco Kev" around the time she was living on Ave D in the 70s... sheer shamefulness that she obscures them from her daughter! Thanks Ken, for unveiling these tunes ... you might just be the mother I never had...
Avatar 10:49am Uke Goldberg:

Rock n Blues created Easy LIstening.
Avatar 10:49am Okasa:

A reemer?! Is that something like a nuclear powered pan-sexual roto-plooker?
  10:50am stranger from the future:

Can I at least borrow the reamer?
Avatar 10:50am Mark S:

what be the difference between the WFMU radio and Radio WFMU apps?
Avatar 10:50am dc pat:

can we all just agree that Howlin Wolf created everything? He is the Creator, right?
Avatar 10:51am glenn:

all right! tonio k.!
Avatar 10:52am glenn:

i'm good with that. he couldn't fuck things up worse than the one we (supposedly) have.
Avatar 10:53am Uke Goldberg:

According to Nick Tosches, Emmett Miller created everything.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am Andrew Waterloo:

Tom Clancy died.
Avatar 10:53am groucho:

Hello. After last week I promised myself I wouldn't listen EVER again, however I am weak, so I decided to be tardy (tho, seeing the playlist, I expect I'll be listening again later)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am AnAnonymousParty:

Yeah, what IS that smell?
Avatar 10:54am glenn:

Avatar 10:54am still b/p:

Charlie Chaplin created table-top twerking.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am Ken From Hyde Park:

More stamps from Kyrgyzstan -
Avatar 10:56am glenn:

richard thompso plays ca plan pour moi as an encore every once in a while.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am tim from champaign:

Big Boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 10:57am Pine:

wow the Plastic Bertrand instrumental is an improvement on the original.
Avatar 10:59am m:

Thee Headcoatees did a good cover of Ça plaine pour moi.
  11:03am elwood:

I'm curious if that is the copy of Fresh Out of Borstal that I donated to the station about 18 months ago. (They were poseurs, I understand, the Borstal guys--a sort of prison Menudo.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Aspirin is Groovy.

...We're RHAPSODATHON SURVIVORS ! We must be in *Heaven* man !!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I'm the Urban Spaceman.
Avatar 11:04am neither:

Oh fuck, why I wasn't here to listen to the hotel california session
Avatar 11:04am Okasa:

My favorite reamer? The morse taper reamer. Of course, it is used manually to finish morse taper sleeves.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

That were Eric Idle - or I'm uh Rutle !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06am Stanley:

Love all this cor blimey English stuff you've been playing Ken.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Bismillah !!
  11:09am miserable morrisey:

Hang the dj for talking over this song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am MD:

God Bless The United States of America LLC.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am Brian in UK:

@Stanley Hello geezer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hulk was @ Woodstock but does not remember.
Avatar 11:12am βrian:

When I disable images in my browser, this page doesn't make it crash. Lean browsing. Works for me.
Avatar 11:12am dc pat:

get ready GSV Mf...
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:13am Station Mgr Ken:

That'll do, GSV
Avatar 11:14am dc pat:

told ya...
  11:15am stranger from the future:

Is the expiration date on canned tuna just a 'ballpark guideline'? I picked up some bargain stuff on my last trip... Just wondering...
Avatar 11:16am Dr. Goot:

I smell an IPectomy...
Avatar 11:16am Mark S:

Just because can you can comment doesn't mean you always should
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:17am Ken:

You smell right Doc
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hulk love StonerMetal.
Avatar 11:18am Dan B From Upstate:

Ken, are you aware your friends at Soulwax programmed an in-game radio station for Grand Theft Auto 5? Here's the tracklist.
Avatar 11:18am bobdoesthings:

more stoner metal!!! Sleep?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:19am AnAnonymousParty:

This Earthless is condusive to debugging Android Apps.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:20am Station Mgr Ken:

Dan B, thanks! Almost makes me want to check out GTAV
Avatar 11:20am Carmichael:

Hiya Ken. I just wanna hear stuff. good things. Cool tunes. Maybe a live stream of the House floor debate played under Straight No Chaser, for instance.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:21am Ken:

Bob what can I say... my parents deprived me of stoner metal as I was growing up. Just trying to make up for lost time...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Godzilla next week ??...
Avatar 11:23am KP:

Dig Earthless/
Avatar 11:24am bobdoesthings:

oh man.. gotta get this earthless album. thanks ken!
Avatar 11:25am Cheri Pi:

Ditto on the new Earthless
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25am tim from champaign:

I need more Earthless in my collection. I only have 1 of their LPs. Is pro skater/drummer extraordinaire Mario Rubalcabra still drumming for them?
Avatar 11:25am still b/p:

I missed the Hotel California bouquet today, but I hafta mention again my holy moley WTF moment from years ago when I heard that title given as the answer to this trivia question on the radio: What's the only reggae song to make to #1 on the US charts?
Avatar 11:26am Uke Goldberg:

I'm starting to think Ulururock created punk.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am Caryn:

Hello all! Finally home!
Gif check:
-"Breaking Bad" finale, of course
-skeleton from the 1929 Mickey Mouse cartoon "The Haunted House"
-John Phillip Law as Diabolik (man, I love that movie...)
-Musidora in 1915's "Les Vampires"
-the sirens are from the Busby Berkeley musical "Footlight Parade"
-"Inglorious Basterds"
-Claude Rains as the Invisible Man (1933 version)
-The Great Dictator with his globe
-Shirley Temple in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am Revolution Rabbit Nov63: was Blue Cheer, Uke.
Avatar 11:28am neither:

But I'm starting to think that the middle age gave birth to punk, not metal as they say
Avatar 11:28am Lewis:

@Tim... He is still listed as drummer on their web page - bringing back long gone days of college life not studying
Avatar 11:28am Uke Goldberg:

Or more accurately, it's like punk never happened.
Avatar 11:29am dc pat:

jeeze Caryn, amazing.
Avatar 11:29am Uke Goldberg:

Turning sound down.
Avatar 11:30am Dan B From Upstate:

Caryn, do you really know all of these, or are you using something like for research?

Honestly... either way I'm impressed.
Avatar 11:30am dc pat:

I'm turning this UP.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- Caryn invented Punk.

(...but she's not tellin'...)
Avatar 11:30am bobdoesthings:

Avatar 11:31am fred von helsing:

jiihaa !
  11:31am ?:

heja sväärje
Avatar 11:31am northguineahills:

@Caryn: Today's the first time that I could ID almost all of Ken's gifs w/o your help. Thanks!
Avatar 11:32am ᏠЄႶႶỊѺµЄ:

I want to hear Eläkeläiset cover Peaceful Easy Feeling.
  11:32am Brigitte:

What's this Sudoku competition in Washington Square about?
Avatar 11:32am Sean D. Daily:

How about a narcocorrido Hotel California, Ken? "I dropped off five kilos of uncut Peruvian flake at the Hotel California but was captured and beheaded by Los Zetas..."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33am tim from champaign:

Why did certain christian dipshit groups consider HC to be satanic? I can't remember their rationale.
Avatar 11:33am glenn:

" and my family were put into oil drums".
Avatar 11:34am Uke Goldberg:

Because it is?
Avatar 11:34am dc pat:

All right! A Tribe Called... [name's too long to type..]
Avatar 11:35am Sean D. Daily:

@glenn: Exactly!
Avatar 11:35am glenn:

and because they're dipshits?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am tim from champaign:

Good points.
Avatar 11:37am fred von helsing:

älä puhu näin - ruotsin puupäin !
Avatar 11:37am Carmichael:

Who did I hear singing this song 30 years ago? Richie Havens?
Avatar 11:37am KOTJ:

Uh oh! Earworm Alert! Makes me feel glad I'm not dead.
Avatar 11:38am Lewis:

@dc pat - they often refer to themselves as ATR...
Avatar 11:39am still b/p:

ATR = All Terrain Reamer.
Avatar 11:39am northguineahills:

I dig all versions of Witchi-Tai-To....
Avatar 11:39am dc pat:

phew! thanks Lewis. I like ATR.
Avatar 11:39am KOTJ:

Jim Pepper did the original?
Avatar 11:40am northguineahills:

I need an earworm to dislodge last week's, which shall remain unnamed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...there's the Ghetto - & then there's the Rez...
Avatar 11:45am northguineahills:

Yep, Jim did the original, but I was introduced via Harpers Bizarre.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am Andrew Waterloo:

I thought that was Atari Teenaged Reemer.
Avatar 11:46am Carmichael:

Jim Pepper wrote it, apparently. Jan Garbarek got the big hit.
Avatar 11:46am dc pat:

Hey what about the Black Lodge Singers cover of the Flinstones? That would have worked back there...

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:47am common:

the weirdest sound ever! I must find out what that is!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:47am Caryn:

@Dan B: I'd say it's about 80 % know right away, then a whole bunch where I know I've seen it but need to double-check the title, and then some where I'm not sure and do a quick check. I blame my lack of any other life.
Avatar 11:47am Carmichael:

Yikes, Brewer & Shipley did a version. I hope I don't remember that.
Avatar 11:48am Dave B:

Work got in the way of my radio listening this morning...

Greetings one and all
Avatar 11:48am dc pat:

@common: check out Los Piranas too, even weirder.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am Caryn:

Like RRN63, I expect next week will be covers of BOC's "Godzilla". But I guess we'll see. Obviously, once we've mentioned it, Ken will veer the other way.
Avatar 11:48am ᏠЄႶႶỊѺµЄ:

Is that a kazoo? This song needs kazoos.
Avatar 11:48am fleep:

And another quirky, congested day commences.
Avatar 11:49am northguineahills:

Yeah, have yet to not dig a Meridian Bros track.
  11:51am Lulu:

nice show today!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51am Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar 11:53am Cecile:

hi, all!
Avatar 11:55am glenn:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am Caryn:

Since the "watch Breaking Bad" kool aid has been in overdrive for the past couple of weeks, so I'll just be inspired by the gifs and advise everyone to go watch "Danger: Diabolik". I mean, what's not to love? The hero and his non-underwear wearing supermodel girlfriend's monochrome fleet of Jaguar E-types and cool underground lair? The Terry-Thomas bit part? The leather and latex outfits?
Avatar 11:56am Cecile:

fly your freak flag high, Ken.
Avatar 11:56am Green Mountain Man Mark:

The theater will be badass.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am Caryn:

Gif: Julie Reding in "Tormented"
Avatar 11:57am bobdoesthings:

just pledged! thanks ken!
Avatar 11:57am Dan B From Upstate:

The only time I saw Diabolik was Mystery Science Theater 3000 series finale. I haven't rewatched it since. I miss that show. Maybe this weekend!
Avatar 11:57am Sean D. Daily:

@Caryn: I recommend the MST3K version of "Danger: Diabolik" (last MST3K episode ever, BTW), but that's just me.
Avatar 11:58am KP:

Caryn,is that on youtube or something, Thanks.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:58am Ken:

Thanks everybody! I love playing lots of different songs! I'm gonna try it again next week.
Avatar 11:58am Dan B From Upstate:

Thanks for today's show, Ken. I know why you did it. You did it for you. And you were good at it. And you were... really... you were alive.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am Caryn:

@Sean: hey, why not watch both? After all, it's not as if you're binge watching "Breaking Bad" anymore.
Avatar 11:59am Dan B From Upstate:

High five, Sean Daily.
Avatar 11:59am Pine:

She sounds like Brian Molko
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm Caryn:

@KP: actually, it is on youtube!
Avatar 12:00pm Dr. Goot:

Great Show Ken, Thanks!
Avatar 12:00pm Sean D. Daily:

Aaaaaand you can watch pretty much every MST3K episode on YouTube. As I have. Video piracy is a wonderful thing, especially when Best Brains more or less encouraged it ("Keep Circulating the Tapes" and all that...).
  12:00pm mg:

wow. neat cover!
Avatar 12:00pm Sean D. Daily:

@Dan B From Upstate: Right back at you.
Avatar 12:01pm Pine:

Oh it is Brian Molko :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm Caryn:

Full movie (non-MST3K version):
Avatar 12:01pm Sean D. Daily:

@Caryn: Good idea.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:


...Hulk wanted Muppetts...
  5:17pm PMD:

Ken, you are a genius.
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