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Artist Title Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
The Zeros  Don't Push Me Around   Favoriting s/t  Bomp  1977/1991    0:00:00 Pop-up)  
Ramones  R.A.M.O.N.E.S.   Favoriting     1995  Motorhead cover, unreleased Joey vocal  0:03:32 Pop-up)  
Wild Billy Childish & CTMF  A Flame From The Fen   Favoriting Acorn Man  Damaged Goods  2014    0:05:06 Pop-up)  
Jam Messengers  You Can't Sit Down   Favoriting Guilty  Thick Syrup  2014  live on the show Feb 29!  0:07:29 Pop-up)  
Purple Wizard  I've Been Wrong Before   Favoriting s/t  Full Tilt  2005    0:10:02 Pop-up)  
The Hollies  Then The Heartache Begins   Favoriting Clarke, Hicks & Nash Years: The Complete Hollies April 1963 – October 1968  EMI  1967/2011  great 6 CD set; originally on Evolution  0:13:04 Pop-up)  
Dany Laj and the Looks  Carl Le Fou   Favoriting Word On The Street  Squirtgun Records  2015  another great Matt M discovery!  0:14:56 Pop-up)  
Tall David  The Line   Favoriting Remedies    2015  Memphis man about town  0:18:56 Pop-up)  
The On and Ons  Rockin' With the Beat   Favoriting The On and Ons Calling ...  Citadel  2015    0:22:04 Pop-up)  
Barrence Whitfield & the Savages  Adjunct Street   Favoriting Under The Savage Sky  Bloodshot  2015    0:35:03 Pop-up)  
Rolling Stones  Down In the Hole   Favoriting Emotional Rescue  Rolling Stones  1980    0:39:34 Pop-up)  
Sonny Vincent  Tear It Into Pieces   Favoriting Bizarro Hymns  Get Hip  2015    0:43:00 Pop-up)  
Metalleg  Too Bad   Favoriting Hit of the Week    2012?  playing at Berlin and Cake Shop this week, and friday night in Philly with paul Collins Beat  0:45:28 Pop-up)  
Blow-Up  Souvenir   Favoriting Teenage News 1976-1980  Polar  1980/2014  the song I should have played two songs ago!  0:48:12 Pop-up)  
The Degrads  I Don't Care If She Smells   Favoriting s/t  Cameleon  1982/2015    0:51:22 Pop-up)  
Parkay Quarts  Slide Machine   Favoriting Content Nausea  What's Your Rupture?  2014    0:54:48 Pop-up)  
Dwight Yoakam  The Big Time   Favoriting Second Hand Heart deluxe version  Reprise  2015  1989 demo version for song released in 2015  1:06:21 Pop-up)  
David Bowie  Round and Round   Favoriting Sound + Vision  Rykodisc  1971/1989  Not the Ratt song. B-side from Ziggy sessions, one of Dwight Yoakam's Top 5 Bowie records  1:08:34 Pop-up)  
Miriam  You've Got a Habit of Leaving   Favoriting Down Today  Norton  2015  cover of Davy Jones & the Lower Third, Bowie's last release before changing his name  1:11:40 Pop-up)  
The Tigerlilies  Bowie   Favoriting 123456!!!    2015  from cincinnati, not the british band  1:14:10 Pop-up)  
Milky Edwards and The Chamberlings  Moonage Daydream   Favoriting       great youtube hoax! not a real band  1:19:14 Pop-up)  
William Shatner  Space Oddity   Favoriting     2011  check the great interview with Glen Jones from yesterday  1:21:00 Pop-up)  
David Bowie  Fascination   Favoriting Young Americans  Virgin  1975/1999    1:27:18 Pop-up)  
Freakwater  Velveteen Matador   Favoriting Scheherazade  Bloodshot  2016  playing here on the show Feb 22!  1:43:56 Pop-up)  
The Sadies  Postcards   Favoriting Darker Circles    2010    1:46:35 Pop-up)  
Girls On Grass  Fair   Favoriting s/t    2015  playing live on the show next week!  1:49:16 Pop-up)  
Dave Rawlings Machine  The Weekend   Favoriting Nashville Obsolete  Acony  2015    1:53:04 Pop-up)  
Dan Baird & Homemade Sin  Silver Little Lies   Favoriting Get Loud    2015    1:58:21 Pop-up)  
Heavy Trash  Jibber Jabber   Favoriting Noir!    2015    2:04:29 Pop-up)  
The Tempos  Heartbeat   Favoriting Speaking of ... the Tempos  Norton  1966/2008    2:15:49 Pop-up)  
The Coffin Daggers  Instigator   Favoriting Aggravatin' Rhythms  Cleopatra  2016  BRAND NEW!  2:18:01 Pop-up)  
Thee Fine Lines  Leave You Far Behind   Favoriting Splittin' Time  Wee Rock  2015    2:19:51 Pop-up)  
Atlantic Thrills  On Your Own   Favoriting Vices  Almost Ready  2015    2:23:37 Pop-up)  
The Last Conspirators  Two Days In May   Favoriting Hold That Thought Forever    2016    2:26:09 Pop-up)  
Sally Crewe  Looking At the Moon   Favoriting Later Than You Think  8-Track Mind  2015    2:30:21 Pop-up)  
Resineators  Super Bowl   Favoriting Don't ---- With My Fantasy  Siltbreeze  2001    2:34:08 Pop-up)  
Chris Russo  Super Bowl trivia rant   Favoriting     2016    2:37:33 Pop-up)  
Sam Spence  Round Up   Favoriting Autumn Thunder: 40 Years of NFL Films Music      Sam Spence special Tuesday night on Morricone Island!  2:39:45 Pop-up)  
Fuzz  Time Collapse pt. II / The 7th Terror   Favoriting Fuzz II  In the Red  2015    2:42:49 Pop-up)  
Jefferson Starship  Ride the Tiger   Favoriting Dragonfly    1974    2:49:15 Pop-up)  
The Leftovers  Party Til We Die   Favoriting Eager To Please  Oglio  2009  kurt Baker  2:56:00 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

Avatar 12:02pm Dr. Goot:

Hello Joe!
Avatar 12:02pm Claw!:

Nice start, Joe!
Happy Monday!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm Dominick:

Avatar 12:04pm Cecile:

  12:04pm paula pc:

wondrous start with these two
Avatar 12:04pm Marc Francis:

Good day Belock! Good day all y'all!
Avatar 12:04pm Dr. Goot:

Avatar 12:06pm SmokinJ:

Here we go! Hiya kids! :)
Avatar 12:08pm KP:

Great work on that version of R.A.M.O.N.E.S., Joe
Avatar 12:09pm Joe B:

Hey everyone! thanks for tuning in and checking in!
Avatar 12:10pm Carmichael:

Heya Joe and peoples. Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit!
Avatar 12:12pm Todd-o-phonic:

Purple Wizard album is great...flew way under the radar.
Avatar 12:13pm Joe B:

not on this show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm Mike East:

Do it, Joe! I need this...deep in my soul
Avatar 12:13pm Todd-o-phonic:

That's why Belock is THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP!!!!
  12:13pm Bluesman:

I'm sure the band name through a lot of folks local and from afar.
  12:18pm Bluesman:

This Danny Laj tune reminds me a bit of early Sights.
Avatar 12:19pm Joe B:

I agree Blues, good point
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm Greg from ZONE 5:

Yo Joe!
Avatar 12:23pm Miss Mailas:

Howdy, friends!
Avatar 12:25pm Marc Francis:

Howdy Miss Mailas! Belock - you are on fire again!
Avatar 12:36pm Grok-o-matic:

Nice, kinda reminds me of Scream Jay Put a Spell on You, sorta vibe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm joe:

'ello folks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm joe:

I think there is a Joey version of R.A.M.O.N.E.S on Greatest Hits live. I could be mistaken it might be CJ as well but I'm pretty sure it is Joey.
Avatar 12:40pm Joe B:

hi Joe. Could be! was it that same version? that didn't sound live.
Avatar 12:41pm Dr. Goot:

Nice segue Joe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41pm joe:

I think it was a studio version stuck at the end of the disc. It's been a while I'll have to check when I get home. Not a disc I listen to very often.
Avatar 12:42pm Joe B:

Thanks Dr! called an audible! glad it worked out
Avatar 12:43pm Joe B:

as opposed to that terrible segue!
Avatar 12:43pm Dr. Goot:

  12:45pm Bluesman:

I've been putting the word out about Sonny's family and the needed support. What a tragedy.
Avatar 12:47pm Joe B:

yes that is terrible, there is a go fund me page and all the details are on Sonny's facebook page
  12:49pm Dean:

Avatar 12:49pm glenn:

and that right there is why you should elect bernie sanders. so you don't have to have fundraisers for medical bills.
  12:49pm Bluesman:

Sonny mentioned that GoFundMe was giving him some difficulty. Not sure if that ever cleared up. His PayPal account is an alternate. All spelled out on his Facebook page.
Avatar 12:50pm Joe B:

right on Glenn
Avatar 12:55pm Todd-o-phonic:

New Parquet Courts material sounded great live last week...
Avatar 12:57pm Wild Neil:

Hi Joe et al! Hey, this Parkay Quarts sounds like Brian Jonestown Massacre to me...
Avatar 12:58pm Wild Neil:

"My women's got a dozen knees,
She tries to satisfy soldiers,
Although they say 'its all the same'"
I think I mis-heard...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm MattBelow:

Hey Mr B!
  1:02pm Bluesman:

Sonny made a very positive and optimistic post on GoFundMe regarding his recovering family members!
  1:07pm Cliff:

Well apparently David Bowie refused twice to produce an album for the Red Hot Chili Peppers....and they were also turned down 8 times by Brian Eno
Avatar 1:09pm glenn:

good. nothing can make those mopes sound good.
Avatar 1:10pm V Priceless:

hey Joe! Cool show! Thanx for the Bowie/Spiders!
  1:10pm Cliff:

Just cracks me up....you'd think after refusal #5 or so they'd get the hint
Avatar 1:11pm SmokinJ:

These guys rule!
  1:12pm Dean:

Maybe they only asked once, but Eno replied, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"
Avatar 1:13pm Marc Francis:

DAMN! Miriam covered this? My all time favourite Bowie (or Davey Jones) song!!!!!
  1:13pm Cliff:

Nah, that sounds more like something Robert Fripp would do.
Avatar 1:14pm Wild Neil:

@Dean and Cliff-this proves to me that Eno had and still has good taste. I strongly dislike the RHCPs. A LOT.
Avatar 1:15pm Grok-o-matic:

Ha, a song about Bowie, cool
  1:17pm Dean:

Fripp would have said "no" just once then run a loop.

I'm not an RHCP fan, either, but I did see Fear once with Il Duce making a cameo appearance, and I think Flea was playing bass.
  1:17pm Cliff:

Wild Neil - I don't think they're THAT bad, I was in high school in the early 90's so a lot of their hits from then bring back good memories for me
Avatar 1:18pm Grok-o-matic:

You know who didn't turn them down? Rick Ruben
  1:18pm Cliff:

I was thinking of the solo on "Starless", I don't think he looped that one
  1:18pm Dean:

What? He turned them up?
Avatar 1:18pm Cecile:

The RHCP have good taste in music, but they make music that tastes bad.
Avatar 1:18pm Grok-o-matic:

woah, nice cover. Love Moonage Daydream.
Avatar 1:19pm Cecile:

Ohio loves itself some Bowie.
Avatar 1:19pm Wild Neil:

@Dean and Cliff-Hey, that's cool. To me they just never resonated. Much worse in that regard are the Spin Doctors. Ug.
Speaking of King Crimson solos, I think Earthbound is actually a GREAT album I want to get.
Avatar 1:19pm Joe B:

Chili Peppers have their moments. Bowie also thankfully turned down Coldplay
  1:19pm Amy:

Moonage Daydream! One of my favorite Bowie songs.
Avatar 1:19pm V Priceless:

Lots of cool stuff on John Allen's DB-inspired premium from last marathon, including a crazed version of 'Hang On To Yourself' by Charles De Goal - woo!
  1:19pm Dean:

Makes sense, Cecile. Very likely one of the DJs at KROQ who would have played them was named Charlie Tuna.
Avatar 1:19pm Grok-o-matic:

Yeah, I liked some of the John Frusciante solo stuff, nothing like RHCP
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm Parq:

Mikey Edwards owes Tom Jones a Father's Day card.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:20pm Hoboken Jack:

@Parq: exactly!
Avatar 1:20pm Carmichael:

RHCP are playing one of the Superbowl concerts this week. Metallica and some male & female divas will be there as well ...
Avatar 1:20pm Cecile:

John Frusciante solo stuff is cool, and Flea has done some cool stuff outside the band. He deflects scorn by just providing the bassline on "Bust a Move"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm paul b:

Wait! So did Kid Congo Powers name his band "the Pink Monkey Birds" after that line in Moonage Day Dream. Why did I never notice that before?
Avatar 1:21pm Grok-o-matic:

I love this cover. This is one of the best cover versions I've heard.
  1:21pm oks:

wow i thought it was Tom Jones!
Avatar 1:21pm Wild Neil:

Hey, Rick Rubin is ok, he produced The Masters of Reality on one album in 1988...
Avatar 1:21pm Grok-o-matic:

At one time Flea was in a band with Gibby Haynes and Johnny Depp.
Avatar 1:21pm Cecile:

Metallica will be great as always. Seen 'em twice, they do not fail to rock. I saw the RHCP once and I was appalled. The audience went insane, but I was just pissed off.
  1:21pm Cliff:

Flea also had a great cameo in the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm Power Papi:

Avatar 1:22pm Joe B:

yes Cecile, John's solo stuff is very cool.
Avatar 1:22pm Grok-o-matic:

Rick Ruben is also responsible for Beastie Boys License To Ill.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm Mike East:

Oh man...who caught Shatner on Jonesy yesterday?! I can't tell if I dreamed that.
Avatar 1:22pm Carmichael:

I can call him "Bill" ...
  1:22pm Cliff:

Errr....technically a role, not a cameo. But Hunter had a great cameo!
Avatar 1:22pm Cecile:

If someone happened to play FoTC's "Bowie" that would not be horrible.
Avatar 1:23pm Cecile:

Rick rubin also signed Trouble, and helped Johnny Cash with a comeback.
Avatar 1:23pm V Priceless:

@ Mike East - yeah, that was real!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm Power Papi:

@Cecile--I was just thinking the same thing! "Nipple Antennae"
  1:24pm Cliff:

Awesome Shatner cover
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm Greg from ZONE 5:

MAN did Jonesy throw us a curveball yesterday…
  1:24pm Civilian Thom:




  1:24pm Cliff:

Almost as good as "Rocket Man"
Avatar 1:24pm Cecile:

That's pretty freaky, Papi. ;)
Avatar 1:25pm Cecile:

Greg, I think they have Barney Miller re-runs somewhere on the Web.
  1:25pm Dean:

Is this really Richie Blackmore?
Avatar 1:25pm acid casualty:

This is so atrocious, it's funny!
Avatar 1:26pm Wild Neil:

I never owned a Bowie album. Ever.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27pm coelacanth:

greetings Joe and others
  1:27pm Cliff:

Civilian Thom: go to abevigoda.com and listen to "Abe Vigoda's Dead"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:27pm Stevel:

Go Joe!
Avatar 1:27pm Wild Neil:

Awkward pause...
Avatar 1:27pm Cecile:

I owned Low long before he passed, but I have purchased a couple I passed on back in the day.
Avatar 1:27pm Carmichael:

Boy, he boldly went where no man has gone before.
Avatar 1:28pm Wild Neil:

@living fossil fish-wassup?
  1:28pm Cliff:

Wild Neil: me neither, but I just bought "Blackstar" yesterday
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:28pm Greg from ZONE 5:

Haha—nicely played.
Avatar 1:28pm Cecile:

Sorry, I meant Civilian Thom. You are a-ok with me Greg
Avatar 1:28pm Claw!:

FISH!!!!!!!!! ☆(❁‿❁)☆
Avatar 1:29pm Cecile:

You know, in my eyes, Blackstar might be his best album for my aesthetic and whatnot. Sucks it won't have a sequel.
Avatar 1:29pm Wild Neil:

Bowie was a musical genius to be sure...very creative and his music is the soundtrack for much of my life...but not a part of MY life if that makes any sense...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:29pm Greg from ZONE 5:

No worries, Cecile :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:30pm coelacanth:

Hey Bear!! !!!
you been hiding?
Avatar 1:30pm Cecile:

But Joe single-handedly turned me onto Scary Monsteres.

Wild Neil, yes I get it. He wrote some of my favorite songs, but when he died, I felt bad for my friends. When Lemmy died, I felt bad for me.
Avatar 1:30pm V Priceless:

show 'em where you live, JB!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm Arne:

this is sooo good.
  1:31pm Dean:

Funny how Bowie managed that. I have but one record, the David Live LPs. But if I had all of them, I'd find the time to spin them. Speaking of Lemmy, I just picked up the 11-CD (!!!) Hawkwind box set of early stuff. Really, really good. Love the Greasy Truckers Party material.
  1:31pm Cliff:

Cecile: I heard he was even working on some follow-up material before he died, he had another 5 songs written already
Avatar 1:33pm Cecile:

I know, Cliff! Unbelievable.
Avatar 1:33pm Claw!:

Nah, Fish. We're getting ready to move the shop, so I've been crazy busy and stressing out about it.
But I am here today and boy, does it feel good. :-)

Things alright on your end?
  1:35pm Cliff:

I listened to that interview, it was great and totally unexpected
Avatar 1:35pm Cecile:

I saw him, he was hilarious. Full of himself, but that's to be expected.
Avatar 1:36pm Cecile:

voice of reason!
Avatar 1:37pm Wild Neil:

Facebook is retarded.
Avatar 1:37pm Carmichael:

We will be hearing new/unreleased Bowie songs for almost forever. Jimi Hendrix releases seem to come out every month.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm coelacanth:

Joe, that's justified!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:37pm Hoboken Jack:

I'd like to see BBC footage of Bowie eating lunch.
Avatar 1:37pm glenn:

hmmm. depends on the footage and the lunch.
  1:37pm Civilian Thom:

Thanks, Joe -

Is this the equivalent of the Marathon years ago -" If you guys don't pledge $500 in 20 min, we are gonna play another Madonna song..."

Avatar 1:38pm Cecile:

You can see footage of the late Quorthan from Bathory eating lunch. I guess he never played live, so fans would video him secretly as he went about his daily business.
  1:39pm Dean:

"Ray of Light"!
Avatar 1:39pm Cecile:

Iggy doing "Burning up!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm coelacanth:

Bear! things are a-okay here!
...maybe we'll chat more after the move?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm Parq:

The great Irish-French rocking cabaret singer Camille O'Sullivan ("hard cabarert" is what I call her stuff) also does a great version of "Moonage Daydream" And she actually exists. (Fellas, oh boy, does she exist! Check below).
Avatar 1:40pm glenn:

but i'm not on facebook. does quorthan do pinterest?
Avatar 1:41pm Cecile:

I saw them on YouTube. Quorthon has been dead for 12 years.
Avatar 1:42pm Cecile:

Although it would be cool if he did Pintrest under the handle "Dead Quorthon". I'd follow.
Avatar 1:42pm Wild Neil:

@Parq-she is a HOT LUNCH as we used to say back in the late 80's...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm coelacanth:

Dave's a solid bassist too.
Avatar 1:43pm Wild Neil:

Freakwater? I heard them on WFMU back in the 90's!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:43pm Jeff from Rahway:

This Freakwater song has some swell harmonies.
Avatar 1:46pm Claw!:

@Fish - Yes, I would like that. Hoping to be a little more present before then, but it might be a little tough... Glad you are well. :-)
Avatar 1:48pm Wild Neil:

Ok, country music now...me likey! Cowboy Junkies would be a logical next step...or some Merly Haggard!
Avatar 1:48pm Carmichael:

Pure Prairie League.
Avatar 1:48pm Wild Neil:

"Merl Haggard" not ....'Merly'
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:50pm Nate K.:

I think it's Merle...
  1:51pm Alex d'Chicago:

Nice tune
  1:51pm Dean:

Avatar 1:51pm Wild Neil:

@Nate-yeah, that.
Avatar 1:51pm glenn:

i vote for maynard and the musties.
Avatar 1:52pm Wild Neil:

St. Stephen by The Dead??
Avatar 1:52pm Wild Neil:

Lets play "Second Guess the DJ!" Who's up next??
Avatar 1:54pm Carmichael:

Luther Wright & The Wrongs?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:57pm Jeff from Rahway:

That Dave Rawlings song is very Neil Young-inspired
Avatar 1:57pm Claw!:

I kinda liked "Merly"...
Avatar 1:57pm glenn:

corb lund and the hurtin' albertans?
  1:59pm Dean:

This Kevin Welch?
  1:59pm Dean:

Oops, no. Sounds like his voice, songwriting.
  2:00pm Dean:

For truly Neil Young-inspired Dave Rawlings, listen to the cover of "Cortez the Killer" on the first album.
  2:02pm Mike Sin:

Tunin' in while moseying around Madison Ave in NYC -- always happy to catch the show live while I can.
Avatar 2:02pm Joe B:

Thanks Dean, did not know Dave R did that tune, will check it out
Avatar 2:04pm glenn:

joe hasn't played any half hour long neil young cuts lately, come to think of it.
Avatar 2:05pm Cecile:

got beefheart?
Avatar 2:06pm Wild Neil:

Rocco De Luca and the Burden, I Trust You to Kill Me....
  2:07pm Dean:

It's a medley with Conor Oberst's "Method Acting": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcKzkcgErsM Real nice ten minutes.
Avatar 2:12pm Cecile:

Avatar 2:12pm glenn:

sheh- hair a zad.
Avatar 2:12pm Wild Neil:

  2:12pm Bluesman:

"Mosey" Mike Sin!
Avatar 2:12pm glenn:

Avatar 2:12pm Wild Neil:

Aw look at us, teachers little helpers!
Avatar 2:13pm glenn:

very funny.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:14pm Nate K.:

When I was a kid (and probably still now, if I'm being honest with myself), I enjoyed watching NFL Super Bowl recaps from previous years that ESPN would run far more than the actual Super Bowl.
Avatar 2:15pm Cecile:

nice! That probably is a great place to shop.
Avatar 2:15pm Cecile:

Nate K, I can count on 1 hand the times the big game has not been a drag.
Avatar 2:16pm Cecile:

even the worst games are exciting with NFL Films. how can you lose with John Facenda at the mic?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:18pm Nate K.:

@Cecile, indeed.
Avatar 2:22pm Wild Neil:

I TRIED to like football, honest I did...nothing. Hockey is awesome though! So is college basketball...but football? No thanks.
Avatar 2:25pm Cecile:

I like it. I don' t love it, but it can be very enjoyable as audio wallpaper, and really gripping if the game is good. I prefer ice skating, or pro basketball.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:32pm Jeff from Rahway:

Are the Mummies playing any Super Bowl parties?
Avatar 2:36pm Joe B:

I wouldn't be surprised Jeff, they are getting ready to play some shows in 2016
Avatar 2:36pm Claw!:

@Joe - Get out! Really?? THE Mummies???
Avatar 2:39pm glenn:

is this from wfan?
Avatar 2:39pm Cecile:

Bart Starr? hahahhahaha
Avatar 2:39pm Carmichael:

Is it Jim Nance?
Avatar 2:39pm CeeDubbles:

Avatar 2:40pm V Priceless:

please tell me this moron's head explodes at the end of this?
Avatar 2:40pm Cecile:

tony manderich. hahahahhaha
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:41pm Jeff from Rahway:

If you have 18 minutes to kill, this is one of my favorite on-air rants concerning football youtu.be...
Avatar 2:41pm Cecile:

play the drunken sailor one.
Avatar 2:42pm CeeDubbles:

Avatar 2:42pm Carmichael:

Do we get to hear the voice? "On the frozen tundra of Lambeau field, the stage was set for a cataclysmic event, the likes of which the earth has never witnessed."
Avatar 2:44pm Cecile:

I hope so, Carm!
Avatar 2:44pm glenn:

i would imagine lambeau field gets pretty nipply around about now.
Avatar 2:46pm Cecile:

it would if there was football played there right now. :(
Avatar 2:46pm glenn:

the fuzz guitarist has been listening to his tony iommi.
Avatar 2:47pm glenn:

or her.
Avatar 2:47pm Cecile:

I didn't know In The Read was still putting out records.
Avatar 2:48pm Cecile:

  2:49pm Dean:

Fave Starship tune right there.
Avatar 2:49pm Dr. Goot:

Great Starship tune Joe, thanks!
Avatar 2:51pm Carmichael:

I saw all of the Jefferson/non-Jefferson iterations back in the day. It pays to live near or in San Francisco.
Avatar 2:51pm Cecile:

which one was the best? Worst?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:52pm ChrisB.:

Oh wow. Scott Muni's on!
  2:52pm Cliff:

Worst: "We Built This City"
  2:53pm Cliff:

Or wait, you meant band iterations, not songs?
  2:53pm Dean:

The Worst of Jefferson Airplane, per Rolling Stone, was just OK: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/albumreviews/the-worst-of-jefferson-airplane-19710204
Avatar 2:53pm Cecile:

iterations that Carm saw.
Avatar 2:54pm Wild Neil:

We Built this city sounds like a commercial. It sucks. Jane sounds awesome!
Avatar 2:55pm Wild Neil:

@John-what year did you see Jefferson Starship? 1980?
Avatar 2:55pm Carmichael:

Airplane will always be the best. Starship (without the Jefferson) was horrible, in my opinion. But I've never been much of a Mickey Baker fan.
  2:55pm Cliff:

I like "Find Your Way Back"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm coelacanth:

Thanks Joe! ciao all
  2:57pm Cliff:

Thanks Joe!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:57pm Hoboken Jack:

thanks Joe!!!
Avatar 2:59pm V Priceless:

thanx Joe!
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