Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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June 7, 2016 Favoriting
Brash bands
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Mo' Lasses  No It Ain't My Fault   Favoriting Live at the Columns Hotel
(DaRo 2007)
To Be Continued Brass Band  Encore   Favoriting
Rebirth Brass Band  Let's Go Get 'Em   Favoriting Rebirth of New Orleans
(Basin Street 2011)

Talkover Music:
Young Tuxedo Brass Band 
Just a Closer Walk With Thee   Favoriting

The Original Pinettes Brass Band  Baby   Favoriting Finally
(OPBB 2011)
Hustlers Brass Band  Sanford & Son Theme   Favoriting Second Line Soul
(Mardi Gras 2009)
Cha Wa  Tootie Ma   Favoriting Funk 'n' Feathers
(Uptown 2015)
Dirty Dozen Brass Band  Do It Fluid   Favoriting My Feet Can't Fail Me Now
(Concord Jazz 1984)

Talkover Music:
Dejan's Olympia Brass Band 
Second Line   Favoriting Best of New Orleans Jazz
(Mardi Gras 1984)

The Stooges Brass Band  Wind It Up   Favoriting
The Soul Rebels  Let It Roll   Favoriting
Hot 8 Brass Band  We Are the one   Favoriting Remixes
(Tru Thoughts 2008)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

Avatar 6:00pm ndbob:

evening Doug and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm Doug Schulkind:

Hello there, ndbob!
Avatar 6:04pm geezerette:

God I love this show! :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm God:

I should hope so. I put in a lot of effort.
Avatar 6:06pm geezerette:

How's New Orleans doing Doug?
Does it look recovered or co-opted?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm God, again:

But that pleases me, my child.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm Doug Schulkind:

All of the above, geezerette. And still pretty ramshackle, even in the touristy parts. Smelled like horse manure, barf and magnolia.
  6:09pm Dean:

That was on the Chamber of Commerce shortlist of mottoes for the city, doncha know: "Smells like..."
Avatar 6:09pm geezerette:

Bottle that scent & sell it as authentic.
Avatar 6:10pm geezerette:

Hey Dean!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm Doug Schulkind:

Howdy, Dean!
  6:11pm Dean:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm coelacanth:

Hi Doug and Drummers
- 'still working but here for a moment of cool while i look somethin' up
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm Doug Schulkind:

Allow the radio to blow right in your face for maximum cool, coelacanth.
Avatar 6:13pm geezerette:

Yo coel!
Avatar 6:14pm geezerette:

Love the photo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm coelacanth:

hmm, Mo' Lasses...good for what ails ya.

hey g!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm Doug Schulkind:

<-- Pictured in the photo is the Olympia Brass Band.
  6:16pm Dean:

I've said, "Howdy!," as a greeting for ages. A friend gave me a framed New Yorker cover featuring a guy saying, "Howdy!," but it wasn't this one:
Avatar 6:16pm geezerette:

Thanks! Those are some serious men!
Avatar 6:19pm geezerette:

That photo's a still but it's animated as hell. Perfect.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm Mike East:

my favorite part of my last trip to NOLA was taking a walk about town with my family real early in the AM when the only people out are the street sweepers and business owners cleaning up from the night before...smell of disinfectant strong in the cool morning air.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm Doug Schulkind:

@Mike East
I spent about 5 minutes on Bourbon Street, just trying to get from here to there. What a mess, even in the daytime. The Marigny is more my flavor.
  6:26pm Jeff g.:

Unexpectedly delightful vocal harmonies!!
Avatar 6:27pm ndbob:

indeed jeff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm Doug Schulkind:

The ladies of the Pinettes were fantastic. Hearing them live right in front of us in a small 7th ward bar—priceless. Wonderful, convivial establishment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm Doug Schulkind:

Destination: JEFF!
Avatar 6:32pm northguineahills:

Hey y'all. Been a nomad as the old lady kicked me out. Waiting to see if I get an awesome job in FL before I move south. (She was sick of me not having the 'great' job I had the first 6 years of our relationship, tried to get her to move where I can get a job I want, but to no avail).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm Doug Schulkind:

Think of the billions upon billions of people missing this track right now. #sad
Avatar 6:33pm geezerette:

This is pure heaven.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm Doug Schulkind:

Yikes, northguineahills. So sorry to hear that.
  6:34pm Dean:

Could listen to this all night. Closest I ever got to hearing a good brass band live was Ray Anderson's Pocket Brass Band in Seattle, Pioneer Square, at some tropical themed beer bar.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm Doug Schulkind:

From the "About" page on the Cha Wa website:

“Cha Wa” is a slang phrase used by every Mardi Gras Indian tribe. It means “We’re comin’ for ya” - and this band is definitely comin’ for ya!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm Doug Schulkind:

I've played Ray Anderson on some past brass band specials, but I wanted to keep this hour to strictly NOLA bands.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm Doug Schulkind:

The talkover track in my next mic break is by a several-generations younger version of the band shown in the playlist photo.
Avatar 6:41pm ndbob:

@NGH so sorry!
Avatar 6:43pm geezerette:

NOLA band music has so much joy,pride,humor,strength,sophistication in it. So happy whenever I hear it and always feel this country doesn't deserve such a gift.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm Doug Schulkind:

And yes, Iggy Pop is sitting out this number.
Avatar 6:46pm geezerette:

ha! :D
Avatar 6:47pm Mayuko:

Been listening on mobile, got home in time to say hello. Hello!
Avatar 6:47pm northguineahills:

thanks, everyones! Part of the reason I haven't been on the boards as much lately.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm Doug Schulkind:

Hello hello hello, Mayuko!
Avatar 6:50pm geezerette:

Things will get better NGH. Fingers crossed for Florida.
  6:51pm Jeff g.:

Yah hoping for the best for you, @ngh.
Avatar 6:51pm Mayuko:

oh no, northguineahills. I wish you good luck finding a job you want and with the new phase of your life!
  6:52pm Dean:

Lotsa bands like to interpolate that "Tom's Diner" riff.
Avatar 6:53pm geezerette:

Greetings Mayuko!
  6:53pm Dean:

Geez, NGH, these days any job is a great job. Sorry to hear the bad news.
Avatar 6:54pm northguineahills:

muchas gracias. it's been a numbing few weeks, although I've seen this dumpster fire approaching for months. Thank Cthulhu I have many friends that have helped out.
Avatar 6:54pm Mayuko:

Hello, geezerette!!
Avatar 6:56pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
Avatar 6:56pm northguineahills:

Oh. and thanks for the superb tunes as per usual, Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm Doug Schulkind:

Tomorrow on our new show, Ridgewood Radio, co-hosts David and Ruth will be bringing you an Extremem Songs Special. Here are the artists on the bill:

• Cooper Moore (Digital Primitives)
• Viv Corringham (Deep Listening)
• Chris Cochrane (Collapsible Shoulder)
• Marnie Jaffe (Live Skull)

Tune in tomorrow for Amanda Nazario at noon, then keep listening for Ridgewood Radio at 2pm.
Avatar 6:57pm Mayuko:

Thank you, Doug!
  6:58pm Jeff g.:

Thanks for the sassy brass, Doug!
Avatar 6:58pm geezerette:

Total pleasure Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm Doug Schulkind:

So glad you women and non-women were along for the ride. It was entirely my pleasure!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:38am Brian in UK:

Thanks for sharing, Doug. Sad to hear that the City is still on the back foot.
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