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Artist Title Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
David Bowie  All The Young Dudes   Favoriting Nothing Has Changed  Legacy    Aladdin Sane outtake  0:00:00 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  Up the Hill Backwards   Favoriting Scary Monsters  Rykodisc      0:02:30 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  New Killer Star (radio edit)   Favoriting         0:05:47 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  In the Heat of the Morning   Favoriting       stereo mix  0:09:29 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Davy Jones & the Lower Third  You've Got a Habit of Leaving   Favoriting         0:12:31 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  It's Hard to Be a Saint In the City   Favoriting Best of 1974/1979  Virgin    station to station outtake that first appeared on sound & vision box then on this weird comp from 1998  0:15:33 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  Growin' Up   Favoriting Pin Ups      bonus track  0:19:06 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Lulu  The Man Who Sold the World   Favoriting From Crayons to Perfume: The Best of Lulu  Rhino    bowie on sax, backing vocals, production. 1974?  0:22:32 MP3 | Pop-up)  
The Muffs  Changes   Favoriting         0:26:32 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Tin Machine  Bus Stop   Favoriting s/t  EMI      0:29:45 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  I've Been Waiting For You   Favoriting Heathen  ISO  2002    0:40:12 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  Something In the Air   Favoriting Hours  Virgin  1999    0:42:02 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  Drive-In Saturday   Favoriting Aladdin Sane      for Tim G  0:46:54 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Jim Osterberg  Neighborhood Threat   Favoriting Lust For Life      co-write, piano and produce by Bowie, who did it 7 years later on the Tonight LP  0:51:31 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Iggy Pop  Sister Midnight   Favoriting The Idiot        0:55:59 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  Width of a Circle   Favoriting The Man Who Sold the World        0:59:22 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Mick Ronson  Like a Rolling Stone   Favoriting Heaven and Hull  Epic      1:07:10 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  London Bye Ta-Ta   Favoriting Bowie at the Beeb  Virgin      1:18:14 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  Silly Boy Blue   Favoriting Nothing Has Changed      originally 1967?  1:19:07 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Jones and the King Bees  Liza Jane   Favoriting       1964?  1:22:57 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  White Light / White Heat   Favoriting         1:26:47 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Bowie  I Wish You Would   Favoriting Pinups        1:28:46 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Tin Machine  I Can't Read   Favoriting s/t        1:33:24 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  The Man Who Sold the World   Favoriting       live at the bridge school benefit, 1996  1:37:46 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Bowie  Teenage Wildlife   Favoriting Scary Monsters  RCA      1:40:28 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Superchunk  Scary Monsters   Favoriting 1,000 Pounds single  Merge      1:47:16 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Bowie  Kingdom Come   Favoriting Scary Monsters      tom verlaine cover  1:51:34 MP3 | Pop-up)  
David Bowie  Survive   Favoriting Hours  Virgin  1999    1:55:17 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Boogarins  6000 Dias   Favoriting Manual  Fat Possum / Other Music  2015    2:06:17 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Cheap Time  Woodland Drive   Favoriting Fantastic Explanations (And Similar Situations)  In the Red  2010    2:10:07 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Sonny Vincent  Till There Was You   Favoriting Bizarro Hymns  Get Hip  2015    2:11:48 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Clorox Girls  Tara   Favoriting This Dimension    2005?    2:14:09 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Flesh Lights  Lens   Favoriting Too Big To Fail double 7"  Super Secret      2:16:34 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Jacques Le Coque  Tip of My Tongue   Favoriting 7"  Windian  2015  playing live saturday on the todd o phonic todd show  2:19:35 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Sweet Talk  Tightrope   Favoriting Double Perfect  12XU  2015    2:22:18 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Saucy Jacks  Summer's Almost Over   Favoriting You Make Your Own World  Chocolate Covered  2015    2:32:27 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Sally Crewe  Only Luck Can Save Us Now   Favoriting Later Than You Think  8-Track Mind  2015    2:35:41 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Thee Fine Lines  Too Much of You   Favoriting Splittin' Time  Wee Rock  2015    2:39:04 MP3 | Pop-up)  
The Mighty Go-Go Players  She Got It Too   Favoriting If You Wanna Play... 7"        2:41:21 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Zoltars  We Missed Out   Favoriting s/t  Happenin'  2015    2:44:50 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Tall David  Maladjusted Man   Favoriting Remedies    2015    2:47:03 MP3 | Pop-up)  
The Bugaloos  If You Become a Bugaloo   Favoriting         2:50:23 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Peter Stringer-Hye  Girl With No Name   Favoriting 7"  Trouble In Mind  2015    2:52:37 MP3 | Pop-up)  
Chatham County Line  Savoy Special   Favoriting Speed of the Whipoorwill        2:57:09 MP3 | Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

Avatar 12:03pm Cecile:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:03pm Stevel:

Rock the fuck on, David Bowie and the rest of us.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm Greg from ZONE 5:

Afternoon, Joe—sad day...
  12:04pm Fred:

Go Joe!
Avatar 12:04pm V Priceless:

Hey Joe - thank you for this - Jeez, I am beyond numb.
  12:04pm Woo:

Glad you're on today Joe. Big one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm redkayak:

Thanks for playing this, Joe....
  12:04pm pinto bean:

Lemmy, Otis Clay, and now Bowie...major bummer
Avatar 12:06pm V Priceless:

pardon my French..Fuck yeah, Joe! Go!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

He added to the lexicon & vocabulary as much as anyone. As Abstract Art becomes Universal by not being Representational - by mirroring the internal world of every individual - so Bowie became the strangest kind of Folk Music of the people w/ concepts & artifice.
  12:07pm Polyus:

The Reality Tour, oh man.
  12:07pm kevlicki:

God damn I'm so effin sad this morning.
  12:08pm mekon86:

Morning Joe
Avatar 12:09pm Cecile:

exactly RevRab. People had a visceral reaction to him, like he was insincere for changing a lot. But he was more like us then he was unlike us. Very few of us stay frozen in time. But some people want our pop stars to do that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm dale:

i just posted in the heat of the morning - this morning. i think it's fab, arrangement is pure gold.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I love - love the pre-huge fame Bowie.
Avatar 12:12pm V Priceless:

plus he left us 'Blackstar'..which, I realize now, was/is his deliberate farewell to us Earthlings...everything about it spelled his return to the cosmos..especially the black on black of the liner notes..how cool is THAT?
Avatar 12:13pm Joe B:

hi everyone, thanks for tuning in and checking in!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm common:

well said, vp. i agree
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

That was an Artist.
Avatar 12:13pm Cecile:

I think all humans should end in mid-sentence if possible, instead of fading away. If you can't do that, then tie up the ends neatly like Bowie did.
Avatar 12:14pm V Priceless:

hey common..thanks..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm coelacanth:

hey Joe n all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm drr:

Thanks for playing this one ("You've Got A Habit Of Leaving"); I have it on an unlabeled mix tape and wondered who it was.
Avatar 12:14pm Chris M.:

thanks Joe! RIP
Avatar 12:15pm Cecile:

yeah, wham bam thank you, man.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm joe:

@vpriceless very well said...although your French is pretty bad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm Caryn:

I'm dreading the moment when a WFMU DJ will play "When the Wind Blows". It always shatters me (partly because the movie is so devastating), but right now it would reduce me to a heap on the floor.
  12:16pm mekon86:

Love this version. Did he record any other Springsteen songs besides this and Growin' Up?
Avatar 12:17pm Joe B:

Mekon, those are the only 2 I know of, there could be more
Avatar 12:18pm Cecile:

If I hear "Wild is the Wind" I'll be on the floor.
Avatar 12:19pm pierre:

bonsoir Joe !
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:19pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Gosh, you never know how much you'll wind up missing someone until they're gone. Thanks for the DB, Joe.
Avatar 12:19pm Eric M S:

Love this Joe, thanks. RIP
Avatar 12:19pm V Priceless:

what Cecile said..and I'm not making any apologies today for being totally out of control, sorry ; )
Avatar 12:19pm SmokinJ:

Tanks Joe! Cheers DB..
Avatar 12:20pm Cecile:

this board is for being out of control.
  12:21pm Woo:

Thinking of when my friend painted the Aladdin Sane bolt across his face and his father threw him out of the house.
Avatar 12:21pm V Priceless:

correction..change 'today' to 'this week'..carry on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21pm Caryn:

@VP: yep. I was supposed to do stuff today. Sod that, been sitting on the sofa in my pyjamas, crying and ordering in food. I ain't moving for a while.
Avatar 12:21pm Cecile:

how many kids got thrown out of the house because of Bowie?
  12:22pm foreign_listener_k:

Any chance of a set with exquisitely selected reverse Bowie covers, so to speak?

Tina Turner and 'Cat People (Putting Out Fire)' would be an example of the idea.
Avatar 12:22pm Cecile:

you guys are in the place where I was with Lemmy last week. I admired Bowie more than I liked him, but there was a lot of admire.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22pm Greg from ZONE 5:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm dale:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:23pm Stevel:

Greg: Nice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm coelacanth:

hahaha! that's beautiful!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm redkayak:

Lulu? Never would've guessed :)
Avatar 12:24pm Cecile:

lulu is really so fucking cool. She gets a bad rap over here, but the UK knows.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm Parq:

Hah. Thought that sounded like the Duke on backing vox.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm Caryn:

So, WFMU have today played this and the Nirvana cover. Any bets on which version of this is next? I'm kinda rooting for the The Divine Comedy one.
Avatar 12:27pm Joe B:

who played the Nirvana version? that is fantastic
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:27pm Caryn:

Lulu's 60s' tv show was cool. Especially remember Hendrix playing a Cream cover I think on the day Cream announced they were splitting.
Avatar 12:27pm Joe B:

cecile you should check out the video on youtube of Lulu doing this. even cooler than you thought!
Avatar 12:27pm V Priceless:

was just listening to Moz cover 'Drive In Saturday' last nite too...pretty damned good version. Not sure what kinda respect he gets here, but I dig him. Plus, he had Ronno produce "Your Arsenal".
Avatar 12:28pm Cecile:

Morrisey makes me laugh. And that 'a good thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28pm dale:

streisand did a version of life on mars

Avatar 12:29pm Joe B:

Morrisey not in my arsenal
Avatar 12:29pm Cecile:

I think I'm going to watch Life On Mars - lots of Bowie and vintage music in that.
Avatar 12:29pm V Priceless:

ha @ Joe! Good one!
Avatar 12:29pm Cecile:

doesn't someone do a killer cover of ashes to ashes?
Avatar 12:29pm Julie:

Great version of Changes. I hope there is a Lazarus soundtrack, I quite enjoyed Cristin Millioti's version. (although some numbers were somewhat broadway-fied)
Avatar 12:30pm V Priceless:

Love TM!
Avatar 12:30pm pseydtonne:

I've been thinking about Bus Stop for WEEEKS! Thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30pm dale:

soupy's boys!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:30pm Stevel:


(It was all so fucking good.)
Avatar 12:30pm Julie:

Brix E Smith did a nice space oddity IIRC
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30pm coelacanth:

i'm sorry but if Morrissey moans a Bowie song, i need not know.
Avatar 12:31pm Cecile:

I have to say I do love FoTC's Bowie, and even better the rumor that Bowie had it on his iPod.
Avatar 12:31pm V Priceless:

I really think TM saved DB from the brink of the creative abyss...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31pm Caryn:

Hmm, there's at least 36 covers of "Ashes to Ashes"...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31pm joe:

Oh the amount of times I listened to this song over and over and over again.
Avatar 12:32pm pseydtonne:

Caryn: does that include Rik Mayall reciting it during an episode of The Young Ones?
Avatar 12:32pm Cecile:

Also, the actual TV episode Bowie from FoTC is pretty great too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm Caryn:

@pseydtonne: that's no. 37
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:33pm Ken From Hyde Park:

At this rate, Ken will need to hire someone to catalog all the tribute shows that are piling up at the station.
Avatar 12:33pm Cecile:

Bic Runga's version. Excellent.
Avatar 12:34pm Cecile:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm Stevel:

One of the things that define Bowie as the great artist he (and Lou Reed, Neil Young, etc) was is that he never hesitated to veer away from what was 'successful' for him. A working artist.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm Mike East:

Bowie's appearance on "Extras" is a pretty good bit with a fun song on it.
Thanks for the tribute, Joe B!
Avatar 12:35pm Cecile:

Stevel, very true. He wasn't poor, but he could be a lot wealthier by playing it safer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm joe:

Bowie and Morrissey had a bit of a tumultuous attempt at a tour at one point. Didn't really work out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm dale:

i'm still wishing this is all a publicity stunt.
Avatar 12:38pm V Priceless:

a great DB moment: seeing him & Ray Davies sing 'Waterloo Sunset' @ Tibetan Freedom show @ Carnegie Hall.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm crateslinger:

this is good too. DB and Ricky Gervais...

  12:39pm Amy:

When I heard the news on NPR, my first thought was "No, that can't be right."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm joe:

Looks like that Best of 74/79 was actually Disc two of the Platinum Collection which EMI also released in separate pieces as well. 69/74, 74/79, 80/87
  12:40pm thejennyb:

this is everything right now. thank you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40pm Tome:

never was aware of this one from the 1st Neil record wow !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40pm Caryn:

Because of that Bowie/Morrissey record cover hoohah, I'm now suddenly hoping a dj will rickroll us with some Rick Astley. A salute to Bowie's sense of humour, if you will. Did Astley ever do a Bowie cover?
Avatar 12:42pm Joe B:

thanks Joe. that explains why it was called the platinum collection when I ripped it to the computer to put on the device, thanks!
Avatar 12:42pm Joe B:

VP, that must have been cool
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42pm coelacanth:

dale- that's what first came to mind last night...he's pulling a Paul McCartney!
...alas,we know it's real.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm Mike Sin:

Glad I have the opportunity to drop in on this fine tribute. Thanks Joe.
  12:45pm Bluesman:

Heard what you just said about what was hoped to be some kind of "publicity stunt."

Weird thing is a few days ago I happened upon what appeared to be a recent photo of David. Didn't think much of it other than "boy he looked surprisingly old and leathery." It all makes sense now.
Avatar 12:45pm V Priceless:

@ Joe B - it was pretty surreal!
  12:46pm Polyus:

Hours is kind of a strange 'bridge' record to me, but it does contain some really good bits.
  12:46pm Amy:

V Priceless, I am insanely jealous.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm coelacanth:

(i dont know why i say "last night". it was technically morning,and i haven't slept in-between.)
Avatar 12:46pm Joe B:

weird about Hours, I pulled it out a week or so ago for no reason
Avatar 12:47pm pseydtonne:

Lulu covered "Man Who Sold the World" again on an episode of French & Saunders in... what, 1990 or so?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Reverse of a publicity stunt almost: didn't tell anybody & released his work about it.
Avatar 12:49pm V Priceless:

ahhh...thanks for this, JB.
@ Rev Rabbit: it's mind-boggling, really. Gonna take me a while to do all the math on that feat.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:54pm Stevel:

By most accounts he saved Iggy's life, teaching him how to tour without killing himself.
Avatar 12:55pm glenn:

morrisey is a morose whiny twat.
Avatar 12:56pm Claw!:

Morrisey is the worst. He is on my list of "Turn-Offs."
Avatar 12:56pm Cecile:

speaking of people I'm shocked ar estill around, it looks like Wilko Johnson's pancreatic cancer was operable. Life's not easy, but he has a lot more to look forward to than he did.
Avatar 12:57pm Cecile:

In small doses, Mozza is hilarious. he didn't used to take himself so seriously. A lot of those Smiths songs are funny.
  12:58pm Ajax:

Thanks for doing some tribute Joe. All radio stations should be playing all Bowie for a week at least.
  12:59pm Amy:

Goes without saying, but Joe, thank you for this.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:59pm Hoboken Jack:

thanks Joe
Avatar 12:59pm pseydtonne:

I feel like I missed something. Why does everyone hate Morrissey? Heck, you could get your tuchas handed to you for that in some parts of Los Angeles. There are a surprising number of Hispanic hard-core Morrissey fans there.
Avatar 1:00pm V Priceless:

@ Cecile - the Wilko saga is nothing short of freaky miraculous, to say the least.
Avatar 1:00pm Sonny Rickles:

yeah, should be Bowie everywhere all day. Thanks Joe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm joe:

I hope someone has the opportunity to put something that explores the other artists that Bowie was responsible for exposing and nurturing. So So many
Avatar 1:01pm Julie:

Whether you like his music or not, Morissey has the reputation of being an asshole. I have friends in the music business who've personally been mistreated by him.
  1:01pm Polyus:

Oh yeah, the Ziggy movie was on TV this weekend. Mick Ronson goes so over the top on this solo, yikes.
Avatar 1:01pm glenn:

yes, i found the mexican love for morrissey hard to grasp, but it's true.
Avatar 1:01pm Cecile:

I don't think it's so much the music for some people. It's his general humorlessness in interviews and a lot of his diva-like behavior. But at the same time, a lot of people have hated the Smiths since day one.
Avatar 1:01pm Joe B:

and the music
Avatar 1:01pm Cecile:

ha! Julie! Great minds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm Caryn:

Morrissey is one of those artists where the music is great, the rest... has its ups and downs. That novel of his released last year I do think should be nominated for that award they give for worst writing about sex. Sheesh. Hilariously awful. (And Charles Dance reading some of it out loud in utter disbelief has given me plenty of chuckles the past few days.)
Avatar 1:02pm V Priceless:

yeah the Pennebaker footage of this is nuts!
Avatar 1:02pm Claw!:

Morrissey is awful. Pretentious, self-righteous, hateful. And his music isn't all that good, either. Ugh.
Avatar 1:02pm glenn:

but mostly, it's because he's a major league asshole.
Avatar 1:03pm Cecile:

I can take the early stuff in small doses. The best way to experience the Smiths I thought was to wait for their singles to come out. a perfect dose. Then they became an albums band. Sigh.
Avatar 1:03pm pseydtonne:

Julie: ah, gotcha. So he's like Alex Chilton was: you can't help but love the songs, but he is a horror to meet or play with.
Avatar 1:03pm jamesie:

Tripping in my bedroom 1972
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm joe:

@pseydtonne I think the hatred for Morrissey is very much based on his non music persona. Something that it took me many many many years to get past and still have a difficult time getting by. Yes he does have very that LA Hispanic love I was privy to that when I saw him Vegas a few years ago.
Avatar 1:03pm Cecile:

he did one nice thing by reuniting the remaining NY Dolls before Arthur Kane died.
  1:03pm Tim allegedly at work:

You're killing it Joe! And special thanks for Drive-In Saturday.
Avatar 1:04pm Joe B:

or based on his terrible voice
Avatar 1:04pm Claw!:

This East Coast Latina cannot stand him.
Avatar 1:04pm jamesie:

Widrh of a circle . Mick Ronson, bless x
  1:04pm DAHBOO0077:

chasing the famewhore makes you crazy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04pm common:

almost bought this on vinyl 4 days ago for my partner's bday, but was too broke. dammit. thanks for the tribute joe
Avatar 1:04pm Cecile:

I really don't like his solo stuff or anything after the hatfull of hollow collection
Avatar 1:05pm Julie:

his non music persona being his actual personality? I like the Smiths, but his solo stuff is boring.
Avatar 1:05pm Cecile:

ha! again.
Avatar 1:06pm jamesie:

David Cameron fucking to the lyrics right ?
Avatar 1:06pm MenfussMike:

I'm not a huge Bowie fan. I can appreciate his contribution to music. Personally, my favorite contribution he made was pulling Iggy out of the hole.
Avatar 1:06pm glenn:

and he unleashed johnny marr on the world, so there's that, although johnny would have been eventually discovered, he's that good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06pm Mike East:

@common - I found this record a few months back for 3 bucks...not a mint copy, but the music's all there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm joe:

@Julie yes I mean separating the music he creates from his personality
Avatar 1:07pm Cecile:

Morrissey needed Marr. If you liked the Smiths, you generally thought that they pulled best of out of each other.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm ChrisB.:

Is Morrissey dead as well?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm common:

glad you got it, mike east!
Avatar 1:08pm Cecile:

ha, no. Someone evoked his name, and then the thread changed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm joe:

@glenn and Johnny just seems to get better. Saw him at the Stone Pony on his last tour and was very very impressed.
Avatar 1:10pm Claw!:

@MenfussMike - That's pretty much exactly how I feel. Lots of respect for the guy and I can get down to *some* of his songs, but his cultural significance went way beyond just music.
Avatar 1:10pm glenn:

johnny marr is the polar opposite of morrissey. talented, and definitely not a morose whiny twat.
Avatar 1:10pm Claw!:

@ChrisB - Sadly, no.
Avatar 1:10pm V Priceless:

yeah, it's all my fault. I'm stirring the pot today. I think Moz is funny, writes some clever, albeit humorously morose stuff, makes no apologies, has a kick-ass Rock & Roll band, and generally prefers the company of animals to humans. Most of which I can relate to. I actually think his solo stuff is by far more sonically satisfying than his Smiths-era work. But what do I know?
Avatar 1:11pm Claw!:

Ha! Nice, Glenn.
  1:11pm GH:

Awesome tribute Joe! I forgot all about this version of Like A Rolling Stone.
Avatar 1:11pm Cecile:

plenty, vp.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm doctorjazz:

Great ...Rolling Stone!
Avatar 1:13pm Claw!:

Nah, V. You're fine.
You had to have a flaw *somewhere*...
Avatar 1:13pm glenn:

i wonder who has mick's white les paul now?
Avatar 1:15pm V Priceless:

whoa...JB..nice job meeting Ronno! Woo!
@glenn - it WAS the guy at The Guitar Hanger in CT - if you search on it, there's a whole saga about how he sold it, yada yada..
  1:16pm GH:

Joe, speaking of that great 2004 tour, believe it or not it seems Bowie's last U.S. show was in June of that year, in that the vaunted rock 'n' roll hotbed of Holmdel, N.J.
Avatar 1:17pm Cecile:

Oooh, what about something from that Alejandro Escovedo Tony Visconti produced album
Avatar 1:17pm Rory:

Just heard that Bowie about an hour ago. Damn, another huge loss! RIP
Avatar 1:18pm Joe B:

I remember considering going to that but passing because the venue is so lame!
Avatar 1:18pm V Priceless:

@ glenn: if you're interested in exploring that Ronson guitar adventure: www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm crateslinger:

Bowie was the first music I heard that wasn't Lynyrd Skynyrd. Shaved the side of my head and moved to Boston.
Avatar 1:20pm glenn:

yeah, i'm looking at it now, v.p.
Avatar 1:21pm glenn:

funny, i would have sworn his guitar was white. must be macular degeneration. or senility.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm ChrisB.:

Amazon seems to be out of most all of David Bowie's catalog. High tail it down to your local indie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm Guido from Cologne:

Thanks to Pepples "mod"-edition for introducing us to this early gem!
  1:25pm frenchee:

serendipity: reading the GUARDIAN obit and just got to the King Bees part. Thought, wonder how LIZA JANE sounds....and then the mighty Belock plays it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27pm Mike East:

always liked his adjustment to the chorus melody of this VU cover.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27pm Parq:

Listened to Liza Jane and got to thinking of the Beatle-backed Tony Sheridan reading of "My Bonnie". Brit producers in the early 60s would do just about anything to fill an artist's repertoire, wouldn't they?
Avatar 1:28pm fekner:

on this day,
your playlist is a beauty of tribute
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:29pm doctorjazz:

Yup, fabulous playlist!
Avatar 1:30pm Rory:

I remember when I was about 17 when I first started listening to Bowie. Me and a couple of my friends were riding around in my friend's first car listening to mostly punk and metal stuff then, I put on some David Bowie and they said "wtf is this weird hippie shit"! haha
  1:30pm John Trembly:

Enjoying Three Chord Monte on a cold, snowy day in Northern Michigan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:30pm Guido from Cologne:

Davie Jones & The King Bees (nice photos)

according to discocs, yes, 1964
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:31pm tadpoles:

I remember in an interview Bowie saying when he found Mick Ronson he had found his own Jeff Beck. Yes!
  1:31pm The Not So Thin But White Bluesman:

Joe, you sure have put together a great celebration of Bowie's music! You're the best!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm Uncle Michael:

I'm not much of an archives guy, but this playlist...yep, I'll be hearing it all this afternoon.
Avatar 1:34pm jamesie:

Joe this is a great great show man
  1:34pm DAHBOO77:

1st illuminati sacrifice of the year ---millions more to follow
Avatar 1:34pm Joe B:

thanks VP i forgot.
  1:35pm Sissophonic Cheryl:

Just getting to my desk now, but had my phone earlier, thanks for this beautiful show, Joe. Now it's really hitting me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm joe:

Gabrels wound sticking with Bowie pretty much through out the whole of the 90's right?
  1:37pm frenchee:

@sissophonic C: same here. bittersweet.
Avatar 1:38pm Claw!:

We have been receiving calls at the shop from people looking for Bowie LPs like it's going out of style.
Avatar 1:38pm Rory:

Great live version
Avatar 1:38pm Grok-o-matic:

Dang, looks like I've been missing out n all this Bowie. that's it. That's the last time I go get lunch.
  1:39pm #4:

Knew I would hear the most fitting tribute by tuning in.
Thanks David.
Thx Joe!
Avatar 1:39pm Rory:

That simple sitar part damn!
Avatar 1:39pm Grok-o-matic:

Saw Bowie just released a new album.
Avatar 1:44pm Cecile:

Do you have Bowie's version of Tom Verlaine's Kingdom Come?
Avatar 1:45pm Joe B:

it's on this album. i had it cued up but then switched to this one on the same side
Avatar 🎸 1:45pm dcp:

I'm glad other folks dig Scary Monsters.
Avatar 1:47pm V Priceless:

I love "Scream Like A Baby" too - a lost classic on SM's.
Avatar 1:47pm Cecile:

who's playing guitar on this. It sounded like Adrian belew there for a second.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:47pm Stevel:

Loved Scary Monsters. Deeply influenced by what was going on in the music world of the early 80s and very unique.
Avatar 1:47pm Julie:

That album came out like 4 days ago or something.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:48pm Stevel:

Superchunk cover is killer!
Avatar 🎸 1:48pm dcp:

Robert Fripp?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm dale:

meant to ask you mr deejay - i was sad when wnti disappeared a short while ago. was it just a money thing?
Avatar 1:49pm V Priceless:

@ C - pretty sure it's Fripp
Avatar 1:49pm drewo:

Making a tough day easier Joe. Thanks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:49pm Jeff Golick:

This Superchunk is great. They know what's up.
Avatar 1:49pm Cecile:

ha! close in a way.
  1:49pm Tim allegedly at work:

Scary Monsters was released the week I arrived at college for my freshman year. I bought it the day it came out and had to ask the guy in the room next to me if I could listen to it on his stereo, because mine wasn't scheduled to arrive for a few weeks. And that guy is now my best friend.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:49pm Stevel:

The list of Bowie guitarists is terrifying, in the best possible way.
Avatar 🎸 1:49pm dcp:

Pete Townshend plays a tune on that album too.
Avatar 1:50pm acid casualty:

this is the stuff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm Parq:

Julie, tell me about it. That album had an outsized influence on me, coming at a particularly important time of my life. I even tried to get "scary monsters and super creeps" going as a graffiti campaign. Also, videos were still fairly new to me at the time, and the one for "Ashes" really knocked me out.
Avatar 1:50pm Joe B:

Fripp and Chuck Hammer on teenage wildlife
Avatar 1:50pm Joe B:

pete is on Because You're Young
Avatar 1:51pm Cecile:

Fripp and Belew's styles have melded together a little in places. Only just a little, though.
Avatar 1:51pm Julie:

sorry @parq I was speaking of the new one, Blackstar. literally days ago. He went out with a bang.
Avatar 1:52pm Cecile:

I'm sure I had a bias against Bowie because my first exposure to him was Station to Station, and so many rock critics in the US completely trashed him. now I wonder if it was only about the music.
Avatar 1:52pm Cecile:

Avatar 1:53pm emptydesk:

Station to Station is a masterpiece
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54pm ChrisB.:

Seriously, JoeB, this Bowie tribute is some of your finest work.
Avatar 🎸 1:55pm dcp:

Joe B's tribute shows are the best. Too bad somebody has to die..
Avatar 1:55pm Cecile:

I liked it better as I got older. But it's a lot when you're going from listening to next to no pop music, to that.
Avatar 🎸 1:55pm dcp:

Jinx ChrisB
Avatar 1:56pm Joe B:

He played the title cut to S to S at that last tour i saw him on, unreal
  1:56pm velvetboots:

Dear Joe Belock, thank you for this amazing tribute! brings tears to my eyes...and thank you David Bowie, RIP
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm Parq:

@Julie - well, believe me, it feels that was for "Monsters". I didn't *think* you were that old, but I figured you were a prodigy in your musical tastes or something.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm joe:

@dale I live up that way. My understanding is yes the school was just made an offer "they could not refuse".
Avatar 1:57pm V Priceless:

thanks Joe - great cut.."hours..." is a fine record...kind of forgotten...
Avatar 1:57pm Cecile:

I hadn't heard this song before. It works not just a Bowie song, but a song song.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:58pm Stevel:

The live version of Stay from Station to Station (CD extra, I believe) is an incredible jam. One of my favorite tracks, period.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm crateslinger:

Babysitter's junky boyfriend stole all my bowie vinyl in 97. I heard his skateboard on my block a week later, chased him down, and was beating him up on the street when his dealer came at me with a knife. I told him what was up and he backed off. Never got the vinyl back tho.
Avatar 1:58pm Cecile:

Parq, I thought Bowie toured just last year. Der.
Avatar 2:00pm spidermank:

What velvetboots says. It's like losing a close friend.
  2:01pm Tommy:

Joe, you brought it !!!!! and BTW Classy layout
Avatar 2:01pm Cecile:

For me, it's like one of my best friends losing a friend.
  2:03pm KP:

Hi, Joe. Great work today
Avatar 2:06pm V Priceless:

among some of the heart-felt sentiments: Pete Townsend: "David Bowie was my Salvador Dali"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:08pm Jeff from Rahway:

Fantastic Bowie tribute, Joe.
  2:08pm dan:

thanks for throwing in boogarins!
  2:08pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Now, now – it was Roger Clemens who coined the misremembering gem, speculating that when Pettitte incriminated him Pettitte must have been misremembering. Pettitte told what he knew, saying in effect that he was more concerned about answering to god than to Roger Clemens.

They both probably cheated, but I feel inclined to defend Pettit because he at least owned up to it some.
Avatar 🎸 2:09pm dcp:

right on @Cecile.
Avatar 2:09pm Joe B:

pettitte had the bagman as his 'personal trainer' for 9 years. what do you think was going on that whole time?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:09pm Mike East:

whoa, dig this Boogarins. nice spin!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:11pm Lizardner Dave:

Townshend on Bowie: thewho.com...
Avatar 2:12pm FernandoBelmondo:

This Boogarins album reminds me so much of another brazilian psych rock band (but from the 80's), called Violeta de Outono. If you dig Boogarins check it out!
Avatar 2:13pm glenn:

roger clemens is the morrissey of baseball.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:15pm crateslinger:

Roger Clemens is the type of Louisiana boy that would drag somebody behind his pickup truck and throw the body in a swamp.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:17pm Guido from Cologne:

Boogarins' new one:
Current breakfast-CD
even better than the debut IMHO
  2:20pm George Kopp:

Good to see you out and about on Friday, Joe. We gonna hear some Girls on Grass today? They did a great set. And like I said, perfect 3 chord monte material!
Avatar 2:23pm glenn:

hmmmm. bit of a buzzcocks vibe there.
Avatar 2:28pm Pat Byrne:

Todd told me it's pronounced:
"Jock Le Crock"
Avatar 2:32pm Joe B:

thanks pat

yes Glenn good call
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:33pm Jeff from Rahway:

Even the boardwalk bars are closed or mostly empty on January weekends Joe.
Avatar 2:36pm Joe B:

even EJ's? say it aint so!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:38pm Jeff from Rahway:

EJ's was CLOSED when I was down Jan. 1-3. Nowhere to play pool & raid the jukebox! Spicy's appeared to have 5 patrons inside. Lucky Leo's was the busiest place on the boardwalk. Free Maruca's pizza on Friday nights!
Avatar 2:42pm Cecile:

glenn, you've obviously thought long and hard about your Clemens portrait. I appreciate the white-hot hate.
Avatar 2:42pm Cecile:

and you too crateslinger.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:43pm Caryn:

Just going to post some links for the heck of it. For the Tin Machine fans: www.youtube.com...

A couple of perhaps overly-faithful (in arrangement) but interesting Scandinavian covers of Life on Mars?:
www.youtube.com... (just lovely) and www.youtube.com... (by the leading art rock guy at the time, known for his affecting yet distant and hard-to-interpret lyrics - so kinda Bowiesque in his own way - who not so much translated as rewrote the lyrics)
Avatar 2:44pm Polk Biggins:

Hi all. It's me.
Avatar 2:46pm Polk Biggins:

Just in time for some Zoltars. Perfect. Love this band. Joe have you heard Jared Leibowich's album?
  2:46pm victor wooten:

good show today. clemens/morissey hate a bonus.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:47pm Nate K.:

Digging this last set a lot.
  2:48pm Steve Harsh:

Awesome show Joe, a great tribute
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:49pm Nate K.:

Who is this Tall David dude? It's cool stuff.
Avatar 2:49pm Joe B:

memphis cat. whole album is great
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm Caryn:

My fave Bowie talk show appearance (whole show just dedicated to him): www.youtube.com...
4 live performances, a Stylophone battle, Bowie impersonating his baby daughter, laughing at Eno etc.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:50pm Nate K.:

I'll have to check it out.
Avatar 2:51pm Cecile:

  2:52pm Bill in W.O.:

Great Bowie tribute, Joe, but this last hour of new stuff is smokin'.
Avatar 2:52pm Joe B:

thanks Bill

nate his whole LP is on bandcamp. i have a cd but it is malfunctioning
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:52pm KevinfromBayRidge:

There's gonna be a lot of tributes out there in the next few days. I'm sure that yours will have been amongst the best! Thanks, Joe.
Avatar 2:53pm V Priceless:

Thank you Joe, for putting this fine show and tribute together. "Let all the children boogie" forever and then some!
  2:55pm Amy:

I always end up spending a bunch of money on Bandcamp while I listen to your show, Joe. Looks like today won't be any different.

Also, this Peter Stringer-Hye song is gorgeous.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm Greg from ZONE 5:

Thanks, Joe!
Avatar 2:57pm Claw!:

Great tribute, Joe! Very nice.
  2:57pm suea:

my dad always said "someone must have thrown it in the garbage" :-D
  4:37pm Pete from Boston (and NJ):

I remember so well when Jonesey played "Five Years" right after 9/11. It brought tears to my eyes whenever I heard it for a long time after that.
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