Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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July 22, 2014 Favoriting
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Furry Lewis  Judge Harsh Blues   Favoriting b/w I Will Turn Your Money Green
(Victor 1928)
Woody Guthrie  Old Judge Thayer   Favoriting Ballads of Sacco & Vanzetti
(Folkways 1946)
The Subterraneans  Mr. Judge   Favoriting Down to Earth
(Polydor 1967)
Buddy Tate  Good Morning Judge   Favoriting b/w Blowin' For Snake
(Supreme 1948)

Talkover Music:
Augustus Pablo 
Drums to the King   Favoriting Blowing With the Wind
(Greensleeves 1978)

Jelly Roll Morton & His Orchestra  Courthouse Bump   Favoriting b/w Pretty Lil
(Victor 1929)
Darby Hicks (Devonia Williams)  Court Room Blues   Favoriting b/w My Baby Done Told Me
(Excelsior 1948)
Johnny Shines  The Face in the Courtoom   Favoriting Mr. Cover Shaker
(Biograph 1972)
Lazy Lester  Courtroom Blues   Favoriting Baton Rouge Harmonica
(Flyright )
Curtis Fuller  The Court   Favoriting Boss of the Soul-Stream Trombone
(Warwick 1960)
Judge Suds & the Soul Detergent  The (Rockin') Courtroom   Favoriting b/w Shi Dank (Just Dance)
(Red Cap 1967)

Talkover Music:
Bobby Montez 
Kon-Tiki   Favoriting Jungle Fantastique!
(Cu-Bop! 1958)

Joe Tex  Be Your Own Judge   Favoriting b/w Meet Me in Church
(Dial 1962)
Larry Willis  Funky Judge   Favoriting A New Kind of Soul
(LLP 1970)
Dorothy Ashby  Life Has Its Trials   Favoriting Afro-Harping
(Cadet 1968)
Colin Stetson  Judges   Favoriting New History Warfare Volume 2: Judges
(Constellation 2011)
Shorty Long  Here Comes the Judge   Favoriting Here Comes the Judge
(Soul 1968)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:50pm Artie:

Justice, my way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm Doug Schulkind:

There's no one else here, Artie. Just us.
Avatar 5:55pm glenn:

i love the supreme court. up here, anyway. they're handing the right wing government scumbags their asses on a regular basis.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:56pm listener james from westwood:

May it please the stream, comes now GTDS!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm Doug Schulkind:

HEAR ye HEAR ye!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm Doug Schulkind:

About halfway through the show, I am going to shut the lights and everyone will throw off their black robes!
Avatar 5:58pm ndbob:

evening Doug and everyone!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm Jeff Golick:

Avatar 5:58pm Holly in NC:

@glenn - down here, SCOTUS is *handling*, fondly, right wing gov't scumbag asses.

Hi Doug & all! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm Doug Schulkind:

ndbob! Jeff Golick! Holly in NC!

Hi Hi Hi!
Avatar 6:01pm ndbob:

heya Holly, Jeff!
Avatar 6:01pm glenn:

of course, the delicious irony is that p.m. harper appointed 6 out of the 9 justices, and whenever they lose an appeal (which is ALWAYS), the right wing talk radio morons lose their collective minds about the socialist supreme court
Avatar 6:03pm ndbob:

@Holly - NC and Kansas are rivals for the worst state governemnt
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm Doug Schulkind:

And heyo, Glenn!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Jeff Golick:

Some kooky judicial decisions handed down today re Obamacare. Haven't quite unpacked (ahem) them enough to understand 'em, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Doug Schulkind:

Kansas is quickly going broke because of the governor's tax-cutting plan, amirite, ndbob?
Avatar 6:05pm hyde:

it's all politicky in here
Avatar 6:07pm ndbob:

@Doug Yep - and there is growing opposition to him - even among Republicans
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm Doug Schulkind:

Hyde, you can chat about anything you choose. It will be treated with respect and neighborly concern, just like anything else.
  6:10pm Dean:

Except we don't want the Irish.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm Doug Schulkind:

No, Dean, it's the licorice we don't want, silly!
Avatar 6:11pm glenn:

or dogs, except luna, of course.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm Doug Schulkind:

This folk duo, Downy Boy Jason and Sleepy John Baker, is from the Hague. They previously had been in the Dutch garage beat band the Kick.
Avatar 6:14pm glenn:

will murder in my heart for the judge be featured?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:16pm Artie:

Pretty sure we're gonna get a song about an orange Pontiac GTO sometime this hour.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm Doug Schulkind:

Don't have that one, glenn. And this show is a vegetarian and doesn't support judge murderin'.
Avatar 6:20pm Holly in NC:

@ndbob - Kansas may win by a slight, slight SLIGHT margin. Or maybe I'm saying that to alleviate my general overwhelming despair. So many years of incremental gains absolutely destroyed in less than 2.

@hyde - Can we all get behind feeding elderly dogs?(see below):

@Everyone - I need to keep my friend's dog alive 'til Sunday (assuming he remains pain-free, of course). Extremely skinny 15 year old hound is not eating well - and won't eat his dog food at all. He did like snacky tablespoons of homemade yogurt, not anymore. Currently he will eat boiled carrots & rice, both served with wee bit of coconut oil, plain scrambled egg, plain chicken, teaspoons of peanut butter (I KNOW but long term longevity not an issue here), and some doggie treats (of course, sigh). Am going to store tomorrow to get him pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and another chicken. Any thoughts/hints/miracle suggestions? He is still beyond happy/waggy/loving, but can barely walk (my heart is breaking)

@glenn - so much for something everyone can get behind! ;-)
Avatar 6:23pm ndbob:

@Holly maybe Ensure or something like that? I know people use it to feed elderly rats - maybe it would work with dogs too
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:23pm listener james from westwood:

Heartbreaking news on the dog, Holly. Can he at least drink fluids? Keeping him hydrated would seem also to be key, especially if he begins rejecting food with a high liquid content.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm Doug Schulkind:

Oh oh oh, so sorry for you dogcare sadness, Holly.
Avatar 6:25pm Holly in NC:

@ljfw - Tucker's greatest happiness is drinking water. One could call it his hobby :-) One good thing!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm davex:

Hey Doug and everyone. Don't judge me for showing up late!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm Doug Schulkind:

I pronounce you GUILTY for loving good sounds, davex!
Avatar 6:30pm ndbob:

heya Dave!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:30pm Jeff Golick:

Love that Lazy Lester.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm davex:

Hey, ndbob! Thanks, Doug, I think!
Avatar 6:32pm ndbob:
Avatar 6:32pm Holly in NC:

@ndbob - I SO love that you have friends who feed Ensure to eldery rats. That made my day, Thank you!
That said, Ensure is a nasty product filled with nothing but sugar and weirdness and I'm not a fan. imnotho
Avatar 6:33pm ndbob:

@Holly yw - sometimes though it's impossible to get them to consume anything else... healthy rats eat anything from junk food to kale
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm Doug Schulkind:

The record's title is the singularly coolest ever record title. And here's your lineup:

Curtis Fuller - trombone
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Yusef Lateef - tenor saxophone
Walter Bishop, Jr. - piano
Buddy Catlett - bass
Stu Martin - drums
Avatar 6:35pm ndbob:

@Doug Did Warwick put out other jazz LP'S? I think of them mostly as a 45 label
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm Doug Schulkind:

This may be the British Warwick, ndbob!
Avatar 6:37pm ndbob:

ah that makes sense:)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:38pm Jeff Golick:

How'd Stu Martin end up in there?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm Doug Schulkind:

Nope, its on the U.S. Warwick!
Avatar 6:39pm Holly in NC:

@doug - Boss of the Soul-Stream Trombone. Second best bit of today!
But @ndbob still winning with his awesomely caring friends :-)
Avatar 6:40pm ndbob:

@Holly Although I don't have a rat, I'm a regular reader of and poster on Rat Forum - probably has the nicest posters of any blog I've run across
Avatar 6:42pm Holly in NC:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm Doug Schulkind:

I agree on both counts, Holly!
Avatar 6:46pm glenn:

emergency fox.
Avatar 6:48pm ndbob:

Thanks Glenn!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:49pm listener james from westwood:

Dorothy on the bench! Oyez!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm Doug Schulkind:

May your Ashby forever shaking!
Avatar 6:51pm Holly in NC:

@glenn, if I were one of those irritating people who tag things omg... well, omg.
You always have best foxes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm Doug Schulkind:

Things are gonna take an xtreme turn in a moment. In a GOOD way.
Avatar 6:52pm glenn:

i think they are truly wonderful animals.
Avatar 6:54pm Holly in NC:

I love Colin Stetson! Thank you, Doug!
Avatar 6:54pm northguineahills:

Nice Colin Stetson!
Avatar 6:55pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm Doug Schulkind:

Why, thank you ndbob!
Avatar 6:58pm hyde:

thanks for the tunes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm Doug Schulkind:

1. I cleaned out the veggie drawer in the fridge.
2. I got a new dehumidifier going in the basement (after the last one we had got recalled due to "risk of fire")
3. I played Colin Stetson.

Been a good day.

You are welks, hyde!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm davex:

Thanks, Doug, as always!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm Doug Schulkind:

My plej, davex!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:00pm Jeff Golick:


Take care, all, four-legged or otherwise...
Avatar 7:01pm northguineahills:

Crap, it's 7, thanks Doug!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm listener james from westwood:

Thanks for the summary judgment, Doug!
Avatar 7:02pm glenn:

he's a deejay.
he's a prep chef.
he's an hvac dude.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:06am Artie:

According to the Internet, 'Boss of the Soul Stream Trombone' was recorded in December of 1960 and released in June of 1961 on the US Warwick label, catalog number W2038.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am Doug Schulkind:

I'm not familiar with this Internet thing. Tell me more!
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