Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 05 March 2014 Favoriting | Marathon 2014 with Ken and Dave Hill. Please Pledge!

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The 2nd Prize for today's marathon show: "Shirtless Despot with Horse" by Jorge. Everybody pledging $1 a day or more is in the running to win it. Drawing at 11:58am today. Top prize: another year of WFMU and you do NOT get the painting.

Artist Song Album Images Approx. start time
Tuxedomoon  No Tears   Favoriting Desire 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Flying Lizards  Hands 2 Take   Favoriting Fourth Wall 
0:07:48 (Pop-up)
The Velvet Underdog  Temptation Inside of Your Anal Sac   Favoriting  
0:23:21 (Pop-up)
Tonetta  What Are You Worth?   Favoriting  
0:25:32 (Pop-up)
Brigitte Fontaine  Le Magnum   Favoriting  
0:30:39 (Pop-up)
Flipper  Ha Ha Ha   Favoriting Sex Bomb Baby 
0:41:42 (Pop-up)
Swell Maps  Let's Build a Car   Favoriting  
0:45:05 (Pop-up)
The Guide Dog Glee Club  Adogio   Favoriting  
1:07:48 (Pop-up)
New Radicals  You Get What You Give   Favoriting  
1:11:54 (Pop-up)
Superchunk  Driveway to Driveway   Favoriting  
1:22:22 (Pop-up)
Neil Young  I've Been Waiting For You   Favoriting  
1:26:54 (Pop-up)
Dengue Fever  Both Sides Now   Favoriting City of Ghosts (OST) 
1:42:37 (Pop-up)
Boogarins  Luciferandis   Favoriting As Plantas Que Curam 
1:46:57 (Pop-up)
Nathan Michel  A to B   Favoriting     1:50:11 (Pop-up)
American Standard Corporation  My Bathroom Is a Private Kind of Place   Favoriting  
2:06:17 (Pop-up)
Saor Patrol  Men O'Galloway   Favoriting  
2:10:54 (Pop-up)
Szeki Kurva  Beermonsters Are Go!   Favoriting  
2:14:41 (Pop-up)
Honeymoon Killers  Ariane   Favoriting  
2:31:21 (Pop-up)
Boom Bip  Zig Zaj   Favoriting  
2:35:43 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 6:08am Ken:

Mornin everybody!
Avatar 7:52am Cory:

morning Ken
Avatar 9:00am egal:

Avatar 9:01am fred von helsing:

top o'th'mornin'!
  9:01am Kathy:

I'm ready!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am common:

perfect start, ken!
Avatar 9:01am Michael:

Hiya Ken.
Avatar 9:01am Dan B From Upstate:

Excitement! I'll definitely be going for the top prize today!
Avatar 9:01am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

Hola, wie gehts?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am Skirkie:

Yo. Did you weird out the Mayor?
Avatar 9:02am pierre:

Avatar 9:03am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

spermlish all morgen for yo.
  9:03am Cecile:

  9:04am F€F€ (:

hello ken & nice people!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am Asheville Jon:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am Stevel:

Tuxedo Moon dancing on my desk.
Avatar 9:05am Cheri Pi:

Let's do this "thing."
Avatar 9:06am iTreefish:

Ken & Dave? Hurray!
  9:06am Cecile:

Pi! Where have ya been?
Avatar 9:06am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

Ist there a Ukrainian Klham?
Avatar 9:06am fred von helsing:

I'd donate a whole new transmitter if I could
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:07am Ken:

Morning everybody! Tell all your friends and frenemies to pledge!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am Cubicle Carl:

Listeners, if you haven't made the commitment yet, now is the time. The rest of us are waiting.
Avatar 9:09am pierre:

frenemies, eneiends, framily, brothegangs… ALL
  9:09am Cecile:

Avatar 9:10am fred von helsing:

I'm building a bomb from enriched ukranium
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am Cubicle Carl:

This Flying Lizards track has a little bit of the Hansa Tonstudio sound to it.
Avatar 9:11am DaveHill:

  9:11am ъїιι:

Don't worry folks, Rex took care of the Russians last week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am Skirkie:

Good news, Dave. That's EVERY morning.
Avatar 9:16am Cheri Pi:

Cecile! izatchooo??
  9:16am F€F€ (:

peoples, i went to a russian festival few days ago and guess which band did NOT play in it?

(answer below)
  9:17am joerg schwartz:

I did not misspell my name!
  9:17am Cecile:

Avatar 9:17am tim:

Mmmm, goat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am Rick from SC:

yeay for goats
  9:18am F€F€ (:



  9:18am Cecile:

Pi's Edith Megadeth!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am common:

my friend had 2 goats when i was a kid. they were great!
Avatar 9:18am KOTJ:

I get people's goats
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am Rob W:

In India goats are everywhere! They were my favorite animal in India.
Avatar 9:18am pierre:

I do love a nice pig… or a donkey, donkey are pretty cool
Avatar 9:19am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

I like Russian festivals--they always have vodka..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am common:

horses. and beer.
  9:19am Kathy:

yes Donkeys are brilliant
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am Rick from SC:

sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am Stevel:

FCC! Down with pee!!
  9:20am jbe:

pet pledges? shame!
Avatar 9:21am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am Skirkie:

Goats rule. Best cheese: goats.
Avatar 9:24am Cheri Pi:

You said it Cecile!!!
Avatar 9:25am Neg-guh-tor:

Avatar 9:26am Cheri Pi:

REV. Turnip Druid's Gomez for that matter...
Avatar 9:26am fred von helsing:

this is danceable
  9:26am Sam:

And your bird can sing
And your dog can dance
Avatar 9:27am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

I'm not honoring my stupid cats in any way. Jerks.
Avatar 9:27am pierre:

  9:27am Cecile:

You said it Pierre!
Avatar 9:28am KOTJ:

No more tears put me in the mindset for Tonetta and low and behold.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:29am Webhamster Henry:

Those who have not pledged: Do you know that for a sizable enough pledge, you can adopt one of many orphaned WFMU fixtures or DJs, like the volume knob shown here in my avatar? Think of it: It's like those bronze memorial plaques you see in the hospital, but made of sustainable paper and last a whole year!

Pledge and check out the orphanage on Flickr here:
  9:29am F€F€ (:

Goats? look no further. this song has one and it is from a Ken approved artist™:

Schlammpeitziger - 2 to 4

(aka goat/casio beat song)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am Guido (Cologne):

Wasn't that by André Williams originally or do I mix up something?

Guten TZAG everyone!
Avatar 9:29am DaveHill:

Goat fever! Pledge for the mighty goat!
Avatar 9:30am bobdoesthings:

wait... no compliments. I'm out man.
  9:30am stegre:

best pets are sugar gliders
Avatar 9:30am pierre:

Tonetta is one (amongst many) of the reason why I love WFMU
Avatar 9:32am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

"avec" is one of the best words in any language. It sounds like what it is.....I think.
  9:34am Brendan:

What, no Dr Wayne Dyer in a funky sweater telling me how to connect to my inner sphere thingy?
  9:34am Brendan:

  9:34am Sam:

I like the French word "brouillard" for fog. It's very evocative of the obscure feeling of fog.
Avatar 9:36am fred von helsing:

when eggzackly was the dogstep show ?
  9:36am F€F€ (:

And pierre, and many other great commenters, are part of the many reasons I love
So where do i pledge you, pierre?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am Cubicle Carl:

Do we have a grazing area for the goat on the WFMU grounds?
Avatar 9:39am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:'s a cat thing too, let me tell you...
  9:39am Cecile:

They make smells.
Avatar 9:40am Roberto:

Don't get me started about feline anal sacs.
Avatar 9:41am βrian:

@Sam: Reminds me of the phrase "la brume lugubre."
Avatar 9:42am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

Ach! Los Piranas...
  9:43am F€F€ (:

My vote goes for the scapegoat.
Avatar 9:43am Neg-guh-tor:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am Stevel:

  9:43am r i s k y:

Oh man, this Dave Hill guy is a snoooozer.
Avatar 9:44am pierre:

@F€F€ ( : : next time you're in Paris, beers (or any other beverages) are on me.

For now the magical factory needs whatever slang is used for money
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44am Caryn:

I hope the crash test dummy isn't trying future 7SD challenges for the big wheel.
Avatar 9:45am Cheri Pi:

SWELL MAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 9:45am fred von helsing:

@cubicle can it digest asphalt ?
Avatar 9:45am DaveHill:

Can't stop thinking about anal sacs now. Great.
Avatar 9:46am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

as I guy that cracked his ribs twice in one year, that Flipper gif is disturbing...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am Guido (Cologne):

Avatar 9:48am Cheri Pi:

grateful that Mz. Megadeth's anal sac(s) continue to mind their own business.
  9:48am jan:

We came back from the trip a day early. I´d like to listen to the show, but I´m pretty sure my wife won´t have it.
Avatar 9:50am Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 9:50am Cheri Pi:

Does anyone's dog watch this channel?
  9:50am billybupus:

holy shnikies are u serious? flipper? ........ dogs at my house are Duke (marma) and molly. other dogs i know besides myself are Tina, Sarge, and Idle.....
Avatar 9:50am Cheri Pi:

  9:51am billybupus:

the jury is out!!!!!!
  9:52am billybupus:

dogbased..... im going to use that, i'll give u five bucks if i make it big....
Avatar 9:55am Jeezy:

Ken! It's your favorite-ever listener, Jeezy! I'm trying to determine my pledging budget this year but I'm still paying off my mouse-pledge for the downstairs theatre. I just wanted to confirm our DEAL. I have a guest list plus one on perpetuity, correct? Is there a place i can ascertain my balance on this?!
  9:57am F€F€ (:

mercy, pierre. (:
Avatar 9:58am pierre:

hahahah… Edith Megadeth !
Avatar 9:58am Roberto:

Cat is currently assaulting my laptop.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am Marcel M:

@Roberto: Mine does that all the time, he attacks the images and mouse on the screen. He also likes to sit behind it and attack my hands while I type.
  10:00am The Obnoxious Burger King:

Had my guinea pig as sunday roast (Brazilian specialty).
Turned veggie afterwards.
Will eaten and digested pets work as well?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am Skirkie:

I think that's a fine torso.
Avatar 10:00am Roberto:

She's marking the case with her scent. At least she's doing it with her face and not her anal sacs.
Avatar 10:00am Cheri Pi:

Edie-Meg for short...
Avatar 10:00am βrian:

If you leave your laptop unattended, you may find that your cat has made a mouse pledge on your behalf.
Avatar 10:01am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

definitely right on with the torso. You guys are too deep into it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am Skirkie:
  10:02am Roland:

The torso is well painted, but the head is too small
Avatar 10:02am βrian:

While Nero fiddled, the anal sacked Rome.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am common:

god, i want that painting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am Guido (Cologne):

Daphne Oram:
Luxury Package!
Avatar 10:06am still b/p:

Most interesting cat in the world: "Stay frisky, my friend."
Avatar 10:07am βrian:

Are you allergic to pleasure, too?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am common:

my cat loves me.
Avatar 10:07am tim:

Some callers have asked "How big is Putin?" presumably referring to the painting. I'll follow up soon...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am rsj:

hence the anal sacks giving out, everybody knows that
Avatar 10:07am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

DAMMIT. How am I suppose to get the Lost Piranas cd??

Dave: exactly, poop-walking
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am rsj:

I can't wait to get rid of that cat
Avatar 10:08am bobdoesthings:

oooo lonnie hollie!
Avatar 10:09am Roberto:

Cats lick the poop off their paws themselves. They're self-cleaning, unless, like my big one, they're too fat to reach their own hindquarters.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am tim from champaign:

This isn't Dog Step! This is more like Chopped and Pooched.
Avatar 10:09am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

*Los* next group= Lost Piranas.
Avatar 10:10am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

I thought you said "the Guy-Dog Glee Club" I definitely don't hear any guys on this.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:10am Irene Trudel:

This track is making my cats very uneasy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am Stevel:

Terrified to know what this track says in backward masking.
Avatar 10:13am βrian:

"I barked at Paul."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am Greg from Bloomfield:

THIS SONG RULES (except for the angry breakdown at the end.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am Stevel:

But, what of the eye of Putin's horse. It gazes at thee, relentlessly.
  10:16am ъїιι:

that's a WFMU-gue
Avatar 10:16am Roberto:

This is one of my favorite don't-panic-everything's-cool songs.
Avatar 10:17am fred von helsing:

possessed by a demon
Avatar 10:17am Sean D. Daily:

I've said it before, and I'll say it again,"'Dreamer's disease'? Really, Mick? I mean... really?"
  10:19am JennyLee:

All this talk of poop cats reminds me of my very own poop cat. I'm making a pledge in the name of Tripod my three legged butt dragging poo smearing cat...cats rule
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am Andrew Waterloo:

ah... the Nihilist Spasm Band.. may finally get to see them live.
Avatar 10:21am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

Back on platypus venom (I had no idea, thanks SMKen!): "Although powerful enough to kill smaller animals such as dogs, the venom is not lethal to humans, but the pain is so excruciating that the victim may be incapacitated."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21am Marcel M:

Yay Henry! Thanks Bob!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:22am Irene Trudel:

Oops, I think that 2nd pledge might be a duplicate. By the way, here's my kitty 'Nello in his "cone of shame"
Avatar 10:23am bobdoesthings:

and he mentioned meow cow!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am Greg from Bloomfield:

GAAAH. Words cannot describe how much I love this song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am Guido (Cologne):

I heard on a documentary that Daphne Oram was a very nice, hostpitable and sofort humorous person.

She had turned the garden surrounding her studio-tower into a little farm with chickens and goats and was very fond of all her pets.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am Marcel M:

I wonder where meow cow is these days...
Avatar 10:24am fred von helsing:

I'm tellin' ya, boss. Make a special pledge drive later in the spring JUST for the transmitters, and offer a coupla geeky-cool transmittery shirts, and ya cannot go wrong. Ya got plenty of gearheads on tap here.
Avatar 10:25am bobdoesthings:

@ marcel... I hope the best for meow cow
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am Andrew Waterloo:

@Fred Maybe that should be the fall silent fundraiser theme. I think a shirt with a transmitter on it would be nifty.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am DCE:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am Doug Schulkind:

And here is a snap of my dog, Luna, wearing her cone of shame (which is beat to shit because she keeps slamming into things):
  10:29am Cecile:

Before Zod?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am DCE:

I actually went to high school with Dave...
Avatar 10:31am northguineahills:

Remove the cone of shame, and put on the cone of honor!
  10:31am Cecile:

Doug, she is adorable!
Avatar 10:31am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

what about one string guitars?? Diddley bo...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am Guido (Cologne):

I'm really not a fan of guitar solos but considering that "Anti Jazz Guitar" DJ premium.
Avatar 10:32am fred von helsing:

It's the Anal Glansmitter shirt (specify cat/dog/marmot)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am Doug Schulkind:

As long as she's not chewing her paws to a bloody pulp! (Anal sac is, so far, unmolested.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am common:

that terry gross gene simmons interview was hiiiiiilarious!
  10:33am Cecile:

Exactly, Ken.
Avatar 10:33am βrian:

I thought Terry did fairly well.
  10:34am Cecile:

Dave, you are 1,000,000 right and Paul is right behind him.
  10:35am Cecile:

Percent, der
  10:36am Cecile:

And Paul Stanley is also a dope.
Avatar 10:37am still b/p:

Anal sacs finish ahead of Gene Simmons in most favorability polls.
Avatar 10:37am SheWolf:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am rsj:

As seen at Sochi, Putin's proportions have changed to be totally Kim Jung -Ill
Avatar 10:40am Nick the Bard:

Gene REALLY cares about Shannon in that interview. Cares like no one else in the world.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am tim from champaign:

Going topless worked for Herbie Mann.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am Greg from Bloomfield:

In case you were wondering, Dave: The state bird of Cleveland is the Cardinal.
Avatar 10:41am Cheri Pi:

  10:41am Cecile:

It's suh-see-uhl.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42am common:

right, cheri!
Avatar 10:42am bobdoesthings:

cut your loses.
  10:42am Cecile:

Hi, she-wolf!
Avatar 10:42am Nick the Bard:
Avatar 10:43am tim:

I think in the context of Russia's precarious male life-expetency, it is meet and good for the Little Father to appear shirtless, on horseback, as often as he sees fit.
Avatar 10:44am SheWolf:

Hi Cecile/Cecil :P
Avatar 10:45am fleep:

[surfacing] Blurry greetings to all.
  10:45am van:

I like this
  10:46am Cecile:

Hahaha, I'm a lady-man-lady, I guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am tim from champaign:

I'm with CP! Knuckles! Knuckles! Knuckles! Knuckles!

Nothing gets pledges like a good weeper. Play Knuckles the Dog, please Ken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am MD:

The Bukowski Photo is great and so True!!!
Don't let "Them" Kill WFMU!!!!
  10:48am Greek titan:

Sometimes when they say anal sacs it sounds like they are saying anal sex. If they were talking about anal sex they might get more pledges or fewer I'm not sure which.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am tim from champaign:

Would Dr. Johnny Fever have been fired for saying "Boogarins" on the air?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am Greg from Bloomfield:

Been hearing this a lot on the station, and hope to hear it a lot more.
  10:51am van:

Avatar 10:56am philodough:

I just expanded my wardrobe thanks to marathon.
Avatar 10:59am SheWolf:

Cecile, even you must be into you.
Avatar 11:00am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

oohhh. Just made a snow angel in my bathing suit. Not at all as exhilarating as I thought. Much warmer today.
  11:03am John, from Madison:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am Marcel M:

Small apartments, more people have cats in NYC area.
  11:04am Greek titan:

Do you guys have god bullies? Does it fit into the format of this show? Their song artificial insemination by aliens is great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04am MD:

Yes...Sadly..Keith RIP...The station lost a huge fan in 2013...But he is listening now I know in my heart!
Avatar 11:05am Lewis:

missed out on the pet theme in my brief visit here. I live with them, but not by choice… truth be told, I will grieve the passing of all but one of them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am Cubicle Carl:

Dave Hill slept in the pines.
Avatar 11:05am Cecile:

hahaha, SheWolf, you know it.
Avatar 11:05am Cecile:

where the sun never shines
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am Marcel M:

@Carl: hah, I was thinking that.
  11:06am Cecile:

Shore Patrol!!
Avatar 11:06am Danne D:

Hi Folks :)
Hi Ken :)
Hi Dave :)
Avatar 11:07am DaveHill:

Hi, Danne!
Avatar 11:07am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

Damn Europeans, expecting big heavy books and all...
Avatar 11:08am Lewis:

I have heard this song before… wonder where?
  11:08am Greek titan:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am Marcel M:

Irwin's show maybe Lewis? He did a special on this stuff.
  11:08am Sam:

Oh My God, this is the best song ever. "Making faces at my face."
  11:08am ?:

7SD fans:

Has anyone here have any trouble receiving its e-newsletter ? I get it once every two weeks but not every week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am DCE:

weird, really weird
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am Marcel M:

Cream, and Dream...
  11:09am Sam:

Where I wash and where I cream!!
Avatar 11:09am but miss oglethorpe is a presbyterian!:

cream on
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am Marcel M:

Who doesn't cream while they dream?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am tim from champaign:

This song has a real anti-social vibe. It's surprisingly Un-American. Don't like it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am Andrew Waterloo:

I have found the 7SD news letter in my spam trap in the past.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am Cubicle Carl:

This song is the scatological version of Beach Boys "In My room."
Avatar 11:10am Roberto:

We've all creamed in our bathrooms at one time or another.
Avatar 11:11am KOTJ:

  11:11am Laura L:

Thanks, Ken and Dave! And to meet the demand to hear these wonderful songs, we have 3 volumes of industrial musicals available on iTunes... see for more info! And the book is available of course from Amazon. Enjoy! from Laura at Blast Books
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11am Cubicle Carl:

Those spray toilets are great. They aren't silly. I wish we all had them.
  11:11am Japanese Toilet:

Apply the pressure!
  11:11am Sam:

God, people were so dense back in the day. Who could listen to that song with a straight face, ever? All the ads from that period are so insane.
Avatar 11:11am Dan B From Upstate:

my 7SD newsletter keep going into gmail's promotions tab, and no matter what i do, i can't get it to default into the inbox.
Avatar 11:12am KOTJ:

What abput the pro-choice cover by Barbara Walters, In My Womb?
  11:13am Sam:

Dan B, your inbox is trying to protect itself. It's very wise.
  11:14am Joe Ray:

those industrial musicals were made for industry tradeshows, to entertain and inspire the various salesmen, buyers etc.
Avatar 11:15am but miss oglethorpe is a presbyterian!:

@joe ray: you are correct
  11:16am ?:

Thanks, Andrew Waterloo. I always check there but with no luck.

Could someone please share the link to the 7SD e-newsletter web browser version? Thank you in advance.

@ Dan B. From Upstate: Maybe that's why. But the promotions folder doesn't show up when I open the email client through my mobile. Thanks anyway. Great tip.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am Andrew Waterloo:

I don't think they were intended to be heard with a straight face.
  11:17am Laura L:

@Joe Ray--exactly so. They weren't ever meant for regular people like us (ahem) to hear. Our 256-page book is chockablock with 400+ images and superb text by Steve Young and Sport Murphy. It's great fun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am I.K.E. (Ice King Enterprises):

Damn, friends can't pick me up after my little procedure today to have my anal sacs removed, and they don't want to let me walk to the train station afterwards, but shit, it's just a little Demerrrol, no big thing, I can recover fast from that. Will they sic my insurance company on me or bill me extra if I hoof it afterwards? Anybody know?
Avatar 11:18am still b/p:

With more brass this could easily be a number from the Golden Festival.
Avatar 11:19am Sean D. Daily:

Who needs meth when you've got Szeki Kurva?
Avatar 11:20am northguineahills:

I wouldn't go out immediately after having demerrol, I know after surgery, I flit in out of consciousness w/ no warning for at least 2 hours (when given demerrol)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am Andrew Waterloo:

@Sean people with Szeki Kurva who are being forced to listen to Bohemian Rhapsody?
  11:20am Old_Duffer:

This track, sums up life at the moment! & for the last 11 years!
Avatar 11:21am but miss oglethorpe is a presbyterian!:

more bagpipes, please!
Avatar 11:22am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

Zep is not a metal band. They're an acid blues band.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am iambeardo:

100% with you about the singing!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am I.K.E. (Ice King Enterprises):

@NGH, last 4-5 times I've been fully alert immediately afterwards, unlike first few times. Too acclimated perhaps. Admittedly could be dangerous if they give me a new droog.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am iambeardo:

Also, Hi Dave! Tim Harrington here. I dedicated part of my Schwag 4 Life to you last week!
  11:23am Seamus:

Kryst, we need Danne D and Cecile to keep this under control
Avatar 11:25am Danne D:

It's gonna be 5 Ken...
Avatar 11:26am Cory:

The Doctor is finally napping. Thanks Ken!
  11:26am disastrogirl:

Dave is doing an awesome Ed McMahon impression.
Avatar 11:27am Dan B From Upstate:

Us Dan(ne)s and our dead Luckys. Sigh...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am SeanG:

more iguana talk
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am Asheville Jon:

ha! thanks for the bohemian wrapsody Ken.
Avatar 11:29am Danne D:

Here's a picture of Lucky the Great Pyr:

and a link to Gentle Giants the rescue group who found Lucky and saved him
Avatar 11:30am trish:

Not a life swagger, yet -- adding to a mouse'r.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am Caryn:

@Cory: aww...
Avatar 11:31am Danne D:

Better Lucky picture - showing how huge he was :)
  11:31am Doug C.:


Re your first gif: Have you ever considered setting up a streaming online WFMU television station?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am rsj:

cat dumplings sound really gross
Avatar 11:31am DaveHill:

Hey Tim! Thanks!! Sending some placenta your way!
  11:32am Meghan:

Awww thanks Danne D for the Bosco shout out!
Avatar 11:32am Danne D:

(That was still early on after my sister's family got him after he was rescued. He was literally 45 pounds when the rescuers in Kentucky saved him). Anyway pledge in honor of your Lucky! 800-989-9368!
Avatar 11:33am Danne D:

@Meghan Of course - he was such a sweetheart :)
  11:34am F€F€ (:

Ariane to mission control,

Come in please!

Ariane? Ariane? Hello? Hello ?
  11:36am Cecile:

Love Pyrs. A co-worker had one live to nearly 13 yrs, very old in Pyr years.
Avatar 11:37am Kurt Gottschalk:

there haven't been any good heavy metal vocalists in the last 20 years?
Avatar 11:37am Danne D:

Just you, Kurt, Just you.
Avatar 11:39am fred von helsing:

@dougC FWIW KEXP got their streaming video up and running just a week or two ago, it set them back a cool 35 large (!!)
  11:40am Cecile:

What about Hatebeak, Canibus, and Scot Lyn Yard?
  11:42am Cecile:

Also love the singers from Free Fall and Kyuss.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am common:

i love the guy from khanate. his voice. creepy.
  11:44am Cecile:

Him too!
Avatar 11:45am Danne D:

Ken is the 99 Percent!
  11:46am Cecile:

This is an amazing set. Worth buying if you don't win it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46am Ken From Hyde Park:

The goal is in reach...well done!
Avatar 11:46am Danne D:

  11:46am Shane:

Graz, Kenn
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46am common:

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:47am Chingadera Con Queso:

Could not let you get that close and not make it!
Avatar 11:47am Cory:

woots and such!
Avatar 11:47am WaveyDavey:

Awesome job Ken. Love your show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:47am SeanG:

don't break the margin, Danne D ;-) ---still remember that redskiesatnight margin breaker!
Avatar 11:47am northguineahills:

Danne celebrated aptly, w00ts and yayes!
Avatar 11:48am Danne D:

ugh, yeah I thought of that Sean, I cut out a few O's to try and not margin-f*ck
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:48am Chingadera Con Queso:

I pledged again, you guys gotta get your goal!
  11:49am Robert:

Please let Andy buy his way out of the tatt. We know by now that you abuse your body just for the fun of it, but Andy's not used to that ssort of thing.
Avatar 11:50am ᏧᏣ ᎮᎯᎱ:

Avatar 11:50am Sean D. Daily:

Moar Putin-ness:
  11:50am Doug C.:

Thanks @Fred Von Helsing! I'm thinking of both streaming and the huge amount of public domain oddities, some of which showed up on WFMU's VHS collections. In addition they will soon have a functioning performance space. It seems like video and audio are beginning to converge in Ken's gif laden page.It would be a huge investment in terms of both time and money.
  11:50am Cecile:

The Bloods are scary.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 11:51am Foolbert:

Did WPLJ's 'Father Bill' ever put out a record?

And: I 'Mouse' -pledged at the beginning of the Marathon; may I nominate Maeve, an eternal kitten with star power and a back-story?
Avatar 11:51am Danne D:

I just looked up "andy breckman bloods" in google search. The 3rd entry is his wikipedia entry but shows the word "bloods" crossed out in the search result. Not for long, though ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51am mariano:

I think I'm in love with that scary scary girl on the Boom Bip row...
Avatar 11:52am KOTJ:

Dave, you don't know where you'd be Putin it?
Avatar 11:52am steve:

has this made the rounds yet?
  11:53am F€F€ (:

Thank you, Señor F. Don Freedman!

I'm very pleased you reached your goal! Till next episode everyone! Take care and have a nice rest of the week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53am SeanG:

this bloods tattoo thing is cracking me up!
Avatar 11:53am Ange:

This week's Seven Second Delay newsletter has all the Wheel of Fate stunts on it! Who's coming to the live show?
Avatar 11:54am fred von helsing:

@dougC I and a chum might try live streaming (audio only) sets at some clubs here, it oughta get interesting. Kenzo DB would be helpful :)
Avatar 11:55am fred von helsing:

  11:55am F€F€ (:

*Señor K Don Freedman

Damn you, auto-correct.

Wait..I don't have the auto-correct on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am rsj:

can i drop off my cat tonight even if "he" doesn't win?
Avatar 11:58am Danne D:

I missed it - where is the painting getting shipped? :)
  11:59am david in rutherford:

you can send that painting to me to save on shipping if that helps the station at all...
Avatar 11:59am Roberto:

Avatar 11:59am fleep:

Send it C.O.D. and GO CATS
Avatar 12:00pm Danne D:

Great Job Ken and Dave :) Keep on pledging everyone :)
Avatar 12:01pm Danne D:

Congrats Cat Owners for having more shut-ins

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm Andrew Waterloo:

  12:04pm Cecile:

Duane, all!!
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