Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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November 25, 2014 Favoriting
Justice is blindsided
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Haru Kobayashi  Kuzunoha's Child Separation   Favoriting
Isa Katou, Seki Kaneko, Misao Nakashizu  Kadozukeuta Iwamuro   Favoriting
( 1967)
Kikue Sugimoto  Mikawa-Manzai   Favoriting
( 1965)

Talkover Music:
Takahashi Chikuzan 
Shamisen Suite   Favoriting Tsugaru-Shamisen

Kiku Watanabe  Oguri Hougan   Favoriting
( 1971)
Isa Katou  Shirai Gonhachi   Favoriting
( 1967)

Talkover Music:
Takahashi Chikuzan 
Tsugaru Sansagari   Favoriting Tsugaru-Shamisen

Misu Washizawa  Yaoya Oshichi   Favoriting
( 1958)
Goi Yamamoto  Sakura Sougorou   Favoriting
( 1958)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:44pm Gary:

Wait. I thought art was supposed to take us to some magical, special place *away* from all of the horrible things in the world?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46pm Doug Schulkind:

Art only magnifies.
Avatar 5:58pm ndbob:

evening Doug, Gary, everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm Doug Schulkind:

Hello ndbob!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:05pm Jeff Golick:

Came for the blindness, stayed for the tone-deaf press conference.
Avatar 6:05pm ndbob:

I mostly blame the prosecutor for the verdict - the case was presented in an unconventional, almost bizarre way
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm Doug Schulkind:

Grand juries hand down the decision the prosector leads them to.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:09pm Jeff Golick:

This line (not from WEB DuBois, despite claims), oft-tweeted last night, stays with me: "A system cannot fail those it was never built to protect."
Avatar 6:10pm ndbob:

In the vast majority of cases, after doing an investigation, the prosecutor, sets out the case for indictment and presents it to the jury - the don't present a confusing mishmash of evidence to them as was done here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm Doug Schulkind:

Including having Wilson himself testify! Members of the grand jury are instructed not to presume guilt or innocence, but they do, and with the target of the case presenting evidence himself, they can hardly be expected not to. It was a setup.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:16pm Jeff Golick: - "According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. attorneys prosecuted 162,000 federal cases in 2010, the most recent year for which we have data. Grand juries declined to return an indictment in 11 of them."
Avatar 6:17pm glenn:

i think the idea of the grand jury is completely asinine.
Avatar 6:17pm ndbob:

I've yet to see statistics re cases presented to state grand juries potential charges against police officers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm Doug Schulkind:

Yeah, that stat hit home, Jeff. The Michael Brown case was a state grand jury, not federal, but still. Absurd.

The opposite of absurd: It's glenn!
Avatar 6:18pm ndbob:

heya Glenn!
Avatar 6:19pm ndbob:

Grand juries are a constitutional requirement in some cases here
Avatar 6:19pm ndbob:

Great music btw Doug!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:20pm Jeff Golick:

There's also this: "Cases involving police shootings, however, appear to be an exception. As my colleague Reuben Fischer-Baum has written, we don’t have good data on officer-involved killings. But newspaper accounts suggest, grand juries frequently decline to indict law-enforcement officials. A recent Houston Chronicle investigation found that “police have been nearly immune from criminal charges in shootings” in Houston and other large cities in recent years. In Harris County, Texas, for example, grand juries haven’t indicted a Houston police officer since 2004; in Dallas, grand juries reviewed 81 shootings between 2008 and 2012 and returned just one indictment."
Avatar 6:20pm glenn:

anyway. it's a travesty of justice, in my opinion. i don't believe a word coming out of darren wilson's mouth.
Avatar 6:21pm ndbob:

I'm not surprised Jeff - very sad
Avatar 6:21pm glenn:

it makes no sense. why can't the cops and prosecutors determine if there is enough evidence to warrant charges?
Avatar 6:22pm glenn:

i mean as a whole, not in this specific case?
Avatar 6:24pm ndbob:

@Glenn originally the grand jury - around for hundreds of years - was designed as a protection for those potentially accused from unwarranted prosecution - in practice, it rarely works out that way
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm Doug Schulkind:

Not to play armchair detective, but...

Didn't Wilson claim that Brown punched him through the open window of his vehicle? (Like we are supposed to believe that an unarmed teenager would take a swing at a cop in a car.) Well if Wilson was sitting in the driver's seat, how is it that his injured cheek is on the right side of his face? How did Brown reach in and do this exactly? Do I have this wrong?
Avatar 6:27pm northguineahills:

Japan used to be as caste conscious as India. The caste system was abolished w/ the Meiji restoration. However, it's still a sensitive subject. in 2011, Google Maps was about to publish online (for Google Earth) and old map of Tokyo from the 18th c (then Edo). A lawsuit ensued as the map located the neighborhoods of the various lower castes and indicated surnames. The lawsuit was overturned, but it shows the sensitive nature of class consciousness still pervades today in Japan.
Avatar 6:28pm glenn:

huh. cold comfort to all the folks unjustly imprisoned over the years. not to mention that it sort of insulates the crown [state] from the blowback of false imprisonment.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:28pm Jeff Golick:

Would love to hear John Lee Hooker under this tune...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm Doug Schulkind:

Welcome welcome, NGH! Thank you for the knowledge.
Avatar 6:30pm glenn:

on another note, any of you cowboys looking for work?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm Doug Schulkind:

The Japanese listener Kota who sent me these recordings many years ago, likened the playing of one particular artist—who we'll hear at the end of the show—to that of Son House!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm Doug Schulkind:

Continued eternal blessings to Kota, wherever you are!
Avatar 6:41pm northguineahills:

I once found two books at a thrift store. Everything was in hiragana, except for "Japanese Folk Music vol1" (and vol II). Inside, w/ many pictures, each book had 7 double sided flexis. Still one of my favorite thrift finds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm Doug Schulkind:

Here's a piece I wrote about this music in WFMU's blog back in 2008:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm Doug Schulkind:

Jesse Kaminsky is up next on the stream with Kaminsky Kamoutsky. Playlist page here:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm Doug Schulkind:

That sounds fabulous.
Avatar 6:45pm Jesse K:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm Doug Schulkind:

Jesse K, in the howwwwwwse!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:47pm Jeff Golick:

@ngh: !!!!!

Gotta run. Thanks for the reminder, Doug, if any was needed, that justice can be blind in the worst way possible. And, y'know, for the music.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:48pm Jeff Golick:

* were needed (?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm Doug Schulkind:

At the beginning of the show, I described these songs as "heartwrenching," but truthfully, I have no idea of the content. But boy do they sound it.

Need it.
Avatar 6:51pm glenn:

it's the shoes. all these songs are about the pain of wearing those shoes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm Doug Schulkind:

I think you have it, glenn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm Doug Schulkind:

This performer, Goi Yamamamoto, is the one Kota likened to Son House.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:54pm Gary:

This music has been amazing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm Doug Schulkind:

Pretty heavy art on the record jacket:
Avatar 6:56pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm Doug Schulkind:

Not easy to last an hour of this material. I find it cathartic. Offered with love.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm Doug Schulkind:

Even more challenging will be eating the chili we're having for dinner with the soy-based fake chorizo. NOT A FAN.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:59pm Gary:

Soy sorry to hear that. It was an easy hour, btw
Avatar 6:59pm northguineahills:

Wow, it's already 7. Thanks Doug, another episode faved by me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving or Thankswhatever, everyone!
Avatar 7:01pm northguineahills:

Trader Joe's soy based chorizo is actually awesome. As a carnivore, I like it better then meat based chorizo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm Doug Schulkind:

THAT'S the fake chorizo I'm yakking about, NGH.
Avatar 7:05pm northguineahills:

you just need to make the chorizo crispy to get the texture right.
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